gangsterism in school

Abstract Crime and violence in schools is threatening the well-being of the young people in Malaysia. Despite national’s efforts to restore a culture of learning and teaching, incidents of gangsterism, theft, vandalism, burglary, rape and even murder are reported on school grounds. Gangsterism activities pose a threat to the education system and to all stages of the teaching and learning processes. The purpose of the study is to identify the main factor of gangsterism in schools from the two articles that had chosen from the internet. The research embarks enquiring how gangsterism influences the morale of educators, focusing specifically on the educator’s perception of their morale and their experiences. The researches acknowledge that the educators play a vital role in education and are therefore regarded as key stakeholders in a community. From the articles, the result revealed that gangsterism does influence the morale of educators and affects the whole school community such as educators, learners and parents. It is a powerful yet destructive phenomenon and has a negative effect on educator morale. INTRODUCTION Article 1 : Topic : Gangsterism in Malaysia Writer : Liyana 1

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AbstractCrime and violence in schools is threatening the well-being of the young people in Malaysia. Despite nationals efforts to restore a culture of learning and teaching, incidents of gangsterism, theft, vandalism, burglary, rape and even murder are reported on school grounds. Gangsterism activities pose a threat to the education system and to all stages of the teaching and learning processes. The purpose of the study is to identify the main factor of gangsterism in schools from the two articles that had chosen from the internet. The research embarks enquiring how gangsterism influences the morale of educators, focusing specifically on the educators perception of their morale and their experiences. The researches acknowledge that the educators play a vital role in education and are therefore regarded as key stakeholders in a community. From the articles, the result revealed that gangsterism does influence the morale of educators and affects the whole school community such as educators, learners and parents. It is a powerful yet destructive phenomenon and has a negative effect on educator morale.

INTRODUCTIONArticle 1: Topic : Gangsterism in Malaysia

Writer : Liyana

Source :


According to the first article with the title Gangsterism in Malaysia wrote by a blogger, Liyana for SKPD 1033 English for Social Science. In this article it discuss about the gangsterism in Malaysia especially among the teenagers. Gangsterism is the social phenomenon which occurs widely among teenagers in our country. With the rapid increase of this problem, gangsterism can give lots of negative impact towards individual, family and society. Teenager nowadays lack of focus. They dont know where they are heading in academic or social sense. Several factors that cause gangsterism among teenagers are the parents, the individual itself, peer pressure, and friends. A parent who was so busy earns more money and doesnt have time to their children always facing this problem. Parents become workaholic and they are not concerned about their children needs. Teenagers always like to do what they want to do. They like to try something new for them. Teenagers like to decide on how they want to live their life. They are responsible to manage their selves. Last factor that can be cause teenagers into gangsterism is peer pressure. Teenagers are easily influenced by their friends as their friends who are someone that always be there for them. Loneliness can make teenagers involves everything that can make they forget about being lonely. Friends are the most important factor who can influence everything. If they mix with the wrong friends, they might be involved in crime. Teenagers will always follow their friends no matter what. So, who should be blamed for gangsterism? GIST 2

According to the second article with the title School Gangsterism wrote by Aurora in her journal date 6th August 2010, Malaysia Today online news for Tamils schools in Selangor. In this article discussed about school gangsterism and why students should be blame when parents are also involved. DPM Muhyidin Yassin did mention that there should be no compromise on gangsterism in school. He is quoted as having stated that A crime is a crime and should be punished accordingly. Parents and teachers also have to help police combat this plague. But, what we should do if the parents involved with crimes? From the video on YouTube called PIBG meeting ruckus at Shah Alam, it is clear that eliminating gangsterism in schools especially among Indian students is going to be a herculean task. If PIBG heads are thugs, running around the hall trying to assault another PIBG chairman over differences of opinion, can we blame the children if they accept this as standard acceptable behavior? Gangsters, sad to say, will breed gangsters. The main antagonist is S Murali, the PIBG head of the Tun Sambathan Tamil School at the Sekolah Wawasan Coplex in USJ. The video clearly indicates assault and rioting. DPM Muhyiddin Yassin would authorize a full scale investigation into the affairs of the Tamils schools especially with regards to all those police reports made previously. Teachers and parents will have their prayers answered to the tyranny they have endured for so long. We cannot continue tolerating a reign of terror in schools. It does not matter if they are students or parents or for that matter whether they are Pakatan or BN. Gangsterism in schools has to be eliminated. 3. Reflections and Discussion

Gangsterism is common in a developing nation such as Malaysia and we have heard a lot about it occurring in schools. It has been reported that in developed countries, schoolchildren are increasingly involved on gangs. To curb this social ill, educators and society at large should be aware of what is going on among our teenagers. Though there are various psychological and physical factors that cause a person to choose to become a gang member, there are some suggestions for parents or guardians to help nurture their teenagers with love and respect. Children are naive. Its good for parents to provide the children with a good spiritual and moral background. Parents should give religion education to their children. Guide them with the positive thinks and manners. Children need encouragement. Parents and teachers can encourage the children to get involved in extracurricular activities and sports at school. Give the children some rewards if they achieve the target in extracurricular activities or sports in school. That can make them feel happy and want to do more next time. Parents should teach their children the value of money. So that, they will not wasting the money to the unnecessary things. Do not spoil them with a big allowance. Parents should not understand only the material need and wants of the children, but also the psychological process of the children.Teenagers like freedom. Its okay to give them some freedom but set a curfew for your children so they dont come home too late at night or in the wee hours of the morning. Parents should be aware of changes in your children whether its their behavior or attitude. If something weird with the children, parents need to take action. Teenagers like to hang out with friends. Parents should take interest in your childrens friends to ensure that they are in good company. Get to know who are your childrens friends names that they going out with. If necessary, keep the contact number so that parents can contact your childrens friends if something happen. Parents have to make sure where are their children going. Do not allow them to visit discos, snooker and gaming centers. If needed, do a spot check on the place your child frequents going with their friends. Keep your children away from gambling dens, and places that gangsters frequent. Modern parents are working parents who leave their children with a child-minder for the weekdays and bring them home for the weekends. They tend to be more permissive and often get defensive about their childrens behavior. When parents tried to communicate with their children, the children will get emotional and run away from home as they are influenced by gang members. But, parents also can get advice from psychiatrists. Society school have big responsible to curb any gangsterisms activity among students. Disciplines teachers play the important role to encourage the students to do something good that can make them gain benefits at school. If school counselors are playing their role as instructor, facilitator to their students, they will get more knowledgeable and have views on bad effects in doing gangsterism activities. So that, no students could be labeled as passive students. Government has their own responsibility when it comes to gangsterism. All the school should give cooperation to the police to aware all the students that can be considered as a gangster. Law subject should be introducing in school. So, the students can learn more about law in our country.Teenagers always get pressure of expectations when the parents give their children the best competitive advantage to succeed often pack their schedules full with tuition classes, music lessons and sports. Too much activities can make they feel forced to go. These pressures can cause the children to feel insecure, thinking that their acceptance is conditional upon their performance. Depression or anxiety may result while some teens may self-medicate by turning to tobacco, alcohol or drugs. So, parents have to be careful or what activities they choose for their children. Make sure they still have some time for their children at least dinner, talking and watching television together at home.

Teenagers today are facing a tremendous onslaught from the mass media, which promotes materialism, casual sex and violence. As we know, mass media such as television, advertisement, films, or dramas, have a big impact why teenagers involved themselves in gangsterism. Reality shows on television seem to encourage and promote backstabbing, the use of cunning and being nasty. Even cartoons these days contain profanity and violence. It will influence the teenagers to follow whatever action played by the author. No wonder teenagers growing up on the diet fed to them by the media are confused about their values, life goals, and even their gender and identity. Teenagers often underestimate the impact of the media upon their lives. So, for any advertisement company or production they should aware about gangsterism. No more violent advertisement or films so that the teenagers would not follow whatever they watched. Government should fine the production or company that not follow the rules for their advertisement or films and did not give the permission to preview their product. More recently, computers and the internet have spawned gaming addiction among both male and female teens. They may stay up all night to play these games so much so that it affects their school or college work. Some may even skip classes in order to play these games at cyber cafes. They can become reclusive and anti-social and their interpersonal skills may suffer as they spend more and more time online and less and less time relating with their friends face to face. In this case, parents have to be an important role because they have to limit the internet connection that their children use. They have to make sure that the children did not use the internet for streaming nonsense videos. Parents can set amount of time for their children to surf the internet. And after that their children have to go to sleep no matter what. Conclusion

Based on this research, it can be conclude that there is great necessity to give more attention towards cases that related with young delinquents who involve themselves in gangsterism. This problem had to be wisely handled to ensure that their future will not be ruined due to their involvement in gangsterism. Gangsterism did not bring good affect to others. All of us must seek solution to cure gangsterism. Parents play important role to take initiative about this serious problem because all learning start at home. Educators and society also should be aware of what is going on among our teenagers to having a good quality generation in the future. In addition, it is no doubt that the media plays a complex and ambivalent role in the characterization and propagation of gangs. There may be no proven, identifiable but many people believe that there is. Hence, there is a need for teenagers to understand that there is a clear distinction between the depiction of gangsterism by the media and the gangsterism in the real world and the media should also educate the viewers that being a gangster does not give you the priviledge to do whatever you want.Finally, we are to conclude that teenagers can be influenced into joining gangsterism due to family factor, living entertainment factor, psychological factor and most importantly social influence.


1. Liyana 2010, Gangsterism in Malaysia from Aurora 2010, School Gangsterism from Pastor Margaret Loy 2009, Journal from When Children from Christian Families Rebel4. M.A Rahmah, B. Shahraniza 2008, Article from Risk Taking Behavior Among Early Adolescents and Its Associated Factors

5. Tng Soo Ting 2011, Research Project from Antisocial Behavior Among Malaysian Adolescents

6. Farah Hannah Bt Kamarauzaman 2008, Individual Essay

7. Atiqah 2010, Article from The Reason of Gangsterism Cases Among Teenagers

8. Alagappar, P. Len, C.W George, M. Lee, A.S.H, Wong M.S.H 2010, Research Project from Gangsterism Among Teenagers In Malaysia

9. Malaysia Crime Prevention Fundation 2006, Article from The Star.

10. Assoc. Prof Dr Azizi bin Hj Yahaya, Yusof Boon, Rosnah bt Hj Buang 2000, Research Project from The Main Factors Which Influences Secondary Students In The Gangsterism Social ActivityAppendices

Article 1: Gangsterism in Malaysia.who should be blamed -Thiru-

Teenager nowadays lack of focus. I mean that they do not know where they are heading, whether in the academic or social sense. Therefore, this gives rise to several problems, mostly gangsterism happens among the teenagers who involved in sosial ills such as drug addicts, smoking, and gambling. These teenagers are not bothered about their studies and it is evident that they are involved in gangsterism. So, who should be blamed for gangsterism? Do we have to put the lame on the parents, teachers or anyone else? I strongly believe that the one that should be blamed for gangsterism among teenagers is the individual himself or in the other word is we. We are the ones to be blamed for gangsterism because we are the ones who decide on how we want to live our life. We are responsible to manage ourselves. If we discipline ourselves towards the positive behavior, then we will behave well. We are the one to choose how we manage our life. In any decision or action that we made, we have to take full responsibilities of whatever the consequences that we will have to face due to the decision making. For example, if a friend offers us a drug and if we have a firm standpoint, then we'll kindly say no to the friend. Next, I think one of the factors that cause gangsterism among teenagers is the parents. Nowadays, parents are so busy and they focus more on earning more money. They are so busy with their job and rarely have time to be with their children at home. They become workaholic and they are not concerned about their childrens needs. They assume that providing their children with materialism is more than enough but the fact is their children actually need more attention from their parents. For instance, parents give money and provide car for their children but the children feel lonely. So, they will do anything to fill in the emptiness they feel inside. They might be involved in gangsterism to overcome the loneliness they felt. Then, I personally think peer pressure is the one to be blamed for gangsterism among teenagers. The teenagers are easily influenced by their friends. When they mix with the wrong friends, they might be involved in crimes. As friends are among the closest people to the teenagers, they will eventually be influenced by their friends. For example, if their friends are a gangster, soon they'll become one. This is because; their friends might attract them to try something new for them like gang fights. The teenagers are too young and they have a strong instinct of wanting to try something new. So, they will follow their friends. I strongly suggest that perhaps it is time that parents, teachers and non-government bodies work together to direct and counsel our teenagers. Parents should play their role to educate their children and spend more time communicating with their teenage children. Teachers should try establish a closer rapport with students.Everyone must work together to find the correct mechanism in order to overcome gangsterism among teenagers.Effect of gangsterism towards individual -liyana-

Gangsterisms are the social phenomenon which occurs widely among teenagers in our country. With the rapid increase of this problem, gangsterisms can give a lot of negative impact towards individual, family, and society. In term of individual, student who involves themselves with gangsterism will face bad consequences in their life including having a dark future. Thus, their future might be threatened due to the result of their behavior. Most probably they will be detained because somehow they able to create chaotic scene in their surroundings. This will also affect their life as they unable to perform their study in higher level and they might spend their teenage years in juvenile school or rehabilitation centre. On the contrary, those with a bright future able to continue their study while they had wasting their precious life in prison.

Effect of gangsterism towards parents -liyana-

In the context of family, parents need to receive the bad treatment as the result of their children behavior. Most probably, parents might be insulted or becoming the subject of hatred from people in their surroundings. They might be blame for what their children had done and through other people eyes they had to be responsible. Somehow, there are parents who try so hard, in order to guide their children back to the right path. However, some children are too stubborn and ignore the advice of their respectful parents. In addition, parents need to face with reality that their children are not turn into a good person and turn out differently from what they had expected.Effect of gangsterism towards society -liyana-

As for society, they will feel insecure and threatened over this matter because they felt that the surrounding is not the safe place anymore due to the violent act of gangster. The behavior of gangster might endanger their life because at some point, gangster can turn out to be a killer and some of them also fight among each other to show their power. In addition, this kind of phenomenon also spread widely in school. Johnson and Johnson (2005) stated that the researchers determined that the alarm about rampant violence in school is not justified, but concern about the frequency with which adolescents victimize each other is, even though the victimizations are more bothersome than injurious. In addition, it had come to the stage where school compound cannot be considered as a safe place anymore due to the gangsterism activities that take place in school area. Middleton-Moz and Zawadski (2002) argue that our own lack of awareness often causes us to be both deaf and blind to the pain experienced by our nations youth and, as a result, our young people too often become the prisoners of their sadness and depression, seeing little possibility for change and no way. Therefore, it show that our own lack of concern over what had happened make the matter of gangsterism getting worst until the victim of gangsterism are being abuse physically and emotionally. Society is no longer felt peace and harmony in the country which they had resided.Statistical figure -liyana-

The statistical figure was brought out by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin during the Parliamentary session on June 9, 2010 portrays the number of students who involved with gangsterism. From the figure, it stated that the number of students nearly doubled since 2005. It begins with 32 cases recorded and the numbers reach its high peak on 2008 with the value of 81. Although, the number had slightly decreased to 60 cases in 2009 but the number still considered high compared to the earlier cases recorded in 2005.

As for figure which provided by ACP Amar Singh Sidhu on his journal title Journal of the Kuala Lumpur Royal Malaysia Police College, No.4 on 2005, it reveal that majority of delinquents detained in the rehabilitation centre was from Indian races with the number of 316 people. On the other hand, both Malay and Chinese represent the similar number with 111 people for each race to be detained.Conclusion Liyana-

Based on our research we had done, it can be conclude that there is a great necessity to give more attention towards cases that related with young delinquents who involve themselves in gangsterism. This problem had to be wisely handled to ensure that their future will not be ruined due to their involvement in gangsterism. Thus, parents, government, and society have to play their roles effectively in order to curb the spreading of gangsterism among school student. In addition, need to realize the consequence by each action or behavior which taken by them. They have to aware that each behavior that deviant and forbidden to the law will cause them to be punished. Therefore, government need to strict and regulate the available law, so teenager will be afraid to involve with gangsterism. As for parents, they need to give full attention to their children and guide them to the right path before things getting worst and difficult to handle. Society also is one of the important elements to curb this matter. By providing information to the police, they automatically help the enforcer task to deal with gangsterism. With the cooperation from each member in the country, there is a high possibility that this social illness will finally found its remedy.Article 2: School Gangsterism.

DPM Muhyiddin Yassin mentioned last week that there should be no compromise on gangsterism in schools. He is quoted as having stated that A cime is a crime and should be punished accordingly. He also called upon parents and teachers to help the police combat this plague. Now, what should we do if the parents themselves are gangtsers as is the case of certain PTAs of Tamils schools in Selangor? After watching the video on YouTube called PIBG meeting ruckus at Shah Alam and hearing from people who attended the meeting last Saturday, it is clear that eliminating gangsterism in schools especially among Indian students is going to be a herculean task. Now if some PIBG heads are thugs, running around the hall trying to assault another PIBG chairman over differences of opinion, can we blame the children if they accept this as standard acceptable behaviour? Gangsters, sad to say, will breed gangsters. The main antagonist in the above fracas is S Murali, the PIBG head of the Tun Sambanthan Tamil School at the Sekolah Wawasan Complex in USJ. He also claims to be President of Tamil Schools Assosciation of Selangor. Perhaps it's apt that the general non-Tamil speaking public be updated about what has been going on in SJK (T) Tun Sambanthan, USJ Subang that has many middle class families. I am fully aware of the situation as I had a child who had previously attended the Wawasan School.

Murali was the PIBG chairman and he literally ruled the school. The headmaster was powerless and the teachers either obeyed or were forced to do so. He and his cohorts would walk into any class and berate any teacher in front of the students. No one dared to question him. Many police reports were made against this tough guy, Murali, mainly by parents and teachers of the Wawasan School. The school was his fiefdom and any dissent against his rule was neutralised either by phone calls threatening physical assault or a transfer to other schools. Many teachers have been transferred, even HMs. One teacher who was slightly courageous had an anonymous phone call describing exactly which apartment she stayed in and was told if she refused to play ball, she could be raped and thrown out of the balcony. The police reports did not amount to anything as he was said to have high political connections then.

S Murali was an MIC member then and was close to the top leadership at that time. His background as a tough guy went well with how MIC was managed. His services were called upon to manage MIC and MAIKA AGMs. He and his band of tough guys together with other muscle men provided by other tough guys would always ensure that meetings were managed well. Then Murali had fallout with Samy Vellu. This was among other things due to Muralis assault of T Mohan, the current MIC youth chief, a blue eyed boy of Samy. The fissure widened and in 2007, the PTA of the school was suspended under the request of Samy Vellu. Murali was out in the cold having been stripped of his fiefdom. But just before 2008 elections, this MIC BN discard switched parties to Keadilan but did not switch his ways. He continued to be the tough guy. Somehow, he and his cohorts managed to revive the PTA in 2009 and elections were held. This time there was competition for the post of chairman of the PTA including from a lady. This lady candidate, just before the elections, was assaulted with curry powder. Who was responsible was never established. The fracas that broke out at the SUK hall on Saturday during the Selangor Tamil schools meeting was clearly pre-arranged with many outsiders who were brought in to the scene. What was supposed to be an intelligent dialogue denigrated into a shouting match and resulted in another PTA chairman assaulted by Murali and his men?Many of those who were near the podium in the video claimed to be Pakatan members. It appears that Pakatan leaders condone such behaviour by allowing their pogrammes and initiatives derailed by their own kind. The party members lack discipline. Voters will be most shocked to see blatant thuggish behaviour in the name of education. All this is being narrated to raise the basic question - If the PTA head himself is a gangster, how is the school going to prevent gangsterism? This, the government, in this case the Pakatan government, must answer as the culprit here is their party man.The video clearly indicates assault and rioting. As our DPM had said, a crime is a crime and there should be no compromise. I hope Muhiyiddin would authorise a full scale investigation into the affairs of the Wawasan Tun Sambanthan Tamil school especially with regards to all those police reports made previously. Teachers and parents will have their prayers answered to the tyranny they have endured for so long. We cannot continue tolerating a reign of terror in schools. It does not matter if they are students or parents or for that matter whether they are Pakatan or BN. Gangsterism in schools has to be eliminated.1