ganesh, brahmanaspati

PRATHIVIES IN MODERN ASTRONOMY. PRATHIVIES IN RIG VEDA. / CHHANDAS CHHANDAS SETS IN RIE VEDA. MOUNTAINS OF CREATION IN ANTARIKSH. << PREVIOUS NEXT >> 46. GANESH, BRAHMANASPATI THEORY OF SETS The language used in the description of the Unified Creation is of immense importance. A single name contains multiplicity of similar forms on the basis of "Yatha Pinde tathaa Brahmande", 'All things are little universes' Examples of this unified terminology is found in the mathematical series of (Ganas)/sets prescribed in [Yajur Veda 18.24]: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 and 33 for obtaining the sets in mental Yagna (interactions). Set of One:-- Numeral system and this series begin from 'one' in Deva-nagari script as a modification of the comma (,) used by astronomers as a symbol/artist drawings for a black hole. One in Deva- nagari is found at the top of the Sanskrit computer system called Varna Meru enclosed in a square. It resembles the head and trunk of an elephant observed from the right side. This prompted Shiva to replace the head of Shri Ganesh by that of an elephant and for this reason Shri Ganesh acquires the priority of worship amongst Gods. Deva-nagari numeral one as stated above resembles the artist’s drawing of Aakash Prathivi/black hole. It sucks in matter and energy before Creation as well as the very same Aakash Prathivi/white hole when it ejects matter and energy at Creation. The Rig Veda describes Shri Ganesh as Ganapati/Brahmnaspati meaning Ishwar of Ganas/sets like Aditya Gana, Rudra Gana, Vasu Gana, Marut Gana, etc. Although His one tooth represents the singularity of entire universe, Shri Ganesh is the composite duality of the living human (intelligence) and the living beast-the elephant with enormous memory. PRATHIVIES IN MODERN ASTRONOMY . PRATHIVIES IN RIG VEDA. / CHHANDAS

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PRATHIVIES IN MODERN ASTRONOMY. PRATHIVIES IN RIG VEDA. / CHHANDAS CHHANDAS SETS IN RIE VEDA. Brahmanaspati Ganesh Sukta 1.18 : ---- Brahmnaspati Chhand: Gayatri. ***********************************************************











The language used in the description of the Unified Creation is of immense importance. A single name contains multiplicity of similar forms on the basis of "Yatha Pinde tathaa Brahmande", 'All things are little universes' Examples of this unified terminology is found in the mathematical series of (Ganas)/sets prescribed in [Yajur Veda 18.24]: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 and 33 for obtaining the sets in mental Yagna (interactions).

Set of One:--

Numeral system and this series begin from 'one' in Deva-nagari script as a modification of the comma (,) used by astronomers as a symbol/artist drawings for a black hole. One in Deva-nagari is found at the top of the Sanskrit computer system called Varna Meru enclosed in a square. It resembles the head and trunk of an elephant observed from the right side. This prompted Shiva to replace the head of Shri Ganesh by that of an elephant and for this reason Shri Ganesh acquires the priority of worship amongst Gods. Deva-nagari numeral one as stated above resembles the artist’s drawing of Aakash Prathivi/black hole. It sucks in matter and energy before Creation as well as the very same Aakash Prathivi/white hole when it ejects matter and energy at Creation. The Rig Veda describes Shri Ganesh as Ganapati/Brahmnaspati meaning Ishwar of Ganas/sets like Aditya Gana, Rudra Gana, Vasu Gana, Marut Gana, etc. Although His one tooth represents the singularity of entire universe, Shri Ganesh is the composite duality of the living human (intelligence) and the living beast-the elephant with enormous memory.






Brahmanaspati Ganesh Sukta 1.18 : ---- Brahmnaspati Chhand: Gayatri. 1) “Hey Brahmnaspati! I (Rishi Meghatithihi Kaanwaha ) am the squeezer of Soma and request you to make me as famous as Kakshiwan son of Ushija. 2) “May Brahmnaspati who is wealthy, destroyer of diseases, knower of the wealth, the one who increases nourishment and yielding fruits immediately, give us his blessings. 3) “The nonbelievers may not be able to dominate us. We are the Pranies (living beings) subject to death may not be killed Hence we request Brahmnaspti to protect us.

4) “Manushya is feels sorrow when he is inspired by Indra, Soma and Brahmnaspati.

5) “Brahmnaspati, Indra, Soma and Dakshina are requested to protect that Manushya from sins.

6) “I desire wealth and good intellect from Agni/thermal energy having extraordinary forms. He is the one who is loved by Indra and is the sustainer.

7) “The Agni is requested to inspire us because without the favor of Agni even the wise are not able to conduct Yagna.

8) “The Yagna acquire growth when Havies (ingredients offered in Yagna) are given to it. The eulogies pronounced by Yajamaan reach the Devataas.

9) “I (Rishi Meghatithihi Kaanwah) have observed Agni that is powerful, glorious, famous and is eulogized and worshipped by Manushyaa.


Sukta 1.40: --- Brahmnaspati. Chhand: Brahati, Trishtup

1) “Hey Brahmnaspati! Arise. We desirous of seeking the Devataas, praise you. We request the benedictory Maruts to come here. Hey Indra to come here.

2) “Hey Brahmnaspati, son of Bala/forces! Manushya acquires beautiful horses and glory of powers when he becomes wealthy.

3) “Let Brahmnaspati be with us. Let us acquire Satya Vaani (truthful language) Deva Ganaas are requested to participate in our Yagna with five Havies (materials offered in Yagna) for the benefit of Manushya.

4)” Yajamaans giver of the best wealth to the Ritwaja gets the glory that never fades. For this purpose we invite Ida who is never killed by the enemies.

5) “Brahmahmnaspati is requested to pronounce the Mantras in conformity with the scriptures. Indra, Varuna, Mitra and Aryamaa find their references in the Mantras.

6) “Hey Deva Gana! I (Rishi Kanwa Ghoorah) will pronounce the Mantras, that gives happiness and destroy the obstacles. Hey Purush! If you like the Vani/language in the form of Mantra let our beautiful speech reach you.

7) “Who will go to the Devataas for having their desires fulfilled? Who will go to the person who spread Kush/grass (seat)? Yajamaan who offers Havies in Yagna have proceeded to their residence along their Pashus/beasts, sons and others.

8) “ Brahmnaspati increases his powers and proceeds with the king to kill the enemies. He gives happiness at the time of fear. He carries thunderbolt and cannot be subdued by any one.


Sukta 2.23:---- Brahmnaspati Chhand: Jagati,Trishtup.

(1) "Brahmnaspati (Ganapati) is the lord of the Ganas. He is unique amongst Devataas and the best amongst poets [2.26.1] and is the owner of superb hymns (in accordance with the Sanskrit computer code).

(2) "Devataas have obtained their share of Yagna from Brahmnaspati who is the destroyer of Raakshasaa/demons and knowledgeable. You create hymns just as rays are produced from the flood-lights of Surya."

3) “Hey Bramnaspati! You are scintillating, ferocious and destroyer of enemies. Destroying the detractors in all directions and removing darkness and cutting the clouds in to pieces, you are riding the divine chariot.

4) “You show the right path to the person who offers Havies (materials offered in Yagna) and destroy his sins. By your grandeur you make the persons who do not pray to suffer and the angry person is destroyed.. 5) “Hey Brahmnaspati! Those who have your protection can never be unhappy. They never committed sins and the enemies cannot kill them. Send away all killers away from him.

6) “Hey Brahmnaspati! You perform extraordinary work. Protect me (Rishi Gratsamadah) by showing us the right path. We eulogize you by the mantra while performing Yagna for you. May the minds of those who behave in a crooked manner be disturbed and be destroyed immediately.

7) “Hey Brahmnaspati! If an egoistic person desires to kill me, divert him from the best path and make our path easier for the sake of Yagna.

8) “Hey Brahmnaspati! Protect us from our difficulties and look after our children. Be pleased with us and speak to us sweetly. We call upon you to destroy those who abuse Devataas so that foolish persons may not be happy.

9) “Hey Brahmnaspati Deva! When we multiply our progeny give us more wealth. Destroy the enemies who do not perform Yagna and the enemies nearby or away from us who wish to achieve victory over us.

10) “Hey Brahmnaspati Deva! You are pure and fulfill our desires. We may get Anna/food and the enemies desirous of defeating us may not become our lords. We enlightened you\by the best eulogies for you.

11) “Hey Brahmnaspati Deva! Your charities are extraordinary. You give what one desires. You give sorrow to the enemies on the battlefield and kill them. You are extremely powerful, aggressive and depress the egoistic persons.

12) “Hey Brahmnaspati! One whose mind is without Devataas and out of ego wishes to kill us, may his weapons be away from us. Make us powerful so that we are able to destroy the anger of the enemies.

13) “Those who salute and invite Brahmnaspati on the battlefield with folded hands he fights and gives them glory of all kinds. He is the lord of all and destroys the enemies like the chariots are broken.

14) “Hey Brahmnaspati! You torture the demons with sharp weapons. You have protected our lives. Reveal your ancient strength to protect us. From the same ancient valor destroy the detractors.

15) “Hey Brahmnaspati born from Yagna! You are worshipped by Aryaas, the shining wealth of Yagna appears beautiful. Give us the same wealth.

16) “Hey Brahmnaspati Deva! Do not leave us at the mercy of the mutinous enemies, nonbelievers in Devataas and the Raakshaas/demons who do not believe is singing Saam Gaan.

17) ‘Hey Brahmnaspati! You are the best among what Twasta created. Hence you pronounce the entire Saam. You remove the debt by Yagna and kill the opponents.

18) “Hey Bramnaspati, belonging to the lineage of Angiraas! Mountains did hide the cows. When the truth was known, you released them and with the help of Indra allowed the waters to fall (from Aakash into Antariksh) by killing Vratra (clouds within the Event Horizon).

19) “Hey Brahmnaspati! Give happiness. Only those who are protected by the Deva Gana are capable of benediction.


Sukta 2.24:---- Brahmnaspati Chhand: Jagati,Trishtup.

(1) "Brahmnaspati (Ganapati) is the Adhiswar of the universe. Accept our eulogies. I (Rishi Grutsamad) worship and eulogize you with new hymns. I am your friend and request you to give me the desired fruits. I eulogize you.

(2) "He kills Shambar, makes the blocked waters/plasma to flow and entered the mountain where the cows/light radiations/primordial white holes were hidden.

(3) "Brahmnaspati made the mountain ineffective and uprooted the trees and released the cows, He removed the demon Bala and revealed Surya to remove the darkness,

(4) "The clouds laden with sweet waters strong as rocks were piercedby Brahmnaspati. The rays of the Surya drank/evaporated the Rasa by causing rains on the Prathivi/white hole.

(5) "Brahmnaspati has opened the doors of eternal and exquisite showers and spelled the divine Mantras enabling the Aakash Prathivi to provide happiness."

6) “Wise Angiraas searched and obtained the wealth hidden by Panies in the castle. On seeing Maya they returned to their original place.

7) “Wise Angiras saw Maya and went in that direction. They ignited Agni/fire and threw it on the mountains. Agni Deva who burns the mountains was not present there initially.

8) “Brahmnaspati is an expert in throwing arrows. He begets his desires with the help of this unique arrow. The arrow thrown by him is capable of performing the work. The arrows become visible and reveal itself through the ears.

9) “Brahmnaspati is a priest. He separates and mixes all material. We eulogize him. Just then the Surya/sun arises.

10) “Bramnaspati causes rains. His wealth is the best and exists every where. It is he who gave all the wealth mixed with Anna/particulate plasma. Both Yajmaan and eulogizers keeping this wealth in mind eat the food offered to him in worship.

11) “All pervading worthy of being praised protects Manushyaas who are both wise and brave. He is like the representative of all the Devataas who are the givers by their nature and is the owner of all the jives/creatures.

12) “ Hey Indra, Hey Brahmnaspati! You are glorious. Entire wealth belongs to you. Your purposes are never obstructed. Like the horses yoked to the chariot running after food, you come towards our Havies (material offered in Yagna).

13) “May the horses of Brahmnaspati listen praises, Wise Adhvaryu offer Havies along with beautiful eulogies. Brahmnaspati we request you to come to us and accept our Mantras.

14) “The Mantras are fruitful when Brahmanaspati engages himself in any work. He released the cows and divided their work for Surya Loka. These cows moved by their individually force according to the eulogies.

15) “Hey Brahmanspati Deva! May we beget the wealth mixed with Anna/particulate plasma according to their rules. Give son to my brave son. You are the lord of all and you expect our eulogies and Havies in the form of food.

16) “Hey Brahmnaspati! You formulate the rules for the universe. Those who are protected by the Deva Gana are the carries of welfare. We will participate in the Yagna along with our sons and grandsons


Sukta 2.25: --- Brahmnaspati Chhand: Jagati

1) “May the Yajamaan who ignite Agni/fire for thermal energy be successful in killing the enemies. They may become exuberant by praises and offerings of Havies. The Yajamaan with whom Brahmnaspati keeps friendly attitude they live longer than their grandsons.

2) “May the Yajamaan get victory over the sons of their enemies with the help of their brave sons. The grandson along with the wealth of cows is famous and knows every thing. The sons and grandsons are prosperous with one with whom Brahmnaspati maintains friendship,,

3) “The rivers break the low and moist riverside by their speedy flow. A powerful bull defeats all the other bulls. Similarly, Brahmanaspati defeats and destroys the powers of the enemies by his seminal powers. Just as no one can restrict the flame of Agni/thermal energy, none can restrict the Yajamaan who has the support of Brahmnaspati.

4) “ Yajamaan who serves Brahmnaspati is the first to get the wealth of cows. He kills the enemies with his powers. One who keeps friendship with Brahmnaspati enjoys his life.

5) “One who is looked upon as a friend by Brahmnaspati, all Rasas flow towards him. He enjoys various kinds of happiness leading to prosperity.


Sukta 2.26: ---- Brahmnaspati Chhand: Jagati.

1) “May those who praises Brahmnaspati, destroy their enemies. The worshipers of Devaas defeat those who do not worship Devaas. One who gives satisfaction to Brahmnaspati kills the powerful enemies on the battlefield.

2) “Eulogize Brahmnaspati. Attack the egoistic enemies. Be firm in the battle. You will get the best wealth when you prepare the Havies for Brahmnaspati. We desire his protection.

3) “The Yajamaan who worships Brahmnaspati- the father of Devaas faithfully, he gets the wealth and Anna/food for people and sons 4) “The Yajamaan who serves Brahmnaspati with Havies mixed with clarified butter, he is given an easier path and is protected from sins poverty and enemies. He makes his works prosperous. *********************************************************** MOUNTAINS OF CREATION IN ANTARIKSH.