gamsat tips & suggestions

40 Table of Contents 1. About the GAMSAT Syllabus 2. The Test Structure A. Test Format B. Test Timing C. Question Pattern: MCQs 2.1 Tips to Manage MCQs 3. Skills You Need 3.1 Section 1 3.2 Section 2 3.3 Section 3 4. Section 1 - Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences 4.1 Classification of vignettes A. Humanities B. Data Interpretation 4.2 Types of Vignettes - Humanities A. Fiction B. Non fiction 4.2.1 Things to Look out for in Fiction and Non-fiction Passages C. Proverbs and Quotations 4.2.2 Things to Look out for in Quotations and Proverbs D. Poetry 4.2.2 Things to Look out for in Poetry Vignettes E. Visual stimulus 4.2.4 Things to Look out for in Visual Stimulus in Humanities F. Combined vignettes 4.3 Types of Vignettes: Data Interpretation A. Graphs B. Charts C. Tables D. Textual data 4.3.1 Things to Look out for in Data Interpretation Vignettes 4.3 Distribution of Vignettes 4.4 Types of Questions Based on Vignette A. Broad Question Type: Drama B. Broad Question Type: Novels and Short Stories C. Broad Question Type: Non-fiction D. Broad Question Type: Picture Study E. Broad Question Type: Poetry 5. Section 2 - Written Communication 5.1 The Two Tasks A. Task A: Discursive/ Argumentative/ Analytical Essay B. Task B: Expository/ Reflective/ Personal Essay

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For the GAMSAT aspirants of 2015 examination here are some tips and suggestions to help you ace the GAMSAT. For more more information visit us at: or mail us at [email protected]



    Table of Contents

    1. About the GAMSAT Syllabus

    2. The Test Structure

    A. Test Format

    B. Test Timing

    C. Question Pattern: MCQs

    2.1 Tips to Manage MCQs

    3. Skills You Need

    3.1 Section 1

    3.2 Section 2

    3.3 Section 3

    4. Section 1 - Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences

    4.1 Classification of vignettes

    A. Humanities

    B. Data Interpretation

    4.2 Types of Vignettes - Humanities

    A. Fiction

    B. Non fiction

    4.2.1 Things to Look out for in Fiction and Non-fiction Passages

    C. Proverbs and Quotations

    4.2.2 Things to Look out for in Quotations and Proverbs

    D. Poetry

    4.2.2 Things to Look out for in Poetry Vignettes

    E. Visual stimulus

    4.2.4 Things to Look out for in Visual Stimulus in Humanities

    F. Combined vignettes

    4.3 Types of Vignettes: Data Interpretation

    A. Graphs

    B. Charts

    C. Tables

    D. Textual data

    4.3.1 Things to Look out for in Data Interpretation Vignettes

    4.3 Distribution of Vignettes

    4.4 Types of Questions Based on Vignette

    A. Broad Question Type: Drama

    B. Broad Question Type: Novels and Short Stories

    C. Broad Question Type: Non-fiction

    D. Broad Question Type: Picture Study

    E. Broad Question Type: Poetry

    5. Section 2 - Written Communication

    5.1 The Two Tasks

    A. Task A: Discursive/ Argumentative/ Analytical Essay

    B. Task B: Expository/ Reflective/ Personal Essay


    5.2 Essay Framework

    A. Title

    B. Introduction

    C. Separate body paragraphs

    D. Conclusion

    5.3 Choosing a Comment(s)

    A. Selection

    B. Interpretation

    C. Planning

    5.4 Evaluation Parameters

    A. Thought and Content

    B. Organisation and Expression

    5.5 Tips for Writing a Good GAMSAT Essay

    6. Reading List for Sections 1 and 2

    7. Section 3 Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences

    7.1 Classification of vignettes

    A. Physics

    B. Chemistry

    1. Organic Chemistry

    2. Physical Chemistry


    1. About the GAMSAT Syllabus

    The GAMSAT tests your ability to analyse and interpret information and decision-making and

    problem-solving skills. Apart from these soft skills, the exam also assesses your understanding

    of basic scientific concepts and ability to apply the same.This syllabus structures in detail the

    key concepts you need to know and the strategies you must adopt to tackle the test.

    While the techniques and strategies outlined in this booklet will help you deal with specific

    questions, keep in mind that there is no shortcut to learning the concepts needed. A holistic

    understanding of the subjects is mandatory to deal with the extremely competitive entrance


    2. The Test Structure

    A. Test Format

    Section 1: 75 questions

    Section 2: 2 essays

    Section 3: 110 questions

    B. Test Timing

    Total testing time: 5 hours 30 minutes (excluding the 1-hour lunch break)

    Section 1: 100 minutes. 10 minutes reading time (not included within the 100


    Section 2: 60 minutes. 5 minutes reading time (not included within the 60


    Lunch break: 1 hour

    Section 3: 170 minutes. 10 minutes reading time (not included within the 100


    C. Question Pattern: MCQs

    Questions come in the Multiple-Choice format, that is, you are are given 4

    options and must choose only one as the correct answer. There is no negative

    marking in GAMSAT, so you can guess freely.

    2.1 Tips to Manage MCQs

    If two options seem equally correct, think logically and improve

    your odds. Refer to the vignette to find the best answer.


    Be careful when you confront All of the above and None of

    the above options. These options are tricky; you must weigh all the given

    options carefully.

    Elimination is a good method to deal with such options. If at

    least two options seem correct then choose All of the above. Conversely, if

    any one of the given options seems incorrect then eliminate All of the above

    Be careful of negative words like Which of the following is NOT

    true about respiration? Often, you will find that there is emphasis on the

    negative word with the use of capitalisation.

    Pay attention to the double negatives in the stem like Which of

    the following is NOT false about respiration?

    You can easily eliminate some alternatives on account of being

    completely irrelevant and implausible.

    Some options act as distracters. In this case it is important to

    read the vignette carefully to identify the core concepts that the questions


    Choose the best answer and eliminate those options which make

    no logical sense.

    Pay special attention to options in numerical problems. The

    correct option should be approximately or exactly close to the number you get

    after calculation.

    3. Skills You Need

    3.1 Section 1

    Social sensitivity

    Analytical skills

    Critical thinking

    Logical processing of data

    Understanding premises and assumptions/cause and effect

    Argumentative reasoning skills

    Interpretation skills

    Translating data from various formats

    Problem-solving skills

    Speed-reading ability

    Comprehension skills

    3.2 Section 2

    Argumentative skills

    Cohesion of thought


    Communication skills

    Ability to engage


    Flexibility of thought

    Organisation of expression

    Thinking on your feet

    Social awareness

    3.3 Section 3

    Speed reading ability

    Comprehension skills

    Basic mathematical aptitude

    Analytical skills

    Interpretation skills

    Logical processing of data

    Reasoning ability

    4. Section 1 - Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences

    4.1 Classification of vignettes

    A. Humanities


    Non fiction


    Visual stimulus

    B. Data Interpretation



    Visual Stimulus

    Text-based passages


    C. Science



    Organic Chemistry

    Physical Chemistry



    4.2 Types of Vignettes - Humanities

    A. Fiction

    Short story extracts

    Novel extracts

    Drama extracts

    Screenplay/script extracts

    B. Non fiction

    Essay extracts


    Extracts from newspapers/journals/periodicals

    Readers responses to articles/reports



    Web content



    Biographies and autobiographies

    Types of Vignettes - Science

    A. Physics

    B. Chemistry

    C. Biology

    4.2.1 Things to Look out for in Fiction and Non-fiction Passages

    Dialogues: Note what the characters say, the tone

    in which they speak and the subject of conversation.


    Characterisations: Carefully note what the

    characters seem like. Remember that the passages are random, so you

    are not likely to know much about them. So, your inference must be as

    clear as possible, dependant only on the meagre information that you

    have at hand.

    Character actions: Take note of how the

    characters behave. You can glean this from their body language,

    gestures, the way they speak and the words they use, and of course

    from the situation in which you find them.

    Stage directions: This refers exclusively to drama

    extracts. Note the setting, that is, where you see the characters. This

    will help you get a better picture of the events that take place.

    Words/phrases used in the passage: This is an

    extremely important point to note. Whether it is a fiction or a non-

    fiction passage, the words the author uses are extremely critical to

    denote the message that s/he conveys. You have to understand the

    meaning of the word/phrase with reference to the context in which the

    author uses it.

    Tone/perspective of the narrator/author: The

    language the author uses and the style in which s/he writes reflect

    his/her overall sentiment. This is especially relevant in terms of non-

    fiction passages. If you read the passage carefully, you will see that the

    author might be detached, critical, analytical or humorous in tone.

    C. Proverbs and Quotations

    Standalone quotes by luminaries

    Proverbs and adages

    Quotations accompanying


    Set of conflicting quotes

    4.2.2 Things to Look out for in Quotations and Proverbs

    Interpret in context: A proverb or a quotation

    might accompany a separate image or prose/poetry passage. In such

    cases, you must interpret the quotation/proverb in context. These


    vignettes in fact are easier; because of the fact that you actually have a

    hint of what the quotations mean.

    Relate both/all vignettes: Relate both the

    quote/proverb and the image/prose/poetry to see how they fit each

    other. Once you understand the context, interpretation of the

    statement will become much easier.

    Process of elimination: A problem that you will

    face with proverbs and quotations you are not familiar with, and those

    that do not accompany a passage or image, is the lack of context. The

    best you can do here is to eliminate the options and pick the one that

    seems closest to the statement.

    Read a lot: That is the only way to become

    familiar not only with a variety of famous quotations, but with a variety

    of ways to express a thought. A quotation, or a proverb, after all, is

    only a way of expression that remains valid even when taken out of


    Avoid using prior knowledge: Often, the vignette

    mentions the speaker of the quotation. Even if you are familiar with the

    personality, do NOT use your knowledge in the question. Any inference

    on the basis of your prior knowledge is not only unnecessary in this

    context, but is highly likely to be incorrect as well.

    D. Poetry

    Poem extracts

    Song extracts

    4.2.2 Things to Look out for in Poetry Vignettes

    Figures of speech: The poet uses figures of

    speech to convey meanings. Familiarise yourself with the commonest

    figures of speech, such as metaphor, simile, personification and so on.

    Read between the lines: What the poet is trying

    to say is often veiled behind the words. Read between the lines to see

    what can be the possible underlying meaning.

    Infer from context: If you cannot understand the

    meaning of a particular line, infer the same from the entire poem as a


    whole. There is certainly some way in which it fits in the entire


    Search for symbols: What are the

    recurring/constant motifs and symbols in the poem? These are

    significant and will help you understand the poem more easily.

    Tone of the poem: Determine the tone the poet

    uses. It can be detached, sad or euphoric. Understanding this will help

    you interpret the lines much better.

    Go by the question: If interpreting something

    becomes really tough, go with the option that comes closest to your

    understanding. If there is none, see which one you agree with the most.

    E. Visual stimulus

    Cartoons/sketches/photographs with captions

    Cartoons/sketches/photographs without captions

    Cartoons/sketches with speech bubble

    Cartoons/sketches without speech bubble

    4.2.4 Things to Look out for in Visual Stimulus in Humanities

    Be on a sharp lookout for details: Remember

    that every tiny bit of detail in the cartoon is there in order to draw your

    attention to something. Every object and person in a cartoon is


    Every cartoon has a message to convey: It might

    be a political issue, like some new policy formulated by the government

    that the cartoonist is opposing. Or, it might be a social issue. The

    cartoon is sure to have some conspicuous detail, a glaring clue to the


    Facial features and other details: If there is an

    exaggeration of the facial features of the caricature, or some detail in

    the attire or expression, it is a dead giveaway of the message. It is very

    likely that the cartoonist has exaggerated the detail in order to better

    express the thought. It definitely has a very close connection to the



    Semblance to other creatures: Often, the

    caricatures of people bear a close semblance to an animal. This is a

    very common trick, and the choice of the animal definitely points to

    some characteristic aspect of the person depicted that the cartoonist

    attempts to highlight. Sometimes, the artist uses animals behaving like

    humans to bring out a certain idea.

    Labels or names: Often, the cartoonist labels an

    object or a person -in short, a feature- in the cartoon. The label is

    important because it acts as a very big clue to the interpretation of the

    cartoon. It is likely that the cartoonist chose to label that particular

    component in the cartoon to make the message clearer.

    Accompanying quote/passage: Often, a

    quotation or a passage, or both accompany an image. In your

    interpretation of the image, take into account these as well. Both

    media are definitely closely connected.

    F. Combined vignettes

    A unit in the GAMSAT Humanities paper can consist of a combination of

    any of the different types of vignettes. There can also be a unit that

    consists of related items of the same kind, that is, a couple of poetry


    4.3 Types of Vignettes: Data Interpretation

    A. Graphs

    Bar graphs

    Line graphs

    Scatter Diagrams

    B. Charts

    Pie charts


    C. Tables

    Data tables


    D. Textual data Passage-based data


    4.3.1 Things to Look out for in Data Interpretation Vignettes

    Check for relations: Quickly note the relationship

    between the variables in each table, chart, or graph. Do they have a

    direct or indirect correlation? Where does the data spike or significantly


    Look for closely-related points: Your first step

    is very crucial. The first point provided in the question may not

    necessarily initiate your solution. Try to look out for two (or more)

    most closely related points in the beginning and then it will be much

    easier to organise all the clues and/or conditions around them.

    Link the question to the data: One common

    mistake in solving DI questions is using the wrong data. Make sure you

    understand what the question is asking, then stop and consider which

    table, graph, chart, or paragraph provides the information you have to

    interpret for the correct answer. Harder DI questions will require you to

    use more than one piece of data. The questions may be multi-step, so

    look closely for key phrases in the question that refer to the labels you

    already studied when you first reviewed the data.

    Simplify: Always try to simplify the question by

    categorising data given into tables, Venn diagrams, etc.

    Predict: You may be able to approximate an

    answer by rounding off numbers for certain questions. Be consistent in

    how you approximate, and only do so if the answer choices are far

    enough apart that estimation is prudent.

    Read carefully: Dont miss out on the units, the

    footnotes and wherever percentages have to be distinguished from the

    absolute value.

    Visualise: If you make a note of the main

    points in a table or diagram (like a flow of events), it will help you to

    visualise the clues and/or conditions and you will be able to solve the

    puzzle very quickly. However, you have to be very careful while

    creating the same because a single error may lead to the whole

    table/diagram being incorrect.


    4.3 Distribution of Vignettes

    A percentage distribution* of the GAMSAT Section 1 questions will be as


    Fiction: 13%

    Non-fiction: 53%

    Poetry: 20%

    Picture study: 4%

    Data Interpretation: 10%

    *Note that the distributions given here are indicative of average ACER


    4.4 Types of Questions Based on Vignette

    A. Broad Question Type: Drama

    Questions based on dialogues

    Questions based on character actions

    Questions based on stage setting

    Based on the abovementioned broad question types, what are the questions

    you can expect?

    What does character B mean when s/he says a

    particular word or line?

    What does A mean about B by saying "XYZ"?

    What does the dramatic excerpt suggest about the

    mindset of the characters?

    What does the excerpt suggest of the relationship

    between characters A and B?

    What impression of the surrounding is generated

    from the given details?

    What impression of the character C comes through

    in the dramatic excerpt?

    B. Broad Question Type: Novels and Short Stories

    Questions based on the usage of words/phrases in

    the passage


    Questions based on the characterisation in the


    Questions based on the structure of the passage

    Questions based on perspective/tone of


    Questions based on the theme/idea of the passage

    Questions based on the setting of the passage

    Based on the abovementioned broad question types, what are the questions

    you can expect?

    What does the opening line of the passage


    What does the reaction of character A to a

    particular situation suggest?

    How can the tone of the passage be best


    How can the relationship between character A and

    character B be best described?

    What does the author most nearly mean by the

    word ABC?

    What can be gleaned of the character B from the


    What is most likely to be the point of discussion in

    the passage immediately following/preceding the given

    How can the attitude of character A be best


    What can be inferred of the narrators

    characteristics from the piece?

    What is the format that the author follows in

    structuring the piece?

    How is paragraph 1 related to paragraph 4?

    What would be the most suitable title to the given


    C. Broad Question Type: Non-fiction

    Questions based on certain words/phrases in the


    Questions based on the theme/idea of the passage

    Questions based on the structure of the passage

    Questions based on the tone/point of view of the



    Based on the abovementioned broad question types, what are the questions

    you can expect?

    What is the basic idea that the passage is based


    What is the message that the author is trying to

    convey in the given passage?

    How can the structure of the passage be best


    What is the relationship between paragraph 1 and

    paragraph 2?

    What is the principal concern of the author in the


    What is most likely to be the topic of discussion in

    the passage immediately following the given one?

    What is certainly NOT the concern of the author in

    the passage?

    What does the author mean by the word ABC?

    What does the word ABC most nearly mean, as

    used in the passage?

    What does the author try to convey by using the

    phrase XYZ?

    What is certainly not implied by the phrase XYZ

    used in the passage?

    Which of the following arguments is the author

    most likely to disagree with?

    How can the tone of the author be best described

    in the passage?

    How can the point of view of the author be best

    described as in the passage?

    What would be the most appropriate title for the


    D. Broad Question Type: Picture Study

    Questions based on the message conveyed by the


    Questions based on facial features/expressions

    Questions based on labels or names

    Questions based on the event depicted in the



    Questions based on the dialogue given in the

    speech bubble

    Questions based on the caption

    Based on the abovementioned broad question types, what are the questions

    you can expect?

    What message is given out by the cartoon/image?

    What is the centre of humour in the cartoon?

    What is the proverb that goes best with the


    What is the speaker most likely to mean by the


    What would be the likeliest caption of the


    How can the tone of the cartoon be best


    How can the setting of the cartoon/image be best


    E. Broad Question Type: Poetry

    Questions asked on the idea / Theme of the poem

    Questions based on the narrator/ his point of

    view/ his relation to other characters in the poem

    Questions asked on setting/ atmosphere of the


    Questions asked on the tone of the poet

    Questions based on particular lines of a poem

    Questions asked on symbolism and imagery

    Based on the abovementioned broad question types, what are the questions

    you can expect?

    What does the opening line/closing line of the

    poem suggest?

    What is the atmosphere in the poem like?

    What does the phrase/word ABC / XYZ in line 4


    What is the verb/adjective used in line 8 referring


    What does line 5 imply?

    Whom is the speaker addressing?


    What can definitely be inferred of the speaker

    from the poem?

    Which word does the poet use in order to

    emphasise a certain point in the poem?

    Which of the following words do not express a

    certain idea in the poem?

    Which of the following expresses the idea of the

    poem most appropriately?

    How can the setting of the poem be best


    How can the tone of the poem be best described?

    What comparison has been used by the poet in

    order to refer to a certain idea?

    The speakers state is reinforced by which of the

    following images?

    What is the central topic/subject dealt with in the


    What would be the perfect / nearest synonym for

    the word ABC?

    What is the relationship between the sections of

    the passage?


    5. Section 2 - Written Communication

    5.1 The Two Tasks

    A. Task A: Discursive/ Argumentative/ Analytical Essay

    State your stance- for, against, neutral

    Validate your stance with arguments and examples

    B. Task B: Expository/ Reflective/ Personal Essay

    Use a personal style

    Explore your experiences

    State your thoughts and illustrate with


    Evaluate the experiences with logical


    5.2 Essay Framework

    A. Title




    Tone/slant setting


    Glimpse into the topic

    B. Introduction

    Begin with hook sentence

    Thesis statement



    Avoid stating your stance outright

    C. Separate body paragraphs

    One paragraph for each argument


    No repetitions

    No overlapping

    Sequencing of ideas

    Smooth transition from one paragraph to the next

    D. Conclusion

    Clear stance

    Reinforcement of stance

    Create opening for further thought

    No new argument presented

    Not a summary of the essay

    5.3 Choosing a Comment(s)

    A. Selection Which topic do you have most to say about?

    Do you agree or disagree? Or, are you neutral?

    Check if you have enough support for the stance

    you wish to take.

    Disagreeing might give you more arguments that


    Incorporate multiple quotes if you cannot choose.

    B. Interpretation Quotes might reflect opposing principles.

    Understand what the quotes mean before


    Interpretation can be radical, or very safe; it

    doesnt matter.

    C. Planning Jot down points during reading time.

    Pen only most relevant points.

    Sequence your thoughts in order of importance.

    Avoid unnecessary ramblings.

    No ambiguity is permitted.

    Choose arguments you can validate and illustrate.

    Dont deviate from the topic.

    5.4 Evaluation Parameters


    A. Thought and Content

    1. Unity of subject: Adhere to the quote(s) you

    choose. Diverting from the topic is not acceptable.

    2. Diversity of discussion: Flexibility of thought is

    essential, so try to explore the topic from various perspectives.

    3. Attention to detail: Dont assume the reader

    knows everything. Make sure your illustrations and arguments are

    clearly explained.

    4. Factual accuracy: If you are putting in facts,

    make sure they are correct. Get proper names right; and avoid dates

    and names if you are unsure.

    5. Separate but relevant ideas in each paragraph:

    Each paragraph is dedicated to a separate but relevant argument, idea

    or opinion.

    6. Usage and incorporation of illustrations:

    Illustrations are a must. Ideally, there should be one relevant example

    supporting each argument.

    7. Adequate elaboration of ideas/cohesiveness:

    Keep the essay tightly wound together. Elaborate your arguments, but

    no more than is necessary.

    8. Self-contradiction/Taking a stance: Your stance

    may be neutral, but dont contradict yourself by refuting your own

    statements. Present all sides of the issue if necessary, but stick to your

    own stance.

    9. Originality of thought: Avoid making an entire

    essay out of a well-known tale, and dont use the quote/quotes you

    choose verbatim to embellish the essay.

    B. Organisation and Expression

    1. Essay structure: Stick to the title-introduction-

    body paragraph-conclusion framework. Each is equally important.


    2. Adherence to word limit: A too-long essay might

    become tedious to read, and you might lose track of thought and run

    out of time. Stay within the 300-500 word limit.

    3. Sequencing of ideas throughout the essay: Keep

    a check that the flow of ideas in the writing is logical in terms of

    thought as well as fluid in terms of expression.

    4. Style and readability: Easy reading is the key. Be

    consistent with the styles that you choose for a particular essay. Use

    short sentences.

    5. Grammatical correctness: Grammar and

    sentence construction must be correct. Try to use transitional

    words/phrases. Subject-verb agreement is essential.

    6. Punctuation: Apostrophe, quotation marks,

    commas, question marks, periods should be used correctly.

    7. Accuracy of spelling: There should not be too

    many errors in the spellings. Use British spellings.

    8. Sentence length and structure: Short sentences

    are always better and easier to read than the lengthy ones. Active voice

    sentences are more desirable than passive voice. Sentences should be

    well-constructed and organised and excessively long and complex

    sentences are to be avoided.

    9. Usage of acronym: Do not use acronyms. They

    vary from place to place, and using the full form is always safe.

    10. Handwriting: Neat and legible copies make a

    good impression. Lower legibility might also lead to the reader

    misconstruing your thoughts.

    5.5 Tips for Writing a Good GAMSAT Essay

    Cogent arguments: There must be cogent arguments to support

    the opinions you present in an essay. Without these arguments, your opinions

    are open to interpretation, and this gives the impression that you do not have

    anything to say in favour of your ideas.


    Give good examples: Put in illustrations to support your

    arguments. Examples always back up your arguments. You can take them from

    anywhere, including historical events, current affairs, stories and personal


    Add a personal touch: In a reflective essay, a personal touch is

    always welcome. Of course, this is not mandatory, but a personal anecdote or a

    narrative in the first person is a good way to go.

    Queens language: Always write the GAMSAT essay in British


    Give a title: Do not omit to give a good title to the essay. Try to

    keep it crisp and catchy. The title should give a hint to the reader of what is

    about to come without saying too much.

    Stick to the structure: Structure your essay properly. There

    should be a clear introduction, a body structure divided into several

    paragraphs, and a conclusion. Keep the separate arguments in distinct


    Choose the topic wisely: Choose a topic you have ample to say

    about. Unless you have at least three to four arguments lined up, the essay will

    merely become repetitive. Avoid repetition at all costs.

    Avoid ambiguity: Do not be ambiguous anywhere. The examiner

    should be in no doubt as to what your opinions are. An argumentative essay

    often requires you to weigh the pros and cons in the debate; in such a

    situation, make sure that you validate each and every point, both in for and

    against the topic.

    Dont leave unsupported hypothesis: Whatever hypotheses you

    present, make sure you back it up with arguments and examples. Without

    these, your stance claim remains unfounded.

    Dont be repetitive: Dont repeat your arguments to lengthen

    your essay. This applies to vocabulary and examples as well.

    6. Reading List for Sections 1 and 2


    7. Section 3 Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences

    7.1 Classification of vignettes

    A. Physics


    1. NewtonS first Law, Newtons

    Second Law and Newtons Third Law.

    2. Vectors: vector addition , vector

    subtraction, vector components, vector trigonometry.

    3. Resolving forces into perpendicular


    4. Normal Forces, Friction, Static and

    Kinetic Forces.

    5. Calculating forces on an inclined


    6. Laws of Universal Gravitation: mass

    and weight.

    7. Calculating gravitational force

    between two masses.

    Linear Motion

    1. Distance, Time, Speed,

    Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, Acceleration due to

    gravity (g), Friction and Air resistance.

    2. Graphical representation of linear

    motion, including displacement-time and velocity-time graphs.

    3. Kinematic relationship between

    displacement, time, velocity and acceleration assuming constant


    4. Analysis of graphs: calculating area

    under the curve.

    5. Separating motion into horizontal

    and vertical components.

    6. Understanding vertical motion.


    7. Concepts and application of air


    8. Calculating projectile motion.

    Non-linear Motion

    1. Concepts of angular displacement,

    velocity and acceleration.

    2. Relationship between angular

    displacement, velocity and acceleration.

    3. Graphing rotational motion:

    calculation of radians and degrees.

    Energy and Work

    1. Concepts of work, power, kinetic and potential energy.

    2. Concepts and application of concepts Law of

    Conservation of Energy and Law of Conservation of Momentum.

    3. Concepts of elastic and non-elastic collision.

    4. Concepts of Elasticity and Hookes Law.

    5. Calculation of elastic force and potential.


    1. Concepts of Density, Pressure, Hydrostatic Pressure,

    Atmospheric pressure, and Buoyancy.

    2. Concepts of Archimedes Principle.

    3. Concepts of surface tension.

    4. Understanding the difference between cohesive and

    adhesive forces.

    5. Patterns of liquid flow (streamline, laminar flow and

    turbulent flow).

    6. Calculation of total hydrostatic pressure at depth.

    7. Understanding effect of ice melting on water level.

    8. Equation of continuity of liquid flow.

    9. Understanding liquid flow through varying diameters.

    10. Concepts of Bernoullis equation.

    11. Application of Bernoullis equation.



    1. Concepts of system, heat, temperature, specific heat

    capacity, conduction and thermal conductivity, convection and


    2. First Law of Thermodynamics, and Second Law of


    3. Calculating of specific heat capacity and thermal


    4. Understanding the relationship between pressure, volume

    and work.

    5. Understanding work done by a system or work done on a

    system ...of varying volume and constant pressure.


    1. Concepts of Coulomb's Law, electric

    field and electric potential.

    2. Calculating the magnitude of forces

    between two point charges.

    3. Calculating the electric field

    strength around a point charge.

    4. Calculating the electric potential of

    a charge in an electric field.

    Current electricity and Circuits

    1. Concepts of Ohms Law: relationship between current,

    voltage and resistance.

    2. Understanding series and parallel circuits.

    3. Concepts of electric power and energy.

    4. Understanding the concepts of Kirchoffs Law.



    1. Concepts of magnets: permanent, induced and


    2. Concepts of magnetism, magnetic force, magnetic field,

    magnetic induction and electromagnetism.

    3. Understanding polarity of magnets and magnetic fields

    around a bar magnet.

    4. Calculating the magnitude of force on a moving charge in

    an external magnetic field.

    5. Understanding the mechanism of induction.

    6. Calculating the direction and magnitude of force on a

    current carrying wire in an external magnetic field.

    7. Calculating the magnetic field created by current

    carrying wires.


    1. Concepts of Transverse waves: Peaks and Troughs,

    Longitudinal waves: Compression and Rarefactions, frequency,

    wavelength, period, amplitude, wave velocity, and node.

    2. Concepts of superposition of waves: constructive and

    destructive interference.

    3. Concepts of standing waves.

    4. Concepts of sound intensity, timbre, beats, and Doppler


    5. Concepts of reflection, refraction, and Snells Law.

    6. Concepts of simple harmonic motion, spring oscillator and


    7. Concepts of relative sound intensity scale.

    8. Understanding reflection and refraction of waves: Snells


    9. Calculation of the time period and frequency of simple

    Harmonic Motion.

    10. Understanding the mechanics of simple pendulum.

    11. Understanding the Doppler effect and calculating the

    apparent frequency detected when the source is in relative motion.

    Nuclear Physics

    1. Concepts of atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, atomic

    number, mass number, isotopes, and Law of conservation of



    2. Concepts of radiation: alpha particle, beta particle and

    gamma radiation, half life, nuclear fission, fission chain reaction

    and nuclear fusion.

    3. Understanding the forces within an atom and their effect

    on nuclear stability

    4. Understanding the process of different types of

    radioactive decay. Understanding the constituents, charge and

    penetrance of different types of radiation.

    5. Understanding the rate of radioactive decay is dependent

    upon half-life.

    6. Understanding nuclear fission and its role in generating

    nuclear power.

    7. Understanding the process of nuclear fusion.

    Basic Math

    1. Concepts of basic exponentials and

    basic logarithms.

    2. Understanding of linear graphs,

    exponential and inverse graphs

    3. Understanding the concepts of

    interpolation and extrapolation in graphs.

    B. Chemistry

    1. Organic Chemistry

    IUPAC nomenclature

    Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes

    1. Steric hinderance and Pi bond.

    2. Understanding that cycloalkanes

    forms bonds at angles that minimise the energy state of the


    3. Conformations of cyclohexane (boat

    and chair conformations).

    4. Conformations of alkenes and

    alkynes: understanding that steric hindrance results in cis

    isomers being less stable than trans isomer.

    Alcohols, Ethers, Aldehyde and Ketones


    1. Hydrophilic, Lipophilic and Resonance.

    2. Understanding the role of pi electrons in

    resonance and the rules of resonance.

    3. Understanding the role of H bonding in

    determining the boiling point of alcohol

    4. Understanding the change in physical

    properties of alcohols as they get larger (e.g., solubility

    in certain media, boiling point etc.)

    5. Understanding the chemical properties of

    alcohols (as Bronsted acids and bases, and as


    6. Understanding the acidity of aldehyde due

    to resonance.

    Carboxylic acid, Esters, Amines

    1. Understanding the acidity of carboxylic


    Benzene compounds

    Reaction mechanism:addition, substitution, elimination,

    redox, rearrangement


    1. Structural isomer, conformational isomer:

    Newman projections

    2. Isomers undergo inter-convertibility,

    understanding that enantiomers have identical physical

    property but different chemical reactivity.


    1. Chirality, Enantiomer, Fischer projection,

    Diastereomer, optical activity, Racemic compound and

    meso compounds.

    2. Representing compounds containing chiral carbon

    with Fischer projections.

    3. Understanding enantiomers polarise light towards

    different directions (D or L).

    4. Understanding that meso compounds are not

    optically active.


    5. Determining chiral configuration (determining R or

    S nomenclature).



    1. Determining the chirality (D or L) of


    2. Concepts of Glycosidic linkage.

    3. Understanding polysaccharides.


    1. Concepts of Triglycerides.

    2. Understanding saturated fatty acid vs unsaturated

    fatty acid.

    3. Concepts of saponification.

    4. Understanding the effect of double bonds on

    melting point and the typical phase of saturated and

    non-saturated fatty acids at room temperature.


    1. Concepts of amino acids, peptide bonds, N-

    terminal and C-terminal residue.

    2. Concepts of zwitterion and isoelectric point, and

    physical property of amino acids.

    3. Understanding that the side chains determine the

    chemical property of amino acids.

    4. Understanding peptide bonds and their role in

    protein formations.

    5. Concepts of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and

    Quaternary structure of protein.

    6. Understanding that secondary structure can be

    either alpha helix or beta sheet.

    Other lab techniques and structure determining methods

    for organic compounds

    1. Chromatography, Titration,

    2. Basic understanding of IR-UV-visible spectroscopy

    3. Basic understanding of NMR spectroscopy


    4. Basic understanding of Mass spectroscopy

    2. Physical Chemistry

    Moles and Avogadros number, Stoichiometry

    Bohr atom: speed of light, Plancks constant

    Atomic Structure

    1. Concepts of wave

    mechanical atom, Principal quantum number, Angular

    momentum quantum number, Magnetic quantum number

    and Magnetic moment of the electron.

    2. Understanding Bohr

    atom with respect to the hydrogen atom: concepts of the

    discrete atomic spectra of the hydrogen atom.

    3. Understanding the

    wave-mechanical model, orbital shapes, rules of electron


    4. Understanding the

    relationship between wavelength and frequency of

    electromagnetic radiation, and calculating the energy of

    a photon of a known frequency or wavelength.

    Periodic Table

    1. Understanding the structure of the periodic table

    with regards to electron configuration.

    2. Understanding periodic trends with regards to

    atomic radius, ionic radius, ionisation energy and


    3. Understanding the process of ionisation and the

    direction with ionisation with regards to position on the

    periodic table

    4. Understanding the effect of periodic trends on the

    strength of hydrogen halide acids

    Chemical Bonding

    1. Ionic bond, covalent bond (polar covalent bond),

    metallic bonding

    2. Intramolecular bonding: Hydrogen bonding,

    permanent dipole-dipole attractions, temporary dipole-

    dipole attractions


    3. Concepts on electrical conductivity in metals

    a. Understanding the geometrical arrangements of molecules.

    Concepts of relative strengths of different types of intermolecular forces.

    Chemical Kinetics and Chemical Equilibrium

    1. Collision theory, Transition state theory, factors affecting

    the reaction rate

    2. Understanding the factors that affect the rate of the

    reaction (i.e., orientation of the molecules and activation


    3. Understanding that reaction rate is equivalent

    quantitatively to the change in concentration of reactants and


    4. Rate Laws: Forward and Backward Reaction

    5. Understanding the factors that affect the reaction rate

    (eg. concentration, surface area of the reactants, temperature

    of the reaction)

    6. Chemical Equilibrium, Reaction quotient, equilibrium


    7. Determining the reaction quotient and calculating the

    constant of equilibrium

    8. Le Chateliers Principle

    9. Applying Le Chateliers principle to determine the

    direction of a reaction when a change occurs at equilibrium:

    change in temperature at equilibrium, change in pressure at

    equilibrium, change in volume at equilibrium, and change in

    concentration at equilibrium.

    10. Catalyst

    Concepts that catalysts decrease the time taken to reach

    equilibrium but does not change the equilibrium constant itself


    1. Standard state, Enthalpy : Endothermic reaction,

    exothermic reaction, entropy, Free energy: Gibbs Helmholtz


    2. Understanding that enthalpy change determines the heat

    of the reaction

    3. Understanding factors that influence entropy and entropy

    of reaction

    4. Calculating free energy and determining the spontaneity

    of a reaction.


    1. Ideal Gas, Boyles Law, Charless Law, Gay-Lusacs Law,

    Avogadros Law


    2. Grahams Law of Effusion, Daltons Law of Partial

    Pressures, Ideal Gas Law,

    3. Universal Gas Constant, Real Gases

    4. Understanding the differences between ideal gas and real


    5. Understanding the impact of intermolecular forces and

    molecular size on the pressure and volume of real gases

    6. Understanding the relationship between pressure,

    volume, temperature and quantity of gases

    7. Understanding the relationship between temperature,

    kinetic energy and average speed

    8. Understanding the factors that affect rate of effusion.


    1. Solid, liquid and Gases, Melting/ freezing point,

    Evaporation and Condensation, Melting and Boiling Point,

    Sublimination, Specific heat capacity, Triple point and Critical


    2. Factors that influence the phase of substances

    (temperature, pressure, and strength of intermolecular forces).

    3. Understanding the phases and changes of phases at a

    molecular level.

    4. Enthalpy and entropy changes associated with phase


    5. Calculating the energy requirements associated with

    temperature changes of substances with defined specific heat


    6. Understanding the temperature vs pressure diagrams in

    the context of phases

    7. Understanding why evaporation occurs temperature is

    below boiling point

    Solutions and Solubility

    1. Solute, Solvent, Solubility

    2. Molarity, Normality and Molality, Mole fraction

    3. Solubility product, Common ion effect

    4. Understanding that the polarity of the solvents

    determines the type of solute that dissolves

    5. Understanding that the process of dissolving can be either

    an endothermic or exothermic process

    6. Understanding the effect of temperature and pressure on

    the solubility of solids and gases

    7. Calculating ionic concentrations of a solute with a

    defined solubility product


    8. Concepts of the relationship between molality of a

    solution on the boiling and freezing points

    Acids and Bases

    1. Acid and Conjugate base, Base and conjugate acid

    2. Dissociation constant of acid, base and water

    3. Definition of pH: concepts of acidity and basicity

    4. Strong and weak acid, Strong and weak base

    5. Acid dissociation constant (Ka), pKa, Base dissociation

    constant Kb (pKb)

    6. Buffer and Titration Curve

    7. Understanding the dissociation of water and how it

    affects hydrogen and hydroxide ion concentrations

    8. Calculate pH from the hydrogen ion concentration

    9. Concepts of periodic trends on the strength of acids and


    10. Understanding factors that determine the strength of


    11. Understanding that metal hydroxides are strong bases

    while nitrogen bases are weak bases

    12. Calculating the concentration of hydrogen ions (or pH) of

    weak acids with defined pKa

    13. Relationship between base constant and acid constant

    14. Calculating the pH of weak bases



    1. Understanding of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and

    Nucleic acids.

    2. Understanding the difference in structure and function

    between carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.

    3. Understanding the role of biomolecule in cell biology.


    1. Catalyst, Activation Energy, rate of reaction.

    2. Lock-and-key model, Induced-fit model, Transition state.

    3. Michaelis-Menten Equation, Lineweaver-Burk Equation.

    4. Concepts of enzymes as biological catalyst and protein.


    5. Concepts of enzymes increase the rate of chemical

    reaction by lowering the activation energy.

    6. Understanding the induced-fit model used to explain the

    function of an enzyme.

    7. Understanding how enzymes stabilize the transition state

    of reactants.

    8. Understanding the Michaelis-Menten equation as a

    mathematical model for enzyme kinetics.

    9. Concepts of Lineweaver-Burk equation as an alternate

    way to represent Michaelis-Menten equation and enzyme



    1. Concepts of phospholipid membrane, nucleus,

    mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, golgi

    apparatus, cytoskeleton, intracellular signalling, and


    2. Understanding the structure and function of cell

    components: organelles and membranes.

    3. Understanding how cell communicates with each other

    via receptors, hormones and neurotransmitters.

    4. Understanding cellular communication involves a cascade

    intracellularly via receptors.

    5. Understanding homeostatsis at both cellular and systemic



    1. Concepts of ATP, glucose, glycolysis, Kerbs cycle,

    anerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.

    2. Understanding the role of ATP as an energy molecule.

    3. Understanding how the transfer of electrons allow for the

    transfer of energy and bonding.

    4. Understanding how glycolysis produces energy for a cell.

    5. Understanding how the Krebs cycle generates energy for

    a cell.

    6. Understanding the differences between aerobic and

    anaerobic respiration.

    Cell Nucleus


    1. Concepts of DNA, mRNA, tRNA, genes, introns, exons,

    promoters, methylation, and histone acetylation.

    2. Understanding how a gene is transcripted into mRNA.

    3. Understanding how the cell nucleus controls protein


    4. Understanding how mRNA is translated at ribosomes and

    used to synthesise proteins.

    5. Understanding the mechanism of gene regulation to

    control a cell.


    1. Understanding of G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase,

    chromosomes, and mitosis: interphase, prophase, metaphase,

    anaphase, and telophase.

    2. Understanding the stages of a cell cycle and the stages of



    1. Concepts of traits, alleles, genotype, phenotype,

    Mendelian inheritance, Homozygous, Heterozygous, Dominant

    genes, recessive genes, and Co-dominance.

    2. Understanding the concept of Mendelian inheritance,

    difference between genotype and phenotype, difference

    between homozygous and heterozygous.

    3. Concepts of dominant and recessive genes and their

    pattern of inheritance.

    4. Concepts of co-dominance of genes (eg. the ABO blood

    group system).


    1. Concepts of haploid, diploid, gametes, fertilization,

    meiosis, and homologous chromosomal pairs.

    2. Understand the gametes as formed through meiosis.

    3. Concepts of chromosomal inheritance as related to


    4. Understanding ploidy in gamete production.

    Nervous System


    1. Understanding neurons, axons, dendrites, myelin sheaths,

    synapse, and action potential.

    2. Understanding the structure and function of a neuron.

    3. Understanding how action potentials are propagated

    through a nerve.

    4. Understanding the difference and importance of

    myelinated versus unmyelinated nerve fibres.

    5. Understanding that the nervous system can be divided

    anatomically into the central and peripheral nervous systems.

    6. Understanding that the nervous system can be divided

    functionally into sensory and motor nervous system.

    7. Understanding that the motor nervous system can be

    divided into voluntary and involuntary subsystems.

    8. Understanding that the involuntary motor nervous system

    can be divided into the sympathetic nervous system and the

    parasympathetic nervous system.

    Gastrointestinal System

    1. Mouth, Oesophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Liver, Bile

    duct, Pancreas, Small intestine, Large intestine, rectum,

    digestion, Absorption, Villi, Microvilli, Hepatic Portal Vein,

    Appetite, Vitamins and Minerals.

    2. Understanding the role and function of each part of the

    digestive system.

    3. Understanding the importance of surface area for


    4. Understanding that the hepatic portal vein carries

    absorbed nutrients from the intestinal system to the liver.

    5. Understanding that fatty acids are absorbed via different


    6. Understanding how apetite is an interaction between the

    brain and digestive system, facilitated by nerves and hormones.

    7. Understanding the role of vitamins and minerals in body


    Musculoskeletal System


    1. Axial skeleton, Haversian system, PTH, Calcitonin,

    Smooth Muscle, SkeletaL system, Antagonistic muscles,

    myofibrils, sarcomere, actin, myosin, troponin, length-tension

    relationship, Preload, Afterload, Isometric contractions, Isotonic


    2. Concepts of the major bones of the body.

    3. Understanding how bones are regulated by both PTH and


    4. Identifying the major muscles of the body.

    5. Understanding how muscles are grouped functionally.

    6. Understanding the histological organisation of skeletal


    7. Understanding that the sarcomere is smallest functional

    contractile unit.

    8. Understanding how actin, myosin and troponin interact

    cyclically during sarcomere contraction.

    9. Understanding the control of sarcomere contraction by

    nerves and calcium ions.

    10. Understanding the role of preload and afterload on

    muscle contraction.

    11. Distinguish between isometric and isotonic contractions.

    Cardiovascular System

    1. Atria, Ventricles, Valves, pulmonary Circulation, Systemic

    Circulation, Arterioles, Capillaries, Venules, Veins,

    Cardiomyocytes, cardiac cycle, SA node, AV node, Purkinje

    fibres, Starling equation, Frank-Starling mechanism, Stroke

    volume, Blood pressure.

    2. Understanding the functional anatomy of the heart.

    3. Distinguish anatomically and functionally veins from


    4. Understanding the importance of pulmonary circulation,

    and systemic circulation.

    5. Understanding the intrinsic contractility of


    6. Understanding how the heart rate is controlled and


    7. Understanding how the hearts electrical signal is



    8. Understanding the net flow of fluid across the capillary

    wall is governed by the Starling equation.

    9. Understanding how changes in stroke volume can be

    accomplished by alterations in the venous return according to

    the Frank-Starling mechanism.

    10. Understanding how blood pressure is regulated via

    baroreceptors neurally and hormones (ADH and RAAS).

    Respiratory System

    1. Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs, Bronchioles, Alveoli, Negative

    Pressure, and Pulmonary Circulation.

    2. Concepts of lung volumes: tidal volume, functional

    residual capacity, inspiratory capacity, inspiratory reserve

    volume, expiratory reserve volume, residual volume, vital

    capacity, and total lung capacity.

    3. Elastance, Surfactant, Dead Space, Alveolar Gas

    Equation, ventilation, perfusion, RBC, and Haemoglobin.

    4. Concepts of haemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve.

    5. Understanding breathing mechanics and the way lungs

    work as negative pressure systems.

    6. Understanding how lungs are designed for gas exchange.

    7. Understanding how compliance and elastance of lung

    tissue affects ventilation.

    8. Understanding the role of surfactant in the alveoli and its

    significance in respiratory distress syndrome.

    9. Understanding the significance of the alveolar gas

    equation in terms of all the factors that affect alveolar pO2.

    10. Understanding how the anatomy and the vertical position

    of the lung can affect both ventilation and perfusion.

    11. Understanding the importance of RBCs in oxygen

    transport and the properties of haemoglobin in both low and high

    oxygen environments.

    12. Understanding that lungs are the primary means of

    getting rid of carbon dioxide from cellular metabolism.

    13. Understanding the integration of neural, chemical and

    sensory information in the control of respiration.

    Renal System

    1. Ureters, Medullary pyramids, Renal artery and Renal vein,

    Nephron, Interstitial fluid and Extracellular fluid, Glomerular

    filtration, Counter-current system.


    2. Understanding the functional structure of a kidney:

    cortex, calyx, renal pelvis, ureters, medullary pyramids, renal

    artery and renal vein.

    3. Understanding the function of nephron: the smallest

    functional renal unit.

    4. Understanding the role of lymphatics in draining

    interstitial fluids.

    5. Understanding the role of the kidneys in regulating the

    amount of fluid in the body.

    6. Understanding that fluid accumulation in the body signals

    poor renal function, cardiac function and fluid balance.

    7. Understanding the role of kidneys as an excretory system

    for waste products.

    8. Understanding that glomerular filtration is the first step

    in the formation of urine and the role of Starlings force.

    9. Understand how the counter-current system of the

    nephron allows for regulation of urine concentration and volume.


    1. Understanding the lymphatic, immune and endocrine

    systems of animals

    2. Understanding mechanisms governing behaviour in


    3. Understanding the requirements for plant growth

    4. Understanding photosynthesis

    5. Recognising plant responses to environmental stimuli


    6. Understanding viral replication mechanism

    7. Understanding variation in gene pool

    8. Understanding Lamarckian and Darwinian theories of


    9. Understanding the mechanism of selection

    10. Understanding the factors governing population size and

    recognising patterns of growth

    11. Understanding different form of community interaction

    (competition, symbiosis, parasitism, mutualism, mimicry,


    12. Understanding the components of an ecosystem-trophic

    levels, energy pyramids, food webs, nutrient cycling.

    13. Understanding the factors that influence the environment

    and biosphere, including climatic factors and pollution.


    Tips to Deal with Visual Stimulus Vignettes

    1. Tests your ability to visualise, analyse and mould your

    thought process in a time-effective way to arrive at the right


    2. Apart from having sound prior knowledge, smart reading

    of data provided in the vignette is required

    3. Data Interpretation comprises of flowcharts, schematic

    diagrams of metabolic pathways, circuit diagrams, graphs with

    two or more variables, experimental data with certain values

    and relevant units, organic reaction mechanisms, electronic

    transitions etc.

    4. Collate information from the vignette mentally and then

    read the questions to see which parameter or variable is dealt


    5. Graphical presentation of data is the most commonly

    seen vignette in GAMSAT Section 3.

    6. Graphs test your ability to relate variables and their

    dependency on one another. Be careful to differentiate between

    positive (direct proportionality) and negative slopes (inverse


    7. In case of reaction mechanisms, carefully observe the

    mechanistic arrows (reversible, irreversible, inhibition,

    stimulation, attack by reactive species etc).

    8. In case of graphs portraying motion or any other concept

    in Physics, observe the magnitude (in case of scalar quantities)

    and both magnitude and direction (in case of vector quantities).

    9. Think of all the probable ways in which you can relate

    the variables in the graph and then read the question to judge

    the most apt way to solve it.

    10. A three-step process to approach Data Interpretation

    questions in GAMSAT is

    i. observe

    ii. understand

    iii. interpret
