game geek issues 23

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



    Game Geek, Issue 23, Nov 2011 

    An Avalon Games Product, All righ

    reserved, Version 1.0, 2011

    All comments, suggestions and

    contacts can be made at…

    Avalon Games,

    [email protected]

    Or visit

    Avalon Games at…

    Some Game design, artwork and lay

    by Robert Hemminger

    Some art by Sade, LPJ and Art Fant


    Musing of the Avalon Stogie ...................................................................................................

    Behind the Game,

    Nova Blast part 3 ……...................................................................................................

    Coral Throne

    Chapter XV .....................................................................................................................

    Raging Swan Gaming …………………………………………………………………….…….…..

    Junkyard Wars,

    Strip #23 ……….............................................................................................................

    Avalon Pathfinder ..................................................................................................................

    Dept 13 Comic, Issue #8 ……………………………..……………………………………...…..

    Artist Spotlight ....................................................................................................................

    Fiction by Danielle Ackley-McPhail  .........................…………………………………….…..

    Multi-Verse …………,,,…….…………....................................................................................Geek Profile ………………………………………………………………………………………….

    Battle Axe …….……….….......................................................................................................

    Arcana …………………………………………………………………………………………….…

    Reviews ..................................................................................................................................

    Cool Stuff ................................................................................................................................

    Whats New ............................................................................................................................

    Free Stuff ………………………………………………………………………………..……….…. 

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    Nova Blast Preview

    Part 3


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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    Coral Throne

    Chapter XV

    sadora put down the book she was reading and stretched

    her arms above her head. The sun was hot, but a nicebreeze was blowing off the sea. The balcony had

    become her private space about the palace, her refuge of

    orts. She had been sitting here for over a week now,

    eading, relaxing and growing more and more bored.

    Standing up she walked over to the railing and looked

    out to the sea before her. Ships lay in anchor about the

    harbor and near the great white wall that guarded the

    city's port. One of those ships was Sammual's. He was

    off doing some sort of inspection today. Things were

    better now she thought, their little struggle over between

    hem. Hells they had even gotten to make love again.

    She was glad for it to all be over, she did not like him

    being mad at her, nor her returning that anger.

    Walking back into the apartment she looked around for

    omething to do; bored she looked at the diary of lord

    Aribum in her hand, he was the architect that had first

    built the palace. She had been pouring through his

    houghts and daily activities those long years ago, she

    having spent several days now reading his diary. Aribum

    was an impressive man, one of deep loves and passions,

    but also a bit stubborn, most of the dairy dealt with his

    daily struggles with the long dead king of that age and

    he king's many demands for new features to be added to

    he palace. Seems the king was a bit unreasonable in his

    demands for domes and towers, which it seemed were all

    he rage at the time. Aribum wanted a more functional

    palace, one that could be used as a fortress in times of

    need. Course in the end Aribum had given up and let the

    king have his way, adding several towers and the great

    central dome over the main palace structure.

    Isadora also seemed too gather from the writing that th

    lord architect also has a secret plan in the works. He

    never came outright and said what it was, but she

    gathered there was a secret construction under the pala

    meant for some other, as yet un-guessed at need. She

    was convinced that this was what Lessiter was after in

    his search at the library. She now meant to find this

    hidden maze of tunnels and vaults under the palace.

    Taking a deep breath Isadora made up her mind. “Yesknow, I promised to stay out of trouble,” she said out

    loud as she dropped the book onto the bed. Still she

    could not just stand around this apartment all day,

    everyday. She needed to be out doing something, eve

    it was just snooping about the palace basements. Putt

    her boots on Isadora left the room, closing the door

    behind her and walking down the hallways. She offer

    a friendly greeting to Douglas, one of the guards, as sh

    walked by. He managed a simple hello as a replying.

    This was a bit of a surprised; as Isadora had been talki

    to the young man for a week now and just today shefinally got him to say something. Given enough effor

    her part she thought she might get two words out of hi

    by the end of the year. Moving on Isadora made her w

    down the stairs, smiling and offering a little greeting t

    all she came upon. Most of the servants and

    guardsmen had begun to return the gesture, some even

    with a genuine smile of their own as she past.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    “You city boys fight much to nice,” she commented


    Maxis stood there a moment, catching his breath. It

    was clear that he had underestimated her skills; a

    resolved look then came over him. He moved in once

    more, ready to trade blows with her, but also ready for

    another of her rolling attacks. Isadora walked in a slow

    circle to the left, her blade held low; the blade's tip

    tracing an invisible line on the floor. One hand was onher hip, swaying with each move as she rolled on the

    balls of her feet to stay nimble. As she moved in this

    way her hips bounce in just the right manner, bringing

    a sultry swagger to her walk. She had used sex before

    to win a fight, allowing a flash of breast or the rolling

    of her hips to distract a man from his deadly work.

    Finally Isadora had given Maxis enough time to have

    his fill of looking and then came at him fast, bringing

    her blade up in a swift, sweeping attack. Her move

    was quick and almost caught Maxis off guard. He was

    able though to block the attack and returned with ashort thrust of his own. She knocked the attack away

    with her hand and continued on with her own assault.

    They stood there, trading attacks, parries, feints and

    counters. Each drew apart and then returned, blades

    flashing faster and blows becoming more intense.

    Their guards locked at one point bringing them in close

    together, face to face. This placed Maxis at an

    advantage, his greater strength now a part of the


    “You fight well,” he said to her in a low whisper asthey struggled. He was trying to bare her down with

    the guards locked, meanwhile Isadora was trying to

    move a foot around to trip him.

    “I was trained to protect what I love,” Isadora returned

    in a whisper of her own. Thrusting hard she broke the

    contact and danced back, out of the way. Maxis began

    to circle to the right, seeking an opening, he seeming to

    have her measure now and looking to be ready to score

    his own points soon. Isadora played on this

    confidence, holding her own guard lower, acting tiredand timid. Moving to try and keep pace with the large

    man, she dropped her guard lower still, drawing him in.

    Maxis smiled at her ploy and shock his head no.

    Isadora winked in return and raised her guard once

    more, looking for a new avenue of attack.

    Maxis came at her once more, but she fiend a trip and

    began to fall. He thought it another ploy, one of her

    rolling attacks, and so moved to the right, out of the

    way as she knew he would. Carrying on with the

    motion of her fake fall Isadora shift her right foot and

    gather herself up, springing forward, low and under

    Maxis' guard. Caught off guard once more he tried to

    push her sword's tip away. She had no intention yet of

    striking a blow thought, and instead hooked her foot

    around his ankle. Spinning she tripped the large man,

    using her own movement to push herself against him,

    sending him down with a thud. Maxis found himselfsitting there on the wooden dueling floor, his sword lyin

    next to him, he looking up as Isadora's blade dancing

    before his eyes.

    “Point and match,” called Jon, many of the men gathere

    clapping now at the display of northern fighting skill an


    Maxis smiled. “I dislike losing, even in friendly fights,

    he offered, saying a small magical word. Isadora cried

    out as the word rolled off of Maxis' lips. The sword in hand glowed hot and bright, forcing Isadora to drop the

    blade, clutching her scorched hand. As she tried to jum

    back, Maxis' leg shot out and caught about her foot,

    tripped her down on top of him. They rolled across the

    floor each trying to gain the advantage. Isadora though

    recovered faster and ended the contest with her sitting

    saddled over him, her dagger out and held against his

    throat. Leaning down she whispered into Maxis' ear as

    Jon and the other moved to pull them apart. “I always

    win when it come to guarding the lives of those I love.

    Remember that next time you try to kill my man.”

    Standing as Jon reached for her, Isadora bowing with a

    flourish and smiled. “I hope you gentlemen enjoyed th


    Jon and the other clapped as another officer helped Max

    to his feet. They all then bow to her; a show of respect

    even Maxis dipped his head, acknowledging her superi

    skill with a sword.


    “By all the hells, can't you behave yourself!” Called

    Sammual as Isadora sat in the cool tub of water. She ha

    returned after the duel with Maxis to wash, hot and

    sweaty after the encounter. Sammual had burst in whil

    she was washing her hair.

    “What?” Isadora asked, the wet soap in her eyes.


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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    Avalon Games/Avenger Presents

    Book 1: Background and Spacecraft Far Avalon

    Requires the use of the Traveller TM  Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Publishing

    Avalon Games/Avenger Presents

    Book 3: Conversion for  

    Far Avalon

    Requires the use of the Traveller TM  Main Rulebook, available from Mongoose Pub

    Avalon Games/Avenger Presents

    Far AvalonBook 2: Star Systems

    Requires the use of the Traveller TM  Main Rulebook, available fr om Mongoose Publishing


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    Raging Swam Gaming


    Creighton Broadhurst








































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    Told ya all I had

    to do was point

    and shot.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    !"#$%& ($)*+


    Ramsey “Tome Wyrm” Lundock

    !" $%%&'&(" '( %)')*+&"&", -)*.("$/&'01 )$23 $.'*(/(,&2$/ .&," &. $..(2&$')% 4&'3 $

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



    Bad Baby Productions, 2011 Art and Story by Robert Hemm

    You can't do this.

    Those horrors will

    destroy the world.

    Yes they will and when

    they have filled their

    bellies with the life force

    of this pitiful globe, then

    and only then will they

    destroy me.

    You want then to

    eat you?

    Yes, it is the only

    way to end my



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    The leiche of the Fifth Reich were created

    through a series of experiments designed by the

    monster Hitler. The devices trap the soul within

    the body and impart a magical forcing binding

    them for eternity. 

    The ritual binding causes much discomfort to the leiche

    and they are in great pain for as long as they remain thisway, motivating them to find the means to bring forth

    the Elder Gods and end their torment.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    They fell from the stars, exiled from their

    home by powers much greater and


    We need



    And it will come my

    dear, be patient.

    Think of it Professor, the nightmare

    which lies behind has waited eons to

    walk among us once more.

    Here they were gods, hungry gods. Their

    foes sought to stop their endless feast and

    imprisoned these dark gods behind the

    gateways to limbo.

    Now I will release

    them once more

    upon the world.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



    Throw the




  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23





    We stopped the

    Nazis' my dear and


    I will have my

    revenge Professor,

    trust me I will see

    you and your Dept13 crushed under

    my boot.

    Wow wha

    a mess.

    Yes, but we have won

    this battle. 


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    Chantal FournierWe have some great art for you this month from yet another great artist.


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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    Chantal is an up-and-coming Canadian illus

    with a solid commercial artist background. S

    has always been a fan of fantasy and sci-fi g

    so far as in coloring her Fighting Fantasy

    adventure books. Her portfolio of water-col

    fantasy got her into a video-game school, an

    hasn't looked back from digital painting sinc

    In order to stay on top of her game, she's

    attended several workshops, including Mass

    Black and several Illustration Master Class

    with the likes of James Gurney, Iain McCai

    Adam Rex, Scott Fischer and Rebecca Guay

    also very active in the art community; at con

    forums and she loves answering questions o

    blog Qitsune ( http://qitsune.wordpress.c

    For more examples on card designs, books

    covers and RPG art, drop by her website at

     Her next event is the Illuxcon in Altoona Pe

    sylvannia the first week-end of Nov 2011.


    Some links :


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23




  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    "#$ %&'( )$** +#,-.*/ %'0$ +,0$ ,& +#$ &,1#+ '& +#$ (23$% +#2+ #,4 +#$ '*4 ('5*4 '6+ ') %,1#+7 "#$ 8$$9

    :&$% '&-$ #602& 5$0$0;$5$4 (#$& +#,% %$2%'& ')

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    The Forest of A Thousand Lost Souls

    (previously published in No Longer Dreams,

    Lite Circle Books, 2005)


    Danielle Ackley-McPhail

    A good general does not allow the enemy to select the

    field of battle. I am thought by others to be the best. I

    should have tried much harder…


    t was autumn as my battalions gathered on the field at

    Asculus, a barren plain wedged between the

    mountains and the sea. Surrounding valleys bore the

    bristling signs of successful harvest; our current

    raining ground had seen such spilt blood in its long

    history as to never be free of the sown salt. In the

    ummer's heat, the scent still rose from the soil,

    peaking to us rousingly of battle. It was marked for

    he business of war. For that, we prepared.

    The Enemy threatened from the Savage Lands. Our

    mperor summoned his forces. We were not the only

    oldiers to so assemble, but we were his chosen. We

    would lead the fray. Each day, proud young faces

    filled out the ranks and, for me, the sun lost that much

    more of its brilliance with each one. I did not allow

    myself to wonder which of them would fall in the

    battles to come; instead, I dedicated myself to honing

    hem into a lethal force. They must follow my lead

    without question, for I would see the next harvest, and

    many more to come; the same could not necessarily be

    aid for them. There was no doubt I would burn more

    han a third of my forces on assorted pyres before the

    planted fields were once again ripe, and that only if I

    were lucky. I expected it would be more.

    What melancholy had crept into my heart? I mourned

    my dead too soon and did not do justice to my men.

    Yet how could it be otherwise? In the darkest hours of

    night, I felt torment at the knowledge that I led so

    many young men to die. I have been an officer a very

    ong time.

    forced the darkness from me. Climbing the wooden

    dais, I moved to the spot left clear for me, standing

    houlder to shoulder with my captains. Silence


    “Who are you?” I challenged them, as I have

    ountless troops before.

    “General, we are the Emperor's Elite!” Their voices ro

    in precise unison and I allowed myself a moment of pr

    These warriors would serve well. The strength in their

    response flooded me, charging the blood in my veins w

    added vigor. It gave me confidence we were invincible

    earlier doubts forgotten.

     “And how shall you fight?” I continued, keeping my t

    outwardly neutral.

     “We will fight with His might…. We will fight with H

    valor…. Our courage is His.”

    I waited a pause before continuing, allowing them to

    settled down from their fervor.

     “Your emperor has summoned you to war and I am he

    to see you ready to vanquish the enemy. Your first less

    Forget the songs you have heard sung of glorious battl

    Heroes are not made in war, but created after, by those

    who have no concept of its horror.” The faces lifted upme were filled with awe. My men marveled at the stren

    of my words. Little did they know, as much as I spoke

    them, I spoke to myself. “Look to the men before and

    either side of you…turn and seek the faces of those at

    back…these are your brothers, and as they stand besid

    you, so you stand beside them.

    “Do not forget this from now forward: the praise or

    damnation of those at home holds no true weight, now

    ever, what matters is that those that surround you at th

    moment will share your triumph and horror alike; carewhat they think and know that if you respect your oath

    them…to me, you will have acted honorably. That is th

    most each of us can hope for, for in the end, it is the on

    thing with meaning. They will make you heroes, but y

    will make yourself worthy.” The shadows in my mind

    taunted me, denying everything I said. I ruthlessly sub



    The following weeks were spent in zealous training, msoldiers excelling at every task. Yet I pushed them eve

    harder, honing their skills beyond proficiency to

    perfection. I had no choice. The emperor's scouts had

    brought back messages of movement among the enem

    forces. Soon we would all see battle.

    But this was not what chilled my blood and shivered d

    my spine. Night by night a misty escort accompanied m

    into sleep, betrayed by a shadow, the muted echo of

    languidly beating wings, a sudden cackle, a shrilling



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    I ignored the confused and angry flush of half the sergea

    surrounding me. They wondered what rode me. I wonde

    as well, but I forced myself not to care. I would not have

    even one recruit fall because we failed to train them well

    If their pride was scored, let them renew their efforts to

    prepare the men as best they could.

    My blood pulsed like a caged beast seeking escape as I

    continued to tour the ranks. My eyes took on a wild glin

    and my breathing grew harsh. Everywhere faces

    confronted me from my dreams. Passing each one, a

    fleeting image of their dream-deaths cloaked their featur

    in gruesome effigy. Throats slashed to the bone, eyes

    dangling wetly from their sockets, blood welling from

    mouths even now calling out the training chants that

    continued to fill my ears with unfailing precision. The

    vicious mocking did not end.

    I felt cornered. Each step I took, I was followed by

    haunting whispers, venomous and faint; ghostly screams

    floated on the breeze, apparently for me alone. My teeth

    clenched on an answering groan and it was all I could do

    keep myself from whirling around in an attempt to spy w

    taunted me.

    Was this madness? Growling, my heart sought the darkn

    within. I would wrestle it down and raze it from my bein

    Shooting a look at my second in command, I left the fielto him, stalking off towards the shore to war with my



    The blue-grey sand sparkled like crushed gems in the

    dying light of day. I had not realized the lateness of the

    hour. How much better I understood my restlessness. I h

    lost all desire for sleep, though not the need.

    I had managed to work up a thick sheen of sweat in pacimy men. Taking myself to the water's edge, I reached do

    to scoop up a bit of the incoming wave. Raising it, I stay

    my hand mere moments from dousing my head; a shado

    crept across the sun, stealing its brilliance, muting its

    setting glory, and a whispering flutter of leathery wings

    danced around the edge of my hearing. I trembled witho


    ew nightmares came to me each time I sought rest.

    orn by the biting wind off of the sea, they wreathed

    my slumber in terror and torment and ecstasy. Images

    f battle…of death…my men spread like dead flies

    pon the ground. Over and over I watched them, both

    aunted-eyed soldiers and fresh young faces not yet

    carred by battle; all turned their gaze toward foreign

    hores. Their trust in me was complete. Their trust in

    me was damning. In the darkness of my own mind, I

    atched my men die, savaged by a faceless enemy,eir entrails strewn about countless battlefields, their

    feless eyes trailing me accusingly as I picked my way

    ver their corpses and waded through mud made black

    ith their shed blood.

    My dream-self ever closed its eyes, but the images

    ould not be shut out. Neither could the screams. It was

    e torment of souls consumed with terror, agony

    nleashed in endless shivering waves.

    ach morning I woke atremble, my eyes hollow pits

    nd my skin pale beneath its soldier's weathering.

    More times than I can count, I woke at my own cry, “I

    ave failed them, they are all dead!”

    nly my aide knows of this, and his dedication keeps

    m silent.

    struggled to put my unease from me. My troops may

    ave been the chosen of the emperor, but their own

    xcellence has kept them here. I have not trained them

    die. The dreams were nothing but doubts

    manifested…unreasonable doubts. Among the ranks, I

    marched like a demon possessed, my countenance

    erce and my temperament demanding, while inside

    my heart died a little more. My forces were pushed to

    xcel at every skill put to them. I watched on, a not-so-

    lent goad, and even my captains did not know which

    fear more: our uncertain future, or me.

    You're overextending, Thalon…Get your stance back

    line, find your center and do not stray from it; our

    oe will not be as forgiving as Ghin here is.” My words

    ere stern but encouraging as I addressed my aide. I

    ngered a moment, to watch his next attempt, or so I

    tended until I spied another among the ranks, his gear

    n affront to my warrior's sensibilities.

    rief flashes of my nightmares swiftly rose up at the

    ght, until I barked and snapped most ferociously at

    e man, “Your armor is an outrage, soldier, who taught

    ou such inept care must wish you dead, or you've a

    ish all your own to gain the other side. I want each

    ate repaired, in order, and properly assembled before

    ou seek your pallet tonight!”


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    The reflection of this thing haunted my sleep, the broken

    bodies of my men scattered like grains of rice at its feet.

    size alone would have make me quail, though it galled m

    to admit it even to myself…but the sight of the lethal cla

    biting into the rune-covered pedestal it perched upon lef

    me shaken as my mind easily calculated their likely leng

    I could well imagine what a natural complement ofweapons such as these could do to my men.

    Yet even with all of this, it was the massive wings folded

    cloak-like down the creature's back that told me I had sp

    my demon at last.

    The wind sniggered yet again and my fury returned

    full-force, banishing my doubt. With a swift swoop, I

    cupped my hand under the wet sand where the idol

    sat-nothing could bring me to touch the hateful thing

    directly-and rising, drew back my arm and flung thehandful back into the sea.

    Only as it disappeared from sight did I notice what could

    only be the fierce dragon prows favored by the Empire's

    mortal enemy, just now rising from the horizon. The eve

    battle was upon us. I knew both thrill and fear.

    I could feel the wing-whipped wind howl at my back as

    stalked away. My very soul quaked as it encompassed m

    watched in horror as it reflected my image back at me, u

    I no longer recognized the man staring back.


    “Rise up!” I bellowed loudly as I entered the camp, my

    expression grim as I took the sentries by surprise. Quick

    anger heated my words and my eyes flashed cold,

    glimmering briefly with a green glow in the dark, if only

    for a moment. They would pay later for their inattention

    For now, dawn was mere hours away, and I intended we

    would be on the march long before the sun lit the sky. “F

    out and formation in fifteen!”

    Officers aligned themselves beside their squads and

    battalions with precision. Without a word, I stood before

    them as my aide dressed me in my armor. I forced my ey

    not to follow the hulking shadows that darted among the

    ranks. Ever since my slumber on the beach I had images

    add to my torment. They taunted me as I addressed my


    he voices now were deep and rumbling. They did not

    ouble themselves to hide on the fringes of my

    oughts…they didn't bother to tease and taunt…. The

    ices called me forth from my sleep.

    h-nglui mglw'nafh Cthulu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn…

    hulu fhtagn

    bberish, complete gibberish. But that did not stop my

    ood from turning to ice. I fought the compulsion to

    peat the phrase. To let the words fall off my tongue as

    ey desired to. What did it mean? Relentless…

    minous… I could not evade the dread those words

    oked in me, regardless of my inability to comprehend


    pening my eyes, some oddity of the moonlight cast a

    een glow upon the water. It quickly faded, as I

    inked away the sleep. All save in one spot. Rearing upto my knees, I stared at the glowing depression in the

    nd. The moon was not full and did not offer enough

    ht for me to distinguish what rested there.

    hat I should not have seen called to me in sibilant

    hispers, speaking to my soul. The promises were both

    rrific and tempting, again offering me the terror and

    rment and ecstasy of my dreams. The darkness in my

    art trembled eagerly. The rest of me cringed away.

    ouching in the sands, my sensibilities rebelled. My

    nd shook as I did battle with it. The dream visions of

    e weeks past rose again unbidden as I lost my struggle

    d tentatively reached out, not quite brushing the

    avy, gold-swirled statue cradled in the sand before

    e. The cold intensified before my skin even touched

    e stygian darkness of the unknown mineral. Revulsion

    ipped me and my stomach rebelled like a raw re-

    uit's. My soul took one step back from damnation.

    aring up at me, coldly calculating, was a hand-high

    atuette washed ashore by the treacherous waves. A

    ir of dark, depthless eyes perched above tentacles that

    ve the illusion of being poised to lash out at me. A

    lf remembered dream image told me they would be

    icker than my well-muscled thigh, my waist even,

    ere this creature to stand before me…or, I should say,

    er me. The head, in proportion, was enormous and

    aped as a familiar creature from the sea, only attached

    a powerful body that would dwarf my own several

    mes over, once again, were we face to face.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    A solitary scout crept onto the plain, stopping at the edges of my assembly, circling, but going no deeper. His face w

    paler than the moon as I watched him wheel abruptly and lope away, straight back to his commander.

    “They are all dead, sir, slaughtered in their ranks.” His voice trembled and I wondered that I could hear him at all, b

    t didn't matter. My satisfaction grew as I heard mutters of “cursed land” and “ill omens.” I knew the thrill of triump

    as the enemy forces turned about and marched away with haste. The field was ours; the enemy would not stand agai


    I took my place in the Forest of a Thousand and One Lost Souls, my head thrown back in a cry of ecstasy, my bare

    bones gleaming in the weak light that occasionally broke through the clouds. I am larger than life…a legend, mymighty sword a monolith beside me, my head thrown back in a cry of terror.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    "Now available on Kindle

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



    Sokuja MercsHere is a new character for your Zero-G games...


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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    His favorite company of choice may be

    dead, and for that matter the computegame almost killed his hobby, but the

    Avalon Hill Geek can still be found hereand there. Older and wiser, he still tries

    to get younger gamers into the hobby,“Look, its called Tactics II, it’s a classic,

    lets give it a try.” Still the newer breedof gamers just don’t like all those card

    board counters and dumb ass map

    boards, they grew up with World ofWar craft and first person shooters, so

    the old stuff just doesn’t get it for them.

    Still he goes on, the love for SquadLeader still strong, the occasional

    diplomacy game still something to lookforward to. Sort of sad in a away.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    !"# %&'&(# )* +,-

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    RPGNow, E-23,


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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23





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    '3).) &" $

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



    Heraldry of G imm lo r  


    Vulmith Timmilo


    Qun Farth 




  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    Become Fan of Avalon

    Games and join our

    Newsletter. In each issue we

    offer insights into Avalon

    Games, the people that make

    t a great little publisher and

    all sorts of free stuff, special

    offers and access to Fan

    pecial Edition products. Go

    to our web site at, and

    sign up.

    !"#$ &'()' *'+#$

    !""#$%&'() +,-. "#$

    /0$#12)$ 3&4).

    !5&6(&'() &0

    ,$65)78$9:+3 &1% +&6;#<

    Take a moon lit walk with Avalon and have a great time.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



    By Megan Robertson

    The Forgotten Tomb of Felgar the Goblin King

    bySuper Genius Games

    Was there a time when goblins were not vermin

    worthy only of immediate extermination? In this

    adventure, characters attempt to delve into goblin

    history on the trail of a great leader who stood

    proud amongst the other fantasy races. Written forlow level (2-5) characters, intended to fill but a

    single evening and accompanied with all you might

    need by way of resources - tactical maps, monster

    summary cards, battlemaps and monster 'standees' -

    this scenario seeks the truth about the past.

    The adventure itself starts quite abruptly with the

    characters entering a goblin ritual site and

    disturbing the ceremony in progress. How you get

    them there is up to you, one suggestion is that

    locals of other races have asked for help in clearingthe goblins out. Naturally, goblins don't like being

    disturbed at their devotions any more than other

    worshippers do, and an unseemly brawl is likely to

    develop. Fate will, at that point, take a hand as the

    chief priest calls upon his deity to intervene... a

    delightful moment which I won't spoil by

    explaining what does happen!

    In true archaeological style, this ritual site is not

    new, with successive layers of use to explore,

    moving back through goblin history, before thatlong-lost tomb is finally found. But is that treasure

    cursed? Tamper, and the characters may find out...

    Everything is presented clearly, and the adventure

    should run smoothly with minimal preparation

    beyound some printing and cutting-out of the

    battlemap tiles and monster 'standees' - much nicer

    than tokens, especially if your players like to use

    miniatures to represent their characters in combat.

    Whilst a straightforward 'dungeon delve' on theface of it, this is a neatly-crafted adventure that

    should make a memorable one-off or interlude in a

    campaign, perhaps revealing a little of the ancient

    history of your setting or posing some interesting

    questions for more reflective characters, or even

    launching a career as tomb raiders, ahem,

    archaeologists for characters for whom that would

    be of interest.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    Cool Stuff 100 Bullets

    I’m not much of a crime or Noir reader, but this series ofcomics caught my eye and so I picked up the fist graphic

    novel of 100 bullets. Wow what a great treat and some

    rally gritty artwork. As the series grows so to does the

    depth of the story, the art also continues to evolve,

    becoming better and better as the series goes. By the last

    book, you are hooked.

    One of the best that comics has to offer, you can’t go

    wrong with this one.

    You can get started right here with the first book…



     !"# %&'&()* !"# +,-'* ./&( 0,12)'/3*

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23



    Want to play a lion barbarians or a dog

    super spy, well now you can. Animorphsoffer you template for your Pathfinder

    game which allows players and GMs to

    run just about any for of furry character.

    Cat mages and wolf spacers are here.


    APMR 2 this month will expand the rule

    system to include mass combat, so buildyour armies and go to war with this great

    game engine.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


      Plant MagicBy

    Jennifer Seiden

    Vol 1, Issue #11

    Botany and spell-casting are old friends, many plants

    having sympathetic powers all on their own. They

    are likely ingredients in many of the potions and

     brews used in Pathfinder, and some are considered

    capable of banishing undead, protecting from evil, or

    stopping lightning without any preparation


    Hedge magic or witchery is a form of magic thatuses very little in the way of reading off scrolls or

    memorizing spells. Rather the hedge-witch, shaman,

    herbalist, or wise-person uses sympathetic magic to

    influence the powers-that-be. It is likely that nearly

    every party member will have some knowledge of

    hedge magic, from carrying a four-leaf clover for

    good luck to using a rose in a love spell.

    This is a shortened list of possible plants that can be

    utilized for a variety of purposes, either by the Player

    Characters or against them.

    More art this month with new Clip art,

    characters and counter sets. No month

    goes by that Avalon does not offer you

    great art at a great price

    Of course we have new Avalon Pathfind-

    ers, with a new adventure, encounter,

    treasure and magic this month.

    This month Avalon along side Avengerwill be releasing the Far Avalon Sci-Fi n

    setting. A great hard science game with a

    ton of fun built in, you can’t go wrong

    with this product line.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    " specializes in downloadable paper (card) models for

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    means you can buy with confidence from Ecardmodels. Securely pay wit

    Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, or by check/money order.

     We invite you to browse our catalog and see what we have to offer. We

    currently have 60 free models available, so if you've never tried paper

    modeling before, find something that interests you and give it a try! We

    hink you'll be impressed with our selection and service! And please regist

    for our free, bi-monthly newsletter! "


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


    Book Two


    Book One


    Lets You Have It With Both Barrels!



    Book Three


    Series features stories by science fiction greats such as:

     Jack Campbell/John G. Hemry, Jack McDevitt, John C. Wright, Brenda Cooper,

    Bud Sparhawk, Charles E. Gannon, Lisanne Norman, Lawrence M. Schoen, Maria V.

    Snyder, Deborah Teramis Christian, Andy Remic, Lee C. Hillman, Jonathan Maberry, Judi Fleming, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Patrick Thomas, Phoebe Wray, James Chambers,

     Jeffrey Lyman, S.A. Bolich, James Daniel Ross, Nancy Jane Moore, Tony Ruggiero,

     Ann Wilkes, Kimberley Long-Ewing, Robert E. Waters, Jennifer Brozek, Laurie Gailunas,

     Jeff Young, and C.J. Henderson

    “Iit’s easy to imagine yourself at the off-base bar on a deep-space transfer station,

    overhearing the tales of passing space marines, naval officers, and assorted other soldiers.

    If you enjoy a well-told story in the military SF genre, this is the book for you.” 

    —Don Sakers, Analog 

    Introducing Books Three and Four in the Award-Winning

    Defending the Future Anthology Series

    Book Four



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 23


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    terms herein and fail to cure such breach

    within 30 days of becoming aware of the

    breach. All sublicenses shall survive the t

    mination of this License.

    14. Reformation: If any provision of this

    License is held to be unenforceable, such

    provision shall be reformed only to the ex

    tent necessary to make it enforceable.

    15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game

    License v 1.0a Copyright 2000,

    Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Refere

    Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of th

    Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Mo

    Cook, Skip Williams, based on material b

    E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Path-

    finder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 20

    Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bu

    mahn, based on material by Jonathan Twe

    Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. The Booof Experimental Might. Copyright 2008,

    Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Tome

    Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer

    Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with

    Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baa

    Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale

    Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, an

    Bill Webb; Based on original content from

    TSR. Class options Volume2: Paladins Pr

    vail, Copyright 2009, Reality Deviant Pub

    cations, author Stefen Styrsk


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    All games available at

    (Click on the name to visit their site)


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    Avalon is a proud participant of Kiva,

    making loans that change lives.


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    Avalon’s premier game system the S&G battle system allows you to play skirmish level

    engagements, and do so with a fast, easy to learn system that also allows for endless

    expansions and genres. With S&G you can fight battles between fantasy based elves and

    orcs, or blast off into the cold hard future with space marines and aliens.






    Weapons and Armor

    Weapons As mod Damage mod Notes____

    Scimitar -1 +1 -

    Dagger +0 -1 -

    Warlord Grom

    Special Abilities



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    “Fantastic artwork, wonderfully created and well thought outas well as a beautiful addition to any fantasy RPG.”