gambaran klinis demam tifoid bervariasi dari gejala

Demam tifoid merupakan masalah kesehatan global. Dampak demam tifoid yang sebenarnya sulit diperkirakan karena gambaran klinis biasanya tersamarkan dengan penyakit demam infeksi lainnya. Selain itu, penyakit Typhoid fever is a global health problem. Its real impact is difficult to estimate because the clinical picture is confused with those of many other febrile infections. Additionally, the disease is underestimated because there are no bacteriology laboratories in most areas of developing countries. These factors are believed to result in many cases going undiagnosed. On the basis of the literature (2, 3) and the incidence of typhoid fever recorded in control groups in large vaccine field trials with good laboratory support it has been estimated that approximately 17 million cases of typhoid fever and 600 000 associated deaths occur annually (4). However, the estimates have been biased because study populations have usually been in areas of high incidence. Furthermore, these estimates of burden relate to the clinical syndrome of typhoid fever but not to S. typhi exposure. Since the prevalence of bacteraemia in febrile children is quite high (2_3%) in areas of endemicity it is suggested that exposure to the bacteria is higher than indicated by the figures that are based solely on the clinical syndrome of typhoid fever. The incidence of the disease in areas of endemicity may resemble the incidences observed in control groups in large vaccine field trials, viz. between 45 per 100 000 per year and over 1000 per 100 000 per year. Preliminary results from recent studies conducted in Bangladesh by ICDDR,B show an incidence of approximately 2000 per 100 000 per year. Typhoid fever also has a very high social and economic impact because of the hospitalization of patients with acute disease and the complications and loss of

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gamabaran klinis demam typhoid


Page 1: Gambaran Klinis Demam Tifoid Bervariasi Dari Gejala

Demam tifoid merupakan masalah kesehatan global. Dampak demam tifoid yang sebenarnya sulit diperkirakan karena gambaran klinis biasanya tersamarkan dengan penyakit demam infeksi lainnya. Selain itu, penyakit Typhoid fever is a global health problem. Its real impact is difficult to estimate becausethe clinical picture is confused with those of many other febrile infections. Additionally,the disease is underestimated because there are no bacteriology laboratories in mostareas of developing countries. These factors are believed to result in many cases goingundiagnosed. On the basis of the literature (2, 3) and the incidence of typhoid feverrecorded in control groups in large vaccine field trials with good laboratory support ithas been estimated that approximately 17 million cases of typhoid fever and 600 000associated deaths occur annually (4). However, the estimates have been biased becausestudy populations have usually been in areas of high incidence. Furthermore, theseestimates of burden relate to the clinical syndrome of typhoid fever but not to S. typhiexposure. Since the prevalence of bacteraemia in febrile children is quite high (2_3%)in areas of endemicity it is suggested that exposure to the bacteria is higher than indicatedby the figures that are based solely on the clinical syndrome of typhoid fever.The incidence of the disease in areas of endemicity may resemble the incidencesobserved in control groups in large vaccine field trials, viz. between 45 per 100 000per year and over 1000 per 100 000 per year. Preliminary results from recent studiesconducted in Bangladesh by ICDDR,B show an incidence of approximately 2000 per100 000 per year. Typhoid fever also has a very high social and economic impact becauseof the hospitalization of patients with acute disease and the complications and loss ofincome attributable to the duration of the clinical illness (5). It is important to notethat reports from some provinces in China and Pakistan have indicated more cases ofparatyphoid fever caused by S. paratyphi A than by S. typhi.

Gambaran klinis demam tifoid bervariasi dari gejala – gejala ringan dengan demam yang tidak

terlalu tinggi, malaise, dan sedikit batuk kering, hingga gejala klinis yang berat disertai dengan

perut yang tidak nyaman dan berbagai macam komplikasi. Beberapa faktor mempengaruhi berat

dan outcome dari penyakit infeksi tersebut. Dalam hal ini, termasuk durasi penyakit sebelum

mulainya terapi, pemilihan jenis antimikroba, usia, riwayat vaksinasi ddan penyakit sebelumnya,

Page 2: Gambaran Klinis Demam Tifoid Bervariasi Dari Gejala

virulensi strain bakteri, kuantitas inokulum yang teringesti, faktor host (pasien dengan

imunosupresi) dan apakah individu tersebut sedang mengkonsumsi medikasi tertentu, seperti H2

blockers atau antasida yang dapat menurunkan asam lambung.

Demam tifoid akut tanpa komplikasi ditandai dengan adanya demam yang lama,

gangguan fungsi pencernaan (konstipasi pada orang dewasa, diare pada anak-anak), sakit kepala,

malaise, dan anoreksia. Batuk kering biasanya sering didapatkan pada stadium awal penyakit.

Selama periode demam, sekitar 25% pasien menunjukan adanya exanthema (rose spots) di dada,

perut, dan punggung.

Demam tifoid akut dengan komplikasi ditandai dengan gejala yang lebih berat. Sekitar

10% pasien demam tifoid dapat mengalami komplikasi tergantung keadaan klinis dan kualitas

fasilitas kesehatan. Oleh sebab jaringan limfoid organ pencernaan menunjukan jenis patologi

yang menonjol, adanya occult blood (darah tersamar di feces pada sekitar 10-20% pasien, dan

sekitar 3% pasien mengalami melena. Perforasi usus telah dilaporkan pada sekitar 3% kasus di

rumah sakit. Rasa tidak nyaman di perut meningkat, dan biasanya terbatas pada kuadran kanan

bawah, namun dapat pula bersifat menyeluruh. Gejala dan tanda perforasi usus dan peritonitis

kadang dapat dijumpai, disertai dengan peningkatan frekuensi nadi, hipotensi, nyeri perut, nyeri

lepas perut, dan kekakuan perut. Peningkatan jumlah hitung sel darah putih dengan perpindahan

ke kiri, serta adanya gambaran udara bebas pada foto radiologis abdomen dapat pula ditemukan.

Penurunan kesadaran pada pasien demam tifoid berhubungan dengan angka kematian

yang tinggi. Pasien tersebut biasanya delirium, dan walaupun jarang bisa sampai koma.

Meningitis tifoid, ensefalomielitis tifoid, sindrom Guillain Barre, neuritis cranial atau perifer,

dan gejala – gejala psikosis, meskipun jarang, pernah dilaporkan. Komplikasi serius lainnya yang

pernah dilaporkan pada demam tifoid berupa perdarahan (yang dapat menyebabkan kematian

Page 3: Gambaran Klinis Demam Tifoid Bervariasi Dari Gejala

dengan cepat), hepatitis, miokarditis, pneumonia, koagulasi intravaskular diseminata,

trombositopenia, dan sindroma hemolitik uremikum. Pada masa pre-antibiotik, pasien biasanya

meninggal dengan peritonitis atau perdarahan saluran cerna, 15% kasus demam tifoid meninggal

akibat demam persisten dengan penyebab yang tidak jelas. Pasien juga dapat mengalami

manifestasi traktus genitourinarius dan dapat mengalami kekambuhan, dan atau menjadi kronik

sebagai carrier.