galileo galilei the famous astronomer who faced inquisition

Galileo Galilei The Famous Astronomer Who Faced Inquisition

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Page 1: Galileo Galilei The Famous Astronomer Who Faced Inquisition

Galileo GalileiThe Famous Astronomer Who

Faced Inquisition

Page 2: Galileo Galilei The Famous Astronomer Who Faced Inquisition

Galileo’s ChildhoodGalileo, the very famous astronomer, was brought to the world in

February 15,1564 in Pisa. Galileo got his name from one of his ancestors who is a very famous doctor and also has the name of Galileo, so his father thought that Galileo would become a very successful doctor when he grows up.

Few years later, his father, Vincenzio Galilei, the famous musician, taught his son some music, but still wanted his son to become a doctor. His family was never rich, but is very respected. The place before Galileo was born was a very beautiful and wealthy place. When Galileo grew older, the water was all muddy and dirty, it was very hard for ships to get there, so many people left.

In 1570, Giulia had more kids, 2 boys and 3 or 4 girls. Three of the kids died though. Then at 1572, at age 8, his mother and father went to Florence, the hometown of Galileo’s father, Vincenzio. Galileo stayed with one of his mother’s relatives. When Galileo turned 10, he went to Florence to live with his parents. At Florence, he had a private tutor until he was thirteen. Then he went to study at the Monastery school of Vallombrosa.

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The Monastery school of Vallombrosa was a school of monks, and Galileo enjoyed what the had to do every day, hoping he could become a monk when he grew up. When his father figured out, he transferred Galileo to another school by telling the monks that Galileo needed a treatment for an eye problem and both of them went back to Florence. The school that Galileo got transferred to was another school that was ran by monks, but Galileo made himself to forget the dream of being a monk.

Galileo’s parents each have different futures for him. His mom thought that Galileo would make a very good business man. Galileo’s father thought that he will follow his ancestor (Galileo Buonaiuti) and be a very famous doctor. At that time, the doctors were just starting to understand how the human body works and the job paid well... But they will never guess what Galileo will become when he grows up.

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Learning at University and as a teacher

Galileo turned 17, went back to Pisa to go to university, only going back to Pisa and visiting his family in the summer. On his second year, Galileo attended a public lecture given by Ostilio Ricci, a chief mathematic to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, talking about geometry, shape and space. After the math lecture, Galileo started to study with Ricci. When Galileo studied with Ricci, Ricci realized that Galileo had talent in math, so in 1583, he went to persuade Vincenzio to let Galileo to continue to study math. Obviously, Vincenzio declined, still wanting his eldest son to become a famous doctor.

When Galileo left university, he didn’t get his medical degree. So he returned to Florence and helped his father with mathematical for his music. He still studying hard on math by him self on his free time. Galileo earning some money by giving public lectures on geometry. Then he tried to apply a job at the Bologna University, unfortunately, he didn’t make it. He began to impress some important people. The people he began to impress included Guidoboldo de Monte a nobleman. There is also a priest , named Christopher Clavius, who was also impressed by his work. So in 1589, Galileo applied a job at University of Pisa, the job didn’t play well, but Galileo enjoyed the company of other teachers, learning different subjects.

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As a teacher

Galileo’s happiness working at the University of Pisa did not last long. In 1591, his father died, aged 71, and Galileo Galilei, eldest son, is responsible for the whole Galilei family. But while still in Pisa, Galileo got interested in how things fell through the air. He dropped a few objects off the leaning tower of Pisa to test Aristotle’s (a Greek thinker who said heavier objects fell faster) theory. Galileo found out that objects with similar shape and size (small cannon ball and Large Cannon Ball) fell at about the same time, non-similar objects fell at more of a time difference time (Ball and Feather).

So, Galileo left the University of Pisa and went to look for a job that pays more money, so he can support his family. Then, luckily, in 1592, Galileo got a job at Padua, University of the Republic. The University of the Republic paid three times more than the University of Pisa. Galileo had a lot more money, but he spent majority on his family, he was a very generous guy.

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For some reason, from 1595 and on, Galileo became interested in astronomy. He was also starting to be interested in the movements of Earth, oceans, and tides. Then he started to think of a Polish Astronomer who disagreed with the Church 50 years ago that the earth wasn’t the center of the universe, or our solar system. Everything thing in our solar system traveled around the sun, the sun is the center of the solar system, he was Nicolaus Copernicus. Later on another astronomer by the name of Johannes Kepler, wrote a book saying that Copernicus’ theory was true.

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In 1597, Galileo wrote to Kepler saying that he also agreed with Copernicus’ theory. Then in November 1609, he looked at the moon for the first time using a telescope that he made him self, he wasn’t the first one who made a telescope, Galileo thought of making a telescope when Hans Lippershey created the Spyglass, making things look closer than they appear. Then in January 1610, he used his telescope to observe Jupiter, discovering four of its moons. He named the moons the “Medicean stars” in honour of Cosimo (former student of Galileo who became the Grand Duke Cosimo of Tuscany. Later in 1610, he was appointed the Chief mathematician and Philosopher for the Grand Duke. He also became the Chief Mathematician of the University of Pisa. In September 1610, Galileo left Padua to live in Tuscany, rented a house in Florence that has a roof ideal for star-gazing. He studied Venus; it was clear how the planet moved around the sun instead of Earth by the light reflected off the sun at different angles each time he looked at it. And in 1612, Galileo Started to observe sunspots.

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Inquisition For Galileo Even thought Galileo is a person that can make friends really

easily, he has also started to gain some enemies, too! Some of his enemies were jealous of his success and the fame he has gotten. For centuries, people/churches have been influenced by Aristotle (the Greek Thinker) that the Earth was the center of the universe, the most important in god’s creation. In 1600, there was a Italian who brought up that Earth isn’t in the center of the universe, and he got burned alive in Rome by a feared group in the church called the inquisition, so Galileo had to be careful of what he is saying.

But then, Galileo’s discoveries were making the publics argue with each other. Some people/church people took sides wit Galileo, other people went with the jealous philosophers. Then, in 1615, Galileo set off to Rome in hope of persuading the church leaders to follow him. Then in April 1617, Galileo went to Bellosguardo to get some fresh air. Then people started to spread rumours about Galileo because of his success. Then in 1632, Galileo got ordered to go to Rome to face the Inquisition group. He, at age 68, was too old to walk such a long distance, his doctor them he cant go, but the Inquisition group gave no mercy and said he had to come to Rome.

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The Trial

When Galileo got to Rome, he stayed at the Villa Medici. The trial started from April 12, 1633 - June 22, 1633. In that time, The Inquisition group tried to prove Galileo guilty in as many ways as they could. The Inquisition group has tried to show that Galileo has failed to show clear publication on his book with the authorities, but then, Galileo keeps denying it, saying that he has shown it clearly. The Inquisition has also put Galileo guilty of breaking the ban on supporting Copernicus, but Galileo has proven that he has shown both sides of the argument on the book. Finally, in June 21, 1633, Galileo was guilty for saying that the Earth orbits around the sun, but fortunately, some of the judges disagree and denied to sign the verdict. So the next day, June 22, 1633, Galileo, all dressed in white robes, went before the judges, knelt down and promised to forget any of the beliefs he had. But, Galileo was sent to imprisonment, if not for his followers, who begged for them to treat Galileo not as harshly. So then Galileo was arrested, and remained under arrest in the Palace of the Archbishop of Siena, a true friend’s (Ascanio Piccolomini) home.

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His Final YearsGalileo went back home in II Gioliello, and remained under house

arrest there. He was not allowed to leave his home, see his friends or publish any books. From time to time, Galileo’s relatives would visit him, but once they leave, Galileo gets lonely. So to comfort him, he goes to science. Galileo also wrote a book on mathematical with a title of “Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations, Concerning Two New Sciences Pertaining to Mechanicals and Local Motions”. Because he was under house arrest, he wasn’t allowed to publish books. So his supporters found a way to secretly publish the book. In spring 1638, at a really old age, Galileo’s health and eyesight were failing really fast. He has requested to go see a doctor, unfortunately, Galileo’s request was denied. So then, when it was November 1641, Galileo had a fever, also wasn’t allowed to see the doctor. Sadly, Galileo died in January 8th, 1642. When Galileo died, the Grand Duke Ferdinando requested for Galileo to buried beside his father, but his request was denied.

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ConclusionGalileo was a genius astronomer who lived from February 15th ,

1564 - to January 8th, 1642. He has accomplished many things that many scientists had to take a lot of years. He has made many enemies, but has a lot of supporters that helped him when he went through Inquisition. Galileo is a very famous astronomer who everyone will remember.