galactic wars

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  • 8/12/2019 Galactic Wars


    Galactic Wars

    Basic RulesBasic Profile

    Infantry/Walker Profile

    Unit Sp Me Mat Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    5 5 4+ 5 4+ 5/* 24 4+/6+ 10/12 25/50

    Each model with a basic profile added costs +5pts and increases the Mat &Rat by +1.

    For each 5 models added nerve goes up by +3. A squad has a maximum number of models as stated

    in their entry and according to battle tactics. Note that weapon teams count as 2 models.

    +1 Sp +1 point per model +10 for walkers

    +1 Me +2 points per model +10 for walkers

    +1 Ra +2 points per model +10 for walkers

    +1 De +2 points per model +20 for walkers

    +1 Ne +2 points per model +10 for walkers

    For each special or heavy weapon reduce the Rat by 1.

    Unit: Number of models in the unit

    Sp: The speed the unit moves

    Me: The number to hit in Close Combat

    Mat: The number of Attacks in Close Combat

    Ra: The number to hit with Ranged Weapons

    Rat: The number of shots the model has with Ranged Weapons

    Ran: The distance the weapon fired can hit a target.

    De: The defence of the unit

    Ne: The staying power of the unit

    Pts: The in game points cost of the unit

    Vehicle Profile

    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 10 4+ * * 6+ 9/11 40

    The * under ranged depends on the weapon(s) the vehicle has. With one weapon it is easy to see,

    with multiple weapons only the main weapons attack are in the profile, other weapons are noted in

    the special rules section.

    +1 Sp +10 points per model

    +1 Ra +10 points per model

    +1 De +20 points per model

    +1 Ne +10 points per model


    The first phase in the Initiative phase. Both players roll a D6, the player that rolls highest begins the

    game. This is only done once before the battle begins.

    Then the movement phase comes in which all models the player wishes to move.

    Then the shooting phase begins. You can shoot with all your units that can shoot.

    Next is the assault phase where your units can charge the enemy in bloody close combat.

    Movement Phase

    All units have a number of models that need to be within 2 of one another. If not within 2 of one

    another the only move the unit is allowed to make is to reform to within 2 of each other.

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    If within cohesion the unit is free to move anywhere up to his movement distance. If they move to

    difficult terrain the unit halves its movement(rounding down). The unit may not move in impassable

    terrain unless it has a jump pack in which case it can land on top if this is passable.

    Difficult terrain are all terrain features that would slow you down normally like forests, hills and such

    things. Impassable would be things like ponds, rivers or rocks. Note that some terrain features can be

    difficult at one side and impassable at the other side. Use common sense with this and go aroundeach piece before the battle starts to avoid arguments.

    Line of Sight

    One important thing to mention before continuing is line of sight. Bent down to the models eye view

    and if you can see the enemy unit you have line of sight. It will happen that units are behind trees,

    inside buildings and so on. In this case you must see at least 25% of the unit to be able to shoot at

    them. So if for instance you only see the head and part of the shoulders above a wall you can see

    them. If they are completely behind the wall you cant, but likewise so cant they see you.

    For cover to be given to a unit 50% of its models must be in cover for the unit to claim it. You count

    as being in cover if 50% or more of the models in the unit is behind a tree or wall or somethingsimilar.

    Shooting Phase

    Shooting is very simple. The basic weapon the unit has is noted in its profile along with the number

    of shots and the range. If a model replaces its standard weapon for lets say a missile launcher the

    number of attacks is reduced for 1 model(usually 1 attack).

    Furthermore a unit can shoot up to the maximum range noted in its profile unless it has special or

    heavy weapons. Some weapons have a Piercing(*) which is noted next to the type of weapon the unit


    To wound an enemy simply roll to Hit using your Ra value. Then roll with the successes against the

    opponents De value, apply modifiers if applicable and keep track of the number of wounds. At the

    end of the shooting phase the enemy need to roll a Nerve test.

    Some weapons can only fire while standing still but this is noted in their profile which looks like this:

    Weapon Range Shots Piercing Special Rules

    Missile Launcher 48 1 5 Reload!

    Flamer 12 10 1 Saturation

    Slug Machine Gun 36 5 2 -

    Some examples above. The missile launcher can only move or fire while the flamer can be fired and

    always hit on a 4+ and the big shoota which counts as your normal machine gun that moves with the

    unit. More on special rules later.

    If shooting at a unit in cover(50% of the models minimum) the shooting unit gets a -1 to hit. So if your

    to hit was normally 4+ it would become 5+ and so on.

    Close Combat Phase

    To get into close combat is very simple. If you didnt shoot your weapons or shot pistols you can

    charge the enemy unit in range. If you shot at a unit with pistols this is the unit you need to charge(if

    you wish). Your charge distance is the same as your Sp, so if you can move 5 you can also then

    charge 5 for a total move of 10 total. If the enemy unit is in cover you are striking at -1 Me as you

    have with shooting.

    Close combats are very bloody affairs so the charger strikes first, but after he fought it is the enemysturn to fight back. Once all combats have been resolved the loser takes a nerve test. The loser is the

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    one that has the most wounds inflicted on them. If both sides scored equal the fight continues next


    To wound an enemy simply roll to hit with your Me, then roll to wound against the opponents De,

    apply modifiers in applicable. Keep track of the number of wounds inflicted.

    In multiple combats the unit attacked by 2 units can choose who to attack. He can fight 1 of the units

    attacking him or fight both with half the number of total attacks he has.

    Nerve Test

    On some occasions a nerve test must be made. A nerve test is as follows:

    Roll 2D6+ the number of wounds the unit has. If this equals he 1st

    number the unit is Suppressed and

    may not do anything that turn. If in combat they continue to fight but with half attacks(as the unit

    suffered heavy casualties). If the score is over the 2nd

    number the unit counts as destroyed.

    So 10/12 would mean on a 10-11-12 the unit is suppressed and on a 13 or more the unit is destroyed.

    Vehicle RulesVehicles use the rules as above in the basic rules with the following differences.If vehicles want to turn they can do so by making a 45 degree turn. This costs 2 of their movement.

    They can also make a 90 degree turn which costs 4 of their movement.

    Vehicles can move half their speed and fire all weapons including Reload! weapons

    All vehicles count as stabilised meaning they can move full speed and still fire 1 weapon except

    Reload! Weapons.

    Aircraft Rules

    Aircraft function as noted above in the basic rules with the following differences.An aircraft can make a 45 degree turn costing 4 movement and a 90 degree turn and this costs

    8movement. This is done as they move much, much faster than ground vehicles.

    Aircraft can move their full movement and still fire all weapons and drop their bombs.

    Shooting at aircraft:

    Shooting at aircraft and actually hitting them is very difficult. Any unit wishing to shoot at an aircraft

    gets a -2 to hit the aircraft. So if you need a 4+ to hit normally it would become a 6+ to hit. Any

    vehicle or unit that that has the AA(Anti-Aircraft) special rule hits the aircraft as normal.

    Aircraft cannot be attacked in close combat as they are too high in the sky.

    Transport Rules

    Transports function exactly like vehicles with the following additional rules.

    A transport can transport only infantry, 1 model is 1 space in the transport. Some larger models may

    count as 2 or more models for the purposes of transporting them.

    To enter a transport a unit must be within 2 of theentry points of the transport. They can then

    enter it in their movement phase. If the transport did not move that turn it may move its full speed

    after all boarded. At the end of the movement the unit may NOT exit the transport. This is done next


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    To exit the transport simply move the unit within 2of the exit points of the transport. If the

    transport has not moved this turn the unit is free to move as normal. If the transport moved this turn

    before the unit got off the vehicle this is all the movement allowed. Note that for the purposes of

    Reload! Weapons this counts as moving.

    Special RulesBulky

    The unit cannot be transported

    Crushing Strength(n)

    A +(n) modifier to damage in close combat. So a 4+ Defence with crushing strength(1) would become

    a 3+ Defence.


    The unit can reroll 1 dice to hit that failed.

    HeadstrongWhen suppressed the unit rolls a D6 at the start of his movement phase. On a 4+ the unit can act

    normally as they shake off the suppression.


    The unit can be placed anywhere on the table outside the enemies deployment zone and more than

    12 away from an enemy unit already deployed.


    Any unit within 12 of a model with this special rule can re-roll the nerve test. The second result


    Jump Troops

    Jump Troops can move normally using their speed value or use their jump packs. If using their jump

    packs the unit can move double its speed value and can still charge the normal speed value. If not

    charging into combat the unit can use its assault move to retreat to safety.

    Units can be transported by a transport but count as 2 models.


    Units count any suppressed as a steady result, so the unit can either do everything or be destroyed.


    Any unit wishing to shoot at this unit has an additional -1 to hit.


    A unit with this special rule can guide in the shells of indirect fire units. If an enemy unit is within line

    of sight of the spotter and an indirect fire model fires blindly at that target they dont suffer the -1

    to hit penalty.


    Before the first turn starts the unit can move double its movement value.


    The unit negates the number of wounds in the brackets each turn. After that the unit suffers wounds

    as normal and a nerve test when needed. So a unit with Tough(2) gets 4 damage on it he negates 2

    and receives 2 wounds.

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    The unit can re-roll 1 dice that failed to damage.


    A vehicle with this special rule can move over intervening terrain and units. It cannot land on top ofthem. They are also Nimble.


    The unit can make a 45 degree turn without it costing movement or a 90 degree turn costing only 2



    Roll to hit as normal. Once a hit is scored roll the number in the brackets, for instance 2D6. The

    outcome of this roll is the number of damage dice you can throw against the enemies defence.

    HowitzerThe unit can choose to fire normally or use the indirect fire special rule.

    Indirect Fire

    The unit with this special rule never suffers a modifier to hit when firing at units in cover. The unit

    cannot fire at targets within 12(unless it has secondary weapons) but can fire at targets it cannot

    see, however they get a -1 to hit.


    To damage modifier with shooting. The number in the bracket is the number the enemies defence is

    modified by.


    The unit cannot move an fire with the weapon. It must remain stationary to fire.


    The unit always hit on a 4+ regardless of modifiers.


    If the unit remains stationary when firing the sniper ignores the modifier to hit for units in cover and

    those with the stealthy special rule.


    This is a weapon mounted in the turret of the vehicle. A model with a co-axial weapon can fire it at

    the same target or choose to fire it at another target.

    Aircraft Bombs/Rockets

    An aircraft has a limited supply of munitions. If carrying bombs or rockets or anything on a hard point

    they are limited to the number they have. So an aircraft with 8 bombs can throw only 8 bombs. You

    can however pick the number of bombs/rockets you unleash each turn, including all at once.

    Dual Weapons

    Dual weapons allow any missed to hit rolls be re-rolled. The second result stands.

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    Picking a ForcePicking a force is simple. In the army list you have different sections namely Heroes, Infantry,

    Ordnance, Transports, Aircraft and Vehicles/Monsters.

    A force must consist of a Hero, 2 Infantry units and 0-2 Transports. For each infantry unit chosen you

    may buy a transport. Once this is met you can pick a unit of Ordnance, Aircraft and

    Vehicles/Monsters for each 2 units of infantry you have. You can also have a further hero for each 4infantry units you have. So an example below:

    You have a hero and 2 Infantry units. You now can take a Cannon, Bomber and Tank without adding

    any infantry. If you add a further 2 infantry units you could then take an additional Cannon, Bomber

    and Tank but also an additional hero to lead the second detachment. Off course you can take more

    infantry then support units if you wish. As infantry units are the only units that can claim objectives it

    is wise to take more infantry then fancy tanks.

    Allied Armies

    It is possible to ally with a force. If you want allies to fight alongside you simply follow the picking a

    force list above. Your allies may not outnumber your primary force however so you must have a hero

    and at least 4 infantry units before you can use allies. So if you have a hero and 4 infantry units youcan then choose an allied hero and 2 infantry units along with any support units. After that for each 2

    infantry units from your primary force you can add a single infantry unit from your allies list.

    Infantry/Walker Profile

    Unit Sp Me Mat Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    5 5 4+ 5 4+ 5/* 24 4+/6+ 10/12 25/50

    Each model with a basic profile added costs +5pts and increases the Mat &Rat by +1.

    For each 5 models added nerve goes up by +3. A squad has a maximum number of models as stated

    in their entry and according to battle tactics. Note that weapon teams count as 2 models.

    +1 Sp +1 point per model +10 for walkers

    +1 Me +2 points per model +10 for walkers+1 Ra +2 points per model +10 for walkers

    +1 De +2 points per model +20 for walkers

    +1 Ne +2 points per model +10 for walkers

    For each special or heavy weapon reduce the Rat by 1.

    Unit: Number of models in the unit

    Sp: The speed the unit moves

    Me: The number to hit in Close Combat

    Mat: The number of Attacks in Close Combat

    Ra: The number to hit with Ranged Weapons

    Rat: The number of shots the model has with Ranged WeaponsRan: The distance the weapon fired can hit a target.

    De: The defence of the unit

    Ne: The staying power of the unit

    Pts: The in game points cost of the unit

    Vehicle Profile

    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 10 4+ * * 6+ 9/11 40

    The * under ranged depends on the weapon(s) the vehicle has. With one weapon it is easy to see,

    with multiple weapons only the main weapons attack are in the profile, other weapons are noted in

    the special rules section.+1 Sp +10 points per model

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    +1 Ra +10 points per model

    +1 De +20 points per model

    +1 Ne +10 points per model

    Army Lists

    OrcsArmy Special Rules: Crushing Strength(1)

    Allies: Terran Armies, Space Elves, Satanic Knights



    Unit Sp Me Mat Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 5 3+ 5 4+ 2 12 5+ 14/16 90

    Weapons: Slug Pistol, Circle Saw

    Special Rules: Crushing Strength(2), Inspiring, Headstrong, Tough(2)


    Assault Orcs

    Unit Sp Me Mat Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    10 5 4+ 20 4+ 10 12 4+ 13/15 60

    Weapons: Slug Pistol, Cleavers

    Unit: Can buy another 10 models for +6pts per model increasing the Mat by +2 & Rat by +1

    per model

    Special Rules: Crushing Strength(1)

    Orc DefendersUnit Sp Me Mat Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    10 5 4+ 10 4+ 20 18 4+ 13/15 60

    Weapons: Slug Rifle

    Unit: Can buy another 10 models for +6pts per model increasing the Mat by +1 & Rat by +2

    per model.

    The unit may buy 1 Slug machine gun per 10 models for +5pts per gun.

    The unit leader may buy a combi slug rifle for +5pts

    Special Rules: Crushing Strength(1)

    Orc Brutes

    Unit Sp Me Mat Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts5 5 3+ 10 -- -- -- 5+ 12/14 75

    Weapons: Big Axe

    Special Rules: Crushing Strength(2), Tough(1)



    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 10 4+ 5 36 6+ 9/11 40

    Weapons: Slug Machine Gun

    Transport: 10 Orcs, 5 Orc Brutes

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    Attack Buggy

    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 10 4+ 5 36 6+ 9/11 40

    Weapons: Dual Slug Machine Gun

    Options: Replace Dual Slug Machine Gun for Dual Rocket Launchers +10ptsUnit: 1 Attack Buggy, May add 3 more attack buggies to the unit

    Scrap Tank

    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 8 4+ * * 9+ 11/12 120

    Weapons: Cannon, Co-Axial Slug Minigun



    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 5 4+ 1 48 7+ 9/11 20Weapons: Cannon

    Options: May buy Anti-Infantry shells for +5pts per model.

    Unit: 1 Cannon, my add 2 more cannons to the unit

    Special Rules:

    Bulky, Reload!


    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 5 4+ 1 48 7+ 9/11 30

    Weapons: Howitzer Cannon

    Unit: 1 Howitzer, my add 2 more howitzers to the unitSpecial Rules:

    Bulky, Reload!, Howitzer



    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 20 4+ 5 36 7+ 10/12 170

    Weapons: Dual Slug Machine Guns, 8 Bombs, Rear Slug Machine Gun

    Special Rules:

    Aircraft Bombs/Rockets, AA Machine Guns

    Attack Craft

    Unit Sp Ra Rat Ran De Ne Pts

    1 15 4+ 5 36 7+ 9/11 20

    Weapons: Dual Slug Machine Gun

    Options: May replace its dual slug machine gun for dual rockets for +10pts per model

    Unit: 1 Attack Craft, my add 4 more attack craft to the unit

    Special Rules:

    AA Weapons.