gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09-23 [p...

TIE 4 GAINESVILLE SUN SEPTE3IMR 2 1001 JIt SO 4 c E Ary r lk at R c waft = + ENGINEER CRIPPEN IS KILLED ON A C L RY LAKELAND Fla S t IMA serious ieik ocurrid at oclm Saturday night on the Atlantic Coal Line near iiirton two miles aixm this city when r train No 89 from Jaclisonulle jumped a Iros turning the engine completely over Injuring the pr oiif Engineer C T Cripixn of Sanford Fla Will Ropson tpi s mc eii er of Jacksonville Culdie Smith color- ed Jacksonville Jim Cratuh tirciimn Tampa and Conductor Pavenport were Injured and the lussen iTs were rely shaken up Full particulars are not at hand and It Is not known whether or not any of the passengers wen badly injured The enalneT and llr m n were pinned under the engine and badly scalded and Messenger Hop on Wiis thrown Into Braiding HeRm with broken limbs Smith was struck by a driver of the engine and his lee wa manelfxi A relief trait brought the Injured- to this MR IS DEAD LAKELAND Sei t Engineer T Crlpp n of Sanfotd dl d at I i I sees l tits dry CRIPP N C I 11 a senK > > ¬ < < > MMTday morning as the re suit of Injuries received In the At laude Coast Lln wreck at Viusto- iattrday afternoon In obedUnce It instructions his wife who is h Iowa the body will be shipped to that State for Interment Mr Ropson wife of the dead express messenger arrived here yesterday morning and will accompany the body to Jackson vllle- luldle Smith the colored porter- Is In a serious condition and may die Mm Branch the colored tlremail will recover The track was cleared yesterday morning and there is no further de- lay In traffic SANFORD Sept untlmel death by accident of C T Crlppen which occurred Saturday night at Winston is greatly deplored In Sal ford where Mr Crlppen has lived tot a number of years Mr Crlppen was the engineer on tram No Si which was wrecked Saturday Hi member of the local lodge of Masons His family are at present in Iowa and Crlppen had only recently returned from his vacation He leaves i wife and three children udtj k nTh u Ir Iran was DISASTROUS WRECK ON SEABOARD SUNDAY j From Tuesdays Dally Sun A disastrous wreck occurred on till Seaboard Sunday night between Wal do and Ocala at Lorhlooa bridge when fu t freight train No 11 con- sisting of a doubleheader and about sixty box cars was wrecked fourteen of the cars being Into the lake The wreck will prove quite a to the company irori a financial but fortunately no one was In- jured for both engines passed safely over the bridge before It fell with Its heavy load of freight cars At the time of the accident the train was running at a good rate of speed and this fact alone saved the lives of the two engineers and who were stationed on the heavy engines The train was in charge of Con ducter Lashley while Engineers Ta tutu and Jones were stationed on tilt engines This train Is the regular fait freight that runt between Jack- sonville nnd Tampa making only n- ry few stops between the two cities and always carries a heavy train being compelled to use the doubleheader Fortunately there was no damage GAINESVILLE CAPITAL 7500000 SURPLUS 2500000 OFFICERS- W R Thomas President- G K Broome E D Turner Cashier- W B Taylor Second DIRECTORS K Broome J G Nichol B Padgett M Venable- H F Dutton W R Thomas J A Maultsby W B Taylor 4 Per Cent Paid in Savings Department I dumped los 1 I i I i r I Tf DUTTOn DAnK First R t I I j stand- point fire- men 3 oft n s FLA- t t Vice President Vice President ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + outside of the loss of freight and had this trait not passed at this time a great many people may have been killed Inter for the midnight express between Jacksonville and Tampa was due to arrive at that point within- a few minutes after the freight had crashed through the burning trestle and it was necessary to ling this train which was done only in the nick nl time for in a short while it appear ed at the scene of the wreck Both passenger trains were run over the Coast Line between Ocala and this city Monday morning and traffic over this route will probably- not be resumed under the next two days as It will he necessary to build a new bridge before traffic can be resumed The origin of the fire on the trestle had not been determined Monday anJ some are of the opinion that it was the work of sonic Incendiary though it is probable that It caught from tome passing train and lay smouldering until the midnight hour Most disfiguring skin eruptions scrofula stipples rashes etc are duo to Impure blood Burdock Blood Hit- ters Is a cleansing blood tonic Makes you cleareyed WILL HAVE BENEFIT Band Will Organize Fat and Lean Baseball Teams Frown Tuesdays Dally Sun The baseball season will not be closed tight yet as it Is understood- the Gainesville Cornet Rand is now working up a benefit In the nature of a game to be pulled off at an early date between the fats and the leans This will be a worthy and deserv- ing benefit and should be liberally patronized by our people as nothing should go unaided when it Is known- to be for the benefit of the band Further particulars will be given later- E J Ash of Lake City found quite a curiosity on his pecan trees last week In the shape of two large worms six inches long with bodies about an Inch in diameter and eight horns head averaging one Inch long They are something new to that sec- tion nothing like them ever having been seen before Have You a Baby Then watch it closely And above all things dont let It suffer for any length of time with Is fatal If Its complexion gets yellow and pasty If It Is listless cross or peevish gets thin suffers with flatu lenc gUe It Whfves Cream Vermi- fuge the only cure that never falls has no bad effects Sold by W M Johnson I on- t hI wormsthat clear braiwd- clcar skinned ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THIEVES ARE WORKING THE CITY OF ALACHUA EVERY WEEK ONE OR MORE STORES ARE ENTERED One Party Seen and Ran Off Monday Night by a Crowd of Young Boys Thieves are now frequenting the little city of Alachmi and there la scarcely n week but one or more of the stores of that quiet but hustling city are entered On Monday evening a hold thief en- tered the stores of the H J McCal hum Company located on the princi- pal street of the place and was in the act of taking off a goodsized load of goods when he was suddenly Inter- rupted mid checked by a crowd of small boys who had been out on a night possum hunting trip and wen returning just as he was preparing to make his exit with the first load The burglar had tilled his sack with hams sausage and shoes when the boys came upon the scene noticing the light In the place and the man- a negro heard the noise and made escape The store of Roberts Co was twice entered during last week while a number of the business houses have reported small thefts of furnishings and groceries and It would pay them to get together and secure the serv- ices of a night watchman to protect the city until the thieves are caught- It Is the general Impression that the work is done by a band of negroes in that section who are thoroughly acquainted with the surroundings for outside of taking a few articles noth ing of great value has ten missed Health Means the ability to do a good days wor without undue fatigue and to find life worth living You cannot have Indigestion or constipation with- out its upsetting tho liver and pollut lug the blood Such a condition best and quickest relieved by Her bine the best liver regulator that the world has ever known Sold by W M Johnson Laying New Walks- S V Duke with his usual enter- prise is having a new granolithic sidewalk placed along his property- on Fast Union street which will add greatly to the convenience of the peo- ple that pass that way and at the same time greatly enhance the value of his property Mrs H H McCreary- Is also having sidewalks placed along her property on University street to connect with the new work being done by Mr Duke CASTOR For Infants and Children nil Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the gnatnro of Contest Closed Prize Awarded In The Watchman contest the col- ored paper published here Lillian Kendrick was the successful winner- of the capital prize a piano and prize was awarded to her on Tuesday- by a committee which was appointed- for the purpose of canvassing the vote Many people delude themselves by saying It will wear away when they notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble This is a mistake Take Foleys Kidney Remedy and stop the drain on the vitality It backache rheumatism kidney bladder trouble and makes every of pain weakness and urinary disappear J W McCollurn Co Last week from n point Just a few from Sutherland what might called a carload of green grape was shipped North The rAil men who handled the fruit said was as green as could be To Be Happy You must have good health You have good health If your liver- s not doing Its but sure la going on all the time such circumstances Mallard makes a perfectly healthy Iver keeps the stomach and box Is and acts as a tonic for the n system Sold by M Johnson hI reR i dutyslow I W C may- be lie ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < IMVMS HltlWhS- b months olit CASTO I m For Infants and rC STPft The Kind I Always Bob Bears the Signature I Promotes eslCofttalnsne1Ua lorphine nor UataL OJ 1- 1m for tion Sour r SUER Tat sima of Y Q NEW YORK CASTOm- A R Fikrpx You AlepctaUeePrcparliioskrAs- sinlilattngt estlonCbeerfulf- 1csS and NUT oTIC- AproimT S t4TZir7cz i Mst SlomachDiarrttoe- aTormsComvtsionsFemsh Fo ncss andLoss of Signature b shirt rXACT COPY OF WRAPf 9 coi vMta = = = WILL SOON WED Invitations Out for CoeMcClellan Weeding on Next Wednesday Invitations are out announcing the wedding of Mr Marry Barton Coe of Tampa to Miss Sarah Elizabeth eld- est daughter of Mr and Mrs R Me Clellan on next Wednesday afternoon- at 230 Sept 29th Roth of the young people are favor- ably known In Gainesville the latter having been reared here while tho young man has been a resident off and on for the past few years and has a large circle of friends In this cityNo Invitations were Issued In the city but all friends of the family are Invited to be present at the home of the parents of the bride where the happy event will occur Dr Abcrnethy the great English physician said Watch your kidneys When they are affected life Is In danger Foleys Kidney Remedy healthy kidneys corrects url nary Irregularities and tones up the whole system J W McCollura Co T F THOMAS UNDERTAKING CO FULL LINE OF NBW GOODS AGENTS FOR SONCMEiTS TOMBST03E8 aid IRON FENCES Sea our ample Penoaal aiteatloo to all Batten te Mall eat telegraph Klan promptly attended to Use Oalpaesville sw i Fiends ¬ ¬ ¬ DR CEO S W DENTISPr- esent Licit Satan WM RCJMVC ti Faust KMM Stuart as soon as- wg if offices is CM The Mate Latest Mctfefe if Pi have CHIC sWIm tfcis questim and make my charfes as kw a Class Work wiN permit VOYLE VOY REAL EST GAINESVILLE FLA Farms Dwellings Far Sale LIST YOUR PROPERTY WI Abstracts of Title To all Lands In Alachua on short notice Insurance Written in Reliable Cost lie FEEI A Fire Fist If you go on allowing your eyes to smart and ache i annoy you may never again be able to make tl strong again Neither can we Dont us help your eyes be it is too late C H COLES SON Jewelers and Opticians Gainesville procrastinatelet I

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-23 [p ] · TIE 4 GAINESVILLE SUN SEPTE3IMR 2 1001 = JIt SO 4 c Ary+r


JIt SO 4 c EAry r lk at R c waft= +



LAKELAND Fla S t IMAserious ieik ocurrid at oclmSaturday night on the Atlantic CoalLine near iiirton two miles aixmthis city when r train No89 from Jaclisonulle jumped a Irosturning the engine completely overInjuring the pr oiif

Engineer C T Cripixn of SanfordFla Will Ropson tpi s mc eii erof Jacksonville Culdie Smith color-

ed Jacksonville Jim Cratuh tirciimnTampa and Conductor Pavenportwere Injured and the lussen iTswere rely shaken up

Full particulars are not at handand It Is not known whether or notany of the passengers wen badlyinjured The enalneT and llr m nwere pinned under the engine andbadly scalded and Messenger Hop

on Wiis thrown Into BraidingHeRm with broken limbs Smith wasstruck by a driver of the engine andhis lee wa manelfxi

A relief trait brought the Injured-to this


LAKELAND Sei t EngineerT Crlpp n of Sanfotd dl d at I










a senK




< <


MMTday morning as the resuit of Injuries received In the Atlaude Coast Lln wreck at Viusto-

iattrday afternoon In obedUnce Itinstructions his wife who is hIowa the body will be shipped to thatState for Interment Mr Ropsonwife of the dead express messengerarrived here yesterday morning andwill accompany the body to Jacksonvllle-

luldle Smith the colored porter-Is In a serious condition and may dieMm Branch the colored tlremail willrecover

The track was cleared yesterdaymorning and there is no further de-

lay In traffic

SANFORD Sept untlmeldeath by accident of C T Crlppenwhich occurred Saturday night atWinston is greatly deplored In Salford where Mr Crlppen has lived tota number of years Mr Crlppen wasthe engineer on tram No Si whichwas wrecked Saturday Himember of the local lodge of MasonsHis family are at present in Iowaand Crlppen had only recentlyreturned from his vacation He leavesi wife and three children

udtj k








From Tuesdays Dally SunA disastrous wreck occurred on till

Seaboard Sunday night between Wal

do and Ocala at Lorhlooa bridge

when fu t freight train No 11 con-

sisting of a doubleheader and aboutsixty box cars was wrecked fourteenof the cars being Into thelake

The wreck will prove quite ato the company irori a financial

but fortunately no one was In-

jured for both engines passed safelyover the bridge before It fell withIts heavy load of freight cars

At the time of the accident thetrain was running at a good rate ofspeed and this fact alone saved thelives of the two engineers and

who were stationed on theheavy engines

The train was in charge of Con

ducter Lashley while Engineers Tatutu and Jones were stationed on tiltengines This train Is the regularfait freight that runt between Jack-sonville nnd Tampa making only n-

ry few stops between the two citiesand always carries a heavy train

being compelled to use thedoubleheader

Fortunately there was no damage


CAPITAL 7500000SURPLUS 2500000

OFFICERS-W R Thomas President-G K BroomeE D Turner Cashier-W B Taylor Second

DIRECTORSK Broome J G NicholB Padgett M Venable-

H F Dutton W R ThomasJ A Maultsby W B Taylor

4 Per Cent Paid in

Savings Department






















oft n




Vice President

Vice President







outside of the loss of freight and hadthis trait not passed at this timea great many people may have beenkilled Inter for the midnight expressbetween Jacksonville and Tampa wasdue to arrive at that point within-a few minutes after the freight hadcrashed through the burning trestleand it was necessary to ling this trainwhich was done only in the nick nltime for in a short while it appeared at the scene of the wreck

Both passenger trains were runover the Coast Line between Ocalaand this city Monday morning andtraffic over this route will probably-not be resumed under the next twodays as It will he necessary to builda new bridge before traffic can beresumed

The origin of the fire on the trestlehad not been determined MondayanJ some are of the opinion thatit was the work of sonic Incendiarythough it is probable that It caughtfrom tome passing train and laysmouldering until the midnight hour

Most disfiguring skin eruptionsscrofula stipples rashes etc are duoto Impure blood Burdock Blood Hit-

ters Is a cleansing blood tonicMakes you cleareyed


Band Will Organize Fat and LeanBaseball Teams

Frown Tuesdays Dally SunThe baseball season will not be

closed tight yet as it Is understood-the Gainesville Cornet Rand is nowworking up a benefit In the nature ofa game to be pulled off at an earlydate between the fats and the leans

This will be a worthy and deserv-ing benefit and should be liberallypatronized by our people as nothingshould go unaided when it Is known-to be for the benefit of the band

Further particulars will be givenlater-

E J Ash of Lake City found quitea curiosity on his pecan trees lastweek In the shape of two large wormssix inches long with bodies about anInch in diameter and eight horns

head averaging one Inch longThey are something new to that sec-

tion nothing like them ever havingbeen seen before

Have You a Baby

Then watch it closely And aboveall things dont let It suffer for anylength of time with Is

fatal If Its complexion gets yellowand pasty If It Is listless cross orpeevish gets thin suffers with flatulenc gUe It Whfves Cream Vermi-

fuge the only cure that never fallshas no bad effects Sold by W

M Johnson



t hI


clear braiwd-clcar skinned










One Party Seen and Ran Off Monday

Night by a Crowd of

Young Boys

Thieves are now frequenting thelittle city of Alachmi and there la

scarcely n week but one or moreof the stores of that quiet but hustlingcity are entered

On Monday evening a hold thief en-

tered the stores of the H J McCalhum Company located on the princi-

pal street of the place and was inthe act of taking off a goodsized loadof goods when he was suddenly Inter-

rupted mid checked by a crowd of

small boys who had been out on anight possum hunting trip and wenreturning just as he was preparingto make his exit with the first load

The burglar had tilled his sack withhams sausage and shoes when theboys came upon the scene noticingthe light In the place and the man-

a negro heard the noise and madeescape

The store of Roberts Co was twiceentered during last week while a

number of the business houses havereported small thefts of furnishingsand groceries and It would pay themto get together and secure the serv-

ices of a night watchman to protectthe city until the thieves are caught-

It Is the general Impression thatthe work is done by a band of negroesin that section who are thoroughlyacquainted with the surroundings foroutside of taking a few articles nothing of great value has ten missed

HealthMeans the ability to do a good days

wor without undue fatigue and tofind life worth living You cannothave Indigestion or constipation with-

out its upsetting tho liver and pollutlug the blood Such a condition

best and quickest relieved by Herbine the best liver regulator thatthe world has ever known Sold byW M Johnson

Laying New Walks-

S V Duke with his usual enter-prise is having a new granolithicsidewalk placed along his property-on Fast Union street which will addgreatly to the convenience of the peo-

ple that pass that way and at thesame time greatly enhance the valueof his property Mrs H H McCreary-Is also having sidewalks placed alongher property on University street toconnect with the new work being doneby Mr Duke

CASTORFor Infants and Children

nil Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears thegnatnro of

Contest Closed Prize AwardedIn The Watchman contest the col-

ored paper published here LillianKendrick was the successful winner-of the capital prize a piano andprize was awarded to her on Tuesday-by a committee which was appointed-for the purpose of canvassing thevote

Many people delude themselves bysaying It will wear away whenthey notice symptoms of kidney andbladder trouble This is a mistakeTake Foleys Kidney Remedy andstop the drain on the vitality It

backache rheumatism kidneybladder trouble and makes every

of pain weakness and urinarydisappear J W McCollurn


Last week from n point Just a fewfrom Sutherland what might

called a carload of green grapewas shipped North The rAilmen who handled the fruit said

was as green as could be

To Be HappyYou must have good health You

have good health If your liver-s not doing Its but sure

la going on all the timesuch circumstances Mallard

makes a perfectly healthyIver keeps the stomach and box Is

and acts as a tonic for the nsystem Sold by M Johnson























b months olit


m For Infants and

rC STPft The Kind

I Always Bob

Bears theSignature

I PromoteseslCofttalnsne1Ua

lorphine nor UataL OJ



tion Sour

rSUERTat sima of



R Fikrpx



estlonCbeerfulf-1csS and


AproimT S t4TZir7cz

i Mst

SlomachDiarrttoe-aTormsComvtsionsFemsh Foncss andLoss of


b shirt


coi vMta

= = =


Invitations Out for CoeMcClellanWeeding on Next Wednesday

Invitations are out announcing thewedding of Mr Marry Barton Coe ofTampa to Miss Sarah Elizabeth eld-

est daughter of Mr and Mrs R MeClellan on next Wednesday afternoon-at 230 Sept 29th

Roth of the young people are favor-ably known In Gainesville the latterhaving been reared here while thoyoung man has been a resident offand on for the past few years andhas a large circle of friends In thiscityNo

Invitations were Issued In thecity but all friends of the family areInvited to be present at the home ofthe parents of the bride where thehappy event will occur

Dr Abcrnethy the great Englishphysician said Watch your kidneysWhen they are affected life Is Indanger Foleys Kidney Remedy

healthy kidneys corrects urlnary Irregularities and tones up thewhole system J W McCollura Co








Sea our ample

Penoaal aiteatloo to all Batten teMall eat telegraph Klan

promptly attended toUse


sw i







esent Licit Satan

WM RCJMVC ti Faust

KMM Stuart as soon as-

wg if offices is CM

The MateLatest Mctfefe if Pi

have CHICsWIm tfcis questim andmake my charfes as kw a

Class Work wiN permit



Farms Dwellings


Abstracts of TitleTo all Lands In Alachua

on short notice

InsuranceWritten in Reliable Cost






If you go on allowing your eyes to smart and ache i

annoy you may never again be able to make tlstrong again

Neither can we

Dont us help your eyes beit is too late

C H COLES SONJewelers and Opticians Gainesville
