gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09-01 [p...

ss 1- VOI XXVI NO 177 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1909 TEN CENTS A WEEK L i- r I R1 w s r r i r i ROMPERS HAS HOI OLD TIME IN BIG MEETING Evopean Delegates Claim His Attitude Is Equivocal- As to International Federation of Unionism j > PARIS Aug 31 Samuel Cormiers president of the American Federation Labor was the dramatic center f the first days session of the sixth Jaternational trades unions congress when several European delegates bit- terly denounced what they claimed to fee the equivocal attitude of the Ameri- can federation with reference to Join log the international movement Gompers insisted that the problems mind policies of American trades un lonlsm were so Intermingled with f American traditions and ideas that Americans could 111 share the time to encounter the influence of European leaders where the trades unionism tendencies were temperamentally dlff Nevertheless as an evidence that I the United States was anxious for International cooperation Mr Goinn- f Introduced a proposal favoring world wide organization which would defend the rights and interests of all and create international fraternity and solidity P The clash came over the question f of the exact status of Mr Gomper and the American Federation of La bor in the conference Mr Gompera- I explained that for the present he t i et r t r Brent ers r ¬ Great Free Practice Game At Park Today at 4 P M rut your hammer in the locker Hide your sounding board likewise Anyone can be a knocker Anyone can criticise Cultivate a manner winning Though it hurts your face to smile And seems awkward in beginning Be a booster for awhile Everyone in Gainesville whether they intend accompanying the baseball fooys to Ocala or not on Thursday- are asked to come out to the big practice game this afternoon at the hall perk and see the nice manner in which the Oak Halls have lined up for the coming combat with Ocata commencing on Thursday afternoon There are some in the team that Manager Davit wants the puojlf to see and wants them to also the niainiir in which the bull l handled by the changes he lots wade among th hays for he that It feels I r changer tl >> Indications Point to Only 10500000 Bale Crop j T HH AM tl IRtt Wliltya Of Ml alI ittcHKltHiz August SMfc an l 1- HMT Mtt TIt ttttf towtwl wwwltmm m- Mwti ij year H r lHl w 4 MilWlUlt H taw 1ttnl4tltt Oft I k4t- wJeoiIu dp a wN 1 dell nQQQQQ tptlti pI Alh4 viltttItl9 Ill ii- Is41i t NttN l Asc- uttLn N4Nelhi ptitii s rrtwrllay wa lug girt le 1 I tl I Ai4I snit of la halt4e aatW tvN l a4tllhl- re4urt lit n II1I IrWa soutewktll A tII kw tract ild ItmbtI Y t11arrll Ih- I tq ItAlw- I t- lglluha iiYwt8fi w IY III M Au X41 fgtt4L was merely an auditor but was ready- to give his opinions Personally he continued I have no authority to pledge the affiliation of the American Federation of Labor but 1 believe it will come in time Hueber an Austrian delegate characterized Mr Gompera explanation as mockery He like the others had been under the Impression that the Americans meant business and that Mr Gompers was the official delegate from that country Other wise he could not understand how the American resolutions happened to be printed in the official program I regret explained Mr Gompers that you have misconstrued my re- marks as an attack upon European trades unionism I repeat we are sincerely desirous of international federation but only HO far as it pre- serves the American conception of unionism If Europe does not want us It will be unfortunate Hueber retorted that It was now seven years since the Americans be- gan talking about joining the Inter national federation and It was about time a decision was reached It now appears he continued that Mr Gompers Is merely on a voyage of discovery ve- hemently ¬ ¬ ¬ is to their interest to see them The exhibition practice will be free this afternoon and i to warm them up Just a little before taking their journey which will mean shall we remain the champions or allow Ocala- to cop out at this late day The railroad people have been very kind in the matter of train service and given a rate of fifty cents for the round trip the train to leave Gaines- ville at 115 p m and returning leave Ocala at 7 p m for home Ticket Agent Goodwin desires to state for the benefit of the ladles who anticipate going on thin trip tint the last three coaches will be especially for them and will bo kept so both going and coming and that the strictest order will prevail on the train Visit till rk the IMIVH work mil and then make up your mind to Kfcoitipmiv the team on the trip and w them out victorious see come reserved ¬ 1 UMtUUiMA II MU- U IH MlMiHtrU MI North 11 OklulHNHa Ik CuraNm T T NM M NI Ta T M- U4 lH r will I H THII tar t- It U U c wnh rUI4 t44 it b euliie d NMNrwl Kv1Ng 4I This IINILtle l w rp Nt 4hwtn xf 1A- s Mater INsr This fehsl1 tk his IIIH 4- 1A1Itr1 Iws 1 II Ts eu4- th 4111144tH Ihtal Iw1 Ikle r AfarAN e wsalkrc- i111 sys as 1M 8AA1 TvM o 1 he t IkM a4Me4itytli- MI I1 l1 iitn > > > + + UNION STREET IMPROVED Commissioner Dell Made Great Change In Thoroughfare One of the most notable changes- to be made In the streets of Gaines- ville for a good many years Is the complete rebuilding of East Union street which has just been completed- by Street Commissioner Dell This thoroughfare bad been neglect- ed so long that It was nothing but gullets and holes although one ot the most Important streets In Gaines ille During the past year it has had more buildings erected on It than any other one particular spot and the Improvements that have been made are no more than the progress- ive property owners are en titled to for this Is the first attention that It has received In about eight years Union street Is now badly In need of a cement culvert tho lime as has been placed at other plui that are not used as much a this street and the City Council should take some action to see that it Is placed there saving the nice work that has just been done and not al- low It all to be washed off into Sweetwater branch The repairs were made with small coat and it is a job that will greatly enhance the value of property in this district The general public are proud of the change as well as the Indi- viduals whose places it has Improved HIGH SPRINGS NEWS HIGH SPRIGS Aug 31 Rev J L Yeates pastor of the Methodist church in High Springs and his fam- ily have gout to Flvay to visit the mother of Mr Yeates Mrs H D Foy Iff in Wilmington N C visiting her son A D Foy Jr Mr P P Wood has returned from a pleasant visit to Tampa Mr and Mrs G Easterlin Mas- ter Spencer Roach Mr and Mrs Godwin Mrs W E Dow and little son Rill have returned after attend- ing a few weeks at White Springs Miss Nellie Stewart is visiting Wottliiiigton Springs Hugh L Futch Is spending some- time in St Petersburg- Mr and Mrs W G Holland and Master Hogan Tucker have gone for- a few weeks outing to points In Geor- gia and South Carolina Miss Gladys Duputa daughter of Judge J S Dupuls has gone to At- lanta to attend school She will be with her sister Mrs R li Hush form- erly a resident of High Springs but now of Atlanta- T D Futch Is at home for a few days before returning to school In Auburn Ala The many frit nda of J H Dow will be interested to loam of his rocont marriage In Little Rock Ark to Miss Virginia Stokus of that city Tin ceremony was performed y J T ChrltftlAtt of the Second lUiptUt church bride IH unite ixipular In Little Rock where hn KnulimttMl in April a trained nurto front lky lcl K and SurBoows opit l Mr iHm U outuuKtud with tin HU lH l VNI Ufi lMMrNMe Co J a yoMMtt IMMM wf much M N WI utility tawt of frtvml IH this Mrtk will wish HNck Imimhi M IQ hits his brM Never U Home Again In OrlMN l wwrktHK MH it rliy- r fwr iHi 4 IWM nHMrM l- It will w rk trf- 4rw Mvnil- H IUOH t Orkmlw ami thai DM- Inwk will MHl AMHH mt ifc Has Justly W Eo- n Ih the anal U ft UHi II AI un HArI k- IN ha1 jai one hnlf Rev The MIN and Ills Sleeps Jnde Ilwrtx Nuts Slitw1 who hsa Iwss lI Nt 1W Ihr litI fus- rwka Iii his he hr her ahNut ltwi- sphttd the sKvttlINIi of wsk lw i4hw hits the wwrk ad tint Ikw eia rNdi far ikt pMNirs II iNlww hr ho- Nla With 10004 Pr Ih Islel rip All Iiii INoe4 hw4t4WN IN sN a4 wrshit w Nr Alt w1 IhIL k4 ig stile tMAtw AiHIe1kIpN rIMIO anti A- aflt siL aim da tin la4At ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > IMPORTANT DECISION- IN BANKRUPTCY CASE Insurance Policies Not Assets In Such Case Acctri- ing to Ruling of Jndgeiocke JACKSONVILLE Fla Aug 31 A farreaching opinion and one which will have a treat effect on bankruptcy- cases In Florida In the future has been handed down by Judge J W Locke of the United States Court Briefly stated Judge Locke has ruled that In bankruptcy proceedings an In- surance policy of the defendant shall not be considered part of the assets liable to conversion Into cash This ruling was mode In the review of the of C W Smith following a previous hearing before Referee Frank DFerrow of Lake City Following possible precedents Mr DFerrow ruled that the Insurance policy of Mr Smith should be con- sidered part of the estate of the de fandant A petition for a rehearing- was filed nnd Mr beFcrrowti opin- ion was reversed As far as hearings In the United States Court are con I case ¬ ¬ ¬ FUNERAL OF MRS REAL Services Held from Methodist Church Tuesday Morning The funeral services over the re- mains of the late Mr J A Deal were held at the First Methodist church Tuesday morning at 920 oclock Rev F R Urldgea officiating A large number of friends of the deceased and family were assembled- at the house of worship pat thth last respects to the deceased while the cortege was large that followed the remains to the cemetery being made up by a great number of the Rocky Point people where she made her home for a number of years if ter her marriage The remains laid to rest In iho family burying ground along with the other members of tho family who had preceded her The floral offer Ings were many covering the grave nnd casket Champ Clark Is convinced that Roosevelt will be the next candidate- of the Republican party says The lilrmlngham AgeHerald Quit the prophet business Champ t were < President Taft Will Be Greeted By Naval Squadron j WASHINGTON D C Aug X v Orleans will In treated to a dumouMlrailoii Trust tivui aflcntiii Hiilttd toy n calorie of UowriHMv f rwuUtt thin oily OM kin trip this full If tkw tp i t- v M O HtlW U tlllml t l- wwlruHtf th lr llt Ht Ml Niw with fiMir DpJrftl HMH v HUht- lU llttt bvlNK H f ttf of the HM l lii lil f i i i i i K 11 naval when the tIa I t I tHe Ur- I t Slat phu4a of lb sty IHpsrtrMrnt Nat flat which > > > > > Moon Will Obscure Mars For About An Hour i Tonight V M at AH lHt r J lit loa tt4 A it C11IKV 1 t iNIN N 11811 hr 11w- ritlthl IlllNgltawt lb iHlli4 MlAIAs will II4mr NhlW tIaV MYMiI- 1Nd S 1 AKwt1INg t4 iwlletkR- I w44 Mr WTI 1Ia H Brake + + corned the opinion of Judge Locke will be followed la the future tat there Is possibility of appeals being made to the Appellate Court Numerous cases have been heard In the past and following the traction put OB such matters by the statutes of Florida it has been the title to accept or take Insurance policies as were declared by the bankrupt Tills ruling has never been questioned or at least a contest had never bee made previous to that entered by Mr Smith The importance of Judge Lockes opinion will be clearly seen Through Its Influence a person will not bo deprived of the benefits of a policy upon which large sums of money ki about to mature Neither will It take from a person a paidup policy which the defendant may hold and which may be converted Into cask at any- time veer ROOF IS BEING ADDED New Seaboard Depot Will Ready in Shert While Work on the new Seaboard depot Is progressing very rapidly and It wll be ready for the accommodation of the public wlthn the next few weeks The greatest delay now will I hard walks that are to be placed about the building for on this cfasa of work It requires a certain lengt of time to season and some bolo the time will probably be necessary In this respect About all of tho carfter werJt has been completed and as HOB 01 he roof has bees flnlsbed sad the art It Ions Installed this part of the cork will be ready for the painters on the Inside tho exterior already having received Its touches The Gazette says that Bartow U a thriving little city and may pro- duce many big things but when It comes to producing fruits vegetables and field crops KIssimmco leads all Florida towns t- In Ie 4 > ¬ ruady has mado a trip far up the river to receive a silver service from the State of Mississippi and the armored cruiser squadron made up of the Montana North Carolina and NVw York U may be the ve U will go con Mfclftmhly further up the rlw than OrMan the desire of Iho Navy Itofmrtmvnt buhiK to enable people luUtHil t obtain a of small IHU foiiHldtiblo of ihliw- HfrhiHir the qHHilron the the i DISruption New view RtmiiHi in iu lH Ulu4 nt W bta AI 41 u m H4 4i M lift TN UH wlU IH vtalM If lw f wm sin tA C t fIt k1Hlhk nhsrYtilnfW Ii 4 Y Ikr Iih- Hll4tN4 tl IAMI Mugl Alt b94Io tld

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-01 [p ] · 1 dell nQQQQQ tptlti pI Alh4 viltttItl9 Ill ii-Is41i t NttN




L i-



R1 w s r






Evopean Delegates Claim His Attitude Is Equivocal-

As to International Federation of Unionism



PARIS Aug 31 Samuel Cormiers

president of the American Federation

Labor was the dramatic center

f the first days session of the sixth

Jaternational trades unions congress

when several European delegates bit-

terly denounced what they claimed tofee the equivocal attitude of the Ameri-

can federation with reference to Join

log the international movementGompers insisted that the problems

mind policies of American trades un

lonlsm were so Intermingled with

f American traditions and ideas thatAmericans could 111 share the time to

encounter the influence of Europeanleaders where the trades unionismtendencies were temperamentally dlff

Nevertheless as an evidence thatI the United States was anxious for

International cooperation Mr Goinn-

f Introduced a proposal favoringworld wide organization which woulddefend the rights and interests of

all and create international fraternityand solidity

P The clash came over the question

f of the exact status of Mr Gomperand the American Federation of Labor in the conference Mr Gompera-

I explained that for the present he





r Brent




Great Free Practice Game

At Park Today at 4 P M

rut your hammer in the lockerHide your sounding board likewise

Anyone can be a knockerAnyone can criticise

Cultivate a manner winningThough it hurts your face to smile

And seems awkward in beginningBe a booster for awhile

Everyone in Gainesville whetherthey intend accompanying the baseballfooys to Ocala or not on Thursday-are asked to come out to the bigpractice game this afternoon at thehall perk and see the nice manner inwhich the Oak Halls have lined upfor the coming combat with Ocatacommencing on Thursday afternoon

There are some in the teamthat Manager Davit wants the puojlfto see and wants them to alsothe niainiir in which the bull l

handled by the changes he lots wadeamong th hays for he that Itfeels




tl > >

Indications Point to Only

10500000 Bale Crop


T HH AM tl

IRtt Wliltya Of Ml

alI ittcHKltHiz August SMfc an l 1-

HMT MttTIt ttttf towtwl wwwltmm m-

Mwti ij year H r lHl w 4

MilWlUlt H

taw 1ttnl4tltt



k4t-wJeoiIu dp


1 dell nQQQQQtptlti pI


viltttItl9 Ill ii-

Is41i t NttN l Asc-uttLn N4Nelhi ptitii s rrtwrllay walug girtle 1



IAi4I snit of la

halt4e aatW tvN l a4tllhl-re4urt lit n II1I IrWa soutewktll A tII

kw tract ild ItmbtI Y t11arrll Ih-

I tq ItAlw-



lglluha iiYwt8fi w IY III M

Au X41 fgtt4L

was merely an auditor but was ready-to give his opinions

Personally he continued I haveno authority to pledge the affiliationof the American Federation of Laborbut 1 believe it will come in timeHueber an Austrian delegate

characterized Mr Gomperaexplanation as mockery He like theothers had been under the Impressionthat the Americans meant businessand that Mr Gompers was the officialdelegate from that country Otherwise he could not understand how theAmerican resolutions happened to beprinted in the official program

I regret explained Mr Gompersthat you have misconstrued my re-

marks as an attack upon Europeantrades unionism I repeat we aresincerely desirous of internationalfederation but only HO far as it pre-

serves the American conception ofunionism If Europe does not wantus It will be unfortunate

Hueber retorted that It was nowseven years since the Americans be-

gan talking about joining the International federation and It was abouttime a decision was reached It nowappears he continued that MrGompers Is merely on a voyage ofdiscovery





is to their interest to see themThe exhibition practice will be free

this afternoon and i to warm themup Just a little before taking theirjourney which will mean shall weremain the champions or allow Ocala-

to cop out at this late dayThe railroad people have been very

kind in the matter of train serviceand given a rate of fifty cents for theround trip the train to leave Gaines-ville at 115 p m and returning leaveOcala at 7 p m for home

Ticket Agent Goodwin desires tostate for the benefit of the ladles whoanticipate going on thin trip tint thelast three coaches will beespecially for them and will bo keptso both going and coming and thatthe strictest order will prevail on thetrain

Visit till rk the IMIVH workmil and then make up your mind toKfcoitipmiv the team on the trip andw them out victorious






U IH MlMiHtrU MI North11 OklulHNHa Ik

CuraNm T T NM M NI Ta T M-

U4 lH r

will I H THII

tar t-It




rUI4 t44


b euliied

NMNrwl Kv1Ng 4IThis IINILtle l w rp Nt 4hwtn xf 1A-

s Mater INsr Thisfehsl1 tk his IIIH 4-

1A1Itr1 Iws 1 II Ts eu4-

th 4111144tH IhtalIw1 Ikle r AfarAN e wsalkrc-

i111 sys as 1M 8AA1

TvM o 1 he t IkM a4Me4itytli-

MI I1 l1 iitn

> >





Commissioner Dell Made Great

Change In Thoroughfare

One of the most notable changes-

to be made In the streets of Gaines-ville for a good many years Is thecomplete rebuilding of East Unionstreet which has just been completed-by Street Commissioner Dell

This thoroughfare bad been neglect-

ed so long that It was nothing butgullets and holes although one otthe most Important streets In Gainesille During the past year it has had

more buildings erected on It thanany other one particular spot andthe Improvements that have beenmade are no more than the progress-ive property owners are entitled to for this Is the first attentionthat It has received In about eightyears

Union street Is now badly In needof a cement culvert tho lime ashas been placed at other plui thatare not used as much a thisstreet and the City Council shouldtake some action to see that it Isplaced there saving the nice workthat has just been done and not al-

low It all to be washed off intoSweetwater branch

The repairs were made with smallcoat and it is a job that will greatlyenhance the value of property in thisdistrict The general public are proudof the change as well as the Indi-

viduals whose places it has Improved


HIGH SPRIGS Aug 31 Rev JL Yeates pastor of the Methodistchurch in High Springs and his fam-

ily have gout to Flvay to visit themother of Mr Yeates

Mrs H D Foy Iff in WilmingtonN C visiting her son A D Foy Jr

Mr P P Wood has returned froma pleasant visit to Tampa

Mr and Mrs G Easterlin Mas-

ter Spencer Roach Mr and MrsGodwin Mrs W E Dow and little

son Rill have returned after attend-

ing a few weeks at White SpringsMiss Nellie Stewart is visiting

Wottliiiigton SpringsHugh L Futch Is spending some-

time in St Petersburg-Mr and Mrs W G Holland and

Master Hogan Tucker have gone for-

a few weeks outing to points In Geor-

gia and South CarolinaMiss Gladys Duputa daughter of

Judge J S Dupuls has gone to At-

lanta to attend school She will bewith her sister Mrs R li Hush form-

erly a resident of High Springs butnow of Atlanta-

T D Futch Is at home for a fewdays before returning to school InAuburn Ala

The many frit nda of J H Dow willbe interested to loam of his rocontmarriage In Little Rock Ark to MissVirginia Stokus of that city Tinceremony was performed y JT ChrltftlAtt of the Second lUiptUtchurch bride IH unite ixipularIn Little Rock where hn KnulimttMlin April a trained nurto frontlky lcl K and SurBoows opit l

Mr iHm U outuuKtud with tinHU lH l VNI Ufi lMMrNMe Co

J a yoMMtt IMMM wf much M N WI

utility tawt of frtvml IH thisMrtk will wish HNck Imimhi M IQ

hits his brM

Never U Home Again

In OrlMN l wwrktHK MH it rliy-

r fwr iHi 4 IWM nHMrM l-

It willw rk trf-

4rw Mvnil-

H IUOH t Orkmlw ami thai DM-

Inwk will MHl AMHH mt ifc





Ih the





AI un

HArI k-



one hnlf






Jnde Ilwrtx Nuts Slitw1 whohsa Iwss lI Nt 1WIhr litI fus-rwka

Iii his he hr her ahNut ltwi-

sphttd the sKvttlINIi ofwsk lw i4hw

hits the wwrk ad tint Ikw eia rNdifar ikt pMNirs II iNlww hr ho-

Nla With 10004 Pr Ih Islel

rip All

Iiii INoe4 hw4t4WN IN sN a4 wrshit w NrAlt w1 IhIL k4 ig


tMAtw AiHIe1kIpN rIMIO anti A-

aflt siL aim da tin la4At















Insurance Policies Not Assets In Such Case Acctri-

ing to Ruling of Jndgeiocke

JACKSONVILLE Fla Aug 31A farreaching opinion and one whichwill have a treat effect on bankruptcy-cases In Florida In the future hasbeen handed down by Judge J WLocke of the United States CourtBriefly stated Judge Locke has ruledthat In bankruptcy proceedings an In-

surance policy of the defendant shallnot be considered part of the assetsliable to conversion Into cashThis ruling was mode In the reviewof the of C W Smith followinga previous hearing before RefereeFrank DFerrow of Lake City

Following possible precedents MrDFerrow ruled that the Insurancepolicy of Mr Smith should be con-sidered part of the estate of the defandant A petition for a rehearing-was filed nnd Mr beFcrrowti opin-

ion was reversed As far as hearingsIn the United States Court are con







Services Held from Methodist ChurchTuesday Morning

The funeral services over the re-

mains of the late Mr J A Deal wereheld at the First Methodist churchTuesday morning at 920 oclock RevF R Urldgea officiating

A large number of friends of thedeceased and family were assembled-at the house of worship pat ththlast respects to the deceased whilethe cortege was large that followedthe remains to the cemetery beingmade up by a great number of theRocky Point people where she madeher home for a number of years ifter her marriage

The remains laid to rest In

iho family burying ground along withthe other members of tho family whohad preceded her The floral offerIngs were many covering the gravennd casket

Champ Clark Is convinced thatRoosevelt will be the next candidate-of the Republican party says Thelilrmlngham AgeHerald Quit theprophet business Champ




President Taft Will Be

Greeted By Naval Squadron


WASHINGTON D C AugX v Orleans will In treated to a

dumouMlrailoii Trusttivui aflcntiii Hiilttd toy n calorie of

UowriHMv f rwuUtt thin oily

OM kin trip this full If tkw tp i t-

v M O HtlW U tlllml t l-

wwlruHtf th lr llt Ht Ml Niwwith fiMir DpJrftl HMH v HUht-

lU llttt bvlNK H f ttf of theHM l lii lil f i i i i i K


naval when the

tIaI t I tHe





phu4a of lb sty IHpsrtrMrnt Nat



> > >


Moon Will Obscure Mars

For About An Hour


TonightV M at AH lHt r



loa tt4



C11IKV 1 tiNIN N11811 hr 11w-

ritlthl IlllNgltawt lb iHlli4 MlAIAs

will II4mr NhlW tIaV MYMiI-

1Nd S 1 AKwt1INg t4 iwlletkR-

I w44 Mr WTI 1Ia H Brake



corned the opinion of Judge Lockewill be followed la the future tatthere Is possibility of appeals beingmade to the Appellate Court

Numerous cases have been heardIn the past and following thetraction put OB such matters by thestatutes of Florida it has been the titleto accept or take Insurance policiesas were declared by the bankruptTills ruling has never been questionedor at least a contest had never beemade previous to that entered by MrSmith The importance of JudgeLockes opinion will be clearly seenThrough Its Influence a person will notbo deprived of the benefits of a policyupon which large sums of money kiabout to mature Neither will It takefrom a person a paidup policy whichthe defendant may hold and whichmay be converted Into cask at any-




New Seaboard Depot Will Readyin Shert While

Work on the new Seaboard depotIs progressing very rapidly and Itwll be ready for the accommodationof the public wlthn the next fewweeks

The greatest delay now will I

hard walks that are to be placedabout the building for on this cfasaof work It requires a certain lengtof time to season and some bolo

the time will probably be necessaryIn this respect

About all of tho carfter werJthas been completed and as HOB 01he roof has bees flnlsbed sad theart It Ions Installed this part of thecork will be ready for the painters

on the Inside tho exterior alreadyhaving received Its touches

The Gazette says that Bartow Ua thriving little city and may pro-

duce many big things but when Itcomes to producing fruits vegetablesand field crops KIssimmco leads allFlorida towns







ruady has mado a trip far up theriver to receive a silver service fromthe State of Mississippi and thearmored cruiser squadron made up ofthe Montana North Carolina andNVw York

U may be the ve U will go conMfclftmhly further up the rlw than

OrMan the desire of Iho NavyItofmrtmvnt buhiK to enable peopleluUtHil t obtain a of smallIHU foiiHldtiblo of ihliw-

HfrhiHir the qHHilron





RtmiiHi in iu lH Ulu4 nt W btaAI 41 u m H4 4i M lift

TN UH wlU IH vtalM If lw


sin tA

C t fIt

k1Hlhk nhsrYtilnfW Ii 4 Y Ikr Iih-

Hll4tN4 tl IAMI Mugl Alt b94Io tld