gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-03...

Sf 1 SP- i THE DAILY SUM GAINESVILLE FLORIDA ARCH 2 M r lItJYJ- j 4 ItHJf aA > > BAILV- Mth at GatacarlUeFia ass r4 laM mil cMtwr- VB MCCEKARY Editor and Iubli be- rVW ASHLEY AMocl t Editor EWJKTZ CUT Mlto- cTMraEWITT 8 apt CeK etfi Room omcKi roKTKK aocx TaurawMBja reM M ay 4 Utt d try earritr lajfe city or ffjesftMrfsajBrfe5 av eat frqtkn- ecs mall fv re w k trfct to- tattec to fecal colaata 10 caU list Grant iMvtiM sad 5 ewU for car additional a fwMtylay Bade kaowa oa- WsaTr1vWc k KM to aa ricklfage fatty cr yal H hr1 every Moaday sad deaatehtt all UM ran of tac Neal slat sad frserml aad wiU t to say of tfc fatted or ieoa jcarto adraacc- AM iiiHlilag Mtft alter ant dtrcrtiMBeat aaln otherwise fartle to pay for adrtrtUiac taad- THK DAILY RUN AB ftirl Meexed for Urn tamed felsMsIVtasel tad expired Wltli Taws as e e aid Atlanta M MM etaer tie Tamps NertheraB- aUMMd to b ad ta be a tain- JMtoeavllle hat six Ire alarm Wedaetday sBaralBf GMM Tampa will about the aae If M IcereUry Taft aya the Ca Ml rk will go M after every liar ie- iMttvi MM Rea ntl will be ben at f atoh he t1t fit steed L- 8uLI sex troy Ie tart nll I LR free panda Eel act kaowe to aAieanresh rtA Oft o ether j ft Pest OReo w t f i p w avla a p tneealq es- t lNd siP s1 the VaIW4I atefl pretty j l IINaee- E adl s a r c case Mare tI g mow Mss ll J1 call fsaNM pat tee hags doe uu file JLWee t boars s tad sure a beep situ berg i tfhe sew j ski a a > < + Ktef Edward eaia he works twelve 3t fa day but enc work the 1 Mteaa aerial Bight weMfecr will have a teadeaey to 4 away with the preraM that are said totztat M abete zero ate Thwndaj neralaff- Deat begia to worry about our war alltfa BAT Ian to do It looks tBMfli the beya weald have a a OhlM to dispose of la a hers While the p eBle are fading fault wttli the weather the of etc are going on th Seathera dittriet of this The hattli i Florida faraerdoM not Crawl at MM weather bat proceeds to teat alter erope when the cold IfcttaUaa He Is so busy he does not tiaw te step tad growl Btakep Taraer has bea heard way la Albaay K Y It u he eaya- M la kaewias to a place better than he Vaited State to live what would the aeatter with teadiag hits there They have got aa article of booze ia Georgia that they tall eheeaieal whis- key whleh la wore destructive than the sjeaaiM eora jute A man will throw a It la aboat half aa hoar after ke takes ea a cargo The report come from parts of Geor- gia that rural nail routes are being sHeteatiaued The government insists em good roads for rural stall carries soul the sewer we have good roads th aamier we will have more rural mall Sprisgield Ohio has many colored people cad ha always been noted for Us frieady feeling toward the neRro yet when a blaek man shot a white citi tea there was jut aa wild a mob after kim as you eould scare up anywhere The Live Oak Daily Democrat will from a morning to an evening paper and every af- teneea instead of in the aorninc The ia one of the most ably edited papers la the State and the peo- ple of Live Oak should stand by it The Gainesville Chautauqua has the bet literary program this season of it ever pretested The Cbautan qua brings maay people to oar city sad it Ia deserving of the hearty sap port of teeth city sad eeaaty It is a lecture aoane for all h Ida fsr tIeR II 111 I I TUb change be Issued Drat JIG titer U S13eh 1 eseRl the The It was r I sate f bust s1O t ships tste kiss test s IIL- I tel Gave t be R steal 3 r aeon Y say suds r a yt ter > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ + GOOD ROADS Discussing value of good roads- in Maryland The Baltimore Sun Practical testify that they haul twice a much on good ro d as on tad and in halt the time with 1 M wear and tear on tram and wagon Farms in Howard county on the turn plk he worth twice ke- anuch a throe on county road A Prince Georges county farmer that land in his neightorh tot at Crow 12 to 90 an sere whereas near Forestvllle in the ame county where the roads are better land brings tram 40 to an acre Good roads in- crease tit demand for land and raise its price by attracting population while bad roads repel newcomer keep out capital d acourage enterprise eaase Intelligent farmers to leave and lower the isle of both land and crop Good roads save BBBCR time the mosey value of which it is hard to measure- It is estimated that our Maryland farmers having 4862880 acres of farm lard haul material and at aa average cost of 1173 a haul In the ag- gregate of 18000000 a year If meaaa of geed roads they reduce this cost of hauling their annual saving would be some 4 00000 To be added to the direct benefit of the farmer from good road Is the indirect benefit of increased travel through- the country by carriages bicycles ete easier social Intercourse ditaln- ihed sense of irolatiea and a cessation of that practical ioaprisoameat during bad weather which make country life ettjeetleaable to many persons ripe eially women The good road costs the farmer in taxes which the poor road costs la re- pairs to harness and wagons and also la Injury to horses The mere who has to pay aa much with poor roads u he does when he has good road in a for he could not sell his land for much if he so desired a he if the lead was eay of access by good roads men are said to the all 100 b lope a could the ray sells ope half f ¬ > ¬ NATIONAL QUARANTINE The Jacksonville Metropolis that a large delegation of represen- tative busiaes men of Louisiana will apple next Saturday in Washington before the House committee to urge the passage of the Mallory national quarantine bill There is no oppoi ion to thl bill in Florida u the grate Board of Health and citizen generally agree with the Florida delegation in I Congress that it is a meritorious mead are and of great importance to Flor- Ida and other South Atlantic and Gulf States The Louisiana delegation has cor- dially invited the citizen of Florida to meet with them at the Villard foul in Washington next Saturday and Messrs Irving Welsh and P G Am- bler have been appointed by President Garner of the Jacksonville Hoard of Trade to represent Jacksonville at thl meeting and cooperate with rep- resentatives from other Florida cities and join with the Louisiana delegation in urging the passage of this bill In brief this bill provider for na- tional supervision over all coat quar- antine regulations This eliminates local jealousies between rival buiinei interest and prevents reckless extrav- agance and incapable management The Georgia peach crop has been greatly damaged by the gout I weather and there i a chance of the entire crop being a failure The frost of Thursday morning th heaviest- we have had in tlii Motion of Florida during entire winter and there is ao doubt it has done a considerable amount of damage to delicate vegeta- tion They mull be very warn members in Live Oak A young man had his girl out for an auto ride when the ma- chine caught Ort in some manner The young man rescued his lady but the auto Wilt bally damaged Hows This We offer Our Hundred Italian Ke ward for any cfi t of catarrh that cnn not IK cured by Hall Catarrh Curl F v Toledo O- We the uiideriKi parr known F J Cheney for the last 15 yiur and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any oldigation made by hi firm WALDINO KI NAN A MAKVIN Wholesale Druggist Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally eating directly opon the blood and mucous surface cf the system Testimonial sent free Price 7 cants per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family PUll for eoatti patios I I I recent I J CmSt l I I I says was the I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ TO BE ELECTED- At Helion 10 be held State nit fall following i th lUt of i t f choen A mem- ber of ConJ from each of the thre di tri two of the supreme coin two railroad comml ioner six- teen Stat senator in the even of distrtot in rountr tax eollecfor tax aifeuor tra rer m mbrs of the board of county corn members of the board of public instruction members of the House of Representatives justices of the peace In every instance men qualified for the position should be chosen a progress of the State depends on those hue its affair ia ehargi The counties should see that sound procressive men are placed in ofSce There is no State more favored than Florida and with a good and county government it apparent that she will advance with more rapid unties than any State la the Onion Peniacola insists on being older than St Augu tine But ai the first set- tlement of the former wa made on Santa Rosa cant get the money Both cities are old enough to know better than to be quarreling about trifles and what th people want to know i which Is the liveliest town We are not looking for old places la Florida We want new ones and foil of life Come to Gainesville KEEP YOUR HEAD UNCOVERED The CoMtaa We Du f Hat Pre ff Ceraaa There Ire many men who wear their hat iTictioally all the time when awak- es are bl i cd with a heavy iock oC hair yot If the ecnlps of same men once became with dandruff germs the pnrasltps would multiply a the quicker for lick of air Baldness would ensue a the final result New bros Herplclde kills these germs and cumulates unhealthy hair to abundant growth erplcl Jc Is a pti ant hair dre liif no a dandruff and ontnlns not an atom of Injurious ftnrc KoM by Ipndlne drucriita 9 nd 1 In stamp for sample to The Htrpl ride Co Detroit iilch J S Iladirerd A C Special Brent In thl tie olJJe J Itt ic mi ion who Sale island she I I rt there Infested I j I as sub I the ers num- ber each the also I a gates well cure 0 ¬ ¬ < > I Unit Ctirartti to that I Weald ae ta without tlirm wk k gnat dell with InrpU end IxklMh how tine tables Ck r rrt anUf l th nl I err much I rrrtalnlr ttentuntmt them to tty frltnd Anna U lai Otbora kiln JJo s Birtr MM Beat For SCerer Sick n v k n orlirlr VcNrtrr- oM li lulk Thn tpnnln QoMJintcrit to cur ur r mr In nrj Btertlag Remedy Co Chicago or NY 6 t AIJWAL SALE TEN MILLION LAZES laxative Does not gripe or nauseate stomach end liver troubles and chronic by restoring the natural of the stom- ach liver and Fur Salt by J W McColImn A Cu- MI Miwttr- CKIIUT1I r MEN AKD WOMEN t 44 f runntlurali- l li itlUtMuilion- aIrrltli r r u rr tluDI- i t tu 4 u ni b tir n- l i tiil sot iina DMm- t rirtc r r J sin iv Circular root on tviiUM- tntnrrwuu rV M ALL COUNTRIES t ft ri4 Ji JMi x u ti- M 1 funJ It 1 Pittnt and Pnttle Eidatlvtljr Writ r mnf la u m- tSU MM taut tf wen t slaw Met WAaHINGTON O C GASNOW WUVER I renal fIr feet bUn be tot medlrlne I Fall r1 tbI ONot 1 C t C CHINDLa- xative Frail Syrlp- nt to take The new bowels ocunD ANO OtrENDIrDIirsL lot I t rt 1 w tarot rl t coed shall u hale nten The Dowels eM etll rK- Pteulnt Pntent Tut nos nnM tamped R1 con- stipation ti rl I t 1 tterwt1 Ca lelretf tteultGl gent r held S Dragglaia a or n In pa n maser t raft r rrr1 Yrs rb r 4 touuula err ntrls tiv tie darter laid mat resist w < < ¬ < + > < < + PERMANENTLY CURES DO NOT DELAY Until the drabs SJB TtMhMMM which COUGH JWNd and C1IOUP Require Prompt Action SNOW UNIT applied to the throat sad cheat relief white POSITIVELY CURE WHOOPING COUGH AND TOR CHILDREN Mr Mss Adaaa OoUtttwalta T writes hire rod allar f SAFE AMI 5U1E Tlat Sts 25c Sic 2MT- iCalliifeiB FIII ills Sa riff SrerylsXs aafaaoesi SMW Limimtut IX St L iis Mt OLD AND ftKGOMMKNOBD JOHNSON C3al3Qetfxr7nle If You Are Insured 1 Iu a Company that is K iir riible Hoer a PohcyCurrectly F Written With Liberality of Pullet Contract and the Cotnpaij Pays flosses Promptly You Are Assured 7 That no serious lots can overcome you without you have some t refuge Fire Life Accident acid Uealtb lusnrance- j None but Reliable Companies Kepreretited T A M CUSHMAN Information cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA I I i- Aor 1JII- IOIN produeee permanent u wonderful a To health k must kept In good order A GOLD Is con If so if it known proper aame of UIteIII1nutHI Rs would a ita Me at it wen wl n HIY the ONLY COUGH UIDY CROUP 1 i ed1e1ae croup ij qtdckJJ t I y jj W M 7 I- fI i- I I C C I C- I 1- S 4 I- I 1 1 AasTdMA t fiit l P- r disability ere have good be tisaea yst was by er f the character be appre- s1atd free cold make appse2a1- 1 saw IsUsrd gees will erersrae 1 1 i msrAs I- M IuuidE TITS WILT r REST fir Noise R- im use lied It Np- yptswt plc aad eewess lard vs sahwsas p o 1 1 S 0 e t p ooJroiOJty e = = HI IB1 IDTJTTOIET CO Do a rfeoeral DacttiCK buteet our and t ForeVc acd Doirenlc Eicbaeie i tie kccounu or basks b o er cori or tton farmer ccereoanu icd others received on favorable lo BkklDtf coJccvioc oa all aeecMible oolculn the Vetted states RY Two Trains Hally te raohlastea and 5rn 187u B ANX ERS I terns GAINESVITLE FLOEII I SOUTHERN snlul III- I Etstabliebea I tic dIes lA York Irteetlle November < lv4uok vllJcA- rlv J M r to i lv snvairmh Ar I Sorlh WVn t Ar lvttcbbu klv l rj l- ii AriUart v lv I i p is iu ArU4 tilU t hlv IS IV- lv t r NH k 4 A r HW fK IV I Mil 1 Car Iori T ui- ew Yurk- i anrt rune Oriuin K I Ar- I 1 1 ii- t lv Clmrlnnitl IfcKr Ar S tin Ar Clrvrlarxl llu l lv- Jnk invliic rln 9- s a nn rt ii I- tniumbiia s r i A k fUtf N I I tint MflSk N C v ICmxvii i Trnn v 9 Uuutville Kv v Ar IK- Ar Ur IW- Uv IS Ar t s r IV- Ar AnnMih ilv lv 4 Ar Itrmiril14rt So C lv MtwiiUK Krl i i- lv Mijiblv Ar t u ArlloiSprlnifv Ark lv OP- trrUih rMu rvlik to ftnclnnuil car StVICC OD eei r In A tlaou until T Ma m J C LtSK Dttrlct P i c er Aeot 1C We flay St Jaeks BvUe Ha S H UARDWICK PT M W H TAYLOE G P A BROOKS MORGAN A O F- T f TuuTraln t So U SIII and S II SIU Hia 1 II kq 11 lIlCr Ar U fj I I ttl LY I I lurnhul IIr II UI I I Iv III Ruuc4 1 I tilt b II t I 111 Iil I I tr s It Lv IS I t ITa I i ll aq IJ l 1 1 I a N I IM Its 1 Int I II 81t1 111 tnihnaU I I 1 Ill I IImrllI 7fj t Ifhlfllll I rrod n le J1l11fH1 t IIrI 11 WluLl a lm11 Iulr lem I It I rlhtl1l Irr I I 1 It t s or 1 nCII II 101 i r a I rI I I 111 t I 1 St IOuh J1 Train ISa U I Iu lltlotJl cu r t SO 1 and l ullman IIrllwlcorlComn Boom 1IJ t ti Cr ctnlnrmti I Sn It Hid I TDe Sperhli fall man itrlllC In e Lars c tllDiao j I Trlnl oral to Null nU Fut n Nur1 u 55p nun ISp LcJatlllakluMIHRAr fe1 kn1 to 5 tap iSp III Pia It41 LM1 7t 19151 l u p tl Ir 5lucnn Gu IL I3a n1 trap Lulu Ir I Ito 19 Lp Ulm 591 Arltlnnlu In 2j at sM 1r1hllrlattc ql Ua tsa Ike 1r o fir IR ptA51 5 u Iaa 1r lirerntrr I1 Ip SXI a 211 1t Iatrn Ia l1 l1 15 1 9 91u It 1r ILMrIuC lv S II1 rot 51 Ar ChutUlna 5 itsr I E Ar lileunrMl lt S 1r Ietittuh S Iv leM p llntnnltl tr rJIt t I 1 Lv n tnnrtr 1 r dl 4 t 1r r lift Isar Iq a tap 1r ltalthunrc Is t i 1 Ir 14 Lt tt r 1511 1r 1hu ua h1IJn LS h p 1 p N 1111 L t Irhh No tnatl i Turk enl r 5r1hlrua seedy iPrr I eli 1aliniap lttawlar Ib1tp l 1 tt It rlnclnnl rlla U tr r l I 1ar 1rItteIrn 1llJ t t dtIL pNLIlv ISIIv I tut- o t tM nd tnNda t 1- hein 1 err JwkMI Ii to dew Swk a 11p lr itunh tult lu lat o Lt aw fir 9hrnuth LarduTT kr Xu Islet 511 t19- J Iv L1 Tt Ik I9 Sl lt bu u Ir a t the 1 yt 1 I Yr Lt rl Ir 11 I fry 1r lop aa Ar I yp Ar iItl 4i Iv I s awn II ball t td 1etlbul rr C1rrooiccatlI a Wt and Jack Opals una 1raulat u It Jp 11 Seeln end Ieelfat h1taeen brt lers Jee Itlrrcinibatn Slrmphk Jack4bWe aril eat 1urnn tIts Alnutn loom Jaccr1Lr ace IJ to Attaht ae hattanlta can rr > < < > < > > > < > = + + + +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03 … mall fv re w k trfct to-tattec to fecal colaata 10 caU list Grant




Mr lItJYJ-


4 ItHJfaA




Mth at GatacarlUeFiaass r4 laM mil cMtwr-

V B MCCEKARY Editor and Iubli be-

rVW ASHLEY AMocl t Editor


cTMraEWITT 8apt CeK etfi Room

omcKi roKTKK aocxTaurawMBja

reM M ay 4 Utt d try earritr lajfe city or

ffjesftMrfsajBrfe5 av eat frqtkn-ecs mall fv re w k trfct to-

tattec to fecal colaata 10 caU listGrant iMvtiM sad 5 ewU for car additional

afwMtylay Bade kaowa oa-

WsaTr1vWc k KM to aa ricklfage fattycr yal H hr1 every Moaday sad

deaatehtt all UM ran of tacNeal slat sad frserml aad wiU t

to say of tfc fattedor ieoa jcarto adraacc-

AM iiiHlilag Mtft alter antdtrcrtiMBeat aaln otherwise

fartleto pay for adrtrtUiac taad-


AB ftirl Meexed for Urn

tamed felsMsIVtasel tad expired

Wltli Taws as e e aid AtlantaM MM etaer tie Tamps NertheraB-aUMMd to b ad ta be a tain-

JMtoeavllle hat six Ire alarmWedaetday sBaralBf GMM Tampawill about the aae

If M IcereUry Taft aya the CaMl rk will go M after every liar ie-

iMttvi MM Rea ntl will beben at fatoh

he t1tfit

steed L-

8uLI sex troy

Ie tart





Eel act kaowe to

aAieanresh rtA




j ftPest OReo




p w avlaa p tneealq es-

tlNd siP s1 the VaIW4I atefl pretty



E adl s ar

c case Mare tI g

mowMssll J1callfsaNM pat


hags doe


file JLWeetboars




a beep situ bergi tfhe sew







Ktef Edward eaia he works twelve3t fa day but enc work the 1

Mteaa aerial Bight

weMfecr will have a teadeaey to4 away with the preraM that are saidtotztat M abete zero ate

Thwndaj neralaff-

Deat begia to worry about our waralltfa BATIan to do It looks

tBMfli the beya weald have aa OhlM to dispose of la a hers

While the p eBle are fading faultwttli the weather the of

etc are going onth Seathera dittriet of this

The hattli i Florida faraerdoM notCrawl at MM weather bat proceeds toteat alter erope when the coldIfcttaUaa He Is so busy he does not

tiaw te step tad growl

Btakep Taraer has bea heard wayla Albaay K Y It u he eaya-

M la kaewias to a place better thanhe Vaited State to live what would

the aeatter with teadiag hits there

They have got aa article of booze iaGeorgia that they tall eheeaieal whis-key whleh la wore destructive thanthe sjeaaiM eora jute A man willthrow a It la aboat half aa hoar afterke takes ea a cargo

The report come from parts of Geor-gia that rural nail routes are beingsHeteatiaued The government insistsem good roads for rural stall carriessoul the sewer we have good roads thaamier we will have more rural mall

Sprisgield Ohio has many coloredpeople cad ha always been noted forUs frieady feeling toward the neRroyet when a blaek man shot a white cititea there was jut aa wild a mob afterkim as you eould scare up anywhere

The Live Oak Daily Democrat willfrom a morning to an

evening paper and every af-

teneea instead of in the aornincThe ia one of the most ablyedited papers la the State and the peo-ple of Live Oak should stand by it

The Gainesville Chautauqua has thebet literary program this season of

it ever pretested The Cbautanqua brings maay people to oar citysad it Ia deserving of the hearty sapport of teeth city sad eeaaty It is a

lecture aoane for all








changebe Issued



titer U S13eh

1 eseRl the


It wasr


f busts1O

t ships tstekiss testsIIL-




t be







r a yt


> >







Discussing value of good roads-in Maryland The Baltimore Sun

Practical testify that they haultwice a much on good ro d as ontad and in halt the time with 1 M

wear and tear on tram and wagonFarms in Howard county on the turnplk he worth twice ke-

anuch a throe on county road APrince Georges county farmerthat land in his neightorh tot atCrow 12 to 90 an sere whereas nearForestvllle in the ame county wherethe roads are better land brings tram

40 to an acre Good roads in-

crease tit demand for land and raiseits price by attracting populationwhile bad roads repel newcomer keepout capital d acourage enterpriseeaase Intelligent farmers to leave andlower the isle of both land and cropGood roads save BBBCR time the moseyvalue of which it is hard to measure-It is estimated that our Marylandfarmers having 4862880 acres of farmlard haul material and at aaaverage cost of 1173 a haul In the ag-

gregate of 18000000 a year Ifmeaaa of geed roads they reduce thiscost of hauling their annualsaving would be some 4 00000 Tobe added to the direct benefit of thefarmer from good road Is the indirectbenefit of increased travel through-the country by carriages bicyclesete easier social Intercourse ditaln-ihed sense of irolatiea and a cessationof that practical ioaprisoameat duringbad weather which make country lifeettjeetleaable to many persons ripeeially women

The good road costs the farmer intaxes which the poor road costs la re-

pairs to harness and wagons and alsola Injury to horses The mere who hasto pay aa much with poor roads u hedoes when he has good road in a

for he could not sell his land formuch if he so desired a he if

the lead was eay of access by goodroads


are said tothe




lopea could



ope half






The Jacksonville Metropolisthat a large delegation of represen-tative busiaes men of Louisiana willapple next Saturday in Washingtonbefore the House committee to urgethe passage of the Mallory nationalquarantine bill There is no oppoiion to thl bill in Florida u the grateBoard of Health and citizen generallyagree with the Florida delegation in I

Congress that it is a meritorious meadare and of great importance to Flor-Ida and other South Atlantic and GulfStates

The Louisiana delegation has cor-dially invited the citizen of Florida tomeet with them at the Villard foulin Washington next Saturday andMessrs Irving Welsh and P G Am-

bler have been appointed by PresidentGarner of the Jacksonville Hoard ofTrade to represent Jacksonville atthl meeting and cooperate with rep-

resentatives from other Florida citiesand join with the Louisiana delegationin urging the passage of this bill

In brief this bill provider for na-

tional supervision over all coat quar-antine regulations This eliminateslocal jealousies between rival buiineiinterest and prevents reckless extrav-agance and incapable management

The Georgia peach crop has beengreatly damaged by the gout I

weather and there i a chance of theentire crop being a failure The frostof Thursday morning th heaviest-we have had in tlii Motion of Floridaduring entire winter and there isao doubt it has done a considerableamount of damage to delicate vegeta-tion

They mull be very warn membersin Live Oak A young man had hisgirl out for an auto ride when the ma-

chine caught Ort in some manner Theyoung man rescued his lady but theauto Wilt bally damaged

Hows ThisWe offer Our Hundred Italian Ke

ward for any cfi t of catarrh that cnnnot IK cured by Hall Catarrh Curl

F v Toledo O-

We the uiideriKi parr knownF J Cheney for the last 15 yiur andbelieve him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transaction and financiallyable to carry out any oldigation madeby hi firm


Wholesale Druggist Toledo OHalls Catarrh Cure is taken inter-

nally eating directly opon the bloodand mucous surface cf the systemTestimonial sent free Price 7 cantsper bottle Sold by all druggists

Take Halls Family PUll for eoattipatios






J CmSt lI


















At Helion 10 be heldState nit fall following i thlUt of i t f choen A mem-

ber of ConJ from each of the thredi tri two of the supreme

coin two railroad comml ioner six-

teen Stat senator in the evenof distrtot in rountr tax

eollecfor tax aifeuor tra rerm mbrs of the board of county corn

members of the board ofpublic instruction members of theHouse of Representatives justices ofthe peace

In every instance men qualified forthe position should be chosen aprogress of the State depends on those

hue its affair ia ehargi Thecounties should see that soundprocressive men are placed in ofSce

There is no State more favored thanFlorida and with a good andcounty government it apparent thatshe will advance with more rapidunties than any State la the Onion

Peniacola insists on being older thanSt Augu tine But ai the first set-

tlement of the former wa made onSanta Rosa cant get themoney Both cities are old enough toknow better than to be quarrelingabout trifles and what th people wantto know i which Is the liveliest townWe are not looking for old places laFlorida We want new ones and foilof life Come to Gainesville


The CoMtaa WeDu

f Hat Preff Ceraaa

There Ire many men who wear theirhat iTictioally all the time when awak-es are bl i cd with a heavy iock oC

hair yot If the ecnlps of same menonce became with dandruffgerms the pnrasltps would multiply athe quicker for lick of air Baldnesswould ensue a the final result Newbros Herplclde kills these germs andcumulates unhealthy hair to abundantgrowth erplcl Jc Is a pti ant hairdre liif no a dandruff andontnlns not an atom of Injurious

ftnrc KoM by Ipndlne drucriita 9 nd1 In stamp for sample to The Htrplride Co Detroit iilchJ S Iladirerd A C Special Brent

In thltie


J Itt ic

mi ion



island she













ber each





well cure






I Unit Ctirartti to that I Weald ae tawithout tlirm wk k gnat dell withInrpU end IxklMh how tine tablesCk r rrt anUf l th nl I err muchI rrrtalnlr ttentuntmt them to tty frltndAnna U lai Otbora kiln JJo s Birtr MM

Beat For

SCerer Sick n v k n orlirlr VcNrtrr-oM li lulk Thn tpnnln

QoMJintcrit to cur ur r mr In nrjBtertlag Remedy Co Chicago or NY 6 t


laxative Doesnot gripe or nauseate

stomach end livertroubles and chronic

by restoring thenatural of the stom-ach liver and

Fur Salt by J W McColImn A Cu-

M I Miwttr-


MEN AKD WOMENt 44 f runntlurali-

l li itlUtMuilion-aIrrltli r r u rr tluDI-i t tu 4 u ni b tir n-

l i tiil sot iinaDMm-

t rirtc r r Jsin ivCircular root on tviiUM-

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