gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-03-31...

TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AfllH 31 HUH k 4Yr r- wr 4 vi I a feeoCfrataM xl c- BMcCWCA rub ay W ASHLEY A oelsie Editor BKCRTZ CUT Editor TOaTHR BOCJC- TXLUHOXE434 TUB Bat safeUahcd crtry MoraiBV n B M a4jr by canto la the city er I Hatful lo My f DM tatted states pup free yaw f3 aseatlu fiJ3 jo eats fV w k rtTktJy la fcH taWRlla Bad 3 emu forcacti ddltteaa- lH Twteh W k I M dchlpu forty papa pMbtkhc4 CTCTJT Monday M4- f aa4 caatataa all a wa ef awl fcacral and will be toe to any rt of the r Inltrd- r Caaada for iooa jrarJa advaace- AM Mite become due alter r of adrerttimtat sales ta otnenri- Mta eammd ranks aol kaowa to M- BW revoked ta pay for adrertUiag ia ad- a Aattrta TUB DAILY hCN DAILY aile 11t at attar EdJor t 1Uh SuP 1 tC Ktou- OIPJCE eked I part tot lIU- I RIll Uae- 1Ir IuowA JUTT lL tit I 1 PM ilreltattllePtlas Oise Uaenslt1 L tau p r gK W1IWa ace hued tart a s a three- S ar ieilaj aMlen Ia scull cotemA w a irlMea krdlapMy sdtettWatatade oa- t w its Mar the tatltlt Mal tails teeetit easy artrtt lag t t a tee 1 GrptiaYtun I < < = + = = > + IMPORTANT DECISION Tk Saarvm Court of Florida in an f4 by foffice WhitfleW flied at TklkJttafta Ta lay afteraoon has inpertaat contribution t Ik of adjudications by that trikwnl tmtaiBlaR and deUnlng the tke Florida Railroad Com aiMte M eeatala d in the act of UtTcrtftliaf the commiesion sad the datory act of 1609 Til pre at dreiiicm It is the man 4MBM proevediax of the State TlMida s r l William H attor- Myffaaeral relator rt The Atlantic QjJtl Llae Railroad Compasy a cot rvtpondeat which bf I he railroad eommiuioner lir gh attoraeygeaeral a the ItwciIrc U wherein the railroad com aHitilmara coaf hi to compel obedience kf tto Cot Liae Railroad te an order made by the MlailMloMra OB November 11 1U0- 5rtf lri i the Atlaatifl Liar Rail fM Mte Kaal sad distribute between H ttatieas MB sag aloasj its liRe of railway l Ike State of Florida for the ItMfitl TclefraphCable Company it IMM wire aad other material f r the aMlBteaiaee operatioa re pit MttrMtioa sad reeoattrooiioa- V fttl rf fM fees ef wire The order JM dtrtaok to fz the char s- Vktoh Ik AtltBti Coast Line might k f Vestal e- 0fJ ffM7 fer tack Mrvie- Tk rdtr ares oat of a eomplaia- tkf Ik Postal TetegniBhCable Com JAr that tfct Atlaatlo Gout Lin Rail wasraerfonaiBg a like service for ak Western Unioa Telegraph Con MJ related to perform It for the FMtal Company and ski this eoa tttaied an unlawful vriatiaatian which railroad com i iara legally empowered to- ffavtat Cosat Llae refused to sky tk order sad applied for aad secured tree Boprease Court aa alternative writ ef BiaadaBias to compel obedience bf the railroad to the order Tk eeatral poles emphasized in Jaatk Whltfelds opinioa are that N prcTealloa of di riminatioiis as- kjttveea shippers is oae of the chief yarpett of Railroad CommiMioa toad the necessity of ezercisiag the framing of the Railroad GesaasiMioas orders to the end that tkaerdra themselves shall not work a iiseriaaiaation as between shippers Tkopialoa enuaeiates the following laiportaat priaoiple of law Whea the railroad cnrninlnstoner asake a valid order for the prevention f unjust diicrimlnation and for the of rates of freight and par eager tariff made and promulgated ky them it the duty of the railroad company or other common carrier ebey such order and to promptly faithfully and completely comply with all its legal requirement and mieh duty will be enforced by mamUtnu When mandamu i brought to en- force an order of the railroad conuni- ooer such order should appear on Its face to be within the power und nil shanty of the railroad cninini inri r i- to make sod If the order contain n material and inHnJatnr proviso whi locii nut from the term of the rfntive writ to be within the powi r if the railroad cotnmi ion er i in iki ind the alternative writ cocnuunji the re j oo cnt ij o h tucker of of Ellis Atl c e Tel raphCa Commissions I nee I 0 MIen II ode Ile 1 ewers 7 peesUs was insi tastd the ale Coast k tile the c tread sad Tiegnph Cable die- t the were The th- is mlsleaen aka t r the law Mrs 7 a t x i 1 e > > > << << = + ± + with comply with the crdrr or show citr for rot dolrp o a rtfmir rrr to the writ will b u tnin d inoe th o Jtr inj t It en- firrd a A whoo if at all The ji fr not iliiy in make and roiiulra rta inabe ntd rate charge for of rniter and fur the handing trans Donation and delivery of freights elm upon the railroad eommi inn era hJ Chapter 4TW of the acts of 1589 relate to rates lo be the of transportation std not to rate to bt made for particular per- sons or corporation Such rates or charge shout be made in their nature and applicable alike all and corporation like and should not in terms or in egret be made applicable to only fa tenon or corpor tion to the seclusion of other persons or cor- porations under like circumstance Rates or charges mad general in their terms may be applicable to only one peron or corporation beeaufe no other prron or corporation is ia e ancv and this would Lot make the rates or charges special but even in eases the rates or charges should be read general ID their teams and should not in terms be made to a particular or designated per- son or corporatism The Railroad Comroi ion law Chapter 4700 i de Jut r trlarl I ru iou pea mrde upon 10 prO und cir ul uanc like cireum uh IRnd In nr bt IIn fllat I alt sit rnuire subjects get era appli- cable liwimt < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + j lime and to find it provides for the making and enforcing of rates or charges upon lubjrcts of tran porta tiuo applicable alias to all perons or corporation in like cir umitance and for preventing the giving of dif- ferent rates to different persons der like circumtance The court tiid that in view of the here sought to be enforced it eannot b prenumed that the rate therein mentioned had been flied and made appiabe to all hipp rs ariirr like ciraurntancen The order refers to current rates and add ther iu fur User charge for certain service to be rendered to the 1ortal Telegrapha bit Company by the respondent as a common carrier iu the handling trans port ti n and delivery of the tubject of tranortation to which tl lioned current rates apply and there nothing in the alternative writ indicate that such addition to the current rate had been fixed for Patch lertice in connection with three sub jeet of transportation and made ap plicable to ah shippers in like circum stances Where a rate of charge says the pinion has been duly made upon the subjects of transportation for the service hero demanded plicable alike to all persons and cur porations under like condition the rallrotd commissioner may by props proceeding make an order requiring uch service to be rendered to say par ticular person or corporation upon the payment of the rates or charges to prescribed and such order should tie obeyed anJ will be enforced but where a in Cue the order in term provide that the said Atlantic Coat Line Railroad Company for such ervice performed and rendered for the Postal Company- may charge etc and there is nothing ia the alternative writ to indicate that the rates and charges rai ile by the order for the Postal Telegraph Cable Company err rates and charges made by the railroad com taistioner for all perton and corpor ationj demanding like service under like cireumitance there i DO pre omption that the rate stated in the order has hero made applicable to all shippers in like circumstances Sill the o made is not a valid and en- forceable one There i no queniinn here a to the reaionablentfts of the rates or charge the sole question being the validity of the order making the rates and charge in terms for the Postal Telepraph Cable Company individually on ct of transportation offered by it alone to a common carrier In the at bar the order make Hows This We iffer Our Hundred Dollar Re- ward for any cam of catarrh that can- not be LHirni by Hair Catnrrh C m- K J CIIKXKV A iildii the underuntil IMV kruAvn F J Cheney for the Ifi ntt h ieve him pvrfully jios orMtil in nil bulnffii tmiriiitinn tlfiHitcta able to carry out any oblicntion Icy hi tlrr- nVur o KJXNAN A funs Wholemle Toleihi I 1111 Citurrh Ture i takin uilly Attiii dirrctly upon tilnod- itid miiMi ff the njrrtein- lVtimomali iit free irite 7ft eent- I T hauls od t y all Take Ha Family Iillr for un lodes mn I and this pie o- rt Iltll illS mod tlrlla ill s this to tp Taegraph Cable the sob saps ll ant hrunt Inter i the ti rate P run pafan r r < < > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > + + + + + j the rate cir n therein in term y Pinl T le Cabe Compiry iiil there i r- to indicate tldt uct rae and the order i therefore in itef A dicriminaiion either or in favor of sail cumpany to prevent which di cri3iinati n ce of th cbirf pnrpo of tire Railroad Cun- raMlonlaw j For th reasons Rtatel the demurrer i utained and the alternative writ of mandamu i iahed- I Chi f J utice Shackleford and Jtit lire Taylor Cotkrell Mocker and all concur in Juitlcr Whit field opinion LET US GET TOGETHER I I i It i parsing strange to people roast man that comes o it for an office We are bU mortal the flesh is weak and why should you to bring out had points about a m n I What a it be if a could inaugurated wherein nothing but a friendly spirit domii oared the people Jnsi let a man an him elf for an office and hi enemies pet busy at once Hit char- acter dissected from the time of birth down to date Kten hi parents hit brothers and losers avid moth What nII h t th I It rnrpnratinn III I fill ill 4 I t i Pkhill I would p be nOOD I I h torinla err to suffer I I ti wq nods appicahr rn tiny M1Itr trrP uT lik crttltltanrr Aga I hear some every seek blessing cam ign is his made I t > > < ¬ + + + t h j matter i if a man bo horn of humble parents What mutter it if thi man ha different ideas at to hi mode cf living I th re anyone without a blemith upon trretial footitooi Not if he a candidate tort u K t together yon and I W- are out for the b interest of Gaine ciM cud Alaohua county If think a certain gentleman will fill tits hill for an office then sleet that men with it any rpuniMit Iont get buy luokng ip hi record from e cradle It i tot what th men don b it what he viI do now You caui pal in different direction what we tired a lone pull and a piil Altogether and whoever i elected a the primary should receive th flll of frxvry man in the county r Bsrdl M of what our n5rnenn m y- bt The Gaine ville Klcvator i There resin to b vomethinc of a mixtip in regard to th dran K tax in the of Ev rpln io fee slurs The treasurer or tnx of- iMd county there i no drainage test bring coll ated while others who hut mall pieces of land claim they an called upon to puny up while bill lint company i exempt on account of a dei ioo of the court Who who Some of thtt property owners of the city are finding cotxiderabe fault with the surveys being in th city If they keep on moving fence of the front streets will lie mored to the back yard farther down the line W A Jones caught a tarpon at Pert Myer that weighed 113 pound The largest of the GRIND This new laxative Doss not or nauseate Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con- stipation by restoring the natural stout ach liver and bowels For Sale by J W McCollaai ft Co MEN AND WOMEN I It rutiniiur r f tloot 8 n lif Bf- P I too t f n u- tr ftr rr i tot SI t t l I T- liircuUr uu tMUMb- r AIL owrra 1 this ill II 4 ill Frail Ie take rl w1 Ii J i ie 1 t n t- I Sl f iiot s I I l r I f I we as counties the roll says the e new made sons art ou P1 ant 4 rkP It hr 114L n1t- OauutN Err1t- t n I rro rYr4 ant S ry1111t3C lvwCa nt ttlil0 1114 tr t r gglta- t as or Mfr n slurs wrrr seat i r I S PaCC nD4hD0 CYDLO 3 t7 tlt 1 SHItiG JvD r S- T ta s E I 4 t i > > > < ¬ < < + + + + + + + Do Not Neglect a Cold CAN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE SUCH CHANCES UOREHOUND SYRUP DEWY OTHER SHOULD KNOW THAT f ALLAR f HOMB CURE AND WHOOPING COUGH alwa tort limly for ChiUfw Etna little CaWfutfMl- miMttl 99 Every CQ weakens the Lungs the and tM at e to w stand uh succeedti thus the way more erlua Gila T I j lUCAJlllTLY CVw 1IrIat A C a i HOUND SYRUP CONTAINS NO NOT AND WLL HllTaVAY lUlL L K Afl Ire fa- It u IIetI Ut u c- C 1 elM I fI6 71- 1IALLAID SNOW LINIMENT NO 1 lowers makes system len Cord paring for M S i c l p c Iv r iAla tiiNtlbi la NsIRAtttelN I DO CROUP tttiRR saTae Ra asetl IialMNa llonbeaad a M eat M t wltMaa N lbow ere W ZfieYaWi recta w die ii anA CO ST LOUIS i I SOLO AND ftCCOMMCNDKD BY JOHNSON Gaim If You Are Insured In a Company that i 15 t i ble slaw a Policy Corr tty itti JitjtTHlity of Inicj iid the Pays Limits You Are Assured That no f riuti can overcome you without you have wine rvfujje Fire Life Accident and Health taraoce one bJt Reliable Re re enteJ A M CUSHMAN Information cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA kccewt voinik ID ate ii f ro rir eo etocs OB all SOUTHERN RY Two Trola hilly a vYa alB rtea and Sew lark Mfceiluie Uectte Novcabcr- Noll No V T TMIIW Ka t Xorlh afc Wel- e t Ar m rt v I i i is tvi SM 1 P ArXVabtn I I Vi tVi H Ar luuiuiirr lv ft W I Ar XV lhi4 t v VS- I i A w 12 4 I I NVw Vw r1 r i I i Ij rIb I HB l rii r i r iri Tu INI J i r N V jrl I r Rf tui v c r nremniii I gvi lv cmonrau I Cr I l lnlr lv JitrlMMCiV Ar II l l T ri A Iou bt4 I t lilt Af U it y Kv J C S n Hi I I W M 11 I rluu t lIt rlaL lOS I loss I C Corn tJit C C ed la- 7tiHFDUTTON 00- EA R ERS no altrfOtlll barslLlr tg jrf tkJtUIC Ele CCOIoD or bills tiarIIUICOtloQacna tarzerS ut terns NtC lc ILl tailed FLOEr A eII Sl t I s r Il Stili Sol UTlljfta ot1lhAt It tea t l I 1ILa ClI03 I iZ Ir lv j lIa J la IIn M I t H I IJ 1Uarta IIICIIf UI II Tta III At itutnr rt Ia J r t liar ltl i IQs LI 11 t Nu lbattOlnllor R tv 1 II Q Lt hIM t 11 11 yet 1 d ° n ChlotI II I J I I Ii Ir 1 J I Idle l 11 j I I I i111 Jo I rIMI Lr i u J U I II Lr r My 1 lII tic S rd Mtlrllhlfllltl4t Ital I 11 in I 1 I IIJI Ie 11 i I rtrotlfto T1 y p r t r t n Ie I t t It lfjlhi YI I 1 I 1 lLlfIlLlhfr ul l C li t I ra I T I 1 I KrouhlttIPo rItl i I I J IH t I I trtN I I r I JIlio r illtlt1- r1 I alt t t 4 I i tttif th I IT U Ahaq ii H I p- Ib I t n I It I I IU J 0 lu I H t JUt I A o S J J fl- o f f e y r e a Seta blie aft s Jut nC srl Are L Gl rte is trereLaCilatd011 ra recdsed ftsrabe l State BIN sVIr LE IZ n Nn lied CMi L1Juck thell t u alp Iltlv U3 S NPqLt 1r a a S p hl alt kp Lx lie an it3 lr p ruruncab 1r I ua tap reel Ir R3 It 1a xrr 1st e Sr Cnutlll ll t irr I p tlya J Ir 11 IUJIti v 1 1a 1r1hatlutle la rSM1 ice y a u SultT lr uUSp rp I Sill lrten b I1 tip 1 Stl II Sa it Ihnob MI 11 ISp t 1r UanltGr Lt 5 ap I pu tk Ir U1t r itaar t 5lq a r 1 1r Inl hnord LrI p 1 v t l it lrctn tq kp x 4M1 Li lnrtnrJtIt r Ir Let 6t ht lr rrrut Lr Yi t r IMr 1 r d iuJ all hlrJr t 1 t > r let 2 a u Lt it Utnn 1I u a r tap rot 1 tall 1r i r l Ir TC llu 11 t 1r r fit Ir 1 tnNt Wiahl11 Lr Inu y a IG1 r1a tt yl 1r irClrtrklwl Ill tr L ra hcnu d 1 iml Irra ry It m rrr r t r Jarvht r tntew J tl LCAIntrMi sultlr it Lead or 1 t II1Jt4 t3 It- t t iI La 1r rrIeNUq Lr a rasa tr r i IN tt 1 1 Lt LS 1 A hrSld ti l t saw J lht L K l 1 q1 A r It t 1r tint t1rtaC 1 Lt tv r yr rt tae t 11 n rv tl IsJt u llrnje Trate 1 r r rnrt 1 r r hh nrd HuJAya b Vary M w Uu ti r h a a tkawtrtllta n AUr r t hr r t a C a- tt tt Ivw rl lr > < > > > > < > = > + + ° + + + + + + + + + <

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4Yr r-


4 vi I

a feeoCfrataM xl c-


ay W ASHLEY A oelsie Editor



TUB Bat safeUahcd crtry MoraiBV nB M a4jr by canto la the city er I

Hatful lo My f DM tatted states pupfree yaw f3 aseatlu fiJ3

jo eats fV w k rtTktJy la

fcH taWRlla Bad 3 emu forcacti ddltteaa-

lH Twteh W k I M dchlpu fortypapa pMbtkhc4 CTCTJT Monday M4-

f aa4 caatataa all a wa efawl fcacral and will be

toe to any rt of ther

Inltrd-r Caaada for iooa jrarJa advaace-

AM Mite become due alter rof adrerttimtat sales


Mta eammd ranks aol kaowa to M-BW revoked ta pay for adrertUiag ia ad-

a Aattrta TUB DAILY hCN


aile 11tat




1Uh SuP 1 tC Ktou-




I RIll Uae-



lL tit




ilreltattllePtlas Oise Uaenslt1

L tau


gK W1IWa


tart a s a three-S ar

ieilaj aMlen Ia scull cotemA w a

irlMeakrdlapMy sdtettWatatade oa-



thetatltlt Mal tailsteeetit easy

artrtt lag t

ta tee











Tk Saarvm Court of Florida in anf4 by foffice WhitfleW flied at

TklkJttafta Ta lay afteraoon hasinpertaat contribution

t Ik of adjudications by thattrikwnl tmtaiBlaR and deUnlng the

tke Florida Railroad ComaiMte M eeatala d in the act ofUtTcrtftliaf the commiesion sad the

datory act of 1609

Til pre at dreiiicm It is the man4MBM proevediax of the StateTlMida s r l William H attor-Myffaaeral relator rt The AtlanticQjJtl Llae Railroad Compasy a cot

rvtpondeat whichbf I he railroad eommiuioner

lir gh attoraeygeaeral a theItwciIrc U wherein the railroad comaHitilmara coafhi to compel obediencekf tto Cot Liae Railroad

te an order made by theMlailMloMra OB November 11 1U0-

5rtf lri i the Atlaatifl Liar RailfM Mte Kaal sad distribute betweenH ttatieas MB sag aloasj its liRe ofrailway l Ike State of Florida for theItMfitl TclefraphCable Company it

IMM wire aad other materialf r the aMlBteaiaee operatioa repit MttrMtioa sad reeoattrooiioa-V fttl rf fM fees ef wire The orderJM dtrtaok to fz the char s-

Vktoh Ik AtltBti Coast Line mightk f Vestal e-

0fJ ffM7 fer tack Mrvie-Tk rdtr ares oat of a eomplaia-

tkf Ik Postal TetegniBhCable ComJAr that tfct Atlaatlo Gout Lin Rail

wasraerfonaiBg a like service forak Western Unioa Telegraph ConMJ related to perform It for theFMtal Company andski this eoa tttaied an unlawfulvriatiaatian which railroad com

iiara legally empowered to-

ffavtat Cosat Llae refused tosky tk order sad

applied for aad securedtree Boprease Court aa alternativewrit ef BiaadaBias to compel obediencebf the railroad to the order

Tk eeatral poles emphasized inJaatk Whltfelds opinioa are that

N prcTealloa of di riminatioiis as-kjttveea shippers is oae of the chiefyarpett of Railroad CommiMioa

toad the necessity of ezercisiagthe framing of the Railroad

GesaasiMioas orders to the end thattkaerdra themselves shall not worka iiseriaaiaation as between shippersTkopialoa enuaeiates the followinglaiportaat priaoiple of law

Whea the railroad cnrninlnstonerasake a valid order for the prevention

f unjust diicrimlnation and for theof rates of freight and par

eager tariff made and promulgatedky them it the duty of the railroadcompany or other common carrierebey such order and to promptlyfaithfully and completely comply withall its legal requirement and miehduty will be enforced by mamUtnu

When mandamu i brought to en-

force an order of the railroad conuni-ooer such order should appear on

Its face to be within the power und nilshanty of the railroad cninini inri r i-

to make sod If the order contain nmaterial and inHnJatnr provisowhi locii nut from the termof the rfntive writ to be withinthe powi r if the railroad cotnmi ioner i in iki ind the alternative writcocnuunji the re j oo cnt ij o h





e Tel raphCa







1 ewers


peesUs was insitastd







sadTiegnph Cable


t thewere


is mlsleaenaka




















with comply with the crdrr orshow citr for rot dolrp o a rtfmirrrr to the writ will b u

tnin d inoe th o Jtr inj t It en-

firrd a A whoo if at allThe ji fr not iliiy in make and

roiiulra rta inabe ntd ratecharge for of

rniter and fur the handing transDonation and delivery of freights elm

upon the railroad eommi innera hJ Chapter 4TW of the acts of 1589relate to rates lo be the

of transportation std not torate to bt made for particular per-sons or corporation Such rates orcharge shout be made intheir nature and applicable alikeall and corporation like

and should not interms or in egret be made applicableto only fa tenon or corpor tion tothe seclusion of other persons or cor-porations under like circumstanceRates or charges mad general in theirterms may be applicable to only oneperon or corporation beeaufe no otherprron or corporation is iae ancv and this would Lot make therates or charges special but even in

eases the rates or charges shouldbe read general ID their teams andshould not in terms be made

to a particular or designated per-son or corporatism The RailroadComroi ion law Chapter 4700 i de

Jutr trlarl I ru iou pea

mrde upon


prO undcir ul uanc

like cireum


IRnd In nr bt IIn fllat I


sit rnuire


get era









+ +




lime and to find it provides forthe making and enforcing of rates orcharges upon lubjrcts of tran portatiuo applicable alias to all perons orcorporation in like cir umitanceand for preventing the giving of dif-

ferent rates to different personsder like circumtance

The court tiid that in view of thehere sought to be enforced it

eannot b prenumed that the ratetherein mentioned had been flied andmade appiabe to all hipp rs ariirrlike ciraurntancen The order refersto current rates and add ther iu furUser charge for certain service to berendered to the 1ortal Telegraphabit Company by the respondent as acommon carrier iu the handling transport ti n and delivery of the tubjectof tranortation to which tllioned current rates apply and there

nothing in the alternative writindicate that such addition to thecurrent rate had been fixed for Patchlertice in connection with three subjeet of transportation and made applicable to ah shippers in like circumstances

Where a rate of charge says thepinion has been duly made uponthe subjects of transportationfor the service hero demandedplicable alike to all persons and curporations under like condition therallrotd commissioner may by propsproceeding make an order requiringuch service to be rendered to say particular person or corporation upon thepayment of the rates or charges toprescribed and such order should tieobeyed anJ will be enforced butwhere a in Cue the order interm provide that the said AtlanticCoat Line Railroad Company for suchervice performed and rendered for

the Postal Company-may charge etc and there is nothingia the alternative writ to indicatethat the rates and charges rai ile bythe order for the Postal TelegraphCable Company err rates andcharges made by the railroad comtaistioner for all perton and corporationj demanding like service underlike cireumitance there i DO preomption that the rate stated in theorder has hero made applicable to allshippers in like circumstances Sillthe o made is not a valid and en-forceable one

There i no queniinn here a to thereaionablentfts of the rates or chargethe sole question being the validity ofthe order making the rates and chargein terms for the Postal TelepraphCable Company individually on

ct of transportation offered by italone to a common carrier

In the at bar the order make

Hows ThisWe iffer Our Hundred Dollar Re-

ward for any cam of catarrh that can-not be LHirni by Hair Catnrrh C m-

K J CIIKXKV A iildiithe underuntil IMV kruAvn

F J Cheney for the Ifi ntth ieve him pvrfully jios orMtil in nilbulnffii tmiriiitinn tlfiHitctaable to carry out any oblicntionIcy hi tlrr-

nVur o KJXNAN A funsWholemle Toleihi I

1111 Citurrh Ture i takinuilly Attiii dirrctly upon tilnod-itid miiMi ff the njrrtein-lVtimomali iit free irite 7ft eent-IT hauls od t y all

Take Ha Family Iillr for











tlrlla ill





Taegraph Cable







i theti rate




















the rate cir n therein in termy Pinl T le

Cabe Compiry iiil there i r-

to indicate tldt uct rae

and the order i therefore in itef A

dicriminaiion either or infavor of sail cumpany to preventwhich di cri3iinati n ce of thcbirf pnrpo of tire Railroad Cun-raMlonlaw j

For th reasons Rtatel the demurreri utained and the alternative writof mandamu i iahed-

I Chi f J utice Shackleford and Jtitlire Taylor Cotkrell Mocker and

all concur in Juitlcr Whitfield opinion



It i parsing strange topeople roast man that comes o itfor an office We are bU mortal theflesh is weak and why should youto bring out had points about a m n I

What a it be if acould inaugurated wherein

nothing but a friendly spirit domiioared the people Jnsi let a man an

him elf for an office and hienemies pet busy at once Hit char-acter dissected from the time ofbirth down to date Kten hi parentshit brothers and losers avid moth


nIIh t th


rnrpnratinn III






i PkhillI

wouldp be



htorinla err to suffer I


ti wq

nods appicahr rn tiny M1Itr trrPuT lik crttltltanrr



hear someevery


blessing camign

is his




> >









matter i if a man bo horn of humbleparents What mutter it if thiman ha different ideas at to hi modecf living I th re anyone without ablemith upon trretial footitooiNot if he a candidate

tort u K t together yon and I W-

are out for the b interest ofGaine ciM cud Alaohua county If

think a certain gentleman will filltits hill for an office then sleet thatmen with it any rpuniMit Iontget buy luokng ip hi record from

e cradle It i tot what th mendon b it what he viI do now

You caui pal in different directionwhat we tired a lone pull and a piilAltogether and whoever i elected athe primary should receive th flll

of frxvry man in the county rBsrdl M of what our n5rnenn m y-

bt The Gaine ville Klcvatori

There resin to b vomethinc of amixtip in regard to th dran K taxin the of Ev rpln io feeslurs The treasurer or tnx of-

iMd county there i no drainagetest bring coll ated while others whohut mall pieces of land claim theyan called upon to puny up while

bill lint company i exempton account of a dei ioo of the courtWho who

Some of thtt property owners of thecity are finding cotxiderabe fault withthe surveys being in thcity If they keep on moving fence

of the front streets will lie moredto the back yard farther down theline

W A Jones caught a tarpon at PertMyer that weighed 113 pound Thelargest of the


This new laxative Dossnot or nauseateCures stomach and livertroubles and chronic con-stipation by restoring thenatural stoutach liver and bowels

For Sale by J W McCollaai ft Co

MEN AND WOMENI It rutiniiur

r f tloot8 n lif Bf-

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tr ftr rr i totSI t t l I T-liircuUr uu tMUMb-

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Do Not Neglect a Cold






tort limly for ChiUfw Etna little CaWfutfMl-miMttl 99

Every CQ weakens the Lungs the and tMat e to w stand uh succeedti thusthe way more erlua Gila





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If You Are InsuredIn a Company that i 15 t i ble slaw a Policy Corr tty

itti JitjtTHlity of Inicj iid thePays Limits

You Are AssuredThat no f riuti can overcome you without you have winervfujje

Fire Life Accident and Health taraoceone bJt Reliable Re re enteJ

A M CUSHMANInformation cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA

kccewt voinik ID ateii f ro rir eo etocs OB all

SOUTHERN RYTwo Trola hilly a vYa alB rtea and Sew lark

Mfceiluie Uectte Novcabcr-

Noll No V T TMIIW Ka t Xorlh afc Wel-

e t Ar m rt v I i i is tviSM 1 P ArXVabtn I I Vi tViH Ar luuiuiirr lv ft WI Ar XV lhi4 t v VS-

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EA R ERSno altrfOtlll barslLlr tg jrf tkJtUIC EleCCOIoD or bills tiarIIUICOtloQacna tarzerSut terns NtC lc ILltailed



Sl tIs r Il Stili SolUTlljfta ot1lhAtIt tea t l I

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