gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-02-20...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY i ti 6 1 n f > TODAY WAI A ACT DAY AT BIBLE CONFERENCE Continued fr m Page TWO rat appearance at the Taberaacle H if aa impressive prrachr a great orator fall of pathos tad power and delivered a most Interring sermon en the theme What Shan I Do to B- BavedT The speaker made saaay Hue points His rrnmks were dirrettd set to h lut the aasared he aid sad to them he viplaiaed that way to ba saved WM sot only in givlajC up fa and turning to a life bat getting forgiveaese for the aiMeeMiU past life A seed eel eonsWrr himself saved aimaly he has quit ianniBK he Mid hat he nest remember that he hat slaaed and he must seek for f Ireaatt for them When he gets fur he it eavrd Bishop MorrUon it to be oae of the finest and most effective workers in the United States f Mondays Program Mondays program at the Taberns- ele waa as follows Lecture on the Bible at 10 oclock a a by Prof J It O Brown sermon by O Mill r at 290 In the afternoon and preach tag ia the evening by Rev John J Tigart LL D editor of The Metho diet Review This distinguished di viae la a most eloquent speaker and the was deeply impress- ed with his remarks Luckiest Man in Arkansas IM the luckiest man In Arkaats H L Stanley of Kruno since the restoration of my wifes health af- ter fire years of ceatiaaoas coughing mad Bleeding from the lunge and I- owa my geed fortaae to the world greatest atediaiae Dr Kings New Di- senry for Oaasamptioa I know frasa axperleaea will sere eoasamptloa If taken ia tire My wife improved with first bottle and twelve bottles aaaalsted the eare Cures the worst eaghs aid told or moaey refunded Ae all drag stores fun Trial bottles free To Protect Employee Columbus 0 Fob houno of representative hiu without a dl- aeattag vote passed the Mlnteer bill relating to tho safety of railroad em ptoyea It provide that 75 per cent et the cars need la traffic shall b taiaped with power brake under con- trol of the train engineer At pres- ent the percentage Is about 25 Pirating Fetoys Honey and Tar Foley A Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy sad on saeniat of the great Merit and popularity of Foleys Honey sad Tar many imitations are offered fer the genuine These worthless im itatioes have similar sounding name Beware of them The geoaiae Foleys Honey and Tar is in a yellow pack- age A k fur it and refuse any subti tate It is the best remedy for coughs and fold J W McCollom A Co Offers for the next 3 days the following good at name ed below Itarketts Salad DreMiog Ufa Three boltlf Pickle Joe Three cans Corn jv Three dans IV Jia- Onit 3lb can Klberta Peach Vj Two 2lb rail Kltterta Peaches S6o foal of Qutten Olives ifc Best Lump Starch per Three llb can Cornell or ROt Beef Compound lsrd Ib Best grades of llama and Breakfast Bacon and everything Cheep for Cash GIVE US A CALL- We can iati fy you both in quality and price lib TKLKPIItm iu Stanton Foundry chinery CO Inc PALATKA FLORIDA Mar jf utute Iron and Brass Castings and Machinery Grate Bars Phosphate Castings Railroad aid Mill Castings and Repairs CAST VERY machlte i IP itle occutttl to none tn the State is YOllt OUDEKb saved the better the Mea Prot R large alnee lOa anel 19The TIle Cash CrocerCo lb tc 35 per N w DA Y- Our t r warm y j d 4 is acts given r r writes 1 i r c N prier a Beet a Ma- t rap N4 n 4I ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ Saleswomens Peril NAVE WEASa WE TO S7ARMM- Faato Akmrt Kits Mertl Blare yo ever ao many wows or girls an hoar than stand for ten ala uretgerems thoug- ht It la because most women suffer from some derangement of their delicate organism the discomfort of which ia lees trying when they are in motion than when In some taws lawn compel employers to places for their fe- male employees Hut no amount of law can regulate the hard tasks of these women They moat get the strength which this work demands or run the risk of serious diseases and the surgeons knife Read the experience of MUs Merkley 375 Street Milwaukee Gradual lot of BcrroaneM- bceriBedowa aalaa earl extreme Irritation medical advice doctor MId I had dkvaard and ulcer atloo and advfard an operation if I wasted to well I obttet to and decided to Lydia K Ftakaams Vegetable Com- pound a I loon fooad good about this aaedictae wera- tnw alceraUoB toon healed backache headache and arnroutnea and ta a abort time I was and perfectly well I wish working girl woald tor Lydia E Vegetable Compound E Plnkharas Vegetable la a vegetable tonic which invig- orates and strengthens the entire male organism and will produce the same beneficial rrMiltft in tlit ca e of ether lick women aa with Miaa Merkley Believes In Dreams Ixiulsvlllc Ky Feb 1 V N Herr the regular vnKlncvr of tine of the L In N traliiK wrecked near Uitonla on Tuesday nfUrnoon quit work for thu rest of the month tMfaiixo he dreamed- of n tombstone with the word Feb- ruary on It lily substitute Peter Murphy was killed In the wreck Herr will wile report for duty believing thn thu itittiKer of which ho was warned In his dream Is passed Health Means the ability to du a good work without undue fatigue and to bind lift worth living You cannot have indigutinn or cent tipit ion it upsetting the liver and pol- luting the blood Such a condition may be best and quickest relieved by litrbine tilt liver regulator that the world hat ever known Mrs I V Smith writes April 3 02 I llerbitif and find it the bet medicine fur constiiiatlon and regulating the liver I ver used oOcfnt Sold by V M Johnson Shot by His Roommate Knliiiiion tSii KtIi 1J Alltu De loath was liy Carluml Vjun hi riMiiniiialo Ill shooting was purely urrldental This developed Rum the statement of Delinch and the tnry conr Mli n or Vynn the stoats iiieni cud Ukit aKriolnj In all particulars The patient is still par- tially tint otherwise is do lug well Vyim Is about IS years Frightfully Burned Chat of Ford City Pa had his friclitftilly burned in nn electrical furnace He- nppliid Btickleiii Arnica Salve with the usual result a quick and per feet cure lireitejt henler on earth for burn wound Hires eczema and T ht nil fir ic stores Held ji Counterfeiter flnrkKliur Va Feb lt John is in Tall ehar iU wji- lx tin ot a gang of conn- terfeiter It Is alleged that Mnnenr In jail at s hiv partner S vf service ulcer say i roiinorfeltlDK on Hangers i r In rount The Yellow Fewor Germ ll u reo litly been tlieoveretl It bear A elope n emblniae to th ma- laria germ 1u free tle y tem from di e KHrm t the nmt rffoetive rern- ly i I r New Iif Guaranteed to cure all diet due III tnalnna pnt oti nrd CULL i tv t V- at Iii drug Ma t Dear Sin me The aid The y fee day best use blest cal II II or age W tlnnr machinist hand I r 10 fir I oil i I oeJ J Piakkaa seek get dla ors w era Com- pound with- out t ant purl t7rrt a 11 I lath lure Ins cad r Ill tsburg they I ti Ire tn Kings rill store ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ < > + >< ° + + HOUSE PAINTERS NAME ROSS Boston Is Selected at Next Place of Meeting Birmingham Feb It At the foal sebbloti ot the aunual cunv ntion of the International House Painter and Decorator held Friday Boston was selected as the next place of met due and ofllrerit were elected Uur Apprenticfsnii v the subject of A pair rca1 by Charles M Coons of East Orange N J The special committee to which was re- ferred the matter of joining the Cltl- zenH Industrial Inlon declined to make a reeotnininilatlon to that end The convention voted In favor of the organization of trade schools Cut to Death by His Son Ozark Ala Feb 13 Will Kin fatally cut his father at Hawrldge and the wounded rnuii diet later Will King the patricide iH at large and up to the present hln whereabouts tire unknovrn to Ih offi Search Is being niiide It Is sald unit lie will probaMy be ain stid in a short time It Is ntil r t oi that It- Piior was tilt ilr tiavd Croup Hegin with the symptoms of n tour mon cold There is a chilliue sneez- ing sure throat hot kin quick pulre- hoKMenet and refpiratitui 5 ve frt quent mall dote of Ballard Syrup the child will cry fur it and at the igi of a crotipy cough apply frequently BAllard Snow Liniment to the throat Mr Vliet New Castle Colo writes March 19 1802 I think Ballard Horebotind wonderful remedy and o to take Sold by W M Johtifon ohnson Hanged for Murder DaA on Cit Kelt I1 Kl John- son was prti ly rMciiUl nn t pal lows In the eturldtir of jail her rrltlay for the murder tif Kliza Hanks last October Sheets OMunl s runv the trap shortly alter 1 oeork John suns body dropping seven told a halt trot leaving his cell to KJ to the gallows Johnson acknowled etl his guilt Chamberlains Cough Remedy the Mothers Favorite The soothing and healing properties- of remedy its pleasant taste said prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people every- where It is especially prized by molh er of mall children for cold croup arid whtoing cough as it always af- ford quick relief and it cur mains no opium or other harmful drug it may be given as confidently to a baby a an adult For ale Iy all druggists Will Attend Trial llnsloy da Fri 10 Alex taglcr the father of yoiuiK Ilex Le ler who Is In prison In Jersey City charged with killing his brother Carl stales that ho has requested the authorities at Jersey City to postpone the trial of hiv son until Tuesday evening wucu he will be prevent For Biliousness and Sick Headache Take Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup It sweetens the stomach aids digestion and a a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowen without irritating these organs Urint laxative Fruit Syrup cures bilioittn and hnbitnul constipation Doe nut nauseate or gripe and mild and Ifnasrit to lake Ueniemlier the name Orion and refuse to accept any J V- McCollnm A Co Home for Epileptics Richmond Va Feb The has passed house bill provid- ing for lite etiil Ilihtn nt of a home for epileptics The hospital is to bo located near Lynchburg It is understood that the governor will ap- prove the measure Bcg n Taking Orornalsion Today and Your Cure Begins Today Its tnzrt M Food l rop r- tl art Vtry Kealizc Hnnplnr Uiltliy Color to f Uu p a Sallow In Producing Strtnetri to Weak to th l liU ant the invalid In Tonlnjr up PystTn of ConvalcA from f tf I M- In C ir trc tt Ki Stern In Nuur hiK ih urrjut In ijnntf the Thin Peaked F is t IhiMren In n i tang tin on th lr IJttto ntxJ r f ilV Pink White Hrth and In I r th lr with r l r i I I mp s that make Mothrrs OZOJCULfllOIf- i aa Aatldote for nil Dlsea Cud by Rxpotnre to Cold led Wet To prove Its Me llclnal Food Merits a Trial Bottlo Froo by Mall Wilt sent on request Write by letter or postal card to Oioraalslon Co98 Pine St New York AI DruciUta Two sliea We and LML lilt Wile of t all i i substitute 1 tI I f I I Ch Ii the the cent r tire trot the ch the Irlt be I System King cert tin e Hore- hound lint 1 pleasant t the Ik fore this acts y sen- ate the I A 11 al Lr Pl a LuQar feel t- In the s snit eke heart hat > > ¬ > ¬ > ¬ > > ° Blind HeadacheAb- out a ago writes Mrs Mattie Allen of 1123 Broadway Augusta Ga I suffered with blind sick backaches and could get no relief until 1 tried am frankly Womans Relief I Immediately commenced to improve and now a new woman and wish to recommend it to all sick women for I know it will cure them as it did me Cardui is medicinal extract of Y vegetable herbs which relieves destiM female pains regulates s fema- les to a proper state of health Try trouble rtiory Dcpt T Chattanooga Atalt doe Co C t a eon Sores Corns Bunions falls Contracted Muscles Lam Back Stiff Joints Frosted Feet Burns Scald eta AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation subdues InflAin action and drives out Pain PENETRATES the Pores loosens the Fibrous Tissues a free circulation of the Blood giving the Muscles natural elasticity EST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED ALWAYS CURED SCIATIC RHEUMATISM Mrs B A 500 St Kaorrttle Tenn writes I have beea trying the baths of Hot Springs Ark for sciatic but I get more from Ballards Snow Uaimeat than any medicine or hue ever tried Iaclo ed find for 100 Send taa large bottle by Soathcnt Bzpress THREE SIZES 33c SOc AND 100 E SURE YOU ACT THE OCNWMB Mallard Snow Liniment CoS- T LOWS U JL A SOLO AND O BY Take The Atlantic Coast LineF- OR ALL EARTHLY POINTS l ji rt For 310 Dnily- 12rI5pui Daily 1 V p m Daily U 05 p m Daily 3 p m Daily hlp Line Jack vJe- MosUoticrT Transit and Unsurpassed Service Time in effect Ftb r1 1P0- 6UAINKSVUIR Arrive Frcrs High spring and Inter mediate Ioirti Ocala Lecsburg and Tampa and Intermidiatr Ioint Rochelle Micnnupy arid Citra SaOaai Daily 310 pro Daily Palatka Jaakcoavtllt j 55 r n North East and West Daily High Springs Waycror Savannah Brunswick 315jn- Albanytbuita Ail Point North Eat Wtst Sr nrr 3 50 H i Daiij 7 2U i rn Interchangeable Mileage tart ov r 13000 miUa of unions r cipal railway in the southern State are on by the nc ni Itillinan feel Port Tnmj a tu New aiu C a- liuf also Atlantic Coat Line and Southern For complete information cull on J A OOOinVlN Ticket Agent Claine 111 D- u M KMKRSON Oen rnf MBr Wilmington VC W J rRMfi Traf MCr Wilmington 0 Send Us Your Next Order for Job H CARDUI Wvrli US DEEL Wt will up oeaslder your anJ give yet 1Jvh ra plain sealed nt but it your write today A lress Ladies Da It A for Rheumatism Cuts Wound Old Brut anything a W M Gainesville Via t Via S Jh r 010 n Dulurn or or Sea s2 0 est Rupic1 Tab p m j II sale r t Hlii 1 war BOn PRIll W I Trot li taS W IIhn 1lJ IIIilh FI I WISE 0 i I ave free arelope D hesitate Ad- a BiteQK 1t L f I Sure Cure USES JOHNSON 1s 1 Vla rth IY1 1 Dupot P so us Jacumile JseksoctLie Daily ntl highi pnncr Dail- ex tlnudtc rx tniast Ticket the principal Yar via tddrai- I l1NK C roN is 11U r11in Illy st Astor l 1s e Wort > > > > > < + +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-20 THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY i ti 1 n f > TODAY WAI







Continued fr m Page TWO

rat appearance at the TaberaacleH if aa impressive prrachr a greatorator fall of pathos tad power anddelivered a most Interring sermonen the theme What Shan I Do to B-

BavedT The speaker made saaay Huepoints His rrnmks were dirrettdset to h lut the aasared heaid sad to them he viplaiaed that

way to ba saved WM sot only ingivlajC up fa and turning to alife bat getting forgiveaese for theaiMeeMiU past life A

seed eel eonsWrr himself savedaimaly he has quit ianniBKhe Mid hat he nest remember thathe hat slaaed and he must seek for

fIreaatt for them When he gets furhe it eavrd

Bishop MorrUon it to beoae of the finest and most effectiveworkers in the United States

fMondays Program

Mondays program at the Taberns-ele waa as follows Lecture on theBible at 10 oclock a a by Prof J ItO Brown sermon by O Millr at 290 In the afternoon and preach

tag ia the evening by Rev John JTigart LL D editor of The Methodiet Review This distinguished diviae la a most eloquent speaker andthe was deeply impress-ed with his remarks

Luckiest Man in ArkansasIM the luckiest man In Arkaats

H L Stanley of Kruno sincethe restoration of my wifes health af-

ter fire years of ceatiaaoas coughingmad Bleeding from the lunge and I-

owa my geed fortaae to the worldgreatest atediaiae Dr Kings New Di-senry for Oaasamptioa I know

frasa axperleaea will sere eoasamptloaIf taken ia tire My wife improvedwith first bottle and twelve bottlesaaaalsted the eare Cures the worsteaghs aid told or moaey refundedAe all drag stores fun Trialbottles free

To Protect EmployeeColumbus 0 Fob houno

of representative hiu without a dl-

aeattag vote passed the Mlnteer billrelating to tho safety of railroad emptoyea It provide that 75 per centet the cars need la traffic shall btaiaped with power brake under con-

trol of the train engineer At pres-ent the percentage Is about 25

Pirating Fetoys Honey and TarFoley A Co Chicago originated

Honey and Tar as a throat and lungremedy sad on saeniat of the greatMerit and popularity of Foleys Honeysad Tar many imitations are offeredfer the genuine These worthless imitatioes have similar sounding nameBeware of them The geoaiae FoleysHoney and Tar is in a yellow pack-age A k fur it and refuse any subtitate It is the best remedy for coughsand fold J W McCollom A Co

Offers for the next 3 days thefollowing good at nameed below

Itarketts Salad DreMiog UfaThree boltlf Pickle JoeThree cans Corn jvThree dans IV Jia-

Onit 3lb can Klberta Peach Vj

Two 2lb rail Kltterta Peaches S6o

foal of Qutten Olives ifcBest Lump Starch perThree llb can Cornell or ROt

BeefCompound lsrd Ib

Best grades of llama and BreakfastBacon and everything Cheep for Cash

GIVE US A CALL-We can iati fy you both in quality and


lib TKLKPIItm iu

Stanton Foundrychinery CO Inc


Iron and Brass Castings and Machinery

Grate Bars Phosphate Castings

Railroad aid Mill Castings

and Repairs

CAST VERYmachlte i IP itle occutttl to none

tn the State is YOllt OUDEKb





Prot R

large alnee

lOa anel



Cash CrocerCo

lb tc

35per N


DA Y-Our


r warm






















n 4I






Saleswomens PerilNAVE WEASa WE TO S7ARMM-

Faato Akmrt Kits Mertl

Blare yo ever ao manywows or girls an hoarthan stand for ten ala



It la because most women suffer fromsome derangement of their delicateorganism the discomfort of which ialees trying when they are in motionthan when

In some taws lawn compel employersto places for their fe-

male employeesHut no amount of law can regulate

the hard tasks of these women Theymoat get the strength which this workdemands or run the risk of seriousdiseases and the surgeons knife

Read the experience of MUsMerkley 375 Street Milwaukee

Gradual lot of BcrroaneM-bceriBedowa aalaa earl extreme Irritation

medical advicedoctor MId I had dkvaard and ulceratloo and advfard an operation if I wastedto well I obttet to and decidedto Lydia K Ftakaams Vegetable Com-pound a I loon fooad good

about this aaedictae wera-tnw alceraUoB toon healed backacheheadache and arnroutnea andta a abort time I was andperfectly well I wish working girl

woald tor Lydia EVegetable Compound

E Plnkharas Vegetablela a vegetable tonic which invig-

orates and strengthens the entiremale organism and will produce thesame beneficial rrMiltft in tlit ca e ofether lick women aa with Miaa Merkley

Believes In DreamsIxiulsvlllc Ky Feb 1 V N Herr

the regular vnKlncvr of tine of the LIn N traliiK wrecked near Uitonla onTuesday nfUrnoon quit work for thurest of the month tMfaiixo he dreamed-of n tombstone with the word Feb-ruary on It lily substitute PeterMurphy was killed In the wreck Herrwill wile report for duty believingthn thu itittiKer of which ho waswarned In his dream Is passed

HealthMeans the ability to du a good

work without undue fatigue and tobind lift worth living You cannothave indigutinn or cent tipit ion

it upsetting the liver and pol-

luting the blood Such a conditionmay be best and quickest relieved bylitrbine tilt liver regulator thatthe world hat ever known Mrs I

V Smith writes April 3 02 I

llerbitif and find it the bet medicinefur constiiiatlon and regulating theliver I ver used oOcfnt Sold by

V M Johnson

Shot by His RoommateKnliiiiion tSii KtIi 1J Alltu De

loath was liy Carluml Vjun hiriMiiniiialo Ill shooting was purelyurrldental This developed Rum thestatement of Delinch and thetnry conr Mli n or Vynn the stoatsiiieni cud Ukit aKriolnj In allparticulars The patient is still par-

tially tint otherwise is dolug well Vyim Is about IS years

Frightfully BurnedChat of Ford

City Pa had his friclitftillyburned in nn electrical furnace He-

nppliid Btickleiii Arnica Salve withthe usual result a quick and perfeet cure lireitejt henler on earthfor burn wound Hires eczema and

T ht nil fir ic stores

Held ji CounterfeiterflnrkKliur Va Feb lt John

is in Tall ehar i U wji-

lx tin ot a gang of conn-

terfeiter It Is alleged thatMnnenr In jail at s hivpartner S vf service ulcer say

i roiinorfeltlDK onHangers i r In rount

The Yellow Fewor Germll u reo litly been tlieoveretl It

bear A elope n emblniae to th ma-

laria germ 1u free tle y tem fromdi e KHrm t the nmt rffoetive rern-

ly i I r New IifGuaranteed to cure all diet due IIItnalnna pnt oti nrd CULL i tv t V-

at Iii drug

Ma t

Dear Sin

me The








cal II II

or age

W tlnnr machinisthand

I r10








dla orsw era




t ant

purl t7rrt



I lath lureIns cad r

Ill tsburg

they I ti

Ire tn

Kings rill







> >










Boston Is Selected at Next Place ofMeeting

Birmingham Feb It At the foalsebbloti ot the aunual cunv ntion ofthe International House Painter andDecorator held Friday Boston wasselected as the next place of met dueand ofllrerit were elected

Uur Apprenticfsnii v

the subject of A pair rca1 by CharlesM Coons of East Orange N J Thespecial committee to which was re-

ferred the matter of joining the Cltl-

zenH Industrial Inlon declined tomake a reeotnininilatlon to that endThe convention voted In favor of theorganization of trade schools

Cut to Death by His SonOzark Ala Feb 13 Will Kin

fatally cut his father atHawrldge and the wounded rnuii dietlater Will King the patricide iH

at large and up to the present hlnwhereabouts tire unknovrn to Ih offi

Search Is being niiide It Is saldunit lie will probaMy be ain stid in ashort time It Is ntil r t oi that It-

Piior was tilt ilr tiavd

CroupHegin with the symptoms of n tour

mon cold There is a chilliue sneez-ing sure throat hot kin quick pulre-

hoKMenet and refpiratitui 5 ve frtquent mall dote of Ballard

Syrup the child will cry furit and at the igi of a crotipycough apply frequently BAllard SnowLiniment to the throat Mr VlietNew Castle Colo writes March 19

1802 I think Ballard Horebotindwonderful remedy and oto take Sold by W M


ohnson Hanged for MurderDaA on Cit Kelt I1 Kl John-

son was prti ly rMciiUl nn t pallows In the eturldtir of jail herrrltlay for the murder tif Kliza Hankslast October Sheets OMunl s runvthe trap shortly alter 1 oeork Johnsuns body dropping seven told a halttrot leaving his cell to KJto the gallows Johnson acknowled etlhis guilt

Chamberlains Cough Remedy theMothers Favorite

The soothing and healing properties-of remedy its pleasant taste saidprompt and permanent cures havemade it a favorite with people every-where It is especially prized by molher of mall children for cold crouparid whtoing cough as it always af-

ford quick relief and it cur mains noopium or other harmful drug it maybe given as confidently to a baby a anadult For ale I y all druggists

Will Attend Trialllnsloy da Fri 10 Alex taglcr

the father of yoiuiK Ilex Le ler whoIs In prison In Jersey City chargedwith killing his brother Carl stalesthat ho has requested the authoritiesat Jersey City to postpone the trialof hiv son until Tuesday evening wucuhe will be prevent

For Biliousness and Sick HeadacheTake Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup It

sweetens the stomach aids digestionand a a gentle stimulant on theliver and bowen without irritatingthese organs Urint laxative FruitSyrup cures bilioittn and hnbitnulconstipation Doe nut nauseate orgripe and mild and Ifnasrit tolake Ueniemlier the name Orion andrefuse to accept any J V-

McCollnm A Co

Home for EpilepticsRichmond Va Feb The

has passed house bill provid-ing for lite etiil Ilihtn nt of a homefor epileptics The hospital is tobo located near Lynchburg It isunderstood that the governor will ap-

prove the measure

Bcg n Taking Orornalsion Todayand Your Cure Begins Today

Its tnzrt M Food l rop r-tl art Vtry Kealizc

Hnnplnr Uiltliy Color tof Uu p a Sallow

In Producing Strtnetri to Weak toth l liU ant the invalid

In Tonlnjr up PystTn of ConvalcAfrom f tf I M-

In C ir trc tt Ki SternIn Nuur hiK ih urrjutIn ijnntf the Thin Peaked

F is t IhiMrenIn n i tang tin on th lr IJttto ntxJ

r f ilV Pink White Hrth andIn I r th lr withr l r i I I mp s that make Mothrrs

OZOJCULfllOIf-i aa Aatldote for nil Dlsea Cud by

Rxpotnre to Cold led WetTo prove Its Me llclnal Food Merits aTrial Bottlo Froo by Mall

Wilt sent on request Write by letteror postal card to

Oioraalslon Co98 Pine St New YorkAI DruciUta Two sliea We and LML










tI I

f I


Ch Iithe

thecent r



thech the Irlt





tin e






Ik fore




ate the


11 al Lr Pl a LuQarfeel


In thes


heart hat











Blind HeadacheAb-out a ago writes Mrs Mattie Allen of

1123 Broadway Augusta Ga I suffered withblind sick backaches and could getno relief until 1 tried

am frankly

Womans ReliefI Immediately commenced to improve and

now a new woman and wish torecommend it to all sick women for I

know it will cure them as it did meCardui is medicinal extract of

Y vegetable herbs which relievesdestiM female pains regulatess


to a proper state of healthTry trouble

rtiory Dcpt T Chattanooga Ataltdoe Co C t a eon

Sores Corns Bunionsfalls Contracted Muscles Lam Back Stiff JointsFrosted Feet Burns Scald eta

AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation subdues InflAinaction and drives out Pain

PENETRATES the Pores loosens the Fibrous Tissuesa free circulation of the Blood giving the Muscles

natural elasticityEST LINIMENT ON EARTH



Mrs B A 500 St KaorrttleTenn writes I have beea trying the baths ofHot Springs Ark for sciatic but Iget more from Ballards Snow Uaimeatthan any medicine or hue ever triedIaclo ed find for 100 Send taalarge bottle by Soathcnt Bzpress


Mallard Snow Liniment CoS-T LOWS U JL A


Take The Atlantic Coast LineF-OR ALL EARTHLY POINTS

l ji rt For



1 V p mDaily

U 05 p mDaily

3 p m



Jack vJe-MosUoticrT

Transit and Unsurpassed ServiceTime in effect Ftb r1 1P0-

6UAINKSVUIR Arrive Frcrs

High spring and Intermediate Ioirti

Ocala Lecsburg and Tampa andIntermidiatr Ioint

Rochelle Micnnupy arid Citra


310 proDaily

Palatka Jaakcoavtllt j 55 r nNorth East and West Daily

High Springs Waycror Savannah Brunswick 315jn-Albanytbuita Ail Point North Eat Wtst

Sr nrr

3 50 H i

Daiij7 2U i rn

Interchangeable Mileage tart ov r 13000 miUa of unions rcipal railway in the southern State are on by the nc niItillinan feel Port Tnmj a tu New aiu C a-

liuf also Atlantic Coat Line and SouthernFor complete information cull on

J A OOOinVlN Ticket Agent Claine 111


u M KMKRSON Oen rnf MBrWilmington VC

W J rRMfi Traf MCrWilmington 0

Send Us Your Next Order for Job





Wt will upoeaslder your anJ giveyet 1Jvh ra plain sealed

nt but it yourwrite today A lress Ladies


A for Rheumatism CutsWound Old




W M Gainesville



S Jhr010 n Dulurn

or or Sea s20 est



p m



saler t

Hlii 1 war

BOn PRIll W I Trot litaS W IIhn 1lJ IIIilh FI






arelope D hesitateAd-


BiteQK 1t




Sure Cure



1s1 Vla

rth IY11 Dupot P so us

Jacumile JseksoctLie



highi pnncr Dail-ex tlnudtc rx tniast

Ticket theprincipal


tddrai-I l1NK C roN is 11U r11inIlly st Astor l

1s e







