gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-01-25 [p...

TIE GAIKKJTHLE SUN JANUARY So 1906 I I 1 W c 5Q > cite SMftCfVHXEgtttt tola vaner seder Act f of Mare s 8 HXcCREARY Editor and Poblr TERM OP S- wlce Vrk 1 50e eoptr V- L Ml 15 ante a tar the Unit and 10 cent for each addi- ffffml iawrtlon- MffBlajed adv rtiicment for thr t month at I IMA rat and Death notion ia r Otttuarie 5 crate Use Ota Ctcnatxo Lrnr- g B and the Thricta We k Y World one 11 the Atlanta Ga kly Constitution one year 1 75 a and the Atlanta Wetklj Journal one 1 Sm aad the fklj- TNaMUaion year 1 50 will cot accept stamps of a semination than 2 tvntt- Dp w most getting declares he ha heard why ha vhoold Tht CHrM Maty ceeYieu are the ilglitfl firfnt n sad M it 12710 taoath 40 Rrewew ia this lain there it or in pwfagwlm fee M laaa there U UMabeald burr 4 MM tnlMn mutt a job of tome f Ik SOTtJl Aaeri s Rpablic- MM BMter dial Oakley the bells for OUtr papers that I nest U f TOMB for factories sewer they are V Mirtti MM totter U will be for the iMNPMtf The canning factories r tfMIt hate bees stated save all done MM The bruit factories are bwy- MNHkM Flor efSMny waste the South Ancrieaa- WIM BfBiMt the Uoaroe tae epee door of the hlMwi ll Ui hell a stove world i M lather tad for their retolu jMveBMBU M U ia very coo flat these to arm etc BHPB 21 dims ef Ja B r hu ten JtfM his KMtfaatiee u a member of fc Bemrd el Coatrol HU views Ml fa karaKwy with the other Binaktr and the ri hard h aded ob ftllaws weald not change over toylMseMr AdaBM so he decided Mi ftey Citras Coaaty Chronicle Tke weather ia so e sections of the snit BM Mea quite warn during the aad while w have kad saoiBier heat from 70 to 80 degrees ti kM keen vp high as t to M above to Datreil Mich which i quite uno- MMl far that section At Marquette in tie tztrtaM northera portion of that tote I WM 8 degrees above on Sat rtey Bat there is much uneaiines- fa tie Heath Florida counties lest we get saddea eool spell which would de stash damage to the orange trees The fortysecond anniversary of the feaadatloB of the Order of Knights of Pytkiaa cactus oa February 19th and throughout the United States the day will ke observed by the members of this noble order The first ritual wa written by Justin Rathbone of Wtuh iBf toa and to him U doe the credit far its feaadatioB The order was established daring the stormy days of that tine and grew oat of a desire on beth sides of the Mason and Dixon line ta reestablish the friendship that had salted previous to the Civil War Ihn idea rapidly and many lodges were argaaised both North and South and along the border line brothers cbuaed hand IB the same lodge room sad forgot that there had been strife orsestleaai feeling between them Evn7 Jr Thrriay Flerii l t f I fT1- tfte rot a year AUVzzt 1 t upon d tile s j t w It ar and e c 7 ar S- Ot l one be t He II i I the each n- UN j tke eoUoa mosey a1 la- s Utile be rL NTsltltisIIMIn MMlllea kit the oho 2oco tie The bet platy the II for ore and B tiIIll 1 11 f r k I this month Gaines II I I i i I I VA iLi ieeemslet it ter at Ga reITl Fa Cos- t Ilahrd enday ass 1 a18a1aesdlle a- I r mow r six tartatba tale r NGIAR1- i advertisements line s tieas furnished 4 4 JT ale i Bsra Semi e G Chaasoey It111fiNMtileaf ugsed reMea resign State worth per file leaaoef eNNy a Bwt oats 1ethafd M get Mtis ei ll 4 eye it eilse Bet dastsgea from r otespelle May nee anmetelgraph sere- k Mil llse xetitapelis does had bw ustll Nt 9s VleH s sad fig a dtaad IeMtaled Ms 1- r 1MNP s tl11NfN L N rsleat get NM M esptry 4 y lets Ill e IsM t L tester part of to tills averaging P a spread > >< > > > < + I STILL AT IT Mlow a L Ciy err b rol or try to ruin If to pay for aoythoc th y kek to repudiate the a rbt they c nt hAe Usiver ity hi n thy have made a laiU m fat arid brought iu t of r- o tr suit el n irtitution ir In cd tt a t r f rr Sta at f r r t- t Trrr m n d f 1 n a 1 y 4i ni ififtf wu hut Jisu t l with h pr nn C rt end esl 1 rec C I tr I- tmoo of Jac r vrl trot T- Tr T I for i itjtjontuty b n- prrm 1 rt by Co cer- r itiv t i it n th Ciy Th pmund for the p sr ri the court failed to con i1r all t pint at U4U r in d c ion nnfler trwd that if the petition denied the c will e appealed to h Lniied Court The rrCffit iire i n cf the psper of Fords with but ferhnf four icttion hire confined The Sun that the majority of the peopl of Florida are atiflrd when y u take aff4ir from the majority you are undertaking dffpcrate mentures THE BUCKMAN LAW Editor Kconee of The Sumter Times gives the following apt dissourie no the Packman bill which coming from one who i only interested a a goal citizen we deem worthy of con idera- ttea We thought when the Buckmtn bill had bern decided by the Supreme Court to be constitutional it would top the fur awhile Bat it seems not The very peculitr thing is that some of thote who were such strong fighters for it before the Legit insure now discover when the Univer- sity wa not located at Lake City that it awful bad bill and rube the people of o mach money We have never been di po ed to discuss the merits or demerits of measure Ai a rale w do nut for sudden and rad- ical changes but we do not see the great injustice to the common people which the erstwhile supporter of the measure now see in it We do not see where it interferes with or breaks up the country fchooN- Oa the contrary we believe the plan is an encouragement to the coon try free school and we belieri thi fact is being demonstrated every day by the improvements in the county high schools and the increasing num- ber of them After all isnt it better- to have these high schools in each eouuty right at the poor mans door than to have several ocalletl college scattered about over the State which are IB reality but little If any better than the county tchooli And all talk about graft I there more for two institutions to grift than six One would have to think so to find any reasoning in nome rf the articles printed Mind we do uut that the six inititution were up to we like to think well of all people and if we think that the au- thorities n charge of six were honeot we dont tee why tho e in charge of two may nut likfwiif be All these general charge of graft plun- der and extravagance round fearful but in this age we like to om thing definite and pacific We ell like to ice question drazced into politic we want to e th d icrt banal affairs of the State cnndutrtid and dicu i d tn a inure dittniti d and becoming nunner Th wn odden it i true Mi Fl inJn WB probably like the old maid who hail her first of marriage h said thi is o sudden At the amf time he recognized that a charge wmiidnt be much wane and it might be lots better to try a new tlan awhile those who are o trentinuy abusing the lax now that the Cniver city was not located at Lake City and who favored it when it was up for cone j sideration by the Legislature on the grounds of expense tell a something about the appropriations asked for by the State ichool last e 4ton how much appropriated dur InK the la ten yeir And during all that time what tan j ng in the edoca ad- o hal and I Jar th I ai I f on Jt taut ft nn o JfutO rIr r f I r j th r 0 r I Tt trJ r t I- u f- In I 7In i 1 I I > t it and Hrrry r- I ant i I discussion I each that gamy hUll chaR otter I I ill I been Terse they try the Mate o far n i t- tr j x m1e trUttr as- ihej a x arr t- he tlt f r rttiAIOr1 that r most late 11 are j weal tI l t t- ti tf of 1 bh YIthu t- t Iti thtetinr Leclt to team e tee a ter f1 xin tre rant a- hs ja t t- rn A ttnn rtearin r a o t- tactst nr Jdg t t5 the recent Its e tate new an this this op- portunity may have thin any- how various has > > > < > + > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ < + + + + + + Falling hair means eak hair Then strengthen your hair feed it u ith the only hair food Aycrs Hair Vigor It checks falling hair makes the hair Hair Vigor Sjro wompkt Iy cures Jan vlr ff and it afva s rest s- Ci r to gray hjir the rich daK c j r of early lifo Palling war J J- tf IJ- M ii l tny curjipare with otiT inir rn NJT that have uriiy one i tr riot and on for girl let i put up the and make them rank with acj n th Luion and out be- rnre rar tury nt o Lt tot tosethfron thi have o ir pr a raory it hom ADAMS RESIGNATION The i in r c ipt a Mmm Mention rqj ting the pltilieition of Hon Nathaniel Adam letter to Gov- ernor Hrowarl his resigns tton ai a member of the Mate Hud of Educational Control which appeared in column several days ago The letter was publithrd without comment pro or con lest some might a ert that our oinion rii ij although it appeared to many that Mr Adams wa fatitnVd he coulJ not tcn trot the able gentlemen the other members of board and took the step be did to set Jmpathy and show hi Colombian orators at Lake City that he luynl to them and if he could not help them in his position would not he a to the adjustment of the educational intr of State dl1 materially his local Mr Adttn tter of re enat HI the same argument i ued in o p tina the Itjcktnan hool law n wa u cd in urporting the Hucktnan bill on tve floor of the Senate at and while vr have refrnmd from icaJing any controvery regarding the matter leaving it to the ppl of h ntnte to judge a to what rt irrd owing to fact that th Urn Ter ty of Florida i it cannot be exjeeted that we would very cheerfully let down Mr Adams who resigned a position of honor t n dred by the expecting that he would do duty a a citizn for the advancement and adjustment of the wholf peop by aiding to our chin ytem which i recognizfd the bulwark of our rational exist- ence Ayers 4 J r all > 1 I I air J t I I r rj ii and 4 In f tendering I wan omprjd I I j tit when thy n It help I j I a Stair i II tiC uCan I his I I all n I r I For anti x gre d pemu rl re r Mate 4 1nu ate 4 Rr slag turd chi there who the was arty the t- In s Tallahassee fair rnindrd they the tremor build I > > ¬ > < ¬ + + + + + + + SHOWDOWN ON RURAL ROUTES IotmterG n ral Cortelyo in hi rf port made public out- line a policy of stricter adherence to the leual regulations of raral mail Djte Mot important to rural runt patron is hU intention I- 1cnntinie witho it delay any route whereat found on inp ction that of a lack of appreii tion of the ervtoe the fipfnJjture involved i unwarranted and th ainiuunc- rn nt that whirr laronage i it urti- iMent to warrant a dally delivery uh- titution will t unit of n everyothrr day Not rviry route i appr piHive and too many k upon the service H otiutliinc to which thny have the nm zencrHl right n I y ti r viv r il at n pot itllc The li in deti ir hi icht Btv rntiiftit to th tone Iuion that i littl t in i ijtlin2 th n op minify on tho who do not appreciate it FARM NOTES The be t breed of cattle make the beef select tho bet suited fur the purpose you wi h milk or beef rattle The farmer who raises Hock with hi other crops eldom at n lou to know where to get a little money A young steer will always a good price and when fattened on velvet bean make excellent bef Uncle Sam throa h its agricultural t ill f o then I I I I i i I recently because service pat r have < r bro the brat ¬ < > < < > < + + + + + + + + n ru R in o- ru l hiiiMiitf L k tmt- twrtj r mudl mtd in diffrt- h that K X i it HACKER SON A j TrKKK- sftf utkt hi ffii- f iy trim nil tH Rf 5 c and RiiiMinir r it tfi Vi DJ- M i T 5 ri tn m f r r i rj- i r- r jrJ r ti hard Ir ni BARRY SHOES Carried In Stock One Pair Sells No Anoth- eri 5 Uifry- trniet T d I x Nil top wart ni fury tip sri pin l i rvx r o d nc o Nn KjJil in try a Worth S4 will sell at S2 95 f North Side Square SWEAR OFF 5 AVe claim that our Bottled Soda Water Ginger Ale Etc are purest to drink thoe made by the GAINESVILLE BOTTLING WORKS OUR OBJECT In advertising to convince you that YOU ought to have a bank that the account should be kept in THIS BANK We oriel ABSOLUTE SAFETY- to our depositors Equipped as we are with a NEW FIREPROOF VAULT New Triple Time Lock ScrewDoor BURGLARPROOF- SAFE with our Officers Bonded with Fire and Burglar Insurance your money and valuable papers are safe with us dfJtmt I of h Lill U art L l ur r F r- IjIIf II Jh r tr I ell CI l- r I t1 t t U2 r J I f H i Jt 1 t fI j g f 0 V I r r IJ I It r fl 0 I Z 4J J J I r jlM G r drinei j lnttl al r IOt f It f- I t t H r I Llf t e T t i f ft I L 1 J- f i t ri- I r I f j I t r th ie I J r Ih I < Ih 4H f t to t It a nl fair Ir j1arlncd Jour mil bark l C nnn But TEl vI 1 i aeconntl and i ha Root into ihr businr s GEO S Stir h h1- Y t t1 nt 4y- 4te ttlt rn 6t et t i L1 xd tin tI are tt tE- ttrt 1 f en1 pt t r i i Ili- v a t p- f r I i rd Est iy l O yard ILst m- r a a r a r r r henftrtrr I r tj d IItLFI1 1 r t J SII IIt1 i Li2- J 1e l1 r1- tr 1 cI- Lrt I prr 1 I- t r ter i b r r r r- th ni rtt Sr at t r t r I I a tl t rICv ne ha 1 h d f r tot vn t t 1 tr t t a iauh r t t I t I 1 her f her ere t r r stn Drinking Any the hEbT 1Uk t w j < > > > < > < > > ° = = < + + + + + + + + ° FOUR PER CENT Interest Paid on Time Deposits The BANK of ALACHUA Alachua Florida The Oldest Whiskey House in Georgia Established 1881 011 SIIAIMT WILLIAMS nii rj r Ln F r dui urt 1 rr- N J MILKMAN Purr lVrnylvHnii Ky JUK Py th ir h J7ii hour fui ij iHrt 3 EXIHKX IKKFAID- A ANVIL IIYK Pure jufHtnntiil family By P the gallon 50 full quart Ltgfc EX PR EsS PA ID CLIFFORD KVE 011 KKNTKKV OKN gallon 1225 Four full Direct from bonded ho tint J2 and old By the gallon f3 00 OIII ItllJiTEK tLfll COHX Four full quart 43 50 Rich and mellow By the gallon I25C Four full onart 2W PREPAID EXPRESS PREPAID ALTMAYER FLATAU LIQUOR COMPANY A and BIRMINGHAM ALA I I I I i i I f1 J I Ilft f J 6 tHIE HEII11 I f I Wo J J r i 1 Ir t i I 3 ttlli I 0116 4 J J wht ktY t I l f2 I Ry tJj EXPRESS PREPAID hand it all brands and Bourbon Whikht in the mare ktt and will taft you from Zj to cent on your purchase Send for prier list and catalogue upon application THE j e s I I tl t f Utt I1- r w itsr rnry srn and c w G s1a ilg fir the EXPRESS 11e ihr leading of Bye 50 Free MttUN > > > < > < = +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-25 [p 4] ·  · 2009-08-03rsleat get NM M esptry 4 y lets Ill e IsM


I I 1




cite SMftCfVHXEgtttt

tola vaner seder Act fof Mare s

8 HXcCREARY Editor and Poblr


wlce Vrk 1

50e eoptr V-

L Ml 15 ante atar the Unit and 10 cent for each addi-

ffffml iawrtlon-MffBlajed adv rtiicment for thr t

month at I IMA rat

and Death notion ia rOtttuarie 5 crate Use

Ota Ctcnatxo Lrnr-g B and the Thricta We kY World one 11

the Atlanta Gakly Constitution one year 1 75

a and the AtlantaWetklj Journal one 1

Sm aad the fklj-TNaMUaion year 1 50

will cot accept stamps of asemination than 2 tvntt-

D p w most gettingdeclares he ha heardwhy ha vhoold

Tht CHrM Maty ceeYieu are theilglitfl firfnt n sad

M it 12710 taoath 40

Rrewew ia thislain there it or in

pwfagwlm fee M laaa there U

UMabeald burr4 MM tnlMn mutt a job of tomef Ik SOTtJl Aaeri s Rpablic-

MM BMter dial Oakley thebells for

OUtr papers that

I nest U f TOMB for factoriessewer they are

V Mirtti MM totter U will be for theiMNPMtf The canning factories

r tfMIt hate bees stated save all doneMM The bruit factories are bwy-MNHkM Flor

efSMny waste the South Ancrieaa-WIM BfBiMt the Uoaroetae epee door of the

hlMwi ll Ui hell a stove worldi M lather tad for their retolu

jMveBMBU M U ia very cooflat these to arm etc

BHPB 21 dims ef Ja B r hu tenJtfM his KMtfaatiee u a member of

fc Bemrd el Coatrol HU viewsMl fa karaKwy with the other

Binaktr and the ri hard h aded obftllaws weald not change over

toylMseMr AdaBM so he decidedMi ftey Citras Coaaty Chronicle

Tke weather ia so e sections of thesnit BM Mea quite warn during the

aad whilew have kad saoiBier heat

from 70 to 80 degreesti kM keen vp high as t to M aboveto Datreil Mich which i quite uno-MMl far that section At Marquette intie tztrtaM northera portion of thattote I WM 8 degrees above on Sat

rtey Bat there is much uneaiines-fa tie Heath Florida counties lest weget saddea eool spell which wouldde stash damage to the orange trees

The fortysecond anniversary of thefeaadatloB of the Order of Knights ofPytkiaa cactus oa February 19th andthroughout the United States the daywill ke observed by the members ofthis noble order The first ritual wawritten by Justin Rathbone of WtuhiBf toa and to him U doe the creditfar its feaadatioB The order wasestablished daring the stormy days ofthat tine and grew oat of a desire onbeth sides of the Mason and Dixon lineta reestablish the friendship that hadsalted previous to the Civil War Ihnidea rapidly and many lodgeswere argaaised both North and Southand along the border line brotherscbuaed hand IB the same lodge roomsad forgot that there had been strifeorsestleaai feeling between them

Evn7 Jr ThrriayFlerii


tf I fT1-

tfte rot a year



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this monthGaines









iLi ieeemslet it ter at Ga reITl FaCos-

t Ilahrd enday ass1 a18a1aesdlle a-




tartatba taler NGIAR1-i advertisements line


tieas furnished4 4 JT ale

i Bsra





ugsed reMea resign

Stateworth per



a Bwt oats

1ethafdM get


ei ll 4 eyeit eilse Bet dastsgea fromr otespelle

May nee anmetelgraph sere-

k Mil llse xetitapelis does hadbw ustll Nt

9s VleH s sad


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Mlow a L Ciy err b

rol or try to ruin If topay for aoythoc th y kek torepudiate the a rbt they c nt hAe

Usiver ity hi n thy havemade a laiU m fat aridbrought iu t of r-

o tr suit el n

irtitution ir In cd tta t r f rr

Sta at f r r t-

t Trrr m n d f 1 n a

1 y 4i ni ififtf wuhut Jisu t l with h

pr nn C rt end esl 1

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tmoo of Jac r vrl

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itjtjontuty b n-

prrm 1 rt by Co cer-

r itiv t i itn th

Ciy Th pmund for the p sr rithe court failed to con i1r all tpint at U4U r in d c ion

nnfler trwd that if the petitiondenied the c will e appealed to h

Lniied CourtThe rrCffit iire i n cf the

psper of Fords with but ferhnffour icttion hire confined TheSun that the majority of the peopl ofFlorida are atiflrd when y u

take aff4ir from the majority you areundertaking dffpcrate mentures


Editor Kconee of The Sumter Timesgives the following apt dissourie nothe Packman bill which coming fromone who i only interested a a goalcitizen we deem worthy of con idera-ttea

We thought when the Buckmtn billhad bern decided by the SupremeCourt to be constitutional it wouldtop the fur awhile Bat itseems not The very peculitr thing isthat some of thote who were suchstrong fighters for it before the Legitinsure now discover when the Univer-sity wa not located at Lake City thatit awful bad bill and rubethe people of o mach money We havenever been di po ed to discuss themerits or demerits of measure Aia rale w do nut for sudden and rad-

ical changes but we do not see thegreat injustice to the common peoplewhich the erstwhile supporter of themeasure now see in it We donot see where it interferes withor breaks up the country fchooN-Oa the contrary we believe theplan is an encouragement to the coontry free school and we belieri thifact is being demonstrated every dayby the improvements in the countyhigh schools and the increasing num-

ber of them After all isnt it better-to have these high schools in eacheouuty right at the poor mans doorthan to have several ocalletl collegescattered about over the State whichare IB reality but little If any betterthan the county tchooli And alltalk about graft I there more

for two institutions to griftthan six One would have to think soto find any reasoning in nome rf thearticles printed Mind we do uutthat the six inititution were up to

we like to think well ofall people and if we think that the au-

thorities n charge of six were honeotwe dont tee why tho e in charge oftwo may nut likfwiif be Allthese general charge of graft plun-

der and extravagance round fearfulbut in this age we like to omthing definite and pacific We ell

like to ice question drazced intopolitic we want to e th d icrtbanal affairs of the State cnndutrtidand dicu i d tn a inure dittniti d andbecoming nunner Th wnodden it i true Mi Fl inJn WB

probably like the old maid who hail herfirst of marriage h saidthi is o sudden At the amf timehe recognized that a charge wmiidnt

be much wane and it might be lotsbetter to try a new tlan awhile

those who are o trentinuyabusing the lax now that the Cnivercity was not located at Lake City andwho favored it when it was up for cone j

sideration by the Legislature on thegrounds of expense tell a somethingabout the appropriations asked for bythe State ichool last e 4tonhow much appropriated durInK the la ten yeir And during allthat time what tan j ng in the edoca

ad-o hal


Jarth I ai I

f onJt taut

ft nn o JfutOrIr



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A ttnn rtearin ra

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tactst nr Jdg t t5

the recentIts e





























+ +




Falling hair means eak hairThen strengthen your hairfeed it u ith the only hair foodAycrs Hair Vigor It checksfalling hair makes the hair

Hair VigorSjro wompkt Iy cures Janvlr ff and it afva s rest s-

Ci r to gray hjir the richdaK c j r of early lifo

Pallingwar J J-

tf IJ-

M ii l tny curjipare with otiTinir rn NJT that have

uriiy one i tr riot and on for girl leti put up the and make themrank with acj n th Luion and out be-

rnre rar tury nt o Lt tottosethfron thi have o ir pr araory it hom


The i in r c ipt a MmmMention rqj ting the pltilieition ofHon Nathaniel Adam letter to Gov-

ernor Hrowarl his resignstton ai a member of the Mate Hud ofEducational Control which appearedin column several days ago

The letter was publithrd withoutcomment pro or con lest some mighta ert that our oinion rii ij

although it appeared to many that MrAdams wa fatitnVd he coulJ not tcntrot the able gentlementhe other members of board andtook the step be did to set Jmpathyand show hi Colombian orators atLake City that he luynl to themand if he could not help them in hisposition would not he a to theadjustment of the educational intr

of State dl1materially his local

Mr Adttn tter of re enat HI

the same argument i ued in o p tinathe Itjcktnan hool law n wa u cdin urporting the Hucktnan bill on tvefloor of the Senate at andwhile vr have refrnmd from icaJingany controvery regarding the matterleaving it to the ppl ofh ntnte to judge a to what rt

irrd owing to fact that th UrnTer ty of Florida i

it cannot be exjeeted that we wouldvery cheerfully let down Mr Adamswho resigned a position of honor t n

dred by the expecting thathe would do duty a a citizn forthe advancement and adjustment ofthe wholf peop by aiding toour chin ytem which i recognizfd

the bulwark of our rational exist-ence


4 Jr



I air J

t I I rrj ii


In f







tit when thy n Ithelp




a Stair i II tiC uCanI

his I




I r



anti x gre d pemurl re r Mate 4 1nu

ate 4 Rr

slag turd









fair rnindrdthey














+ +



IotmterG n ral Cortelyo inhi rf port made public out-line a policy of stricter adherence tothe leual regulations of raral mailDjte Mot important to ruralrunt patron is hU intention I-1cnntinie witho it delay any routewhereat found on inp ction that

of a lack of appreii tion ofthe ervtoe the fipfnJjture involvedi unwarranted and th ainiuunc-rn nt that whirr laronage i it urti-

iMent to warrant a dally delivery uh-

titution will t unit of n everyothrrday Not rviry route i apprpiHive and too many k

upon the service H otiutliinc to whichthny have the nm zencrHl right nI y ti r viv r il at n potitllc The li in deti ir hi

icht Btv rntiiftit to th toneIuion that i littl t in

i ijtlin2 th n op minify on thowho do not appreciate it


The be t breed of cattle make thebeef select tho bet suited fur

the purpose you wi h milk or beefrattle

The farmer who raises Hock with hiother crops eldom at n lou to knowwhere to get a little money A youngsteer will always a good priceand when fattened on velvet beanmake excellent bef

Uncle Sam throa h its agricultural










i i




servicepat r

have< r

bro the






< >










n ru R in o-

ru l hiiiMiitf L k tmt-

twrtj r mudl mtd in diffrt-

h thatK X i it




sftf utkt hi ffii-f iy trim nil tH Rf 5 c

and RiiiMinirr it tfi Vi DJ-

M i T 5 ritn m

f r r i rj-

i r-

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AVe claim that our Bottled Soda Water Ginger Ale Etcare purest to drink thoe made by the


OUR OBJECTIn advertising to convince you that YOU ought tohave a bank that the account should bekept in THIS BANK We oriel ABSOLUTE SAFETY-to our depositors

Equipped as we are with a NEW FIREPROOF VAULTNew Triple Time Lock ScrewDoor BURGLARPROOF-SAFE with our Officers Bonded with Fire and BurglarInsurance your money and valuable papers are safewith us

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FOUR PER CENT Interest Paid on TimeDeposits

The BANK of ALACHUAAlachua Florida

The Oldest Whiskey House in GeorgiaEstablished 1881


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A ANVIL IIYKPure jufHtnntiil family By

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CLIFFORD KVE011 KKNTKKV OKN gallon 1225 Four full

Direct from bonded ho tint J2and old By the gallon f3 00 OIII ItllJiTEK tLfll COHX

Four full quart 43 50 Rich and mellow By the gallon I25CFour full onart 2WPREPAID EXPRESS PREPAID










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