gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-01-16...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JAMAlM r 6 1 tit e fF- t >< > GRAND MEETING AT METHODIST CHURCH Preachers Meeting and Mission- ary Institute Held Here WILL OPENED TODAY Many Minister of Gainesville Dis- trict Will b Present and Will the Institute Upon Important Matter Public Invited The Preachers Mission wry Institute of the Gainesville Dis met Methodist Episcopal SaUl will be held in this city today tad ending OB the morning of the 18th meeting will be held in the ad vaBceneat of church work and the coBBplithneat of sane and is destined iu of Ir p uttrfelt bCv all members of the district will be pres- ent Md participate in a discussion along reli5fioM lines The meetings wil be held in Kava aaa B Methodist Church East Main street N end will be presided over by Presiding Elder F R Bridges The public is cordially invited to all sere The following interesting program BU B B arranged for the occasion Tuesday p BI MiMlonary Sermon K M WillitBH Wednesday 8M a DevotioBfti Exercises T F KataBd 8 B M Oar Duty to the Uneon versed A H Cole OOOa BS The Relation wo Bus sate to Each Other as Preachers M H Oatlaa4- SOa A Glues at Our Work IB FerelRB Fields E A Gray WsOO a How Caa Charah Bust Be Traataated ia a Business Way A M Daiger 1030 a Oar Hone Mission Work L W Moore 11 rOO Rov to TmpreM Onr People With the Inporlaaee of the Collee ties Ordered by the Aanual Confer enee W II Funk 1130 a as The Prayer Meeting M D GunaiRtfham 130 p m Devotional Exercises W A Wier 200 p m The Pastor and Mia sloe J L Yeats 2M p m The Suaday School and Missions J 8 Collier Revival Work C While Possibility Accurate Reports at Quarterly and Oonferencos G H York 400 p m How to Make the Meeting a Success T H Sis trunk 480 p Way to Conduct Conference F R Bridges 790 p m Sermon J Anderson Thursday 880 am Devotional Exercises W B Tresea OK a m The Neceuity for total Viiitiag and How to Io It T 1 Nixon 030a ra Can the Gainesville Di- striet Susport a Foreign Missionary in Addition to the Regular for Missions L W Moore 1000 a m Pastor and People from a Laymaus Slantpoiul W7 Sle l 1090 a m The League of Mis lions F Pasco If the ii Cutting Teeth Be sure atilt use that old and well tried remedy Mrs Winslow Sooth tug Syrup for children teething It the child soften the gums allays all pain cures wind colic and ia the twit remedy for diarrhoea Twen tyfin Bents a twain ItlNTINU KACTUMLLY- HEPAKEI and KUPEHLV- ItFSKNTKO KOIUltS- UOSIKltlTY WE CM KELP YOU UK PA UK- IIOIUTt and THE SUN Gainesville BE tIB land Church la- The ac len 730 800 p W Annual mOne the Church Pa ooh P l1 r S the e Ad- dress begin- ning v I prune t i c t c r lee t 3 I r 830pm The Secur- Ing Quar- terly I Assignments any sees Itltie1I Fla- P Ii ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ << e r1n Taking Oromnlaion Today and Your Cure Regina Today ft CW ir CHI fur Its Vitalized MnIlclnM Food Proper art ry Quickly Realised In Color to tB Cheek f Pale and Sallow Ia Producing Btrcnath to the Weak t th v il n l th In TonSne up the System of Convml tents ninetites In Cleansing toe Entire Systems In NourUhlns the Vorr ut In Thin Fcf of Children In RtilMlnic on thlr Little Bodtea this Derlrnblc Pink ant Whit Flesh and In Dotting their cheeks with the Pretty Color and Dimples that auk H rt Glad la aa AatMat for all Cawed y To prove rood Merita a Trial Fro by Mall Will sent on request Write by tetter or postal card to OzMBMlsloa Ca9S Mat rk Ml Dniffclsta Two alseeMe and LMl Cigarmakers Strike Ended V Fa tan The In ttrnal nt Clsiir Mai Ti niion has claml hi srili of Ih Ki v r Sir maIMS off and ork In rhe fac- ti rle will IK reurnnl at once Til1 strike ham bat n on nearly two months during that time fartsirle In the elty have oi 1 T o them on account of tlie trikiv have de elle to remove to Tampa Tin terms offered by them maniilaeiupr been accepted as aMsfaetory by the men except those the Tnrcrdnre Cigar union who hold nut lo the de- mand for a recognition of ihilr union Fahey to Attend Conference STiamokln Pa Jan 15 President John Fahey of the Tnlted Mine Work- ers left here last nlcu for Indlanapo IU on a dispatch from President John Mitchell asking him to attend a ron fenerwnco In that city Presidents NichoIIs of Cleveland and Hetty of Hazelton have also been summoned to Indianapolis It Is believed President Mitchell has received a communication from the coal companies and wnnts to bring the matter before the anthracite district presl tents before the national eopv n Ti Important Questions Yet to Settle New Orleans Jan 11 Wlta the matter of acreage as he most Impor- tant question rtmalnhi to be settled the Southern Cotton association today began the at day of its work The question or permanent headquarters the election of officers and the propo- sition to establish an official organ will be settled by the executive com mlttev at Its sessions here next wee The executive committee will also ar- range to put Into effect the plan of the remainder of the cotton crop fur 1 cents Cured His Mother of Hheumatism My mother has been a sufferer for many years from rheumatism say H Howard of Husband Pa At times shy was unable to move at all while at all time walking was painful I presented hur with a bottle of Cham berlains raiD Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the mint wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried in fact she is never without- it now and i at all times able to walk An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she for- merly troubled with For tale by all Steamer Aground Atlantic City X J Jan 13 The Clyde Lire teams r Kr nf from San Doming fur NYw York which w n nht re yi onn v wear n South Hlgantliu Llf station Is still fast aground totlay A northeast iai pre- vails and the seas are breaking over the Tho North America moved the Cherokee a considerable dlsanic toward d P WilIer during tat night Sickening Shivering Fits Of ague and malaria can Le relieved and cured with Electric Hitters This i a pure tonic medicine i of especial benefit in malaria for it exert a true curative influence on the dit eae iiik it entirely out o the ytem It- i much to be preferred to quinine having none of tlm drug bad after comets K S Mundtr of HeitriettH Tex write My brother wa v ry low with malarial fever and Jaundice till he took Electric Hitter which jnved hii life At all druc stores Price Vo guaranteed City Directory For Sale Ve have a number of copies of Directory for at The Sun ofllce It is a handy reference bunk for buMiner and professional nee giving the names of residents with Street and number Price 2 j tit firm the clC Wet Eta ottl be St ftnr S I n If I and a1 111 0 mate n lon r W ItrnJlyIAu Still C lilt uJUr drive Hartz City w 1 e the > Peaked OOrULSIOw si caws zeeuie W sad Medicinal K 11 bean tty bolding was sale < > > > > > > > > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ > > + + + Dr Stcrcr m Wash gton lit Y i t i i r r 11 in ninal rt M TiuMion f K- a Ni A Y rK U- ft in r Miittii u ii r rt rUl hai a ii wrh the fcr ta i Willih M 1 ilolM n Want Dr Barrow Pardoned AMricih a IV c itu f r4m- oxmoiit oral hen o o arc th pardon of Mr Ci iirc learn x an rnrrnnt jthylrlan now Mrvin I ir tear M ntinri in flit p wih an Intent to mur l r SIr Inc union of Thomas Siuvnn h waR tip for tit nnn If i r- proplf think rirrnxv nlii idon ed Hk wlp and hundred MKncJ a petition to thai enact Victim cf Riot Gwen Damages Kansas City Mo Jan 13 Clement1 stead a steroid t rk who was woiin 5 a Miller Iurlng a park In i IIOUM strike riot In Atizus 1901 In the yanta hack of the Sxvlft parking plant In Kansas City Kans has ob- tatntd a vrlict fur frOO damasos against tho city A Kansas aw makes a city llnbli fur acts of tubs on the streets Chamberlains Cough Remedy the Best Made In my opinion Chamberlain Cough Remedy i the hen made for colds says Mr Cora Walker of Porlerrille Cal There is no doubt about its being the best No other will curt a cold o i quickly No other sure a of pneumonia No other U oo pleas- ant and safe to take Three are ra on why i should he preferred to any other The fact is that few people are satisfied with any other after once used this remedy For tale by all druggists Freight Train Wrecked Atalla Ala Jan 15 Freight train No 4i was wrecked on the A G and- S li t night 2 miles south of AUalli cars were thrown completely from the tract and mast of them were turned oxer No one oar seriously hurt The train wan loaded with lumber and pit Iron TN wreck Is said to have been canned l y the truck giving away Pleasant and Most Effective- T J Chamber Editor Vindicator Liberty Texas writes I J5 With pleasure and tin ilieiird by you I bear testimony to the curative of Italian Syrup- I have used it in my family can j cheerfully atlirm it ii the fmot effect- ive and remedy for couch rolls I have ever tided Sold by V M Johnson Sandford Case in Hands of Jury Rome ra Ian ludpe Vrip1 has corw iis rliaruc to the Jury in tie Vttipent T Sanford murder cast1 and the Jury h out Tin ease was given to the Jury at Ito oclock Sat- urday morning Jewish Banker Dead Boson Jan 13 I uls H OM Sr well Known Jewish banker and phllaa- LhxopUt died at hU home in last nlcht Me wn hum In tae city or llerntadt Pnmsia In 1S27 A WOMAN TO BE PRETTY 3fat Stave Lasarlaat Bad Clo j Ho Mater Itt Color The contour of a fa th i ri Mi n iie ur a remnle mouth lo- iomfthint If th hfil I crWt wit want hair Scant urd fullrc Mir it M known I cnur1 J paralt that ImrrowM Into rit M thf roit nf f i hair where It ip t lit tU whets jtaa th 2 rm tur w UT m- hurrowlne a I trnfr rat K nr thit rjfi io kill l- NiWlm rpir mi ontlr v nW rr t t himtMl Sritiry v4- iJnrliifT c rni I f nir t n filiifu ilr nti t Mr- S V1 tinlnc drug tn SonJ in- litirTT fr imptf T HiTj llil Co Iitr t Muh J S IMifinl A Cu Sinridl Atreiitii The EL DORADO CAFE in ooklnira Feat HIT Every thiiK in aot Iooked to Order OYsTKKs AND SPEAKS the ltet- iRICKS REASONABLE WEST SQUARE- I r street u J I 1 i IIi I 11 liI 11 1 I I iI tIt ti oJ fiat r In l State WI t p of I I I I Jan ha nilIll HIt I nt I I I I ito I I power 8 II and best li I Hair Anent 1I tIIo I r 41tridrufr 1rmnIIt1 then to II f 10 t I I to 5 SIDE I S tra a- L a b r si rttuta trnlrte e es 1 fo- rt sauit hate i t- ed rail- way prevent- ive got d hay- ing Nine ort hnund i Brook- line t male r r the v t tty The are an at milt i lie ret Tt Ieualiue peclate COFFEE c tret > > > > < < < > > > ¬ ¬ < > ¬ < > <> > < < > > < > + TO DELICATE WOMEN You will never well and strong bright hearty and free from p in until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing bloodmaking tonic like It Makes Pale Cheeks PinkI- t Is a pure harmless medicinal tonic made from vegetable Ingredients which relieve female pain and distress such as headache backache bowel ache dixzineas chils scanty or profuse menstru ation dragging down pains etc It Is a building strangthmaklng medicine for women the only medicine that is certain to do you good Try It Sod by every dn tst In bottles whiz US A LITTUt freely and frankly m strictest eoefld- ence telling us all your syBtptoaui tad troubles We will ned free advice in plain sealed envelops how to Address Ladies Advisory Dept The Medae Ce Chattanooga Teen YOU AO FftlZNDS- ef ales writes Mrs F L Joy af- Gattatia Tenn For since taking CarStd I Have gained JS lbsandaai In better healtti thee for the past 9 years I tell ny husband that Cartel is worth Its weight la foU to al eta ladles LIST OF THE liHKAT VIItMtlUJt IIOlSi EXPRESS PREPAID Full Quart Alcasure- Hutehcu IMvatc tiH R- llatohett sThat s ViiNiii- MlUtcdrtt tUI Kt Eureka N C Mrurilr- N r A i io liruiMly Eureka Eureka N r IaMi llririlv- N C IVweli Kureki X I Iom- Kiriki X r Curl XX i i Mrt N t t i rccxK- ureKik X torn XXXN out crow Ifciurrx- inlltniitie liar Sunny llr Mtk Sunni ItriMiU Muli 3 V S 4 M I 4 4 V r 11 A l 9 r Dull J J In j U IV l i Tuato V li Ut nril riiri n xUlc- X atiil MVJii1 i iHHti Iri u l- ltin H and iCjr nil butt free of il no nl i ojiil t lit tl ur her il Mv Mfil Xo iw IN ii- fu n int A1 rirOrrt I itii of I KI- i n uti Mock atil Miuir a butte frrr nm MOjrr i t on IIT SHi tw- ii e wr e t ol l f- ialie it I ii X i A jtKis of Kairi Mut ned c iil- lii s ottire ti kl- Iriit Ai o tl 1 e- ver u I r at t I or ihT i ut IKJ tirs Liotrll I i I c til r r MIIIIV- M1 otnl S iti on te i I t t luikitl 1- 1KIKKKA WKST HAY STKKKT IKJUtU JA OMPAMJ- A KdXVILFI SWEAR OFF riiiliiii Any Hut the HK T nm V claim that our Bottled Soda liicRtr Etc art pirv t o drink those made by the GAINESVILLE BOTTLING WORKS Take The Atlantic Coast LineF- OR ALL EARTHLY POINTS Vis- Dupoal or J ck nvfcJe DUI OBI Vis P O Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed Service Time Table in effect April 16 1605 GAINESVILLE Uupont or J ck Tite n- dMocuocerf IKily 1 yj m Daily high Springs and Inter- mediate Ioirt Ocala Leeaburg and Tampa and Intermediate Points Ialatka Jackitonrille North and West r 5 pin High Springs WaycroB Savannah Itrunswick Daily Albany Atlanta all Iiinm North East Wein- Mtcnupy and Ultra Arrive From 830 a m Daily 840 Daily 135 pm Daily DaCy- P 55 m Daily 7 iW p m Daily ex Sunday Port Tnmi111 V w via Atlantic Coa lomplete infofmntion call on ir J A flOODWIN Ticket Agent Gainesville t hap- py t or k- f1YiDe 100 II anIMal t PRICE URKA LIQUOR CO Ul THERE li r QJdrt I it to II- I ti I t z l I II J 4f1 I t I I iot II I Oo a I 1 tI I r hu olrlll I I h 01 II 1 and 1 I not tiltlhI o of I lilt Urn t 1 r Per hip rlUlll I i r t It- 1r11 rt IItdr Inn 1 ElL N t H t S th T t rte as on VS Depart For 3 p ru I p m p m Iaily h t 0 p n i 3 1 Rochelle a S 15111111 Daily 1I1Jh of riD CIII the Southern tat arm un by principal p ullman Y lmnr Atlantic For C HOYIofO W w I lFla H rllr W J Wilmlntoton S C Wilmington S O k M ftW I r WINE lrr p Irr ii t a e it I t cs r e t t s i l i tat S 3 3 t 1 t 3 t I b x 15 R St tl 5 i S the n1 t 1 Sour 3 t t t i smH a- Cln E red eeane sr t1 h fret te t acne tusks trey air tN to r rice r rt rear r fur ur at r tt lt < 1 drm- i mun thv PeeL e Monet t notIruetu ti111E d VtA Water lie 11 1t- A Ill II or Steatssbtp Jackalntbe Line 10 15 Fa 31s pm- 1am Springy exMonday Intrrchangrat lt Mileage Tieketa tht Over 130t mites among the in wale the agents rhrougl elm ur al n via Coast Linn Railway FRANK DId Pad fgt U STARK Tray Pais Agt l3F Itay t Astor M FIiFRSUS GrnI 31gr CRAIG Pat Traf Mgr < ¬ > > < > > > > < > ¬ > > + +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-16 a as The Prayer Meeting M D GunaiRtfham 130 p m Devotional Exercises



t> < >



Preachers Meeting and Mission-

ary Institute Held Here


Many Minister of Gainesville Dis-

trict Will b Present and Will

the Institute Upon Important

Matter Public Invited

The Preachers Missionwry Institute of the Gainesville Dismet Methodist EpiscopalSaUl will be held in this city

today tad ending OB the morningof the 18th

meeting will be held in the ad

vaBceneat of church work and thecoBBplithneat of sane and is destinediu of Ir p uttrfelt bCv allmembers of the district will be pres-

ent Md participate in a discussionalong reli5fioM lines

The meetings wil be held in Kavaaaa B Methodist Church East Mainstreet N end will be presided over byPresiding Elder F R Bridges Thepublic is cordially invited to all sere

The following interesting programBU B B arranged for the occasion

Tuesdayp BI MiMlonary Sermon K

M WillitBHWednesday

8M a DevotioBfti Exercises TF KataBd

8 B M Oar Duty to the Uneonversed A H Cole

OOOa BS The Relation wo Bussate to Each Other as Preachers MH Oatlaa4-

SOa A Glues at Our WorkIB FerelRB Fields E A Gray

WsOO a How Caa Charah BustBe Traataated ia a Business

Way A M Daiger1030 a Oar Hone Mission

Work L W Moore11 rOO Rov to TmpreM Onr People

With the Inporlaaee of the Colleeties Ordered by the Aanual Conferenee W II Funk

1130 a as The Prayer MeetingM D GunaiRtfham

130 p m Devotional Exercises W

A Wier200 p m The Pastor and Mia

sloe J L Yeats2M p m The Suaday School and

Missions J 8 CollierRevival Work C


Accurate Reports at Quarterly andOonferencos G H York

400 p m How to Make theMeeting a Success T H Sis

trunk480 p Way to Conduct

Conference F R Bridges790 p m Sermon J Anderson


880 a m Devotional Exercises WB Tresea

OK a m The Neceuity fortotal Viiitiag and How to Io It T1 Nixon

030a ra Can the Gainesville Di-striet Susport a Foreign Missionary inAddition to the Regularfor Missions L W Moore

1000 a m Pastor and People froma Laymaus Slantpoiul W7 Sle l

1090 a m The League of Mislions F Pasco

If the ii Cutting TeethBe sure atilt use that old and well

tried remedy Mrs Winslow Soothtug Syrup for children teething It

the child soften the gumsallays all pain cures wind colic and iathe twit remedy for diarrhoea Twentyfin Bents a twain










THE SUN Gainesville


tIB land






800 p W


mOnethe Church



P l1



thee Ad-















830pm The Secur-Ing


















e r1n Taking Oromnlaion Todayand Your Cure Regina Today

ft CW ir CHI furIts Vitalized MnIlclnM Food Proper

art ry Quickly RealisedIn Color to tB

Cheek f Pale and SallowIa Producing Btrcnath to the Weak t

th v il n l thIn TonSne up the System of Convml

tents ninetitesIn Cleansing toe Entire SystemsIn NourUhlns the Vorr utIn ThinFcf of ChildrenIn RtilMlnic on thlr Little Bodtea

this Derlrnblc Pink ant Whit Flesh andIn Dotting their cheeks with the Pretty

Color and Dimples that aukH rt Glad

la aa AatMat for all Cawed y

To prove rood Merita aTrial Fro by Mall

Will sent on request Write by tetteror postal card to

OzMBMlsloa Ca9S Mat rkMl Dniffclsta Two alseeMe and LMl

Cigarmakers Strike EndedV Fa tan The In

ttrnal nt Clsiir Mai Ti niion hasclaml hi srili of Ih Ki v rSir maIMS off and ork In rhe fac-

ti rle will IK reurnnl at once Til1strike ham bat n on nearly two months

during that time fartsirleIn the elty have oi 1 T othem on account of tlie trikiv have deelle to remove to Tampa Tin termsoffered by them maniilaeiuprbeen accepted as aMsfaetory by themen except those the TnrcrdnreCigar union who hold nut lo the de-

mand for a recognition of ihilr union

Fahey to Attend ConferenceSTiamokln Pa Jan 15 President

John Fahey of the Tnlted Mine Work-ers left here last nlcu for IndlanapoIU on a dispatch from President JohnMitchell asking him to attend a ronfenerwnco In that city PresidentsNichoIIs of Cleveland and Hetty ofHazelton have also been summoned toIndianapolis It Is believed PresidentMitchell has received a communicationfrom the coal companies and wnnts tobring the matter before the anthracitedistrict presl tents before the nationaleopv n Ti

Important Questions Yet to SettleNew Orleans Jan 11 Wlta the

matter of acreage as he most Impor-tant question rtmalnhi to be settledthe Southern Cotton association todaybegan the at day of its work Thequestion or permanent headquartersthe election of officers and the propo-

sition to establish an official organwill be settled by the executive commlttev at Its sessions here next weeThe executive committee will also ar-

range to put Into effect the plan ofthe remainder of the cotton

crop fur 1 cents

Cured His Mother of HheumatismMy mother has been a sufferer for

many years from rheumatism sayH Howard of Husband Pa At

times shy was unable to move at allwhile at all time walking was painfulI presented hur with a bottle of Chamberlains raiD Balm and after a fewapplications she decided it was themint wonderful pain reliever she hadever tried in fact she is never without-it now and i at all times able to walkAn occasional application of Pain Balmkeeps away the pain that she for-

merly troubled with For tale by all

Steamer AgroundAtlantic City X J Jan 13 The

Clyde Lire teams r Kr nf fromSan Doming fur NYw York whichw n nht re yi onn v wear n SouthHlgantliu Llf station Is still fastaground totlay A northeast iai pre-

vails and the seas are breaking overthe Tho North Americamoved the Cherokee a considerabledlsanic toward d P WilIer during tatnight

Sickening Shivering FitsOf ague and malaria can Le relieved

and cured with Electric Hitters Thisi a pure tonic medicine i of especialbenefit in malaria for it exert a truecurative influence on the dit eaeiiik it entirely out o the ytem It-

i much to be preferred to quininehaving none of tlm drug bad aftercomets K S Mundtr of HeitriettHTex write My brother wa v rylow with malarial fever and Jaundicetill he took Electric Hitter whichjnved hii life At all druc storesPrice Vo guaranteed

City Directory For SaleVe have a number of copies of

Directory for at TheSun ofllce It is a handy referencebunk for buMiner and professionalnee giving the names of residentswith Street and number Price 2





clC WetEta


St ftnr

S I n


and a1 111










lilt uJUr


Hartz City





OOrULSIOwsi caws

zeeuie W sadMedicinal









> >





> >











Dr Stcrcr m Wash gton

lit Y i t i i r

r 11 in ninalrt M TiuMion f K-

a Ni A Y rK U-

ft in r Miittii u ii r rtrUl hai a ii

wrh the fcr ta i

Willih M 1 ilolM n

Want Dr Barrow PardonedAMricih a IV c itu f r4m-

oxmoiit oral hen o o arcth pardon of Mr Ci iirc learn x anrnrrnnt jthylrlan now Mrvin I irtear M ntinri in flit p

wih an Intent to mur l r SIrInc union of Thomas Siuvnn h

waR tip for tit nnn If i r-

proplf think rirrnxv nlii idoned Hk wlp and hundred MKncJa petition to thai enact

Victim cf Riot Gwen DamagesKansas City Mo Jan 13 Clement1

stead a steroid t rk who was woiin5 a Miller Iurlng a park In i IIOUM

strike riot In Atizus 1901 In theyanta hack of the Sxvlft parking

plant In Kansas City Kans has ob-

tatntd a vrlict fur frOO damasosagainst tho city A Kansas aw makesa city llnbli fur acts of tubs on thestreets

Chamberlains Cough Remedy theBest Made

In my opinion Chamberlain CoughRemedy i the hen made for coldssays Mr Cora Walker of PorlerrilleCal There is no doubt about its beingthe best No other will curt a cold o i

quickly No other sure aof pneumonia No other U oo pleas-

ant and safe to take Three arera on why i should he preferred toany other The fact is that few peopleare satisfied with any other after

once used this remedy For taleby all druggists

Freight Train WreckedAtalla Ala Jan 15 Freight train

No 4i was wrecked on the A G and-S li t night 2 miles south of AUalli

cars were thrown completelyfrom the tract and mast of them wereturned oxer No one oar seriously hurtThe train wan loaded with lumber andpit Iron TN wreck Is said to havebeen canned l y the truck giving away

Pleasant and Most Effective-

T J Chamber Editor VindicatorLiberty Texas writes I J5

With pleasure and tin ilieiird byyou I bear testimony to the curative

of Italian Syrup-I have used it in my family can j

cheerfully atlirm it ii the fmot effect-ive and remedy for couch rollsI have ever tided Sold by V M


Sandford Case in Hands of JuryRome ra Ian ludpe Vrip1

has corw iis rliaruc to the Juryin tie Vttipent T Sanford murder cast1and the Jury h out Tin ease wasgiven to the Jury at Ito oclock Sat-

urday morning

Jewish Banker DeadBoson Jan 13 I uls H OM Sr

well Known Jewish banker and phllaa-LhxopUt died at hU home in

last nlcht Me wn hum In taecity or llerntadt Pnmsia In 1S27


3fat Stave Lasarlaat Bad Clo jHo Mater Itt Color

The contour of a fa thi ri Mi n iie ur a remnle mouth lo-

iomfthint If th hfil I crWt witwant hair Scant urd fullrc Mir it M

known I cnur1 J paralt thatImrrowM Into rit M thf roit nf f i

hair where It ip t littU whets jtaa th 2 rm tur w UT m-

hurrowlne a I trnfr ratK nr thit rjfi io kill l-

NiWlm rpir mi ontlr v nW rrt t himtMl Sritiry v4-

iJnrliifT c rni I f nir t nfiliifu ilr nti t Mr-

S V1 tinlnc drug tn SonJ in-

litirTT fr imptf T HiTj llil CoIitr t MuhJ S IMifinl A Cu Sinridl Atreiitii


in ooklnira Feat HIT

Every thiiK in aot Iooked to OrderOYsTKKs AND SPEAKS

the ltet-


WEST SQUARE-I r street


J I 1


IIi I 11 liI




iI tIt tioJ

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> >





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> >





You will never well and strong brighthearty and free from p in until you build up your

constitution with a nerve refreshing bloodmakingtonic like

It Makes Pale Cheeks PinkI-

t Is a pure harmless medicinal tonic made from vegetableIngredients which relieve female pain and distress such as headachebackache bowel ache dixzineas chils scanty or profuse menstruation dragging down pains etc

It Is a building strangthmaklng medicine for women the onlymedicine that is certain to do you good Try It

Sod by every dn tst In bottles

whiz US A LITTUtfreely and frankly m strictest eoefld-ence telling us all your syBtptoaui tadtroubles We will ned free advice

in plain sealed envelops how toAddress Ladies Advisory

Dept The Medae CeChattanooga Teen

YOU AO FftlZNDS-ef ales writes Mrs F L Joy af-

Gattatia TennFor since taking CarStd I Have

gained JS lbsandaai In better healttithee for the past 9 years I tell nyhusband that Cartel is worth Itsweight la foU to aleta ladles



EXPRESS PREPAID Full Quart Alcasure-

Hutehcu IMvatc tiH R-

llatohett sThat s ViiNiii-MlUtcdrtt tUI KtEureka N C Mrurilr-N r A i io liruiMlyEurekaEureka N r IaMi llririlv-N C IVweliKureki X I Iom-Kiriki X r Curl XXi i Mrt N t t i rccxK-ureKik X torn XXXNout crow Ifciurrx-inlltniitie liarSunny llr Mtk

Sunni ItriMiU Muli

3 V S4 M I

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SWEAR OFF riiiliiii AnyHut the HK T nm

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Take The Atlantic Coast LineF-OR ALL EARTHLY POINTS


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Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed ServiceTime Table in effect April 16 1605


Uupont orJ ck Tite n-dMocuocerf


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high Springs and Inter-mediate Ioirt

Ocala Leeaburg and Tampa andIntermediate Points

Ialatka JackitonrilleNorth and West

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Mtcnupy and Ultra

Arrive From

830 a mDaily


135 pmDaily


P 55 m


7 iW p mDaily

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