gabon profile - countdown 2030 · gabon profile source: dhs 2012 (analyses based on the most...

Gabon Profile Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey) Wealth and area of residence Composite coverage index - subnaonal coverage Wealth Quinles Urban | rural area of residence Coverage of essenal RMNCH intervenons Co-coverage of essenal intervenons • BCG (tuberculosis) vaccinaon • DPT3 (diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis) vaccinaon • measles vaccinaon • improved drinking water source • antenatal care (4+ visits) • tetanus toxoid during pregnancy • skilled aendant at delivery • child received vitamin A supplementaon 2.6% received less than 3 intervenons Mothers & Children 61% belong to poorest quintile 22% 16% 52% 6% 54% live in rural areas 31% Libreville/ Port-Gentil region have mothers with no education 17% Mothers & children with <3 intervenons X All mothers & children Demand for family planning sasfied with modern methods Antenatal care (4 or more visits) Neonatal tetanus protecon Skilled aendant at delivery Postnatal care for mothers Postnatal care for babies Immunizaon - Rota Immunizaon - DPT3 Immunizaon - Measles Careseeking for symptoms of pneumonia Diarrhoea treatment - ORS Early iniaon of breaseeding Exclusive breaseeding Connued breaseeding (1 year) Vitamin A supplementaon Urban Rural Coverage (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Demand for family planning sasfied with modern methods Antenatal care (4 or more visits) Neonatal tetanus protecon Skilled aendant at delivery Postnatal care for mothers Postnatal care for babies Immunizaon - Rota Immunizaon - DPT3 Immunizaon - Measles Careseeking for symptoms of pneumonia Diarrhoea treatment - ORS Early iniaon of breaseeding Exclusive breaseeding Connued breaseeding (1 year) Vitamin A supplementaon Coverage (%) Q1 Poorest Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Wealthiest 0 20 40 60 80 100 Wealth quinles Number of intervenons 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 0 % 0 20 40 60 80 100 Q1 Poorest Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Wealthiest Q1 Poorest Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Wealthiest Coverage (%) Demand for family planning sasfied with modern methods rural urban Skilled aendant at delivery rural urban Immunizaon − DPT3 rural urban Improved source of drinking water rural urban 0 20 40 60 80 100 Q1 Poorest Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Wealthiest Coverage (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100

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Page 1: Gabon Profile - Countdown 2030 · Gabon Profile Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey) Composite coverage index - subnaonal coverage Wealth

Gabon Profile

Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey)

Wealth and area of residence Composite coverage index - subna�onal coverage

Wealth Quin�les Urban | rural area of residence

Coverage of essen�al RMNCH interven�ons Co-coverage of essen�al interven�ons

• BCG (tuberculosis) vaccina�on • DPT3 (diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis) vaccina�on • measles vaccina�on • improved drinking water source

• antenatal care (4+ visits) • tetanus toxoid during pregnancy• skilled a�endant at delivery • child received vitamin A supplementa�on

2.6% received less than 3 interven�onsMothers & Children

61%belong to

poorest quintile 22%




54% live inrural areas



havemothers with no education


Mothers & childrenwith <3 interven�ons X All mothers & children

Demand for family planningsa�sfied with modern methods

Antenatal care (4 or more visits)

Neonatal tetanus protec�on

Skilled a�endant at delivery

Postnatal care for mothers

Postnatal care for babies

Immuniza�on - Rota

Immuniza�on - DPT3

Immuniza�on - Measles

Careseeking for symptomsof pneumonia

Diarrhoea treatment - ORS

Early ini�a�on of breas�eeding

Exclusive breas�eeding

Con�nued breas�eeding (1 year)

Vitamin A supplementa�on

Urban Rural

Coverage (%)

0 20 40 60 80 100

Demand for family planningsa�sfied with modern methods

Antenatal care (4 or more visits)

Neonatal tetanus protec�on

Skilled a�endant at delivery

Postnatal care for mothers

Postnatal care for babies

Immuniza�on - Rota

Immuniza�on - DPT3

Immuniza�on - Measles

Careseeking for symptomsof pneumonia

Diarrhoea treatment - ORS

Early ini�a�on of breas�eeding

Exclusive breas�eeding

Con�nued breas�eeding (1 year)

Vitamin A supplementa�on

Coverage (%)

Q1 Poorest Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Wealthiest

0 20 40 60 80 100

Wealth quin�les

Number of interven�ons

1 2 3 4 5 6 870









Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5Wealthiest

Q1 Poorest Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Wealthiest

Coverage (%)

Demand for family planningsa�sfied with modern methods



Skilled a�endant at delivery



Immuniza�on − DPT3


urbanImproved sourceof drinking water



0 20 40 60 80 100

Q1 Poorest Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Wealthiest

Coverage (%)0 20 40 60 80 100

Page 2: Gabon Profile - Countdown 2030 · Gabon Profile Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey) Composite coverage index - subnaonal coverage Wealth

Gabon Profile

Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey)

Stra�fica�on not applicable for the indicator Data not available Es�mate not presented (N < 25)

Indicators Na�onal

Wealth quin�lesWealth-related

equity indicatorsWoman's educa�on Child's sex

Area ofresidence

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5Ra�o

Q5/Q1 Q5-Q1CIX SII None Primary Secondary+ Female Male Rural Urban

Demand for family planningsa�sfied with modern methods

32.8 21.3 31.1 32.8 36.9 38.4 1.8 17.1 9.5 17.5 19.6 25.3 36.2 20.6 34.5

Antenatal care (4 or more visits) 77.2 57.8 75.6 80.7 87.0 88.0 1.5 30.1 7.8 35.4 71.9 67.3 81.5 77.1 77.3 57.5 80.7

Neonatal tetanus protec�on 68.2 58.9 71.1 67.9 75.7 66.9 1.1 8.0 2.6 10.2 71.0 59.8 71.0 67.3 69.1 60.5 69.5

Skilled a�endant at delivery 90.5 76.5 92.4 94.7 95.1 95.6 1.3 19.2 4.3 22.2 88.9 83.4 93.5 88.9 91.9 70.6 94.1

Postnatal care for mothers 59.6 48.5 60.9 63.0 65.1 61.6 1.3 13.1 5.1 16.0 51.6 53.8 62.5 46.2 62.1

Postnatal care for babies 25.5 18.0 28.1 20.7 24.6 40.7 2.3 22.7 11.3 17.3 27.2 21.3 27.0 23.4 27.5 16.1 27.3

Immuniza�on - Rota

Immuniza�on - DPT3 72.9 62.2 78.1 67.7 88.1 71.8 1.2 9.7 4.2 17.4 76.3 66.8 75.0 72.5 73.2 61.7 75.1

Immuniza�on - Measles 74.3 73.2 71.9 78.0 84.5 61.5 0.8 -11.7 -0.7 -1.1 73.3 73.5 74.8 72.3 76.2 76.5 73.9

Careseeking forsymptoms of pneumonia

49.5 34.7 44.0 46.7 64.3 63.3 1.8 28.6 11.1 36.9 45.2 51.0 39.4 58.1 44.5 50.4

Diarrhoea treatment: ORS 26.1 23.8 21.0 20.3 46.4 18.5 0.8 -5.3 7.3 14.6 7.4 23.1 28.4 30.2 22.3 21.4 27.1

Early ini�a�on of breas�eeding 32.3 32.9 34.0 34.8 32.1 26.0 0.8 -6.9 -4.0 -6.2 34.4 32.5 32.1 31.2 33.4 32.0 32.4

Exclusive breas�eeding 6.0 6.3 5.3 3.5 15.6 0.7 0.1 -5.6 -4.4 -0.3 6.3 8.0 5.2 3.8 8.1 5.6 6.1

Con�nued breas�eeding (1 year) 45.4 64.9 54.1 28.9 44.8 30.2 0.5 -34.6 -15.2 -37.8 64.0 34.9 49.9 41.3 68.2 40.5

Vitamin A supplementa�on 53.8 62.9 55.0 48.2 54.6 46.5 0.7 -16.4 -5.4 -16.1 51.3 57.1 52.8 56.4 51.3 61.8 52.3

Page 3: Gabon Profile - Countdown 2030 · Gabon Profile Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey) Composite coverage index - subnaonal coverage Wealth

Gabon Profile

Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey)

Indicator coverage by country region

Data not available Es�mate not presented (N < 25)


Estuaire Haut Ogooué Moyen Ogooué Ngounié NyangaOgooué

Mari�meOgooué Ivindo Ogooué Lolo Woleu Ntem

Demand for family planningsa�sfied with modern methods

38.2 25.4 28.7 28.8 20.7 25.9 34.8 19.8 22.6 26.1

Antenatal care (4 or more visits) 83.5 75.8 86.0 53.7 62.8 69.5 79.8 47.1 77.9 60.5

Neonatal tetanus protec�on 69.5 70.9 74.9 66.8 49.4 65.6 68.1 55.4 79.8 63.8

Skilled a�endant at delivery 94.6 91.0 95.9 89.2 86.7 87.7 95.0 60.7 85.9 73.7

Postnatal care for mothers 63.9 63.4 38.1 70.1 72.9 73.9 70.7 42.3 62.4 34.5

Postnatal care for babies 28.1 31.5 21.7 29.2 8.8 69.0 14.4 7.0 21.6 14.6

Immuniza�on - Rota

Immuniza�on - DPT3 76.2 62.8 79.8 61.8 80.3 68.9 82.4 57.1 67.0 58.0

Immuniza�on - Measles 72.4 69.4 86.1 70.8 80.5 78.9 87.4 68.0 63.7 75.3

Careseeking forsymptoms of pneumonia

56.4 39.2 56.6 72.9 57.5 29.3 29.8 41.8 30.0

Diarrhoea treatment: ORS 29.6 21.3 18.1 25.1 36.8 26.0 17.1 28.0 18.5 19.3

Early ini�a�on of breas�eeding 33.0 28.0 28.6 58.0 17.3 23.7 45.4 50.4 42.4 28.0

Exclusive breas�eeding 6.4 6.4 3.9 13.0 2.3 3.8 28.9 3.2 1.5 9.9

Con�nued breas�eeding (1 year) 34.5 32.4 65.9 51.4 61.4 63.6 71.2

Vitamin A supplementa�on 44.7 60.9 72.1 48.5 63.6 70.7 67.1 72.8 74.1 45.5

Page 4: Gabon Profile - Countdown 2030 · Gabon Profile Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey) Composite coverage index - subnaonal coverage Wealth

Gabon Profile

Source: DHS 2012 (Analyses based on the most recent publicly available survey)

Demand for family planning sa�sfied with modern methods:

Antenatal care, 4 or more visits: Percentage of women who had at least 4 visits of antenatal care during pregnancy.

Percentage of women who received tetanus injec�ons during pregnancy.

Neonatal tetanus protec�on:

Percentage of women 15-49 years, in union, using modern contracep�ves among those who are fer�le and do not want a child in the next two years, at least.

Percentage of women who had delivery a�ended by a doctor, a nurse, or an auxiliary nurse or trained midwife. The specific �tles and cadres can vary by country.

Postnatal care for mothers and for babies:

Immuniza�on for rotavirus, DPT3, measles and rotavirus:

Percentage of mothers (or babies) who went through a health check within 48 hours a�er the delivery.

Skilled a�endant at delivery:

Percentage of children 12-23 months of age who received these vaccines.

Interven�ons and inequality measures Combined coverage indicators

Interpre�ng the graphs

To monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, it is essen�al to monitor the coverage of health interven�ons in subgroups of the popula�on because na�onal averages can hide important inequali�es. Here, we selected 15 interven�ons represen�ng the con�nuum of care of Reproduc�ve, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (RMNCH) to show how countries are faring in terms of coverage by regions of the country, wealth quin�les (5 equal sized groups), urban or rural area of residence and both wealth and area. In the table presented in page 2, we also present results by woman's educa�on and child's sex.

We also present simple measures of wealth inequality (difference and ra�o) and complex measures. These are the slope index of inequality (SII), for absolute inequality, and the concentra�on index (CIX), for rela�ve inequality. The SII can be interpreted as the difference in coverage between the two extremes of the wealth distribu�on. The CIX is similar to the Gini index and gives an idea of how concentrated the coverage of each indicator is, towards the rich (posi�ve value) or the poor (nega�ve value). The CIX can vary from zero (no inequality) to 100 (maximum concentra�on), but in prac�ce values above 30 already represent a fairly high level of pro-rich inequality.

A short descrip�on of the interven�ons is presented below. The full defini�on of the interven�ons tracked by Countdown can be found in the annexes of the main report.

Con�nued breas�eeding at one year:

Percentage of children who presented symptoms of pneumonia and were taken to a health facility.

Exclusive breas�eeding:

Percentage of children 12-15 months of age who are s�ll being breas�ed.

Percentage of children with diarrhea who received oral rehydra�on salts.

Diarrhea treatment with ORS:

Early ini�a�on of breas�eeding:

Vitamin A supplementa�on: Percentage of children who received vitamin A in the six months preceding the interview.

Household with access to an improved source of drinking water (such as piped water, public tap, protected well).

Percentage of children who were put to the breast in the first hour of life.

Improved drinking water source:

Careseeking for pneumonia:

Percentage of children less than six months of age who are being exclusively breas�ed .

Co-coverage is a count of how many, out of 8 interven�ons offered in the country, the pair of mother and child received. Ideally, they will receive all interven�ons available, but in prac�ce we observe very different situa�ons. The interven�ons considered here are antenatal care (4+ visits), tetanus toxoid during pregnancy, skilled a�endant at delivery, BCG, DPT3 and measles vaccines, vitamin A supplementa�on and improved source of drinking water. The count goes from zero to 8.

Composite coverage index CCI


We present a map of each country with the CCI by region. The CCI is a simple way to summarize coverage by health interven�ons using a single number, in place of several of them. It is calculated as the weighted mean of eight selected interven�ons demand for family planning sa�sfied, antenatal care (4+ visits), skilled a�endant at delivery, BCG, DPT3 and measles vaccines, and finally careseeking for pneumonia and ORS for diarrhea.

The map shows the regions of each country and CCI coverage using colors to highlight differences across the regions. The darker the color, the higher the coverage. The actual values (%) are presented below the names of the regions. At the bo�om, we also present an equiplot of the CCI by wealth quin�les. Not to be confused with a map scale!

Co-coverage is presented in two ways. The top graph displays how many mothers and children in each of the five wealth quin�les receive zero, one, two, up to eight of the interven�ons included in the co-coverage measure. We typically see that the high-count sec�ons increase and are much bigger toward the richer quin�les. The bo�om sec�on shows differences in key characteris�cs of mothers and children that received less than 3 of these interven�ons (le� column) in comparison to all mothers and children living in the country (right column). Comparisons presented include likelihood to belong to the poorest quin�le, to live in rural areas or specific geographical regions, and of the mother having received no educa�on. For instance, a much higher propor�on (30-40%) of mothers and children receiving less than three interven�ons belong to the poorest quin�le, compared to the 20% of the sample that this category encompasses.

In the equiplots, the graphs with aligned dots, each dot represents the coverage of a given interven�on for a subgroup. It can be area of residence, or wealth quin�les (the first quin�le includes the poorest 20% of the sample, and so on). The quin�les are labelled Q1 to Q5. The distance between the dots is the difference in coverage between the relevant groups. The larger the difference, the bigger the absolute inequali�es in the country. Ideally, in this type of graph, we would like to see all the dots close together on the right side, where coverage approaches 100%.