g. - london, ontariocouncil.london.ca/councilarchives/reports and... · barber, w. j. polhill and...

The Council meets in Regular Session in the Municipal Offices this day at 500 p.m PRESENT: Mayor A. M. DeCicco-Best, Deputy Mayor T. C. Gosnell, Controllers G. Barber, W. J. Polhill and G. Hume and Councillors R. Caranci, W. J. Armstrong, B. R. MacDonald, S. Orser, J. L. Baechler, N. Branscombe, W. Lonc, P. Hubert, S. E. Eagle, P. M. Van Meerbergen, D. Winninger, H. L. Usher and J. P. Bryant and C. Saunders. (City Clerk). At the beginning of the Meeting all Members are present except Councillors Caranci, Van Meerbergen and Miller. Her Worship the Mayor presents a plaque for "London's Featured Company" to Paul Eastman representing District Energy. Her Worship the Mayor presents a certificate for "London's Featured Community Organization" to Tony Jones, Former President and Former Coach of the North London Sports Association. At 5:05 p.m. Councillor Caranci enters the meeting. At 5 0 6 p.m. Councillor Van Meerbergen enters the meeting. Her Worship the Mayor presents a plaque from the London Co-ordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse to Jeff Fielding, CAO, in recognition of the programs initiated at the City of London to ensure workplace safety. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Hubert discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 9 of the 27th Report of the Board of Control and the associated Bill 457, having to do with a Purchase of Services Agreement for Ontario Works Employment Assistance Services by indicating that he is the Executive Director of a social services agency named in the Agreement. Councillor Hubert further discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 14 of the 17th Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee, having to do with an update to the Ontario Works Service Plan by indicating that he is the Executive Director of a social services agency with a service agreement under Ontario Works. Councillor Bryant discloses a pecuniary interest in clauses 1 and 2 of the 17th Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee, and the associated Bills 455 and 460, having to do with agreements with Meals on Wheels London and London InterCommunity Health Center Inc., by indicating that her husband is a Board Member of the Local Health Integration Network, which provides funding to these agencies. Controller Polhill discloses a pecuniary interest in the Communications and Petitions listed on the Orders of the Day, having to do with the expropriation of lands for the Halenrafalgar CN Grade Separation Project, together with the associated Bill 469, by indicating that his son owns property in the immediate area. Controller Polhill further discloses a pecuniary interest in the Added Confidential Communication and associated Bill 468, having to do with a property acquisition at 1373 Trafalgar Street by indicating that his son owns property in the immediate area. 373. 374. 375. MINUTES 376. Councillor Hubert moves, seconded by Councillor Orser, that the Minutes of the Twentieth Meeting held on October 26, 2009 be adopted. CARRIED

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Page 1: G. - London, Ontariocouncil.london.ca/councilarchives/reports and... · Barber, W. J. Polhill and G. Hume and Councillors R. Caranci, W. J. Armstrong, B. R. ... a certificate of approval

The Council meets in Regular Session in the Municipal Offices this day at 500 p.m

PRESENT: Mayor A. M. DeCicco-Best, Deputy Mayor T. C. Gosnell, Controllers G. Barber, W. J. Polhill and G. Hume and Councillors R. Caranci, W. J. Armstrong, B. R. MacDonald, S. Orser, J. L. Baechler, N. Branscombe, W. Lonc, P. Hubert, S. E. Eagle, P. M. Van Meerbergen, D. Winninger, H. L. Usher and J. P. Bryant and C. Saunders. (City Clerk).

At the beginning of the Meeting all Members are present except Councillors Caranci, Van Meerbergen and Miller.

Her Worship the Mayor presents a plaque for "London's Featured Company" to Paul Eastman representing District Energy.

Her Worship the Mayor presents a certificate for "London's Featured Community Organization" to Tony Jones, Former President and Former Coach of the North London Sports Association.

At 5:05 p.m. Councillor Caranci enters the meeting.

At 506 p.m. Councillor Van Meerbergen enters the meeting.

Her Worship the Mayor presents a plaque from the London Co-ordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse to Jeff Fielding, CAO, in recognition of the programs initiated at the City of London to ensure workplace safety.


Councillor Hubert discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 9 of the 27th Report of the Board of Control and the associated Bill 457, having to do with a Purchase of Services Agreement for Ontario Works Employment Assistance Services by indicating that he is the Executive Director of a social services agency named in the Agreement. Councillor Hubert further discloses a pecuniary interest in clause 14 of the 17th Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee, having to do with an update to the Ontario Works Service Plan by indicating that he is the Executive Director of a social services agency with a service agreement under Ontario Works.

Councillor Bryant discloses a pecuniary interest in clauses 1 and 2 of the 17th Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee, and the associated Bills 455 and 460, having to do with agreements with Meals on Wheels London and London InterCommunity Health Center Inc., by indicating that her husband is a Board Member of the Local Health Integration Network, which provides funding to these agencies.

Controller Polhill discloses a pecuniary interest in the Communications and Petitions listed on the Orders of the Day, having to do with the expropriation of lands for the Halenrafalgar CN Grade Separation Project, together with the associated Bill 469, by indicating that his son owns property in the immediate area. Controller Polhill further discloses a pecuniary interest in the Added Confidential Communication and associated Bill 468, having to do with a property acquisition at 1373 Trafalgar Street by indicating that his son owns property in the immediate area.





376. Councillor Hubert moves, seconded by Councillor Orser, that the Minutes of the Twentieth Meeting held on October 26, 2009 be adopted. CARRIED

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377. The Council reviews the confidential matters listed for consideration at this meeting and determines that none should be considered in public.

378. The Chair directs that the actions suggested by the City Clerk with respect to Communication No. 2, on the Added Communications be taken.

The Council convenes as the Approving Authority at 512 p.m. pursuant to the provisions of the Expropriations Act., R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 26, as amended, for the purpose of considering Communication 1 (a) from the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, dealing with the proposed expropriation of lands on Hale Street and Trafalgar Street, for the Halemrafalgar CN Grade Separation Project.

Deputy Mayor Gosnell moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that the Council of The Corporation of the City of London, as approving authority pursuant to the Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26, as amended, take the following actions related to the proposed expropriation of land on Trafalgar Street and Hale Street:

(a) the proposed expropriation of land on Trafalgar Street and Hale Street, as described in Schedules " A and " B a & & d hereto, in the City of London, County of Middlesex, BE HEREBY APPROVED; it being pointed out that the reasons for making this decision are as follows:

(i) the subject lands are required by The Corporation of the City of London to construct the Hale I Trafalgar CN Grade Separation Project;

the design of the road improvements will address existing and future traffic needs and facilitate safe and efficient movement or traffic;


(iii) the overpass traversing the CN rail line is intended to address the following:

address safety concerns at the rail crossing; reduce traffic infiltration through the adjacent local neighbourhoods; address safety concerns resulting from short cutting traffic; enable the railway to improve the efficiency of their operations; support future economic I industrial growth within the London area;

the design will enhance the vehicular traffic capacity of Trafalgar Street and Hale Street, as well as enhance CN ability to assemble trains in this area:


(v) the design is in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Study for Municipal Road Projects adopted by the Municipal Council on May 20, 2003; and,

(b) a certificate of approval BE ISSUED in the prescribed form; it being noted that a request for a Hearing of Necessity was received from one property owner for a property that is required for the project. The Hearing of Necessity is scheduled for November 26, 2009 for this property. CARRIED

The Approval Authority adjourns and the Council resumes in regular session at 5 1 3 p.m. with Her Worship the Mayor in the chair and all Members present except Councillor Miller.

Councillor Branscombe moves, seconded by Councillor Orser, that Communication l(b), as listed on the Orders of the Day be amended by deleting part (a) of the recommendation in its entirety and by replacing it with the following new part (a):

"(a) the attached proposed expropriation by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009, by The Corporation of

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the City of London as expropriating authority, with respect to the lands described in Schedule 'A a#a&ed hereto;". CARRIED

Councillor Hubert moves, seconded by Councillor Orser, that, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, on the advice of the Manager of Realty Services, with the concurrence of the General Manager of Environmental and Engineering Services and City Engineer, the following actions be taken having regard to the approval by the Council of The Corporation of the City of London, as approving authority of the proposed expropriation of land on Hale Street and Trafalgar Street, for the Halerrafalgar CN Grade Separation Project, as described in the approval, subject to the following conditions:

(a) the attached proposed expropriation by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009, by The Corporation of the City of London as expropriating authority, with respect to the lands described in Schedule 'A a&x?=d hereto;

the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED to prepare a plan or plans showing the lands to be expropriated for registration in the appropriate registry or land titles office pursuant to the Expropriations Act; and

the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED to execute and serve the notice of expropriation required by the Expropriations Act and such notices of possession that my be required to obtain possession of the expropriated lands. CARRIED



1. That, on the recommendation of the Director of Roads & Transportation, the following actions be taken with respect to the Clarke Road and Whitney Street traffic signal rebuild (Project Nos. TS4066, TS5012 8 TS1252), namely:

(a) the bid submitted by CRU Solutions Inc., at its tendered price of $195,259 (exclusive of GST), BE ACCEPTED; it being pointed out that the bid submitted by CRU Solutions Inc. was the lower of two (2) bids received and meets the City's specifications and requirements in all areas;

the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report a#a&ed hereto as Appendix 'A;

the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative acts that are necessary in connection with this project; and

the approval given herein BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into a






I formal contract or issuing a purchase order relating to this matter (Tender 09-97). (S09-00)

2. the following actions be taken with respect to the construction of the Innovation Park Industrial Area Sanitary Trunk Sewer Extension (Project No. lD2058-1239), namely:

(a) the bid submitted by J-AAR Excavating Limited, 31 Exeter Road, London, at its tendered price of $1,480,952.39 (excluding GST), BE ACCEPTED; it being pointed out that the bid submitted by J-AAR Excavating Limited was the lowest of ten (IO) bids received and meets the City's specifications and requirements in all areas;

That, on the recommendation of the Director, Wastewater and Treatment,

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I) AECOM Ltd. BE AUTHORIZED to carry out the resident inspection and gener: administration for the said project in accordance with the estimate, on file, at a upset amount of $117,040 (excluding GST), based upon the Fee Guideline fc Professional Engineering Services, 2006, recommended by the Ontario Society c Professional Engineers and in accordance with "Schedule D: Appointment c Consulting Services Policy" of Council By-law No. A.-6151-17; it being noted thi this firm completed the engineering pre-design and detail design;

future additional operating costs of $2,100.00 BE APPROVED as a first priorit commitment from available assessment growth in 2010 subject to final budge approval;

the financing for this project BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources c Financing Report a.#a&ed hereto as Appendix " A ;

the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative act that are necessary in connection with this project; and

the approval given herein BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into formal contract or issuing a purchase order for the material to be supplied and ths work to be done relating to this project (Tender 09-104);

being recognized that this work would not have been undertaken without thm frastructure stimulus funding for this project having been provided through contribution 'both the Federal and Provincial Governments. (WIO-01)

That, on the recommendation of the General Manager, Planning an' evelopment, the following actions be taken with respect to the design and supply c istrict Park playground equipment, namely:






the proposals submitted by the following suppliers BE ACCEPTED:

(i) Active Playground Equipment Inc., 124 Kendall Street, Point Edward, at a cost of $64,999.50 (GST and PST extra);

Jambette Playground Equipment, 700 Des Calfats, Levis, Quebec, at a cost of $51,925 (GST and PST extra); and

New World Park Solutions, 42 Woodway Trail, Brantford, at a cost of $64,628.31 (GST and PST extra);



I) the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to undertake all the administrative act that are necessary in connection with this contract; and

the approval given herein BE CONDITIONAL upon the Corporation entering into formal contract or issuing a purchase order or contract record relating to thi matter (RFP 09-35). (E06-00)

That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Finance ani orporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, on the advice of the Manager of Realt ervices, the following actions be taken with respect to the unopened lane between thi PR and Piccadilly Street, namely:



the unopened lane between CPR and Piccadilly Street, lying east of Talbot Streei identified as Part 2, Plan 33R-16793 or Part 5, Plan 33R-16548, containing ai area of approximately 1,295 square feet, BE DECLARED SURPLUS;

the offer submitted by Blucor Group Inc., the owner of 140 Piccadilly Street, ti purchase the subject lands from the City, for the sum of $3,100.00, BI ACCEPTED; it being noted that the purchaser applied for and obtained a Coui Order to permanently close that portion of the lane designated as Part 2 on Plai 33R-16793, and this sale would consolidate the two parcels owned by thl purchaser abutting the lane and end the encroachment of the purchaser's parkin! lot use on City owned lands; and


) the ahsbed by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting oi November 9, 2009 to approve the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and ti authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (L15-01)

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- 5 -

Deputy Mayor Gosnell moves that clauses 5 to 8, inclusive, be adopted.

Deputy Mayor Gosnell moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that clause 5 be amended in line 2 of part (a) by deleting therefrom the number “3.5 and by replacing therefore the number “2.5. CARRIED

Councillor Bryant moves, seconded by Councillor Eagle, that clause 6 be referred to the Advisory Committee on the Environment, the Transportation Advisory Committee, as well as to the public for review and comment, prior to consideration of the Budget.

Pursuant to section 11.6 of the Council Procedure By-law, the motion moved by Councillor Bryant, and seconded by Councillor Eagle, is, at the joint request of the mover and seconder and with the consent of the Council, withdrawn.

Councillor Eagle moves, seconded by Councillor Bryant, that clause 6 be amended in part (a) to read as follows:

“(a) the proposed allocation of expenditure priorities for federal gas tax revenue for 2010 to 2014 set out in Table 4 a#a&ed BE REFERRED to the 2010 Budget process for consideration, and to the Advisory Committee on the Environment and the Transportation Advisory Committee for review and comment during the 2010 Budget consultation process;” CARRIED

The motion to adopt clause 5, as amended, clause 6, as amended, and clauses 7 and 8 is put and CARRIED. Clause 5, as amended, clause 6, as amended, and clauses 7 and 8 read as follows:

5. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, on the advice of the Manager of Realty Services, the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the City and the Salvation Army, for the acquisition of a rectangular parcel of land having an even width of 8 meters, measuring approximately 8 m X 39 m, plus a 6 m x 6 m daylight triangle, containing an area of approximately 328 m2 (3,527 square feet), from property municipally known as 270 Horton Street, located on the northwest corner of Horton Street and Wellington Street, for the future Horton Street and Wellington Street Intersection Improvements, for the sum of $100,000, subject to the following conditions:

(a) the City agreeing to enter into a licence agreement with the Salvation Army for an approximate 2.5 meter strip of land from the northerly part of the land to be transferred including the daylight triangle, for a five year term, at a nominal consideration, for parking purposes;

the City granting the Salvation Army an option for a five (5) year extension of the agreement at the end of the initial 5 year term with a ninety (90) day cancellation clause should the City require the subject land for future intersection improvements or some other municipal work; and

the City agreeing to pay any associated transaction costs, including survey and reference plan costs;

and that the financing for this acquisition BE APPROVED as set out in the Sources of Financing Report a#a&ed hereto as Appendix “ A ; it being noted that the Manager of Realty Services provided the a#a&ed maps of the subject site. (L15-02)

6. Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, the following actions be taken:




That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Finance and

the proposed allocation of expenditure priorities for federal gas tax revenue for 2010 to 2014 set out in Table 4 atksbed BE REFERRED to the 2010 Budget process for consideration, and to the Advisory Committee on the Environment and the Transportation Advisory Committee for review and comment during the 2010 Budget consultation process;

(b) Table 2, showing the history of actual expenditures, BE RECEIVED for information; and,

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(c) Table 3, showing the spending priorities and their linkage to the strategic plan and federal goals, BE RECEIVED for information. (F16-00)

7. Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, the &a&ed proposed by-law (Appendix A) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009 to authorize the Acting City Treasurer to submit an application to the Ontario Infrastructure Projects Corporation (OIPC) for the financing of capital projects through temporary borrowing and eventual long term borrowing for such works through the issue of debentures to OIPC.

That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Finance and


8. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, the &a&ed Sources of Financing for emergency repairs to a major watermain which crosses the Thames River between Sarnia Road and Huron Drive (Project No. EW3580) BE APPROVED. (W13-00)

9. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, the following actions be taken with respect to Purchase of Service Agreements for Ontario Works Employment Assistance Services:

the a#a&ed proposed revised by-law (Appendix A) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009 to approve an amending agreement with Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes for the delivery of Enhanced Employment Services and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the amending agreement;

the &a&ed proposed by-law (Appendix 8) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009 to approve an amending agreement with LEADS Employment Services London Inc. for the delivery of Enhanced Employment Services and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the amending agreement;

the &a&ed proposed by-law (Appendix C) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009 to approve an amending agreement with Pathways Skill Development and Placement Centre for the delivery of Enhanced Employment Services and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the amending agreement; and

the amended services provided as part of the Ministry of Community and Social Services Enhanced Employment Services for Vulnerable Persons Initiative BE CAPPED at $600,000 per agreement. (C16-00)

10. That, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee for the London Diversity & Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC), the following individuals BE APPOINTED to fill existing vacancies, as noted below, on the LDRRAC for the term ending November 30,2010:

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12. That, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee for thl Advisory Committee on the Environment (ACE), the following individuals BI APPOINTED to fill the existing vacancies, as noted below, on the ACE for the terr ending November 30,2010:

13. That, on the recommendation of the Director, Corporate Managemer Support, funding in the amount of $100,000 BE APPROVED for direct costs related ts the corporate response to the H l N l outbreak; it being noted that the Middlesex-Londoi Health Unit is encouraging individuals to access the H I N l vaccination, when available to reduce the severity and length of this outbreak. (COS-00)

Deputy Mayor Gosnell moves that clause 14 be adopted.

Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Orser, that pursuant to section 9.6 of the Council Procedure By-law, Councillor Branscombe be permitted to speak longer than 5 minutes with respect to clause 14. CARRIED

Councillor Branscombe moves, seconded by Councillor Bryant, that part (e) of clause 14 be amended to read as follows:

“(e) the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer BE REQUESTED to review and critique the financial impact analysis undertaken by David Conklin and Associates;”

At 532 p.m. Her Worship the Mayor places Councillor Hubert in the Chair and takes a seat at the Council Board.

At 5:44 p.m. Her Worship the Mayor resumes the Chair, and Councillor Hubert takes his seat at the Council Board.

The motion to amend part (e) of clause 14 is put and CARRIED on a recorded vote, the Members voting as follows:

YEAS: Controller Barber and Councillors Armstrong, Winninger, Usher, Orser, Lonc, Eagle, Baechler, Branscombe and Bryant. (IO)

Councillors Van Meerbergen, MacDonald, Caranci and Hubert. (8) NAYS: Mayor DeCicco-Best, Deputy Mayor Gosnell, Controllers Polhill and Hume and

The motion to adopt parts (a) and (b) of clause 14 is put and CARRIED.

The motion to adopt part (c) of clause 14 is put and LOST on a recorded vote, the Members voting as follows:

YEAS: Mayor DeCicco-Best, Deputy Mayor Gosnell. Controllers Polhill and Hume and Councillors Van Meerbergen, MacDonald, Caranci and Hubert. (8)

NAYS: Controller Barber and Councillors Armstrong, Winninger, Usher, Orser, Lonc, Eagle, Baechler, Branscombe and Bryant. (IO)

The motion to adopt clause (d) is put and CARRIED

The motion to adopt clause (e), as amended, is put and CARRIED on a recorded vote, the Members voting as follows:

YEAS: Mayor DeCicco-Best, Controllers Barber and Polhill and Councillors Van Meerbergen, Armstrong, Winninger, Usher, Orser, Lonc, Eagle, Baechler, Branscombe and Bryant. (13)

NAYS: Deputy Mayor Gosnell, Controller Hume and Councillors MacDonald, Caranci and Hubert. (5)

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14. That the following actions be taken regarding the financial impact analysis of the proposal by Sun Life Financial to add lands on the south side of Wilton Grove Road into the Urban Growth Area and to develop them for industrial purposes; it being noted that on January 6, 2009 Planning staff were advised by Sun Life that they are no longer pursuing this project:

(a) the financial impact analysis of the Sun Life proposal, dated January 8, 2009, prepared by David Conklin and Associates for the City of London BE RECEIVED for information;

the report dated November 4, 2009 from the General Manager of Planning and Development, providing background and staff comments on the financial impact analysis, noted in (a) above, BE RECEIVED for information;

the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to review and report back to the Board of Control, by the end of 2009, with an updated Industrial Land Development Strategy: and,



(d) the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer BE REQUESTED to review and critique the financial impact analysis undertaken by David Conklin and Associates;

it being noted that the Board of Control received the aRa&ed presentation from David Conklin and Guy L.F. Holburn with respect to this matter. (Dll-09)

16. That the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to pursue a resolution of the request by York Developments for an exemption to the new Development Charge By- law implemented on August 4, 2009, as it applies to the Westfield Village Estates Subdivision, through Minutes of Settlement at the Ontario Municipal Board, with the City of London's position being in support of the exemption to the new Development Charge By-law for the Westfield Village Estates Subdivision. (FO6-00)

17. That Danielle Hennessy and Nicole Hennessy BE APPOINTED as non- voting youth representatives on the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee for a term ending November 30, 2010.

18. That, on the recommendation of the Chief Administrative Officer, Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to maintain the corporate kilometre reimbursement rate at $0.50 per kilometre effective October 1, 2009.

19. That the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer BE DIRECTED to continue to coordinate a strategy with the City of London's regional partners to seek a commitment from the Province of Ontario to redirect funding that was originally being

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- 9 -

offered to assist with keeping the St. Thomas Assembly Plant operational, towards economic gateway and other manufacturing strategies that would provide employment opportunities in the region.

Clause 21, clause 22, as amended, and clauses 23 to 30, inclusive, read as follows:

21. That the Board of Control (BC) received the draft 2010 Water and Wastewater & Treatment Operating and Capital Budgets. The BC referred the Budgets to the Board of Control budget meetings for consideration.

22. That the Board of Control received and noted an information report from the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer with respect to the quote submitted by Belfor Canada in June 2009 for emergency building and property restoration. The General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer was requested to report back to the Board of Control with further detail on the ambiguity of the 2006 quote, as well as additional information with respect to the overbilling. (PO7-01)

23. That the Board of Control (BC) received an information report from the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer with respect to the creation of debt capacity within the capital budget, as a result of advancing stimulus projects, that could be used for "New Economy" projects that result from the economic strategy approved by Council. The BC requested the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer to develop a strategy for utilizing future years' debt capacity to reinvest in a project or series of projects that will create a "new local economy" and long term jobs in the community. (M16-00)

24. That the Board of Control postponed consideration of the proposed Procurement of Goods and Services Policy to a future meeting of the Board of Control.

25. That the Board of Control received and noted an information report from the Director, Corporate Management Support, with respect to Statements of Claim naming the City as a defendant received for the period July 1, 2009 to September 30,

26. That the Board of Control received and noted the 5th Report of the Accountability and Transparency Task Force from its meeting held on October 29, 2009. (See Report a#a&ed.)

27. That the Board of Control reviewed and received a copy of a communication dated October 15, 2009, to the Mayor, from Ed Holder, MP, London West, clarifying the Federal Government's funding arrangements with respect to infrastructure stimulus funding. (GI 0-00)

2%. That Mayor DeCicco-Best welcomed representatives from Russia who were visiting London to learn more about the sport of sledge hockey from local experts.

29. That Controller Hume provided the atk4ed photograph of signage in another municipality which details the recreational pathways in the area. The photograph was referred to the General Manager of Planning and Development and the Director o Corporate Communications, to determine if this might be an effective way to promote the

2009. (LOS-00)

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recreational pathways throughout the City of London.

30. moving in camera from 1255 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.:

That the Board of Control move in camera to consider a matter pertaining to potential litigation affecting the municipality and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, as it relates to the South Street LHSC Hospital Decommissioning, and that the BC is submitting a confidential report to the Municipal Council regarding these matters. (See Confidential Appendix to the 27th Report of the Board of Control enclosed for Council Members only.)

That the Board of Control (BC) passed the following resolution prior to

Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that Council recess. CARRIED

The Council recesses at 6:28 p.m. and reconvenes at 7:26 p.m. with Mayor DeCicco- Best in the Chair and all Members present except Councillors Miller, Orser and Van Meerbergen.


381. Councillor Branscornbe presents the 25th Report of the Planning Committee

Councillor Branscombe moves that clauses 1 to 22, inclusive, be adopted. CARRIED Clauses 1 to 22, inclusive, read as follows:

1. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Planning an Development, in response to Planning Committee Deferred Matter 4.6, the followin actions BE TAKEN:

(a) the report from the General Manager of Planning and Development with respec to the background, history of use and current status of the former Wester Counties Wing site and buildings BE RECEIVED for information;

the "Elgin, Lambton, Kent and Oxford" buildings BE DEMOLISHED and the sit BE RESTORED to parkland; and

the a#a&ed Source of Financing (Appendix A) in the amount of $294,000 BI APPROVED to fund the following: building demolition; installation of a new mult use pathway; carry out a Heritage Landscape Plan; and to complete joir Servicing Works as required by a revised Tri-Party Agreement with Londo Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph's Health Centre. (2009-Dl 0-00)

2. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Planning an1 Development, the Subdivision Agreement between The Corporation of the City c London and Legend Developments Limited, which was registered on April 20, 2005 a Instrument Number ER351597 for the Legend Developments subdivision situated on thi east side of Wharncliffe Road South, south of Southdale Road East within thi Longwoods area, BE AMENDED as follows:




Part II - Special Provisions, Section 28, Clause (ao) BE DELETED in its entiret and BE REPLACED with the following clause:

"The Owner shall construct the driveways for each Lot or Block in compliance

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does the non-compliant driveway create a conflict with municipal infrastructure, including street trees, and/or utilities;

1) does the non-compliant driveway reduce or eliminate an on-street parking opportunity shown on the approved parking plan;

2) does the non-compliant driveway create a parking space on the Lot in front of the dwelling unit; and.

3) does the non-compliant driveway result in significant portions of the front yard being covered by non-permeable material”; and

(b) Part II - Special Provisions, Section 28, Clause (aq) BE DELETED in its entirety (2009-D26-04)

3. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Planning and Development, the report dated November 2, 2009 with respect to the Wortley Village Old South Heritage Conservation District Study BE RECEIVED for information and that Planning Staff BE REQUESTED to initiate a Request for Proposals for a study to determine the appropriateness of the Old South area as a Heritage Conservation District; it being noted that funding for such a study is in place in the 2009 Budget. (2009-Dl 3-00)

4. Development and the City Solicitor, based on the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board issued October 6, 2009, the aHa6bed proposed by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009 to amend Zoning By-law No. 2.-1, in conformity with the Official Plan, to change the zoning on the subject land FROM a Holding Associated Shopping Area Commercial (h-25.ASA8) Zone and an Urban Reserve (*URI) Zone TO an Associated Shopping Area Commercial (ASA51ASA8) Zone. (2009-Dl 1-07)

5. That, notwithstanding the recommendation of the General Manager of Planning and Development, the following actions be taken based on the application of Michael Murphy relating to the property located at 306 Ashland Avenue:


That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Planning and

the a#a&ed proposed by-law BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009, to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1, in conformity with the Official Plan, to change the zoning of the subject lands FROM Residential R2 (R2-2) Zone which permits single detached, semi- detached, duplex and converted dwellings TO a Residential R2 Special Provision (R2-2( )/R2-2( )) Zone to permit the same uses as above, and allow the expansion of the parking area for Central Beauty Supply (300 Ashland Avenue) onto the rear portion of the parcel;

Staff BE DIRECTED to enter into a site plan agreement with the applicant to expand the commercial parking lot onto 306 Ashland Avenue;

the Site Plan Approval Authority BE REQUESTED to address the following issues through the site plan approval process:



(i) privacy fencing abutting 308 Ashland Avenue; and (ii) Environmental and Engineering Services Department concerns such

as storm sewer connections, on-site stormwater management, and a minor road widening; and

(d) pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, as determined by the Municipal Council, no further notice BE GIVEN in respect of the proposed by- law. (2009-Dl 1-05)

6. That, on the recommendation of the Managing Director, Development Approvals Business Unit, the following actions be taken with respect to entering into an agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Auburn Developments Inc., Claybar Developments Inc., Clarke Family Holdings, Landea Development Inc. and Foxhollow Developments Inc., for the subdivision of land over all of Part of Lot 23, Concession 5, Part of Lot 22, Concession 5 and Plan 33M564 BLK 282:

(a) the a#a&ed Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Auburn Developments Inc., Claybar Developments Inc., Clarke Family Holdings, Landea Development Inc. and Foxhollow Developments Inc., (39T-04503; 39T-

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04510; 39T-05511 and 39T-05512) BE APPROVED: and

(b) the Mayor and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute this Agreement and all documents required to fulfill its conditions. (2009-D26-01)

7. That, on the recommendation of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage, the following actions be taken with respect to the proposed Vacant Buildings By-law:

the Manager of By-law Enforcement BE ADVISED that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH) appreciates the additional protection given to heritage buildings in the proposed By-law; it being noted that the proposed By-law does not contain any provision for the protection of designated and listed heritage properties which are not vacant;

the Manager of By-law Enforcement BE ADVISED that the LACH has serious concerns with properties that are allowed to deteriorate through neglect, which are then proposed for demolition due to their deteriorated state; and

revisions to the Property Standards By-law BE ADVANCED as soon as possible to protect heritage buildings from deterioration through neglect leading to demolition;

it being noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage heard a verbal presentation from 0. Katolyk, Manager of By-law Enforcement and received the &a&& comments from its Planning and Policy Sub-committee, with respect to this matter;

it being further noted that Mr. Katolyk will respond to the LACH with respect to the protection of properties listed in the Inventory of Heritage Resources under the Ontario Municipal Act and the Ontario Building Code Act as well as with information related to possible amendments to the current Property Standards By-law to address the above- noted concerns.

a. That, on the recommendation of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage and the General Manager of Planning and Development, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the Heritage Alteration Permit Application of Western Ontario Community Health Services requesting permission for a faGade sign to the exterior of the designated heritage property located at 534 Queens Avenue BE APPROVED; it being noted that the Heritage Planner has reviewed the proposed addition and has advised that the impact of such alteration on the heritage features of the property identified in the Statement of Significance is negligible.

9. That, on the recommendation of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage and the General Manager of Planning and Development, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the Heritage Alteration Permit Application of L. Lupa/ M. Backus requesting permission for alterations to the designated heritage property located at 55 Centre Street BE APPROVED; it being noted that the Heritage Planner has reviewed the proposed alterations and has advised that the impact of such alterations on the heritage features of the property identified in the Statement of Significance are negligible; it being also noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage heard verbal presentations from L. Lupa and M. Backus with respect to this matter.

I O . That, on the recommendation of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage, the Mayor BE ASKED to write a letter to the Friends of Brick Street Cemetery to thank them for their efforts in maintaining the Brick Street Cemetery; it being noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage received the aMs4ed communication dated August 29, 2009 from D. Hall, Chair, Friends of Brick Street Cemetery, with respect to recent activities of the organization.

11. That, on the recommendation of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage and the General Manager of Planning and Development, with the advice of the Heritage Planner, the Heritage Alteration Permit Application of R. Brown requesting permission for alterations to the designated heritage property located at 81 1 Princess Avenue BE APPROVED; it being noted that the Heritage Planner has reviewed the proposed alterations and has advised that the impact of such alterations on the heritage features of the property identified in the Statement of Significance are negligible: it being also noted that the London Advisory Committee on Heritage heard a verbal presentation from R. Brown with respect to this matter.

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:a) the request to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.-1 to change the zoning of the subject lands FROM a Holding Light Industrial Special Provision (h-17.L12(12)) Zone, TO a Holding Light Industrial Special Provisionflemporary (h-17.L12(12)fl-*) Zone to add a temporary use zone permitting a commercial recreation establishment for a period of not more than four years from the date of the passing of the by-law BE REFUSED for the reason that the Planning Act and the City of London Official Plan permit the authorization of temporary use by-laws for renewable periods not exceeding three years; and

the proposed by-law &a&ed hereto as Appendix “ A BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009 to amend Zoning By-law No. Z.- 1, in conformity with the Official Plan, to change the zoning of the subject lands FROM a Holding Light Industrial Special Provision (h-I 7.Ll2(12)) Zone which permits such uses as bakeries, laboratories, a broad variety of industrial uses,


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support offices, research and development establishments, warehouse and wholesale establishments, and service trades, TO a Holding Light Industrial Special Provisionmemporary (h-17.L12(12)rT-*) Zone to add a temporary use zone permitting a commercial recreation establishment for a period of not more than three years from the date of the passing of the by-law;

it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the following individual made an oral submission in connection therewith:

J. Skender, representing the applicant and expressing support for the staff recommendation. (2009-Dl 1-07)

17. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Planning and Development, the following actions be taken with respect to the application of Sifton Properties Limited relating to the property located at 501 and 515 Skyline Avenue:

(a) the Approval Authority BE ADVISED that the issues raised at the public participation meeting of the Planning Committee with respect to the application for a proposed draft vacant land condominium as submitted by Sifton Properties Limited were related to the municipal addressing plan for the subject site;

the Approval Authority BE DIRECTED to utilize, if possible, one agreement and security in place of a separate development agreement and condominium agreement to address the development of this site; and

the request of the Applicant for the naming of internal driveway accesses for vacant land condominium units BE REFUSED, as a viable municipal addressing plan is available for the subject site and it would be contrary to the normal practice for all vacant land condominiums in the City;



it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the following individual made an oral submission in connection therewith:

P. Masschelein, Sifton Properties Limited - representing the applicant and expressing opposition to part (c) of the staff recommendation which does not support the separate naming of internal driveway accesses; noting that the builder with whom they have an agreement to purchase these lots believes there is a benefit to each unit having a separate, individual address from a marketing standpoint, agreeing that it is not the norm but that through further discussion with staff a solution may be found as this is a situation where the subject road dead-ends and will not be extended; further noting that while they had originally planned for higher density in this development, the market is such that buyers in this area are seeking single detached homes, and should an intensification of density be preferred, the initiative should be applied on a City-wide basis. (2009-

18. That the proposed Thames Valley Parkway Extension on the Westdel Bourne road allowance at Kains Road BE REFERRED back to staff to undertake further discussions with neighbouring residents with respect to alternative routes for the pathway, the width of the pathway, landscape buffering, as well as to review linkages to other existing or planned pathways within the City, and to report back at a future public participation meeting of the Planning Committee;

it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the following individuals made an oral submission in connection therewith:


C. Richardson, 2-1200 Riverside Drive - representing Friends of Meadowlily Woods and requesting deferral of this project in order to have additional discussions with respect to the creation of better City-wide linkages of pathways. L. Williams, 2020 Riverbend Road - expressing opposition to the extension of the pathway in its proposed location; noting that as pari of the basis for an informed decision to purchase their home, which included a premium for the privacy of their lot, they determined through various inquiries that there was to be no pathway constructed to the rear of their home, expressing concern that the construction of this pathway would result in significant safety and security concerns, that there is already access to this path from other locations, and that although few responses may have been received from residents, staff should not assume that everyone is in support of the proposal.

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and Geir builder that ihere would be no pathway constructed to the rear of their lot, and that should an extension of the pathway be determined to be necessary, further consultation with the neighbours should take place. L. Prelazzi, 1968 Riverbend Road - expressing opposition to the proposal; noting they fully researched this site prior to purchasing this property, and were assured no pathway would be developed to the rear of their property in the future; further noting that that they did not want to own a home with a pathway behind it, and inquiring why this location is being chosen for the extension rather than to the west, where future homeowners could be advised in advance that a pathway would abut their property prior to the purchase of their properties. W. McAlpine, 1948 Riverbend Road - expressing opposition to the proposal and expressing similar concerns as his neighbours; noting that there are other options for the location of the pathway extension where access would be more pedestrian-friendly for the future, and that additional discussions should take place. H. Pflugfelder, 1956 Riverbend Road - expressing opposition to the proposal and noting that there are privacy issues to be considered as the grade of the pathway allows for visibility along the length of the extension area and that a few shrubs for landscaping will not resolve the issue. D. Anderson, 1920 Riverbend Road - noting that some property purchasers along the northerly portion of Riverbend Road did expect there to be a pathway connection from the existing path at some point, but knew that it would not be connected for some time given that the subdivision to the west was not being considered to be constructed in the immediate future, that the trail system is not used regularly by residents and is not needed, nor desired in the immediate future by most residents;

J. Hunking, 1924 Riverbend Road - expressing opposition to the proposal; noting that thev also Raid a Dremium for their lot and were assured bv the Citv

G. Smith, Friends of Meadowlily Community Association (2009-S07-03)

9. That, notwithstanding the recommendation of the Director, Roads and ransportation, the following actions be taken with respect to road access for the future, ew regional mental health care facility located at 801 Commissioners Road:

I ) a fully signalized, "all turns" intersection BE APPROVED on Wellington Road opposite Waterman Avenue; and

the Environmental Assessment Study relating to the long term road and access needs of the Wellington Road and Commissioners Road corridors and intersection, and future needs of adjacent hospital complexes at this intersection, BE COMMENCED immediately SUBJECT TO funding;


being noted the Planning Committee heard a delegation from L. Kirkness, Kirkness onsulting Inc., and D. Crockett, Vice President, Facilities Management and estructuring, St. Josephs Heath Care of London with respect to this matter; noting that le warranted numbers required for a fully signalized intersection at this location are met .ring peak hours, that the additional number of employees required to meet the arrant is very few in comparison to the existing employees, that final information dating to the intersection is necessary to be included in the the forthcoming proposal to le Ministry of Health in relation to this project, which has been awaited for 30 years; irther noting they have been very cooperative with staff in relation to urban design and :her matters and that the signalized intersection is necessary to ensure the proper flow 'traffic within the site. (2009-SO9-00)

I. That a demolition permit BE ISSUED to Tradewind Properties Ltd. to molish the residential building located at 3812 Dingman Drive. (2009-D10-00)

1 . That a demolition permit BE ISSUED to the City of London to demolish e residential building located at 183 Springbank Drive. (2009-D10-00)

2. That the monthly report of the Building Division for September 2009 BE OTED AND FILED. (2009-D06-00)

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23. That the Planning Committee received and noted an information report from the General Manager of Planning and Development with respect to the creation of a naturalized corridor to link two woodlots to the north and south of the Forest City Community Church located at 3725 Bostwick Road. (2009-Dl 1-03)

24. That the Planning Committee (PC) received and noted the 10th Report of the Environmental and Ecological Planning Advisory Committee from its meeting held on October 15, 2009. (See Report a#a&ed.)

25. That the Planning Committee (PC) received and noted clauses 6 through 19, inclusive, of the 11th Report of the London Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH) from its meeting held on October 14, 2009; it being noted the PC heard a verbal delegation from G. Goodlet, Chair, LACH, with respect to this Report. (See Report -.)

26. moving in camera from 7:Ol p.m. to 7:02 p.m.:

That the Planning Committee passed the following resolution prior to

"That the Planning Committee move in camera to consider a matter pertaining to personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees relating to the 2010 Mayor's New Year's

Honour List."

The PC is submitting a confidential report to the Municipal Council regarding this matter. (See Confidential Appendix to the 25th Report of Planning Committee enclosed fo Council Members only.)

1. That on the recommendation of the Director of Roads and Transportation, the a#a&ed proposed by-law (Appendix " A ) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting to be held on November 9, 2009 for the purpose of amending the Traffic and Parking By-law (PS. 11 1). (2009-SO9-00)

2. and Solid Waste, the following actions be taken related to the sale of greenhouse gas emission offset credits:


That, on the recommendation of the Director of Environmental Programs

the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the sale of 2008 and 2009 greenhouse gas emission reductions credits generated by the W12A landfill gas collection and flaring system and report back at a future meeting of the Environment and Transportation Committee witt- respect to the outcome of the RFP process; and

the Civic Administration BE AUTHORIZED to continue discussions with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) for a longer-term agreement for the sale of greenhouse gas emission reductions credits generated after 2009; it being noted that FCM has not been able to sign the original offer proposed to the City o London. (2009-E02-00)



382. Councillor Hubert presents the 20th Report of the Environment and Transportation Committee.

Councillor Hubert moves that clauses 1 and 2 be adopted. CARRIED Clauses 1 and 2 read as follows:

At 7:32 p.m. Councillor Orser enters the meeting.

Councillor Hubert moves that clause 3 be adopted

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Councillor Hubert moves, seconded by Councillor Caranci, that part (a) of clause 3 be amended to read as follows:

"(a) the &a&ed revised proposed by-law (Appendix 'A), BE INTRODUCED at a future Municipal Council meeting, subsequent to further consultation with the industry, to amend the Waste Discharge By-law WM-16 to eliminate the measurement of volume of hauled liquid waste based upon estimated capacity so that measurement is based only on the volume capacity of the vehicle, and to ban the use of new garbage grinders; and". CARRIED

The motion to adopt clause 3, as amended, is put and CARRIED.

Clause 3, as amended, reads as follows:

4. That, on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on the Environment (ACE), the #asbed report prepared by the ACE with respect to the Draft Parks and Recreation Strategic Master Plan Update 2009, BE FORWARDED to the Civic Administration for their consideration during the preparation of the revised Draft Master Plan.

5. and Solid Waste, the following actions be taken with respect to engaging the residents and businesses of London in developing a sustainable energy plan:


That, on the recommendation of the Director of Environmental Programs

the following Guiding Principles BE APPROVED for engaging Londoners and businesses with respect to developing a sustainable energy plan:


(ii) (iii) (iv)

be consistent with federal and provincial goals and targets for climate change (reduction in greenhouse gas generation); focus on the short-term actions, with an eye on the future; implement new ways of engaging Londoners and getting them to act now; ensure Londoners and businesses are aware of the important relationships and synergies between significant recent and ongoing City and community projects that relate to climate change and sustainable energy (e.g., Creative Cities, Strengthening Neighbourhoods Strategy, Transportation Master Plan, Placemaking and Urban Design Guidelines, Parks and Recreation Master Plan, Green Development Strategy, Waste Diversion Strategy, London Economic Development Corporation's recent Economic Summit Recommendations and Plan for Action, Integrated Community Sustainability Plan, etc.); ensure Londoners and businesses are aware of the various conservation programs available from London Hydro and Union Gas; encourage the development and implementation of community-based and business-based awareness and action projects, as well as celebrate those



That, on the recommendation of the Director of Wastewater and reatment, the following actions be taken with respect to an amendment to the Waste

Discharge By-law WM-16; F the attached revised proposed by-law (Appendix 'A), BE INTRODUCED at future Municipal Council meeting, subsequent to further consultation with

measurement of volume of hauled liquid waste based upon estimated that measurement is based only on the volume capacity of the

industry, to amend the Waste Discharge By-law WM-16 to eliminate th

ban the use of new garbage grinders; and

(b) the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to notify the Waste Haulers and London Home Builders Association of the proposed rate increase for

participation meeting to be held on November 10, 2009 for the wastes and the ban on the use of new garbage grinders, as well as the publi

Wastewater and Treatment 201 0 Budgets. (2009-W04-00)

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6. and received an information report from the Director of Roads and Transportation with respect to pedestrian crossing concerns on Highbury Avenue at the entrance of the Regional Mental Health Care in London. (2009-S09-00/C09-00)

7. That the Environment and Transportation Committee (ETC) reviewed and received a written communication dated October 6, 2009 from D. Winninger, Chair, London Transit Commission (LTC), with respect to the LTC's feedback on the initial proposed Accessible Built Environment Standard, under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. (2009-C02-00/2009-S09-00)

a. That the Environment and Transportation Committee (ETC) reviewed and received a written communication dated October 6, 2009 from D. Winninger, Chair, London Transit Commission (LTC), with respect to the LTC's feedback on the City's review of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005. (2009-CO2-00/2009-

That the Environment and Transportation Committee (ETC) reviewed

S I 0-00)

9. That the Environment and Transportation Committee (ETC) received and noted clauses 2 to 8, inclusive, of the 10th Report of the Advisory Committee on the Environment from its meeting held on October 14, 2009. (See Report aRa&xI.)

IO. That the Environment and Transportation Committee (ETC) received and noted the 11th Report of the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) from its meeting held on October 27, 2009. (See Report aRa&xI.) It being noted that a verbal presentation was heard from E. Gerrow, Vice-Chair and M. Shepherd, Member, Animal Welfare Advisory Committee with respect to the AWAC's request for a speaker at the November AWAC meeting.

that have already been undertaken; develop implementation strategies that contain a mix of: (vii)

encouragement; incentives; and, mandatory actions and activities: and,

(viii) produce an understandable and implementable vision for London that cover climate change, sustainable energy and related green initiatives b balancing environmental, economic and social challenges and opportunities;

the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to: (i) to launch RETHINK Energy London, a community engagement and actioi

plan to increase local awareness, commitments, actions, behaviour changi and monitoring for sustainable energy and reduction in greenhouse ga (GHG) emissions:

(ii) to explore funding opportunities from the Federation of Canadiai Municipalities Green Municipal Fund and other related opportunities;

the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to fund RETHlNK Energy London in 200! and 2010 by focusing existing education, awareness and project funds allocatei within environmental programs on the related RETHlNK Energy London theme with the final scope for 2010 being based on the outcome of the 2010 Budge discussion;

the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to provide an update to the Environment i Transportation Committee in April and September 2010 and submit a final report ii early 201 1 : and,

the Civic Administration BE DIRECTED to report back at a future Environment ani Transportation Committee meeting on the energy efficient operations ani opportunities at the City's pollution control plants:

ing noted that the Environment and Transportation Committee received the atta&m ,entation from the Director of Environmental Programs and Solid Waste with respec ?€THINK Energy London". (2009-W12-00)

The Chair directs that clauses 6 to 10, inclusive, of Section II be noted. Clauses 6 to 10 read as follows:

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383. Councillor Hubert presents the 21st Report of the Environment and Transportation Committee.

Councillor Hubert moves that clause 1 be adopted. CARRIED Clause 1 reads as follows:

1. That the a#a&ed proposed by-law (Appendix " A ) to amend By-law No. L.-126-256 entitled "A by-law to provide for the Licensing, Regulating and Governing of Taxicabs, namely Cab, Accessible Cab, Limousine and Group Transportation Vehicle Drivers, Owners and Brokers", in part 10.4.3(1) by deleting the date "October 31st, 2009 and by substituting in its place the date "January 31st, ZOIO", BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009, in order to extend the compliance date for the installation of in-car security cameras in Cabs and Accessible Cabs;

it being noted that Aboutown Transportation and London Taxi were asked to advise the Environment and Transportation Committee when the cameras have been installed in their taxicabs;

it being pointed out that at the public participation meeting associated with this matter, the following individuals made oral submissions in connection therewith:

H. Savehilaghi, President, London Taxi - advising that he is the founder and president of London Taxi: indicating that he is watching the camera issue closely; advising that he has been in the taxicab business for 12 years and has attended numerous meetings at City Hall with respect to taxicab issues; advising that there is a large amount of media focus on taxicab driver safety; indicating that Councillor S. Orser brought the matter to the attention of the Municipal Council; expressing concern with the derailing of the actual purpose of the camera issue which is for the safety of the taxicab drivers; indicating that his company does not have security cameras installed in their cabs yet but it can be done quickly; expressing concern that their may be a double standard relating to the specifications of the camera system; advising that Aboutown asked for an extension after their camera was approved; and advising that he will advise the Municipal Council of his position with respect to this matter in writing; J. Donnelly, Vice-President, Aboutown Transportation - expressing appreciation to the Municipal Council for its consideration of his request for a deadline extension; advising that their camera system provides employment opportunities as the cameras are being made here in London; advising that the design of the camera took some time as the City set an exacting standard; indicating that all parts necessary to construct the cameras should be received by the end of this week; and installation will happen quickly once all of the parts are received; J. Pepers, u-need-a taxi limited - advising that u-need-a no longer opposes the extension for the installation of the security cameras; expressing concern with the possibility of a further request for extension at the end of January, 2010; and advising that u-need-a installed the security cameras in their taxicabs five days ahead of schedule; and B. Howell, 62 Forward Avenue - advising that he participated in some of the meetings with B. Stein, the former Manager of Licensing and Approvals and indicating that the specifications for the cameras changed several times.


384. Councillor Usher presents the 17th Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee.

Councillor Usher moves that clauses 1 and 2 be adopted. CARRIED Clauses 1 and 2 read as follows:

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1. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Community Services, the a#a&ed proposed by-law (Appendix 'A) BE INTRODUCED at the Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009 to:

(a) approve the amending agreement, a&a&ed as Schedule 'A, with Meals on Wheels London for renewal of the License Agreement to expire November 30, 2009, for the use of a portion of Boyle Memorial Community Centre for the purpose of receiving prepared food, heating and packaging prepared food, and distributing prepared food to volunteer drivers;

authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the amending agreement in (a) above; and


(c) authorize the General Manager of Community Services to agree to any renewals. (2009-L16-01)

2. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Communit Services, the aW&ed proposed by-law (Appendix 'A) BE INTRODUCED at tht Municipal Council meeting on November 9, 2009 to:

(a) approve the agreement, a&a&ed as Schedule 'A, with London Intercommunit Health Centre Inc. for the use of portions of the Boyle Memorial Communit Centre for the purpose of providing its after school children's nutrition an( learning programs; and,

authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement in (a) above. (2009 (b) S I 0-00)

20. That clause 3 of the 17th Report of the Community and Protective Services Committee BE AMENDED to read as follows, in order to reflect the identification of a source of financing for a funding request by the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee:

"That, notwithstanding the recommendation of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC), the LDRRAC BE PROVIDED with additional one-time funding in the amount of $500.00 to cover the costs associated with an Orientation Session and a Strategic Planning Session for its Members, and Corporate Revenues and Expenses BE APPROVED as the Source of Financing for this one-time expense."


385. Deputy Mayor Gosnell moves, seconded by Councillor Usher, that clause 20 be adopted. CARRIED

Clause 20 reads as follows:


386. Councillor Usher moves that clause 3, as amended, be adopted. CARRIED

Clause 3, as amended, reads as follows:

3. That, notwithstanding the recommendation of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC), the LDRRAC BE PROVIDED with additional one-time funding in the amount of $500.00 to cover the costs associated with an Orientation Session and a Strategic Planning Session for its Members, and Corporate Revenues and Expenses BE APPROVED as the Source of Financing for this one-time expense.

Councillor Usher moves that clauses 4 to 7, inclusive, be adopted. CARRIED

Clauses 4 to 7, inclusive, read as follows:

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operates an Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device due to a disability along a sidewalk;

operates a motor vehicle or bicycle across that portion of a sidewalk which intersects with a lawful private entrance;

operates a bicycle on that portion of a sidewalk which connects a bicycle path with a roadway;

operates a children’s tricycle while such person is under fourteen years of age;

operates a bicycle having a wheel or wheels under 50 centimetres in diameter while such a person is under fourteen years of age; or

operates a bicycle along a sidewalk while accompanying a person exempted under subsection (d) or (e) being a parent, adult custodian, or other adult relative of the person exempted under subsection (d) or (e).

No person shall block, interfere with or otherwise impede the passage of any pedestrian on any City sidewalk or other City pedestrian-way, or portion thereof, unless authorized by the City. Persons operating a bicycle on a sidewalk as authorized by this section shall at all times yield

That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Community ,ervices, the following actions be taken with respect to subsidized transit:

the report, dated November 2, 2009, from the General Manager of Community Services related to this matter BE RECEIVED;

the following options for a subsidized transit program be considered:

(i) one subsidized transit program, based upon subsidies for low income londoners;

an annual cap of the current subsidized transit program for the visually impaired and seniors; or

year-over-year increases to the current subsidized transit program for the visually impaired and seniors; and,



the City Clerk BE REQUESTED to schedule a public participation meeting at the December 7, 2009 meeting of the Community and Protective Services Committee, to receive delegations concerning the above-noted options;

being noted that the Community and Protective Services Committee reviewed and xeived a written communication, dated October 1 , 2009, from L. Ducharme, General lanager, London Transit Commission and heard the a#a&red presentation from the ;enera1 Manager of Community Services with respect to this matter. (2009-SIO-00)

That, notwithstanding the recommendation of the Community Safety and :rime Prevention Advisory Committee (CSCP), related to a proposed amendment to iy-law No. S-1, Streets By-law, clause 1 of the 7th Report of the CSCP BE REFERRED

the Civic Administration for review and comment, with a report back at future meeting f the Community and Protective Services Committee; it being noted that clause 1 reads s follows:

rhat the following actions be taken with respect to By-law S.-I, the Streets By-law:

By-law No S-I “Streets By-law”, section 2.12 BE AMENDED by replacing the entire section with the following:

2.12 Motor vehicle - bicycle - on sidewalk - exceptions

No person shall, without lawful authority, either by himself or by others, operate a motor vehicle or bicycle along a sidewalk. This section shall no apply to a person who,

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6. That, on the recommendation of the Community Safety & Crime Prevention Advisory Committee (CSCP), the following actions be taken with respect to the proposed Vacant Buildings By-law:

(a) the Civic Administration BE ADVISED that the CSCP supports, in principle, the proposed Vacant Buildings By-law, as it enhances the safety of neighbourhoods where vacant buildings are a concern; and

the Chair of the CSCP BE REQUESTED to attend the November 16, 2009 Community and Protective Services Committee public participation meeting with respect to this matter, to indicate the CSCP's support of this proposed by-law;


it being noted that the CSCP heard a verbal presentation from 0. Katolyk, Manager of By-law Enforcement, with respect to this matter.

7. That the a#a&ed request for a funding contribution from Community Safety Net and the London Middlesex EMS, for the purpose of sponsorship of "Smart Choices for LIFE" publications, BE REFERRED to the Civic Administration for review and to the 2010 Budget for consideration; it being noted that the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) heard a verbal presentation from J. Gawley, Project Co-ordinator and reviewed and received written submissions dated September 22, 2009 from R. Denning, Supervisor, Middlesex London EMS and from J. Gawley, with respect to this matter. (2009-P08-00)

inclusive, read as follows:

8. That the Community and Protective Services Committee received a presentation from J. Fleming, Manager, Implementation, and S. Galloway, Urban Designer, with respect to an Urban Structure Plan, as originally presented to the Planning Committee on September 14, 2009.

9. That the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) reviewed and received a copy of the "Dearness Home Community Newsletter" for the month of November 2009. (2009-C10-00)

10. That the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) received and noted the 5th Report of the Child Care Advisory Committee from its meeting held on October 21, 2009. (See Report&k&ed.)

11. That the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) received and noted the 9th Report of the Accessibility Advisory Committee from its meeting held on October 22, 2009. (See Report a%&ed.)

12. That the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) reviewed and received an information report from the General Manager of Community Services with respect to financial assistance for recreation program access. (2009-C06- 00)

13. That the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) reviewed and received an information report from the General Manager of Community Services with respect to an update on the Storybook Gardens business plan; it being noted that Storybook Gardens will continue to follow the approved business plan and continue to improve the visitor experience while controlling expenses and increasing revenue potential thereby reducing the annual subsidy to the theme park. (2009-AO9- 02)

14. That the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) reviewed and received an information report from the General Manager of Community Services with respect to the Enhanced Employment Services for Vulnerable Persons Program and the related addendum to the Ontario Works Service Plan. (2009-C16-00)

15. That the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC)

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received and noted clauses 2 to 11, inclusive, of the 10th Report of the London Diversity and Race Relations Advisory Committee (LDRRAC) from its meeting held on October 15, 2009; it being noted that the CPSC received a verbal delegation from M. Edwards, LDRRAC Chair, related to this matter. (See Report aksbed.)

16. That the Community and Protective Services Committee (CPSC) received and noted clauses 3 to 12, inclusive, of the 7th Report of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee (CSCP) from its meeting held on October 22, 2009; it being noted that the CPSC heard a verbal delegation from L. Norman, CSCP Chair and M. Wilson, CSCP Vice-Chair, with respect to this matter. (See Report aksbed.)

17. following resolution prior to moving in camera from 652 p.m. to 6 5 5 pm.:

"That the Community and Protective Services Committee move in camera to consider three matters pertaining to personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees relating to the 2009 Mayor's New Year's Honou List."

(See Confidential Appendix to the 17th Report of Community and Protective Services Committee enclosed for Council Members only.)

That the Community and Protective Services Committee passed the


387. Councillor Branscombe presents the 1 I th Report of the Services Review Committee

The Chair directs that clause 1 of Section I be noted. Clause 1 reads as follows:

1. That the meeting stood adjourned at 12:OO p.m. due to lack of quorum.


388. Councillor Caranci enquires with respect to the imposition of property taxes on Legion facilities and requests the matter to be discussed with the next meeting of the Board of Control with the local Members of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

The Chair refers the enquiry to the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer to meet with representatives of the Legion, and report back with respect to this matter.


389. Councillor Barber moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that pursuant to section 18.2 of the Council Procedure By-law leave be given for the introduction of an emergent motion with respect to The Stockholm Appeal on Climate Change. CARRIED

Councillor Barber moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that:

WHEREAS, a global reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO,) and its significant contribution to the creation of greenhouse gases (GHG) is necessary to slow climate change and reduce the risks to our economy, human health, the physical environment and quality of life: and,

WHEREAS human activities have caused a dramatic increase in the amount of carbon dioxide (COJ in the earth's atmosphere. Since the mid 1700s, the concentration of CO, has risen from about 280 parts per million (ppm) to reach 387 ppm in 2009. This is amount is likely the highest concentration in the atmosphere in the past 20 million years; and,

WHEREAS evidence presented in the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) November 2007 report indicates that "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and

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ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global average sea level” and “Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid- 20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concentrations. It is likely that there has been significant anthropogenic warming over the past 50 years averaged over each continent (except Antarctica)”; and,

WHEREAS reducing greenhouse gases makes economic sense. New and improved infrastructure, renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, energy conservation, waste reduction, building retrofits, transit, walking, cycling, water conservation, better fleet management, more effective wastewater treatment and distribution, etc., can reduce short-term and/or long-term municipal operating costs and help maintain community services, while having a positive impact on the environment; and,

WHEREAS the impacts of climate change as well as the responsibility for mitigation will fall primarily on the municipalities; and,

WHEREAS in December, national governments from around the world will meet in Copenhagen, Denmark to negotiate terms and conditions of a global climate agreement for the period after 2012 (Le., after the Kyoto Protocol). It is critical that Canada has the support it needs during these negotiations to conclude negotiations: and,

WHEREAS mayors and municipal leaders responsible for the well-being of communities across Canada have urged federal and provincial/territorial governments to make climate protection a priority;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Corporation of the City of London send a strong message to the Federal Government of Canada of the importance to the citizens and businesses of the City of London of a world-wide climate agreement;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED we encourage municipalities across Ontario and Canada to join the City of London in requesting the Federal Government to make every effort to reach an international agreement on climate change.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED we urge the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to rally the support of its membership and send a strong message to the Federal Government of Canada of the importance to the citizens and businesses of a world-wide climate agreement. CARRIED

Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Eagle, that the Council rise and go into Committee of the Whole, in camera, for the purpose of considering the following:

(a) a matter pertaining to potential litigation affecting the municipality and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose as it relates to the South Street London Health Sciences Centre Hospital Decommissioning;

four matters pertaining to personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees relating to the 2010 Mayor’s New Year’s Honour List; and

a matter to be considered for the purpose of instructions and directions to officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; reports or advice or recommendations of officers and employees of the Corporation pertaining to a proposed acquisition of land; commercial and financial information supplied in confidence pertaining to the proposed acquisition, the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of the Corporation, result in similar information no longer being supplied to the Corporation where it is in the public interest that similar information continue to be so supplied, and result in undue loss or gain to any person, group, committee or financial institution or agency; commercial information relating to the proposed acquisition that belongs to the Corporation that has monetary value or potential monetary value; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could reasonably be expected to prejudice the economic interests of the Corporation or its competitive position; information concerning the proposed acquisition whose disclosure could



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reasonably be expected to be injurious to the financial interests of the Corporation; and instructions to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the Corporation concerning the proposed acquisition. CARRIED

The Council rises and goes into the Committee of the Whole, in camera, at 758 p.m. with Deputy Mayor Gosnell in the Chair and all Members present except Councillors Miller and Van Meerbergen.

At 8:02 p.m. Controller Polhill leaves the meeting

At 8:05 p.m. Controller Polhill returns to the meeting

The Committee rises and Council resumes in regular session at 8:18 p.m. with Mayor DeCicco-Best in the Chair and all Members present except Councillors Miller and Van Meerbergen.


390. PRESENT: Mayor A. M. DeCicco-Best, Deputy Mayor T.C. Gosnell, Controllers G. Barber, W.J. Polhill and G. Hume and Councillors R. Caranci, W.J. Armstrong, B.R. MacDonald, S. Orser, J.L. Baechler, N. Branscombe, W. Lonc, P. Hubert, S.E. Eagle, D. Winninger, H.L. Usher and J.P. Bryant and C. Saunders. (City Clerk).

ALSO PRESENT: V.A. Cote, R.L. Fair, P. McNally, R. Panzer, J. Barber, G. Belch, M. Hayward, G.T. Hopcroft, L.M. Rowe, R. Sanderson and B. Westlake-Power.


1. That, as a procedural matter pursuant to Section 239 (6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the following recommendation be forwarded to City Council for deliberation and a vote in public session:

That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, on the advice of the Manager of Realty Services, the offer submitted by Daniel Morrison to sell to the City property municipally known as 1373 Trafalgar Street, located on the south side of Trafalgar Street, west of Hale Street, being Part Lot 3, Plan 285, for the HaleTTrafalgarKN Rail Grade Separation Project, for the sum of $150,000.00, BE ACCEPTED, and that the Mayor and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, subject to the following conditions:

(a) the City agreeing to pay the Vendor’s reasonable legal fees to close this transaction and purchase of the replacement residence, subject to assessment:

the City agreeing to pay a further sum of $24,500.00 representing full and final disturbance costs and compensation for an equivalent replacement of the owners residence;

(c) the City agreeing to pay a further sum of $2,000.00 to cover the cost of moving expenses:

and that the financing for this acquisition BE APPROVED as set out in the Source of Financing Report attached hereto as Appendix “A.

Deputy Mayor Gosnell presents the 30th Report of the Committee of the Whole.

Deputy Mayor Gosnell moves, seconded by Councillor Hubert, that pursuant to Section 17.4 of the Council Procedure By-law, leave be given for discussion and debate and the making of a substantive motion with respect to clause 1 of the 30th Report of the Committee of the Whole. CARRIED

Deputy Mayor Gosnell moves, seconded by Councillor Hubert, that the following recommendation be approved:

1. That, on the recommendation of the General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer, on the advice of the Manager of Realty Services, the



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- 26 - offer submitted by Daniel Morrison to sell to the City property municipally known as 1373 Trafalgar Street, located on the south side of Trafalgar Street, west of Hale Street, being Part Lot 3, Plan 285, for the HaleiTrafalgar/CN Rail Grade Separation Project, for the sum of $150,000.00, BE ACCEPTED, and that the Mayor and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, subject to the following conditions:

(a) the City agreeing to pay the Vendor’s reasonable legal fees to close this transaction and purchase of the replacement residence, subject to assessment;

the City agreeing to pay a further sum of $24,500.00 representing full and final disturbance costs and compensation for an equivalent replacement of the owners residence;

the City agreeing to pay a further sum of $2,000.00 to cover the cost of moving expenses;



and that the financing for this acquisition BE APPROVED as set out in the Source of Financing Report attached hereto as Appendix “A . CARRIED


391. Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that the following Bill be introduced:

Bill No. 457 A By-law to approve the Amending Agreement to the By-law No. A.-6443- Employment Assistance Services Agreement between The 337 Corporation of the City of London and Pathways Skill

Development and Placement Centre, and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the Amending Agreement. (9/27/BC)


First Reading:

Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Bryant, that Bill No. 457 be read a first time. CARRIED

Second Reading:

Councillor Branscombe moves, seconded by Councillor Usher, that Bill No. 457 be read a second time. CARRIED

Third Reading:

Councillor Usher moves, seconded by Councillor Bryant, that Bill No. 457 be read a third time and be finally passed and enacted as a by-law of The Corporation of the City of London, namely:

Bill No. 457 A By-law to approve the Amending Agreement to the By-law No. A.-6443- Employment Assistance Services Agreement between The 337 Corporation of the City of London and Pathways Skill

Development and Placement Centre, and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the Amending Agreement. (9/27/BC)


Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Hubert, that the following Bill be introduced:

Bill No. 450 A by-law respecting the approval of the W12A Landfill Site By-law No. A.4440- Community Enhancement and Mitigative Measures 330 Program. (6/1 OIETC)


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First Reading:

Councillor Bryant moves, seconded by Councillor Baechler, that Bill No. 450 be read a first time. CARRIED

Second Reading:

Councillor Usher moves, seconded by Councillor Hubert, that Bill No. 450 be read a second time. CARRIED

Councillor Hubert moves, seconded by Councillor Usher, that Bill No. 450 be amended in Schedule 'A to the By-law by deleting Table 2 entitled "Comparison of Right of First Refusal Program" and Table 3 entitled "Estimated Right of First Refusal Payments to Nearby Residents", from the page immediately preceding Appendix B, to remove Tables which were inadvertently attached to the By-law, so that the By-law now reads as attached. CARRIED

The motion that Bill No. 450, as amended, be read a second time is put and CARRIED.

Third Reading:

Councillor Usher moves, seconded by Councillor Hubert, that Bill No. 450 be read a third time and be finally passed and enacted as a by-law of The Corporation of the City of London, namely:

Bill No. 450 A by-law respecting the approval of the W12A Landfill Site By-law No. A.-6440- Community Enhancement and Mitigative Measures 330 Program. (6/1O/ETC)


Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that the following Bills be introduced:

Bill No. 455 By-law No. A.-6441-335

Bill No. 460 By-law No. A.-6446-340

A By-law to approve the Amending Agreement to the Licence Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Meals on Wheels London; and to authorize the General Manger of Community Services to agree to any renewals; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Amending Agreement. (1/17/CPSC)

A By-law to authorize and approve a Licence Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and London Intercommunity Health Centre regarding the use of the Boyle Memorial Community Centre; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (2/17/CPSC)


First Reading:

Councillor Branscombe moves, seconded by Councillor Baechler, that Bill No.'s 455 and 460 be read a first time. CARRIED

Second Reading:

Councillor Branscombe moves, seconded by Controller Polhill, that Bill No.'s 455 and 460 be read a second time. CARRIED

Third Reading:

Councillor Usher moves, seconded by Controller Polhill, that Bill No.'s 455 and 460 be read a third time and be finally passed and enacted as by-laws of The Corporation of the City of London, namely:

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A By-law to approve the Amending Agreement to the Licence Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Meals on Wheels London; and to authorize the General Manger of Community Services to agree to any renewals; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Amending Agreement. (1/17/CPSC)

A By-law to authorize and approve a Licence Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and London Intercommunity Health Centre regarding the use of the Boyle Memorial Community Centre; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (2/17/CPSC)

Bill No. 455 By-law No. A.-6441-335

Bill No. 460 By-law No. A.-6446-340


Councillor Hubert moves, seconded by Councillor Orser, that Bill No.'s 468 and 469 be introduced:

Bill No. 468 By-law No. A.-6448-342

A by-law to authorize an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the City of London and Daniel D. Morrison, for the acquisition of property located at 1373 Trafalgar Street, for the HalefFrafalgadCN Rail Grade Separation Project, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (1/30/CW)

Bill No. 469 By-law No. L.S.P.- 341 0-343

A by-law to expropriate lands in the City of London in the County of Middlesex for the completion of the Hale/Trafalgar/CN Rail Grade Separation Project for the construction of an overpass over the CN Railway tracks. (General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer)


First Reading:

Councillor Branscombe moves, seconded by Councillor Lonc, that Bill No.'s 468 and 469 be read a first time. CARRIED

Second Reading:

Councillor Usher moves, seconded by Councillor Orser, that Bill No.'s 468 and 469 be read a second time. CARRIED

Third Reading:

Councillor Usher moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that Bill No.3 468 and 469 be read a third time and be finally passed and enacted as by-laws of The Corporation of the City of London, namely:

Bill No. 468 By-law No. A.-6448- 342

A by-law to authorize an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the City of London and Daniel D. Morrison, for the acquisition of property located at 1373 Trafalgar Street, for the Hale/Trafalgar/CN Rail Grade Separation Project, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (1/30/CW)

Bill No. 469 A by-law to expropriate lands in the City of London in the By-law No. L.S.P.- County of Middlesex for the completion of the 341 0-343 Hale/Trafalgar/CN Rail Grade Separation Project for the

construction of an overpass over the CN Railway tracks. (General Manager of Finance and Corporate Services and Acting City Treasurer)


Councillor Usher moves, seconded by Councillor Orser, that Bill 463 be withdrawn. CARRIED

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- 2 9 -

Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that the following Bills be introduced:

Bill No. 456 By-law No. A.-6442- 336

Bill No. 458 By-law No. A.-6444- 338

Bill No. 459 By-law No. A.-6445- 339

Bill No. 461 By-law No A.-6447- 34 1

Bill No. 462 By-law No. PS-111- 09072

Bill No. 463 DELETED

Bill No. 464 By-law No. Z.-1- 091 899

Bill No. 465 By-law No. Z.-1- 091 900

Bill No. 466 By-law No. Z.-l- 091901

Bill No. 467 By-law No. 2.-1-01902

A By-law to approve the Amending Agreement to the Employment Assistance Services Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes; and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the Amending Agreement. (9/27/BC)

A By-law to approve the Amending Agreement to the Employment Assistance Services Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Leads Employment Services London Inc,; and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the amending Agreement. (9/27/BC)

A By-law to authorize an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the City of London and Blucor Group Inc., for the disposition of the unopened land between the CPR railway tracks and Piccadilly Street, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (4/27/BC)

A By-law to authorize the submission of an application to the Ontario Infrastructure Projects Corporation for financing ongoing capital works. (7/27/BC)

A by-law to amend By-law PS-111 entitled, “A by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the City of London.” (lI20IETC)


A by-law to amend By-law No. 2.-1 to rezone an area of land located on a portion of the lands at 3165-3205 Wonderland Road south north of, and including, the proposed Bradley Avenue extension. ( 4/25/PC)

A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 306 Ashland Avenue. (5/25/PC)

A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 2225 Hyde Park Road. (15/25/PC)

A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 2070 Huron Street. (16/25/PC)


First Reading:

Councillor Baechler moves, seconded by Councillor Bryant, that Bill No.’s 449, 451 to 454, inclusive, 456, 458 and 459, 461 and 462 and 464 to 467, inclusive, be read a first time. CARRIED

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- 30 -

Second Reading:

Councillor Branscombe moves, seconded by Councillor Baechler, that Bill No.'s 449, 451 to 454, inclusive, 456, 458 and 459, 461 and 462 and 464 to 467, inclusive, be read a second time. CARRIED

Third Reading:

Councillor Usher moves, seconded by Councillor Branscombe, that Bill No's. Bill No.'s 449, 451 to 454, inclusive, 456, 458 and 459, 461 and 462 and 464 to 467, inclusive, be read a third time and be finally passed and enacted as by-laws of The Corporation of the City of London, namely:

Bill No. 449 By-law No. A.-6439-329

Bill No. 451 By-law No. A.-5273(bx)- 331

Bill No. 452 By-law No. L.S.P.- 3409-332

Bill No. 453 By-law No. S.-5227-333

Bill No. 454 By-law No. W.4235- 334

Bill No. 456 By-law No. A.-6442-336

Bill No. 458 By-law No. A.-6444-338

Bill No. 459 By-law No. A.-6445-339

Bill No. 461 By-law No A.-6447-341

Bill No. 462 By-law No. PS-111- 09072

Bill No. 463 DELETED

Bill No. 464 By-law No. Z.-1-091899

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council Meeting held on the 9Ih day of November, 2009. (City Clerk)

A by-law to amend By-law No. A.4273-82 entitled, "A by-law to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the City of London." (Manager of Parking Enforcement)

A by-law to designate 129-131 Wellington Street to be of historical and contextual value or interest. (1 3/17/PC)

A by-law to lay out, constitute, establish, name, and assume lands in the City of London as public highway to be known as Global Drive. (Chief Surveyor)

A by-law to authorize the Thames Valley Parkway, North Branch Project. (Project No. PD2134-737) (1/25/BC)

A By-law to approve the Amending Agreement to the Employment Assistance Services Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Goodwill Industries, Ontario Great Lakes: and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the Amending Agreement. (9/27/BC)

A By-law to approve the Amending Agreement to the Employment Assistance Services Agreement between The Corporation of the City of London and Leads Employment Services London Inc,; and to authorize the General Manager of Community Services to execute the amending Agreement. (9/27/BC)

A By-law to authorize an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between The Corporation of the City of London and Blucor Group Inc., for the disposition of the unopened land between the CPR railway tracks and Piccadilly Street, and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement. (4/27/BC)

A By-law to authorize the submission of an application to the Ontario Infrastructure Projects Corporation for financing ongoing capital works. (7/27/BC)

A by-law to amend By-law PS-111 entitled, "A by-law to regulate traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the City of London." (1/20/ETC)


A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located on a portion of the lands at 3165-3205 Wonderland Road south north of, and including, the proposed Bradley Avenue extension. ( 4/25/PC)

Page 31: G. - London, Ontariocouncil.london.ca/councilarchives/reports and... · Barber, W. J. Polhill and G. Hume and Councillors R. Caranci, W. J. Armstrong, B. R. ... a certificate of approval

- 31 -

Bill No. 465 By-law No. 2.-1-091900

Bill No. 467 By-law No. Z.-1-01902


A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 306 Ashland Avenue. (5/25/PC)

A by-law to amend By-law No. Z.-1 to rezone an area of land located at 2070 Huron Street. (16/25/PC)


392. Councillor Eagle moves, seconded by Councillor Lonc, that the Meeting adjourn. CARRIED

The Meeting adjourns at 825 p.m

Anne Marie DeCicco-Best, Mayor

Catherine Saunders, City Clerk