fy2012 tentative budget presentation board of education meeting - august 1, 2011

FY2012 Tentative Budget Presentation Board of Education Meeting - August

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FY2012 Tentative Budget Presentation Board of Education Meeting - August 1, 2011. Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Tentative Budget Presentation Department of Business Services Leonora Beck, Director of Business Services Joe Bascio, Director of Budget and Payroll. What is a “Fund”?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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FY2012 Tentative Budget PresentationBoard of Education Meeting - August 1, 2011

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Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Tentative Budget Presentation

Department of Business Services

Leonora Beck, Director of Business ServicesJoe Bascio, Director of Budget and Payroll

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What is a “Fund”?

Separate independent fiscal and accounting entity

Governed by individual laws and procedures outlined in the Illinois School Code

Segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific financial transactions

Limitations that restrict the type of financial transactions that can occur within the fund

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What “Funds” Are Maintained By Springfield

Public Schools?

10 Educational Fund 20 Operations and Maintenance Fund 30 Debt Service Fund 40Transportation Fund 50 Municipal Retirement/Social Security Fund 60 Capital Projects Fund 70 Working Cash Fund 80 Tort Immunity Fund 90 Fire Prevention and Safety Fund

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Springfield Public School’s Funds

40 Transportation Fund Checkbook

20 Operations & Maintenance Fund Checkbook

30 Debt Service Fund Checkbook

10 Education Fund Checkbook

Pays outstanding bond issues from

levied taxes.

Costs of transporting

students to/from schools, field trips,

athletic trips, activity trips.

Maintenance of buildings and

property, custodial salaries, utilities

and supplies.

All instructional costs including

teacher salaries, benefits,

administrative costs, textbooks,


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Springfield Public School’s Funds

90 Fire Prevention and Safety Fund Checkbook

60 Capital Projects Fund Checkbook

70 Working Cash Fund Checkbook

50 Municipal Retirement / Social Security Fund


Used to loan money to other funds. By State

law, loans must be repaid within one


Costs of ensuring that all school buildings meet local, state and federal building


Site costs, land purchases,

landscaping, parking lots,

sidewalks, etc.

Costs for unemployment,

worker's compensation, etc

80 Tort Immunity FundCheckbook

Employer share of IMRF, Social Security and

Medicare Payments

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Revenue by Source• Local – Generated locally

• State- “Unrestricted Grants-in-Aid”- “Restricted Grants-in-Aid”

• Federal - “Restricted Grants-in-Aid”

Like most districts across the State,

SPS receives revenues from three

primary sources.


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Local Revenues Generally Include:

Property Taxes Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes Tuition (Adult Ed., SCOPE, Special Ed., etc.) Food Service Sales to Students/Adults

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State RevenueUnrestricted Grants-in-Aid –

Amounts received as grants which can be used without restriction

Restricted Grants-in-Aid – Amounts received as grants which must be used for a categorical or specific purpose following statute and administrative rules

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General State Aid Based on average daily student

attendance FY11 ADA = 13,429 For Fiscal Year 2012 the “foundation

level” is projected to be $6,119 per ADA

Springfield Public Schools had local resources of $4,676 per ADA while the State contributed $1,443 per ADA

Includes funds derived from State Poverty Grant

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How Important Are Revenues From Grants?

• In FY 2011, over $22.9 million received from local, state and federal grants in the Education Fund and its sub funds

• Of the 2340 positions, 235 or 10% are paid from grants

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State Restricted Grants-in-Aid

• Transportation Aid• Special Education • Reading Improvement• Early Childhood

Some State revenues must be used for a

specific “restricted” purpose.

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Federal Restricted Grants-in-Aid

• Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged- Title I

• Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - Special Education

• National School Lunch ProgramSome Federal revenues can only be used for a specific

“restricted” purpose.

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• Total revenue for the regular Education Fund is $108,199,667

• Decrease of 1.91% from FY2011

• 96% proration of General State Aid

• No ARRA Education Jobs Fund dollars

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• Total Expenditures for the regular Education Fund are $120,047,139

• Represents a 5.99% increase from FY 2011

• Deficit = $11,847,472

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EDUCATION 110Salaries & Benefits

Salaries and Benefits $105,386,562 87.79%

Staffing = FY 11 levels plus

New Positions18.0 FTE Positions transferred from Special Education ARRA funds8.0 FTE Additional positions at CCPA1.0 FTE IT position transferred from the Transportation Fund0.7 FTE Administrative positions transferred from Title II Fund

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Purchased Services $1,843,528 1.54%

Supplies $1,380,977 1.15%

Capital Outlay $463,849 .39%

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Textbooks $666,700 .55%

Athletics $711,227 .59%

Charter School $2,751,112 2.29%

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Special Ed Private Facility $3,400,000 2.83%

Capital Area Career Center $733,500 .61%

Apple Computer Lease $1,906,563 1.59%

Dues/Fees/Miscellaneous $118,705 .10%

Contingencies $684,416 .57%

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Operations & Maintenance

Operations & Maintenance Fund 210

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• Total revenue for the O&M Fund is $15,084,927

• Represents 3.90% increase from

FY 2011

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• Total expenditures for the O&M Fund are $14,557,656

• Represents a 1.20% increase from FY 2011

• Surplus = $527,271

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Salaries and Benefits $8,891,830.00 61.08%

Electricity/Natural Gas/Water $3,040,000.00 20.88%

Building Maintenance/Repairs $135,000.00 0.93%

Insurance Premiums $347,700.00 2.39%

Purchased Services $216,050.00 1.48%

Supplies $872,000.00 5.99%

Capital Outlay $52,000.00 0.36%

Buildings: Lease/Purchase $978,076.00 6.72%

Contingencies $25,000.00 0.17%

$14,557,656.00 100.0%

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Transportation Fund

Transportation Fund 410

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• Total revenue for the Transportation Fund is $9,196,321

• Represents 1.34% increase from FY 2011

• 74% proration of regular transportation claim

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• Total expenditures for the Transportation Fund are $10,165,828

• Represents a 1.76% decrease from FY 2011

• Deficit = $969,507

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Transportation $8,884,600.00 87.40%

Gasoline $970,000.00 9.54%

Salaries and Benefits $241,403.00 2.37%

Purchased Services/Supplies $4,825.00 0.05%

Capital Outlay $25,000.00 0.25%

Contingencies $40,000.00 0.39% $10,165,828.00 100.0%

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• Total revenue for the Tort Fund is $3,303,178

• Represents 30.30% decrease from

FY 2011

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• Total expenditures for the Tort Fund are $3,944,675

• Represents an 1.75% decrease from FY 2011

• Deficit = $969,507

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Salaries and Benefits $2,011,225.00 50.99%

Workers Compensation $1,000,000.00 25.35%

Student Resource Officers $300,000.00 7.61%

Unemployment Insurance $200,000.00 5.07%

Insurance Premiums $190,200.00 4.82%

Purchased Services $228,500.00 5.79%

Supplies/Equipment $14,750.00 0.37% $3,944,675.00 100.0%


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BUDGET TIMELINE ADOPTION• Budget Work Session – August 3

• Public Notice Published – August 4

• Tentative Budget Display – August 5

• Public Hearing – September 6

• Budget Adoption – September 6

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