fy20 internal operating budget...west plains fy20 fy19 change operating revenue $...


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    YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020



    Resolution ............................................................................................................................7 Budget Summary – All Funds ...................................................................................... 10-11 Operating Fund ............................................................................................................ 13-21 Designated Funds ...............................................................................................................23 Summary .......................................................................................................... 24-25 Dedicated Student Fees .................................................................................... 26-27 Broadcast Services .................................................................................................28 Defense & Strategic Studies ..................................................................................29 Jordan Valley Innovation Center ...........................................................................30 Juanita K Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts ................................................31 Auxiliary System Fund ......................................................................................................33 Summary .......................................................................................................... 34-35 Bookstore ...............................................................................................................36 Residence Life .......................................................................................................37 Plaster Student Union ............................................................................................38 Health & Wellness Center .....................................................................................39 Intercollegiate Athletics .........................................................................................41 Athletic Facilities Summary ............................................................................ 42-43 Athletic Facilities – Plaster Sports Complex .........................................................44 Athletic Facilities – Hammons Student Center ......................................................45 Athletic Facilities – JQH Arena .............................................................................46 Transit System .......................................................................................................47 Bill R Foster and Family Recreation Center ..........................................................49 West Plains Campus ..........................................................................................................51 Summary .......................................................................................................... 52-53 Operating................................................................................................................55 Auxiliary Summary .......................................................................................... 56-57 West Plains Bookstore ...........................................................................................58 West Plains Food Service ......................................................................................59 West Plains Residence Life ...................................................................................60 West Plains Recreation Center ...............................................................................61 Operating Fund – Springfield ................................................................................... 63-158 President ........................................................................................................... 63-70


  • TABLE OF CONTENTS Provost ........................................................................................................... 71-124 Provost Office ............................................................................................... 71-83 College of Arts and Letters ........................................................................... 84-90 College of Business....................................................................................... 91-94 College of Education..................................................................................... 95-99 McQueary College of Health and Human Services .................................. 100-107 College of Humanities and Public Affairs ................................................ 108-112 College of Natural and Applied Sciences ................................................. 113-117 Graduate College ...................................................................................... 118-119 Library....................................................................................................... 120-121 William H. Darr College of Agriculture ................................................... 122-124 Internal Audit and Risk Management ..................................................................125 Chief Financial Officer ................................................................................ 126-127 Vice President for Administrative Services ................................................. 128-133 Vice President for Research and Economic Development .......................... 134-136 Vice President for Student Affairs ............................................................... 137-142 Vice President for University Advancement ............................................... 143-146 Vice President for Marketing and Communications .................................... 147-148 CIO Information Services ............................................................................ 149-150 University Wide ........................................................................................... 151-152 Scholarships ................................................................................................. 153-155 Non-Recurring .....................................................................................................156 Revenue........................................................................................................ 157-158 Operating Fund - West Plains .................................................................................. 160-175 Non-Operating Funds............................................................................................... 176-242 Service Centers ........................................................................................................ 176-182 Insurance ..............................................................................................................176 College of Business Differential Fees ..................................................................177 Child Development Center ..................................................................................178 College of Health and Human Services Differential Fees ...................................179 Copy This .............................................................................................................180 Printing Services ..................................................................................................180 Motor Vehicle Services................................................................................ 180-181 Campus Construction Team .................................................................................181 Telecommunication Services ...............................................................................182 Designated Funds ..................................................................................................... 183-204 Juanita K Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts ...................................... 183-184 Greenwood Laboratory School ............................................................................185 Occupational Therapy - Springfield .....................................................................187 Defense & Strategic Studies ................................................................................188 Mechanical Engineering Program ........................................................................189 Continuing Ed ......................................................................................................190 Journagan Ranch ..................................................................................................191



    Computer User Fee ...................................................................................... 192-193 Student Security Fee ............................................................................................194 JVIC Affiliation Fund ..........................................................................................195 Roy Blunt Jordan Valley Innovation Center Rental Fund ...................................195 English Language Institute ..................................................................................196 International Programs ................................................................................. 196-197 Broadcast Services ....................................................................................... 198-200 Hutchens Centennial Leaders Scholarship ...........................................................201 Student Involvement Fee .....................................................................................201 Student Government Association ........................................................................201 Student Initiative Fund .........................................................................................201 Student Sustainability Fund .................................................................................202 Wyrick Student Project Fee .................................................................................203 Allied Health Therapy – West Plains ...................................................................204 Auxiliary System Fund ............................................................................................ 205-237 Intercollegiate Athletics ............................................................................... 205-216 Athletic Facilities – JQH Arena ...........................................................................217 Athletic Facilities – Hammons Student Center ....................................................218 Athletic Facilities – Plaster Sports Complex .......................................................219 B.E.A.R. Fee - University ....................................................................................220 Auxiliary System Fees .........................................................................................220 Transit System ............................................................................................. 221-222 Bookstore .............................................................................................................223 Magers Health & Wellness Center .............................................................. 223-225 Residence Life ............................................................................................. 225-233 Plaster Student Union .................................................................................. 233-235 B.E.A.R. Fee – Student Experience .....................................................................235 Bill R Foster and Family Recreation Center ................................................ 236-237 Auxiliary System West Plains ................................................................................. 238-240 Auxiliary Fund - West Plains Bookstore .............................................................238 Auxiliary Fund - West Plains Food Service ................................................ 238-239 Auxiliary Fund - West Plains Residence Life ......................................................239 Auxiliary Fund – West Plains Recreation Center ........................................ 239-240 Auxiliary Fund – West Plains Grizzly Lofts........................................................240 Detail Full-Time Salary Budget ............................................................................... 241-340 Insurance Fund .....................................................................................................241 Operating Fund - Springfield ....................................................................... 241-310 Operating Fund - West Plains ...................................................................... 310-315 Service Centers ............................................................................................ 315-318 Designated Funds ......................................................................................... 318-324 Auxiliary System Funds ............................................................................... 324-339 Auxiliary West Plains .................................................................................. 339-340




  • FINANCE NO.Request for FY20 Internal Operating Budget

    The following resolution was moved by______________________________________________

    and seconded by ______________________________________.

    Budgeted Operating Revenues*

    Budgeted Non-Operating Revenues

    Budgeted Expenses

    Budgeted Transfers

    Increase (Decrease) in Net

    Position (including non-recurring

    allocations) Non-recurring


    Increase (Decrease) in Net

    Position (excluding non-recurring


    Springfield Campus

    Operating Fund 114,080,111$ 87,737,166$ 195,034,337$ (7,647,649)$ (864,709)$ 4,053,173$ 3,188,464$

    Total Designated Funds 19,753,466 3,387,038 21,145,548 (1,223,335) 771,621$ - 771,621$

    Total Auxiliary System Fund 53,258,167 4,693,451 48,359,361 (10,510,582) (918,325)$ 942,781 24,456$

    Total Springfield Campus 187,091,744 95,817,655 264,539,246 (19,381,566) (1,011,413) 4,995,954 3,984,541

    West Plains Campus

    Operating Fund 4,183,380 6,122,715 10,083,660 119,828 342,263 - 342,263

    Total Designated Funds 100,000 485,000 528,968 (21,266) 34,766 - 34,766

    Total Auxiliary System Fund 1,616,961 5,150 1,407,420 (210,267) 4,424 - 4,424

    Total West Plains Campus 5,900,341 6,612,865 12,020,048 (111,705) 381,453 - 381,453

    Total Budget 192,992,085$ 102,430,520$ 276,559,294$ (19,493,271)$ (629,960)$ 4,995,954$ 4,365,994$

    *Budgeted Operating Revenues are net of $27,911,903 of Scholarships.

    Gabriel E. GoreChair of the Board

    Passed at Meeting ofJune 21, 2019

    Kristan E. GochenauerSecretary


    BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Governors for Missouri State University that the Internal Operating Budget for the yearending June 30, 2020, consisting of $192,992,085 in budgeted operating revenues, $102,430,520 in budgeted non-operatingrevenues, $276,559,294 in budgeted expenses, $(19,493,271) in budgeted transfers and $4,995,954 in budgeted non-recurring allocations be adopted and administered through the following funds:

    The FY20 Internal Operating Budget does not include the following: operating fund carryforward balances, other enrollmentfees and supplemental course fee revenues and associated dedicated expenses; all grant related revenues and associateddedicated expenses including Pell Grants; and any other similar dedicated revenues and expenses for self-supportingventures.





    YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020


  • Missouri State UniversityOperating Budget SummaryAll Funds For the Year Ending June 30, 2020

    Operating Designated Auxiliary TotalFunds Funds Funds Springfield

    Operating RevenueTuition and fees 139,988,339.50$     $7,217,144.00 12,288,846.00$        159,494,329.50$    Scholarships and fellowships (27,911,903.00)       (231,000.00)             (5,906,738.00)          (34,049,641.00)       Grants and contracts 150,000.00              1,055,000.00          ‐                              1,205,000.00          Sales and services of educational services 152,767.00              11,551,672.00        1,154,701.00           12,859,140.00        Sales and services ‐ auxiliaries ‐                             8,000.00                  45,166,677.00         45,174,677.00        Other revenues 1,700,907.00          152,650.00              554,681.00               2,408,238.00          

    Total Operating Revenue 114,080,110.50      19,753,466.00        53,258,167.00         187,091,743.50      Operating Expenses

    Faculty and Staff Salaries 106,270,081.07      7,768,689.62          15,320,496.60         129,359,267.29      Part‐time help 1,205,865.30          856,918.00              785,299.00               2,848,082.30          Student help 1,678,799.64          767,735.00              2,968,879.00           5,415,413.64          Overtime 95,836.00                21,860.00                130,110.00               247,806.00              Graduate Assistants 4,080,080.53          236,565.93              637,193.50               4,953,839.96          

    Other personnel 7,060,581.47          1,883,078.93          4,521,481.50           13,465,141.90        Benefits 45,172,818.30        2,969,176.62          5,743,438.70           53,885,433.62        Utilities 5,310,011.00          380,487.00              2,400,843.00           8,091,341.00          Capital outlay 5,905,158.37          361,336.00              275,000.00               6,541,494.37          Travel 1,507,330.39          177,050.00              2,027,245.00           3,711,625.39          Supplies and services 16,293,525.22        3,978,982.00          15,336,595.00         35,609,102.22        Other 6,227,330.90          3,626,748.00          2,296,270.00           12,150,348.90        Bad debt expense 1,287,500.00          ‐                             437,991.00               1,725,491.00          

    Supplies and services 31,220,844.88        8,144,116.00          20,373,101.00         59,738,061.88        Total Operating Expenses 195,034,336.72      21,145,548.17        48,359,360.80         264,539,245.69      Operating Income (Loss) (80,954,226.22)       (1,392,082.17)         4,898,806.20           (77,447,502.19)       

    Other Non‐operating Revenues (Expenses)State appropriations (less 3%) 83,230,032.00        1,473,276.00          ‐                              84,703,308.00        Gifts 861,151.00              1,877,762.00          4,684,951.00           7,423,864.00          Investment income 3,615,983.00          36,000.00                8,500.00                   3,660,483.00          Other non‐operating revenue (expense) 30,000.00                ‐                             ‐                              30,000.00                Debt Service Transfers (3,143,025.00)         (2,107,188.00)         (12,687,644.88)        (17,937,857.88)       Operating Transfers, net (4,504,624.00)         883,853.00              2,177,062.44           (1,443,708.56)         

    Net Non‐operating Revenues 80,089,517.00        2,163,703.00          (5,817,131.44)          76,436,088.56        Increase (Decrease) in Net Position including non‐recurring (864,709.22)             771,620.83              (918,325.24)              (1,011,413.63)         

    Non‐Recurring Allocations included in FY20 Budget 4,053,173.00          ‐                             942,780.83               4,995,953.83          

    Increase (Decrease) in Net Position excluding non‐recurring 3,188,463.78$         771,620.83$             24,455.59$                3,984,540.20$        


  • West Plains FY20 FY19 ChangeOperating Revenue

    4,545,939.00$          164,040,268.50$      $165,735,463.50 (1,695,195.00)$        Tuition and fees(496,000.00)               (34,545,641.00)         (32,615,461.00)         (1,930,180.00)         Scholarships and fellowships

    ‐                               1,205,000.00            1,195,000.00            10,000.00                Grants and contracts141,000.00                13,000,140.00          10,748,929.00          2,251,211.00          Sales and services of educational services

    1,543,773.00            46,718,450.00          48,835,673.00          (2,117,223.00)         Sales and services ‐ auxiliaries165,629.00                2,573,867.00            2,397,246.52            176,620.48              Other revenues

    5,900,341.00            192,992,084.50        196,296,851.02        (3,304,766.52)         Total Operating RevenueOperating Expenses

    6,499,978.43            135,859,245.72        133,463,264.78        2,395,980.94          Faculty and Staff Salaries341,034.95                3,189,117.25            2,860,573.30            328,543.95              Part‐time help165,286.00                5,580,699.64            5,162,198.35            418,501.29              Student help

    4,541.00                    252,347.00                263,179.00                (10,832.00)               Overtime‐                               4,953,839.96            4,880,570.53            73,269.43                Graduate Assistants

    510,861.95                13,976,003.85          13,166,521.18          809,482.67              Other personnel2,303,876.90            56,189,310.52          53,292,649.30          2,896,661.22          Benefits326,984.00                8,418,325.00            8,524,220.00            (105,895.00)             Utilities66,915.00                  6,608,409.37            3,790,209.37            2,818,200.00          Capital outlay82,154.00                  3,793,779.39            3,743,477.82            50,301.57                Travel

    862,442.30                36,471,544.52          36,918,432.14          (446,887.62)             Supplies and services1,336,836.00            13,487,184.90          16,803,284.13          (3,316,099.23)         Other

    30,000.00                  1,755,491.00            1,830,491.00            (75,000.00)               Bad debt expense2,378,347.30            62,116,409.18          63,085,894.46          (969,485.28)             Supplies and services

    12,020,048.58          276,559,294.27        271,532,549.72        5,026,744.55          Total Operating Expenses(6,119,707.58)           (83,567,209.77)         (75,235,698.70)         (8,331,511.07)         Operating Income (Loss)

    Other Non‐operating Revenues (Expenses)6,477,715.00            91,181,023.00          80,899,023.00          10,282,000.00        State appropriations (less 3%)

    45,000.00                  7,468,864.00            7,130,119.00            338,745.00              Gifts90,150.00                  3,750,633.00            2,276,317.00            1,474,316.00          Investment income

    ‐                               30,000.00                  30,000.00                  ‐                             Other non‐operating revenue (expense)(111,704.29)               (18,049,562.17)         (16,078,903.43)         (1,970,658.74)         Debt Service Transfers

    ‐                               (1,443,708.56)           (2,585,569.56)           1,141,861.00          Operating Transfers, net6,501,160.71            82,937,249.27          71,670,986.01          11,266,263.26        Net Non‐operating Revenues381,453.13                (629,960.50)               (3,564,712.69)           2,934,752.19          Increase (Decrease) in Net Position including non‐recurring

    ‐                               4,995,953.83            3,956,445.00            1,039,508.83          Non‐Recurring Allocations included in FY20 Budget

    381,453.13$              4,365,993.33$          391,732.31$              3,974,261.02$         Increase (Decrease) in Net Position excluding non‐recurring





    YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020




  • Missouri State UniversityOperating BudgetOperating Funds For the Year Ending June 30, 2020

    FY20 FY19 ChangeOperating Revenue

    Tuition and fees 139,988,339.50$   140,873,891.50$  (885,552.00)$         Scholarships and fellowships (27,911,903.00)     (26,510,067.00)    (1,401,836.00)       Grants and contracts 150,000.00            150,000.00           ‐                          Sales and services of educational services 152,767.00            152,767.00           ‐                          Sales and services ‐ auxiliaries ‐                           ‐                           ‐                          Other revenues 1,700,907.00         1,585,557.00        115,350.00            

    Total Operating Revenue 114,080,110.50    116,252,148.50   (2,172,038.00)       Operating Expenses

    Faculty and Staff Salaries 106,270,081.07    104,875,750.51   1,394,330.56         Part‐time help 1,205,865.30         1,163,083.30        42,782.00               Student help 1,678,799.64         1,705,955.35        (27,155.71)             Overtime 95,836.00               109,067.00           (13,231.00)             Graduate Assistants 4,080,080.53         4,129,334.53        (49,254.00)             

    Other personnel 7,060,581.47         7,107,440.18        (46,858.71)             Benefits 45,172,818.30       42,905,202.28      2,267,616.02         Utilities 5,310,011.00         5,430,227.00        (120,216.00)           Capital outlay 5,905,158.37         2,691,308.37        3,213,850.00         Travel 1,507,330.39         1,520,824.82        (13,494.43)             Supplies and services 16,293,525.22       16,687,143.84      (393,618.62)           Other 6,227,330.90         9,261,707.50        (3,034,376.60)       Bad debt expense 1,287,500.00         1,287,500.00        ‐                          

    Supplies and services 31,220,844.88       31,448,484.53      (227,639.65)           Total Operating Expenses 195,034,336.72    191,767,104.50   3,267,232.22         Operating Income (Loss) (80,954,226.22)     (75,514,956.00)    (5,439,270.22)       

    Other Non‐operating Revenues (Expenses)State appropriations 83,230,032.00       74,181,540.00      9,048,492.00         Gifts 861,151.00            811,256.00           49,895.00               Investment income 3,615,983.00         2,171,983.00        1,444,000.00         Other non‐operating revenue (expense) 30,000.00               30,000.00              ‐                          

    Other Non‐operating Revenues (Expenses) 87,737,166.00       77,194,779.00      10,542,387.00       Debt Service Transfers

    Capital Lease ‐ Utility Improvements (644,279.00)           (644,279.00)          ‐                          Capital Lease ‐ Steinway Pianos (186,624.00)           ‐                           (186,624.00)           Academic Issues ‐ 2010, 2014, & Brick City (2,312,122.00)        (850,155.00)          (1,461,967.00)       

    Debt Service Transfers (3,143,025.00)        (1,494,434.00)      (1,648,591.00)       Operating Transfers

    Operating ‐ Hammons Student Center/Plaster Sports Complex (218,782.00)           (218,782.00)          ‐                          Operating ‐ Intercollegiate Athletics (8,079,126.00)        (7,717,338.00)      (361,788.00)           Operating ‐ Broadcast Services (486,595.00)           (486,595.00)          ‐                          Operating ‐ JK Hammons Hall for the Performing Arts (355,000.00)           (355,000.00)          ‐                          Operating ‐ Printing Services (5,200.00)                (10,700.00)            5,500.00                 Operating ‐ Tent Theater (171,300.00)           ‐                           (171,300.00)           MCHHS Differential Fees ‐ Operating Indirect Cost 108,523.00            ‐                           108,523.00            Bookstore ‐ Operating Budget Supplies 300,000.00            300,000.00           ‐                          Bookstore ‐ Operating Indirect Cost 938,753.00            938,753.00           ‐                          Residence Life ‐ Operating Indirect Cost 2,329,114.00         2,329,114.00        ‐                          Plaster Student Union ‐ Operating Indirect Cost 220,779.00            220,779.00           ‐                          Plaster Student Union ‐ Operating Volunteer Programs 66,677.00               66,677.00              ‐                          Procurement Card Rebate ‐ Operating Indirect Cost 200,000.00            200,000.00           ‐                          Taylor Health ‐ Operating Indirect Cost 491,941.00            491,941.00           ‐                          Transit ‐ Operating Indirect Cost 135,592.00            79,317.00              56,275.00               Transfer from Auxiliarys ‐ Recharge 20,000.00               20,000.00              ‐                          

    Operating Transfers (4,504,624.00)        (4,141,834.00)      (362,790.00)           Net Non‐operating Revenues 80,089,517.00       71,558,511.00      8,531,006.00         Increase (Decrease) in Net Position (864,709.22)           (3,956,445.00)      3,091,735.78         

    Non‐Recurring Allocations included in FY20 Budget 4,053,173.00         3,956,445.00        96,728.00               

    Increase (Decrease) in Net Position excluding non‐recurring 3,188,463.78$        ‐$                          3,188,463.78$       


  • Missouri State UniversityOperating BudgetOperating Funds by Cost Center For the Year Ending June 30, 2020

    Chief Vice President Vice PresidentInternal Financial Administrative Research and  Vice President

    Revenue President Provost Audit Officer Services Economic Development Student AffairsOperating Revenue

    Tuition and fees 139,988,339.50$           ‐$                      ‐$                           ‐$                      ‐$                       ‐$                              ‐$                                         ‐$                       Scholarships and fellowships (243,900.00)                   (675,567.00)         (397,052.00)             ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Grants and contracts 150,000.00                    ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Sales and services of educational services 82,600.00                      ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Sales and services ‐ auxiliaries ‐                                  ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Other revenues 1,700,907.00                 ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        

    Total Operating Revenue 141,677,946.50             (675,567.00)         (397,052.00)             ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Operating Expenses

    Faculty and Staff Salaries ‐                                  2,000,126.52       77,556,148.98         249,863.00          2,367,412.48       7,988,086.69               1,485,752.15                           4,780,662.75        Part‐time help ‐                                  6,363.00              704,433.00              28,500.00            50,242.00             160,480.22                  26,030.00                                175,258.00           Student help ‐                                  3,500.00              856,755.80              ‐                       17,352.00             103,378.00                  41,574.00                                386,037.84           Overtime ‐                                  ‐                       9,000.00                  ‐                       ‐                        65,182.00                    ‐                                            8,315.00               Graduate Assistants ‐                                  56,793.00            3,629,398.00           ‐                       41,014.00             13,732.00                    90,659.00                                216,582.00           

    Other personnel ‐                                  66,656.00            5,199,586.80           28,500.00            108,608.00           342,772.22                  158,263.00                              786,192.84           Benefits ‐                                  765,034.73          28,646,634.84         103,015.85          900,469.74           2,945,401.41               564,722.23                              1,818,500.70        Utilities ‐                                  ‐                       21,271.00                ‐                       ‐                        9,200.00                      ‐                                            ‐                        Capital outlay ‐                                  12,898.00            2,448,294.90           ‐                       ‐                        20,000.00                    121,059.47                              10,000.00             Travel ‐                                  109,380.00          1,048,423.26           1,325.00              21,170.00             47,920.00                    63,655.13                                70,415.00             Supplies and services ‐                                  1,336,222.49       5,515,282.23           5,226.00              180,559.00           2,333,676.83               132,647.52                              1,056,950.00        Other ‐                                  438,191.00          2,390,695.27           765.00                 30,681.00             298,763.08                  35,143.98                                138,665.00           Bad debt expense ‐                                  ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        

    Supplies and services ‐                                  1,896,691.49       11,402,695.66         7,316.00              232,410.00           2,700,359.91               352,506.10                              1,276,030.00        Total Operating Expenses ‐                                  4,728,508.74       122,826,337.28       388,694.85          3,608,900.22       13,985,820.23          2,561,243.48                           8,661,386.29        Operating Income (Loss) 141,677,946.50             (5,404,075.74)      (123,223,389.28)      (388,694.85)         (3,608,900.22)      (13,985,820.23)         (2,561,243.48)                            (8,661,386.29)       

    Other Non‐operating Revenues (Expenses)State appropriations 83,230,032.00               ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Gifts 861,151.00                    ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Investment income 3,615,983.00                 ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Other non‐operating revenue (expense) 30,000.00                      ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Debt Service Transfers ‐                                  (50,000.00)           (136,624.00)             ‐                       ‐                        ‐                               ‐                                            ‐                        Operating Transfers, net ‐                                  ‐                       ‐                            ‐                       ‐                        20,000.00                    ‐                                            ‐                        

    Net Non‐operating Revenues 87,737,166.00               (50,000.00)           (136,624.00)             ‐                       ‐                        20,000.00                    ‐                                            ‐                        Increase (Decrease) in Net Position 229,415,112.50$           (5,454,075.74)$    (123,360,013.28)$     (388,694.85)$        (3,608,900.22)$     (13,965,820.23)$        (2,561,243.48)$                          (8,661,386.29)$     

    Non‐Recurring Allocations included in FY20 Budget

    Increase (Decrease) in Net Position excluding non‐recurring


  • Vice President Vice President CIOUniversity Marketing and  Information University Non‐Recurring

    Advancement Communications Services Wide Scholarships Funds FY20 FY19 ChangeOperating Revenue

    ‐$                         ‐$                             ‐$                         ‐$                           ‐$                           ‐$                       139,988,339.50$     140,873,891.50$      (885,552.00)$         Tuition and fees‐                           ‐                               ‐                           ‐                             (26,595,384.00)         ‐                        (27,911,903.00)       (26,510,067.00)       (1,401,836.00)       Scholarships and fellowships‐                           ‐                               ‐                           ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        150,000.00             150,000.00              ‐                         Grants and contracts

    11,000.00                ‐                               59,167.00               ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        152,767.00             152,767.00              ‐                         Sales and services of educational services‐                           ‐                               ‐                           ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        ‐                           ‐                           ‐                         Sales and services ‐ auxiliaries‐                           ‐                               ‐                           ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        1,700,907.00          1,585,557.00           115,350.00            Other revenues

    11,000.00                ‐                               59,167.00               ‐                             (26,595,384.00)         ‐                        114,080,110.50      116,252,148.50       (2,172,038.00)       Total Operating RevenueOperating Expenses

    2,047,149.50          1,275,285.00              3,514,496.00          3,005,098.00            ‐                             ‐                        106,270,081.07      104,875,750.51       1,394,330.56         Faculty and Staff Salaries10,621.00                155.08                         43,783.00               ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        1,205,865.30          1,163,083.30           42,782.00              Part‐time help

    112,371.00              15,165.00                    142,666.00             ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        1,678,799.64          1,705,955.35           (27,155.71)            Student help5,705.00                  ‐                               7,634.00                 ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        95,836.00                109,067.00              (13,231.00)            Overtime

    21,239.53                10,663.00                    ‐                           ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        4,080,080.53          4,129,334.53           (49,254.00)            Graduate Assistants149,936.53              25,983.08                    194,083.00             ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        7,060,581.47          7,107,440.18           (46,858.71)            Other personnel768,832.39              483,344.92                  1,329,715.49          413,698.00              6,433,448.00            ‐                        45,172,818.30        42,905,202.28         2,267,616.02         Benefits

    ‐                           ‐                               ‐                           5,279,540.00            ‐                             ‐                        5,310,011.00          5,430,227.00           (120,216.00)          Utilities8,400.00                  ‐                               84,506.00               ‐                             ‐                             3,200,000.00       5,905,158.37          2,691,308.37           3,213,850.00         Capital outlay

    47,380.00                15,894.00                    29,350.00               52,418.00                  ‐                             ‐                        1,507,330.39          1,520,824.82           (13,494.43)            Travel240,937.15              156,195.00                  426,600.00             4,909,229.00            ‐                             ‐                        16,293,525.22        16,687,143.84         (393,618.62)          Supplies and services241,969.57              51,398.00                    37,056.00               2,477,054.00            ‐                             86,949.00            6,227,330.90          9,261,707.50           (3,034,376.60)       Other

    ‐                           ‐                               ‐                           1,287,500.00            ‐                             ‐                        1,287,500.00          1,287,500.00           ‐                         Bad debt expense538,686.72              223,487.00                  577,512.00             8,726,201.00            ‐                             3,286,949.00       31,220,844.88        31,448,484.53         (227,639.65)          Supplies and services

    3,504,605.14          2,008,100.00              5,615,806.49          17,424,537.00          6,433,448.00            3,286,949.00       195,034,336.72      191,767,104.50       3,267,232.22         Total Operating Expenses(3,493,605.14)         (2,008,100.00)             (5,556,639.49)         (17,424,537.00)         (33,028,832.00)         (3,286,949.00)      (80,954,226.22)       (75,514,956.00)       (5,439,270.22)       Operating Income (Loss)

    Other Non‐operating Revenues (Expenses)‐                           ‐                               ‐                           ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        83,230,032.00        74,181,540.00         9,048,492.00         State appropriations‐                           ‐                               ‐                           ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        861,151.00             811,256.00              49,895.00              Gifts‐                           ‐                               ‐                           ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        3,615,983.00          2,171,983.00           1,444,000.00         Investment income‐                           ‐                               ‐                           ‐                             ‐                             ‐                        30,000.00                30,000.00                ‐                         Other non‐operating revenue (expense)‐                           ‐                               ‐                           (2,956,401.00)           ‐                             ‐                        (3,143,025.00)         (1,494,434.00)          (1,648,591.00)       Debt Service Transfers‐                           ‐                               ‐                           (3,895,024.00)           ‐                             (629,600.00)         (4,504,624.00)         (4,141,834.00)          (362,790.00)          Operating Transfers, net‐                           ‐                               ‐                           (6,851,425.00)           ‐                             (629,600.00)         80,089,517.00        71,558,511.00         8,531,006.00         Net Non‐operating Revenues

    (3,493,605.14)$      (2,008,100.00)$           (5,556,639.49)$      (24,275,962.00)$      (33,028,832.00)$      (3,916,549.00)$     (864,709.22)            (3,956,445.00)          3,091,735.78         Increase (Decrease) in Net Position

    4,053,173.00          3,956,445.00           96,728.00              Non‐Recurring Allocations included in FY20 Budget

    3,188,463.78$         ‐$                          3,188,463.78$       Increase (Decrease) in Net Position excluding non‐recurring


  • Missouri State UniversityOperating BudgetProvost ‐ Colleges For the Year Ending June 30, 2020

    College of College of College of College of College ofProvost Arts and  Business College of Health and  Humanities and Natural and Office Letters Administration Education Human Services Public Affairs Applied Sciences

    Operating RevenueTuition and fees ‐$                          ‐$                          ‐$                            ‐$                       ‐$                           ‐$                         ‐$                         Scholarships and fellowships (72,152.00)               (324,900.00)           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Grants and contracts ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Sales and services of educational services ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Sales and services ‐ auxiliaries ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Other revenues ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          

    Total Operating Revenue (72,152.00)               (324,900.00)           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Operating Expenses

    Faculty and Staff Salaries 5,106,840.18           13,566,868.46       13,813,639.67         6,623,624.53       12,953,195.31       8,179,984.71          11,320,106.17      Part‐time help 353,333.00              29,007.00               13,994.00                 45,340.00             72,282.00                29,882.00                ‐                          Student help 248,682.80              108,817.00            53,012.00                 17,000.00             46,525.00                38,300.00                91,500.00              Overtime 500.00                      ‐                           5,000.00                   ‐                         ‐                            1,500.00                  ‐                          Graduate Assistants 359,449.00              693,067.00            412,284.00               151,958.00          430,142.00             292,695.00              978,765.00           

    Other personnel 961,964.80              830,891.00            484,290.00               214,298.00          548,949.00             362,377.00              1,070,265.00        Benefits 1,871,222.54           4,935,592.77         5,088,863.13            2,413,094.79       4,797,017.02         3,028,612.09          4,243,877.93        Utilities 6,500.00                   ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           1,745.00                Capital outlay 513,457.90              86,375.00               34,216.00                 ‐                         61,228.00                ‐                           10,000.00              Travel 303,025.96              131,505.70            ‐                             122,782.50          78,435.00                142,115.00              158,266.00           Supplies and services 1,662,251.23           523,294.00            330,856.00               320,299.00          407,443.00             250,561.00              642,512.00           Other 1,620,864.32           154,778.95            137,277.00               88,344.00             109,551.00             54,233.00                30,327.00              Bad debt expense ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          

    Supplies and services 4,099,599.41           895,953.65            502,349.00               531,425.50          656,657.00             446,909.00              841,105.00           Total Operating Expenses 12,046,126.93         20,229,305.88       19,889,141.80         9,782,442.82       18,955,818.33       12,017,882.80        17,477,099.10      Operating Income (Loss) (12,118,278.93)       (20,554,205.88)      (19,889,141.80)        (9,782,442.82)      (18,955,818.33)      (12,017,882.80)       (17,477,099.10)     

    Other Non‐operating Revenues (Expenses)State appropriations ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Gifts ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Investment income ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Other non‐operating revenue (expense) ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Debt Service Transfers (30,000.00)               (106,624.00)           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Operating Transfers, net ‐                             ‐                           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          

    Net Non‐operating Revenues (30,000.00)               (106,624.00)           ‐                             ‐                         ‐                            ‐                           ‐                          Increase (Decrease) in Net Position (12,148,278.93)$     (20,660,829.88)$    (19,889,141.80)$       (9,782,442.82)$    (18,955,818.33)$     (12,017,882.80)$    (17,477,099.10)$   


  • Graduate College ofCollege Library Agriculture FY20 FY19 Change

    Operating Revenue‐$                        ‐$                        ‐$                        ‐$                            ‐$                            ‐$                         Tuition and fees‐                          ‐                          ‐                          (397,052.00)                (462,052.00)              65,000.00              Scholarships and fellowships‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Grants and contracts‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Sales and services of educational services‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Sales and services ‐ auxiliaries‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Other revenues‐                          ‐                          ‐                          (397,052.00)                (462,052.00)              65,000.00              Total Operating Revenue

    Operating Expenses696,757.36            2,614,069.54         2,681,063.05        77,556,148.98            76,716,623.56          839,525.42            Faculty and Staff Salaries73,770.00              36,325.00              50,500.00              704,433.00                 651,334.00               53,099.00              Part‐time help12,154.00              199,000.00            41,765.00              856,755.80                 866,613.00               (9,857.20)               Student help

    ‐                          2,000.00                 ‐                          9,000.00                     9,231.00                    (231.00)                  Overtime146,127.00            19,457.00              145,454.00            3,629,398.00              3,630,447.00            (1,049.00)               Graduate Assistants232,051.00            256,782.00            237,719.00            5,199,586.80              5,157,625.00            41,961.80              Other personnel264,142.52            1,000,186.46         1,004,025.59        28,646,634.84            27,430,879.29          1,215,755.55         Benefits

    ‐                          ‐                          13,026.00              21,271.00                  25,771.00                 (4,500.00)               Utilities37,500.00              1,705,518.00         ‐                          2,448,294.90              2,432,444.90            15,850.00              Capital outlay58,700.00              19,013.10              34,580.00              1,048,423.26              1,043,860.61            4,562.65                Travel

    132,003.00            1,038,913.00         207,150.00            5,515,282.23              5,361,648.87            153,633.36            Supplies and services139,024.00            22,483.00              33,813.00              2,390,695.27              2,510,934.34            (120,239.07)           Other

    ‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Bad debt expense367,227.00            2,785,927.10         275,543.00            11,402,695.66            11,348,888.72          53,806.94              Supplies and services

    1,560,177.88         6,656,965.10         4,211,376.64        122,826,337.28         120,679,787.57       2,146,549.71         Total Operating Expenses(1,560,177.88)       (6,656,965.10)       (4,211,376.64)       (123,223,389.28)        (121,141,839.57)      (2,081,549.71)       Operating Income (Loss)

    Other Non‐operating Revenues (Expenses)‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          State appropriations‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Gifts‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Investment income‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Other non‐operating revenue (expense)‐                          ‐                          ‐                          (136,624.00)                ‐                              (136,624.00)           Debt Service Transfers‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐                               ‐                              ‐                          Operating Transfers, net‐                          ‐                          ‐                          (136,624.00)                ‐                              (136,624.00)           Net Non‐operating Revenues

    (1,560,177.88)$     (6,656,965.10)$     (4,211,376.64)$     (123,360,013.28)$      (121,141,839.57)$     (2,218,173.71)$      Increase (Decrease) in Net Position




  • Missouri State UniversityOperating BudgetNon‐Recurring Allocations For the Year Ending June 30, 2020

    FY20   FY19  Change Non‐Recurring AllocationsInsurance Premiums ‐ FY10 Retirees  1,910.00$           3,346.00$           (1,436.00)$         VPRED Diversity Hire ‐ 1st of 3 36,774.00          ‐                       36,774.00         Provost Diversity Hire ‐ 1st of 3 19,306.00          ‐                       19,306.00         West Plains Diversity Hire ‐ 2nd of 3 28,959.00          ‐                       28,959.00         Greenwood Multi‐Purpose Room Addition 3,200,000.00    ‐                       3,200,000.00   Increased Medical July‐Dec 2018 ‐                      1,250,000.00    (1,250,000.00)  COAL ‐ Diversity Hire ‐ 3rd of 3 ‐                 19,366.00     (19,366.00)        COE ‐ Diversity Hire ‐ 3rd of 3 ‐                 20,961.00     (20,961.00)        Glenstone Rental ‐                 78,053.00     (78,053.00)        COAL ‐ Diversity Hire ‐ 3rd of 3 ‐                 23,239.00     (23,239.00)        COB ‐ Diversity Hire ‐ 3rd of 3 ‐                 56,959.00     (56,959.00)        CNAS ‐ Diversity Hire ‐ 3rd of 3 ‐                 25,518.00     (25,518.00)        COAL ‐ Diversity Hire ‐ 3rd of 3 ‐                 18,227.00     (18,227.00)        COAL ‐ Diversity Hire ‐ 3rd of 3 ‐                 24,379.00     (24,379.00)        

    Total Budgeted Non‐Recurring Allocations 3,286,949.00    1,520,048.00    1,766,901.00   

    Cost Center Non‐Recurring Budget AllocationsSteinway Piano Capital Lease 136,624.00        ‐                       136,624.00       One‐Time Retention Payment ‐                      1,806,797.00    (1,806,797.00)  Athletics Transfer* 629,600.00        629,600.00        ‐                     

    Total Cost Center Non‐Recurring Budget Allocations 766,224.00        2,436,397.00    (1,670,173.00)  

    Total Non‐Recurring Allocations for FY20 4,053,173.00$   3,956,445.00$  96,728.00$        

    *In FY16 the President's Enhancement Fund transferred $1,886,200 to Athletics.





    YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020


  • Missouri State UniversityOperating BudgetDesignated Funds For the Year Ending June 30, 2020

    Designated,Institutional Income and Self Defense and GreenwoodResearch, Service Centers Insurance Dedicated Broadcast Strategic LaboratoryMatch Fund Fund Fees Services Studies School

    Operating RevenueTuition and fees 482,855.00$           2,421,815.00$      ‐$                      3,537,500.00$    ‐$                    741,374.00$           ‐$                      Scholarships and fellowships ‐                           ‐                        ‐                       (80,000.00)         ‐                     (116,000.00)           (35,000.00)             Grants and contracts ‐                           ‐                        ‐                       ‐                      925,000.00        ‐                          ‐                        Sales and services of educational services 2,239,581.00         4,208,644.00        ‐                       ‐                      603,100.00        ‐                          2,577,580.00        Sales and services ‐ auxiliaries ‐                           ‐                        ‐                       ‐                      ‐                     ‐                          8,000.00                Other revenues ‐                           11,650.00             30,000.00            ‐                      111,000.00        ‐                          ‐                        

    Total Operating Revenue 2,722,436.00         6,642,109.00        30,000.00            3,457,500.00     1,639,100.00    625,374.00            2,550,580.00        Operating Expenses

    Faculty and Staff Salaries 1,249,388.19         2,278,885.50        57,621.19            183,040.00        1,260,487.00    527,163.00            1,277,167.00        Part‐time help 161,950.00             111,500.00           3,000.00              ‐                      62,998.00          86,602.00              401,000.00            Student help 15,346.00               147,500.00           5,478.00              415,715.00        32,900.00          3,061.00                42,735.00              Overtime ‐                           ‐                        ‐                       5,510.00             16,000.00          350.00                   ‐                        Graduate Assistants 72,551.00          �