fuzzy logic & composition - dartmouth college

Peter Elsea 2/11/14 1 Some Applications of Fuzzy Logic in the Composition of Music What can Fuzzy Logic do for composers? Fuzzy Logic is an attractive way to build expert musical systems because fuzzy algorithms can closely parallel the methods a composer follows in intuitive composition. Any process a composer can define as a set of rules, however vague, can be modeled with a fuzzy logic routine. The following points are also in Fuzzy Logic's favor: Although the origin and continued development of Fuzzy Logic is based in advanced mathematics, the practical application of fuzzy methods requires only basic math operations. Fuzzy routines are easy to modify and expand, so varied treatments of a given set of inputs can be quickly produced. Fuzzy routines are easy to debug. The simple expedient of turning rules off and on will quickly isolate problem areas. Fuzzy routines are lightweight and execute quickly in most languages, making the fuzzy approach ideal for real time applications. Fuzzy routines can easily be mixed with stochastic and probabilistic methods to create surprising results. Representation of music with fuzzy sets Pitch Pitch can be represented in two ways, depending on the situation. Inputs and outputs to fuzzy routines will usually be the familiar pitch class or list of pitch classes, which I will call a pitch list, or often just a list. For final performance or transcription, pitch lists will usually be expanded to MIDI pitches. I'll write such lists within brackets, such as [0 4 7]. Within a fuzzy routine, pitches and other structures will be represented as sets in the domain of pitch class, as shown in figure 1. There are twelve 1 elements, and each element represents the membership of the associated pitch class in the set. Figure 1 shows how a single pitch "G" would be represented. Figure 1. 1 In some circumstances I use extended sets which cover two or three octaves. I don't plan on discussing those in this paper, however.

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Peter  Elsea  2/11/14   1  

Some  Applications  of  Fuzzy  Logic  in  the  Composition  of  Music  

What  can  Fuzzy  Logic  do  for  composers?  Fuzzy  Logic  is  an  attractive  way  to  build  expert  musical  systems  because  fuzzy  algorithms  can  closely  parallel  the  methods  a  composer  follows  in  intuitive  composition.  Any  process  a  composer  can  define  as  a  set  of  rules,  however  vague,  can  be  modeled  with  a  fuzzy  logic  routine.  The  following  points  are  also  in  Fuzzy  Logic's  favor:    

• Although  the  origin  and  continued  development  of  Fuzzy  Logic  is  based  in  advanced  mathematics,  the  practical  application  of  fuzzy  methods  requires  only  basic  math  operations.  

• Fuzzy  routines  are  easy  to  modify  and  expand,  so  varied  treatments  of  a  given  set  of  inputs  can  be  quickly  produced.  

• Fuzzy  routines  are  easy  to  debug.  The  simple  expedient  of  turning  rules  off  and  on  will  quickly  isolate  problem  areas.  

• Fuzzy  routines  are  lightweight  and  execute  quickly  in  most  languages,  making  the  fuzzy  approach  ideal  for  real  time  applications.  

• Fuzzy  routines  can  easily  be  mixed  with  stochastic  and  probabilistic  methods  to  create  surprising  results.  


Representation  of  music  with  fuzzy  sets  

Pitch Pitch  can  be  represented  in  two  ways,  depending  on  the  situation.  Inputs  and  outputs  to  fuzzy  routines  will  usually  be  the  familiar  pitch  class  or  list  of  pitch  classes,  which  I  will  call  a  pitch  list,  or  often  just  a  list.  For  final  performance  or  transcription,  pitch  lists  will  usually  be  expanded  to  MIDI  pitches.  I'll  write  such  lists  within  brackets,  such  as  [0  4  7].    Within  a  fuzzy  routine,  pitches  and  other  structures  will  be  represented  as  sets  in  the  domain  of  pitch  class,  as  shown  in  figure  1.  There  are  twelve1  elements,  and  each  element  represents  the  membership  of  the  associated  pitch  class  in  the  set.  Figure  1  shows  how  a  single  pitch  "G"  would  be  represented.    

 Figure  1.  

                                                                                                               1  In  some  circumstances  I  use  extended  sets  which  cover  two  or  three  octaves.  I  don't  plan  on  discussing  those  in  this  paper,  however.  

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 To  save  space  (not  to  mention  the  tedium  of  creating  graphics  for  things  that  can  be  typed),  the  sets  will  be  shown  as  a  list  of  memberships  within  braces  as:    G  ==>  {0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0}    The  pitches  represented  by  an  element  will  always  be  the  index  of  the  element,  starting  with  0.  With  only  one  non  zero  value,  sets  that  represent  only  one  pitch  are  singletons.  However,  a  set  can  represent  chords  of  any  complexity.  Here  are  a  few  common  chords  for  practice:    Cmaj  ==>  {1  0  0  0  1  0  0  1  0  0  0  0}  Dmin  ==>  {0  0  1  0  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  0}  Bdim  ==>  {0  0  1  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  1}  Bmaj  ==>  {0  0  1  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  0  1}  

You  can  see  how  the  patterns  in  the  sets  echo  the  position  of  the  pitches  on  a  keyboard.

Defining Scales When  we  work  within  a  defined  tonality,  we  will  often  derive  structures  from  the  scale.  A  complete  scale2  is  represented  thus:    C  major  scale  ==>  {1  0  1  0  1  1  0  1  0  1  0  1}  D  major  scale  ==>  {0  1  1  0  1  0  1  1  0  1  0  1}  C  harmonic  minor  scale  ==>  {1  0  1  1  0  1  0  1  1  0  0  1}  

Fuzzy time Fuzzy  logic  can  work  with  time  as  well  as  pitches.  In  the  system  used  here3,  time  is  defined  as  ticks,  which  have  a  default  duration  of  1  ms.  A  quarter  note  has  a  duration  of  1000  ticks,  which  implies  a  default  tempo  of  60.  Changes  in  tempo  are  accomplished  by  changing  the  duration  of  the  tick.  Beats  and  other  subdivisions  will  be  handled  with  fuzzy  numbers,  and  concepts  such  as  "early  in  the  piece"  will  be  defined  by  fuzzy  membership  functions.    Musical  notes  are  coded  as  "events"  a  five  part  data  structure  consisting  of:  

• On-­‐time  in  ticks  • MIDI  pitch  value  • Duration  in  ticks  • MIDI  channel  number  • MIDI  velocity  value  

                                                                                                               2  The  examples  are  in  common  tonality,  but  fuzzy  logic  will  work  as  well  in  any  tonality.  3  It's  actually  David  Cope's  system  

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Options for coding Even  though  there  are  fuzzy  logic  packages  for  every  known  language,  I  encourage  you  to  write  your  own  version.  Musical  fuzzy  does  not  fit  well  with  standards  like  FCL,  so  you  would  have  to  code  several  missing  routines  anyway,  and  there  are  dozens  of  routines  in  the  standard  packages  you  will  never  need.  Fuzzy  sets  are  easily  coded  as  arrays  in  languages  like  java  and  C  or  as  lists  in  Max  and  Lisp.  The  operations  needed  should  be  clear  from  the  following  discussion.  

Basic  operations  A  fuzzy  logic  toolbox  for  music  will  require  routines  for  the  basic  fuzzy  operations  as  well  as  some  that  are  unique  to  musical  situations.  For  the  purposes  of  this  paper,  I  will  refer  to  these  routines  by  name4  instead  of  conventional  math  symbols.  Some  of  the  names  are  idiosyncratic,  (ingrained  after  20  years  of  use)  but  most  should  be  clear.  Here  are  the  standard  operations  I  use:    

• Intersect(  setA  setB)  returns  the  fuzzy  intersection  of  sets  A  and  B,  i.e.  the  minimum  value  found  for  each  element  in  both.  

• Union(  setA  setB)  returns  the  fuzzy  union  of  sets  A  and  B,  the  maximum  of  each  element.  

• Complement(  setA)  returns  the  fuzzy  compliment  of  setA,  each  element  subtracted  from  1.  

• Normalize(  setA)  returns  a  set  with  all  members  proportionately  adjusted  so  the  peak  value  is  1.  

• Clip(  setA  valueN)  returns  a  set  with  all  members  of  setA  that  exceed  valueN  set  to  valueN.  

• Membership(  setA  index)  returns  the  value  found  at  index  in  setA.  If  index  is  fractional,  a  value  interpolated  from  previous  and  following  members  is  returned.  

• Find(  setA  value)  returns  the  index  of  the  first  occurrence  of  value  in  setA.  If  memberships  are  found  that  bracket  value,  an  interpolated    index  is  returned.  

• Concentrate(  setA)  returns  a  set  with  all  members  set  to  the  square  of  the  associated  member  of  setA.  

• Dialate(  setA)  returns  a  set  with  all  members  set  to  the  square  root  of  the  associated  member  of  setA.  

• Centroid(  setA)  returns  the  index  of  the  "center  of  gravity"  of  setA.    The  following  are  functions  unique  to  my  musical  applications.  

• RoR(n  setA  )  returns  a  copy  of  setA  rotated  by  n  steps  to  the  right.  In  a  right  rotation  the  rightmost  n  elements  are  moved  to  the  left  side  of  the  result,  viz.  RoR(2  {A  B  C  D  E  F}  )  ==>  {E  F  A  B  C  D}.  If  n  is  negative,  rotation  is  to  the  left.  

                                                                                                               4  I  have  libraries  of  these  functions  in  LISP  and  Max  externals,  with  names  that  are  similar  but  follow  the  naming  conventions  of  those  languages.  

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• Top(n    setA  )  returns  a  list  of  the  indices  of  the  highest  n  values  in  setA.  If  there  are  multiple  values  at  the  maximum  (a  plateau),  the  first  n  indices  are  returned.    

• SetToList(  setA)  returns  a  list  of  all  non-­‐zero  members  of  setA.  • MakeSet  (n,m.....)  returns  a  12  element  set  with  members  at  index  n,  m  and  so  

forth  set  to  1.  • Dither(  l,  n)  returns  a  set  of  length  l  with  a  randomly  chosen  element  set  to  n.  • Add  lists  returns  a  set  which  contains  the  sums  of  the  elements  of  two  lists;  

i.e.  addlists({1  2  3},{4  5  6})  returns  {5  7  9}.  • Add-­‐to-­‐n(setA  n  m)  returns  a  set  with  the  membership  at  index  n  increased  

by  m,  but  restricted  to  be  between  0  and  1.  • Sumup  returns  the  sum  of  all  members  of  a  list.  

 Other  functions  will  be  described  as  needed.  

Transpositions The  first  musical  operation  I  have  addressed  in  fuzzy  operations  is  transposition.  This  is  actually  fairly  difficult  in  most  approaches  because  of  the  modulo  12  nature  of  pitch  classes.  However,  any  structure  represented  as  a  fuzzy  set  can  be  transposed  by  the  rotation  operation.  Thus  if  we  define  a  pitch  C  as  a  singleton  on  index  0,  rotation  by  the  desired  interval  produces  any  desired  pitch.    Ror 7 {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} = {0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0}  Transposing  any  pitch  works  as  well:    Ror 7 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0} = {0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 )}  As  do  transpositions  down:    Ror -1 {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} = {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1}  This  works  with  chords:    Ror 7 {1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0} = {0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1}  Even  scales:    Ror 7 {1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} = {1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 }  The  rotate  operation  is  used  heavily  through  my  system.  

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Building intervals The  operations  discussed  have  been  easily  possible  with  crisp  logic-­‐-­‐  in  fact  with  the  overhead  involved  in  producing  sets,  rotation  seems  more  cumbersome  than  simple  math.  However,  music  theory  becomes  fuzzy  when  we  get  to  tonal  intervals.  The  expression  "a  third  above  C"  can  produce  two  different  results  depending  on  context.  In  the  simple  case,  the  context  is  provided  by  the  active  scale  (key).  The  full  statement  should  be  something  like  "a  third  above  C  in  D  major."    To  handle  tonal  intervals,  I  have  defined  a  fuzzy  set  to  represent  the  concept  of  "a  third  above"    Fz3  :=  {0    0    0    1  0.9    0    0    0    0    0    0    0}    This  will  generate  the  proper  third  when  intersected  with  the  current  scale.  Somewhere  in  my  code  is  a  variable  (usually  named  key)  that  holds  a  set  representing  the  current  scale.  To  find  a  third  above  C  in  C  major:    Cmaj {1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} Fz3 {0 0 0 1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} Intersect {0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} Top 4

Here  the  intersection  has  produced  a  set  with  element  4  set  to  0.9.  The  top  operation  will  identify  that  as  an  E.  In  different  keys,  we  need  different  results.  To  find  a  third  above  C  in  Eb  major:    Ebmaj {1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0} Fz3 {0 0 0 1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} Intersect {0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} Top 3  Note  that  the  Eb  scale  is  a  rotation  of  the  C  scale.  Rotation  is  also  used  to  find  intervals  on  other  roots.  Here  is  a  third  above  D  in  Cmajor    Cmaj {1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} Fz3 ror 2 {0 0 0 0 0 1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0} Intersect {0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0} Top 5  The  set  for  "a  third  above  D"  is  a  rotation  of  "a  third  above  C"  by  2.  Note  that  the  memberships  in  FZ3  are  not  equal-­‐  this  favors  the  minor  third  when  both  are  available  in  the  scale.    That  does  not  come  up  in  major  keys,  but  is  possible  in  some  minor  scales:    Charm { 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1} Fz3 ror 8 {0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1} Intersect { 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}

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Top 11  (In  point  of  fact,  the  harmonic  rules  of  minor  modes  are  so  fluid  that  factors  other  than  the  base  scale  must  be  considered.  Thus  I  define  an  alternate  fuzzy  third  that  favors  the  major  version.)    Using  these  principles,  I  have  developed  fuzzy  sets  for  all  intervals  up  and  down.  I  usually  define  these  as  constants.  intervals up Fz2 {0 0.9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} Fz3 {0 0 0 1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} Fz3a {0 0 0 0.9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} Fz4 {0 0 0 0 0 1 0.5 0 0 0 0 0} Fz5 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 1 0.5 0 0 0} Fz6 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.9 0 0} Fz7 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 1} intervals below Fz2b {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.9} Fz3b {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 1 0 0 } Fz4b {0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 1 0 0 0 0 } Fz5b {0 0 0 0 0.5 1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 } Fz6b {0 0 0.9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } Fz7b {0 0.9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 }

Building chords If  you  look  at  the  fuzzy  5ths  in  the  above  tables,  you  will  note  that  there  are  three  possibilities:  diminished,  perfect  and  augmented.  These  are  used  in  building  chords.  In  the  base  case,  a  chord  is  the  union  of  the  root,  the  third  above  the  root  and  the  fifth  above  the  root.    First  state  the  root  as  a  singleton:    Root C {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  Then  find  the  3rd    Cmaj {1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} Fz3 {0 0 0 1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} 3rd above C {0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  And  the  fifth    Cmaj {1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} Fz5 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9 1 0.5 0 0 0} 5th above C {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0}

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Union {1 0 0 0 0.9 0 0 1 0 0 0 0} Top 3 [0 4 7] To  find  chords  on  any  pitch,  rotate  the  root  and  both  interval  sets  by  the  pitch  class  desired.  This  will  produce  the  proper  triad  in  any  key.  Finding  the  chord  on  the  7th  degree  is  usually  the  most  complex  operation  in  other  languages.  With  fuzzy,  everything  falls  into  place.  Here's  how:    Root ror 11 {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1}  Then  find  the  3rd    Cmaj {1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} Fz3 ror 11 {0 0 1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} 3rd above B {0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0}  And  the  fifth    Cmaj {1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} Fz5 ror 11 {0 0 0 0 0 0.9 1 0.5 0 0 0 0} 5th above B {0 0 0 0 0 0.9 0 0.5 0 0 0 0} Union {0 0 1 0 0 0.9 0 0.5 0 0 0 1} Top 3 [2 5 11]  Note  that  the  top  3  operation  extracts  a  triad  from  the  union  of  the  intervals.  It  is  also  possible  to  apply  the  top  operation  to  the  interval  result  sets  individually  and  list  them  with  the  root.  In  fact  I  usually  do  this,  adding  functions  for  each  interval  to  my  library.  In  following  examples  I  will  refer  to  these  functions  rather  than  spell  out  all  of  the  sets.  They  take  the  form  thirdAbove(r)  where  r  is  the  root,  and  return  a  pitch  class.  Thus  the  general  form  for  a  triad  built  on  root  r  is    List(r,thirdAbove(r), fifthAbove(r))  One  advantage  of  this  code  is  the  pitches  are  returned  in  order  of  root,  third,    fifth.  More  complex  chords  can  be  derived  by  including  additional  intervals.  Chords  of  the  seventh  which  are  natural  to  the  scale  can  be  derived  by  adding  an  interval  of  a  fifth  above  the  third  of  a  triad  constructed  using  either  of  the  above  algorithms.    List(r, thirdAbove(r), fifthAbove(r), fifthAbove(thirdAbove(r)))  When  non-­‐scale  seventh  chords  are  desired,  they  can  be  created  directly  by  rotation  of  a  template  set:    Dom7 = {1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0}  

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Chords from root, third, fifth The  above  chords  were  built  with  a  given  pitch  as  the  root.  As  we  look  into  harmonization,  we  also  need  to  be  able  to  build  chords  where  the  given  pitch  is  the  third  or  fifth.  To  do  this,  we  use  the  fuzzy  sets  for  interval  below.  To  review  that,  here's  how  the  sets  work  to  generate  a  third  below  G  in  C  major:    Cmaj {1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1} Fz3b ror 7 {0 0 0 0.9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} 3rd below G {0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} Top 4 Note  that  even  though  we  are  looking  for  pitch  below  the  given  pitch  the  "interval  below"  set  is  rotated  to  the  right.  Now  to  generate  a  triad  with  a  pitch  p  as  the  third:    List(thirdBelow(p), p, fifthAbove(thirdBelow(p))  Note  that  the  fifth  is  generated  from  the  root  once  we  know  what  the  root  is.  Likewise,  to  produce  a  chord  with  the  given  pitch  as  the  fifth:    List(fifthBelow(p), thirdAbove(fifthBelow(p), p)  Of  course  functions  that  produce  these  would  store  values  like  thirdBelow(p)  in  a  local  variable  for  efficiency.  Don't  be  fooled  by  the  fact  that  these  examples  are  basic  tonal  harmonies.  You  can  create  exotic  yet  consistent  harmonies  by  using  different  interval  combinations  or  by  defining  your  own  scales.  

Simple  harmonizer  With  the  fundamental  chord  constructors  available,  we  can  turn  our  attention  to  deciding  what  chords  to  ask  for.  As  an  example,  here  is  a  simple  harmonizer  that  does  little  more  than  select  appropriate  chords  to  harmonize  individual  notes  in  a  melody.  (I  call  this  "left  hand  harmony"  after  an  elementary  school  teacher  who  would  conduct  a  singing  class  with  one  hand  while  hitting  chords  on  a  piano  with  the  other.)  

Common tone rules The  underlying  principle  of  this  harmonizer  is  to  choose  chords  that  maintain  common  tones.  This  is  achieved  with  these  rules:    

• If  a  chord  with  the  melody  note  as  root  has  common  tones  with  the  previous  chord,  use  the  chord  with  the  melody  note  as  root.  

• If  a  chord  with  the  melody  note  as  third  has  common  tones  with  the  previous  chord,  use  the  chord  with  the  melody  note  as  third.  

• If  a  chord  with  the  melody  note  as  fifth  has  common  tones  with  the  previous  chord,  use  the  chord  with  the  melody  note  as  fifth.  

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Last chord rules But  we  also  want  to  mix  these  up-­‐-­‐  otherwise  we'll  always  get  repeated  chords  when  the  melody  has  repeated  notes  or  motion  of  third  or  fifth.    

• If  the  last  chord  was  built  on  the  root,  use  a  chord  built  from  a  third  or  fifth.  • If  the  last  chord  was  built  on  the  third,  use  a  chord  built  from  a  root  or  fifth.  • If  the  last  chord  was  built  on  the  fifth,  use  a  chord  built  from  a  root  or  third.  

 The  fuzzy  mechanism  for  these  rules  creates  a  solution  set  with  three  members.  You  can  think  of  the  members  as    {  desirability  of  using  the  note  as  root,    desirability  of  using  the  note  as  third,  desirability  of  using  the  note  as  fifth}  or      {as-­‐root,  as-­‐third,  as-­‐fifth}.      The  operation  of  the  common  tone  rules  is  simple.  The  number  of  pitches  shared  by  the  possible  chord  and  the  previous  chord  are  counted  and  divided  by  three.  Then  a  solution  set  is  generated  with  the  membership  of  the  possible  chord  set  to  that  value.  So  if  the  as-­‐root  chord  has  two  pitches  in  common  with  the  previous  chord  the  set  {  0.6  0  0}  is  returned.    The  number  of  common  tones  is  found  by  intersecting  the  previous  chord  set  with  the  candidate  chord  set  and  counting  the  1s.  Say  the  pitch  is  G  and  the  previous  chord  was  C  major:  {1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0} previous {0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1} G as-root 1 Common =>{0.3 0 0} {0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1} G as-third 2 Common =>{0 0.6 0} {1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0} G as-fifth 3 Common =>{0 0 1} Union and normalize => {0.3 0.6 1}  If  the  new  pitch  were  A:  {1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0} previous {1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0} A as-root 2 Common =>{0.6 0 0} {1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1} A as-third 2 Common =>{0 0.6 0} {1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0} A as-fifth 0 Common =>{0 0 0} Union and normalize => {0.6 0.6 0}  The  last  chord  rules  are  controlled  by  the  solution  set  from  the  last  time  around.  The  code  remembers  what  happened  and  generates  one  of  these:    As-root => { 0 1 0.5} As-third => { 1 0 0.5} As-fifth => { 1 1 0 }  Note  that  I'm  giving  less  weight  to  the  possibility  of  deriving  the  chord  with  the  pitch  as  the  fifth.  This  is  a  blatant  example  of  the  composer's  thumb  on  the  scales.    

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The  common  tone  rules  and  last  chord  rules  each  produce  a  solution,  and  the  two  are  added  together  to  get  the  result5.  You  can  think  of  it  as  a  voting  process.    So  a  Cmaj  chord  on  a  C    followed  by  a  G  in  the  melody  would  work  out  like  this:    {0.3 0.6 1 } {0 1 0.5} {0 1 1.5}  The  top  function  will  pick  the  highest  member  of  the  solution  set.  Here  the  chord  would  be  constructed  with  G  as  the  fifth,  so  we'd  get  a  continuation  of  the  Cmaj  chord.  If  the  new  melody  pitch  were  A,  we'd    have:    {0.6 0.6 0 } {0 1 0.5} {0.6 1.6 0.5 }  This  would  generate  an  Fmaj  chord.    Figure  2  is  an  example  of  these  rules  on  a  simple  scale.    

 Figure  2.    The  top  line  in  figure  2  shows  the  given  pitches  and  the  bottom  line  shows  the  generated  chords.  The  ascending  scale  forced  an  alteration  between  as-­‐root  and  as-­‐fifth  because  moving  up  a  step  leaves  no  common  tones  between  as-­‐root  and  as-­‐third.  The  melody  of  figure  3  jumps  a  round  a  bit  more  and  includes  a  note  foreign  to  the  scale.    

 Figure  3.                                                                                                                    5  This  will  result  in  a  set  with  memberships  greater  than  one,  but  since  we  are  just  going  with  the  highest  member  in  the  final  result,  normalizing  is  a  waste  of  code.  

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In  figure  3  we  see  all  three  possibilities  in  the  first  four  chords.  We  also  see  that  a  foreign  pitch  does  not  break  the  system,  simply  finding  intervals  from  the  scale.  Admittedly,  a  tritone  step  is  not  the  optimum  resolution  here.  That  results  from  the  fact  that  the  rules  so  far  have  some  memory  but  no  notion  of  what  is  coming  up.  We  can  add  a  rule  that  encourages  harmonic  motion  of  a  fifth  that  is  similar  to  the  keep  common  tones  rule:    

• If  the  as-­‐root  chord  has  common  tones  with  the  dominant  of  the  following  pitch,  use  as-­‐root  

• If  the  as-­‐third  chord  has  common  tones  with  the  dominant  of  the  following  pitch,  use  as-­‐third  

• If  the  as-­‐fifth  chord  has  common  tones  with  the  dominant  of  the  following  pitch,  use  as-­‐fifth  

 This  set  is  normalized  as  a  group  so  it  has  equal  weight  as  the  common  tone  and  last  chord  rules.  Adding  this  rule  produces  figure  4.  Not  only  has  the  F#  been  incorporated  in  a  Dmaj,  many  of  the  other  chords  have  been  changed  to  be  the  dominant  of  the  following  melody  pitch.  You  can  easily  add  as  many  extra  rules  as  you  like  to  this  system,  just  adding  their  result  into  the  solution  set.    In  fact,    There  is  one  more  unmentioned  rule  in  play  here:    

• if  pitch  is  tonic,  favor  tonic  chord.    That  is  responsible  for  the  final  Cmaj.    

 Figure  4.    These  examples  show  that  appropriate  chords  are  chosen.  The  next  task  is  to  break  up  all  of  the  parallel  fifths  with  some  inverted  chords.  

Voice leading Once  the  chords  are  chosen,  voice  leading  can  be  improved  by  mixing  inversions6.    Inversions  are  easily  produced  by  rotation  of  a  normal  ordered  pitch  list.  Note  that  rotating  a  chord  one  step  produces  the  second  inversion:    {0 4 7} >> 1 => {7 0 4} {0 4 7} >> 2 => {4 7 0}

                                                                                                               6  Do  not  mix  up  the  notion  of  generating  a  chord  with  the  given  pitch  as  the  third  with  the  inversion  of  that  chord  with  the  third  on  the  bottom.  

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 Here  are  some  rules:  

• sustain  common  tones  • if  too  many  root,  then  6  or  6-­‐4  • if  too  many  6  then  root  or  6-­‐4  • do  not  follow  6-­‐4  with  6-­‐4  • if  motion  is  fifth,  favor  root  • If  pitch  is  tonic,  favor  root  a  bit  

 The  solution  set  for  the  three  possible  inversions  is  similar  to  the  one  for  the  chord  options:  {root,  6-­‐4,  6}.  The  sustain  common  tones  code  is  practically  identical  The  repetition  rules  require  fuzzy  definitions  of  each  case  of  "too  many"  TOO-MANY-ROOT= {0 0.2 0.6 1 1 1 1 1) TOO-MANY-6 = {0 0.2 0.6 1 1 1 1 1 1) TOO-MANY-6-4 = {0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)  Note  that  I  have  little  tolerance  for  the  6-­‐4  chord  in  this  kind  of  harmony.  The  code  counts  occurrences  of  each  inversion  in  a  row  and  pulls  out  the  membership  in  the  appropriate  set.  This  is  used  to  weight  the  consequent  set.  For  instance  the  consequent  set  of  "too-­‐many-­‐root"  is  {0  0.8  1}  if  the  membership  in  {too-­‐many-­‐root}  is  0.7,    the  consequent  becomes  {0  0.64  0.8}.  Note  that  this  rule  never  encourages  a  root  position  chord  to  follow  a  root  position  chord.  Root  to  Root  movement  will  only  happen  as  the  result  of  other  rules.  

 Figure  5.    Figure  6  puts  these  rules  into  action  with  the  scale  passage  of  figure  2.  


 Figure  6.    Figure  6  has  a  fairly  satisfactory  harmony,  with  nothing  that  stands  out  as  glaringly  wrong.  In  figure  7  we  see  the  melody  of  figure  3:    

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 Figure  7.  Note  the  sustained  chord  on  the  first  measure  where  the  melody  moves  down  a  third.  This  is  a  result  of  the  keep  common  tones  rule.    

Other fuzzy rules There's  a  bit  more  happening  here  than  I  have  discussed  so  far.  These  are  cosmetic  issues  designed  to  make  the  chords  look  good  in  this  particular  scoring  program  (MuseScore).  One  issue  is  simply  choosing  the  octave  for  the  chord.  If  we  just  keep  the  bottom  note  on  a  chosen  octave,  a  progression  like  Croot  -­‐G6  will  look  odd  because  the  G  would  be  a  seventh  above  the  C.  To  solve  this  problem,  I've  added  code  to  choose  octaves.  There  are  three  options  for  placement:  low  mid  high    

• If  mid  is  close  to  previous  choose  mid  • If  high  is  close  to  previous  choose  high  • If  low  is  close  to  previous  choose  low  • If  previous  is  near  bottom  of  clef  choose  mid  or  high  • If  previous  is  near  top  of  clef  choose  mid  or  low  

 We  also  have  to  consider  the  problem  of  initial  conditions.  Since  several  of  the  rules  are  based  on  the  previous  chord  or  inversion,  the  code  must  have  some  provision  to  set  the  appropriate  variables  before  generating  any  harmony.  These  settings  can  have  surprising  effects  on  the  resulting  harmony.  

Examples: Here  is  how  the  system  harmonizes  some  simple  tunes.    

 London  Bridge    

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 Amazing  Grace    This  paper  is  not  intended  to  be  a  prescription  for  generating  harmony,  but  rather  to  demonstrate  the  application  of  fuzzy  logic  to  musical  processes.  Since  composition  is  often  concerned  with  issues  like  "if  too  many"  and  context  based  rules,  fuzzy  tools  are  a  powerful  to  any  algorithmic  toolbox.