future in the past

The Future in the Past

Upload: david-nicholson

Post on 06-May-2015




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An outline of the various tenses we use to express the future in the past. Also included a section for Italians on how to translate 'avrei fatto' etc.


Page 1: Future in the past

The Future in the Past

Page 2: Future in the past

John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

Page 3: Future in the past

John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

Page 4: Future in the past

John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

events in the narrative time in

past simple

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narrative events

Page 6: Future in the past

John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

Page 7: Future in the past

John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

various forms for the future in the past

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future in the past

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to understand the future in the past in English, you need to start from the normal future

(inside your narrative)

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1. Past Continuous

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John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

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consider the situation as if it were in the present

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John is leaving on the night boat.

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John is leaving on the night boat.

present continuous for present plans

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John is leaving on the night boat.

future in the past?

Page 16: Future in the past

John was leaving on the night boat.

past continuous for plans in the

future in the past

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John is leaving on the night boat.

John was leaving on the night boat.

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2. ‘would do’

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John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

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He knows it will be cold.

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He knows it will be cold.

‘will’ for neutral future

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He knows it will be cold.

future in the past?

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He knew it would be cold.

‘would’ for neutral future in the past

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He knows it will be cold.

He knew it would be cold.

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NB the same mechanism is used in reported speech

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saytell sb.



(that) I will do sth.


saidtold sb.



(that) I would do sth.

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3. ‘about to’

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John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

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He is about to leave his room.

‘about to’ for immediate future

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He is about to leave his room.

future in the past?

Page 31: Future in the past

He was about to leave his room.

‘about to’ for immediate future

in the past

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He is about to leave his room.

He was about to leave his room.

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4. ‘going to’

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John packed his things. He was leaving on the night boat and he knew that it would be cold.

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

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He is going to answer the phone.

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He is going to answer the phone.

‘going to’ for intentional future

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He is going to answer the phone.

future in the past?

Page 38: Future in the past

He was going to answer the phone.

‘going to’ for intentional future

in the past

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He is going to answer the phone.

He was going to answer the phone.

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NB ‘about to’ and ‘going to’ (usually) refer to actions in the past THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN

Page 41: Future in the past

He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

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He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

so he didn’t leave his room

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He was about to leave his room when the phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.

and he didn’t answer it

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in the present ‘intention’ and ‘immediate action’

are useful concepts

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in the present ‘intention’ and ‘immediate action’

are useful conceptsBEFORE the verb happens

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in the past ‘intention’ and ‘immediate action’

are only interesting…

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in the past ‘intention’ and ‘immediate action’

are only interesting…IF the verb doesn’t happen

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John packed his things. He was about to leave the room. Then he left the room.

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John packed his things. He was about to leave the room. Then he left the room.

NOT interesting

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John packed his things. He was about to leave the room. Then something happened to stop him.

unfulfilled immediate action

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The phone rang. He was going to answer it, and then he answered it.

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The phone rang. He was going to answer it, and then he answered it.

superfluous information

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The phone rang. He was going to answer it, but then he thought better of it.


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be careful translating‘avrei fatto’ etc.

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1. unreal past

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Se avessi saputo del concerto,avrei prenotato dei biglietti.

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Se avessi saputo del concerto,avrei prenotato dei biglietti.

If I had known about the concert,I would have booked tickets.

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2. future in the past

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Avrebbe scoperto troppo tardiche lei lo amava per davvero.

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Avrebbe scoperto troppo tardiche lei lo amava per davvero.

He would find out too latethat she really loved him.

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Lui non avrebbe vistomai più Parigi.

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Lui non avrebbe vistomai più Parigi.

He wouldn’t seeParis ever again.

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3. reported and indirect speech

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Lei ha dettoche sarebbe andata con lui.

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Lei ha dettoche sarebbe andata con lui.

She saidshe would go with him.

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Lei pensavache avrebbe preso la barca.

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Lei pensavache avrebbe preso la barca.

She thoughtshe would take the boat.

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Se avessi saputo, ti avrei chiamato.

You promised you wouldn’t tell.

Ti ho detto che non avremmo vinto.

What would you have done?

Lei sapeva che lui sarebbe venuto.

If he’d come, he would have seen her.

Senza di te non l’avrebbero fatto.

He said he’d be here.

Non pensavo che saresti andato.

We explained there’d be no need.

Lui disse che l’avrebbe amata sempre.

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Se avessi saputo, ti avrei chiamato. If I had known, I would have called you

Hai promesso che non l’avresti detto. You promised you wouldn’t tell.

Ti ho detto che non avremmo vinto. I told you (that) we wouldn’t win.

Cosa avresti fatto tu? What would you have done?

Lei sapeva che lui sarebbe venuto. She knew (that) he’d come.

Se fosse venuto, l’avrebbe vista. If he’d come, he would have seen her.

Senza di te non l’avrebbero fatto. Without you they wouldn’t have done it

Lui ha detto che sarebbe stato qui. He said he’d be here.

Non pensavo che saresti andato. I didn’t think (that) you’d go.

Abbiamo spiegato che non ci sarebbe stato bisogno. We explained there’d be no need.

Lui disse che l’avrebbe amata sempre. He said (that) he’d always love her.

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see what happens if youtranslate literally?

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Sapevo che sarebbe stato bello.

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Sapevo che sarebbe stato bello.

I knew it would have been good.

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Sapevo che sarebbe stato bello.

I knew it would have been good.

why is thisWRONG?

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Sapevo che sarebbe stato bello.

I knew it would have been good.

think what the present would be

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Sapevo che sarebbe stato bello.

I knew it would have been good.

I know it will have been good.

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So che sarà bello.

≠I know it will have been good.

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