funny compliments for girls - use this *secret* complimenting formula to create chemistry and...

Download Funny Compliments For Girls - Use THIS *Secret* Complimenting Formula to Create Chemistry and Attraction With a Girl

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Funny Compliments For Girls

Use THIS *Secret* Complimenting Formula to
Create Chemistry and Attraction With a Girl

By: Frankie Cola

Wana know how to craft funny compliments for girls in a way that makes you look like a cocky badass?

Then keep reading...

You see, you might have heard dating gurus say to avoid complimenting women.

"It'll make you look 'weak'" or "It'll give your power away" they like to say.

And it's true...

Because as soon as you give your poweraway, and put the vagina on the pedestal... you are HOSED.

In fact, when most guys give out a compliment,they come off as too weak, too needy, too nice, and the compliment doesn't create the response they want from the girl.

Instead of making her feel attracted, the girl says "awwwww thanks" as if she's petting you like a well-behaved puppy and saying "good boy."

Bottom line: Most men don't know how to give out a compliment in a way that keeps their power.

If you want to get anywhere with a woman, there's a point when you must must must suggest your intent to the girl.


If you "play it cool" and always act disinterested, the girl will think you aren't interested and move on to another guy who can "make it happen."

What's more...

And I should know. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally fallen into the friend zone because I acted too "aloof and cool" and never even showed my intent to the girl.

So the question becomes: How do you show interest and give a compliment in a way that KEEPS your power?

Well I have a wickedly effective technique that I use when I give compliments to women.

When you use this technique, not only does it allow you to keep your power, but it makes you look like a confident badass.

The best part is that this technique helps you create that masculine-feminine CHEMISTRY that women CRAVE

I'll give you the formula in a second, but before I give it to you, here are 3 KEYS to suggesting your INTENT and giving out a compliment effectively...

From the VERY BEGINNING of her interaction with you, you want the girl to start seeing you as a guy she can picture being romantic or sexual with.

Key #1: Do it Early

You do this by SUGGESTING in a way that hints at the possibility of you two getting romantic or sexual.

Listen, I get it's going to feel tough... at first and you will have a little voice in your head that says do it! while at the same time a mysterious force tries to stop you from acting confident and free...

But the longer you hold in your intentions and instead pretend to just be her friend, the more likely she will get used to just thinking of you as a FRIEND and the lower the chances she'll think of you as a LOVER.

Reframe your identity to be the man who says BOLD things that other guys are too scared to say.

The guy that gets a girl blushing and makes her say "I can't believe you just said that!"

Key #2: Be Shameless

You do it because it's WHO YOU ARE, and you are EXPRESSING yourself.

Once you start having this attitude... then your compliments will come out "attractive" and they will naturally follow the formula revealed in Key #3...

When most guys give out a weak, needy compliment that puts the girl on a pedestal,
the compliment comes off as "Low-Status"...

Instead, you want to give a compliment that is "High-Status" and keeps your power.

Key #3: Follow the "Cocky Compliment" Formula

Now there's a formula for a "high-status" compliment

And it goes like this:

High Status Compliment = Confidence + Compliment

This is the "Cocky Compliment" formula.

And now, I'll give you some example ways to craft a cocky compliment.

1. Give a compliment while sounding important

On a work break, need a cute girl to distract me

[Credit: Rob Judge]

2. Hire her/ Fire her

You seem like a smart girl whos on the ball. Im hiring you as my personal assistant.

This technique is a great way to frame yourself as an authority while complimenting a skill that she has.

The best part is when you playfully tell a girl she's hired and the conversation then escalates into a full-blown Role-Play.

Of course, you can then fire her to tease her even more.

3. Compliment in Tandem

Compliment her while complimenting yourself at the same time

We must spawn Zoolander children Keep your day planner open for tomorrow.

[Credit: Rob Judge]

Another complimenting technique that can be escalated into a roleplay.

If you playfully mention how your children will end up looking like Zoolander-lookalike supermodels not only are you saying she's pretty and you're handsome but you'll also bringing up having sex in a fun way because we all know how kids are made, right?

Well there you go. The Cocky Compliments formula.

Would you like more word-for-word examples of ways to execute this complimenting formula?

You do?

Ok... you asked for it...

Heres a cheat sheet containing 7 ways to execute this formula.

Its called the

7 High-Status Compliments Cheat Sheet

Its a Free PDF cheat sheet with lots of compliment examples you can take a look at, analyze, steal, and copy-paste to your hearts desire

Get them all here in this PDF swipe file

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