fund.machine desin (final report)

A Device to make erasure more easily and not tedious. Group 5 Presented By : Sandra Prasetyo 13106144 Nasri 13106037 Ananta Bagas R 13106132

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A Device to make erasure more easily and not tedious.


Presented By :

Sandra Prasetyo 13106144

Nasri 13106037

Ananta Bagas R 13106132

Page 2: Fund.machine Desin (Final Report)



First of all we would like say thank you to God almighty, because his blessing to us

along these writing the report of fundamental of machine design. This report is part of the

lecture of Fundamental Machine Design MS 4100 which held a long this semester. This

lecture introduce anything which we have not been yet known, such as what is D R & O,

PDS, etc. this lecture try to digging our idea about the new stuff/developed stuff. Try to

inventing the stuff which usefull for humankinds needed. The second of all, we would like to

say thank you to Prof.DR.Ir. Djoko Suharto, our lecture in this class who taught me the

lesson which never forgot forever, his motivation and support to us, and especially to

Prof.DR. Ir. Komang Bagiasna, the most outstanding lecture who has been taught me the

meaning of enginnering and his support and his idea to this invention. And also to all of our

friends in Mechanical Enginering 2006 ITB. Thank you very much for you all,

From this lecture, we know that, as a engineer, we must have the engineer sense about

something, critical mind and ideas. So, from the striving above, our group have been

developed the invention before, its about Automatic Whiteboard Eraser, which could erasure

automatically in any situation of whiteboard. These device equipped with the capillary

humidification which used for make the erasure process more easily, if the boardmarker is

dry, these humidification device will make it wet, so it could be easily to erasure.

We aware if our developed stuff is not good yet overall, but absolutely we have think

harder and digging our ideas to developed these device, so for completing the invention, I

need your critic and impression to developing again this stuff. Thank you

Sincerely yours

Group 5

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Table of content

Foreword ...............................................................................................................................

Table of Content ...................................................................................................................

Abstrack ................................................................................................................................

Chapter 1 Introduction

I. Background .........................................................................................................II. Basic Principle ....................................................................................................III. Problem Identification ........................................................................................IV. Assignment Purposes ..........................................................................................V. Research Methodology .......................................................................................VI. Working Diagram Schematic ..............................................................................

Chapter 2 Design Requirement and Objectives

I. Introduction .........................................................................................................II. Product Design Requirement and Objectives .....................................................III. Product Design Specification ..............................................................................

Chapter 3 Calculation for Safety and Functionality

I. Introduction .........................................................................................................II. Design Analysis for safety and Analysis ............................................................

Chapter 4 Manufacturing

I. Introduction .........................................................................................................II. Manufacturing Process ........................................................................................

Chapter 5 Drawing Engineering

I. Introduction .........................................................................................................II. Drawing ...............................................................................................................

Chapter 6 Cost estimation

I. Introduction .........................................................................................................

II. Cost Analysis ......................................................................................................

III. Break event point ................................................................................................

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Broadly Speaking, the invention relates to technique for automated erasure of non permanent

marking from board, such as whiteboard. The invention can be implemented in numerous

ways, including as method system, apparatus, and computer readable medium. As a system

for automatic erasure of a board, one of embodiment of invention include at least : an eraser

member for use in erasing non permanent marking on the board; a support means for

supporting the eraser member against the board when erasing at least a prtion of the non

permanent marking from the board; and a motor operatively connected to the support means

to drive the eraser member across the board while the support means support the eraser

member against the board. A user activated switch activates the motor when user desires to

eras the non permanent marking from the board, and at least one sensor operatively

connected to the motor, the sensor operating to deactivated the motor. As a system for

automatic erasure of a board, still another embodiment of invention includes at least : a

motor; a pair of roads placed at opposite end of the board, at least one of the rod capable of

being rotatably driven by the motor; first and second capable pulley affixed to each of the

road; a first belt provides across the board and around the first pulley of each of the rod; a

second belt provided across the board and around the first pulley of each of the rods; an

eraser member affixes to the first and second belt; and a user switch to activate the motor.

When the motor is activated, the at least pne of the rods turn to rotates the first and second

pulley affixed to the at least one of the rods, thereby causing the first and second belt to turn

and thereby move the eraser member across the board to erase non permanent marking from

the board.

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Chapter 1


I. Background

The present invention relates to hand-written notation board and, more particularly, to erasure

of hand.written notation board. As we know, white board are well known medium that

provide a convenient surface upon which note, drawing, charts or other hand-written notation

may be made . whiteboard are often used in group discussion as whiteboard facilitate sharing

of individual thought in group discussion. There are two type of board, namely chalkboard

and whiteboard. In whiteboard the notation can be made in multiple colors, the various hand

written notation made on whiteboard are erasable by the manual manipulation of an eraser.

Whiteboard provide several advantages, there are clean white surface which provide of

greater contrast, easier in writing.

Unfortunately, both whiteboard and chalkboard are erased by manual user action, which is

tedious. Typically, a user would obtain an eraser and then apply the eraser tot the surface of

whiteboard in an often non uniform motion to wide off the hand written notation thereon.

Such manual erasure is time consuming and deemed a chore. Following manual eraser the

board is is often spotty, meaning that some remnants of the prior hand written notation

remain. Another disadvantages of manual erasing is that the marker can cause a dust to

develop about the eraser, and thus the user’s hand can be dirtied by the erasure process.

Although electronic whiteboards are available and gaining favor in the marketplace, they are

expensive and have difficulty to performing an erasure function. There are at least two

different types of electronic whiteboard. One type of electronic whiteboard is where the board

is made of plastic or p;astci like material, frequently refered to as screen, that moves back and

forth exposing different surface to write on. Another type of electronic whiteboard is where

the board has affixed surface or screen to write on. Therefore, there is need for improved

approach to erased board. We create a device which can be overcoming the difficulties above,

we called this with “Automatic white board eraser”.

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II. Problem Identification

Erasure job is usually we looking at our daily activity, in the class or in the other places.

Usually it done by lecture’s, presentators, student’s, and anyothers. Whiteboard is usual board

that is present today, we should make nonpermanent marking to write on it, and erasure it

with our hand, manually.

Typically, a user would obtain an eraser and then apply the eraser to the surface of

whiteboard in an often non uniform motion to wide off the hand written notation thereon.

Such manual erasure is time consuming and deemed a chore. Following manual eraser the

board is often spotty, meaning that some remnants of the prior hand written notation remain.

Another disadvantages of manual erasing is that the marker can cause a dust to develop about

the eraser, and thus the user’s hand can be dirtied by the erasure process. Because of that, we

have a good idea to solve these problem, we have a design. It called “ Automatic Whiteboard

Eraser”, it could make that erasure process is easier than manual.

III. Assignment Purposes

a. Help the presentator or lecture when teach in the class to erase the whiteboard easily. b. Save the time and energy than we do erasure manually. c. Make an image that the erasure is well job, “FUN” and user friendly.d. Erase the whiteboard more clean than manually, no spot remnant from previous hand written. e. Make a uniform motion to wide off the erasure

IV. Research Methodology

The purposes of of this subchapter is to present the philosophical assumption enderpinning this research, as well as to introduce the research strategy and the empirical techbiques applied. This subbab define the scope and limitation of the research design, and situate the research among existing research tradition in information system. In this research we will use the following methods to accomplish the proposed tasks. The synthetic-analytic method was used to process the obtained information from literature/other existing design that we improved for that. And also gaining information/analytical suggestion from our lecture about this design.

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V. Scope and LimitationThis project covered such item that describe within it. The scope of this project is we just analyst the safety and functionality, manufacturing process that will be implemented to the item/component, and cost estimation. We’re not make this design to the real good.

VI. Working Diagram Schematic

Machine Design MS 4101


Find m, V, μ, dan ω

Find Static Forces,

Jarak mencapai Vkonstan

Motor Power

Choose motor according to specification???


V and t


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Chapter 2

Design Requirement and Objectives

I. Introduction

Design requirement and objectives are the main thing that must be in the design which we’re

proposed. Its the base of the design. DR&O philosophy are

a. A set of criteria that should be fulfilled by the designed product.

b. A tool for formal communication between consumers/buyers and the


c. To form product specification or PDS (Product Design


d. To use as warranty to the consumers.

e. Contains realistic constraints of the designed product without forcing the unrealistic ones

Beside the DR&O in a design process, the other important thing must be present in design is

PDS (Product Design Spesification), it’s a detailed listing of requirement to be met to

produce a successful product or process. Specification are the formal means of

communication between the buyer and and the seller. A PDS is document which contain all

of the fact related to the product outcome.

Primary element of PDS are :

1. Performance : a function is definedas the action characteristic of a product which meets

the basic meed or expectation of the user.

2. Environment : the total environment that the product must operate in should be specified.

3. Service life : the expected service life and the duty cycle must be established before

starting the design.

4. Maintenance and logistic

5. Target product cost,etc

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II. Design Requirement and Objectives

From our brainstorming before, we have 2 basic design that we proposed in this project, there

are sliding model with two eraser which can moving in one way, and sliding model with one

eraser which can moving in 2 ways, backward and forward. It has been developed with the

each DR &O. Here we give detail about that.

1. Sliding Model with two eraser

Design Requirement and Objectives

Must Criteria Wish CriteriaMust can erasure the whiteboard clean Can reach all of the board surfaceMust driven by motor or manually, or both of them.

Power efficiency is high

Erasure time is ≤ 10 second Target price is Rp. 700.000,- (Include Board)Can moving smoothly The control system run wellNo spot remain The maintenance is ≥ 5 yearsPower consumed is 5 watt Resistance to corrosionReplacement process is easy -

Product Design and Specification

Two rod are connected Can erase manually or electrically (or both)These device can erase with no spot remain Uniform sliding motion

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2. Sliding model with one eraser

Design Requirement and Objectives

Must Criteria Wish CriteriaMust can erasure the whiteboard clean Can reach all of the board surfaceMust driven by motor or manually, or both of them.

Power efficiency is high

Erasure time is ≤ 10 second Target price is Rp. 350.000,- (Include Board)Can moving smoothly The control system is run wellNo spot remain The maintenance is ≥ 5 yearsPower consumed is 5 watt Resistance to corrosionReplacement process is easy -

Product Design and Specification

Two rod are connected Can erase manually or electrically (or both)These device can erase with no spot remain Uniform sliding motion

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From the 2 basic design above, here we got a problem to decide it, which design sould we

make our main design, so use a concept selection technique.

Criteria Concept 1 Concept 2

Performance - +

Service life + +

Ease Maintenance - +

Power Efficiency - +

Resistance to


- +

Response time - +

Complexity + -

Power consumption + -

Weight + -

Size + -

Number of part + -

Life in service - +

Manufacturing cost + -

Ease of installation - +

From the concept selection technique above, we have conclude that the concept 2 is better than

concept 1, so we choose concept 2.

The concept 2 have been developed in more advance, detailed of design are here.

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Chapter 3

Calculation for Safety and Functionality

I. Introduction

Design is difficult, demanding and complex with many constraints on decision making.

Designers are highly trained individuals who work between the dreams and visions of their

clients and the practical delivery of projects by contractors. They are very diverse in the

services they offer and the skills they have developed. Designers must consider aspects of

safety and health at all stages of a structure’s life.

The goals of the design process are usually manifold. Clearly the resulting system must

satisfy its functional requirements, and will normally also have to fulfil certain non-functional

requirements which might include such factors as: size; weight; cost and power consumption.

When the operation of a system has implications for safety, the system will also have a set of

safety requirements. These will define what the system must and must not do in order to

ensure the safety of the system. These safety requirements sit alongside the functional

requirements to define what the system developer must achieve.

The ability of a system to satisfy both its functional and its safety requirements is limited by

the presence of faults within the system. Although definitions of this term vary, here the term

‘fault’ is taken to mean any kind of defect within the system. Faults may be

• random: such as hardware component failures

• systematic: such as software or other design faults.

Random faults may be investigated statistically and given appropriate data it may be possible

to make predictions concerning the probability of a component failing within a given period

of time. Systematic faults are not random and are thus not susceptible to statistical analysis. It

is therefore much more difficult to predict their effect on the reliability of a system.

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II. Component Safety Analysis

Flow diagram of automatic erasure processing according to one embodiment of

the invention.

Machine Design MS 4101


Erasure request?

Activate motor to begin driving erasure member across the board

Completion Signal?

Deactivate Motor

Reset System

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III.IV.V.VI. Asumsi panjang papan tulis yang akan kami buat adalah 2,4 m. Pertama kami

ingin mencari kecepatan konstan yang bias dicapai penghapus dalam waktu 2s.VII.VIII.

Machine Design MS 4101

1 m

50 mm



15 mm

30 mm20 mm

The Eraser Box Material

- Plastic Polycarbonatic resinProperties : ρ = 1,149 gram/cm3

E = 1,1 GPaVolume = 2874788,571 m3

Mass = 3,303 kg (Include the fluid mass which used to wetness.Cross sectional Area = 432338,058 mm2

This data taken from Standard.


t = 2 mm

t 10 m

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IX. Vkonstan = distance

time =

2,4 m10 s

= 0.24 m/s

the acceleration needed to nachieved V constant

a = Vkonstan−0

0,2 s =


= 1,2 m/s2

friction coeficient taken from standard = 0,61)

Ffriction = μ.N = 0,61 . 9,5 N = 5,795 N

∑Fx = m.a

Fpush – Fg = m.a

Fpush = m.a + Fg = 1,9 kg. 1,2 m/s2 + 5,795 N = 8,075 N

T = Fdorong . r (estimasi) = 8,075 N . 10 mm = 80,75

So, we must searching the synchronous reversible motor with Torsion 80,75 or

approach from that.

From internet, we have take syncronous reversible motor SD-208 with specification

below :.

Voltage(VAC) Watts(W) Ratation Speed (50/60 Hz), Standard Torque

100 4 - 5W Reversible 50/60 RPM, 1.8kgf-cm

1 N = 0.10197 kgf 17.6 N. cm = 176,5

And then, from our design, we hope the friction coefficient between whiteboard and eraser is 0.2. The material properties which would be used in this design isPolycarbonate Resin

Maximum Temperature: 250°F 121°C Minimum Temperature: -40°F -40°C Autoclavable: Ues Melting Point: 300°F 149°C Tensile Strength: 10,000 psi  Hardness: R75

UV Resistance: Good Clear Rigid Specific Gravity: 1.20

Machine Design MS 4101

2 to achieved Vkonstan

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Spur Gear analysis Known :The pinion shaft passes 5 watt, rotation (rpm) 50/60 rpm. The pinion has 14 teeth, pressure angle 20o, and Pd = 12 and gear has 21 teeth. And gear ratio is 3.5 (This data taken from gear handbook).Torque transmitted on the pinion is 1.8 (17.65

1. The output torque Tg = mG.Tp = 3.5 x (17.65 ) = 61.775

2. The pitch diameter are dp = Np/pd = 14/12 = 1.16 in = 2.96 cm

dg = 21/12 = 1.75 in = 4.445 cm

3. Transmitted load

Wt = Tp

dp/2 = 17.65N . cm

2.96/2 = 17.651.48

= 11.925 N

4. Radial component of loadWr = Wt tanφ = 11.925 N. tan 20 = 4.34 N

5. Total load

W = Wt

cosφ =

11.925 Ncos20 °

= 12.69 N

6. Repeated load on any pinion or gear tooth are

Wt alternating = Wt2

= 11.925 N

2 = 5.963 N

Stress in spur gear

σ = Wt . Pd . Ka. Km

F J Kv Ks.Kb.Kl

1. Face widthF = 12/pd = 12/12 = 1 in = 2.54 cm

2. Base on assumption of uniform load and source, the application factor Ka can be set to 1.

3. Velocity factor Kv can be estimated by the method below, with gear quality index 6 used (standard)

Vt = dp2

ωp = 2.96 cm2(12) (60 rpm) (2π) = 79.66 cm/s

B = (12−Qv )2/3

4 =


4 = 0.826

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A = 50 + 56(1 – B) = 50 + 56(1 – 0.826) = 59.745

Kv = ¿ )B = (¿ )0.826 = ….(tolong diisi ta, gak ada Kalkulator)

4. The size factor Ks = 15. These gear are too small to have a rim and spokes, so Kb = 16. The idler factor Kl = 1 for the pinion and gear7. The bending geometry factor J for the 200, 14 tooth pinion in mesh with the 21 tooth

gears to be : Jpinion = 0.28, and Jgear = 0.31

σ = Wt . Pd . Ka. Km

F J Kv Ks.Kb.Kl

σpinion = 11,925 N .12 .1.1,6

2,54 cm .0,28 ….(tolong diisi) 1.1.1 =

σpinion = 11,925 N .12 .1.1,6

2,54 cm .0,31….( tolong diisi) 1.1.1 =

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Chapter 3


I. Introduction

Producing the design is critical link in the chain of events that starts with a creative idea and ends with successful product in the marketplace. In modern technology, the function of production no longer is a routine activity. Rather, design, material selection, and processing are intimately related, as shown in figure 1

Figure 1Interrelation of design, material, and processing to produce a product

Designing for manufacturing and assembly is important for reducing the cost of a product by breaking the product down into its simplest components. All members of the design team can understand the product's assembly sequence and material flow early in the design process.Designing for manufacturing and assembly tools lead the development team in reducing the number of individual parts that make up the product and ensure that any additional or remaining parts are easy to handle and insert during the

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designservice conditions


processingequipment selection

influence on propertiescost



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assembly process. Designing for manufacturing and assembly encourages the integration of parts and processes, which helps reduce the amount of assembly labor and cost. Design for manufacturing and assembly efforts include programs to minimize the time it takes for the total product development cycle, manufacturing cycle, and product life-cycle costs.The designing for manufacturing and assembly process is composed of two major components: design for assembly and a design for manufacturing (DFM). Design for assembly is the labor side of the product cost. This is the labor needed to transform the new design into a customer-ready product. Design for manufacturing is the material and tooling side of the new product. Design for manufacturing breaks the parts fabrication process down into its simplest steps, such as t type of equipment used to produce the part and fabrication time cycle to produce the part, and calculates a cost for each functional step in the process.

More conventional manufacturing is divided into 1) process engineering, 2) tool engineering, 3) standard, 4) plant engineering, and 5) administration and control. We can classify the great numer of process used in manufacture into the following eight categories :1. Solidifaction process

2. Deformation process

3. Material removal or cutting

4. Polymer processing

5. Particulate processing

6. Joining processing

7. Heat treatment and surface treatment

8. Assembly process.

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II. Manufacturing Process

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Chapter 4

Cost Estimation

I. Introduction

An engineering design is not complete untuol we have a good ide of the cost

required to build the design or manufacture the product. Generally the lowest cost

design will be succesfull in a free marketplace. An understanding of the element

that make up cost is vital, because competition between companies and between

nation is fiercer than ever before. Broadly speaking, two classes of situation are

included in cost evaluation :

a. Estimation of the cost of building a plant of installing a process within a plant

to produces a product or line of product.

b. Estimation of the cost of manufacturing a part based on particular sequence of

manufacturing step.

Cost are categorized into two broad kinds, there are

1. Nonrecurring cost : These are one-time cost, which we usually call capital


2. Recuring Cost : These cost are direct function of manufacturing

operation and occure over and over again. They usually called operating cost

or manufacturing cost.

Another classification division division is is into fixed and variable cost. Fixed

cost are independent of the rate of production of goods; variable cost change with

the production rate.

Fixed cost :

1. Indirect plant cost

a. Investment cost

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b. Overhead cost

2. Management expense

3. Selling expense (this project not include yet of selling cost, because this

project is the first project which ever we have been developed, so just for

experimentation only, not for sale)

Variable cost :

1. Material

2. Direct labor

3. Direct production supervision

4. Maintenance cost

5. Power and utilities, etc

The method used to develop cost evaluation fall into three categories :

method engineering, cost by analogy, and statistical analysis of historical data.

This project covered item are Manufacturing cost estimation, overhead cost.

A. Manufacturing Cost are equal to direct production cost + fixed charges+plant

overhead cost.

1. Raw Material

2. Operating Labor

3. Direct supervisory and clerical labor

4. Utilities

5. Maintenance and repair

B. Overhead Cost is any cost not specifically or directly associated with the

production of identifiable goods or service. The two main categories of

overhead cost are factory or plant overhead and corporate overhead.

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II. Cost analysis

A. Main component manufacturing Cost

Cost Component Quantity Price/








90cm x 180 cm

1 Rp. 290.000,- Rp. 290.000,-

Whiteboard eraser



6 Rp. 1.500,- Rp. 9.000,-

Plastic sheet

Thickness : 0.062

12 m x 12 m Rp. 200.000,- Rp. 200.000,-

Motor DC 1 Rp. 150.000,- Rp. 150.000,-

Spur gear 1 pairs Rp. 75.000,- Rp. 75.000,-

Sensor 2 Rp. 100.000,- Rp. 200.000,-

Cable 5 metres Rp. 10.000,- Rp. 50.000,-

Direct Labor - 2 Rp.



Rp. 200.000,-

Utilities Electricity cost Rp. 85.000,-




Local Taxes


Interest on


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Chapter 5

Mechanical Drawing

I. Introduction

An engineering drawing, a type of technical drawing, is created within the

technical drawing discipline, and used to fully and clearly define requirements for

engineered items. Engineering drawings are usually created in accordance with

standardized conventions for layout, nomenclature, interpretation, appearance

(such as typefaces and line styles), size, etc. One such standardized convention is

called GD&T.

The purpose of such a drawing is to accurately and unambiguously capture all the

geometric features of a product or a component. The end goal of an engineering

drawing is to convey all the required information that will allow a manufacturer to

produce that component. Engineering drawings used to be created by hand using

tools such as pencils, ink, straightedges, T-squares, French curves, triangles,

rulers, scales, and erasers. Today they are usually done electronically with

computer-aided design (CAD).

The drawings are still often referred to as "blueprints" or "bluelines", although

those terms are anachronistic from a literal perspective, since most copies of

engineering drawings that were formerly made using a chemical-printing process

that yielded graphics on blue-colored paper or, alternatively, of blue-lines on

white paper, have been superseded by more modern reproduction processes that

yield black or multicolour lines on white paper. The process of producing

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engineering drawings, and the skill of producing them, is often referred to as

technical drawing or drafting, although technical drawings are also required for

disciplines that would not ordinarily be thought of as parts of engineering.

II. Mechanical Drawing Part

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Motor specification

Reversible Synchronous Motor

Product ID: SD-208

Reversible Synchronous Motor

Our dependable SD-208 is of the excellence in power and efficiency among the same kind. It has the most complete speed selection, from 0.55 - 60 RPM with the torque capability of over 70Kgf-cm at 1 RPM. It is the best motor choice for your application with moderate to heavy duty and controllable direction."For more information, please visit us at"


Controllable direction: The direction is controllable through wiring Gear box with strong supporting frame: It is designed with special supports to

enhance the stability and endurance of SD-208. Rotor design with strong magnetic force: The MQ magnet series, ND-Fe-B, is

adopted in SD-208. It features heat resistance and high magnetic field intensity. Precision gear design : Our metal gears are made by Mikron Gear Hobbing Machine,

Swiss, and are highly reliable for its excellence in gear strength for heavy duty and durable application.

When orderingo Standard sample is per drawing. Customized sample is available by request.o Please specify the shaft (diameter & length), motor specification (voltage,

frequency, direction of rotation, output speed, torque) and application.o Special RPM, super torque and tailor designs are available up on request.

Machine Design MS 4101