funding opportunities

Funding Opportunities COGAIN Office COGAIN Camp 30.05. - 03.06.2005, Copenhagen, Denmark

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Funding Opportunities. COGAIN Office COGAIN Camp 30.05. - 03.06.2005, Copenhagen, Denmark. Agenda. 16:15 Introduction to funding opportunities (COGAIN Office) 16:45 Group work In parallel: Finance Clinic (Hannele Auffermann) 17:30 General discussion / Groups present their ideas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Funding Opportunities


COGAIN Camp30.05. - 03.06.2005, Copenhagen, Denmark

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16:15 Introduction to funding opportunities (COGAIN Office) 16:45 Group work

In parallel: Finance Clinic (Hannele Auffermann) 17:30 General discussion / Groups present their ideas 18:00 The end

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Not much money for research in a Network of Excellence Deliverables require hard work True integration arises from personal contacts, people working


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Funding Opportunities – Examples

EC Funded IST Call 5 Marie Curie Erasmus Mundus

The European Science Foundation (ESF) EUROCORES (EUROpean Science Foundation COllaborative RESearch)

European Research Council (ERC) Nordic Council of Ministers

Nordiskt utvecklingscenter för handikapphjälpmedel (NUH) NordForsk

Bilateral National calls

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EU Slang

IST: Information Society Technologies FP: Framework Programme FET: Future and Emerging Technologies STREP: Specific Targeted Research Project

Typically 5-8 partners, 2-3 year goals, SME’s involved IP: Integrated Project

Typically 3-5 year goals but no maximum time limit, SME’s involved CA: Coordination Action SSA: Specific Support Action MS: Member States of the EU AS: Associated States ACC: Associated Candidate Countries SME: Small and Medium sized Enterprises

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IST Call 5, FP62-stage STREPs in FET *

Instruments: STREP, CA, SSA CA & SSA submitted directly, deadline short STREPs 20.9.2005 (FET *) STREPs in two stages

1st stage STREPs Deadlines: 20.9.2005 (FET *) Short proposal with a technical description, max. 5 pages

2nd stage STREPs STREPs that passed the 1st stage are invited to submit full proposals Specific cut-off date, at least 2 months Final cut-off date: 14 February 2006* Note: Here was a mistake, only FET has 2–stage STREPs (not eInclusion nor Multimodal interfaces)!

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2.5.7 Multimodal interfaces

Objectives To develop natural and easy to use interfaces that communicate

intelligently via several modalities or with multilingual capabilities. Focus

Natural interaction between humans and the physical or virtual environment (IP, STREP)

Multilingual communication systems (IP, STREP) Deadline: 21 September 2005 Funding: 54 M€ (60/40 split between IPs/STREPs)

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2.5.11 eInclusion

Objectives Mainstreaming accessibility in consumer goods and services Next generation assistive systems that empower people with (in particular cognitive)

disabilities and aging citizens… Focus

Experience and Application Research (IP) Development of innovative solutions for persons with cognitive disabilities

(STREP) Federating the fragmented assistive technology industry… (AC) …structuring the co-operation among centres for accessibility… (AC) Development and constitution of … tech. platforms to … ageing population… (SSA)

Deadline: 21 September 2005 Funding: 29 M€ (50/50 split between IPs/STREPs, ACs, SSAs)

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Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)

FET Open Scheme Highly innovative new ideas – open to widest possible spectrum

of research opportunities Project proposals not addressed by any other IST call

Deadline: 20.9.2005 (short STREP, full STREP: 14.2.2006) Instruments: STREP, CA, SSA Funding: Total 60 M€ (evenly spread among 4 cut-off dates)

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Marie Curie

Conferences and Training Courses Supports (funding) organizing conferences and training courses

organisational costs, participation of researchers Next call to open 18 January 2006, with deadline on 17 May 2007

Funding for Individual researchers Mobility grants for European fellowships, International fellowships Next deadlines 18 Jan 2006 and 15 Feb 2006

Promoting Excellence Excellence grants for research teams, Excellence awards for individuals Deadline 15 Feb 2006

European Reintegration Grants For researchers returning home Several upcoming deadlines: 19 Oct 2005, 19 Jan 2006, 19 April 2006, 19 July 2006

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Erasmus Mundus

Co-operation and mobility programme for education Actions

Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Integrated courses, with at least 3 different EU universities & countries

Erasmus Mundus scholarships For third-country graduate students and scholars

Partnerships (with third-country higher education institutions) Enhancing attractiveness

Supports activities that improve profile, visibility & accessibility

Funding non-European participants might have some impact This years specific calls closed, new calls published annually

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Researcher’s Mobility Portal

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Misc. EC calls

Co-operative research projects [FP6-2004-SME-COOP] For SMEs to support research within SMEs (with research institutions)

Min. 3 SMEs 14 September 2005

EC proposal deadlines by category:

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European Science Foundation (ESF)EUROCORES themes

Opportunity to affect the future project proposal themes! Themes are ideas for new EUROCORES Programmes

Innovative, sound research themes (not projects) Theme should be attractive to 70-200 European researchers Fields: Physical & engineering sciences, Medical, Social, … Funding for the actual research projects comes from national funding organisations

(research councils), who are members of ESF Annual theme proposals

Next deadlines 15 June 2005, 15 June 2006 Selected themes are developed into programmes

ECRP Call for project proposals: May 2006 Funding starts: March-May 2007 (typically for 3-4 years, tot. 5-12 M€ programme budget)

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European Research Council (ERC)

Supports European basic research New body, still under development no open calls yet

ERC Identification Committee has been formed to identify possible members of ERC Scientific Governing Council

In the future, ERC will “provide funding to research projects of individual teams,

selected on the basis of scientific excellence, through international peer review”

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Nordiskt utvecklingscenter för handikapphjälpmedel(NUH)

The Nordic Development Centre for Rehabilitation Technology Themes for 2005-2007

User involvement in product development and service provision Communication Children and disabilities The elderly, disability and the home

Funds max. 50% of the total budget Awards tot. 200 000 € to Nordic projects and seminars every year 1-3 year projects

No deadline for proposals Decisions are made in the following steering board meeting(s)

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Nordic Research Board, established 1 January 2005 NorFA is now part of NordForsk

Funds Nordic co-operation within research and research education1. Institutional grants (planning, mobility, networks, courses, …)2. Personal grants (mobility, e.g. visiting professors)

Proposal should include at least 3 Nordic countries Many activities open also to countries in the Nordic region (Estonia,

Latvia, Lithuania and North-Western Russia)

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Bilateral collaboration

Collaboration between two countries E.g. in Japan

National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) Collaboration with: UK, Germany, Sweden, Finland, … Sponsors international workshops, seminars, & researchers giving

presentation in international conferences etc.…

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National calls

Everyone can apply for funding from national research councils E.g. in Finland

The Academy of Finland Tekes – National Technology Agency of Finland

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Group work

Brainstorming for new project ideas Preferably supporting COGAIN goals Try to be as concrete as possible (with examples)

Collect ideas Select a secretary who writes down ideas Groups present the ideas to everybody

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Groups working for ideas possible for, for instance:1. Giving a voice to our user (creating a synthesized version of the user’s own voice and

integrating it with eye typing) (Multimodal interaction)2. Gaze control for people with cognitive disabilities (eInclusion)3. Eyes and games (FET?)4. Eye tracker development (3D tracker, FET?)5. Innovations for gaze control (FET)6. Nordic collaboration (NUH & NordForsk)7. WP8: joint education (Marie Curie & Erasmus Mundus)8. Ideas for major research themes (EUROSCORES themes)9. General brainstorming – ideas for future calls10. Ideas for potential joint student projects (ideas for mobility grants)11. Past proposal re-preparation12. Other specific ideas?In parallel: Finance Clinic – consultation in COGAIN budget issues

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To Be Continued…

Slides & funding related links available on COGAIN Portal Please SEND info about COGAIN related funding opportunities

to be distributed on COGAIN web & mailing lists! Discussion forum for funding ideas and opportunities