fundamental research grant scheme (frgs) ministry of higher education malaysia - putrajaya muhamad...

Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia - Putrajaya Muhamad Awang (Chairman of FRGS) Dept. of Environmental Sciences Faculty of Environmental Studies

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia - Putrajaya Muhamad Awang (Chairman of FRGS) Dept. of Environmental Sciences

Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)

Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia - Putrajaya

Muhamad Awang (Chairman of FRGS) Dept. of Environmental Sciences Faculty of Environmental Studies

Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 Serdang

Page 2: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia - Putrajaya Muhamad Awang (Chairman of FRGS) Dept. of Environmental Sciences


Research is:

- a cost or investment;

- far from delivering guaranteed results,

- it is highly speculative,

- highly uncertain effort

- requires the greatest managerial competence to produce results

Page 3: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia - Putrajaya Muhamad Awang (Chairman of FRGS) Dept. of Environmental Sciences

How fundamental the fundamental is?

“technology saves the day” – advances in the science such as genomics,

proteomics, systems biology, etc. – will make it possible to identify with a high degree of precision promising drug candidates at extremely early

stages of the R&D process” (Pisano 2006)

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Basic/Fundamental ScienceBasic/Fundamental Science

Value of basic scientific research (BSR)Value of basic scientific research (BSR)-fundamental theoretical or experimental -fundamental theoretical or experimental investigative research to advance knowledge investigative research to advance knowledge without a specifically envisaged or without a specifically envisaged or immediately practical applicationimmediately practical application

- the quest for new knowledge and the - the quest for new knowledge and the exploration of the unknownexploration of the unknown

- naively perceived as unnecessary luxury - naively perceived as unnecessary luxury that can simply replaced by applied research that can simply replaced by applied research to more directly address immediate needto more directly address immediate need

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Demarcation: basic/fundamental versus applied research:

- not at all clear cut

- inextricably inter-twined

- hybrid of new knowledge generation and subsequent exploitation

- major innovation – rarely possible without prior generation of new knowledge founded on basic research

- strong scientific discipline + strong collaboration = generation of new knowledge and application

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Retard basic research = stifle innovation and application

New scientific knowledge:

- fostering innovation & economic growth

- sound foundation for education and training

Investment in basic research (ARGUEABLY):

- why not focus primarily/exclusively on the existing information to develop applied solution?

- superficially (such approach) facilitated by the emergence of global society (internet access)

– merit for a short-term (may be)?

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Neglecting basic and applied research is seriously flawed! WHY?

- Basic & Applied Research: a continuum and interdependent

- integration of B&A research is crucial to problem solving, innovation, and product development

- knowledge is more than information - transfer of scientific knowledge requires well-trained (cognitive capability, skills and training) scientists at both ends of the exchange

- excessive dependency on foreign B&A research rarely likely lead to solving local problems

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“…a country with no basic scientific research capacity effectively excludes itself from having any real influence on the future directions of science…”

Charting future research: globalization and participation



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Global knowledge economy:-Thriving scientific community to generate new knowledge and to exploit it (academia and industry – irrefutable)

-Exploitation and application of scientific information requires skilled scientists with good understanding of the basic theories and practice of science

-Adequate investment in B&A research is critical

- WHY ???

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E = mc2

“ … support for basic science is not something that can be postponed or diminished when times are hard in the misplaced hope that applied research alone will provide a better return…”

(ICSU 2004)

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One of the primary objectives:

Universities and the funding process (MoHE) in this space should be to reshape the scientific landscape through more integrated, cross-disciplinary research and training

Broad Institute at Harvard and MIT bring together scientists from biology, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering and medicine

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JK Penilaian Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental IPTA:

TOR: evaluation and recommendations


1. Pure and Applied Sciences

2. Social Sciences and Humanities

3. Sastera/literature dan Sastera Ikhtisas

4. Medical Sciences

5. Technology and Engineering

Membership: Chairman and five members

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Guidelines of research proposals:

a) able to generate new ideas for the development of new research leading to: patent, product development and commercialization

b) covers issues on humanities and social sciences for the purpose of improvement in their quality of life globally

c) value-added to the existing policies and methodologies

d) opens to IPTA’s focused “niche and national interest” leading to industrial development and national economic growth

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Main criteria for the recommendation:

a) follow the guidelines provided by the ministry

b) within two years the project should be able to produce new ideas, policy, or concept

c) newly established universities will be provided with “seed money” to encourage the research culture, development and commercialization

d) traveling cost for attending seminars will be provided

e) each researcher is allowed to have at least one/two postgraduate student at Masters or Ph.D. level

f) researchers on study leave, RA and RO are not eligible

g) only one proposal will be considered and recommended

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Classification of Research Proposals:

a) Category A : Highly Recommended

b) Category B : Recommended

c) Category C : Not Recommended

d) National Heritage and Biodiversity

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Observations and Findings:

a) Complete and clear in terms of objectives, methodology and expected out-put and comply with the definition of FR

b) Not clear and could not be classified as FR

c) Complete and clear in terms of objective, methodology and expected out-put, but could not be classified as FR

d) Satisfy the requirements but the proposed budget is too high – the committee recommended for other sources of funding (MOSTI)

e) Do not satisfy the requirements as the proposals more inclined towards applied research in nature

f) Incomplete application forms – partly due to the nature of assessment conducted at the respective IPTAs

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Observations and findings (cont.): more specific – not recommended:

g) nature of projects more on monitoring and survey type

h) already at the product development stage

i) incomplete of application form including detailed costing

j) no endorsement from the authority (e.g. RMC or DVC)

k) classified under different field and category

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Way Forward: Recommendations for the future improvement

a) niche areas considered as top-down projects; natural history issues (biodiversity, taxonomy, ecology, archaeology and geology

b) those projects (a) should be given a priority

c) pure and applied sciences should be further subdivided or categorized – physical, biological, biochemical, environmental, mathematical, bioprocess and chemical processing

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Monitoring and Auditing:

Progress report will be monitored and audited by the respective IPTA

JPT will monitor the financial status/disbursement and achievements

RMC of the respective university will evaluate the research performance

Overall performance evaluation be conducted by JPT Assessment Committee

Report submission to JPT: not later than Feb.15 of the following year.

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Do we get greater research effort from the “jump” in research expenditure (RM5 – RM9)?


Simply represent more spending on;

a) “non-research” and especially on “research support” – clerks, report writers, massive (and largely useless) elaboration,

b) new buildings, and complex equipments and

c) “fashionable apparatus” without even asking whether these “beautiful machineries” will ever be used for anything as sordid as commercially usable results

d) “Researchers” are not doing research

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Twelve Research Management Fables (Drucker, 1963):

1. The more research projects there are – the more research results there will be

2. The best way to use the few first-rate research men of proven ability and dedication is as a buttress for the weaker brethren and as a blood donor to moribund projects

3. The more researchers, the more results; and the advanced degree makes the researchers

4. The less one demand of research scientists, the more they will produce

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Twelve Research Management Fables (cont.)

5. To keep the research people busy, load them down with forms

6. Research needs its scientific (technical) objectives

7. Management need not select its own research program; it can follow the leaders, they must know what they are doing

8. Push compromise projects which promise a moderate improvement in return and take a moderate amount of time, such as three to five years

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Twelve Research Management Fables (cont.)

9. Don’t allow the research to rock the boat

10. Limit the research work to products for which clear, definable market already exist

11. Reward a productive researcher by promoting him/her to research manager

12. If your productive researchers don’t want to be rewarded with management jobs, for any reason, call on the least productive researchers for that work

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Purpose of EducationPurpose of Education• Human resource allocation – certification, Human resource allocation – certification,

sorting and matching of the individuals by sorting and matching of the individuals by ability and interest to meet the need of the ability and interest to meet the need of the society (horizontally and vertically)society (horizontally and vertically)

• Transmission of cultural values and beliefs Transmission of cultural values and beliefs at the local and societal levelsat the local and societal levels

• Development of human potential, helping Development of human potential, helping individuals to actualize their talents and individuals to actualize their talents and interestsinterests

• Maieutic function – birthing ground of new Maieutic function – birthing ground of new ideas and vision for future of the world of ideas and vision for future of the world of enlightenment and emancipationenlightenment and emancipation

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Education is a business important Education is a business important for job and economic development in for job and economic development in

the communitythe community

• Education is about everything• Learning (deep and broad) – about research,

teaching, budget and taxes, drugs and discipline, religion and values, and political correctness and connections:

a) instrumental knowledgeb) communicative knowledge c) emancipatory knowledge (transformative & deep

learning dimension)

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The road to “technological nirvana”:

“ in order for transition to happen, we need enterprises that can engage in and develop the basic science…….we need

economically viable science-based enterprises” (Pisano, 2006)