functional proteomics · post-translational modifications post-translational modifications major...

Functional Proteomics 25 Tél 33 (0)4 70 03 88 55 - Fax 33 (0)4 70 03 82 60 - Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 26 Proteomics – Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes ................ 27 Phosphorylation : Kinases & Phosphatases Kinases in Cancer............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Kinases in Neurodegenerative Diseases ......................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Anti-kinases antibodies .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Anti-phosphatases antibodies.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Phosphospecific antibodies ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Active Kinases et Phosphatases for enzyme assays ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 Ubiquitination & Sumoylation Ubiquitination ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Sumoylation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Ubiquitination & Sumoylation related antibodies ............................................................................................................................................................. 51 Methylation & Acetylation Histone Deacetylases ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Methylation, Acetlylation and Histone modification related antibodies ............................................................................................................................ 54 Other modifications Related antibodies ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 References and sources of information Proteomics - Protein Expression ................................................................................................................ 58 Protein Expression & Production Peptide synthesis............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 58 LEXSY protein expression system................................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Protein Expression & Reporting Firefly Luciferase 1-Step Assay Kit, 2 h reading .............................................................................................................................................................. 61 Reporter systems: GFP & lacZ (Renilla GFP vectors, b-Galactosidase Staining Kits) ................................................................................................... 62 Protein Expression & Silencing (siRNA, miRNA) vector based microRNA technology (miRNA) .................................................................................................................................................................. 63 miRNA Analysis with Agilent BioAnalyser ........................................................................................................................................................................ 64 UptiFectin Transfection agent for Protein silencing (siRNA) ............................................................................................................................................ 65 Proteomics - Biochemistry of proteins ..................................................................................................... 66 Protein preparation Protein Extraction Reagent .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Uptitip™ Titanium ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 66 IPeX Ab-free Ag Immunoprecipitation Kit......................................................................................................................................................................... 67 Protein modifications FeBABE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68 other special modifiers/crosslinkers for 3D structure studies........................................................................................................................................... 68 ControlledAmine™ conjugation kit................................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Chromalink-Biotin ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 69 PEO/PEG Biochemistry : new reagents .......................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Standard and improved fluorescent agents and kits........................................................................................................................................................ 71 Protein analysis Glycoprotein or sugar fluorescent labeling and analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 72 Colorimetric & fluorimetric Protein assays ....................................................................................................................................................................... 73 BC Assay kit - colorimetric protein assay......................................................................................................................................................................... 74 LavaPep™ peptide & protein assay kit ............................................................................................................................................................................ 75 Phosphate Assays .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76 Innovative electrophoresis: NEXT gels ............................................................................................................................................................................ 77 GeBa Electrophoresis system / pre-cast gels .................................................................................................................................................................. 78 ProSave™ Protein Gel stain ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 79 LavaPurple™ protein gel & blot stain .............................................................................................................................................................................. 80 Blotting glycated proteins with Protran® .......................................................................................................................................................................... 81 One-Step Western Blot Kit, ReliaBLOT™ IP/Western Blot.............................................................................................................................................. 82 UptiLight™, the best of ECL detections ........................................................................................................................................................................... 83 High quality Biochemicals ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 85 Trademarks and legals................................................................................................................................. 86 Focus on Post-translational Modifications Functional proteomics

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Functional Proteomics

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Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................26

Proteomics – Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes ................27 Phosphorylation : Kinases & Phosphatases Kinases in Cancer ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Kinases in Neurodegenerative Diseases ......................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Anti-kinases antibodies .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Anti-phosphatases antibodies .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Phosphospecificantibodies ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Active Kinases et Phosphatases for enzyme assays ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 Ubiquitination & Sumoylation Ubiquitination ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Sumoylation ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Ubiquitination & Sumoylation related antibodies ............................................................................................................................................................. 51 Methylation & Acetylation Histone Deacetylases ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Methylation,AcetlylationandHistonemodificationrelatedantibodies ............................................................................................................................ 54 Othermodifications Related antibodies ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 References and sources of information

Proteomics - Protein Expression ................................................................................................................58 Protein Expression & Production Peptide synthesis ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 58 LEXSY protein expression system................................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Protein Expression & Reporting FireflyLuciferase1-StepAssayKit,2hreading .............................................................................................................................................................. 61 Reporter systems: GFP & lacZ (Renilla GFP vectors, b-Galactosidase Staining Kits) ................................................................................................... 62 Protein Expression & Silencing (siRNA, miRNA) vector based microRNA technology (miRNA) .................................................................................................................................................................. 63 miRNA Analysis with Agilent BioAnalyser ........................................................................................................................................................................ 64 UptiFectin Transfection agent for Protein silencing (siRNA) ............................................................................................................................................ 65

Proteomics - Biochemistry of proteins .....................................................................................................66 Protein preparation Protein Extraction Reagent .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 66 Uptitip™ Titanium ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 66 IPeX Ab-free Ag Immunoprecipitation Kit ......................................................................................................................................................................... 67 Proteinmodifications FeBABE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68 otherspecialmodifiers/crosslinkersfor3Dstructurestudies ........................................................................................................................................... 68 ControlledAmine™ conjugation kit ................................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Chromalink-Biotin ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 69 PEO/PEGBiochemistry:newreagents .......................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Standardandimprovedfluorescentagentsandkits ........................................................................................................................................................ 71 Protein analysis Glycoproteinorsugarfluorescentlabelingandanalysis ................................................................................................................................................. 72 Colorimetric&fluorimetricProteinassays ....................................................................................................................................................................... 73 BC Assay kit - colorimetric protein assay ......................................................................................................................................................................... 74 LavaPep™ peptide & protein assay kit ............................................................................................................................................................................ 75 Phosphate Assays .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 76 Innovative electrophoresis: NEXT gels ............................................................................................................................................................................ 77 GeBaElectrophoresissystem/pre-castgels .................................................................................................................................................................. 78 ProSave™ Protein Gel stain ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 79 LavaPurple™ protein gel & blot stain .............................................................................................................................................................................. 80 Blotting glycated proteins with Protran® .......................................................................................................................................................................... 81 One-StepWesternBlotKit,ReliaBLOT™IP/WesternBlot .............................................................................................................................................. 82 UptiLight™, the best of ECL detections ........................................................................................................................................................................... 83 High quality Biochemicals ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 85

Trademarks and legals .................................................................................................................................86

Focus on Post-translational ModificationsFunctional proteomics

Page 2: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



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IntroductionInterchim is pleased to present in this issue great tools for your research in functional proteo-mics, as well as some reagents for standard proteomics analysis. Applications include both fundamental and applied studies, such as medical diagnostic, protein production in biotech industries or drug discovery R&D.

As genomics did, proteomics studies moved from the exhaustive description (of proteins), includingstructure,profilingandlocalization,totheirfunction,interactionsandregulation.Butthe task is even more complicated for proteins than for genes. In fact, proteins have more complex, diverse and variable structures and functions.

Post-translationalmodificationsandproteinsilencingrepresentsomeexamplesofkeyfocusin the current researches.

Proteins are synthesized from gene sequence through complex processes, transcription (mRNA) and translation (pre-protein).

Technical tip – Protein characteristics, facts and proteome scale complexity

Protein characteristics [versus Genes][a] structure base: 21 aminoacids over10typesofmodifications(phosphorylation,methylation,ubiquitination,sulfonation,glycosylation

over...) complex to very complex structures (I to IV levels of conformation...) very large diversity and variability very diverse interactions (with various molecules, depending on environment conditions)

Protein facts [versus Genes][a] 1/5th of biomass weight is proteins ( ~ 2x109 proteins per cell) 200-3000 different proteins are represented in one cell, with a great variability depending on cell type

andphysiologicalstate.Humanshaveabout3timesasmanyproteinsasfliesandworms. proteinsaregeneratedfrom~35000genesinhuman(19098/13602/6034genesinflies/worms/yeasts),

with many variations (at gene, transcription, translation levels and during their lifespan) over20000proteinstructuresaredepositedinpublicdatabases,thatcanbeaffiliatedto~1500different


Proteome scale complexity The number of possible proteins is virtually unlimited, primarily depending on aa sequence and length.

Effective diversity in cells, resulting from genetic diversity, remains large and is decupled by modifica-tions, polymorphism and interactions. Furthermore, different cells types, at various states in diverse conditions, produce variable sets of proteins.

Many proteins are polymorphic, resulting from different forms (alleles) of a same gene amongst individus of one geographic or ethnic population (genetic polymorphism, often at a single nucleotide site (SNP) which accounts for 0.1% variability in genome).

Different proteins can be produced by a same gene using the processes of mRNA splicing (pre-trans-lational modifications). This produces protein maturation within an organism (i.e. in antibodies and HLA molecules).

Proteins variability is increased in cells by many post-translational modifications, that change their physical properties (i.e. the pI of different «isoforms») and biological activity (i.e. (in)activation of enzyme activity,bindingaffinityofreceptors,...).

This includes : 1/ cleavage of a terminal sequence (ex: pro-thrombin), 2/ group addition/removal (ex: RNA polymerase II phosphorylation / bind mRNA-caping enzyme) 3/ complexation with other proteins, as well as metals, lipids, glycones, nucleic acids...

Proteins (complexes) interact constantly with their environment, surrounding molecules (proteins, nucleicacids,lipids,metals...),moreorlessreversiblyandspecifically.Thesemultipleinteractionsmodifytheir 3D-structure and biological activity. (ex : (tetrameric) hemoglobin oxidation state, 3D conforma-tion…).

[a] In comparison, genes :

have only 4 bases [ATGC nucleotides] fewermodifications less diverse structure less variability [SNPs, mutations: 1 per

50millions] and interactions [typically with DNA, histones & growth factors].

DNA accounts for a small biomass weight. It contains ca 35000 genes, typically at one copy per cell (multiple identical copies for some genes)

Schematic of protein synthesis(1999, Addison Wesley Longman Inc.)


Trypsin-aprotinin complex

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PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes

Thissectionpresentsalargeselectionofprobestodetectspecificallypost-translationalmodifi-cations, i.e. antibodies, bioactive peptides and proteins, as wells as some active enzymes and assays. See the next sections for protein expression systems and for more protein analysis tools useful for your works in functional proteomics.

Cat.# Description Qty

U49040 PosttranslationalModificationsofProteins 1 bookChristoph Kannicht (Ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology Series, Vol. 194 , Published by Humana Press, 2002. 322 pages; hardcover

This book presents concisely several reproducible methods for detecting and analyzing a broadrangeofpost-translationalmodifications,withdetailedstep-by-stepprotocols.Thetexthighlightsalsomodificationsrelatedtoproteinfunction,proteomeresearchandthecharacte-rization of pharmaceutical proteins.

Phosphorylation : Kinases & Phosphatases

Phosphorylationofproteins isoneof themostsignificantsignal transductionmechanismsby which regulation occurs for crucial processes such as ion transport, cellular proliferation, and hormone responses. For discovery of reversible protein phosphorylation as a biological regulatory mechanism, Edmond H. Fischer and Edwin G. Krebs were awarded the 1992 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine.

Therearemorethan500membersofthemajorclassesofproteinserine/threonine,tyrosine,anddualspecificitykinasesencodedbythehumangenome.Rapidandcascadingphospho-rylation of target proteins permits dynamic control of cell signaling and subsequent adaptation of cellular physiology in response to changes in environmental and cellular stimuli. Consistent withthecomplexroleoftheposttranslationalmodificationinthecell,proteinkinasescanberegulated by other activator proteins, inhibitor proteins, ligand binding, regulatory subunits, cofactors, and phosphorylation by other proteins or by themselves (autophosphorylation).

To grasp the impact of protein kinases within the cell, consider that approximately one-third of mammalian proteins contain covalently bound phosphate. Disruption of protein kinase function or regulation is implicated in a host of major diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and rheuma-toid arthritis. Defects in genes that encode protein kinases underlie a number of inherited and acquired disorders, including leukemias, lymphomas, and autoimmune diseases.

Protein kinases represent as much as thirty percent of all protein targets under investigation by pharmaceutical companies. Even with the enormous amount of research and clinical success with the likes of inhibitors for protein kinase mTOR (for immunosuppression in organ transplan-tation), Abelson tyrosine kinase and the c-Kit receptor tyrosine kinase (chronic myelogenous leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumors) and the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase (non-small cell lung cancer), the overwhelming majority of kinases remain uncharacterized opportunities forscientificandbiomedicaladvancement.

Technical tip – Modificationssignificance

Proteins often undergo posttranslational modifications after their release from theribosome. Somewhere between 5-10% of the human genome is estimated to code for enzymesthatcatalyzeproteinmodification.Thesemodificationsmayinvolvetheforma-tionofdisulfidebridgesandattachmentofanyof a number of biochemical functional groups, such as acetate, phosphate, ubiquitin, various lipids and carbohydrates… Posttranslationalmodification are effectiveways that cells use to control the functions of proteins.The most famous modifications regard : Protein Partitioning (with Ubiquitination or SUMOylation), Phospho/dephosphory-la-tion, Gene Regluation (with Methylation or Acetylation), but there are also many other proteinmodifications.State-of-the-art elucidation of the molecular, biochemical, and cellular aspects of protein modificationsinareasasdisparateasbac-terial pathogenesis, metabolism, organelle integrity, and cancer are beginning to unravel the complexity of events controlling cellular regulation. The changes incurred by protein modifications to achieve such effects areequally wide-ranging, including cellular loca-tion, enzyme activity, modulation of signaling pathways, and gene silencing. The regulation of thesemodificationsmayprovide new targets for therapeutic interven-tion in several human diseases.

Page 4: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



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PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Because of its key function in signal transduction, the kinase protein family is one of the largest drug target families in the human genome. Recent successful launches of drugs with kinase inhibition as the mode of action demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.

Tyrosine kinases : a major targetTargeting receptor protein tyrosine kinases (RPTKs) as a cancer chemotherapy has continued to become a compelling approach with time. Preclinical and clinical data strongly support theinvolvementofspecificRPTKsintheformationandprogressionofasubsetofsolidandliquid tumors.

Some major targets of well known cancer drugs are : EGFR (non-small cell lung cancer), FLT3, KDR, ABL and c-KIT (chronic myelogenous leukemia and gastrointestinal stromal tumors), PDGFR, VEGFR...

The an t i -K IT Pab (Cat . #GL4460) is used in Western blot to detect KIT in serum-starved HeLa cell lysate (lane 1) and primate testis tissue lysate (lane 2).

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human pla-centa stained with EGFR ab (Cat. #S43140) using peroxidase-conjugate and AEC chromogen. Note membrane staining of tro-phoblasts.

IP : ab#S43140WB : ab#KP1091 ab#S43140

Denatured IP

cat # Name Applications Size

KN7340 / KP3830 EGFR (aa 1-203 + GST) WB, inhibition, EL 5 ug / 10 ugCG093 Flt-2 / FGFR1 kinase assay 1, 5, 10 & 20 ugCC789 PDGFR alpha (mouse active kinase) kinase assay 1, 5, 10 & 20 ugCG105 PDGFR beta (human active kinase) kinase assay 1, 5, 10 & 20 ug

Non exhaustive selection of related antibodies (see anti-kinase list for more antibodies p.33)

Cat# Name Host Species react. Applications

CG3720 ABL (R432) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA BP AO1621 ABL1 / c-Abl Rabbit pab Hu, Ms WB, IP, IHC SS GL4880 ABL1 / c-Abl (c-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC BP Q08100 ABL1 / c-Abl (SH2 domain) Mouse mab Hu, Ms IF, IP, WB, IHC SS GL4890 ABL2 Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC BP GL4890 ABLphospho,ABL1phospho:seephosphospecificantibodieslistN61350 c-KIT / CD117 / SCFR Mouse mab Hu IHC, IP, IF, Block SS GL4470 c-KIT / CD117 / SCFR (c-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BP GL4460 c-KIT / CD117 / SCFR (n-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BP N70420 EGFR (aa 6-273), clone EGFR.1 Mouse mab Hu, Hrs (not Ms) IHC, IP, IF, FC SS KM9930 EGFR (center E746) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA BP S43140 EGFR (extracellular) Rabbit pab Hu IHC, WB, IP BP & SS N70170 EGFR (extracellular), clone 528 Mouse mab Hu, Dg (not Ms) FC, IP, bloclking SS Q22464 EGFR pTyr1016 Rabbit pab Hu, Ms, Rat WBGL4360 Flt-3 (c-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BP GL4350 Flt-3 (n-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BP V13010 PDGFR alpha (c-term) Rabbit pab Hu, Ms, Rat IHC BP & SS KM9960 PDGFR alpha (n-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB BP BF1961 PDGFR beta (c-term) Rabbit pab Hu, Ms IHC SS GL4560 PDGFR beta (n-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC BPGL4330 VEGFR1 / Flt-1 (c-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC BPS44483 VEGFR1 / Flt-1 (c-term) Rabbit pab Hu, Ms, Rat IHC SS GL4320 VEGFR1 / Flt-1 (n-term) Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC BPGL4340 VEGFR2 / KDR / Flk-1 Rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BPS44421 VEGFR2 / KDR / Flk-1 Rabbit pab Hu, Ms, Rat WB, IHC SS

Related recombinant proteins

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Kinases in cancer

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Aurora C The anti-Aurora C Pab (Cat. # BY9260) is used in Western blot to detect Aurora C in lysates of 293 cells expressing Flag tag (lane 1), Flag-tagged Aurora A (lane 2), Flag-tagged Aurora B (lane 3) or Flag-tagged Aurora C (lane 4). In the immunofluorescence experi-ment, staining of HeLa cells expressing GFP-Aurora C is performed at different cellular mitotic stages with the anti-Aurora C Pab as primary antibody (column A), GFP fluorescence (column B), DAPI nuclear staining (column C), and anti-Aurora C merged to DAPI staining (column D). Data is kindly provided by Drs. K. Sasai and S. Sen from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX).

Serine-Threonine Kinases : strong candidates on the riseAlthough tyrosine kinase inhibitors are the most evaluated kinase inhibitors in clinical trials, a thirdofkinaseinhibitorsaretargetedagainstSer/ThrkinasesthatbelongtotheAGCkinasefamily containing PKA, PKG, PKC kinase families.

The overexpression of Aurora kinases can cause abnormality in cells and is known to be oncogenic. As such, Aurora kinases are frequently associated with forms of cancerous growth, including leukemia, colon cancer, and breast cancer tumors. Increased knowledge of Aurora kinases and their regulation will be the basis for treating and even preventing cancer.

Non exhaustive selection of AURORA antibodies (see anti-kinase list for more antibodies p.33)

Cat # Name Host Applications Species react.

GL5540 AIK (N-term) rabbit pab E, WB, IHC Hu BPCG1350 Aurora-A mouse mab EL, IF, IP, WB Hu, MsGL2010 Aurora-A (N-term E107) rabbit pab E, WB Hu BPKM7590 Aurora-A (C-term) rabbit pab E Hu BPHU5430 Aurora-A AbVanced Pack rabbit pab WB, IP, IF Hu, Ms, RtAL2010 Aurora-A - agarose immobilized rabbit pab IP HuCG1360 Aurora-A - Biotin Mouse Mab IF, WB Hu, MsCF1190 Aurora-A (phospho T288) rabbit pab ICC HuHU5080 Aurora-B rabbit pab WB, IP, IF Hu BPGL2000 Aurora-B (C-term) rabbit pab E, WB, IHC Hu BPGL1991 Aurora-C (C-term) rabbit pab E, WB Hu BPBY9260 Aurora-C (N-term M1) rabbit pab E, WB, IF Hu BPGR3950 Aurora-C AbVanced Pack rabbit pab - -GR3570 Aurora-C (mouse) pack rabbit pab - MsCG1370 GADD34 goat pab WB HuGL3050 HSTK12 (N-term) rabbit pab E, WB, IHC Hu BPGL3060 HSTK12 (Center) rabbit pab E, WB, IHC Hu, Ms, Rt, Mo BPKQ8370 MCM2 (phospho S53) rabbit pab IHC Hu

Aurora B The anti-HSTK12 Pab (Cat. # GL3060) is used in Western blot to detect HSTK12 in mouse spleen

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Cat # Name Accession # Size

CG083 Aurora-A active kinase (mouse) NP_035627 1, 5, 10, 20 µgCG0790 Aurora-B full-lenght recombinant protein AAH09751 10 µgCG0800 Aurora-B cell lysate AAH09751 100 µlCG0770 Aurora-C partial recombinant prot. (aa 186-275) NP_003151 10 µg

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Related recombinant proteins

mTOR regulates the response of tumor cells to nutrients and growth factors, and controls tumor blood supply and angiogenesis through effects on VEGF. Inhibitors of protein kinase mTOR are known to give very good results in immunosuppression for organ transplantation.

A new group of anti-cancer drugs referred to as alkylphosphocholines that appear to be potent inhibitors of the activation of Akt, a protein associated with tumor survival and growth. Akt is activated in approximately 10-50% of most tumor types and in most anti-cancer therapies, thus involves in resistance to treatment. Once activated, Akt promotes cell survival and cell proliferation.

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Other kinase targets that belong to the CMGC (containing CDK, MAPK, GSK3, CLK) and STE kinase families are studied for drug discovery. The cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) by their pivotal role in cell cycle are heavily investigated.

Non exhaustive selection of related antibodies (see anti-kinase list for more antibodies)Cat # Name Host Applications Species react.GL2280 AKT1 (C-term) rabbit Pab Hu EL BPGL2290 AKT2 (Center) rabbit Pab Hu EL, WB BPGL2300 AKT3 (Center) rabbit Pab Hu E, WB, IHC BPGL3510 CDK2 (C-term) rabbit Pab Hu E, WB, IHC BPN66280 CDK5 (aa 220-227) rabbit Pab Hu, Ms, Rat WB, IP, IF SSGL3580 CDK9 (C-term) rabbit Pab Hu EL, IHC BPGL3640 CLK2 (N-term) rabbit Pab Hu E, WB BPGL7760 GSK3A (C-term) rabbit Pab Hu EL, IHC BPKM4900 GSK3B (phospho S21/29) rabbit Pab Hu EL, IHC BPGL6140 MAP2K1 (N-term) rabbit Pab Hu E, WB, IHC BPGL6160 MAP2K2 (Center) rabbit Pab Hu E, WB, IHC BPGL6300 MAP4K3 (C-term) rabbit Pab Hu E, WB, IHC BPGL2890 MAPK9 (Center) rabbit Pab Hu E, WB, IHC BPAL0930 mTOR rabbit Pab Hu, Rat IP, ICC BPAL0940 mTOR rabbit Pab Hu, Rat, Ms WB BP

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Related recombinant proteins Cat # Name Applications Size

CC749 AKT1 active kinase kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 ugCC750 AKT2 active kinase kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 ugCC751 AKT3 active kinase kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 ugKN6740 Cdk4 full lenght Interactions, WB, Inhibition, ELISA 5 ugKP3230CG088 Cdk5/p25 active kinase kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 ugCC771 GSK3 active kinase kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 ugCC776 MAPKAPK2 active kinase kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 ugCC777 MAPKAPK3 active kinase kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 ugCG3980 mTOR (aa 1521-1620) ELISA, WB, Protein array 10, 25 ug

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

IP : N66280WB : N66320

Western blot analysis of anti-MAP2K1 Pab (Cat. #GL6140) in A375 cell lysate (Lane 1) and mouse brain tissue lysate (Lane 2). Chemiluminescent detection system.

Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded human cancer tissue reacted with GL6140 using peroxidase conjugate and AEC chromogen. HC = hepatocarcinoma.

CDK5 detection using antibody # N66280

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PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related progressive neurodegenerative disorder with devastating symptoms in a growing aged population. It is the most common form of dementia affecting about 5% of adults over 65 years. Currently available medications appear to be able toproducemoderatesymptomaticbenefitsbutnottostopdiseaseprogression.Thesearchfor novel therapeutic approaches targeting the presumed underlying pathogenic mechanisms has been a major focus of research and it is expected that novel medications with disease-modifying properties will emerge from these efforts in the future, in particular those targeting amyloid a protein and tau pathologies. Neuropathological characteristics of AD include :

• neuritic plaques (with a core of aggregated amyloid-b peptide)

• neurofibrillarytangles(composedoftauprotein inanabnormallyhyperphosphorylatedform). It appears that the formation of these two protein aggregates is at the root of the pathogenesis of AD, and consequently it is believed that targeting the underlying me-chanisms leading to plaques and tangles will ultimately generate novel therapeutics with disease-modifying properties[1].

More than 30 phosphorylation sites on tau protein have been described and numerous kinases are able to phosphorylate tau protein in vitro. These include glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta (GSK3-b), cdc2-like kinase (cdk5), extracellular signal-regulating kinase-2 (ERK2), microtubu-le-affinity-regulatingkinase(MARK), protein kinase A (PKA), members of the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) family, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependentkinaseIIandcaseinkinasesIandII[2,3]. Many observations strongly support the use of inhibitors of aberrant phosphorylation of tau as an approach to developing a disease-modifying treatment for AD and other tau-related neurodegenerative diseases.

Besides tau phosphorylation, glutamate transporter regulation by the protein kinase C (PKC) family has emerged as a therapeutic area for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases [4]. Glutamate is the predominant excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. Excess activation of glutamate receptors contributes to the loss of neurons observed in several chronic neurodegenerative diseases, such as AD, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and HD. PKC enzymes alter glutamate transporter function by either changing the number of transporters expressed at the cell membrane or by changing the intrinsic activity of the transporters already located at the cell surface. Although the activation of glutamate receptors by PKC enzymes seems to be a ubiquitous mechanism, the different subtypes of PKC have opposite effects depending on cell type and transmitter concentrations. Known inhibitorsofPKCisoformshavebeenefficient inactivatingonetypeofresponsefromtheglutamatereceptorsoveranother,whichsuggeststhatinhibitingspecificmembersofthePKCfamily can regulate glutamate transporter activity on neuron death.

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after AD. GeneticstudiesofParkinson’sdiseasehaveidentifiedkeyassociatedmutationsinseveralgenes, including LRRK2, PARK7, PINK1, parkin, a-synuclein and UCHL1 among others. The discovery of different gene defects highlighted the relevance of the ubiquitin proteasome and cell signaling pathways. Like treatment of rats with proteasome inhibitors closely mimics PDinrodents,modificationofkinaseactivitywithspecificinhibitorsprovidesaveryattractivetreatment strategy of both familial and sporadic disease.

ThePTEN-inducedkinase1(PINK1/PARK6)andleucine-richrepeatkinase2(LRRK2/PARK8)aretheonlytwokinasesidentifiedinthismixedpoolofenzymescloselyrelatedtotheubiquitinproteasome pathway. Little is know about PINK1 and LRRK2 substrates and potential inhibitors, we should expect however in a close future a myriad of projects targeting these kinases.

See related antibodies in the following table and in anti-kinase list p B.33

Kinases in Neurodegenerative Diseases

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Related recombinant proteins

Western blot analysis of anti-PKC eta N-term Pab (Cat. #GL2190) in NCI-H460 cell lysate. Chemilumi-nescent detection system.

Formalin-fixed and pa-raffin-embedded human cancer tissue reacted with PKC ab #GL2190 using peroxidase conjugate and AEC chromogen. BC = breast carcinoma.

All kinases are available in 4 different sizes :for 1 µg size : catalog # ends by 0 for 5 µg size : catalog # ends by 1 for 10 µg size : catalog # ends by 2 for 20 µg size : catalog # ends by 3

Cat # Name Applications Size

CG088 Cdk5/p25 active kinase Kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 µgCC766 ERK1 active kinase Kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 µgCC771 GSK3 active kinase Kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 µgCC793 PKAcb Kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 µgCC798 PKCdelta active Kinase assay 1, 5, 10, 20 µg

10 other PKC available

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available(1) more than 16 others available (2) more than 15 others available

Non exhaustive selection of related antibodies (see anti-kinase list for more antibodies)

Cat # Name Host Species react. Application

AO1231 APP rabbit pab Hu, Ms, Rat IHC, WB SSN66320 CDK5 mouse mab Hu, Ms, Rat WB, IP, IF SSGL3300 ERK1 rabbit pab Hu, Ms, Rat, Mk ELISA, WB, IHC BPS46103 ERK2 rabbit pab Hu, Ms, Rat IHC, IP, WB SSGL3340 ERK5 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BPGL2060 GRK5 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BPGL7770 GSK3 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BPGL2930 MARK1 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB BPGL2920 MARK3 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC BPKM7350 PARK6 / PINK1 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BPBY4463 PARK7 / DJ-1 rabbit pab Hu IHC, WB SSBX3470 PARK8 / LRRK2 (1) rabbit pab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB BPKM1650 PARK8 / LRRK2 (1) mouse ab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB BPIS7630 PHF (phospho) mouse mab ELISA, WBGL2480 PKA C-beta rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BPGL2150 PKC beta1/2 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BPGL2190 PKC eta (2) rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC BPGL2880 SAPK1 / MAPK8 rabbit pab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB, IHC BPGL2870 SAPK2A / MAPK14 rabbit pab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB, IHC BP4015111 TAU rabbit pab Hu, Ms, Rat, Shp, Bv WB, IF SS

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

TAU detection using antibody Antibody # 401511

Page 9: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection

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Anti-kinases antibodies

Theseantibodiesarerabbitpolyclonalsexceptwhenotherhostisspecified. Lookatthephosphospecificantibodytableforphosphorylatedkinases.

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

GL8350 14-3-3 protein z/d (C-term) BPKM8440 AATK (C-term) BPKM4330 ABL (R432) BPGL4880 ABL1 (C-term) BPGL4890 ABL2 (N-term) BPGL4900 ACK1 (C-term) BPKM8460 ACVR1 (Center N153) BPKM8480 ACVR1 (Center N99) BPGL5340 ACVR1 (Center R147) BPKM8470 ACVR1 (N-term) BPGL5240 ACVR1B (Center I149) BPGL5250 ACVR1B (Center) BPGL5230 ACVR1B (N-term) BPKM8500 ACVR1C (Center) BPKM8490 ACVR1C (N-term A48) BPKM8510 ACVR2A (N-term) BPKM8520 ACVR2A/B (Center) BPCD3060 ACVR2B (C-term V474) BPCD3050 ACVR2B (N-term) BPGL5360 ACVRL1 (C-term) BPGL5350 ACVRL1 (N-term) BPKN0450 ADCK1 (N-term) BPKN0470 ADCK2 (Center) BPKN0460 ADCK2 (C-term) BPKM8540 ADCK4 (C-term) BPKM8530 ADCK4 (N-term) BPKM8560 ADCK5 (C-term) BPKM8550 ADCK5 (N-term) BPKM8240 ADK (C-term) BPKM8230 ADK (N-term) BPGL5540 AIK (N-term) BPGL8490 AK1 (C-term) BPGL8480 AK1 (N-term) BPGL8020 AK2 (C-term) BPGL8010 AK2 (N-term) BPGL7980 AK3 (C-term) BPKN0170 AK3 (C-term) BPGL7970 AK3 (N-term) BPKN0160 AK3 (N-term) BPGL7960 AK5 (N-term) BPKM7970 AK7 (C-term) BPKM7960 AK7 (N-term) BPGL8000 AKL3L (C-term) BPGL7990 AKL3L (N-term) BPKP6920 AKT (paired 473)CF5820 AKT (SER473)GL2280 AKT1 (C-term) BPBY4490 AKT1 (paired 308)BY4500 AKT1 (paired 473)GL2290 AKT2 (Center) BPGL2300 AKT3 (Center) BPGL3940 ALK (C-term) BPGL3930 ALK (N-term) BPKP0381 ALK / P80 SSN59150 ALK / P80 - mouse Mab SSV17200 ALK / P80 - rabbit Mab SSKM8580 ALPK1 (C-term) BPKM8570 ALPK1 (N-term) BPKM8600 ALS2CR2 (C-term) BPKM8590 ALS2CR2 (N-term) BPGL3430 ALS2CR7 (N-term) BPKM8610 AMHR2 (N-term) BPAL0950 AMPK ALPHA 1 BPAL0960 AMPK ALPHA 2 BP

KQ2970 AMPK ALPHA-1 BPGL2650 AMPK alpha1 (C-term) BPGL2660 AMPK alpha2 (C-term) BPGL5370 ANKRD3 (C-term) BPGL7710 ANPA (C-term) BPGL7700 ANPA (N-term) BPGL7730 ANPB (C-term) BPGL7720 ANPB (N-term) BPGL7740 ANPC (N-term) BPGL5380 ARAF1 (Center) BPGL7120 ARK5 (C-term) BPGL7110 ARK5 (N-term) BPGL6790 ATM (C-term) BPGL6780 ATM (N-term) BPGL6810 ATR (Center) BPGL6800 ATR (C-term) BPAL0380 Aurora-A BPAL0390 Aurora-A BPKQ2900 Aurora-AKM7590 Aurora-A (C-term) BPGL2010 Aurora-A (N-term E107) BPKM7580 Aurora-A (N-term S89) BPHU5430 Aurora-A - abs packAL2010 Aurora-A - agarose immobilizedCG1360 Aurora-A - Biotin - Mouse MabCG1380 Aurora-A - Goat PabCG1350 Aurora-A - Mouse MabGR3900 Aurora-A (mouse) BPCF1100 Aurora-BHU5080 Aurora-B BPGL2000 Aurora-B (N-term) BPKM7570 Aurora-C (Center) BPGL1991 Aurora-C (C-term) BPKM7560 Aurora-C (N-term G11) BPBY9260 Aurora-C (N-term M1) BPBJ0800 Aurora-C (N-term) BPGR3950 Aurora-C - abs packGR3570 Aurora-C (mouse) - abs packAG2930 AXL (C-term) BPGL3950 AXL (N-term) BPGL8520 BAI1 (C-term) BPGL8530 BAI2 (C-term) BPGL8540 BAI3 (C-term) BPGL8550 BAIAP1 (C-term) BPGL8560 BAIAP2 (C-term) BPGL8570 BAIAP3 (C-term) BPKM8620 BCKDK (Center) BPKM8220 BCKDK (C-term T340) BPKM8630 BCKDK (C-term) BPKM8210 BCKDK (N-term) BPKM8640 BCR (N-term) BPGL6990 BGLF4 (C-term) BPGL6980 BGLF4 (N-term) BPKM8650 BIKE (C-term) BPGL4910 BLK (N-term) BPGL4920 BMX (Center) BPGL5390 BRAF (N-term) BPGL6830 BRD1 (C-term) BPGL6820 BRD1 (N-term) BPGL6840 BRD2 (Center) BPGL6850 BRD3 (C-term) BPGL6870 BRD4 (C-term) BPGL6860 BRD4 (N-term) BPKM8670 BRDT (Center) BP

KM8660 BRDT (N-term) BPKN0390 BRSK1 (C-term) BPKN0380 BRSK1 (N-term) BPGL4930 BTK (Center) BPGL7000 BUB1A (C-term) BPGL7010 BUB1B (N-term) BPKM8680 CABC1 (N-term) BPGL2680 CAMK1 (C-term) BPGL3180 CAMK1G (C-term) BPGL2670 CAMK1-like (C-term) BPGL2690 CAMK2 alpha (C-term) BPGL2700 CAMK2 beta (C-term) BPGL2720 CAMK2 delta (C-term) BPGL2710 CAMK2 delta-like (C-term) BPGL2730 CAMK2 gamma (C-term) BPHP6990 CAMK4 BPHP6650 CAMK4 BPHP7290 CAMK4 BPKQ2390 CAMK4 BPGL2740 CAMK4 (C-term) BPHP8280 CAMK4 - abs pack BPKM8690 CAMKK2 (N-term) BPKM8700 CAMKV (N-term) BPKM8200 CARKL (C-term) BPKM8190 CARKL (N-term) BPGL2750 Cask (C-term) BPBG0580 CCK4 (C-term) BPBB3040 CCK4 (N-term) BPKM8710 CCRK (N-term) BPGH5551 CDC2 P34 SSN65390 CDC25A - mouse Mab SSAA7180 CDC25B SSQ15170 CDC25B SSQ15080 CDC25B - mouse Mab SSGH2650 CDC25C - mouse Mab SSN65470 CDC25C - mouse Mab SSQ15230 CDC25C - mouse Mab SSGL3450 CDC2L1 (C-term) BPGL3440 CDC2L1 (N-term) BPGL3460 CDC2L5 (N-term) BPKM8720 CDC42BPA (N-term) BPV09460 CDC7 KINASE - mouse Mab SSV09460 CDC7 KINASE - mouse Mab SSGL3480 CDC7L1 (C-term) BPGL3470 CDC7L1 (N-term) BPGL3500 CDK1 (C-term) BPN65780 CDK1 - mouse Mab SSQ15620 CDK1 - mouse Mab SS960871 CDK1 / P34 CDC2 SSGL3510 CDK2 (C-term) BPN65900 CDK2 - mouse Mab SSN66000 CDK2 - mouse Mab SSQ15790 CDK2 - mouse Mab SSN66020 CDK3 SSGL3520 CDK3 (C-term) BPN66160 CDK4 SSGL3530 CDK4 (C-term) BP904821 CDK4 - mouse Mab SSN66061 CDK4 - mouse Mab SSN66080 CDK4 - mouse Mab SSQ15980 CDK4 - mouse Mab SSS47590 CDK5 SSGL3540 CDK5 (C-term) BPN66240 CDK5 - mouse Mab SS

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Page 10: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



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Anti-kinases antibodies (continued)

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

N66280 CDK5 - mouse Mab SSN66320 CDK5 - mouse Mab SSQ16230 CDK5 - mouse Mab SSKP8790 CDK6 SSGL3550 CDK6 (C-term) BPN66370 CDK6 - mouse Mab SSN66400 CDK6 - mouse Mab SSN66430 CDK6 - mouse Mab SSQ16360 CDK6 - mouse Mab SSHP7340 CDK7 BPGL3560 CDK7 (C-term) BPKM4640 CDK7 (phospho T170) BPGH4670 CDK7 - mouse Mab SSN66510 CDK7 - mouse Mab SSN66540 CDK8 SSGL3570 CDK8 (N-term) BPGL3580 CDK9 (C-term) BPKM8730 CDK10 (N-term R5) BPGL3490 CDK10 (N-term) BPKQ6720 CDK11 BPBI0000 CDK11 BPBI0010 CDK11 BPHU6100 CDK11 - abs pack BPGL3600 CDKL1 (C-term) BPGL3590 CDKL1 (N-term) BPKM8740 CDKL2 (Center) BPGL3610 CDKN1A (C-term) BPGL3620 CDKN3 (C-term) BPKM8180 CERK (C-term) BPKM8170 CERK (N-term) BPGL6310 cGKI beta (C-term) BPGL6320 cGKII (C-term) BPGL6890 CHAK1 (C-term) BPGL6880 CHAK1 (N-term) BPGL6910 CHAK2 (Center) BPGL6900 CHAK2 (C-term) BPKN0480 CHK (C-term) BPKM7740 CHK (N-term) BPKQ3670 CHK1 BPGR5050 CHK1 BPGL3200 CHK1 (C-term) BPBY9290 CHK1 (N-term) - mouse Mab BPHU5690 CHK1 - abs pack BPAL0630 CHK1 - goat pab BPGR5550 CHK1 - goat pab BPS39410 CHK1 - mouse Mab SSAL0640 CHK1 PSER317 BPKQ0920 CHK2 BPKQ1030 CHK2 BPKQ6750 CHK2 BPKQ6370 CHK2 BPGL3260 CHK2 (C-term) BPGR3490 CHK2 - abs pack BPKQ2400 CHK2 - abs pack BPCE7365 CHK2 - mouse Mab SSQ18290 CHK2 - mouse Mab SSS39460 CHK2 - mouse Mab SSKM7760 CHKL (C-term) BPKM7750 CHKL (N-term) BPKM8750 CHUK (Center) BPKM8760 CIT (Center) BPKM8770 CIT (C-term) BPGL3190 CK1a (C-term) BPGL3210 CK1d (C-term) BPGL3220 CK1e (C-term) BPGL3230 CK1g1 (C-term) BPGL3240 CK1g2 (C-term) BPGL3250 CK1g3 (C-term) BP

KM7690 CKB (Center) BPKM7680 CKB (N-term) BPGR4220 CKII ALPHA BPKQ2700 CKII ALPHA BPGR4780 CKII ALPHA BPGR5970 CKII ALPHA BPAY6940 CKII ALPHA BPHU5790 CKII ALPHA - abs pack BPKM7900 CKM (C-term) BPKM7890 CKM (N-term) BPKM7860 CKMT1 (C-term) BPKM7850 CKMT1 (N-term) BPKM7880 CKMT2 (C-term) BPKM7870 CKMT2 (N-term) BPGL3630 CLK1 (N-term) BPGL3640 CLK2 (N-term) BPGL3650 CLK3 (N-term) BPGL3660 CLK4 (N-term) BPGL6110 COT (C-term) BPGL3680 CRK7 (C-term) BPGL3670 CRK7 (N-term) BPGL3970 CSF1R (C-term) BPGL3960 CSF1R (N-term) BPGL4940 CSK (C-term) BPGL8210 CSNK2A1 (Center) BPGL7950 CSNK2A2 (C-term) BPKM7950 CSNK2B (C-term F168) BPKM7940 CSNK2B (C-term) BPKM7930 CSNK2B (N-term) BPGL2310 DAPK1 (C-term) BPGL2770 DAPK1 (C-term) BPGL2780 DAPK2 (N-term V55) BPGL2320 DAPK2 (N-term) BPKM8790 DAPK3 (Center) BPKM8780 DAPK3 (N-term) BPGL2800 DCAMKL1 (C-term) BPGL2790 DCAMKL1 (N-term) BPKM8800 DCAMKL2 (N-term) BPKM3630 DCAMKL3 (Center) BPBX4170 DCK (C-term) BPKM8160 DCK (N-term) BPGL7920 DGKA (C-term) BPGL7910 DGKA (N-term) BPGL7900 DGKB (C-term) BPGL7890 DGKB (N-term) BPGL7880 DGKD (C-term) BPGL7870 DGKD (N-term) BPGL7860 DGKE (C-term) BPGL7850 DGKE (N-term) BPGL7840 DGKG (C-term) BPGL7830 DGKG (N-term) BPGL7820 DGKI (C-term) BPGL7810 DGKI (N-term) BPGL7800 DGKQ (C-term) BPGL7790 DGKQ (N-term) BPGL7030 DGKZ (C-term) BPGL7020 DGKZ (N-term) BPKM8150 DGUOK (C-term) BPKM8140 DGUOK (N-term) BPGL2330 DMPK (C-term) BPHP6570 DNA-PKCS BPHP6560 DNA-PKCS BPHP6620 DNA-PKCS BPHP6670 DNA-PKCS BPKQ5470 DNA-PKCS BPHP8180 DNA-PKCS - abs pack BPGL4850 DOK1 (N-term) BPGL4870 DOK2 (C-term) BP

GL4860 DOK2 (N-term) BPBB1040 DOK4 (C-term) BPKN0000 DOK5 (Center) BPBB1050 DOK5 (C-term) BPKM9990 DOK5 (N-term) BPKM9940 DOK6 (Center) BPKM9950 DOK6 (C-term) BPGL2810 DRAK1 (N-term) BPGL2820 DRAK2 (C-term) BPKM7710 DTYMK (C-term) BPKM7700 DTYMK (N-term) BPGL3690 DYRK2 (N-term) BPGL3700 DYRK3 (N-term) BPGL3710 DYRK4 (C-term) BPGL3720 DYRKA (N-term) BPGL3730 DYRKB (C-term) BPKN0280 EEF2K (C-term) BPKN0270 EEF2K (N-term) BPQ22464 EGFRQ22467 EGFR SSS43140 EGFR SSKM9930 EGFR (Center E746) BPKM9900 EGFR (Center Q858) BPKM9920 EGFR (Center Q861) BPKM9910 EGFR (Center R858) BPGH5130 EGFR - mouse Mab SSKP1091 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70170 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70200 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70250 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70280 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70300 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70360 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70380 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70400 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70420 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70432 EGFR - mouse Mab SSN70480 EGFR - mouse Mab SSQ22360 EGFR - mouse Mab SSV08460 EGFR - mouse Mab SSGH3522 EGFR - rabbit Mab SSGL8320 EIF2AK3 (C-term) BPKM7800 EKI1 (C-term) BPKM7790 EKI1 (N-term) BPKN0300 EKI2 (C-term) BPKN0290 EKI2 (N-term) BPGL6340 EMK (C-term) BPGL3990 EphA1 (C-term) BPGL3980 EphA1 (N-term) BPGL4010 EphA2 (C-term) BPGL4000 EphA2 (N-term) BPGL4030 EphA3 (C-term) BPGL4020 EphA3 (N-term) BPGL4050 EphA4 (C-term) BPGL4040 EphA4 (N-term) BPGL4070 EphA5 (C-term) BPGL4060 EphA5 (N-term) BPGL4090 EphA6 (C-term) (mouse) BPGL4080 EphA6 (N-term) (mouse) BPGL4110 EphA7 (C-term) BPGL4100 EphA7 (N-term) BPGL4130 EphA8 (C-term) BPGL4120 EphA8 (N-term) BPGL4140 EphB1 (C-term) BPGL4160 EphB2 (C-term) BPGL4150 EphB2 (N-term) BPGL4170 EphB3 (N-term) BPGL4180 EphB4 (C-term) BP

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Page 11: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection

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Anti-kinases antibodies (continued)

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

GL4200 EphB6 (C-term H990) BPKM8820 EphB6 (C-term V897) BPKM8810 EphB6 (N-term E121) BPGL4190 EphB6 (N-term S45) BPGL8290 EPS8 (C-term) BPGL8280 EPS8 (N-term) BPGL4220 ErbB1 (C-term) BPGL4210 ErbB1 (N-term) BPKQ5230 ERBB2 BPKQ5140 ERBB2 BPKQ5340 ERBB2 BPKQ7900 ERBB2 BPKQ8610 ERBB2 - abs pack BPGL4250 ErbB3 (N-term) BPKQ4070 ERBB4 BPKQ4150 ERBB4 BPGL4270 ErbB4 (C-term) BPGL4260 ErbB4 (N-term) BPKQ7410 ERBB4 - abs pack BPV15773 ERK1 SSV15790 ERK1 SSGL3300 ERK1 (N-term) BPS46103 ERK2 SSGL3310 ERK2 (C-term) BPGL3320 ERK3 (C-term) BPGL3330 ERK4 (C-term) BPGL3340 ERK5 (C-term) BPKM8840 ERN2 (C-term) BPKM8830 ERN2 (N-term) BP857891 FAK SSGL4960 FAK1 (N-term) BPGL4970 FAK2 (N-term) BPKM8850 FASTK (Center) BPKM8120 FASTK (C-term) BPKM8110 FASTK (N-term) BPGL4980 FER (C-term) BPGL4990 FES (N-term) BPGL8310 FGF4 (C-term) BPGL8300 FGF4 (N-term) BPGL4280 FGFR1 (C-term) BPBB6920 FGFR1 (N-term) BPGL4290 FGFR2 (C-term) BPAN5640 FGFR2 (N-term) BPGL4300 FGFR3 (C-term) BPGL4310 FGFR4 (N-term) BPGL5000 FGR (N-term) BPGL4330 FLT1 (C-term) BPGL4320 FLT1 (N-term) BPS44483 FLT1/VEGFR1 SSS44490 FLT1/VEGFR1 SSGL4360 FLT3 (C-term) BPGL4350 FLT3 (N-term) BPGH5641 FLT4 SSGL4380 FLT4 (C-term) BPGL4370 FLT4 (N-term) BPKM8100 FN3K (C-term) BPKM8090 FN3K (N-term) BPKM7770 FN3X (Center) BPKM7780 FN3X (C-term) BPGL5010 FRK (N-term) BPKN0330 Fucokinase (C-term) BPKN0320 Fucokinase (N-term) BPGL5020 FYN (N-term) BPCG1370 GADD34 - Goat PabGL7060 GAK (Center) BPGL7050 GAK (C-term) BPGL7040 GAK (N-term) BPKM8060 GALK1 (C-term) BP

KM8050 GALK1 (N-term) BPKM8080 GALK2 (C-term) BPKM8070 GALK2 (N-term) BPGL5570 GCK (C-term) BPGL5550 GCK (N-term) BPGL8200 GCKR (C-term) BPGL8190 GCKR (N-term) BPKQ4060 GCN2 BPKM8870 GCN2 ( N-term R181) BPKM8880 GCN2 (Center D762) BPGL7070 GCN2 (Center F1116) BPKM8860 GCN2 (N-term G11) BPGL6370 GLK (C-term) BPGL6360 GLK (N-term) BPGL7080 GNB2L1 (N-term) BPKM8890 GPK2 (C-term) BPGL2020 GRK1 (C-term) BPGL2030 GRK2 (C-term) BPGL2040 GRK3 (C-term) BPGL2050 GRK4 (C-term) BPGL2060 GRK5 (C-term) BPGL2070 GRK6 (C-term) BPKM8900 GRK6 (N-term) BPGL5220 GRK7 (C-term) BPGL8180 GRK7 (C-term) BPGL8170 GRK7 (N-term) BPGH6205 GSK3 SSGL7760 GSK3A (C-term) BPGL7750 GSK3A (N-term) BPGL7780 GSK3B (C-term) BPGL7770 GSK3B (N-term) BPV10920 GSK3BETA SSKP7440 GSK3Α(paired21)KP7450 GSK3Α(SER21)KP7460 GSK3Β(paired9)KP7470 GSK3Β(SER9)KN0440 GUCY1A2 (C-term) BPKM8910 GUCY1A2 (N-term) BPKM8930 GUCY1A3 (C-term) BPKM8920 GUCY1A3 (N-term) BPKM8950 GUCY1B2 (C-term) BPKM8940 GUCY1B2 (N-term) BPKN0430 GUCY1B3 (Center) BPKN0420 GUCY1B3 (C-term) BPKM8960 GUCY2C (Center) BPKM8970 GUCY2C (C-term) BPKM7840 GUK1 (Center) BPKM7830 GUK1 (N-term) BPGL7090 Haspin GSG2 (Center) BPGL5030 HCK (N-term) BPBH9150 HCK - abs pack BPAA6811 HER-2 SSN66810 HER-2 SSN67190 HER-2 (anti rat) - mouse Mab SSGL4240 HER-2 (C-term) BPGL4230 HER-2 (N-term) BPKM4930 HER-2 (phospho Y1112) BPKP7140 HER-2 (Y1221)KP7150 HER-2 (Y1221/1222)KP7160 HER-2 (Y1222)KP7170 HER-2 (Y877)928611 HER-2 - mouse Mab SS928621 HER-2 - mouse Mab SS928631 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSKP8950 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSKP8990 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSN66880 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSN66920 HER-2 - mouse Mab SS

N66970 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSN67080 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSN67100 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSN67120 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSN67170 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSQ17030 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSQ17200 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSQ17430 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSQ17580 HER-2 - mouse Mab SSV16950 HER-2 - rabbit Mab SSGH5702 HER-3 SSN67250 HER-3 SSGH2900 HER-3 - mouse Mab SSN67300 HER-3 - mouse Mab SSN67320 HER-3 - mouse Mab SSN67324 HER-3 - mouse Mab SSN67340 HER-3 - mouse Mab SSN67370 HER-3 - mouse Mab SSN67400 HER-3 - mouse Mab SSN67420 HER-3 - mouse Mab SSAK7201 HER-4 SSN67490 HER-4 SS759040 HER-4 - mouse Mab SS759070 HER-4 - mouse Mab SSN67484 HER-4 - mouse Mab SSN67501 HER-4 - mouse Mab SSN67510 HER-4 - mouse Mab SSGL6350 HGK (C-term) BPCE8370 HIPK1 (N-term) BPGL3770 HIPK2 (C-term D1050) BPGL3750 HIPK2 (C-term) BPGL3760 HIPK2 (N-term T104) BPGL3740 HIPK2 (N-term) BPGL3790 HIPK3 (Center) BPGL3780 HIPK3 (C-term) BPKM8990 HIPK4 (C-term) BPKM8980 HIPK4 (N-term) BPGL8160 HK1 (C-term) BPGL8150 HK1 (N-term) BPKN0240 HK1-R468 (Center) BPGL8140 HK2 (Center) BPKN0230 HK2 (Center) BPGL8130 HK2 (N-term) BPKN0220 HK2 (N-term) BPGL8120 HK3 (C-term) BPKN0210 HK3 (C-term) BPGL8110 HK3 (N-term) BPKN0200 HK3 (N-term) BPGL6290 HPK1 (C-term) BPGL7100 HRI (N-term) BPKM9000 HSPB8 (N-term) BPGL3060 HSTK12 (Center) BPGL3050 HSTK12 (N-term) BPGL6090 HUNK (C-term) BPGL3800 ICK (C-term) BPGL4400 IGF1R (C-term) BPGL4390 IGF1R (N-term) BPGL7670 IKK alpha BPGK2540 IKK alpha - mouse Mab BPGL7680 IKK beta BPGK2550 IKK beta - mouse Mab BPGK2560 IKK beta - mouse Mab BPGL7690 IKK gamma BPGK2570 IKK gamma - mouse Mab BPGK2580 IKK gamma - mouse Mab BPV11860 IKKBETA SSGL8100 IKKE (C-term) BPGL8090 IKKE (N-term) BP

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Page 12: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



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Anti-kinases antibodies (continued)

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

GL4420 ILK1 (C-term) BPGL4410 ILK1 (N-term) BPKM7990 ILK2 (C-term) BPKM7980 ILK2 (N-term) BPGL4430 INSR (N-term) BPGL4450 INSRR (C-term) BPGL4440 INSRR (N-term) BPGL5270 IRAK1 (C-term) BPGL5260 IRAK1 (N-term) BPGL5290 IRAK2 (C-term) BPGL5280 IRAK2 (N-term) BPGL5310 IRAK3 (C-term) BPGL5300 IRAK3 (N-term) BPGL5330 IRAK4 (C-term) BPGL5320 IRAK4 (N-term) BPGL5040 ITK (Center) BPKN0350 ITPKA (C-term) BPKN0340 ITPKA (N-term) BPKN0370 ITPKB (C-term) BPKN0360 ITPKB (N-term) BPGK3290 JAK1 (C-term) BPGK3300 JAK2 (C-term) BPGL5580 JIK (C-term) BPKQ7990 JIK/TAOK3 BPKQ1620 JIK/TAOK3 BPKQ8360 JIK/TAOK3 - abs pack BPGL3350 JNK1 (C-term) BPGL3370 JNK2 (C-term K373) BPGL3360 JNK2 (C-term) BPGL3380 JNK3 (N-term) BPS44421 KDR/FLK1 SSS44430 KDR/FLK1 SSGL4340 KDR/FLK1 (C-term) BPKM7820 KHK (C-term) BPKM7810 KHK (N-term) BPGL6380 KHS (C-term) BPGL6300 KHS2 (C-term) BPCD4421 Kif5B-1 (Central) BPGL8460 KIP2 (C-term) BPGL8450 KIP2 (N-term) BPGL7130 KIS (N-term) BPKN0150 KIS (N-term) BPKM7730 KIST (C-term) BPGH5672 KIT SSR30851 KIT SSGL4470 KIT (C-term) BPGL4460 KIT (N-term) BPN61330 KIT - mouse Mab SSN61350 KIT - mouse Mab SSN61370 KIT - mouse Mab SSN61390 KIT - mouse Mab SSGL5410 KSR1 (N-term) BPGL2340 LATS1 (N-term) BPGL2350 LATS2 (Center) BPGL5420 LIMK1 (N-term) BPGL5440 LIMK2 (N-term) BPGL5430 LIMK2B (N-term) BPKM9010 LMTK2 (N-term) BPHP6860 LOK BPHP6610 LOK BPGL6130 LOK (C-term E707) BPGL5590 LOK (C-term) BPGL6120 LOK (N-term) BPHU6350 LOK - abs pack BPKM8320 LRRK1 (C-term) BPKM8310 LRRK1 (N-term) BPGL5050 LSK (N-term) BPGL4490 LTK (C-term) BP

GL4480 LTK (N-term) BPKM9020 LTK2 (C-term) BPKM9040 LYK5 (C-term) BPKM9030 LYK5 (N-term) BPGL5060 LYN (N-term) BPGL6390 LZK (C-term) BPGL3810 MAK (C-term) BPGL6140 MAP2K1 (N-term) BPGL6160 MAP2K2 (Center) BPGL6150 MAP2K2 (N-term) BPGL6180 MAP2K6 (C-term) BPGL6170 MAP2K6 (N-term) BPGL6200 MAP3K9 (C-term) BPGL6190 MAP3K9 (N-term) BPKM9110 MAP3K15 (N-term) BPBI2670 MAP4K2 (Center) BPGL2880 MAPK8 (Center) BPGL2890 MAPK9 (Center) BPGL2830 MAPK10 (N-term) BPGL2840 MAPK11 (Center) BPGL2850 MAPK12 (Center) BPGL2860 MAPK13 (Center) BPGL2870 MAPK14 (Center) BPGL2910 MAPKAPK2 (C-term) BPGL2900 MAPKAPK2 (N-term) BPGL2930 MARK (C-term) BPKM9060 MARK1 (C-term) BPKM9050 MARK1 (N-term) BPGL2920 MARK3 (C-term) BPKM9080 MARK4 (C-term) BPKM9070 MARK4 (N-term) BPKM9090 MAST3 (Center) BPKM9100 MASTL (N-term) BPGL5070 MATK (N-term) BPGL4510 MCK10 (C-term) BPGL4500 MCK10 (N-term) BPV11650 MEK1 SSGL5600 MEK1 (N-term) BPV11720 MEK2 SSGL5610 MEK2 (N-term) BPKP7630 MEK2 (paired 394)KP7640 MEK2 (T394)GL5620 MEK5 (C-term) BPV11790 MEK6 SSV15650 MEKK1 SSGL5630 MEKK1 (C-term) BPGL5640 MEKK2 (N-term) BPGL5650 MEKK3 (N-term) BPGL5660 MEKK4 (C-term) BPGL5670 MEKK5 (C-term) BPGL5680 MEKK6 (C-term) BPGL5690 MEKK8 (C-term) BPKM9120 MELK (Center) BPKM9130 MELK (C-term) BPGL4520 MERK (C-term) BPBC0240 MERK (N-term) BPGR4650 MERTK/C-MER BPGK2200 MET/HGFR - mouse Mab BPGK2210 MET/HGFR - mouse Mab BPGK2220 MET/HGFR - mouse Mab BPGK2230 MET/HGFR - mouse Mab BPGK2240 MET/HGFR - mouse Mab BPGK2250 MET/HGFR - mouse Mab BPKM9140 MGC42105 (N-term) BPGL5700 MINK1/2 (C-term) BPGL5710 MKK3 (N-term) BPGL5720 MKK4 (C-term) BPGL5730 MKK6 (N-term) BP

GL5740 MKK7 (C-term) BPKM9160 MKNK1 (C-term) BPKM9150 MKNK1 (N-term) BPKM9170 MKNK2 (C-term) BPKM7670 MKNK2 (N-term) BPGL6220 MLCK (N-term) BPGL6210 MLCK2 (N-term) BPGL6230 MLCK-long (N-term) BPGL8580 Mlf1 BPGL5750 MLK1 (C-term) BPGL5760 MLK2 (C-term) BPGL5770 MLK3 (C-term) BPGL6330 MLK4 alpha/beta (N-term) BPKM9180 MLKL (N-term) BPGL7140 MLKLAK (Center) BPKM9200 MNK1 (C-term) BPKM9190 MNK1 (N-term) BPGL3820 MOK (C-term) BPGL7150 MOS (N-term) BPKM5180 MSK (phospho S360) BPGL2080 MSK1 (N-term) BPGL2090 MSK2 (C-term R321) BPGL2100 MSK2 (C-term) BPGL2110 MSK2 (N-term) BPGL3830 MSSK1 (Center) BPBT0800 MST1 BPGL5780 MST1 (C-term) BPBT0840 MST1,2/STK3,4 - abs pack BPBT0810 MST1/2 BPBT0830 MST1/2 BPBT0820 MST2 BPGL5790 MST2 (C-term) BPKQ4280 MST3 BPGL5800 MST3 (C-term) BPKQ8120 MST4 BPKQ4440 MST4 BPGL5810 MST4 (C-term) BPKQ7480 MST4/MASK - abs pack BPAL0930 mTOR BPAL0940 mTOR BPHU6380 mTOR - abs pack BPGL4540 MUSK (C-term) BPGL4530 MUSK (N-term) BPKN0410 MVP (C-term) BPKN0400 MVP (N-term) BPKM9210 MYO3B (N-term) BPKM8040 NAGK (C-term) BPKM8030 NAGK (N-term) BPGL8470 NDK8 (C-term) BPGL7180 NEK1 (C-term) BPGL7160 NEK11L (C-term) BPGL7170 NEK11S/L (Center) BPGL7200 NEK2 (Center) BPGL7190 NEK2B (Center) BPGL7210 NEK3 (Center) BPGL7220 NEK4 (C-term) BPGL7230 NEK6 (N-term) BPGL7240 NEK7 (N-term) BPKM8290 NEK8 (C-term) BPKM8280 NEK8 (N-term) BPGL7250 NEK9 (C-term) BPGL6240 NIK (Center) BPGL3840 NLK (C-term) BPBH9190 NLK - abs pack BPN79750 NM23 / NDP KINASE SSGL7260 NME1 (N-term) BPGL7270 NME2 (N-term) BPKM9220 NME3 (Center) BP

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Page 13: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection

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Functional Proteomics

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Post-translational modifications

Anti-kinases antibodies (continued)


KM9230 NME3 (C-term) BPGL8370 NME4 (C-term) BPGL8360 NME4 (N-term) BPGL7280 NME5 (Center) BPGL7290 NME6 (N-term) BPGL7310 NME7 (C-term) BPGL7300 NME7 (N-term) BPGL8440 NPK (C-term) BPGL8430 NPK (N-term) BPGL7320 NRBP (N-term) BPKM9240 NRBP2 (N-term) BPKM9250 NUAK2 (N-term) BPGL7340 OPHN1L (Center) BPGL7330 OPHN1L (C-term) BPGR4150 P14ARF BPGR3360 P14ARF BPHU6160 P14ARF - abs pack BPGL3850 p38 (C-term) BPGL3390 p38 (N-term) BPKM9880 p38 beta (Center) BPGL3400 p38 beta (C-term K356) BPKM9870 p38 beta (C-term) BPKM9890 p38 beta (N-term) BPGL3410 p38 delta (C-term) BPGL3420 p38 gamma (C-term) BPKQ6410 p38 MAPK BPKQ6470 p38 MAPK BPKQ8720 p38 MAPK - abs pack BPGL2360 p70 S6K (C-term) BPGR4750 p70 S6K BPGL6400 p70 S6Kbeta (C-term) BPGL7360 PACSIN1 (Center) BPGL7350 PACSIN1 (N-term) BPGL7380 PACSIN2 (Center) BPGL7370 PACSIN2 (C-term) BPGL7400 PACSIN3 (Center) BPGL7390 PACSIN3 (N-term) BPGL5820 PAK1 (N-term) BPGL5830 PAK2 (N-term) BPGL5840 PAK3 (Center K218) BPKN0070 PAK3 (Center) BPKN0080 PAK3 (C-term) BPKN0060 PAK3 (N-term) BPGR5870 PAK4 BPGL5850 PAK4 (N-term) BPBC4500 PAK5 BPGL5860 PAK6 BPKM9270 PANK1 (Center) BPKM9260 PANK1 (N-term) BPKM9290 PANK2 (Center) BPKM9280 PANK2 (N-term) BPKM9310 PANK3 (Center) BPKM9300 PANK3 (N-term) BPKM9330 PANK4 (C-term) BPKM9320 PANK4 (N-term) BPGL7420 PAPSS1 (C-term) BPGL7410 PAPSS1 (N-term) BPGL7440 PAPSS2 (C-term) BPGL7430 PAPSS2 (N-term) BPKM8400 PARK8 (C2354) BPBX3470 PARK8 (Center) BPKM8350 PARK8 (E285) BPKM8360 PARK8 (E519) BPKM8410 PARK8 (K2402) BPKM8340 PARK8 (L229) BPKM8370 PARK8 (L893) BPKM8380 PARK8 (L899) BPKM8390 PARK8 (L955) BP

KM8330 PARK8 (N-term) BPKM8420 PARK8 (Y2475) BPKM1650 PARK8 - mouse Mab BPKM1660 PARK8 - mouse Mab BPKM8430 PARK8 Mutant G2019S BPKM8450 PARK8 Mutant I2020T BPKM9340 PASK (N-term) BPKM9360 PBK (C-term) BPKM9350 PBK (N-term) BPGL7460 PBP (Center) BPGL7450 PBP (N-term) BPGL7480 PCK1 (C-term) BPGL7470 PCK1 (N-term) BPGL7500 PCK2 (C-term) BPGL7490 PCK2 (N-term) BPGL3860 PCTK1 (C-term) BPKM9370 PCTK1 (C-term) BPGL3870 PCTK2 (N-term) BPGL3880 PCTK3 (N-term) BPBF1971 PDGFR ALPHA SSV13010 PDGFR ALPHA SSBF1961 PDGFR BETA SSKP1861 PDGFR BETA SSKM9970 PDGFRA (Center) BPKM9980 PDGFRA (C-term D1033) BPGL4550 PDGFRA (C-term E1063) BPKM9960 PDGFRA (N-term) BPGL4570 PDGFRB (C-term L1089) BPGL4580 PDGFRB (C-term P1028) BPGL4560 PDGFRB (N-term) BPGL4590 PDGFRL (C-term) BPKM9390 PDIK1L (C-term) BPKM9380 PDIK1L (N-term) BPGL2370 PDK1 (N-term) BPGL2380 PDK2 (C-term) BPGL2390 PDK3 (N-term) BPGL2400 PDK4 (C-term) BPGL2420 PDPK1 (C-term) BPGL2410 PDPK1 (N-term) BPKM9400 PDXK (C-term) BPKM8020 PDXK (N-term) BPGL6920 PERK (C-term) BPGL8270 PFKFB1 (Center) BPGL8260 PFKFB1 (N-term) BPGL8250 PFKFB2 (C-term) BPGL8240 PFKFB2 (N-term) BPGL8230 PFKFB3 (C-term) BPGL8220 PFKFB3 (N-term) BPGL8380 PFKFB4 (Center) BPKN0180 PFKL (Center K433) BPGL8050 PFKL (Center) BPKN0190 PFKL (C-term K760) BPGL8060 PFKL (C-term L684) BPGL8080 PFKM (C-term) BPGL8070 PFKM (N-term) BPGL8040 PFKP (C-term) BPGL8030 PFKP (N-term) BPKM7650 PFTK1 (C-term) BPGL3890 PFTK1 (N-term) BPKM9410 PFTK1 (N-term) BPKM9420 PGK1 (Center S320) BPKM8270 PGK1 (Center) BPKM9440 PGK2 (C-term) BPKM9430 PGK2 (N-term) BPGL2940 PHKG1 (Center) BPGL2960 PHKG2 (Center) BPGL2950 PHKG2 (N-term) BPGL6410 PI3KC2A (N-term) BP

GL6420 PI3KC2B (N-term) BPGL6440 PI3KC2G (C-term) BPGL6430 PI3KC2G (N-term) BPGL6460 PI3KC3 (C-term) BPGL6450 PI3KC3 (N-term) BPGL6480 PI3KCA (C-term) BPGL6470 PI3KCA (N-term) BPGL6500 PI3KCB (C-term) BPGL6490 PI3KCB (N-term) BPGL6510 PI3KCD (C-term) BPGL6530 PI3KCG (C-term) BPGL6520 PI3KCG (N-term) BPS47340 PI3-KINASE P85ALPHA SSGL6540 PI3KR1 (N-term) BPGL6560 PI3KR2 (C-term) BPGL6550 PI3KR2 (N-term) BPGL6570 PI3KR3 (C-term) BPGL6590 PI3KR4 (C-term) BPGL6580 PI3KR4 (N-term) BPGL6640 PI4K II (N-term) BPGL6660 PI4K II beta (C-term) BPGL6650 PI4K II beta (N-term) BPGL6610 PI4KCA (C-term) BPGL6600 PI4KCA (N-term) BPGL6630 PI4KCB (C-term) BPGL6620 PI4KCB (N-term) BPKN0100 PI5K (Center) BPGL6670 PI5K (C-term K2016) BPKN0090 PI5K (C-term Q1513) BPKN0110 PI5K (N-term) BPGL5870 PIM1 (C-term) BPGL5880 PIM2 (C-term) BPKM9450 PIM3 (C-term) BPGL6680 PIP5K1A (N-term) BPGL6690 PIP5K1B (N-term) BPGL6710 PIP5K1G (C-term) BPGL6700 PIP5K1G (N-term) BPGL6730 PIP5K2A (C-term) BPKM9470 PIP5K2A (N-term L122) BPGL6720 PIP5K2A (N-term) BPGL6750 PIP5K2B (C-term) BPGL6740 PIP5K2B (N-term) BPGL6760 PIP5K2G (C-term) BPKM9460 PIP5K3 (Center) BPKM8260 PIP5K3 (C-term) BPKM9480 PIP5K3 (C-term) BPGL2120 PKA/C alpha/beta (N-term) BPGL2130 PKA/C gamma (N-term) BPS40510 PKC - mouse Mab SSGL2140 PKC alpha (C-term) BPGL2150 PKC beta1/2 (C-term) BPGL2160 PKC beta2 (C-term) BPGL2170 PKC delta (N-term) BPGH5784 PKC epsilon SSGL2180 PKC epsilon (N-term) BPGL2190 PKC eta (N-term) BPGL2200 PKC gamma (C-term) BPGL2210 PKC iota (N-term) BPGL2230 PKC mu (C-term) BPGL2220 PKC mu (N-term) BPGL2250 PKC nu (C-term) BPGL2240 PKC nu BPKP8000 PKC thetaGL2260 PKC theta (C-term) BPGL2270 PKC zeta (N-term) BPGL5200 PKC-D2 (Center) BPGL5210 PKC-D2 (C-term) BPGR3420 PKD2 BP

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Page 14: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



l Pro



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Anti-kinases antibodies (continued)

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

GR5390 PKD2 BPGL5890 PKD2 (C-term) BPHU5440 PKD2 - abs pack BPHP7310 PKD3 BPGL2440 PKLR (C-term) BPGL2430 PKLR (N-term) BPKM9490 PKM2 (C-term N491) BPGL2450 PKM2 (C-term) BPCC8330 PKM2 (N-term) BPKM9500 PKMYT1 (Center) BPGL5930 PKN (C-term) BPGL5910 PKN (N-term) BPGL5900 PKN beta (C-term) BPGL7510 PKR1 (N-term) BPGL7520 PKR2 (N-term) BPGL8510 PLAU (C-term) BPGL8500 PLAU (N-term) BPGL8420 PLAUR (Center) BPGL8410 PLAUR (C-term) BPKQ6450 PLK1 BPGR5990 PLK1 BPGR4810 PLK1 BPGR5960 PLK1 BPGL5920 PLK1 (C-term) BPHU5940 PLK1 - abs pack BPBH9200 PLK2 - abs pack BPGL6770 PLK3 (C-term) BPBH9210 PLK3 - abs pack BPBH9220 PLK4 - abs pack BPKM8250 PMVK (C-term) BPKM9510 PMVK (C-term) BPKM8300 PNCK (C-term) BPKQ8520 PNK1 BPKQ8780 PNK1 BPGR3480 PNK1 BPGR3470 PNK1 BPGR5660 PNK1 BPHU5960 PNK1 - abs pack BPKM9530 PPNK (C-term) BPKM9520 PPNK (N-term) BPGL5940 PRK2 (C-term) BPGL2460 PRKAB1 (N-term) BPGL2470 PRKAB2 (N-term) BPGL2480 PRKACB (N-term) BPGL2490 PRKACB (N-term) BPGL2500 PRKAG1 (Center) BPGL2510 PRKAG2 (N-term) BPGL2520 PRKAG3 (Center) BPGL2530 PRKAR1B (N-term) BPGL2540 PRKAR2B (N-term) BPKM8010 PRKCABP (C-term) BPKM8000 PRKCABP (N-term) BPGL2570 PRKDC (Center) BPGL2560 PRKDC (C-term) BPGL2550 PRKDC (N-term) BPGL8340 PRKR (C-term) BPGL8330 PRKR (N-term) BPKQ3790 PRKRIR BPKQ5580 PRKRIR BPKQ7370 PRKRIR BPKQ7500 PRKRIR - abs pack BPKN0260 PRKR-T535 (C-term) BPKN0250 PRKR-Y27 (N-term) BPGL2590 PRKWNK3 (C-term) BPGL2580 PRKWNK3 (N-term) BPGL2610 PRKWNK4 (Center) BPGL2600 PRKWNK4 (C-term) BPGL5950 PRKX (C-term) BP

KM9540 PRKY (N-term) BPKQ3050 PRMT1 BPKQ4670 PRMT1 BPKQ5540 PRMT1 BPKQ1740 PRMT1 - abs pack BPKQ4310 PRMT5 BPKQ7680 PRMT5 BPKQ8110 PRMT5 - abs pack BPBG5010 PRP4 (C-term) BPGL3900 PRP4 (N-term) BPGL7530 PRPK (Center) BPKM9550 PRPS1/2/3 (C-term) BPKM7720 PRPS1/2/3 (N-term) BPKM9570 PSKH1 (C-term) BPKM9560 PSKH1 (N-term C3) BPKM9580 PSKH1 (N-term H70) BPKM9590 PSKH1 (N-term L9) BPGL2970 PSKH1 (N-term) BPGL2980 PSKH2 (Center) BPGL5080 PTK6 (N-term) BPGL5090 PTK7 (N-term) BPKM9600 PTK9L (C-term) BPKM7630 PXK (Center) BPKM7620 PXK (N-term) BPGL5450 RAF1 (N-term) BPKM9620 RBSK (C-term) BPKM9610 RBSK (N-term) BPGL4630 RET (C-term L1027) BPGL4610 RET (C-term T1078) BPGL4600 RET (N-term C166) BPGL4620 RET (N-term Q28) BPKM9640 RFK (C-term) BPKM9630 RFK (N-term) BPGR4180 Rho kinase alpha BPGR4920 Rho kinase alpha BPHU5360 Rho kinase alpha BPBU6750 Rho kinase beta BPHP6820 Rho kinase beta BPBU6760 Rho kinase beta BPHP7210 Rho kinase beta BPGL2640 RIOK1 (N-term) BPKM7610 RIOK2 (Center) BPKM7600 RIOK2 (C-term) BPGL5460 RIPK1 (C-term) BPGL5470 RIPK2 (C-term) BPKM9660 RIPK3 (Center) BPGL5480 RIPK3 (C-term) BPKM9650 RIPK3 (N-term) BPKP8080 ROCKIIGL4690 RON (Center) BPGL4680 RON (C-term) BPGL4670 RON (N-term) BPGL4640 ROR1 (N-term) BPGL4660 ROR2 (C-term) BPGL4650 ROR2 (N-term) BPGL4700 ROS (N-term) BPKM9820 RPS6KL1 (N-term) BPGL5960 RSK1 (C-term) BPGL5980 RSK2 (C-term) BPGL5970 RSK2 (N-term) BPGL5990 RSK3 (C-term) BPGL6000 RSK4 (N-term) BPGL4720 RYK (C-term) BPGL4710 RYK (N-term) BPKQ7650 S6K2 BPKQ5940 S6K2 BPKQ4380 S6K2 - abs pack BPGL6010 SAK (C-term) BP

KM9810 SCYL1 (N-term) BPKM7640 SCYL2 (C-term) BPKM9840 SCYL3 (C-term) BPKM9830 SCYL3 (N-term) BPKM9680 SEPSH1 (C-term) BPKM9670 SEPSH1 (N-term) BPKM9700 SEPSH2 (Center) BPKM9690 SEPSH2 (N-term) BPGL2620 SGK (N-term) BPGL6030 SGK2 (C-term) BPGL6020 SGK2 (N-term) BPGL6050 SGK3 (Center) BPGL6040 SGK3 (N-term) BPKQ7230 SIN3A BPKQ5130 SIN3A BPKQ8220 SIN3A BPKQ8290 SIN3A - abs pack BPGL4740 SKY (C-term) BPGL4730 SKY (N-term) BPHP6300 SLK BPHP6720 SLK BPGL6060 SLK (N-term) BPHP8510 SLK - abs pack BPKQ4620 SMG1 BPBS1750 SMG1 BPBS1760 SMG1 BPGL6950 SMG1 (Center) BPKN0140 SMG1 (Central E2281) BPKN0130 SMG1 (C-term C3637) BPGL6940 SMG1 (C-term) BPKN0120 SMG1 (N-term G14) BPGL6930 SMG1 (N-term) BPHU6320 SMG1 - abs pack BPHU5200 SMG5/EST1B BPHU5210 SMG5/EST1B BPHU6480 SMG5/EST1B - abs pack BPGL7550 SNF1LK (Center) BPGL7540 SNF1LK (C-term) BPGL3170 SNK (C-term) BPKM9860 SNRK (Center) BPKM9850 SNRK (N-term) BPGL6250 SPAK (Center) BPGL3000 SPHK1 (Center) BPGL2990 SPHK1 (N-term) BPGL3020 SPHK2 (C-term) BPGL3010 SPHK2 (N-term) BPGL5100 SRC (N-term) BPBM4770 SRC (N-term) - mouse Mab BPGL5120 SRMS (C-term) BPGL5110 SRMS (N-term) BPKN0020 SRPK1 (C-term) BPGL3910 SRPK1 (N-term) BPKM7660 SRPK1 (N-term) BPGL3920 SRPK2 (C-term) BPGL3140 STK9 (Center) BPGL3130 STK9 (C-term) BPGL3040 STK11 (C-term) BPGL3030 STK11 (N-term) BPGL3080 STK16 (C-term) BPGL3070 STK16 (N-term) BPKM9720 STK19 (C-term) BPKM9710 STK19 (N-term) BPKM9740 STK22B (C-term) BPKM9730 STK22B (N-term) BPKM9750 STK29 (Center) BPKM9760 STK29 (C-term) BPGL3100 STK31 (C-term) BPGL3090 STK31 (N-term) BP

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Page 15: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection

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PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Anti-kinases antibodies (continued)

Anti-phosphatases antibodies Theseantibodiesarerabbitpolyclonalsexceptwhenotherhostisspecified.

BP : Blocking Peptide available / SS : Small size available

HP7020 ALPHA 4 BPHP7180 ALPHA 4 BPHP8090 ALPHA 4 - abs pack BPQ06020 AP (Alkaline phosphatase) SSCG4900 ASPP1 BPCG4901 ASPP1 BPCG4910 ASPP1 - abs pack BPGL8590 BDP1 (N-term ) BPKN0660 CDC14 BPV09410 CDC14A - mouse Mab SSKM4500 CDC25A (phospho S123) BPKM4510 CDC25A (phospho S177) BPKM4520 CDC25A (phospho S278) BPKM4530 CDC25A (phospho S292) BPKM4540 CDC25A (phospho S75) BPKM4550 CDC25A (phospho T506) BPKM4560 CDC25B (phospho S186) BPKM4570 CDC25B (phospho S187) BPKM4580 CDC25B (phospho S353) BPKN0980 CTDSP1-V250 (C-term) BPKN0970 CTDSP2 (C-term) BPKN0960 CTDSP2 (N-term) BPGL8600 DEP1 (C-term ) BPKN1150 DUSP1 (C-term) BPKN1140 DUSP1 (N-term) BPKN0690 DUSP3 BPKN0710 DUSP3 (C-term) BPKN1310 DUSP3 (N-term) BPKN0720 DUSP4 (Center) BPKN0730 DUSP4 (C-term) BPBY9300 DUSP5 (C-term) BPKN0740 DUSP5 (N-term) BP

KN0750 DUSP6 (Center) BPKN0770 DUSP7 (C-term) BPKN0760 DUSP7 (N-term) BPKN0790 DUSP8 (C-term) BPKN0780 DUSP8 (N-term) BPKN0810 DUSP9 (C-term) BPKN0800 DUSP9 (N-term) BPKN0830 DUSP10 (C-term) BPKN0820 DUSP10 (N-term) BPKN0850 DUSP12 (C-term) BPKN0840 DUSP12 (N-term) BPKN0870 DUSP13-L184 (C-term) BPKN0860 DUSP13-M1 (N-term) BPKN0890 DUSP14 (C-term) BPKN0880 DUSP14 (N-term) BPKN0910 DUSP15 (C-term) BPKN0900 DUSP15 (N-term) BPKN0930 DUSP16 (C-term) BPKN0920 DUSP16 (N-term) BPKP1121 FAP-1 SSGL8610 GLEPP1 (Center ) BPKN0680 HePTP BPKQ1240 INPPL1 (SHIP2) BPGL8620 LAr (C-term ) BPKN0670 LMW-PTP BPGL8640 LyPTP (C-term ) BPGL8630 LyPTP (N-term ) BPGL8650 MEG1 (Center ) BPGL8670 MEG2 (C-term ) BPGL8660 MEG2 (N-term ) BPKN0700 MKP3 BPGL1940 MTM1 (C-term ) BP

GL1930 MTM1 (N-term ) BPGL1850 MTMR1 (N-term ) BPGL1860 MTMR2 (N-term ) BPGL1870 MTMR3 (C-term ) BPGL1880 MTMR4 (C-term ) BPGL1890 MTMR5 (C-term ) BPGL1900 MTMR6 (C-term ) BPGL1910 MTMR7 (C-term ) BPGL1920 MTMR8 (C-term ) BPKQ0821 MYPT1 BPKQ0820 MYPT1 BPKQ0750 MYPT1 - abs pack BPGL8680 PCPTP1 (N-term ) BPKQ4290 PHLPP BPKQ5980 PHLPP BPKQ2670 PHLPP/PHLPPL - abs pack BPKQ1820 PHLPPL BPN81840 PLAP - mouse Mab SSV17500 PLAP - rabbit Mab SSGR3470 PNK1 BPGR5660 PNK1 BPGR3480 PNK1 BPHU5960 PNK1 - abs pack BPKQ8520 PNK1 for IHC BPKQ8780 PNK1 for IHC BPHU5170 PNUTS BPHU5180 PNUTS BPHU5190 PNUTS BPHU6470 PNUTS - abs pack BPKQ5630 PNUTS for IHC BPKQ6160 PP2A BPKQ6390 PP2A BP

GL4750 STK33 (C-term) BPGL3120 STK35 (Center) BPGL3110 STK35 (N-term) BPKM7920 STK38 (Center) BPKM7910 STK38 (C-term) BPKN0040 STK38L (C-term) BPKN0030 STK38L (N-term) BPKN0050 STYK1 (N-term) BPKQ4110 SYK BPKQ3720 SYK BPGL5130 SYK (C-term) BPKQ8280 SYK - abs pack BPGL6070 TAK1 (C-term) BPBH9230 TAK1 - abs pack BPGL6080 TAO (C-term) BPGL6260 TAO1 (Center) BPGL4760 TAO2 (C-term) BPHP6980 TAOK1 BPKM8130 TAOK1 (Center) BPGL5140 TEC (Center) BPGL4780 TEK (C-term) BPGL4790 TEK (N-term) BPGL5490 TESK1 (C-term) BPGL5500 TESK2 (Center) BPGR4440 TFII-I BPGR5170 TFII-I BPHU5280 TFII-I - abs pack BPGL5510 TGFBR1 (Center) BP

GL4800 TIE (N-term) BPGL7570 TK (C-term) BPGL7560 TK (N-term) BPBR6260 TK2 (C-term) BPBR6250 TK2 (N-term) BPGL7580 TLK1 (C-term) BPGL7590 TLK2 (Center) BPGL6280 TNIK (C-term) BPGL6270 TNIK (N-term) BPGL5150 TNK1 (Center) BPKN0010 TRIB1 (C-term) BPGL4810 TRKA (C-term) BPGL4820 TRKB (C-term) BPGL4830 TRKC (N-term) BPGL6970 TRRAP (Center) BPGL6960 TRRAP (C-term) BPGL3150 TSSK1 (Center) BPGL3160 TSSK3 (N-term) BPGR5530 TTK BPGR3770 TTK BPGL7600 TTK (N-term) BPHU6060 TTK - abs pack BPGL5160 TXK (N-term) BPGL5180 TYK2 (C-term) BPGL5170 TYK2 (N-term) BPGL4840 TYRO10 BPGL4770 TYRO10 (C-term) BPGR5180 TYRO3 BP

GL7940 UCK (C-term) BPGL7930 UCK (N-term) BPKM9780 UCK2 (C-term) BPKM9770 UCK2 (N-term) BPGL7610 ULK1 (C-term) BPGL7620 ULK2 (C-term) BPKM9800 URKL1 (C-term) BPKM9790 URKL1 (N-term) BPGL3270 VRK1 (Center) BPGL3280 VRK2 (N-term) BPGL3290 VRK3 (Center) BPGL7640 WEE1 (Center) BPGL7630 WEE1 (C-term) BPGL7660 WNK1 (Center) BPGL7650 WNK1 (C-term) BPGL2630 YANK2 (C-term) BPGL5190 YES (N-term) BPGL6100 YSK (C-term) BPGL8400 YWHAB (C-term) BPGL8390 YWHAB (N-term) BPGL5520 ZAK (C-term) BPGL5530 ZAP70 (Center) BPKP8690 ZAP70 (aa 1-254) SSGH4391 ZAP70 (aa 1-254) - mouse Mab SSGL5400 ZPK (Center) BPGL2760 ZPK (C-term) BP

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

Page 16: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



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Phosphospecific antibodies Antibodies against phosphorylated residues

KQ7110 PP2A - abs pack BPKN1250 PPEF1 (C-term) BPKN1240 PPEF1 (N-term) BPKN1320 PPEF2 (Center H78) BPKN1330 PPEF2 (Center R384) BPKN1070 PPM1A (Center) BPKN1080 PPM1A (C-term) BPKQ0980 PPM1B BPKQ0981 PPM1B BPKQ0740 PPM1B - abs pack BPKN1090 PPM1B (Center L76) BPKN1100 PPM1B (Center) BPCC4620 PPM1D BPKN0620 PPM1D (C-term) BPKN1110 PPM1D (N-term) BPKN1130 PPM1E (C-term) BPKN1120 PPM1E (N-term) BPKN0950 PPM1F (C-term) BPKN0940 PPM1F (N-term) BPKQ0731 PPM1G BPKQ0730 PPM1G BPKQ0800 PPM1G - abs pack BPKN0570 PPM1G (Center) BPKN0580 PPM1G (C-term) BPKQ0870 PPP1C - abs pack BPKQ1100 PPP1CA BPKN1180 PPP1CA (C-term) BPKN1170 PPP1CA (N-term) BPKQ0890 PPP1CB BPKN0560 PPP1CB (C-term) BPKN1190 PPP1CB (N-term) BPKQ1140 PPP1CC BPKN0550 PPP1CC (C-term) BPKN0540 PPP1CC (N-term) BPKN1000 PPP2CA/B (C-term) BPKN0990 PPP2CA/B (N-term) BPKQ1050 PPP3CA BPKQ1051 PPP3CA BPKQ0830 PPP3CA - abs pack BPKN1020 PPP3CA (C-term) BP

KN1010 PPP3CA (N-term) BPKN1040 PPP3CB (C-term) BPKN1030 PPP3CB (N-term) BPKN1060 PPP3CC (C-term) BPKN1050 PPP3CC (N-term) BPKQ0960 PPP4C BPKQ3710 PPP4C BPKN1270 PPP4C (C-term) BPKN1260 PPP4C (N-term) BPKQ3970 PPP4R1 BPKQ4680 PPP4R1 BPKQ4000 PPP4R1 - abs pack BPKQ5850 PPP4R2 BPKQ3930 PPP4R3 ALPHA BPKQ5350 PPP4R3 ALPHA BPKQ2620 PPP4R3 ALPHA - abs pack BPKQ3910 PPP4R3 BETA BPKQ5210 PPP4R3 BETA BPKQ8630 PPP4R3 BETA - abs pack BPKQ1080 PPP5C BPKN1280 PPP5C (C-term) BPKQ7360 PPP6C BPKN1300 PPP6C (C-term) BPKN1290 PPP6C (N-term) BPKN0650 PRL1 BPKN0630 PRL3 BPKM1690 PRL3 - mouse Mab BPKN0640 PRL3 (C-term) BPN82760 PSAP - mouse Mab SSN82820 PSAP SSGR3840 PTEN BPKQ8080 PTEN BPKQ5160 PTEN BPKQ5120 PTEN BPKQ6850 PTEN - abs pack BPKN0600 PTEN (C-term F279) BPKN0610 PTEN (C-term) BPKN0590 PTEN (N-term) BPKM5470 PTEN (phospho S380) BPKN1340 PTN7 (Center) BP

KN0520 PTP1B BPKM1670 PTP1B - mouse Mab BPKM1680 PTP1B - mouse Mab BPKN0490 PTP1B (Center) BPGL8690 PTP1B (C-term C324 ) BPKN0510 PTP1B (C-term S386) BPKN0500 PTP1B (N-terminal) BPKM5480 PTPa (phospho S180) BPKM5490 PTPa (phospho S204) BPGL8700 PTPalpha (N-term ) BPGL8810 PTPBAS (C-term ) BPGL8710 PTPbeta (C-term ) BPGL8820 PTPD1 (Center ) BPGL8830 PTPD2 (N-term ) BPGL8730 PTPdelta (C-term ) BPGL8740 PTPepsilon (C-term ) BPGL8720 PTPgamma (Center ) BPGL8840 PTPH1 (Center ) BPGL8860 PTPIA2 (N-term ) BPGL8850 PTPIA2beta (N-term ) BPGL8750 PTPkappa (N-term ) BPGL8760 PTPlambda (N-term ) BPGL8770 PTPmu (N-term ) BPGL8780 PTPrho (N-term ) BPGL8790 PTPsigma (C-term ) BPGL8800 PTPzeta (Center ) BPGL8870 SAP1 (C-term ) BPKN1200 SHIP1 (C-term) BPKN1210 SHIP1 (N-term) BPKN1230 SHIP2 (C-term) BPKN1220 SHIP2 (N-term) BPKN1160 SHP2 BPGL8880 STEP (N-term ) BPKN0530 TCPTP BPGL8890 TCPTP (C-term C330 ) BPGL8900 TCPTP (C-term K369 ) BPGL1950 TPIPa (C-term ) BPGL1960 TPIPb (C-term ) BPGL1970 TPTEa (N-term ) BPV03970 TRAP - mouse Mab SS

BP = Blocking Peptide available SS = Small size available

Cat # Name Host Clone Isotype Size ApplicationGH3250 Phospho Ser/Thr/Tyr (Pan) Mouse SPM101 IgG1 100 µg WB

978790 Phosphoserine Rabbit polyclonal IgG 50 µg WB, IP, ELCF8930 Phosphoserine - Biotin Rabbit polyclonal IgG 50 µg WB, IP, ELAA0620 Phosphoserine Mouse BDI270 IgG1,k 100 µg WB, IP other clones availableAL7330 Phosphoserine (Set of 6 MAbs) Mouse set - 6x25 µg WB, IP, EL

CF5001 Phosphothreonine Rabbit polyclonal IgG 50 µg WB, IP, ELCF8940 Phosphothreonine - Biotin Rabbit polyclonal IgG 50 µg WB, IP, ELAA0570 Phosphothreonine Mouse BDI101 IgG1,k 100 µg WB, IP, EL other clones availableAL7310 Phosphothreonine (Set of 3 MAbs) Mouse set - 3x25 µg WB, IP, ELCF8950 Phospho threonine-Proline Rabbit polyclonal IgG 50 µg EL, WBCF8960 Phospho threonine-any-phosphotyrosine Rabbit polyclonal IgG 50 µg EL, WB

CF8970 Phosphotyrosine Rabbit polyclonal IgG 50 µg EL, WBAL8760 Phosphotyrosine - Biotin Mouse BDI820 IgG1,k 100 µg WB, IP, ELBL8701 Phosphotyrosine Mouse SPM102 IgG1 100 µg WB other sizes available983682 Phosphotyrosine Mouse PY20 IgG2b 100 µg IF, IP, WB, IHC other sizes availableO13990 Phosphotyrosine - FITC Mouse PY20 IgG2b 250 µg WB, IFIS4660 Phosphotyrosine + Positive Control Mouse BDI512 IgG1,k 100 µg WB, IP, EL other clones availableAL7320 Phosphotyrosine (Set of 5 MAbs) Mouse set - 5x25 µg WB, IP, EL

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Anti-phosphatases antibodies (continued)












Page 17: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection

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Functional Proteomics

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Antibodies against phosphorylated proteins


Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

KM4210 14-3-3 protein (pS58) BPKM4220 14-3-3 protein (pT232) BPMB9780 14-3-3 zeta protein (pS58) NPMC0020 4E-BP1 (pT36) NPMC0030 4E-BP1 (pT45) NPKQ5260 53BP1 (pS25) BPKM4270 ABL (pS588) BPKM4280 ABL1 (pY134) BPKM4290 ABL1 (pY245) BPKM4300 ABL1 (pY251) BPKM4310 ABL1 (pY272) BPKM4320 ABL1 (pY276) BPMB9790 ADD1 (pS726) NPMB9450 AFX (pS197) NPMB8740 AKT (pS473) NPJW2580 AKT (pS473) - Rabbit MabMB8750 AKT (pT308) NPKM4360 AKT (pY326) BPKM4340 AKT1 (pS124) BPKM4350 AKT1 (pS129) BPT95950 AKT1 (pS472) (rat)BY4510 AKT1 (pS473 )KP6930 AKT1 (pT308)BY9170 AKT1 (pY326) BPMB9330 AKT2 (pS474) NPMB9800 AMPK1 (pT174) NPMB9720 AMPK1/AMPK2 (pS485/S491) NPKM4370 APBB1 (pS175) BPKM4380 APBB1 (pS347) BPJW2980 Apc1 (pS377)JW2990 Apc6 (pT580)BY9180 APP (pS198) BPKM4390 APP (pS730) BPJW2970 APP (pT668)KM4400 APP (pY756) BPMB9840 APP (phospho-668) NPJW3000 Arrestin beta 1 (pS412)IS6720 ASK1 (pS83)MB9760 ASK1 (pS83) NPMB9770 ASK1 (pS966) NPMB8550 ATF2 (pS112 or 94) NPKP6970 ATF2 (pS44)MB8510 ATF2 (pS62 or 44) NPKP6980 ATF2 (pS94)KP6990 ATF2 (pT51)KP7000 ATF2 (pT53)KP7010 ATF2 (pT55)MB8520 ATF2 (pT69 or 51) NPJW3010 ATF2 (pT69/71)MB8530 ATF2 (pT71 or 53) NPJW3020 ATF2 (pT71)MB8540 ATF2 (pT73 or 55) NPKP6960 ATF4 (pS245)MB8730 ATF4 (pS245) NPMB9310 ATM (pS1981) NPJW2590 ATM (pS1981) - Mouse MabCF9770 Aurora A (pT288) BPCF1191 Aurora-A (pT288) for IHCKM4410 BACE (pS498) BPCF9780 Bad (mouse pS112) BP

CF9790 Bad (mouse pS136) BPCF9800 Bad (mouse pS155) BPGK2310 Bad (mouse pS155) - Mouse Mab BPMB8870 Bad (pS112) NPBY9190 Bad (pS118) BPJW3070 Bad (pS128)KM4420 Bad (pS134) BPJW3060 Bad (pS136)MB8880 Bad (pS155) NPKM4430 Bad (pS75) BPKM4440 Bad (pS99) BPMB8850 BCL-2 (pS70) NPMB8840 BCL-2 (pT56) NPJW2731 Bcl-xL (pS62)MB8860 BCL-XL (pS62) NPMB9890 Bcr (pY177) NPKM4450 Bid (mouse pS61) BPHP6590 Bid (pS61) BPKM4460 Bid (pS65) BPHP6430 Bid (pS78) BPKM4470 Bik (pT33) BPMC0480 BIM (pS69/65) NPJW3080 BLNK (pY84)AK9870 BRCA1 (pS1189) BPAK9880 BRCA1 (pS1280) BPAK9900 BRCA1 (pS1387) BPAK9910 BRCA1 (pS1423) BPAK9920 BRCA1 (pS1457) BPAK9940 BRCA1 (pS1466) BPMB9280 BRCA1 (pS1524) NPAK9860 BRCA1 (pS1524) BPMC0170 BRCA1(pS1423) NPJW3090 c-Abl (pY245)MB9340 c-Abl (pY412) NPAW7660 CaMKII (pT286)MC0470 CaMKII (pT286) NPAW9850 CaMKII (pT305)JW3110 CaMKII alpha (pT286)JW2600 CaMKII alpha (pT286) - Mouse MabJW3120 Casein Kinase 2 beta (pS209)KM4480 Caspase 6 (pS257) BPKM4490 Caspase 9 (pS196) BPMC0690 Catenin-alpha (pS641) NPMB9980 Catenin-beta (pS33) NPJW2570 Catenin-beta (pS33) - Mouse MabJW3130 Catenin-beta (pS33/37)MB9990 Catenin-beta (pS37) NPMB9270 Catenin-beta (pT41/S45) NPIS7300 Catenin-beta (pY654) - Mouse MabIS7230 Catenin-beta (pY86) - Mouse MabMB9090 Caveolin-1 (pY14) NPKM4710 CCNB1 (pS126) BPKM4590 CDC2 (pT161) BPMB9430 CDC2 (pT161) NPMC0180 CDC2 (pY15) NPKM4500 CDC25A (pS123) BPKM4510 CDC25A (pS177) BPKM4520 CDC25A (pS278) BPKM4530 CDC25A (pS292) BPKM4540 CDC25A (pS75) BP

MB9460 CDC25A (pS75) NPKM4550 CDC25A (pT506) BPKM4560 CDC25B (pS186) BPKM4570 CDC25B (pS187) BPKM4580 CDC25B (pS353) BPMB9290 CDC25C (pS216) NPJW3140 CDC27 (pT244)KM4600 CDC6 (pS54) BPKM4610 CDK1 (pS39) BPKM4620 CDK2 (pT160) BPKM4630 CDK2 (pT160) BPMB9420 CDK2 (pT160) NPKM4640 CDK7 (pT170) BPJW3150 c-Fos (pT232)JW3160 c-Fos (pT325)KM4650 Chk1 (pS280) BPKM4660 Chk1 (pS317) BPMB9300 Chk1 (pS345) NPMB9530 Chk2 (pS516) NPMB8810 Chk2 (pT68) NPMB8470 c-Jun (pS243) NPKM4670 c-Jun (pS63) BPKM4680 c-Jun (pS63) BPMB8240 c-Jun (pS63) NPCF9810 c-Jun (pS73) BPKM4690 c-Jun (pS73) BPMB8260 c-Jun (pS73) NPMB8460 c-Jun (pT239) NPMB8430 c-Jun (pT91) NPJW2610 c-Jun (pT91) - Mouse MabMB8440 c-Jun (pT93) NPMB8450 c-Jun (pY170) NPJW3180 c-Kit (pY568/Y570)JW3190 c-Kit (pY703)MC0160 c-Kit (pY721) NPJW3220 c-Kit (pY730)JW3230 c-Kit (pY823)JW3210 c-Kit (pY936)

c-MET, see METKP7660 c-Myc (pS373)KP7680 c-Myc (pS58)JW2620 c-Myc (pS62) - Mouse MabKP7670 c-Myc (pT358)JW3240 c-Myc (pT58/S62)MB9470 cofilin(pS3) NPMC0290 Connexin 43 (pS367) NPJW3260 Connexin 43 (pS368)JW3270 Cortactin (pY421)MC0380 Cortactin (pY466) NPCF9820 cPLA2 (pS505) BPJW3290 c-Raf (pS259)JW3320 c-Raf (pS43)JW3310 c-Raf (pS621)JW3330 c-Raf (pY340/341)GP7660 CREB (pS121)MC0390 CREB (pS129) NPJW3340 CREB (pS129/133)KM4700 CREB (pS133) BPMB8720 CREB (pS133) NPKP7280 c-Rel (pS503)

NP : means non-phosphospecific match-paired antibody is available BP : means Blocking Peptide is available

Page 18: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



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Antibodies against phosphorylated proteins (continued)


Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name JW3350 c-Ret (pS696)IS6400 Cyclin B1 (pS126)KM4720 Cyclin E1 (pT395) BPJW3360 Dab1 (pS491)JW3370 Dab1 (pY198)JW3380 Dab1 (pY220)GP7530 DARPP32 (pT34)GP7390 DARPP32 (pT75)KM4730 DAXX (pS213) BPKM4740 DAXX (pS495) BPKM4750 DAXX (pS517) BPMB9690 DNA PKcs (pT2609) NPJW2630 DNA PKcs (pT2609) - Mouse MabJW3410 DOK2 (pY142)AW9830 Dynamin (pS774)AW9840 Dynamin (pS778)GR5980 E2A (pT355) BPKM4760 E2F1 (pS337) BPIS7410 EGFR (pS1047) - Mouse MabMB8990 EGFR (pS1070) NPIS7280 EGFR (pT654) - Mouse MabMB9820 EGFR (pT678) NPMB9830 EGFR (pT693) NPJW3480 EGFR (pY1016)IS7180 EGFR (pY1045) - Mouse MabJW3420 EGFR (pY1068)JW3430 EGFR (pY1086)MB9000 EGFR (pY1092) NPMC0330 EGFR (pY1110) NPJW3440 EGFR (pY1148)MC0000 EGFR (pY1172) NPJW3450 EGFR (pY1173)MC0070 EGFR (pY1197) NPJW3460 EGFR (pY845)IS7640 EGFR (pY845) - Mouse MabMC0080 EGFR (pY869) NPJW3470 EGFR (pY992)MC0430 eIF2A (pS51) NPJW3490 eIF2A (pS52)JW3500 eIF2B epsilon (pS539)MC0120 eIF4E (pS209) NPJW3520 eIF4G (pS1108)JW3530 Elk (pS383)BC4150 Elk1 (pS383)MB8270 Elk1 (pS383) NPMB8590 Elk1 (pS389) NPMB8600 Elk1 (pT417) NPJW3540 eNOS (pS116)AL8590 eNOS (pS1177) - Mouse MabJW3550 EphrinB (pY298)JW3560 EphrinB (pY317)JW3570 EphrinB (pY331)KM4770 ErbB2 (pY1112) BPJW3590 ErbB2 (pY1248)KM4780 ErbB2 (pY1248) BPKM4790 ErbB2 (pY871) BPJW3610 ERK1/2 (pT185/T202) (FITC)JW3620 ERK1/2 (pT202/183 + Y204/185)KM4800 ERK3 (pS189) BPJW3630 ERK5 (pT218)KM4810 ESPL1 (pS1176) BPKM4820 ESPL1 (pS748) BPKM4830 ESPL1 (pS801) BPKQ8190 Estrogen Recepteur alpha (pS305) BPMB8890 Estrogen Receptor alpha (pS104) NP

CF9830 Estrogen Receptor alpha (pS104/106) BPMB8900 Estrogen Receptor alpha (pS106) NPMB8910 Estrogen Receptor alpha (pS118) NPMB8920 Estrogen Receptor alpha (pS167) NPJW3660 ETS1 (pS251)JW3670 ETS1 (pS282)JW3680 ETS1 (pS282/285)JW3690 ETS1 (pT38)HP6690 EZH2 (pS21) BPMB9910 Ezrin (pT566) NPMB8830 Ezrin (pY353) NPKM4840 FADD (mouse pS191) BPJW3700 FAK (pS722)JW3770 FAK (pS732)JW3780 FAK (pS843)JW3710 FAK (pS910)JW3720 FAK (pY397)JW2640 FAK (pY397) - Rabbit MabJW3730 FAK (pY407)JW3740 FAK (pY576)JW3750 FAK (pY577)MB8790 FAK (pY861) NPMB9320 FAK (pY925) NPJW3790 Fanconi anemia D2 (pS222)CE7570 FGFR (pY653/654) BPKM4850 FGFR (pY766) BPMB9260 FKHR (pS256) NPMB9440 FKHR (pS319) NPMB9600 FKHRL1 (pS253) NPMB9010 G3BP-1 (pS232) NPKM4880 Gab1 (pY627) BPMC0500 Gab1 (pY627) NPAW7700 GAP43 (pS41)MB8620 GATA1 (pS142) NPMB8630 GATA1 (pS310) NPJW3810 GATA4 (pS105)MC0310 GluR1 (pS849) NPMC0510 Glutamate receptor 2 (Prec.)(pS880) NPJW3820 Glycogen Synthase (pS640)JW3890 Glycogen Synthase (pS641/645)JW3840 GRK2 (pS670)MB8300 GSK3 alpha (pS21) NPJW3850 GSK3 alpha + beta (pY216/Y279)KM4900 GSK3 beta (pS21/29) BPKM4910 GSK3 beta (pS9) BPMB8250 GSK3 beta (pS9) NPMC0560 GSK3 beta (pY216) NPAZ3810 H2AX gamma (pS139) BPJW3900 Hck (pY207/S211)MB9850 HDAC4 (pS632) NPMB9860 HDAC5 (pS498) NPMB9370 HDAC8 (pS39) NPHP6910 HdmX / MDM (pS403) BPKM4930 HER2 (pY1112) BPKP7140 HER2 (pY1221)MB8950 HER2 (pY1221/Y1222) NPKP7160 HER2 (pY1222)MB8980 HER2 (pY1248) NPN67020 HER2 (pY1248) - Mouse MabMB8940 HER2 (pY877) NPN67020 HER-2 (phospho) - Mouse MabKM4940 HER4 (pY1162) BPKM4950 HER4 (pY1188) BPCF9840 HGFR (pY1230) BPCF9850 HGFR (pY1234/5) BP

KM4920 HIST1H3B3 (pS10) BPMC0360 Histone H2A.X (pS139) NPKM4230 Histone H3 (pS10) BPKM4240 Histone H3 (pS10) BPGK2400 Histone H3 (pS10) - Mouse Mab BPGK2410 Histone H3 (pS10) - Mouse Mab BPGK2420 Histone H3 (pS10) - Mouse Mab BPKM4250 Histone H3 (pS28) BPKM4260 Histone H3 (pS28) BPJW2680 Histone H3 (pS28) - Rat MabMB9810 Histone H3.1 (pS10) NPMC0320 HSF1 (pS303) NPJW3910 HSP25 (pS86)MB9670 HSP27 (pS15) NPMC0210 HSP27 (pS78) NPMC0220 HSP27 (pS82) NPMB9870 HSP90B (pS254) NPMB9020 ICAM-1 (pY512) NPJW3930 IFNAR1 (phopho S535/539)MB9060 IGF-1R (pY1161) NPMB9070 IGF-1R (pY1165/Y1166) NP

IGF1R, see Insulin ReceptorJW3940 IKB alpha (pS32/36)MB9570 IKB alpha (pS32/S36) NPMB9650 IKB alpha (pY42) NPMC0570 IKB beta (pS23) NPMB9940 IKB epsilon (pS22) NPJW3950 IKK alpha (pS176/S180)MB9380 IKK alpha (pT23) NPKM4960 IKKb (pY199) BPKM4980 IKKg (mouse pS375) BPKM4970 IKKg (pS31) BPKM4990 IKKg (pS43) BPKM5000 IL1R (pY496) BPKM5010 IL3R (pY593) BPBY9200 IL3R (pY766) BPKM5020 INSR (pY1361) BPJW3970 Insulin Receptor (pY1158)JW3980 Insulin Receptor (pY1158/1162/1163)KP7490 Insulin Receptor (pY1161)JW3990 Insulin Receptor (pY1162/1163)JW3960 Insulin Receptor (pY972)JW4000 Integrin alpha 4 (pS988)JW4020 Integrin beta 1 (pS785)JW4010 Integrin beta 1 (pT788/T789)MB8800 Integrin beta 3 (pY773) NPMC0450 Integrin beta 3 (pY785) NPCF9870 Integrin beta 4 (pY1422) BPCF9880 Integrin beta 4 (pY1440) BPCF9890 Integrin beta 4 (pY1526) BPCF9900 Integrin beta 4 (pY1642) BPBY9210 IRAK1 (pS376) BPJW4050 IRE1 alpha (pS724)MC0140 IRS1 (pS307) NPMB9490 IRS1 (pS312) NPJW4060 IRS1 (pS616)MC0100 IRS1 (pS636) NPMC0090 IRS1 (pS639) NPJW4070 IRS1 (pY1179)JW4080 IRS1 (pY1229)JW4110 IRS1 (pY612)JW4090 IRS1 (pY896)JW4120 IRS1 (pY941)JW4130 IRS2 (pS731)MB9540 JAK1 (pY1022) NP

NP = means non-phosphospecific match-paired antibody is available BP = means Blocking Peptide is available

Post-translational modifications

Page 19: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection

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Functional Proteomics

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PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Antibodies against phosphorylated proteins (continued)

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

JW4140 JAK1 (pY1022/1023)MB9560 JAK2 (pY1007) NPJW4150 JAK2 (pY1007/1008)MB9550 JAK2 (pY221) NPJW4160 JNK1+JNK2 (pT183/Y185)MB8490 JunB (pS259) NPMB8480 JunB (pS79) NPMB8500 JunD (pS255) NPKQ4830 KAP-1 (pS824) BPCF9910 KDR (pY1175) BPKP7400 KDR/FLK1 (pY1214)KM4860 KDR/FLK1 (pY951) BPKM4870 KDR/FLK1 (pY996) BPMC0580 Keratin 18 (pS33) NPU99050 Keratin 18 (pS33) - Mouse MabU98860 Keratin 8 (pS431) - Mouse MabU98980 Keratin 8 (pS73) - Mouse MabCF9920 LAT (pY132) BPCF9930 LAT (pY171) BPJW4170 LAT (pY191)JW4200 Lck (pS158)JW4210 Lck (pY192)MB9500 Lck (pY393) NPJW4190 Lck (pY505)JW4220 LIMK 1/2 (pT507/Y508)MB9350 LIMK1 (pT508) NPMB9360 LIMK2 (pT505) NPJW4230 Lipoxygenase (pS523)KM3770 LLGL1/2 (pS650/654) BPKM5030 LPR1 (pS452) BPKM5040 MAPKAPK1 (pS364) BPKM5050 MAPKAPK2 (pS272) BPMC0590 MAPKAPK2 (pT334) NPJW4240 MAPKAPK2 (pT334) KM5060 MAPKAPK5 (pS212) BPCF9950 MAPKAPK5 (pS93) BPMC0520 MARCKS (pS158) NPCF5220 MBP (pT98) - Mouse MabBD0700 MCM2 (pS108) BPKQ6640 MCM2 (pS108), for IHCGR4350 MCM2 (pS27) BPKQ4570 MCM2 (pS27), for IHCKQ8070 MCM2 (pS40/S41) BPKQ6610 MCM2 (pS40/S41), for IHCGR5790 MCM2 (pS41) BPKQ3980 MCM2 (pS41), for IHCKQ5080 MCM2 (pS53) BPJW4260 MDM2 (pS185)CF9960 MeCP2 (pS178) BPKM5070 MeCP2 (pS292) BPMC0600 MEF2A (pS408) NPMB8610 MEF2A (pT312) NPMB9920 MEK1 (pS217) NPKM5080 MEK1 (pS217/221) BPMB9640 MEK1 (pS221) NPJW4270 MEK1 (pS298)MC0530 MEK1 (pT291) NPBC4140 MEK1 (pT292)BC4130 MEK1 (pT386)AW7730 MEK1/2 (pS218/222)CF9970 MEK1/2 (pS218/222) BPJW4300 MEK1/2 (pS222)MB8310 MEK2 (pT394) NPKM5090 MEK3 (pS189) BPJW4330 MEK3/6 (pS189)

JW4340 MEK4 (pS257/T261)KM5100 MEK4 (pT261) BPCF5050 MEK5 / MAPKK5 (pS311/T315)KM5110 MEK6 (pS202) BPJW4350 MEK7 (pS271/T275)MC0340 Merlin (pS518) NPJW4360 MERTK (pY749/753/754)JW4370 MET (pY1230/1234/1235)JW4400 MET (pY1365)KM5120 MET (pY1003) BPMC0060 MET (pY1234) NPKM5130 MET (pY1349 ) BPKM5140 MET (pY1349) BPKM5150 MET (pY1349) BPMC0150 MET (pY1349) NPKM5160 MET (pY1356) BPGK2200 MET/HGFR (phospho) - Mouse Mab BPKM5170 MKK3 (pS189) BPMB9510 MKK3 (pS189) NPMB9520 MKK6 (pS207) NPJW5380 MLCK smooth muscle (pS1760)GL8580 Mlf1 (phospho) BPJW4410 MLK3 (phosphoT277/S281) KM5180 MSK (pS360) BPMC0010 mTOR (pS2448) NPJW4430 Munc-18 (pS515)MB8580 Myc (pS373) NPMB8570 Myc (pT358) NPMB8560 Myc (pT58) NPMB8960 MyoD (pS200) NPJW4450 Myosin light chain (pS19)JW4440 Myosin light chain (pS20)KM5190 MYT1 (pT495) BPGR4700 NBS1 (human pS343) BPGR5780 NBS1 (mouse pS343) BPIS4430 Neurofibromatosis2geneprod.(pS518)Q34750 Neurofilament(200kDphospho)-MsMabJW4470 NF2 (pS518)JW4480 NFAT1 (pS54)KM5210 NFKB (pS536) BPKP7760 NFkB p100 (pS865)KP7790 NFkB p105 (pS337)KP7800 NFkB p105 (pS893)KP7810 NFkB p105 (pS907)KM5200 NFKB p65 (pS536) BPMB8380 NFKB-p100/p52 (pS865) NPMB8390 NFKB-p100/p52 (pS869) NPMB8400 NFKB-p105/p50 (pS337) NPMB8410 NFKB-p105/p50 (pS893) NPMB8420 NFKB-p105/p50 (pS907) NPMC0240 NFKB-p105/p50 (pS932) NPMC0610 NFKB-p105/p50 (phospho-Se927) NPMB8340 NFKB-p65 (pS276) NPMC0300 NFKB-p65 (pS311) NPMB8360 NFKB-p65 (pS468) NPMB9970 NFKB-p65 (pS529) NPMB8370 NFKB-p65 (pS536) NPMB8330 NFKB-p65 (pT254) NPMB8350 NFKB-p65 (pT435) NPGG4170 NMDA NR2A (mouse/rat phospho)GG4180 NMDA NR2B (mouse/rat phospho)JW4500 NMDA NR2B (pY1252)JW4510 NMDA NR2B (pY1336)AW7630 NMDA NR2B (pY1472)MB9170 NMDAR1 (pS896) NP

BU2610 n-Myc (pS54)KM5220 Nudel (pS231) BPKM5230 Nudel (pS242) BPKM5240 Nudel (pT219) BPKM5250 Nudel (pT245) BPJW4460 N-WASP (pY256)D14800 OBRb (mouse pY1138)H24820 OBRb (mouse pY985)KM5260 p16-INK4A (pS140) BPKM5270 p16-INK4A (pS152) BPKM5280 p16-INK4A (pS7) BPKM5290 p16-INK4A (pS8) BPKM5300 P21CIP1 (pS146) BPKM5310 P21CIP1 (pT145) BPKM5320 P21CIP1 (pT57) BPKM5330 p27Kip1 (pS10) BPKM5340 p27Kip1 (pS178) BPKM5350 p27Kip1 (pT157) BPKM5360 p27Kip1 (pT187) BPMB9930 p27Kip1 (pT187) NPJW4520 p38 (pY182/T180)MC0250 P38 MAPK (pT180) NPMC0260 P38 MAPK (pY182) NPAW7740 p38MAPK (pT180/Y182)MC0200 p44/42 MAP Kinase (pY204) NPMC0190 p44/42MAPKinase(pT202) NPMB9110 p53 (pS15) NPKM5370 p53 (pS20) BPKM5380 p53 (pS315) BPMB9140 p53 (pS315) NPKM5390 P53 (pS33) BPKP7920 p53 (pS33)KM5400 p53 (pS37) BPKM5410 p53 (pS376) BPKM5420 p53 (pS378) BPAW7750 p53 (pS392)V03020 p53 (pS392) - Mouse MabMB9130 p53 (pS46) NPJW4540 p53 (pS6)JW4550 p53 (pS9)KM5430 p53 (pT18) BPMC0420 p56Dok-2 (pY299) NPMC0400 p62Dok(pY362) NPMC0410 p62Dok(pY398) NPMC0460 p70 S6 Kinase (pS424) NPMC0270 p70 S6 Kinase (pT421) NPMC0370 p70S6Kinase(pS411) NPMB8780 p73 (pY99) NPMB9180 p90RSK(pT348) NPMB8770 p95/NBS1 (pS343) NPJW4570 PAG3 (pY724)JW4580 PAG3 (pY763)CF9980 PAK 1 (pS199/204) BPMB9590 PAK 1 (pT212) NPJW4620 PAK 1/2/3 (pS141)JW4590 PAK 1/2/3 (pT402)JW4600 PAK 1/2/3 (pT423)MB9680 PAK 1/2/3 (pT423/T402/T421) NPJW4650 Paxillin (pS126) GR5490 Paxillin (pS178) BPMB9080 Paxillin (pY118) NPMB9900 Paxillin (pY31) NPJW4670 PDE4A (pS)JW4690 PDGF Receptor alpha (pY742)JW4680 PDGF Receptor alpha (pY754)

NP : means non-phosphospecific match-paired antibody is available BP : means Blocking Peptide is available

Page 20: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



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Antibodies against phosphorylated proteins (continued)

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name JW4700 PDGF Receptor alpha (pY762)KM5450 PDGFR (pY740) BPJW4710 PDGFR alpha + beta (pY572 + Y574)KM5440 PDGRF (pY579) BPKM5460 PDK1 (pS241) BPMB8280 PDK1 (pS241) NPJW4720 PED / PEA 15 (pS116)IS7630 PHF (pS396) - Mouse MabIS7430 PHF (pT231) - Mouse MabCB7350 phospholamban (pS16)JW2670 phosphotyrosine (pY120) - Mouse MabJW4780 PKA a+b (catalytic subunits) (pT197)CF9990 PKA alpha (pY197) BPJW4790 PKA beta (catalytic subunit) (pS338)AL8680 PKA phosphopep. Substrate - Mouse MabJW4770 PKA2 beta (regul. subunit) (pS114)JW4800 PKC alpha (pT638)CG0000 PKC alpha (pY497) BPMB9700 PKC beta (pT642) NPJW4810 PKC beta 1 (pT642)JW4820 PKC beta 1 + beta 2 (pT500)JW4830 PKC beta 2 (pT641)JW4840 PKC delta (pS645)MC0540 PKC delta (pS645) NPJW4850 PKC delta (pS664)JW4860 PKC delta (pY311)JW4870 PKC epsilon (pS729)JW4880 PKC eta (pS674)JW4890 PKC eta (pT655)JW4900 PKC gamma (pT514)JW4910 PKC gamma (pT655)JW4920 PKC gamma (pT674)JW4930 PKC iota + lambda (pT555/563)JW4970 PKC mu / PKD (pS738/742)CF5030 PKC theta (pS345/348)JW4950 PKC theta (pS676)MC0550 PKC theta (pS676) NPJW4960 PKC theta (pS695)MB9710 PKC theta (pS695) NPJW4940 PKC theta (pT538)MC0620 PKC zeta (pT410) NPMB8970 PKD/PKC mu (pS738) NPMB9120 PKD/PKC mu (pS910) NPAL8630 PKG phosphopep. Substrate - Mouse MabMC0440 PKR (pT446) NPMC0490 PKR (pT451) NPCG0010 PKR (pY258) BPCG0020 PKR (pY446) BPCG0030 PKR (pY451) BPCG0040 PKR (pY451) (mouse) BPMB9160 PLCg-1 (pY783) NPMB9730 PLCg-2 (pY753) NPGK2370 PLM (pS68) - Mouse Mab BPKM6030 PLM (pS83) (mouse) BPKM6020 PLM (pS88) (mouse) BPJW5000 Polo Like Kinase Kinase (pS482/486/490)BU9600 Potassium Channel, Kv3.1 (pS503)CF5200 PPAR alpha (pS12) (mouse)CF5170 PPAR alpha (pS21) (mouse)JW5010 PRAS 40 (pT246)MB8930 Progesterone Receptor (pS190) NPAW5240 Progesterone Receptor (pS190) - Mouse MabAW5250 Progesterone Receptor (pS294) - Mouse MabMB8820 PTEN (pS370) NPKM5470 PTEN (pS380) BP

MB8320 PTEN (pS380) NPMB8760 PTEN (pS380/T382/T383) NPJW5040 PTEN (pS380/T382/T383/S385)KM5480 PTPa (pS180) BPKM5490 PTPa (pS204) BPMB9960 PYK2 (pY402) NPJW5060 PYK2 (pY579)JW5070 PYK2 (pY579/Y580)JW5080 PYK2 (pY580)JW5090 PYK2 (pY881)JW5100 Rabphilin 3A (pS234)JW5110 RAC1 + Cdc42 (pS71)AL0620 Rad17 (pS645) BPKM5500 Rad9 (pS272) BPKM5510 Rad9 (pS277) BPKM5520 Rad9 (pS328) BPKM5530 Rad9 (pS336) BPKM5540 Rad9 (pS341) BPKM5550 Rad9 (pS375) BPKM5560 Rad9 (pS380) BPKM5570 Rad9 (pS387) BPKM5580 Rad9 (pY28) BPMB8290 Raf-1 (pS259) NPJW5130 Raf-1 (pS301)JW5120 Raf-1 (pS642)V17670 Raf-1 (pY341/S339) - Rat MabKM5600 Rb (pS249) BPKM5610 Rb (pS608) BPV09130 Rb (pS608) - Mouse MabKM5620 RB (pS612) BPKM5630 Rb (pS780) BPMB9410 Rb (pS780) NPKM5640 Rb (pS788) BPKM5650 Rb (pS795) BPMB9390 Rb (pS795) NPKM5660 Rb (pS807) BPMB9400 Rb (pS807) NPJW5160 Rb (pS807/811)KM5670 Rb (pS811) BPKM5680 Rb (pT252) BPJW5170 Rb (pT356)KM5690 Rb (pT821) BPKM5700 Rb (pT826) BPKM5590 Rb-like-1 (pS975) BPMC0280 RelB (pS552) NPJW5230 Ribosomal Protein S6 (pS236)KQ5000 RNA Polymerase II (pS2) BPKQ6970 RNA Polymerase II (pS5) BPJW2690 RNA polymerase II CTD (pS5) - Mouse MabKP8090 ROCKII (pT396)GR3450 RPA32 (pS33) BPBF4170 RPA32 (pS4/S8) BPKQ3410 RPS6 (pS235) BPKQ7590 RPS6 (pS235/236) BPJW2840 RPS6 (pS244/247)KQ7060 RPS6 pAbVantage PackJW5260 RSK1 p90 (pS221)JW5270 RSK1 p90 (pS363)JW5280 RSK1 p90 (pS380)MC0110 S6 Ribosomal Protein (pS235) NPJW5290 S6K (pT229)MC0230 SAPK/JNK (pT183) NPMB9750 SEK1/MKK4 (pS80) NPMB9740 SEK1/MKK4 (pT261) NPKM5720 SEPARIN (pS1073) BP

KM5730 SEPARIN (pS1126) BPKM5710 SEPARIN (pS1501) BPJW5300 SHC (pY239/240)MC0630 Shc1 (pY349) NPMC0640 Shc1 (pY427) NPJW5310 SHP2 (pS576)MC0650 SHP2 (pY542) NPMC0660 SHP2 (pY580) NPMC0670 Smad1 (pS465) NPJW5340 Smad2 (pS465/467)MC0680 Smad2 (pS467) NPJW5350 Smad2 (pT8)KM5740 SMAD3 (pS204) BPKM5750 SMAD3 (pS208) BPKM5760 SMAD3 (pS213) BPJW5360 Smad3 (pS423/425)KM5770 SMC1 (pS957) BPMB9880 SMC1 (pS957) NPAL0330 SMC1 (pS966) BPKQ6550 SMC1 (pS966), for IHCHP7550 SMC3 (pS1083) BPAL0360 SMC3 (pS383) BPJW5390 SOX9 (pS181)KM5780 Src (pY215) BPMB9100 Src (pY418) NPMB9580 Src (pY529) NPJW5420 Src Family Neg. Reg. pSite (pY522)CG0050 STAT1 (pS727) BPKM5800 STAT1 (pS727) BPJW2700 STAT1 (pS727) - Mouse MabKM5810 STAT1 (pY701) BPMB8640 STAT1 (pY701) NPMB9660 STAT1(pS727) NPKM5820 STAT3 (pS727) BPMB8660 STAT3 (pS727) NPKM5830 STAT3 (pY705) BPMB8650 STAT3 (pY705) NPKM1700 STAT3 (pY727) BPKM5840 STAT4 (pS722) BPKM5850 STAT4 (pY693) BPMB8670 STAT4 (pY693) NPJW5480 STAT5 (pY694)IS7650 STAT5 (pY695/699) - Mouse MabKM5860 STAT5a (pS726) BPMB8690 STAT5a (pS780) NPKM5870 STAT5a (pY694) BPMB8680 STAT5a (pY694) NPMB8710 STAT6 (pT645) NPKM5880 STAT6 (pY641) BPMB8700 STAT6 (pY641) NPKP8230 STAT6 (pY645)MC0130 Stathmin 1 (pS15) NPMC0040 Stathmin 1 (pS24) NPMC0050 Stathmin 1 (pS37) NPAW8690 Survivin (pT34) - Astrocyte MarkerJW2900 Syk (pY323 human / Y317 mouse)KM5890 Syk (pY525/526) BPJW5500 Synapsin (pS549)JW5510 Synapsin (pS62/67)MC0350 Synapsin (pS9) NPJW5520 Synuclein alpha (pS129)GP8000 TAO 2 (pS181)JW5590 Tau (pS199)JW5530 Tau (pS199/202)JW5600 Tau (pS202)

NP : means non-phosphospecific match-paired antibody is available BP : means Blocking Peptide is available

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Page 21: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection

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Active kinases and phosphates for enzyme assays

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

Antibodies against phosphorylated proteins (continued)

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name MB9220 Tau (pS214) NPMB9190 Tau (pS235) NPMB9240 Tau (pS262) NPJW5620 Tau (pS356)MB9150 Tau (pS396) NPJW5630 Tau (pS400)MB9250 Tau (pS404) NPJW5640 Tau (pS409)JW5650 Tau (pS422)MB9200 Tau (pT181) NPMB9210 Tau (pT205) NPJW5670 Tau (pT212)JW5680 Tau (pT217)MB9230 Tau (pT231) NPCG0060 TH (pS40) BPKM5920 TNFR (mouse pS299) BPKM5910 TNFR (pS274) BPKM5900 TNFR1 (mouse pS269) BPKM5930 TNIK (pS769) BPKM5940 TNIK (pS769) BP

CF5130 Topo II alpha (pT1342) - Mouse MabKM5950 TrkA (pY490) BPKM5960 TrkA (pY674/675) BPKM5970 TrkA (pY676) BPKM5980 TrkA (pY791) BPO22290 Troponin I-Cardiac (phospho) - Mouse MabJW5700 Tryptophan Hydroxylase (pS260)KM5990 TyK2 (pY1054/1055) BP768444 Tyrosine Hydroxylase (pS19)768443 Tyrosine Hydroxylase (pS31)AW7760 Tyrosine Hydroxylase (pS40)MB9950 VASP (pS157) NPMB9610 VASP (pS238) NPMB9480 Vav (pY174) NPJW5710 VAV1 (pY160)JW5720 VAV3 (pY173)JW5750 VEGF Receptor 2 (pY1054)JW5730 VEGF Receptor 2 (pY1054/1059)JW5760 VEGF Receptor 2 (pY1214)MB9030 VEGFReceptor 2 (pY1175) NP

MB9040 VEGFReceptor 2 (pY1214) NPMB9050 VEGFReceptor 2 (pY951) NPJW2710 Vimentin (pS55) - Mouse MabJW2880 Vinculin (pY100)JW2890 Vinculin (pY1065)JW5770 Vinculin (pY822)BH9900 WASP (pS483/S484) BPKM6000 Wee1 (pS123) BPKM6010 Wee1 (pS53) BPGR5590 XRCC 1 (pS461) BPGR3500 XRCC 1 (pS475)GR6060 XRCC 1 (pS485/T488) BPGR4760 XRCC 1 (pS518/T519/T523) BPKM5790 YES1 (pY527) BPJW2850 Zap-70 (pY292)JW2860 Zap-70 (pY315/319)MB9620 Zap-70 (pY319) NPMB9630 Zap-70 (pY493) NP

NP : means non-phosphospecific match-paired antibody is available BP : means Blocking Peptide is available

CK756- ABL1, active MouseCK757- ABL2, active HumanCC749- AKT1, active HumanCC750- AKT2, active HumanCC751- AKT3, active HumanCK780- ALK4, active HumanCI307- AMPK (A1/B1/G1), active HumanCM133- AMPK (A2/B1/G1), active HumanCQ171- AMPK(A1/B1/G2), active HumanCC752- ASK1, active HumanCG083- AURORA A, active MouseCI308- AURORA A, active HumanCI309- AURORA B, active HumanCC753- BLK, active HumanCC755- BMX, active HumanCQ172- BRAF, active HumanCC756- BRK, active HumanCI310- BTK, active HumanCG084- CAMK1, active MouseCC757- CAMK1β,active MouseCC759- CAMK1γ,active HumanCG085- CAMK1γ,active HumanCC758- CAMK1δ,active HumanCK758- CAMK2α,active HumanCQ173- CAMK2β,active HumanCC760- CAMK4, active HumanCK788- CAMKK1, active HumanCG086- CAMKK2, active HumanCG087- CDK2/Cyclin A2, active HumanCK781- CDK4/Cyclin D1, active HumanCG-88- CDK5/p25, active HumanCC761- CHK1, active HumanCC762- CHK2, active HumanCC763- CK2α1,active HumanCK787- c-KIT, active Human

CQ174- CLK1, active HumanCK782- COT, active HumanCC764- CSK, active HumanCC765- DDR2, active HumanCK789- EPHA1, active MouseCK790- EPHB1, active MouseCG089- EPHB2, active HumanCK759- EPHB3, active HumanCC766- ERK1, active HumanCM128- ERK2, active HumanCG090- FAK, active HumanCK791- FER, active MouseCG091- FES, active HumanCG093- FGFR1 (FLT2), active HumanCQ175- FGFR1 (V561M), active HumanCQ176- FGFR3, active HumanCC768- FGR, active HumanCK792- FLT3, active HumanCK793- FMS, active HumanCC769- FRK, active HumanCC770- GRK5, active HumanCI311- GSK3α,active HumanCC771- GSK3β,active HumanCC772- HCK, active HumanCG094- HER2, active HumanCG095- HIPK1, active HumanCQ177- IRAK2, active HumanCQ178- IRAK4, active HumanCG098- ITK, active HumanCC773- JNK1, active MouseCI312- KDR, active HumanCQ179- KHS1, active HumanCC774- LCK, active HumanCK783- LOK, active HumanCC775- LYN B, active Human

CC776- MAPKAPK2, active HumanCC777- MAPKAPK3, active HumanCQ180- MARK1, active HumanCM137- MARK3, active HumanCI313- MEK1, active MouseCM161- MEK2, active HumanCG100- MET, active RatCK784- MINK1, active HumanCQ181- MKK3, active HumanCM181- MKK4, active HumanCQ182- MKK6, active HumanCK785- MLCK, active HumanCI314- MNK2, active HumanCM129- MRCKα,active HumanCQ183- MRCKβ,active HumanCG101- MST1, active HumanCG102- MST3, active HumanCG104- MST4, active HumanCK786- MYO3β,active HumanCC778- NEK2, active HumanCC779- NEK6, active HumanCC780- NEK7, active HumanCC782- p38α,active HumanCC786- p38β,active HumanCC784- p38γ,active HumanCC783- p38δ,active HumanCC785- p70S6K, active HumanCQ184- PAK3, active MouseCC787- PAK4, active HumanCC788- PAK7, active HumanCC789- PDGFRα,active MouseCG105- PDGFRβ,active HumanCG106- PDK1, active HumanCC790- PIM1, active HumanCC791- PIM2, active Human

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

Active Kinases

All items are available in 4 different sizes :for 1 µg size : catalog # ends by 0

for 5 µg size : catalog # ends by 1 for 10 µg size : catalog # ends by 2

for 20 µg size : catalog # ends by 3

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CC792- PKAcα,active HumanCC793- PKAcβ,active HumanCC794- PKAcγ,active HumanCC795- PKCα,active XenopusCM124- PKCα,active HumanCC796- PKCβI,active HumanCC797- PKCβII,active HumanCC801- PKCγ,active HumanCC798- PKCδ,active HumanCC799- PKCε,active HumanCC800- PKCζ,active HumanCC805- PKCη,active HumanCQ185- PKCθ,active HumanCC802- PKCι,active HumanCC803- PKCμ,active Human

Active kinases et Phosphates for enzyme assays

Cat # Name Cat # Name

Cat # Name

CC804- PKCν,active HumanCC806- PKD2, active HumanCK760- PLK1, active HumanCG107- PYK2, active HumanCC807- RAF1(EE), active HumanCC808- RIPK2 , active HumanCG108- ROCK1, active HumanCG109- ROCK2, active HumanCC809- RSK1, active HumanCF786- RSK2, active HumanCG111- RSK3, active HumanCC810- SGK1, active HumanCC811- SGK2, active HumanCK794- SGK3, active HumanCC812- SRC, active Rous Sarcoma Virus

CC742- DUSP22 (MKPX), active HumanCC743- PTPN6 (SHP1), active HumanCC744- PTPN7 (LC-PTP), active HumanCC745- PTPN11 (SHP2), active HumanCC746- PTPN13 (FAP-1), active HumanCC747- PTPRC (CD45), active HumanCC748- PTPRS (PTP-sigma), active HumanCG115- PTPRA (LRP), active HumanCG116- PTPRF (LAR), active HumanCQ190- PTPN1 (PTP1B), active HumanCQ191- PTPN12 (PTP-PEST), active HumanCQ192- PTPN2 (TC-PTP), active Human

Active Kinases (continued)

Active Phosphatases

Cat # Name

CK449- SRC, active HumanCC813- STK3, active HumanCG112- SYK, active HumanCQ186- TAOK1, active HumanCQ187- TAOK2, active HumanCQ188- TGFβR2,active HumanCG113- TIE 2, active HumanCC814- TRKA, active HumanCQ189- TRKB, active HumanCG114- TXK, active HumanCC815- ZAP70, active Active Phosphatases Human

Rigourous Quality Control

All items are available in 4 different sizes :for 1 µg size : catalog # ends by 0 for 5 µg size : catalog # ends by 1 for 10 µg size : catalog # ends by 2 for 20 µg size : catalog # ends by 3

PhosphorylationPost-translational modifications

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Ubiquitination & SumoylationPost-translational modifications

Ubiquitination & Sumoylation


Ubiquitin (Ub) is a 76 amino acid highly conserved eukaryotic polypeptide [5] that selectively marks cellular proteins for proteolytic degradation by the 26S proteasome. The process of target selection, covalent attachment and shuttle to the 26S proteasome is a vital means of regulating the concentrations of key regulatory proteins (as well as misfolded or abnormal proteins) in thecellbylimitingtheirlifespans.Polyubiquitinationisacommonfeatureofthismodification.Thetriggerforubiquitinmodificationinvolvesmultipleavenuesincludingamino-acidsequencespecificsignals,cleavageorunfolding,andtheunmaskingofproteinstructuralfeaturesviaconformational changes, while degradation involves ubiquitin associated changes in the rate of binding to the proteasome. Posttranslational tagging by Ub is involved in a multitude of cellular processes, including the cell cycle, cell growth and differentiation, embryogenesis, apoptosis, signal transduction, DNA repair, regulation of transcription and DNA replication, transmembrane transport, stress response, immune response, and nervous system functions. Increases or decreases in degradation of different substrates by the ubiquitin system have been correlated with a number of diverse diseases, including human papillomavirus, cytome-galovirus, Angelman syndrome, melanoma, and colorectal cancers. Technical tip :

The 3D-structure of ubiquitin solved by X-ray diffraction and NMR has shown that its structure is highly compact and rigid [6,7]. Only the last four C-terminal amino acids are protuberant and unstructured. Within these four residues, Gly-76 is activated in an ATP-dependent manner for subsequent ubiquitin ligation with the a-amino group of an internal Lys residue of the protein substrate. Another important residues, Lys-48, provides an a-amino group to form an additional peptide bond to generate multi-ubiquitin chains.

Ubiquitination (Ub) Pathway


Legend: The ubiquitin conjugation cascade starts with the activation of the carboxyl group of Gly-76 of ubiquitin by the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1. This ATP-dependent reaction generates a ubiquitinyl adenylate intermediate bound to the E1 enzyme. The activated ubiquitin is then transferred to a thiol group of an active site Cys of a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2. E2 enzymes transfer the ubiquitin moiety, either directly to a protein substrate or indirectly in cooperation with a ubiquitin-protein ligase enzyme E3, to form a bond between the carboxyl group of Gly-76 of ubiquitin and the protein substrate’s internal Lys residue. The first case is catalyzed by E3 ligases encompassing a RING finger domain, which serve as scaffolds to bring together E2 enzymes and substrates. The second case is catalyzed by HECT domain E3 ligases. Once the protein substrate is mono-ubiquitinated, a polyubiquitin chain is formed through the same ubiquitination conjugation cascade. Shuttle to the 26S proteasome results in degradation of the protein substrate into peptides that are 6 to 7 amino acids in length. Remaining ubiquitin moieties are released from the proteasome and recycled back into the ubiquitin pathway via deubiquitination enzymes.

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Ubiquitination & SumoylationPost-translational modifications

Like other proteasome inhibitors, PS-341 (bortezomib) blocks cell cycle progression, eventually leading to apoptosis [9]. PS-341 blocks NF-kB activation by inhibiting IkBa degradation by the proteasome [10]. Natural products are also selective and potent proteasome inhibitors. The NF-kB pathway is intrinsically linked to the ubiquitin proteasome pathway. Ubiquitin not only targets IkBa for degradation, but also the NF-kB precursors, p105 and p100, for processing into mature forms by the proteasome. Moreover, upstream kinases in the NF-kB pathway are activated by ubiquitination independently of protein degradation [11]. Because of the central roleofNF-kBintheinflammationresponse,proteasomeinhibitorshavebeenunderheavyinvestigation for any effect on tumor growth and therapeutic implications in general.

With the success of bortezomib to control protein degradation and subsequently tumor growth, the other enzymes of the ubiquitin proteasome pathway are now potential targets for drug deve-lopment. The E1, E2, and E3 enzymes, as well as DUBs (deubiquitination enzymes : UCH or USP), are now being investigated by numerous drug companies for different indications, such as cancers and cachexia, a muscle atrophy observed in 60-90% of cancer patients.

Other potential therapeutic indications for effectors of the ubiquitin pathway enzymes include dia-betes,cardiovasculardiseases,metabolicdiseases,andinflammationandneurodegenerativediseases. Most of the product development is still in discovery or preclinical phase, therefore little is known on these efforts (reviewed in [12,13]). E2 and E3 ligase inhibitor programs are ongoingatmanypharmaceuticalindustries.MesoScaleDiscoveryhasidentifiedcompoundsinhibiting Mdm2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that degrades p53[14].Rochehasidentifiedinhibitors,called nutlins, that block protein-protein interaction between Mdm2 and p53 [15].

The anti-UBCE7IP1 Pab (Cat. #GK6900) is used in Western blot to detect UB-CE7IP1 in mouse kidney tissue lysate.

Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embed-ded human cancer tissue reacted with GK6900 antibody, followed by AEC staining. BC = breast carcinoma

Selection of related antibodies (see ubiquitination antibodies table for a more exhaustive list p. B.51)

Cat. # Name Host Species react. ApplicationGK6810 EDD rabbit pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK6870 SMURF2 rabbit pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPKM3710 UBA5 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, WB BPGK6900 UBCE7IB1 rabbit pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK6910 UBCE7IB3 rabbit pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK7020 UBE1 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK3870 Ubiquitin rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK7250 UCHL3 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK7310 USP1 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK7610 USP16 rabbit pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BP

The Ubiquitin Proteasome Pathway : a ubiquitous drug target ?

Most currently available inhibitors of the ubiquitin proteasome pathway directly target and inhibit the 20S proteasome, the core of the proteolysis machinery, rather than the upstream ubiquitination mechanism. The proteasome inhibitors are broadly categorized into two groups: synthetic analogs and natural products (see [8] for review). Synthetic proteasome inhibitors target serine and cysteine proteases, therefore inhibiting the proteolytic activity within the proteasome.

Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embed-ded human cancer tissue reacted with antibody GK6810, followed by AEC staining. BC = breast carcinoma

Western blot analysis of anti-Ubiquitin Pab (Cat. #GK3870) in HeLa cell lysate.Chemiluminescente detection.

A recent study of nutlin-3oncancermodelsshowedagoodefficacyagainsttumors,suggestingapplications to wild-type p53 tumors with normal Mdm2 expression [16]. Rigel Pharmaceuticals, incollaborationwithJohnson&JohnsonPharmaceuticalResearchandDevelopment,identifiedUHRF1 as an E3 ligase involved in tumor proliferation. Johnson & Johnson will develop drug compounds against UHRF1 that will be tested for inhibiting tumor growth or sensitizing tumor cells to chemotherapeutic agents [17].

Western blot analysis of anti-EDD Pab (Cat. #GK6810) in, from left to right, mouse testis, mouse brain, and Jurkat cell line lysate (35µg/lane).


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IP and WB with antibody # 165840

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embed-ded human colon carcinoma stained with NeoMarkers’ p53 (Cat. #165840) using peroxida-se-conjugate and DAB chromo-gen. Note nuclear staining of tumor cells.

The anti-IKB-alpha N-term Pab (Cat. #GK9270) is used in Western blot to detect IKB-alpha in Jurkat cell lysate.

Cat. # Name Host Species react. ApplicationGK9270 IkBαsumoylationsite rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, WB BPGK4130 Mdm2 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB, IHC BPGH6156 NF-kB rabbit Pab Hu, Rat, Rb WB, IHC SS165840 p53 mouse Mab Hu, Mk, Bov WB, IF, IP, GS, FC, IHC SSKX9850 Proteasome 20S rabbit Pab Hu, Ms, Rt, Ca, Ha WB BPGK7250 UCHL3 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK7260 UCHL5 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB BPCG6020 UHRF1 mouse Pab Hu WB BPBL0661 USP2 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK7430 USP7 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK7560 USP13 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB, IHC BPGK7740 USP25 rabbit Pab Hu, Rat ELISA, WB, IHC BP

Related proteins and compoundsGK030 Nutlin-3 1, 5, 10 & 50 mgCG604 UHRF1 partial lrecombinant protein - 10, 25 µg

SumoylationSumoylation is a novel posttranslationalmodification system that hasbeen theobject ofintense interest in recent years.

Reversiblecovalentattachmentofthesmallubiquitin-likemodifier(SUMO)tolysineresiduesinsubstrate proteins alters the properties of the proteins to which SUMO conjugates. Sumoylation orchestrates a diverse array of effects on many different biological processes, including protein localization and stability, transcriptional activities, nucleocytoplasmic signaling and transport, and genomic replication, as well as the regulation of gene expression and viral reproduction. Atleast100proteinsubstrateswithimportantfunctionsmodifiedbysumoylationhavebeenidentified,andthelistisgrowingasscientistsbegintoappreciatetheabundanceandimpactofthisposttranslationalmodification.Inadditiontotumorsuppressorsp53anditsregulatoryproteins, these include transcriptions factors such as receptors for androgen, progesterone and glucocorticoids, c-JUN, and c-Myb. DNA repair and replication targets include topoisomerases IandII,PCNA,andhistonedeacetylase,withothermodifiedproteinsincludingCREB,LEF1,RNA polymerase III, SMAD4, and critical proteins in the SARS and CMV viral life cycles. SUMO isoforms have been shown to modulate cellular level pathologies associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s disease, spinocerebellar ataxias, Machado-Joseph disease, andTypeIdiabetes,findingsthatarelikelytoexpandastheroleofsumoylationinregulatingintricate cellular machinery becomes better understood.

Ubiquitination & SumoylationPost-translational modifications

SUMO IsoformsInvertebrates,fourSUMOisoforms,SUMO-1,SUMO-2,SUMO-3,andSUMO-4,havebeenidentifiedwithdistinct functions. The SUMO-2 and SUMO-3 proteins share 95% amino acid sequence identity, but only approximately 47% identity with SUMO-1.Tissue-specificSUMO-4, identified inhumankidney,bearshomology toSUMO-2/3,suggesting thatsomeSUMO proteins could have tissue-dependent functions [18].

Related antibodies

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SUMO modification of target proteins

A consensus sequenceø-K-x-D/E(wherelysineisthemodifiedaminoacid,øisahydrophobicresidue and x is any amino acid residue) is required for SUMOmodificationbothin vivo and in vitro using [19,20].

SUMOmodificationisthoughttoprovideanewbindingsitefor interactions with other proteins, thereby acting as a recruiting factor for multiprotein complexes. For example, sumoylation of RanGAP1facilitatesinteractionwiththenuclearporeproteinRanBP2/Nup358.SUMOmodifi-cation of transcription factors P300 and Elk-1 permits their recruitment of histone deacetylase 6(HDAC6)andHDAC2.SUMOmodificationsitesareoftenlocatedinvariableloopstructures,oratflexibletermini,suggestingtheSUMOmodificationmaynotexertitsinfluencethroughaltering conformation . . . .

SUMOplotTM – A tool for prediction of SUMO sitesTheexistenceoftherelativelywell-definedsumoylationconsensusmotifpermittedthecreationof an algorithm that can scan protein primary sequences and identify potential sites. Considering all the proven SUMO targets and sumoylation sequences therein an online tool for predicting SUMO sites has been constructed :

Legend : The mechanism involved in preparation and transfer of SUMO to target substrates is comprised of four steps: maturation, activation, conjugation, and ligation. In the first step the SUMO protein is cleaved by a SUMO-specific carboxyl-terminal hydrolase to produce a carboxyl-terminal diglycine. SUMO modification then proceeds by a three-step enzyme shuttle, a process composed of an E1-E2-E3 enzyme catalyzed cascade of activation (E1), conjugation to E2 (UBC9), which is homologous to the ubiquitin E2s, and transfer to the terminal amino group of a lysine side chain in target proteins, which may require E3 (ligase). SUMO covalent linkage to the substrate protein is reversible, and SUMO-deconjugating enzymes add an additional layer to the regulation of the sumoylation process.

Selection of related antibodies(see sumoylation antibodies paragraph for a more exhaustive list p.51)

Cat. # Name Host Species react. Application / Size GK9340 AOS1 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK3840 NEDD8 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK3920 SENP2 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK3970 SENP5 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK2500 SUMO1 mouse Mab Hu ELISA, WB BPGK3750 SUMO1 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK3810 SUMO2/3 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK3820 SUMO3 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPKM2080 SUMO4 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BPGK4190 UBC9 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BP

Sumoylation Pathway

Formalin-fixed and paraf-fin-embedded human can-cer tissue with the cat # GK3820, followed by AEC staining. HC = hepatocarcinoma.

Formalin-fixed and pa-raffin-embedded human cancer tissue with the cat #GK4190, followed by AEC staining. HC = hepatocar-cinoma.

The anti-UCB9 Pab (Cat.#GK4190) is used in Western blot.

Ubiquitination & SumoylationPost-translational modifications

The ant i -SUMO1 Pab (Cat.# GK3750) is used in Western blot to detect GST-SUMO1 fusion protein.

The ant i -SUMO3 Pab (Cat .# GK3820) is used in Western blot to detect SUMO3 in Jurkat cell lysate.

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Ubiquitination & SumoylationPost-translational modifications

Ubiquitination & Sumoylation related antibodies


GK7970 AMFR (C-term) BPGK7960 AMFR (N-term) BPGK9310 ANDR Sumoylation site BPGK4200 AOS1 BPGK9290 AP-1 Sumoylation site BPGK9300 ARNT2 Sumoylation site BPGK8090 BAP1 (C-term) BPGK8080 BAP1 (N-term) BPHP7570 BIRC6 / APOLLON BPGK4160 Cbl (C-term) BPGK4150 Cbl (N-term) BPGK7080 CDC34 (C-term) BPGK7070 CDC34 (N-term) BPKQ0932 COP1 / RFWD2 BPKQ0930 COP1 / RFWD2 BPKQ0931 COP1 / RFWD2 BPGK8010 CROC1A (C-term) BPGK8000 CROC1A (N-term) BPKQ7280 CUL4A BPKQ4960 CUL4A BPGR5460 CUL7 BPGR5630 CUL7 BPHU5050 CUL7 BPKQ7700 CUL7 - for IHC BPGK8240 Dsk2 (C-term) BPGK8230 Dsk2 (N-term) BPKQ2660 DTX3L / BBAP BPKQ5020 DTX3L / BBAP BPKQ7430 DTX3L / BBAP - abs pack BPGK7160 E2EPF (C-term) BPGK7150 E2EPF (N-term) BPKQ5750 EDD1 BPKQ5490 EDD1 - for IHC BPGK7910 EPS15 (C-term) BPGK7900 EPS15 (N-term) BPGK7930 EPS15R (C-term) BPGK7920 EPS15R (N-term) BPGK8380 Epsin2a (C-term) BPGK8370 Epsin2a (N-term) BPKQ0910 FLRF / RNF41 - for IHC BPHU5370 FLRF / RNF41 - abs pack BPGR5740 FLRF/RNF41 BPGR6070 FLRF/RNF41 BPGK4380 GST Tag BPGR4930 HDMX / MDM4 BPKQ2410 HDMX / MDM4 - for IHC BPHU6310 HDMX / MDM4 - abs pack BPHP6910 HDMX / MDM4 (pS403) BPGK7040 HIP2 (Center) BPGK8400 HRD1 (C-term) BPKM3700 HRD1 (N-term) BPGK9210 HSF1 Sumoylation site BPGK9220 HSF2 Sumoylation site BPKQ3290 HURP / DLG7 BPKQ6120 HURP / DLG7 BPKQ8650 HURP / DLG7 BPKQ8130 HURP / DLG7 - abs pack BPGK9270 IKBa Sumoylation site BPGK9280 IKBa Sumoylation site BPGK7950 IMOS-1 (Center) BPGK7940 IMOS-1 (N-term) BPGK8150 ITCH (C-term) BPGK8140 ITCH (N-term) BPHP7510 LASU1 / UREB1 BP

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name GK4140 Mdm2 (C-term) BPGK4130 Mdm2 (N-term) BPGK8180 MIB (Center) BPGK8170 MIB (C-term) BPGK8160 MIB (N-term) BPGK8360 MJD (C-term) BPGK8350 MJD (N-term) BPGK9200 Myb Sumoylation site BPGK8420 NCE2 (C-term) BPGK8410 NCE2 (N-term) BPGK3850 NEDD8 (C-term) BPGK3840 NEDD8 (N-term) BPKQ6090 NUP214 BPKQ7290 NUP214 BPKQ5990 NUP214 - for IHC BPKQ6950 NUP214 - abs pack BPGK9260 p53 Sumoylation site BPHU6440 PARC / H7-AP1 - abs pack BPHU5090 PARC / H7-AP1 BPGR5800 PARC / H7-AP1 BPHU5100 PARC / H7-AP1 BPGK4030 PIAS1 (C-term) BPGK4020 PIAS1 (N-term) BPGK4040 PIAS3 (C-term) BPGK4050 PIAS3 (N-term) BPGK4220 PIASny (Center) BPGK4210 PIASny (N-term) BPGK4080 PIASx1 (N-term) BPGK4070 PIASx1/2 (C-term) BPGK4060 PIASx1/2 (N-term) BPKM2060 PIASx1/2 (N-term) BPGK4100 PIASy1 (C-term) BPGK4090 PIASy1 (N-term) BPGK4110 PIASz (N-term) BPGK4120 PIASz1 (C-term) BPBB3930 PIRH2 BPGK8320 PLIC1 (Center) BPGK8310 PLIC1 (N-term) BPGK9240 PML Sumoylation site BPGK9250 PML Sumoylation site BPGK8200 RAD23A (C-term) BPGK8190 RAD23A (N-term) BPGK8220 RAD23B (C-term) BPGK8210 RAD23B (N-term) BPGR5940 RAD6 BPGR5510 RAD6 BPGR4420 RAD6 BPKQ5610 RAD6 - for IHC BPHU6030 RAD6 - abs pack BPGK9230 Ran-GTPase Sumoylation site BPKQ4240 RNF20 BPKQ5240 RNF20 BPKQ7400 RNF20 - for IHC BPKQ7690 RNF20 - abs pack BPKQ5960 RNF40 BPKQ4220 RNF40 BPKQ5360 RNF40 BPKQ3150 RNF40 - for IHC BPKQ7020 RNF40 - abs pack BPHP7250 ROQUIN BPHP6930 ROQUIN BPHP8480 ROQUIN - abs pack BPGK3900 SENP1 (C-term) BPGK3890 SENP1 (N-term) BP

GK3920 SENP2 (C-term) BPGK3930 SENP2 (C-term) BPGK3910 SENP2 (N-term) BPGK3950 SENP3 (C-term) BPGK3940 SENP3 (N-term) BPGK3970 SENP5 (C-term) BPGK3960 SENP5 (N-term) BPGK3990 SENP6 (C-term) BPGK3980 SENP6 (N-term) BPGK4010 SENP7 (C-term) BPGK4000 SENP7 (N-term) BPGK4180 SENP8 (C-term) BPGK4170 SENP8 (N-term) BPGK8390 SQSTM1 (C-term) BPGK8340 STAM (C-term) BPGK8330 STAM (N-term) BPGK4330 SUMO (C-term) (Drosophila) BPGK4350 SUMO (C-term) (Nematode) BPGK4320 SUMO (N-term) (Drosophila) BPGK4340 SUMO (N-term) (Nematode) BPGK4360 SUMO (N-term) (Yeast) BPGK4370 SUMO (pan) BPGK4390 SUMO (pan) BPGK2490 SUMO1 - mouse Mab BPGK2500 SUMO1 - mouse Mab BPKM2050 SUMO1 (C-term D86) BPGK3750 SUMO1 (C-term) BPGK4270 SUMO1 (C-term) (Xenopus) BPGK3760 SUMO1 (N-term A6) BPGK3770 SUMO1 (N-term E67) BPGK3740 SUMO1 (N-term) BPGK4260 SUMO1 (N-term) (Xenopus) BPGK4250 SUMO2 (C-term) BPGK4290 SUMO2 (C-term) (Xenopus) BPGK4280 SUMO2 (N-term) (Xenopus) BPGK3800 SUMO2/3 (Center) BPGK3810 SUMO2/3 (C-term) BPGK3790 SUMO2/3 (N-term K5) BPGK3780 SUMO2/3 (N-term) BPGK2510 SUMO3 - mouse Mab BPGK3830 SUMO3 (C-term P94) BPGK3820 SUMO3 (C-term) BPGK4310 SUMO3 (C-term) (mouse) BPGK4300 SUMO3 (N-term) (mouse) BPKM2080 SUMO4 (Center) BPKN1420 SUMO4 (M55 Wild type) BPKM2070 SUMO4 (N-term) BPKN1430 SUMO4 (V55 Mutant) BPGK3350 SUSP1 (C-term) BPGK3340 SUSP1 (N-term) BPKM2100 SUV39H2 (C-term K375) BPGK4240 SUV39H2 (C-term) BPKM2090 SUV39H2 (N-term G107) BPGK4230 SUV39H2 (N-term) BPHP6290 TBLR1 BPKQ6190 TBLR1 - for IHC BPGK7990 TOLLIP (Center) BPGK7980 TOLLIP (C-term) BPGK7840 TSG101 (C-term) BPGK7830 TSG101 (N-term) BPKM3720 Uba5 (C-term) BPKM3710 Uba5 (N-term) BPKQ4900 UBAP2L / NICE4 BPKQ5330 UBAP2L / NICE4 BP

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

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KQ7030 UBAP2L / NICE4 - abs pack BPGK2520 UBC9 - mouse Mab BPGK2530 UBC9 - mouse Mab BPGK4190 UBC9 - mouse Mab BPGK6900 UBCE7IP1 (C-term) BPGK6890 UBCE7IP1 (N-term) BPGK6920 UBCE7IP3 (C-term) BPGK6910 UBCE7IP3 (N-term) BPGK6940 UBCE7IP4 (C-term) BPGK6930 UBCE7IP4 (N-term) BPGK6960 UBCE7IP5 (Center) BPGK6950 UBCE7IP5 (C-term) BPGK8130 UBCH9 (C-term) BPGK8120 UBCH9 (N-term) BPGK7030 UBE1 (Center) BPGK7020 UBE1 (C-term) BPKQ4980 UBE1C BPGK7060 UBE2B (C-term) BPGK7050 UBE2B (N-term) BPGK7140 UBE2C (C-term) BPGK7130 UBE2C (N-term) BPGK7010 UBE2D1 (C-term) BPGK7180 UBE2G1 (C-term) BPGK7170 UBE2G1 (N-term) BPGK7210 UBE2G2 (C-term) BPGK7200 UBE2G2 (N-term) BPGK7190 UBE2H (C-term) BPGK7100 UBE2L3 (C-term) BPGK7090 UBE2L3 (N-term) BPGK7120 UBE2L6 (C-term) BPGK7110 UBE2L6 (N-term) BPGK8110 UBE2M (Center) BPGK8100 UBE2M (N-term) BPGK7220 UBE2N (N-term) BPGK7860 UBE2V (C-term) BPGK7850 UBE2V (N-term) BPGK7880 UBE2V1 (C-term) BPGK7870 UBE2V1 (N-term) BPGK7820 UBE3A (C-term) BPGK7810 UBE3A (N-term) BPGK6980 UBE4A (C-term) BPGK6970 UBE4A (N-term) BPGK7000 UBE4B (C-term) BPGK6990 UBE4B (N-term) BPGK8260 Ubiquilin 1 (Center) BPGK8250 Ubiquilin 1 (N-term) BPGK8280 Ubiquilin 3 (C-term) BPGK8270 Ubiquilin 3 (N-term) BP

Ubiquitination & SumoylationPost-translational modifications

GK3880 Ubiquitin BPHP6800 Ubiquitin BPGK3870 Ubiquitin (C-term) BPGK3860 Ubiquitin (N-term) BPHP6740 Ubiquitin (plant) BPGK7290 UBL4 (C-term) BPGK7280 UBL4 (N-term) BPGK8300 UBQLN3 (C-term) BPGK8290 UBQLN3 (N-term) BPKM3690 UCHL1 / Park5 (C-term) BPGK7230 UCHL1 / Park5 (N-term) BPGK7250 UCHL3 (C-term) BPGK7240 UCHL3 (N-term) BPGK7270 UCHL5 (C-term) BPGK7260 UCHL5 (N-term) BPGK7890 UEV (N-term) BPKM3740 Ufc1 (C-term) BPKM3730 Ufc1 (N-term) BPGK7310 USP1 (C-term) BPGK7300 USP1 (N-term) BPBL0661 USP2 (C-term L523) BPGK7330 USP2 (C-term) BPBL0660 USP2 (Ctr S260) BPGK7320 USP2 (N-term) BPGK7350 USP3 (C-term) BPGK7360 USP3 (C-term) BPGK7340 USP3 (N-term) BPKQ4330 USP4 BPKQ6220 USP4 BPKQ8680 USP4 - abs pack BPGK7380 USP4 (Center) BPGK7370 USP4 (C-term) BPGK7400 USP5 (C-term) BPGK7390 USP5 (N-term) BPGK7420 USP6 (C-term) BPGK7410 USP6 (N-term) BPBG6870 USP7 BPGR3890 USP7 BPKQ3750 USP7 - for IHC BPHU5310 USP7 - abs pack BPGK7440 USP7 (C-term) BPGK7430 USP7 (N-term) BPGK7460 USP8 (C-term) BPGK7450 USP8 (N-term) BPKQ1041 USP10 BPKQ1040 USP10 BPKQ0990 USP10 - abs pack BPGK7480 USP10 (C-term) BP

GK7470 USP10 (N-term) BPGK7520 USP11 (C-term R565) BPGK7510 USP11 (C-term) BPGK7490 USP11 (N-term N20) BPGK7500 USP11 (N-term R41) BPGK7540 USP12 (C-term) BPGK7530 USP12 (N-term) BPGK7560 USP13 (Center) BPGK7550 USP13 (N-term) BPGK7580 USP14 (C-term) BPGK7570 USP14 (N-term) BPGK7600 USP15 (C-term) BPGK7590 USP15 (N-term) BPGK7620 USP16 (Center) BPGK7610 USP16 (N-term) BPGK7640 USP19 (C-term) BPGK7630 USP19 (N-term) BPGK7660 USP20 (C-term) BPGK7650 USP20 (N-term) BPGK7670 USP21 (C-term) BPGK7680 USP21 (N-term P31) BPGK7700 USP22 (C-term) BPGK7690 USP22 (N-term) BPGK7720 USP24 (C-term) BPGK7710 USP24 (N-term) BPGK7740 USP25 (C-term) BPGK7730 USP25 (N-term) BPGK7760 USP26 (C-term) BPGK7750 USP26 (N-term) BPKQ0760 USP28 BPKQ0761 USP28 BPKQ0770 USP28 - abs pack BPGK7780 USP28 (C-term) BPGK7770 USP28 (N-term) BPGK7800 USP29 (Center) BPGK7790 USP29 (N-term) BPKQ3990 USP34 BPKQ6770 VCP BPKQ3170 VCP BPKQ7660 VCP - for IHC BPKQ8330 VCP - abs pack BPGK8070 VDU1-I (C-term) BPGK8060 VDU1-I (N-term) BPGK8050 VDU1-II (C-term) BPGK8040 VDU1-II (N-term) BPHU5250 WSTF BP

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

Ubiquitination & Sumoylation related antibodies

BP = blocking peptide available SS = small size available

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Methylation & Acetylation

Acetylation and methylation of lysine and arginine residues on core histones H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 plays a pivotal role in a variety of gene activities such as transcription regulation, DNA replication and damage repair, gene silencing and the regulation of cell developmental pro-cessessuchascellulardifferentiationandproliferation.Theseposttranslationalmodifications,clustered densely on the highly charged N-terminal tales of histones, engender remodeling of the chromatin structure. Conformational adjustment modulates accessibility to transcription complexesandtherebydirectspromoter-specificeventsaswellasoverallcontrolofchromo-somalactivity.Keyenzymeseffectingthesemodificationsarehistoneacetyltransferase(HAT),histone deacetylase (HDAC), and histone methyltransferase (HMT); indeed the term ‘histone code’hascomeintousagetodescribethewayinwhichtheseposttranslationalmodificationadhere to principles of molecular recognition and information transmission to recruit trans-cription complexes that direct downstream events. The proper balance of HAT, HDAC, and HMT is essential to appropriate cellular transcription. Even though the regulatory mechanisms drivingthesemodificationsareatanearlystageofunderstanding,linkstodiseasestatessuchas leukemia, lupus and Huntington’s disease have been established, and therapeutic drugs targetingthesemodificationsarebeingpursued.

Methylation of a DNA cytosine residue to convert it to 5-methylcytosine occurs at CpG sites. This process is mediated by DNA methyltransferase. The level of methylation of CpG islands, which densely populate near eukaryotic gene promoters, strongly determines gene activity andexpression.InnormalcellsthelevelofmethylationofthepromoterflankingCpGislandsis low, whereas in cancer cells excessive methylation is observed, which has fueled research into the role that deposition of methyl groups plays in inducing oncogenic transcription. In addition to basic research, early results portend important clinical applications – for example, a hypermethylated gene is found in 90% or more of patients with prostate cancer.

Methylation & AcetylationPost-translational modifications

Diagram of histone tails and the sites at wich they may be modified [24].

Histone Deacetylases

The wide variety of histone activities isdueinnosmallparttothemodifi-cations that occur on the «tail» of the histone, a protruding amino-terminal of ~25-40 residues [21]. These mo-difications are thought to occur inan orderly manner to affect gene expression by affecting the arran-gement of DNA in the nucleosome. Thus, the pattern ofmodifications,or «histone code,» greatly increases DNA’s potential to affect cell function by controlling access to transcription factors [22]. This code is also thou-ght to be involved in epigenetic, or heritable and potentially reversible, changes in chromatin structure [23]. Understanding the underlying patternsofthesemodificationsmayhold the key to many types of cellular dysfunction, such as tumorigenesis and myelodysplasia.

HDAC FunctionHistone acetylation, neutralizes the positively charged histone so that it interacts more weakly with negatively charged DNA. When histones are deacetylated, the chromatin condenses and the genes exposed in the acetylated state are silenced. Acetylation and deacetylation also work in concert with surrounding methylated DNA to express and silence genes. Transcriptionally active chromatin (euchromatin) is generally unmethylated , since acetylation occurs on the same lysines that are methylated in inactive chromatin (heterochromatin) [25]. Although inhi-biting HDAC activity produces large numbers of hyperacetylated histones, transcription does notoccurunlesschromatinisalsodemethylated,thusindicatingthatthetwomodificationswork in concert to control gene transcription [26].

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non exhaustive selection of related antibodies (see Methylation/Acetylation list here under for more antibodies)

Methylation & AcetylationPost-translational modifications

The anti-HDAC1 Pab (Cat. # GK3010) is used in Western blot to detect HDAC1 in ZR-75-1 cell lysate

Both anti-HDAC9 N-term (GK3170) and C-term (GK3180) Pab were tested by WB and IP-WB using HeLa and HeLa-HDAC9 transfected cells. Figure shows both Pab specifically detect HDAC9 in HeLa-HDAC9 transfected cell but not HeLa alone. (Data kindly provided by Dr. Zhigang Yuan, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL).

WB : GK3170 GK3180Cat # Name Host Species react ApplicationGK3010 HDAC1 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, WB BPGK3040 HDAC3 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB BPGK3110 HDAC6 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, WB BPGK3170 HDAC9 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, WB, IHC, IP, FC BPGK3280 HRX rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC BPGK3250 NCOR1 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPGL1490 SIRT1 rabbit Pab Hu, Ms ELISA, IHC, WB BPGL1510 SIRT5 rabbit Pab Hu ELISA, IHC, WB BP

Methylation, Acetylation and Histone modification related antibodies


Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name

HP7630 ASH2 BPGR4820 ASH2 BPGR4200 ASH2 BPGR5950 ASH2 BPKQ6620 ASH2 - for IHC BPHU5530 ASH2 - abs pack BPKM2000 BAT8 (C-term) BPKM2010 BAT8 (N-term) BPHP7000 CARM1 BPHP6340 CARM1 BPHP7690 CARM1 BPKQ5830 CARM1 - for IHC BPHU6410 CARM1 - abs pack BPKM1870 CREBBP (Center) BPKM1860 CREBBP (N-term) BPHP6510 CTBP1 BPGK2690 Dnmt1 (C-term S1602) BPGK2680 Dnmt2 BPGK2830 Dnmt2 (C-term) (mouse) BPGK2820 Dnmt2 (N-term) (mouse) BPGK2700 Dnmt3a BPGK2710 Dnmt3b BPGK2800 Dnmt3L (C-term) BPGK2840 Dnmt3L (mouse) BPGK3490 DOT1L (C-term) BPGK3480 DOT1L (N-term) BPKM1910 EP300 (Center) BPKM1920 EP300 (C-term) BPKM1810 EUHMTASE1 (Center) BPKM1800 EUHMTASE1 (N-term) BPHP6690 EZH2 PSER21 BPGK3470 G9a (Center) BPGK3460 G9a (N-term) BPKM1880 GCN5L2 (C-term) BPCE1570 GCN5L2 (N-term) BPKM1850 GNMT (C-term) BPKM1840 GNMT (N-term) BPAZ3802 H2AX BPAZ3803 H2AX BPKQ6800 H2AX - for IHC BP

HU5470 H2AX - abs pack BPCF0440 H2AX gamma - for IHC BPGR6010 H2AX gamma BPKM1900 HAT1 (C-term) BPKM1890 HAT1 (N-term) BPKQ4800 HDAC1 BPKQ4250 HDAC1 BPKQ2330 HDAC1 - for IHC BPKQ8730 HDAC1 - abs pack BPGK3010 HDAC1 (C-term) BPGK3020 HDAC1 (N-term) BPKQ3630 HDAC2 BPKQ1280 HDAC2 BPKQ6320 HDAC2 - for IHC BPKQ2830 HDAC2 - abs pack BPGK3030 HDAC2 (C-term) BPBT0790 HDAC3 BPGK3050 HDAC3 (C-term) BPGK3040 HDAC3 (N-term) BPGK3060 HDAC4 (C-term) BPGK3070 HDAC4 (N-term) BPGK3090 HDAC5 (Center) BPGK3100 HDAC5 (C-term) BPGK3080 HDAC5 (N-term) BPGK3110 HDAC6 (C-term) BPGK3120 HDAC6 (N-term) BPGK3130 HDAC7 (C-term) BPGK3140 HDAC7 (N-term) BPGK3160 HDAC8 (C-term) BPGK3150 HDAC8 (N-term) BPGK3180 HDAC9 (C-term) BPGK3170 HDAC9 (N-term) BPGK3200 HDAC10 (C-term) BPGK3190 HDAC10 (N-term) BPGK3220 HDAC11 (C-term) BPGK3210 HDAC11 (N-term) BPKQ8570 Histone H3 BPKQ5600 Histone H3 BPKQ8790 Histone H3 - abs pack BPGK2810 Histone H3-MeK9 BP

KQ3950 Histone H4 BPKQ6330 Histone H4 BPKQ5800 Histone H4 - for IHC BPKQ4690 Histone H4 - abs pack BPGK3280 HRX (Center) BPGK3270 HRX (C-term) BPHU6040 HSET - abs pack BPGR5620 HSET1 BPGR3400 HSET1 BPGR5560 HSET1 BPKM1940 HTATIP (C-term) BPKM1930 HTATIP (N-term) BPKQ0780 JARID1A / RBP2 BPKQ1120 JMJD1B BPKQ1110 JMJD1C BPKQ4740 JMJD2A BPKQ6340 JMJD2A BPKQ1020 JMJD2C BPHP7510 LASU1 / UREB1 BPGR3410 LEO1 BPGR5470 LEO1 BPHU5730 LEO1 - abs pack BPKM2030 LSD1 (Center) BPKM2040 LSD1 (C-term) BPKM2020 LSD1 (N-term) BPGK2730 MBD1 (C-term) BPGK2720 MBD1 (N-term) BPGK2930 MBD2 (C-term) BPGK2920 MBD2 (N-term) BPGK2740 MBD3 BPGK2750 MBD3 (C-term C215) BPGK2760 MBD3 (C-term) BPGK2770 MBD4 BPGK2780 MBD4 (Center) BPGK2790 MBD4 (C-term) BPKM3970 MD1 (C-term) BPKM3960 MD1 (N-term) BPKM3990 MeCP2 (C-term) BPKM3980 MeCP2 (N-term) BPKM5070 MeCP2 (phospho S292) BP

HDACs in diseaseAcetylation of histones is primarily controlled by precise interactions between histone acetylases (HATs) and their antagonists, histone deacetylases (HDACs). In cancer, tumor-suppressor ge-nes are sometimes repressed by HDACs, consequently, compounds that inhibit HDAC activity havebeenidentifiedaspotentialanti-cancerdrugsbyanumberofpharmaceuticalcompanies.HDAC inhibitors are being tested in a number of different clinical trials against a wide variety of diseases, including leukemia, AIDS, breast cancer, and spinal muscular atrophy.

BP = blocking peptide available

BP = blocking peptide available

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Other modificationsPost-translational modifications

Methylation, Acetylation and Histone modification related antibodies (continued)

Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name C05910 MENIN BPAZ8310 MENIN BPGR5260 MENIN BPAI9370 MENIN - goat Pab BPAI9380 MENIN - agarose immobilized BPGR3810 MLL1 BPGR4670 MLL1 BPBU8680 MLL1 BPHP7390 MLL1 BPHU5480 MLL1 - abs pack BPHP6500 MTA1 BPKQ4490 MTA1 - for IHC BPHP6840 MTA2 BPHP7520 MTA2 BPHU6330 MTA2 - abs pack BPGR4560 MTA3 BPGK2980 NCE2 (C-term) BPGK2970 NCE2 (N-term) BPKM1950 NCOA3 (Center) BPKM1960 NCOA3 (C-term) BPGK3260 NCOR1 (C-term) BPGK3250 NCOR1 (N-term) BPKQ6090 NUP214 BPKQ7290 NUP214 BPKQ5990 NUP214 - for IHC BPH80800 p53 acetylated (K320) BPGS8110 p53 acetylated (K373) BPKM1770 PAD4 (Center) BPKM4010 PAD4 (C-term) BPKM4000 PAD4 (N-term) BPGR3870 PAF1 BPGR5110 PAF1 BPHU5720 PAF1 - abs pack BPGR5670 Parafibromin BPGR5720 Parafibromin BPHU5710 Parafibromin-abspack BPGK3380 PR/SET07 (C-term) BPGK3370 PR/SET07 (N-term) BPGK3520 PRDM1 (BLIMP1) BPGK3540 PRDM2 (RIZ1) BPGK3550 PRDM2 (RIZ1) BPGK2470 PRDM2 (RIZ1) - mouse Mab BPGK3530 PRDM2 (RIZ1) (N-term) BPGK2450 PRDM3 - mouse Mab BPGK3560 PRDM3 (MDS1/EV11) BPGK3570 PRDM4 (PFM1) BPGK3580 PRDM5 (PFM2) BPGK3590 PRDM6 (PFM3) BP

GK3600 PRDM8 (PFM5) BPGK3610 PRDM9 (C-term) BPGK2460 PRDM10 - mouse Mab BPGK3620 PRDM10 (N-term) BPGK3640 PRDM11 (C-term) BPGK3630 PRDM11 (N-term) BPGK2480 PRDM12 - mouse Mab BPGK3650 PRDM12 (N-term) BPGK3670 PRDM13 (C-term) BPGK3660 PRDM13 (N-term) BPGK3690 PRDM14 (PFM11) (C-term) BPGK3680 PRDM14 (PFM11) (N-term) BPGK3710 PRDM15 (C-term) BPGK3700 PRDM15 (N-term) BPGK3720 PRDM16 (N-term) BPGK3730 PRDM17 (N-term) BPKQ3050 PRMT1 BPKQ4670 PRMT1 BPKQ5540 PRMT1 - for IHC BPKQ1740 PRMT1 - abs pack BPGK2600 PRMT1 (C-term) BPGK2590 PRMT1 (N-term) BPGK2620 PRMT2 (C-term) BPGK2610 PRMT2 (N-term) BPGK2640 PRMT3 (C-term) BPGK2630 PRMT3 (N-term) BPGK2650 PRMT4 (C-term) BPKQ4310 PRMT5 BPKQ7680 PRMT5 BPKQ8110 PRMT5 - abs pack BPGK2670 PRMT5 (C-term) BPGK2660 PRMT5 (N-term) BPKM1720 PRMT6 (C-term) BPKM1710 PRMT6 (N-term) BPKM1740 PRMT7 (Center) BPKM1750 PRMT7 (C-term) BPKM1730 PRMT7 (N-term) BPGK3240 RANBP2 (C-term) BPGK3230 RANBP2 (N-term) BPGR3850 RBBP5 BPKQ5290 REA BPKQ7550 REA BPKQ5460 REA BPKQ7140 REA - for IHC BPKQ5960 RNF40 BPKQ4220 RNF40 BPKQ5360 RNF40 BPKQ3150 RNF40 - for IHC BP

GR4270 RTF1 BPGR4120 RTF1 BPHU5740 RTF1 - abs pack BPGK3510 SAE1 (C-term) BPGK3500 SAE1 (N-term) BPGK3390 SET07 BPGK2440 SET07 - mouse Mab BPKM1640 SET07 - mouse Mab BPGK3430 SET1 (C-term) BPGK3420 SET1 (N-term) BPGK3450 SET2 (C-term) BPGK3440 SET2 (N-term) BPKM1990 SET7 (C-term) BPKM1980 SET7 (N-term) BPGK3410 SET9 (Center) BPGK3400 SET9 (C-term) BPGR4370 SETDB1 BPKM1790 SETDB1 (C-term) BPKM1780 SETDB1 (N-term) BPKM1820 SETDB2 (Center C195) BPKM1830 SETDB2 (Center V514) BPKQ7230 SIN3A BPKQ5130 SIN3A BPKQ8220 SIN3A BPGL1470 SIRT1 (C-term) BPGK3360 SUV39H1 BPGR4720 SUV39H1 - abs pack BPGK2430 SUV39H1 - mouse Mab BPBA0610 TRX2 BPGK2910 UBA2 (C-term A600) BPGK2900 UBA2 (C-term E616) BPGK2890 UBA2 (N-term) BPGK2860 UBE1C (C-term) BPGK2850 UBE1C (N-term) BPGK2880 UBE2I (C-term) BPGK2870 UBE2I (N-term) BPGK2950 UBE2M (C-term) BPGK2940 UBE2M (N-term) BPGK2960 USP21 (N-term) BPKM4020 ZBRK1 (Center) BPKM4030 ZBRK1 (C-term) BPKQ6400 ZBTB7 (FBI-1) BPKQ8090 ZBTB7 (FBI-1) BPKQ6760 ZBTB7 (FBI-1) - abs pack BP

BP = blocking peptide available

Page 32: Functional Proteomics · Post-translational modifications Post-translational modifications Major modifications, related antibodies & enzymes This section presents a large selection



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Cat # Name Cat # Name Cat # Name GK9570 ACOX1 (C-term) BPGK9560 ACOX1 (N-term) BPGK8440 ADPRH (C-term) BPGK8430 ADPRH (N-term) BPGK8800 AGER (C-term) BPGK8790 AGER (N-term) BPGK8810 AGL (Center) BPGK8820 AGL (C-term) BPKM3880 AGL (N-term) BPGK9350 AOS1 (C-term) BPGK9340 AOS1 (N-term) BPGK8460 ARF4L (C-term) BPGK8450 ARF4L (N-term) BPGK8480 ARFGAP1 (C-term) BPGK8500 ARFGAP3 (C-term) BPGK8470 ARFGAP3 (N-term) BPKM3800 ARL1 (C-term) BPGK8490 ARL1 (N-term) BPKM3810 ARL2 (C-term) BPGK8510 ARL2 (N-term) BPGK8530 ARL3 (C-term) BPGK8520 ARL3 (N-term) BPGK8550 ARL4 (C-term) BPGK8540 ARL4 (N-term) BPGK8570 ARL5 (C-term) BPGK8560 ARL5 (N-term) BPGK8590 ARL6 (C-term) BPGK8580 ARL6 (N-term) BPGK8610 ARL7 (C-term) BPGK8600 ARL7 (N-term) BPKM3820 ART1 (Center) BPGK8620 ART1 (N-term) BPGK8640 ART3 (C-term) BPGK8630 ART3 (N-term) BPGK8650 ART4 (C-term) BPKM3830 ART4 (N-term) BPGK8660 ART5 (C-term) BPKM3840 ART5 (N-term) BPGK9410 BMI (Center) BPGK9400 BMI (C-term) BPGK9420 CBX (N-term) BPGK9430 CBX4 (C-term) BPGK9450 CBX8 (C-term) BPGK9440 CBX8 (N-term) BPGK9590 CPT1A (C-term) BPGK9580 CPT1A (N-term) BPGK9620 CPT1B (C-term) BPGK9770 CPT1B (N-term) BPGK9610 CPT2 (C-term) BPGK9600 CPT2 (N-term) BPGK8830 DDOST (N-term) BPGK9360 EZH1 (Center) BP

GK9370 EZH1 (N-term) BPGK9390 EZH2 (Center) BPGK9380 EZH2 (N-term) BPGK9680 FACL3 (Center) BPGK9670 FACL3 (N-term) BPGK9700 FACL4 (Center) BPGK9690 FACL5 (N-term) BPGK9720 FACL6 (Center) BPGK9710 FACL6 (N-term) BPGK9050 FDFT1 (Center) BPGK9040 FDFT1 (N-term) BPGK9070 FDPS (Center) BPGK9060 FDPS (N-term) BPGK9100 FNTA (Center) BPGK9110 FNTA (C-term) BPGK8990 FNTB (N-term) BPGK8840 GCNT1 (Center) BPGK8850 GCNT1 (C-term) BPGK8680 GCS1 (C-term) BPGK8670 GCS1 (N-term) BPGK8700 GGA1 (C-term) BPGK8690 GGA1 (N-term) BPKM3850 GGA2 (Center) BPGK8710 GGA2 (N-term) BPGK8720 GGA3 (C-term) BPKM3860 GGA3 (N-term) BPGK9090 GGPS1 (C-term) BPGK9080 GGPS1 (N-term) BPGK9170 GPI8 (C-term) BPGK9160 GPI8 (N-term) BPGK9190 GPIP137 (C-term) BPGK9180 GPIP137 (N-term) BPGK8860 GPLD1 (N-term) BPGK9150 GPLD2 (C-term) BPGK9140 GPLD2 (N-term) BPGK9500 HRX (N-term) BPKM3950 ICMT (C-term) BPKM3940 ICMT (N-term) BPGK3320 ISG15 (C-term) BPGK3310 ISG15 (N-term) BPGK9540 MARCKS (C-term) BPGK9530 MARCKS (N-term) BPGK8740 METAP1 (C-term) BPGK8730 METAP1 (N-term) BPGK8750 METAP2 (C-term) BPBY4220 METAP2 (N-term) BPGK8880 MGAT1 (C-term) BPGK8870 MGAT1 (N-term) BPGK8900 MGAT2 (C-term) BPGK8890 MGAT2 (N-term) BPGK8960 MGAT3 (N-term) BPGK8980 MLP (Center) BP

GK9550 MLP (N-term) BPGK8910 MPDU1 (Center) BPGK9510 NMT1 (N-term) BPGK8970 NMT2 (C-term) BPGK9520 NMT2 (N-term) BPGK9330 NYREN18 (C-term) BPGK9320 NYREN18 (N-term) BPKM4160 PAPSS1 (Center) BPKM4150 PAPSS1 (C-term) BPKM4140 PAPSS1 (N-term) BPKM4170 PAPSS1 (N-term) BPKM4050 PAPSS2b (Center) BPGK9740 PPT1 (C-term) BPGK9730 PPT1 (N-term) BPGK9760 PPT2 (C-term) BPGK9750 PPT2 (N-term) BPGK9130 PXF (C-term) BPGK9120 PXF (N-term) BPGK9030 RCE1 (N-term W57) BPGK9020 RCE1 (N-term) BPGK9470 RING1 (C-term) BPGK9460 RING1 (N-term) BPGK8930 RPN1 (C-term) BPGK8920 RPN1 (N-term) BPGK8950 RPN2 (C-term) BPGK8940 RPN2 (N-term) BPGK9660 SPTLC1 (C-term) BPGK9650 SPTLC1 (N-term) BPGK9640 SPTLC2 (C-term) BPGK9630 SPTLC2 (N-term) BPKM4130 SULT1A1 (Center) BPKM4040 SULT1B1 (C-term) BPKM4120 SULT1B1 (N-term) BPKM4070 SULT1C1 (Center) BPKM4060 SULT1C1 (N-term) BPKM4180 SULT1C2 (N-term) BPKM4090 SULT2A (C-term) BPKM4080 SULT2A (N-term) BPKM4110 SULT2B1a/b (C-term) BPKM4100 SULT2B1a/b (N-term) BPKM4190 SULT4A1a (C-term) BPKM4200 SULT4A1a/b (N-term) BPGK9780 SULT4A1b (C-Term) BPGK8760 TPST1 (C-term) BPKM3870 TPST1 (N-term) BPGK8780 TPST2 (C-term) BPGK8770 TPST2 (N-term) BPKM3900 VNN2 (C-term) BPKM3890 VNN2 (N-term) BPGK9490 YY1 (Center) BPGK9480 YY1 (N-term) BPGK9000 ZMPSTE24 (Center) BPGK9010 ZMPSTE24 (C-term) BP

Other modificationsProteomics

Related antibodiesThese antibodies are all rabbit polyclonals

Other modifications

Proteinmodificationswereonceconsideredtobenon-specificornamentationrelatedtoimportantbutmundanerolessuchasproteaseresistance.Scientistsnowknowthatdiverseanddynamicmodificationsofproteinsarecrucialtocellphysiologyanddisease.Approxi-mately5-10%ofthegenomeisestimatedtocodeforenzymesthatcatalyzeproteinmodification.Morethantwohundreddifferentproteinmodificationsareknowntooccurinlivingcells,andtheircellularpurposesareunderactivestudybybasicresearchersandpharmaceuticalcompanies alike. They include ADP ribosylation, farnesylation, sulfation, palmitoylation, glycosylation, and myristoylation among many others....

BP = blocking peptide available

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Functional Proteomics

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Other modificationsPost-translational modifications

References and sources of information

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