function of fallopian tube in the movement of ovum,sperm and blastocyst

Function of Fallopian Tube in the movement of Ovum, Sperm and Blastocyst

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Function of Fallopian Tube in the movement of Ovum, Sperm and Blastocyst


General definitions Parts of Uterine tube Layers of Uterine tube Movement of Ovum Movement of Sperm Zygote formation Movement of Blastocyst

What is Fallopian Tubes ?

Uterine tubes or oviductsAbout 10 cm long lined with ciliated epithelia, Leading from ovaries to uterus.

What is Ovum ?

Female reproductive or germ cell.Capable of developing into new species.

What is Sperm ?

Sperm is the male reproductive cell.

What is Blastocyst ?

Thin-walled hollow structure.Contains a cluster of cells. From which the embryo arises.

Parts of Uterine Tube 4 PartsI. Infudibulum : Found in the ovarian end. Funnel-shaped opening . Finger-like projections called fimbria.

I. Ampulla : Widest section . Usually fertilization occurs here.

Parts of Uterine Tube

I. Isthmus : Narrow section connect ampulla to uterine cavity.

I. Intramural portion : Continuation of tube through the uterine wall.

Parts of Uterine Tube

Layers of Uterine Tube

3 layers.I. Mucosa : Extremely folded. Ciliated columnar epithelium and secretory cells.

I. Muscularis externa : Inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle.

I. Serosa : Consist of loose connective tissue.

Movement of Ovum

Mucosa layer of the uterine tube contains ciliatedcolumnar epithelium cells.(Function : moving)

↓which convey the eggs in the uterus direction & meet

with sperm in the Ampulla.↓

Due to muscular contraction.

Movement of Ovum

Movement of Sperm

Muscularis externa layer of uterine tube contains an inner circular smooth muscle.

↓And a thin outer longitudinal smooth muscle.

↓Due to the contraction of those 2 muscles sperm is

transported from uterus to Ampulla.↓

Also some ciliated columnar epithelium cells help in sperm transport.

Movement of Sperm

Zygote Formation

Single cell After the egg has been fertilized by the sperm. Merges chromosomes from both of the gametes. Production of embryonic cells at 4 days after fertilization. Lasts for only about 4 days in total. On 5th day, becomes Blastocysts.

Zygote Formation

Movement of Blastocyst

After fertilization occurred zygote is transported to theuterus.

↓Due to ciliated columnar epithelium cells

↓Opposite movement due to contraction of circular &

longitudinal smooth muscle.

Movement of Blastocyst

Magic tube

Sperm movement from uterus to ampulla before fertilization

After fertilization blastocyte movement is from ampulla touterus.

Travel time of Ovum : 3 days. Unfertilized egg lives only : 24h and died.


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