function approximation spring 2006 1 function approximation fariba sharifian somaye kafi

Function Approximation spring 2006 1 Function Approximation Fariba Sharifian Somaye Kafi

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Page 1: Function Approximation spring 2006 1 Function Approximation Fariba Sharifian Somaye Kafi

Function Approximation spring 2006


Function Approximation

Fariba Sharifian

Somaye Kafi

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Function Approximation spring 2006


Contents Introduction to Counterpropagation Full Counterpropagation

Architecture Algorithm Application example

Forward only Counterpropagation Architecture Algorithm Application example

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Function Approximation Using Neural Network Introduction Development of Neural Network Weight Equations Algebra Training Algorithms

Exact Matching of Function Input –Output Data Approximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra

Training Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data Exact Matching of Function Gradient Data

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Introduction to Counterpropagation

are multilayer networks based on combination of input, clustering and output layers

can be used to compress data, to approximate functions, or to associate patterns

approximate its training input vectors pair by adoptively constructing a lookup table

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Introduction to Counterpropagation (cont.)

training has two stages Clustering Output weight updating

There are two types of it Full Forward only

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Full Counterpropagation

Produces an approximation x*:y* based on

input of an x vector input of a y vector only input of an x:y ,possibly with some distorted or missing

elements in either or both vectors.

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Full Counterpropagation (cont.)

Phase 1 The units in the cluster layer compete. The learning rule for

weight updates on the winning cluster unit is (only the winning unit is allowed to learn)

learning)Kohonen standard is (This
















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Full Counterpropagation (cont.)

Phase 2 The weights from the winning cluster unit J to the output units are

adjusted so that the vector of activations of the units in the Y output layer, y*, is an approximation to the input vector y; x*, is an approximation to the input vector x. The weight updates for the units in the Y output and X output layers are

learning) Grossberg asknown is (This
















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Architecture of Full Counterpropagation
















Hidden layer uw


Cluster layer


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Full Counterpropagation Algorithm

learning) (Grossberglayer cluster fromout for weight rates learning:,

learning)(Kohonen layer cluster into sfor weight rates learning : ,

unit layer,output to,unit layer,cluster fromweight :

unit layer,output to,unit layer,cluster fromweight :

unit Z layer,cluster to,unit layer,input fromweight :

unit Z layer,cluster to,unit layer,input fromweight :

y vector ion toapproximat computed:

vector xion toapproximat computed:

unit Zlayer cluster of activation:

)(y :input x toingcorrespondoutput target :y

),...,,...,( x: vector ninginput trai :x
























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Full Counterpropagation Algorithm (phase 1) Step 1. Initialize weights, learning rates, etc. Step 2. While stopping condition for Phase 1 is false, do Step 3-8 Step 3. For each training input pair x:y, do Step 4-6 Step 4. Set X input layer activations to vector x ; set Y input layer activations to vector y. Step 5. Find winning cluster unit; call its index J Step 6. Update weights for unit ZJ:

Step 7. Reduce learning rate and . Step 8. Test stopping condition for Phase 1 training

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Full Counterpropagation algorithm(phase 2)

Step 9. While stopping condition for Phase 2 is false, do Step 10-16

(Note: and are small, constant values during phase 2)

Step 10. For each training input pair x:y, do Step 11-14

Step 11. Set X input layer activations to vector x ; set Y input layer activations to vector y. Step 12. Find winning cluster unit; call its index J Step 13. Update weights for unit ZJ:

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Full Counterpropagation Algorithm(phase 2)(cont.)

Step 14. Update weights from unit ZJ to the output layers

Step 15. Reduce learning rate a and b. Step 16. Test stopping condition for Phase

2 training.

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Which cluster is the winner? dot product (find the cluster with the largest net input)

Euclidean distance (find the cluster with smallest square distance from the input)

i k

kjkijij uywxnet

i k

kjkijij uywxD 22

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Full Counterpropagation Application

The application for counterpropagation is as follows:

Step0: initialize weights. step1: for each input pair x:y, do step 2-4. Step2: set X input layer activation to vector x

set Y input layer activation to vector Y;

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Full Counterpropagation Application (cont.)

Step3: find cluster unit Z, that is closest to the input pair

Step4: compute approximations to x and y:



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Full counterpropagation example Function approximation of y=1/x After training phase we have

Cluster unit v w z1 0.11 9.0 z2 0.14 7.0 z3 0.20 5.0 z4 0.30 3.3 z5 0.60 1.6 z6 1.60 0.6 z7 3.30 0.3 z8 5.00 0.2 z9 7.00 0.14 z10 9.00 0.11

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Full counterpropagation example (cont.)






Y1* X1





0.11 9.0

9.0 0.11

0.14 7.0






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Full counterpropagation example (cont.) To approximate value for y for x=0.12 As we don’t know any thing about y compute D just by means of x D1=(.12-.11)2 =.0001 D2=.0004 D3=.064 D4=.032 D5=.23 D6=2.2 D7=10.1 D8=23.8 D9=47.3 D10=81

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Forward Only Counterpropagation

Is a simplified version of the full counterpropagation

Are intended to approximate y=f(x) function that is not necessarily invertible

It may be used if the mapping from x to y is well defined, but the mapping from y to x is not.

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Forward Only Counterpropagation Architecture










Input layer Cluster layer Output layer




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Forward Only Counterpropagation Algorithm

Step 1. Initialize weights, learning rates, etc. Step 2. While stopping condition for Phase 1 is false, do Step 3-8 Step 3. For each training input x, do Step 4-6 Step 4. Set X input layer activations to vector x Step 5. Find winning cluster unit; call its index j Step 6. Update weights for unit ZJ:

Step 7. Reduce learning rate Step 8. Test stopping condition for Phase 1 training.

n iwxww oldiJi


newiJ 1,2,...,,

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Step 9. While stopping condition for Phase 2 is false, do Step 10-16 (Note: is small, constant values during phase 2) Step 10. For each training input pair x:y, do Step 11-14 Step 11. Set X input layer activations to vector x ; set Y input layer activations to vector y. Step 12. Find winning cluster unit; call its index J Step 13. Update weights for unit ZJ ( is small)

Step 14. Update weights from unit ZJ to the output layers

Step 15. Reduce learning rate a. Step 16. Test stopping condition for Phase 2 training.

n iwxww old





iJ 1,2,...,,

.,...,2,1 , mkuyauu old






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Forward Only Counterpropagation Application

Step0: initialize weights (by training in previous subsection).

Step1: present input vector x. Step2: find unit J closest to vector x. Step3: set activation output units:


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Forward only counterpropagation example Function approximation of y=1/x After training phase we have

Cluster unit w u z1 0.5 5.5 z2 1.5 0.75 z3 2.5 0.4 z4 . . z5 . . z6 . . z7 . . z8 . . z9 . . z10 9.5 0.1

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Function ApproximationUsing Neural Network

IntroductionDevelopment of Neural Network Weight EquationsAlgebra Training Algorithms

Exact Matching of Function Input –Output DataApproximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra TrainingApproximate Matching of Function Input-Output DataExact Matching of Function Gradient Data

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Introduction analytical description for a set of data

referred to as data modeling or system identification

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standard tools

Splines Wavelets Neural network

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Why Using Neural Network

Splines & Wavelets not generalize well to higher 3 dimensional spaces

universal approximators

parallel architecture trained to map multidimensional nonlinear


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Why Using Neural Network (cont)

Central to the solution of differential equations. Provide differentiable closed-analytic- form solutions have very good generalization properties widely applicable

translates into a set of nonlinear, transcendental weight equations

cascade structure nonlinearity of the hidden nodes linear operations in the input and output layers

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Function Approximation Using Neural Network

functions not known analytically have a set of precise input–output samples

functions modeled using an algebraic approach design objectives:

exact matching approximate matching

feedforward neural networks Data:

Input Output And/or gradient information

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exact solutions

sufficient degrees of freedom retaining good generalization properties

synthesize a large data set by a parsimonious network

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Input-to-node values

algebraic training base if all sigmoidal functions inputs are known weight

equations become algebraic

input-to-node values, sigmoidal functions inputs

determine the saturation level of each sigmoid at a given data point

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weight equations structure

analyze & train a nonlinear neural network

means linear algebra controlling the distribution controlling the saturation level of the active


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Function ApproximationUsing Neural Network

IntroductionDevelopment of Neural Network Weight EquationsAlgebra Training Algorithms

Exact Matching of Function Input –Output DataApproximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra TrainingApproximate Matching of Function Input-Output DataExact Matching of Function Gradient Data

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Development of Neural Network Weight Equations

Objective approximate a smooth scalar function of q Inputs

using a feedforward sigmoidal network

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Derivative information

can improve network’s generalization properties

partial derivatives with input

can be incorporated in the training set

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Network Output

z: computed as a nonlinear transformation w: input weight p: input b: bias d: output bias v: output weight :sigmoid functions

such as:

input-to-node variables

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Scalar OutPut of Network

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Exactly Match of the Function’s Outputs

output weighted equation

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Gradient Equations

derivative of the network output with respect to its inputs

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Exact Matching of the Function’s Derivatives

gradient weight equations

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Input-to-node Weight Equations

rewriting 12

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Four Algebraic Algorithms

Exact Matching of Function Input –Output Data

Approximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra Training

Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data

Exact Matching of Function Gradient Data

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Function ApproximationUsing Neural Network

IntroductionDevelopment of Neural Network Weight EquationsAlgebra Training Algorithms

Exact Matching of Function Input –Output DataApproximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra TrainingApproximate Matching of Function Input-Output DataExact Matching of Function Gradient Data

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A.Exact Matching of Function Input-Output Data

Input S is known matrix ps strategy for producing a well-conditioned S

input weights o

random number N(0,1) L scaling factor

user-defined scalar input-to-node values that do not saturate the sigmoids

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Input bias

The input bias d is computed to center each sigmoid at one of the training pairs from

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Finally, the linear system in (9) is solved for v by inverting S

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17 produced an ill-conditioned S => computation repeated

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Fig. 2-a. Exact input–output-based algebraic algorithm

Exact Input-Output-Based Algebraic Algorithm

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Fig. 2-b. Exact input–output-based algebraic algorithm with added p-steps for incorporating gradient information.

Exact Input-Output-Based Algebraic Algorithm with gradient information.

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Exact matching Input output gradient information

solved exactly simultaneously for the neural parameters.

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Function ApproximationUsing Neural Network

IntroductionDevelopment of Neural Network Weight EquationsAlgebra Training Algorithms

Exact Matching of Function Input –Output DataApproximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra TrainingApproximate Matching of Function Input-Output DataExact Matching of Function Gradient Data

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B.Approximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra Training

estimate output weights input-to-node values

first soluation: use randomized W all parameters refined by a p-step node-by-node

update algorithm.

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Approximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra Training (cont)

d and can be computed solely from

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Approximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra Training (cont)

kith gradient equations solved for the input weights associated with the ith node

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Approximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra Training (cont)

end of each step Solve

terminate user-specified gradient tolerance error enters through v and through the input

weights error adjusted in later steps

basic idea ith node input weights mainly contribute to the kth

partial derivatives

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Function ApproximationUsing Neural Network

IntroductionDevelopment of Neural Network Weight EquationsAlgebra Training Algorithms

Exact Matching of Function Input –Output DataApproximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra TrainingApproximate Matching of Function Input-Output DataExact Matching of Function Gradient Data

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C.Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data

algebraic approach approximate parsimonious network exact sulotion s<p satisfy rank(S|u)= rank(S)= s

example linear system in (9) not square sp inverse relationship between u and v (9) will be overdetermined

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Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data (cont)

superimposes technique networks that individually map the nonlinear

function over portions of its input space

training set, covering entire input space input space divided into m subsets

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Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data (cont)


Fig. 3.Superposition of -node neural networks into one s-node network

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Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data (cont)

the gth neural network approximates the vector

by the estimate

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Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data (cont)

full network matrix of input-to-node values

with the element in the ith column and kth row

Terms main diagonal terms

input-to-node value matrices for m sub-networks off-diagonal terms,

columnwise linearly dependent on the elements in

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Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data (cont)

output weights

S constructed to be of rank s rank of = s or s+1 zero or small error during the superposition error does not increase with m

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Approximate Matching of Function Input-Output Data (cont)

key to developing algebraic training techniques construct a matrix S, through N display the desired characteristics

desired characteristics S must be of rank s s is kept small to produce a parsimonious


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Function ApproximationUsing Neural Network

IntroductionDevelopment of Neural Network Weight EquationsAlgebra Training Algorithms

Exact Matching of Function Input –Output DataApproximate Matching of Gradient Data in Algebra TrainingApproximate Matching of Function Input-Output DataExact Matching of Function Gradient Data

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D.Exact Matching of Function Gradient Data

Gradient-based training sets

At every training point k is known for e of the neural network inputs

denoted by x remaining (q-e) denoted by a

Input–output information


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Exact Matching of Function Gradient Data (cont)

input weight

output weight

gradient weight

input-to-node weight equation

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First Linear System(36)

by reorganizing all values

s=p => is a known -dimensional column vector

rewritten f A is a ps(q-e+1)s matrix computed from all –input vectors

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Second Linear System(34)

known (34) system Becomes linear

always can be solved for v provided s = p S nonsingular v can be treated as a constant

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Third Linear System(35)

(35) becomes linear unknowns consist of x-input weights known gradients in training set X is a

known epes

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Exact Matching of Function Gradient Data (cont)

algorithm goals determines effective distribution for elements weight equations solved in one step

first solved strategy

with probability=1, produce well-conditioned S consists of generating according to

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Input-to-Output Values

Substituted in (38)

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Input-to-Output Values (cont)

sigmoids are very nearly centered desirable one sigmoid be centered for a given

input prevent ill-conditioning S

same sigmoid should close to saturation for any other known input

need a factor absolute value of the largest element in

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Exact Matching of Function Gradient Data (cont)

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Example: Neural Network Modeling of the Sine Function

A sigmoidal neural network is trained to approximate the sine function u=sin(y) over the domain 0≤ y ≤π

The training set is comprised of the gradient and output information shown in the table1.{yk, uk , ck} k=1,2,3


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It is shown that the data is matched exactly by a network with two nodes

Suppose the input-to-node values and are chosen such that

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equations. In this example, is chosen to make the above weight equations consistent and to meet the assumptions in (57) and (60)–(61). It can be easily shown that this corresponds to computing the elements of ( and ) from the equation

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Conclusion algebraic training vs optimization-based techniques.

faster execution speeds better generalization properties reduced computational complexity can be used to find a direct correlation between the number of network

nodes needed to model a given data set and the desired accuracy of representation.

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Function ApproximationFariba SharifianSomaye Kafi