fun bot reflection

Fun Bot Reflection Looking back on the Fun Bot activity I can confidently say that I have learned two things. The first one being that I am actually capable of building a robot that actually functions as it should, and the second being how engaged I was with an activity like this as an educator. I cannot imagine how effective something like this could potentially be to a classroom of any age. I mean it when I say that I had a great time with this activity and even found myself just sitting at home wondering about what it was that I could add to my bot the next day that could enhance it even more. With that being said, I have learned a lot about basic robotics from this activity in that until this, I had never had any experience with robotics but found it very easy to catch onto. While programming sounds intimidating just to say, the Hummingbird software made programming our Marco Bot simple. The program was very direct which made it easy to program anything we would want Marco to do. From this practice run I have also realized that it is probably better to ensure that a bot functions the way you want it to prior to making it look pretty and appealing. This was the case with Marco’s pom-poms which used

Upload: sebastiankyle

Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Fun bot reflection

Fun Bot ReflectionLooking back on the Fun Bot activity I can confidently say that I have learned two things. The

first one being that I am actually capable of building a robot that actually functions as it should,

and the second being how engaged I was with an activity like this as an educator. I cannot

imagine how effective something like this could potentially be to a classroom of any age. I mean

it when I say that I had a great time with this activity and even found myself just sitting at home

wondering about what it was that I could add to my bot the next day that could enhance it even

more. With that being said, I have learned a lot about basic robotics from this activity in that

until this, I had never had any experience with robotics but found it very easy to catch onto.

While programming sounds intimidating just to say, the Hummingbird software made

programming our Marco Bot simple. The program was very direct which made it easy to

program anything we would want Marco to do. From this practice run I have also realized that

it is probably better to ensure that a bot functions the way you want it to prior to making it look

pretty and appealing. This was the case with Marco’s pom-poms which used a 360 motor that

caused the wires to twist. If I had tested the motor prior to assembling it to the arm I had

caught this flaw earlier and instead used a 180 degree servo instead. With that being said I

believe that I can take what was learned from this practice activity and apply it to the bot in my

unit plan. I also foresee the implementation of robotics into my lesson plans as a result of this.