fuller revelation

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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  • 8/8/2019 Fuller Revelation




    Glory to God! Isnt God good?! All the time! Even when you dont feel like God is good, hes

    still good! Sometimes when you begin to worship the Lord all of a sudden this chunk of fresh aircomes and you just took a bit of itGlory!! Its better than desert. It just goes through your

    beingthis is where the bible says taste and see that the Lord is good! Its like a piece of pie

    just fresh out of the oven of the throne room of God. And you just took a bite of it and it penetrated your entire being. Its beyond goose-bumps. Its a refreshingknowing you dont

    have to stay in this place forever. You look forward to going home. Where all your burdens and

    all the garbage of this world is put under your feet. You look at all the circumstances and

    everything around you as just another step towards going home. Just another step closer toheaven. You know when you touch heaven, heaven touches you. Sometimes intellect can be the

    worst thing. We try to intellectualize everything. There are so many motivational books out

    nowpeople are trying to intellectually motivate. You cant intellectually motivate. Thats why

    the bible says be led by the Spirit. Thats the motivation youre looking for!

    In this time and season we are closer than we have every been before. We are closer to departurethan we have ever been before. Closer to Him! Daddys opening up and revealing more things.

    He put on my spirit this morning about fuller revelations. There are going to be fuller

    revelations. In these fuller revelations, its an area where we are going to be able to see more.

    Not only see more but hear more. In this it will be a longer distanceits going to be a fullerrevelation. You will not only see things to come but see as it comesand almost be there but be

    here at the same time. Because we are not bound by space and time. Because we are eternal

    beingswe are spirits. In this war you can be anywhere you want globally. In this fullerrevelation, I believe that God is going to strategically send us to places in the Spirit. In other

    words, He is going to begin to reveal things to youa territorial spirit that is hindering thepeople of God somewhere in Russia where you are going to be able to go right there in the Spiritand pull down that principality.

    1 CORINTHIANS 13:9-13

    For we know in part and we prophesy in partWe know in part and we prophesy in part. Again

    I really believe what the Spirit gave me this morning is that we are going to go beyond part. We

    are going to walk into a fuller revelation. We are walking into a fuller revelation. He says that

    we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has comeor thatwhich is complete has come. Then that which is in part will be done away. Then he explains.

    He says, When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a childWhats he saying? In

    this place of complete and perfectwhich can only be brought by the Spiritbecause he isbringing us to a place where fuller revelation can come so that that which was in part is going to

    be removed because you are going to see the entirefull thing. He begins to say, When I was achildChildren do things in part. They dont complete much! When I was a child, I spoke as a

    child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man [or mature], I put

    away childish things. In other words, you began to see the fullness of it. For now we see in amirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am

    known. Now theres your relationship! And now abideHere are the three keys to fuller

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    revelation and Im not going to teach on them. I am only going to tell you them. the three keys

    to fuller revelation are faith, hope and love. The three keys to fuller revelation: faith, hope and

    love. Faith is present. Hope is future. Love is eternal. Those are your three keys to fullerrevelation. In other words, this is an area where God is going to pour out his Spirit in the area

    where there is going to be a tremendous increase in faith. Faith is present, hope is future and

    love is eternal. That means past, present and future. Love is eternal. You wont need faith whenyou go home. And you wont need hope when you go home. They will be done away with. So

    to walk in an eternal place there must be the fullness of love. Im not going to talk about all this

    God is going to bring us into a deeper place where we can understand more of thisincludingmyself. Praise God. So the three keys for fuller revelation are faith, hope and love.

    1 CORINTHIANS 2:9-11

    But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man

    The things which God has prepared for those who love Him. Because everything we have been

    getting has been in part. I really believe the Lord is getting ready to pour outfullness! Fullness!

    No more part. But as you mature and grow, you are going to begin to get fullness. The only

    reason he doesnt give someone fullness is because it would hurt them instead of help them.Thats why he gives things in part. But he will begin to pour out more fullness. So all of these

    thingseye has not seen nor ear heard the great things that God has prepared for those who lovehim. How many of you love him? Well then he has things prepared for you. But he has only

    been able to bring it out in part because you are either not mature enough, not in position, there

    are still some things that God is dealing with you in, and its his timing. Everything is associated

    with his timing. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all

    things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit ofthe man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. So

    this is an area where God is going to begin to bring us to a place where there is fuller revelation.Now the Spirit of God here is known as the Spirit of Christ.

    JOHN 16:13-14

    However, when He, the Spirit of truth [there is the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error] , has

    come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whateverHe hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. Thats fuller revelation! The Spiritof truth is here. He is known as the Spirit of Christ. When he comesIn the old testament, they

    couldnt get the fuller revelations. The could only prophesy in part. They were prophesying

    things they didnt even known about. They didnt even understandthey couldnt comprehend.

    But as the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, they just began to prophesy and didnt know whatthey were prophesying. But now that you and I have the Spirit of Christ he is bringing us to

    another level because we are in a new season and there is a shift and we are getting closer. And

    those things that are going to comeas the Spirit is going to come upon you and that Spirit ofChrist that is within youwhen they both touch and agreewhats going to happen is that you

    are going to decree things and they are going to come to pass. And it wont be in part, it will be

    in fullness. Oh but there is a price and a place. There is a price and there is a place foreverything. As you are faithful with a little, he will give you more. To be filled with faith you

    must be faithful. Full of faith. As you are faithful with a little he is going to give you more.

    Eventually you will end up in full revelations. Thats why the bible says to come out from

    among them and dont touch anything unclean. Some of us are still waiting for God to do all

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    kinds of things but were still touching things we shouldnt bewith thoughts. Things you agree

    with. Things of the world. People still walking in unforgiveness and all kinds of garbage.

    Thats immaturity. When I was a child I what? Thought as a child! God wants to grow up hisbody! Hes trying to bring us into the unity of the Spirit so he can begin to pour out fuller

    revelation. And I know we want fuller revelations. Thats why he said when the Spirit of truth

    comeswell he has been here! Jesus came in the fullness of truth and left his Spirit, known asthe Spirit of Christ, for me and you. There are individuals that are still looking for revelation.

    And they dont even know they are looking for it. They are looking for it in all the wrong places.

    They are looking for some kind of revelation of supernatural. Some kind of revelation offulfillment. Some kind of revelation to find out who they are! Thats why he says to come out

    from among them. In verse 14,He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declareit to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and

    declare it to you. All things of the Fatherthats beyond comprehension! If we could just get aglimpse and touch the mind of God, we would blow up. Thats why you have to be dead.

    Revelation is not to puff you up. When revelation puffs you up its not from God. If you look at

    how Daniel had revelations, it humbled him. He had reverence and fear of God! Revelationshould be more reverence and not pride! If its pride, its not the Lord. There are many people

    Man I got a revelation, check this out!!! And they all get boastful. So we must be careful.Because if that revelation puffs you up, it brings you beyond a borderline and a boundary where

    you begin to touch unclean spirits known as familiar. And they will constantly bring you a

    revelation to puff you up. Ive seen it happen over and over so you must be careful. That spirit

    will move you out of place and move you out of position and you will be thinking that you aredoing all the things of God and you are notbecause he didnt call you to do this, that Spirit did.

    The whole goal is to bring focus to self.

    DANIEL 12:1-4

    At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of yourpeople; And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation, even to

    that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, every one who is found written in the

    book. The book of Life. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, someto everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise shall shine like

    the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever

    and ever. But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; manyshall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Increased knowledge is also increased

    revelation. The worlds knowledge is going to increase but in this, spiritually, God is going tobegin to bring us into a place where there is fuller revelation. Able to see. Broader and further

    and deeper. You will be able to see broader, further and deeper. Did you ever look through a

    pond and you looked through the water and sometimes just how the reflection is or how thecloud can come over and cover certain areasat that perfect timing all of a sudden you can see

    deeper! And you can see the fish there. Other than that you can only see the ripples or whatever,

    depending upon the reflection. I am sharing with you because in this God is going to bring usinto a place where we are going to see deeper and deeper. Im telling you there are lagoons

    where you can see 15-16 feet down, and can see the fish down there. Because the water is so

    clear. In this clearness, there is going to be a clarity. Because without clarity you cant see

    further or deeper. The three keys to fuller revelation are faith, hope and love.

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    REVELATION 1:5-6

    and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the

    kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has

    made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and

    ever. Amen. We have been made kings and priests. Now to fulfill kingship you must first fulfillyour priesthood.

    PROVERBS 25:2

    It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter. So its

    your responsibility to search out a matter. In other words, it is your responsibility to go deep.

    When I was a child, I thought as a child. I acted as a child, I responded as a child. I feared as a

    child. I ran as a child. I sought as a child. This is an area where he is saying all of these thingsare there for you. Man has not seen or heard the deep things of God that has been there for them.

    Promises to those who love him. But they are brought forth by the Spirit of the living God. This

    is where you grab hold of the Holy Ghost. And you begin to search and seek and he brings you

    into a deeper place. Because its Gods desire that you walk in the fuller revelation. When youbegin to walk in the fuller revelation, it expounds everything around you. Everything around

    you. Its not just partial. Its like a pie that you are only getting a part of. But here it is that youcan see the whole circumference of everything. And its a fuller revelation. Its almost like

    when you drop a rock in water and you see the ripplebut before you drop it you already know

    what the end result is. You are going to go do things that you did already. The world calls itdejavu. See fuller revelation allows you to be in the place in the Spirit and then allows you to bethere in the natural. See you are going to go to places you already went to.

    This guy I was witnessing tohe was caught up in new age and everything and when I sharedwith him that I was an eternal beinghe didnt get it. I shared with him that he and I standing

    right there was predestined before the universe was created. And I shared with him Jesus already

    came here ahead of time and set all this up. Because we are not bound by space and time. In thefuller revelation again I want to explain to you that you are going to be somewhere you have

    been before. And you are going to know what to do when it comes. But it wont be in part. You

    are going to see the fullness of it. You are not only going to know what to do but you will knowwhat the result is of what you are going to do. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the

    glory of kings is to search out a matter. How many are kings here?

    PROVERBS 3:5-6; 32

    As a king searches it out, God begins to reveal his promises. Verse 5, Trust in the LORD with

    all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, andHe shall direct your paths. Verse 32,For the perverse person is an abomination to the LORD,

    But His secret counsel is with the upright. Three keys, faith, hope and love for fuller revelation.

    DEUTERONOMY 29:25-29

    Then people would say: Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD God of their

    fathers, which He made with them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt[which is

    bondage/the world]; for they went and served other gods and worshiped them, gods that they did

    not know and that He had not given to them. Then the anger of the LORD was aroused against

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    this land, to bring on it every curse that is written in this book. And the LORD uprooted themfrom their land in anger, in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as

    it is this day. The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are

    revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. So

    the secret things of God actually belong to us. Didnt we just say the Spirit of truth would reveal

    and declare to you things of the Father? Amen! In other words, the mysteries of God belong tous and our children, but it first of all goes back to being upright. So if you are not in position and

    if you are not walking upright, you are not going to receive these. They are going to bypass you.

    They are going to be right there in front of you but you cant discern and grasp them because youwont have the clarity because you are fogged up!! Dull. By the things of the world. This is

    where Hosea 4:6 comes in, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. And because you

    have rejected my knowledge, I will reject you as being priests. And if you cant fulfill your

    priesthood, you cant become a king. And because you have forgotten the law of your God, Iwill forget your children. So they never got revelation. They never got the secret. Thats why

    when Jesus was explaining to the discipleshe was like, Man dont you get it!! Dont you getit!! Im here to declare to you the mysteries, the secrets, the full revelations of Godof the

    kingdom of God. And we carry it in us. Its all in us. We are walking eternal vessels that knowthe secrets and the mysteries of God but we dont tap into them. Because the world has dulled


    EPHESIANS 1:7-14

    In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of

    His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known

    to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in HimselfSo

    I want you to know that he wants you, he desires you, to know the fullness of revelations. He

    wants you to get to this place! Its his good pleasure. He paid the price for you. Again, I wantto share with you that remember when he told his disciples that it has been granted to them to

    know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. It has been granted to us. But its all associated

    with the Spirit of truth. Three keys: faith, hope and love. Verse 9, having made known to us the

    mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself that in the

    dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, bothwhich are in heaven and which are on earthin Him. In Him also we have obtained an

    inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according

    to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom

    also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of

    our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory. Full

    revelation. Mystery revealed. Full revelation is a mystery revealed. Something unknown. How

    many of you all know that there are things unknown. Well if there are still things unknown, itsour responsibility to search out the unknown and bring them into the known.

    EPHESIANS 3:1-7; 14-21

    For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles if indeed you have heard

    of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you, how that by revelation Hemade known to me the mystery (as I have briefly written already, by which, when you read, you

    may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ), which in other ages was not made

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    known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles andprophets [and now fuller revelations are being revealed to his children] : that the Gentiles should

    be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel, of

    which I became a minister according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective

    working of His power. Go to verse 14,For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord

    Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grantyou, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the

    inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith [thats one of the keys]; that you,being rooted and grounded in love [thats another key], may be able to comprehend with all the

    saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which

    passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of Godwhich is hope. Now toHim who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the

    power that works in us. That works in us! To Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all

    generations, forever and ever. Amen.

    JOEL 2:28-32; 3:1-3

    Now we all know this scripture but we are going to go there anyway. And it shall come to passafterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shallprophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Now its not justabout a dream or a vision because visions can come in many ways. You could be driving down

    the road and all of a sudden God will show you something. Remember I had shared with you I

    was driving to service and the Lord showed me something about fellowships and people eating

    garbage food and so forth. And people being in the wrong place cause they were out of time.Gods will is Gods time. Verse 29,And also on My menservants and on My maidservants I willpour out My Spirit in those days. And I will show wonders [revelation!] in the heavens [in the

    Spirit] and in the earth [in the natural]: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be

    turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day

    of the LORD. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall besaved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the LORD has said,

    among the remnant whom the LORD calls. Glory to God! I want to keep going. Chapter 3,For

    behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, Iwill also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter

    into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have

    scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land. They have cast lots for Mypeople, have given a boy as payment for a harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they may drink.

    Now that has happened! Thats already happened. So we know that in this dispensationin thisperiod of time and season, God is going to begin to pour out fuller revelations. Why? Because

    he is getting ready to come!! He says and I will show wondersthose are fuller revelations for

    me and you! Not only in the Spirit but in the natural realm. Why? Because hes getting ready tocome! You will have more revelationfuller revelations!

    The Jews were scattered. The Jews were sold. And now they are being gathered because theywere scattered. He is bringing back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem. Where are they

    bringing them to? Israel! They are all coming home from all over the world. They are all

    coming home. Why? To fulfill prophesy. And he is already pouring out fuller revelations.

    There are already signs. Things are happening all over. Soon you are going to begin hearing

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    about sacrifices being restored and all kinds of things. All kinds of things are going to be

    coming and falling into place. And all eyes will be on Israel. And as things begin to turn toward

    Israel, God will pour out more fuller revelations so that the world could be saved. You have toremember something, every act of God is to rescue! Even in his wrath its still to rescue!! Every

    act of the Lord is to rescue!!

    PROVERBS 20:18

    Plans are established by counsel; By wise counsel wage war. There is going to be fuller

    revelation of strategic positioning. Things are going to change in that area in strategies. Fullerrevelations in how to attack the enemy. Fuller revelations in the area of what the enemy is about

    to do. The bible also tells us about restraints. When people are not walking in revelations, they

    let go of restraintsthings that would keep them closer to the Lord. Things that would keep

    them more upright. Revelation brings you closer to God. Its not to puff you up, its to makeyou humble. Revelations are the revealing of Christ and what he has done for you and who he is.

    The more you know who he is the more you know who you are. When people dont get

    revelation what happens is they begin to drift. Because they are actually looking for revelation

    and dont even know it. They are looking for a fulfillment. The fulfillment is attached torevelation. What you are actually looking for is a revelation. Because the fulfillment is coming

    from the throne room of God by a revelation granted. Its almost like a nugget. A nugget ofenergy. A nugget of life. A nugget of faith. A nugget of hope. Something that comes and

    fulfills. And it touches you and you get a revelation that you have been touched by heaventhat

    God has just touched you!! Something has happened. There is a change. Revelation should

    always bring a change to you. Whats the change? To bring you more into his image andlikeness. Fuller revelations are going to bring you more into his image and likeness. There is

    going to be a closeness. Its an area of where you are going to get so thirsty and hungry for his

    presence for who he is and you are going to want to be so close himby fuller revelations.

    GALATIANS 1:11-17

    But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according

    to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the

    revelation of Jesus Christ. Glory! You know they didnt carry around bibles in those days.

    They walked in revelation. Thats why the word tells us that letter kills and the Spirit brings life.Revelationwe go from revelation to revelation. Its glory to glory. But see it should be

    changing us more and more into his image and likenessand not according to the world. There

    are people getting revelation but its not from my Dad! For you have heard of my former

    conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it.

    And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more

    exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers. But when it pleased God, who separated mefrom my mothers womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might

    preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go

    up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned againto Damascus. Why? He had revelation.

    1 PETER1:3-9

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy

    has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to

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    an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven foryou, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the

    last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been

    grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold

    that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the

    revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yetbelieving, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith

    the salvation of your souls.

    1 JOHN 2:15-21

    Do not love the world or the things in the world. Why? It will prevent you from getting

    revelation. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the

    worldthe lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of lifeis not of the Father but is

    of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God

    abides forever. He who does the will of God abides forever! So if you dont do the will of God

    are you abiding forever? No! Now that throws once saved always saved out the door!

    Hallelujah. If they would just read the rest of the word they would get it! Verse 18, Littlechildren, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now manyantichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. Anti-revelations have come.They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have

    continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were ofus. But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. You know all

    things! Youre dangerous! Thats what the devil thinks about youthat you are dangerous!You are dangerous to his kingdom because you know all things. But he is going to do

    everything he can to prevent you from knowing all things. Faith, hope and love. When there is

    faith, hope and love going on you are settled. You cant hear unless you are settled. Its hard toreceive revelation unless you are settled. And even if you are busy you can still be settled.

    Fuller revelations! Get ready!! And get settled so that you are able to receive!!

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