full math riddle book

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  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Website: http://www.mathriddlebook.com

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Thank you for purchasing and downloading this eBook.

    ermission is gi!en to the indi!idual purchaser of this book to

    make copies for use in a single classroom or home.

    Copyright 2008 - Tim Wei

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 1

    http://www.mathriddlebook.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.mathriddlebook.com/
  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Welcome to the Math Riddle Book

    ractice makes perfect" That#s why teachers and parents know that math

    worksheets can pro!ide the drill-and-practice kids need to master basic math


    $ created The %ath &iddle Book for two purposes:

    '. To create a complete collection of drill-and-practice math pages that can

    provide kids with the practice they need to master addition, subtraction(multiplication( and di!ision.

    ). To make learning math more fun for students! Unlike traditional

    worksheets, each page in the Math Riddle book features a funny riddle for

    kids to solve. These math worksheets are more like motivating pulesthan boring math worksheets, which is why kids become more e*cited

    about math.

    $ originally created these worksheets to use with the students in my own

    classroom. $ would gi!e them a couple of math riddle pages a week on the back-side of their homework assignments. +nd $ noticed something... kids were

    actually e*cited to do their homework" +s soon as $#d pass out a riddleworksheet( they eagerly put their pencils to the paper and began working"

    arents began to write me notes saying that their children were doing their

    homework as soon as they got off the school bus-- without adults nagging them"

    +nd( best of all( because they were practicing basic arithmetic on a regular basis(

    their math skills dramatically impro!ed" %y students could recall basic math factsmore ,uickly( their computation became more accurate( and their scores on the

    state math test skyrocketed"

    That#s why $ decided to compile my math riddle worksheets into a book and share

    them with you"

    owe!er you use these math worksheets( $ know they will help your kids master

    the math skills they#ll need throughout their li!es. $ wish you( and your students(great success"


    im Wei.. ou may also be interested in checking out my other math worksheet

    eBook: ecret 0ode %ath. The website is: www.secretcodemath.com.

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 2

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Chapter 1: Addition Math Riddles

    Addition: !igits" #o Regro$pingWhat is a shark#s fa!orite game1 .............................................................................. 2

    Addition: !igits" %ith Regro$pingWhat is e!en more ama3ing than a talking dog1 ......................................................... 4

    Addition: & !igits" %ith Regro$pingWhy did the cookie go to the doctor1 ........................................................................ '5

    Adding Money

    6id you hear the 7oke about the skunk1 .................................................................... ')

    Col$mn Addition: !igits" AddendsWhat do ships eat for breakfast1 ............................................................................... '8

    Col$mn Addition: & !igits" & AddendsWhat do you call a skeleton who won#t work1 ............................................................. '2

    Mental AdditionWhy are there fences around gra!eyards1 .................................................................. '4

    Chapter 2: '$(traction Math Riddles

    '$(traction: 2 !igits" #o Regro$ping

    Where did the doctor take his sick horse1 .................................................................. )5

    '$(traction: !igits" #o Regro$pingWhat did 0inderella 9ish wear to the underwater ball1 ................................................. ))

    '$(traction: 2 !igits" %ith Regro$ping

    What is the best way to catch a s,uirrel1 ................................................................... )8

    '$(traction: !igits" %ith Regro$pingow do rabbits tra!el1 ............................................................................................. )2

    '$(traction: !igits" %ith )eros

    What did the alien say to the flowers1 ....................................................................... )4

    '$(traction: & !igits" %ith )erosWhat goes( a( ha( ha( plop;1 ................................................................................

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    '$(tracting Money" %ith )erosWhy was the broom late1 ........................................................................................

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    !i,ision: 2-!igit $otients" #o Remainders

    What do you call a sleeping bull1 ............................................................................... 25

    !i,ision: 2-!igit $otients" Remainders

    What do you call a cow eating grass on the lawn1 ....................................................... 2)

    !i,ision: &-!igit !i,idends

    What do cats eat for breakfast1 ................................................................................ 28

    0hapter =: lace >alue &iddles

    Writing #$m(ers .rom Word #ame: /p to & !igits

    Where do dirty bats go to clean themsel!es1 .............................................................. 22

    Writing #$m(ers .rom Word #ame: /p to !igits

    What did the teddy bear say after dinner1 ................................................................. 24

    Writing #$m(ers .rom Word #ame: /p to !igits - ery Challenging

    What do you call an an*ious ogre1 ............................................................................ ?5

    3lace al$e: al$e o. the /nderlined !igit

    Why was si* afraid of se!en1 .................................................................................. ?)

    Roman #$merals: /p to tho$sands

    What do ghosts do when they get into a car1 ............................................................ ?8

    Ro$nding to the #earest Ten: 2 and -!igit #$m(ers

    Why did umpty 6umpty ha!e a great fall1 ................................................................ ?2

    Ro$nding to the #earest 4$ndred: and &-!igit #$m(ersWhy did the girl put cookies under her pillow1 ............................................................ ?4

    Ro$nding to the #earest !ollar

    Why did the bird get in trouble at school1 .................................................................. 45

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 5

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ 3-Digit Addition (no regrouping)

    Addition Shark Attack!Add to find the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines #eo%.A 3&'


    S *' '&+

    , 3 3 *

    / 3 3

    0 *&' '1*

    D 33

    * &'

    / 2


    , 1'


    T 22

    , 3&'

    *&30 3&


    A 3 '

    332 *3

    4 +&2 *

    0 *+* ''3

    5 '3 &&3

    /hat is a shark6s fa"orite game7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____*+ 1& 1 +* * *

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ++ 11 1 3 ++ 3**

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 6

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________________ Ski: 3-Digit Addition (no regrouping)

    /hat is s shark6s fa"orite game7 A S/05 809Add to find the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines #eo%.A 3&'


    S *' '&+


    , 3 3 *


    / 3 3


    0 *&' '1*


    D 33

    * &'

    / 2


    , 1'


    T 22

    , 3&'


    0 3&


    A 3 '

    332 *3


    4 +&2 *++

    0 *+* ''3


    5 '3 &&3


    /hat is a shark6s fa"orite game7

    S / A , , /*+ 1& 1 +* * *

    T 4 0 , 0 A D 0 5 ++ 11 1 3 ++ 3**

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 7

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Ski: 3-Digit Addition (regrouping)

    The Ama:ing Taking DogAdd to find the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines #eo%.; 1


    A & 11

    , &+ +

    < *3 ++2

    = + &3

    0 33'


    0 13


    > &3

    S 3&


    , *

    &&'0 3&*


    N 3&* +1*

    /hat is e"en more amaing than a taking dog7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ '&2 32 '&+ '22 &* *11 *+ '&2& ''

    _____ _____ _____''& 13 +*&

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 8

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Ski: 3-Digit Addition (regrouping)

    The Ama:ing Taking Dog A S/05 809Add to find the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines #eo%.; 1


    A & 11'&2

    , &+ +


    < *3 ++2''

    = + &3''&


    33' 3'+*&


    13 &+1'22


    &3 *+


    3& +32


    * &&'*11

    0 3&*


    N 3&* +1*'&2&

    /hat is e"en more amaing than a taking dog7

    A S ; 0 , , > N 1&2 1&2''2

    < &22+ 2'


    ? '3& 3&'


    0 & *33'+&1

    / 3& &*1+


    /h$ did the cookie go to the doctor7 > T / A S

    3'& '11 +''2 ''2 '&&32

    B 0 0 , > N < '2&1 '+&1 ''*2 ++1 ''2 '' 12&1

    ? 5 @ 9 '*2+ 13* +3& 1++ ''1&

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 11

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Ski: Adding one$

    A Skunk CokeAdd to find the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines#eo%.

    E.* &.'3

    N E'.3 3.+

    T E*.12 3.*&

    T E+. .3

    > E1.+ &.

    S E3.*


    > E*.3


    0 E*.1+


    N E.


    D E.22



    2.2> E*.

    '.0 E3.12

    '.&&N E.+

    &.328 E&.*2


    S E. .

    5 E'.* '.&

    Did $ou hear the Foke a#out the skunk7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. E.& E'&.2 E*.1+ E.& E&.2 E1.3' E'.&+ E'*.3+ E''.2

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ !E'2.3 E'2.3& E1.+2 E'3.3+ E+.3 E+.' E.** E'.+

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 12

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Ski: Adding one$

    A Skunk Coke - A S/05 809Add to find the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines#eo%.

    E.* &.'3E*.1+

    N E'.3 3.+E.&

    T E*.12 3.*&E'2.3&

    T E+. .3E'3.3+

    > E1.+ &.E'2.3

    S E3.*


    > E*.3


    0 E*.1+


    N E.


    D E.22




    > E*. '.E+.3

    0 E3.12 '.&&


    N E.+ &.32E+.'

    8 E&.*2 &.2*E.**

    S E. .E'.+

    5 E'.* '.&E&.2

    Did $ou hear the Foke a#out the skunk7

    N 0 0 5 > N D . E.& E'&.2 E*.1+ E.& E&.2 E1.3' E'.&+ E'*.3+ E''.2

    > T S T > N 8 S !E'2.3 E'2.3& E1.+2 E'3.3+ E+.3 E+.' E.** E'.+

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 13

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Ski: ?oumn Addition

    ?aptain6s ?hoice!Add to find the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines#eo%.

    T *'*


    A 1**




    , &3&11


    A 3+


    = *




    0 111


    /hat do ships eat for #reakfast7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ! 3* '2+1 '1 &32 '*+ '+ '23& '*2

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 14

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Ski: ?oumn Addition

    ?aptain6s ?hoice! A S/05 809Add to find the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines


    T *'*


    A 1**




    , &3&11


    A 3+


    = *




    0 111


    /hat do ships eat for #reakfast7

    = A T 0 A , ! 3* '2+1 '1 &32 '*+ '+ '23& '*2

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 15

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ -Digit ?oumn Addition

    The ,a:$ SkeetonBind the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines #eo%.

    0 '31*1'&+


    = 2**1''+'


    G ++++&&&&

    N *3&1+2&


    S 1+'&++


    A **1*+1*


    9 3*+1*'&23




    , *13*133*1


    /hat do $ou ca a skeeton %ho %on6t %ork7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____'*1* '+*1 '*3 '*1 '+* '&2*2 &32 1+ &12'&

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 16

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ -Digit ?oumn Addition

    The ,a:$ Skeeton A S/05 809Bind the sums. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines #eo%.

    0 '31*1'&+


    = 2**1''+'


    G ++++&&&&


    N *3&1+2&


    S 1+'&++


    A **1*+1*


    9 3*+1*'&23




    , *13*133*1


    /hat do $ou ca a skeeton %ho %on6t %ork7

    , A G 9 = N 0 S '*1* '+*1 '*3 '*1 '+* '&2*2 &32 1+ &12'&

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 17

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _________________________________________ Ski: enta Addition *22 *22 H ___________

    22 22 H ___________ < 22 &22 H ___________

    0 222 +222 H ___________ N '222 '222 H ___________

    222 222 H ___________ 0 32 +2 H ___________

    A 322 322 H ___________ 0 '22 22 H ___________

    , 1222 222 H ___________ ; &2 &2 H ___________

    5 &222 &222 H ___________ > 1222 1222 H ___________

    N 222 3222 H ___________

    /h$ are there usua$ fences around gra"e$ards7

    =ecause _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____*222 '&2 '2222 2 ''222 ''2

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____*22 222 '1222 222 '22 '&22 &222 22

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ . '32 +22 ''22 '222 '*222 '222 '&222

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 18

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _________________________________________ Ski: enta Addition *22 *22 H '&22

    22 22 H +22 < 22 &22 H ''22

    0 222 +222 H '1222 N '222 '222 H &222

    222 222 H '2222 0 32 +2 H ''2

    A 322 322 H *22 0 '22 22 H '222

    , 1222 222 H ''222 ; &2 &2 H 2

    5 &222 &222 H 222 > 1222 1222 H '222

    N 222 3222 H '&222

    /h$ are there usua$ fences around gra"e$ards7

    =ecause ; 0 ; , 0 *222 '&2 '2222 2 ''222 ''2

    A 5 0 D 9 > N < *22 222 '1222 222 '22 '&22 &222 22

    T < 0 T > N . '32 +22 ''22 '222 '*222 '222 '&222

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 19

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ &-Digit Su#traction (no regrouping)

    The 4orse eeds a Doctor!Su#tract to find the differences. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the

    etters to the #ank ines #eo%.

    S &1- '3

    T - *

    T *- &&

    4 +1- 3'

    > - &

    ; *

    - 33


    - '+

    A *+

    - 1

    5 *&

    - 2


    - *

    T &

    - 24 +3

    - 1& 1

    - & *

    - 30

    - 33

    /here did the farmer take his sick horse7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____& 2 3 * **

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ '' '3 '& ' 3' &3 &2 & *' 3

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 20

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ &-Digit Su#traction (no regrouping)

    The 4orse eeds a Doctor! A S/05 809Su#tract to find the differences. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the

    etters to the #ank ines #eo%.

    S &1- '3


    T - *


    T *- &&


    4 +1- 3'


    > - &


    ; *- 33


    0 - '+


    A *+- 1


    5 *&- 2


    , - *


    T &- 2


    4 +3- 1&


    1- &


    *- 3


    0 - 33


    /here did the farmer take his sick horse7

    T T 4 0

    & 2 3 * **

    4 5 S 0 ; > T A , '' '3 '& ' 3' &3 &2 & *' 3

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 21

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ 3-Digit Su#traction (no regrouping)

    Bair$ Tae Su#traction A S/05 809Su#tract to find the differences. Then match the etters to the #anks #eo% to so"e the ridde.

    A 3&'- &'2


    , 1- 3&


    S 1- &


    ; +&+- '*


    ; 3- 1&3


    < 1&3- '3


    0 *1- 3**


    S 1+- '3


    > - 23


    , +*- *3


    5 &3- '&3


    S 1*-


    B ++*- 3*


    /hat did ?inderea fish %ear to the under%ater #a7

    < , A S S 1'2 &' ''' 1&2 3'

    B , > ; ; 0 5 S &' &3 ' 3'& &'& &2' +22 *

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 23

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ &-Digit Su#traction (5egrouping)

    ?atch that SIuirre!Su#tract to find the differences. Then match the etters to the #ank ines#eo% to so"e the ridde.

    N &'- +

    , 1- &+

    0 2- '

    A 1- &'

    T 1- &1

    T 33- +

    , '-3*

    A +*- 1+

    ? +2- '

    @ 3'-

    A 3*- '

    5 3- &3

    N &1-

    > - '

    0 12- 31

    = +&- &*

    ? *- *+

    0 &- '3

    A 32-&1 T 1- + 1- &3 D 11- 3 > *- 1 8 3- '+

    /hat is the #est %a$ to catch a sIuirre7

    _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ** ' 1 ' * &&

    _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________& 32 1' 33 + '3 &

    _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 3* &+ *1 ' &' &

    _________ _________ _________ _________ 3 '+ &1 +

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 24

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ &-Digit Su#traction (5egrouping)

    ?atch that SIuirre!Su#tract to find the differences. Then match the etters to the #ank ines#eo% to so"e the ridde.

    N &'- +


    , 1- &+


    0 2- '


    A 1- &'


    T 1- &1


    T 33- +


    , '-3*


    A +*- 1+


    ? +2- '


    @ 3'-


    A 3*- '


    5 3- &3


    N &1-


    > - '


    0 12- 31


    = +&- &*


    ? *- *+


    0 &- '3


    A 32-&13

    T 1- +*1

    1- &3'

    D 11- 3&

    > +*- 1

    8 3- '+&'

    /hat is the #est %a$ to catch a sIuirre7

    ? , > = A ** ' 1 ' * &&

    T 5 0 0 A N D & 32 1' 33 + '3 &

    A ? T , > 8 0 3* &+ *1 ' &' &

    A N @ T 3 '+ &1 +

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 25

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ 3-Digit Su#traction %ith regrouping

    5a##its on acationSu#tract to find the differences. Then match the etters to the #anks #eo% to so"e the ridde.

    0 *- &3

    N &3- +

    0 *'- '+

    A &'&- '2

    N 112- *

    4 3&

    - 3'

    > +++

    - &

    ; +

    - +

    A 3

    - '

    , 322

    - '2

    A '&

    - *1&5 *1

    - +

    4o% do ra##its tra"e7

    _____ _____ _____3 ' '

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____'' &2 2 &&* 2 ''2 && 1' *'

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 26

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ 3-Digit Su#traction %ith regrouping

    5a##its on acation A S/05 809Su#tract to find the differences. Then match the etters to the #ank ines #eo% to so"e the ridde.

    0 *- &3


    N &3- +


    0 *'- '+


    A &'&- '2


    N 112- *


    4 3&- 3'''

    > +++- &3

    ; +- +2

    A 3- ''

    , 322- '2''2

    A '&

    - *1&&2

    5 *1

    - +2

    4o% do ra##its tra"e7

    > N A 3 ' '

    4 A 5 0 ; , A N 0'' &2 2 &&* 2 ''2 && 1' *'

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 27

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _________________________________________ 3-Digit Su#traction %ith Gero

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _________________________________________ 3-Digit Su#traction %ith Gero

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ -Digit Su#traction %ith Gero

    4a 4a 4a ;op!Su#tract to find the differences.Then find the ans%er to the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines #eo%.

    3222- &3

    , 222- *1

    A *22- '12

    B 222-

    0 +22+-

    S 322*- 3

    4 1222- 1*

    @ 222- &

    D ''22-

    0 22- '2

    &222- *

    < '22- '

    A 222- &31

    *22- ++

    3222- '+

    4 *122

    - '1*

    S 22

    - &'3

    > '223

    - 32

    B 22

    - **

    < +222

    - 12*

    4 &23- *

    > 322- *3

    0 '22- 32

    N 3222-

    N *22- *

    /hat goes J4a ha ha popK7_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

    &*3 &1** '3* 1* &+& '3* 33

    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______33 ++2 +1 +* *&3 13 &22' 1& +11 &'* +11

    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______*& '2* 31*3 '22' '& ++3* *

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 30

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ -Digit Su#traction %ith Gero

    4a 4a 4a ;op! A S/05 809Su#tract to find the differences.Then find the ans%er to the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines #eo%.

    3222- &3&1**

    , 222- *133

    A *22- '12++2

    B 222- *

    0 +22+- 1*

    S 322*- 3


    4 1222- 1*


    @ 222- &


    D ''22-


    0 22- '2


    &222- *'3*

    < '22- '


    A 222- &3131*3

    *22- ++'&

    3222- '+&+&

    4 *122

    - '1**&

    S 22

    - &'3+11

    > '223

    - 3213

    B 22

    - **++3*

    < +222

    - 12*1&

    4 &23- *+11

    > 322- *3&'*

    0 '22- 32'2*

    N 3222- &22'

    N *22- *'3*

    /hat goes J4a ha ha popK7

    S 0 N 0&*3 &1** '3* 1* &+& '3* 33

    , A @ < 4 > N < 4 > S33 ++2 +1 +* *&3 13 &22' 1& +11 &'* +11

    4 0 A D B B*& '2* 31*3 '22' '& ++3* *

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 31

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Su#tracting one$ (regrouping)

    The 4ot Boot#a StadiumBind the differences. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #anks#eo%.

    N E+.- *.&

    0 E*.- &.1+

    , E'*.1+- .*

    , E.1- 2.+

    0 E.2-3.

    0 E&.3- 2.

    0 E'&.&'- 3.2+

    S E3.- '.&

    T E1.1- 3.


    4 E&+.- '.&

    / E'.3- 2.3

    N E1.++- &.&

    B E+.**- .+*

    A E.&-1.3

    5 E''.

    - '.2

    < E2.

    - 2.1

    A E&*.1+

    - .'

    /h$ %as the foot#a stadium hot after the game %as o"er7

    =ecause ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________E'.+& E''.+& E.2+ E.2+ E.** E&.2

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________E3.+2 E'1. E. E'.3 E2.+* E.'3 E'2.3* E'.+2

    ________ ________ ________ ________E2.2& E.&2 E&.'* E.&'

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 32

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Su#tracting one$ (regrouping)

    The 4ot Boot#a Stadium A S/05 809Bind the differences. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #anks#eo%.

    N E+.- *.&E&.'*

    0 E*.- &.1+E.&'

    , E'*.1+- .*E''.+&

    , E.1- 2.+E.2+

    0 E.2-3.E&.2

    0 E&.3

    - 2.E'.+2

    0 E'&.&'

    - 3.2+E.'3

    S E3.

    - '.&E'.3

    T E1.1

    - 3.E.2+



    4 E&+.- '.&


    / E'.3- 2.3E2.+*

    N E1.++- &.&E.

    B E+.**- .+*E3.+2

    A E.&-1.3E'.+&

    5 E''.- '.2E'2.3*

    < E2.- 2.1E2.2&

    A E&*.1+- .'E'1.

    /h$ %as the foot#a stadium hot after the game %as o"er7

    =ecause A , , T 4 0 E'.+& E''.+& E.2+ E.2+ E.** E&.2

    B A N S / 0 5 0 E3.+2 E'1. E. E'.3 E2.+* E.'3 E'2.3* E'.+2

    < N 0 E2.2& E.&2 E&.'* E.&'

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 33

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Su#tracting one$ %ith Geros

    The ,ate =roomBind the differences. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines#eo%.

    E*.22- .

    5 E.22- &.3

    S E'+.22- *.+

    T E.22- &.11

    A E&.22- '.3

    = E'2.22

    - 2.

    0 E'&.22

    - .

    S E+.22

    - '.&2

    @ E.22

    - 3.

    ; E'.22


    T E&3.22- .

    E3.22- 2.+

    / E1.22-.+

    0 E*.22- '.2*

    0 E1.22-'.2

    > E'.22- .3

    0 E.22- +.1

    ? E&2.22-''.3

    /h$ %as the #room ate7

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

    E.2' E2.23 E+.*' E2.*' E2.' E*.+2 E.

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________E.*' E'3.2' E&.& E'.2' E*. E&.*

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________E''.2& E&.& E.*2 E2.1* E*.&3

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 34

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ Su#tracting one$ %ith Geros

    The ,ate =roomBind the differences. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines#eo%.

    E*.22- .E'.2'

    5 E.22- &.3E&.*

    S E'+.22- *.+E''.2&

    T E.22- &.11E*.&3

    A E&.22- '.3E2.*'

    = E'2.22

    - 2.E.2'

    0 E'&.22

    - .E*.

    S E+.22

    - '.&2E*.+2

    @ E.22

    - 3.E2.'

    ; E'.22


    T E&3.22- .E'3.2'

    E3.22- 2.+E&.&

    / E1.22-.+E&.&

    0 E*.22- '.2*E.

    0 E1.22-'.2E.*2

    > E'.22- .3E.*'

    0 E.22- +.1E2.23

    ? E&2.22-''.3


    /h$ %as the #room ate7

    = 0 ? A @ S 0 E.2' E2.23 E.+.*' E2.*' E2.' E*.+2 E.

    > T 0 5 E.*' E'3.2' E&.& E'.2' E*. E&.*

    S / 0 ; T E''.2& E&.& E.*2 E2.1* E*.&3

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 35

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _________________________________________ Ski: enta Su#traction,ocked ut usic TeacherSu#tract to find the differences. Then match the etters to the #ank ines #eo% toso"e the ridde.

    8 +22 - *22 H ________ 5 '&222 - *222 H ________

    ; +22 - 22 H ________ 0 2 - 2 H ________

    4 122 - *22 H ________ 5 '&222 - 222 H ________

    0 *222 - *222 H ________ > 122 - 322 H ________

    > 2 - 2 H ________ A '&22 - *22 H ________

    '222 - 1222 H ________ 4 22 - &22 H ________

    0 +2 - &2 H ________ N '222 - &22 H ________

    N 222 - 222 H ________ T '222 - ''222 H _______

    / '222 - '22 H ________ 9 2 - '2 H ________

    S '222 - 22 H ________ 0 '1222 - 1222 H ________

    0 '2222 - '222 H ________

    /h$ %as the music teacher ocked out of her cassroom7

    =ecause ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________'22 2 *222 &22 '2222 +2 22

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________22 *2 +222 2 '2 222

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________222 122 222 322 22 *22 +22 1222

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 36

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _________________________________________ Ski: enta Su#traction,ocked ut usic Teacher A S/05 809Su#tract to find the differences.Then match the etters to the #ank ines #eo% to so"e the ridde.

    8 +22 - *22 H &22 5 '&222 - *222 H *222

    ; +22 - 22 H 322 0 2 - 2 H 2

    4 122 - *22 H '22 5 '&222 - 222 H +222

    0 *222 - *222 H 2 > 122 - 322 H 22

    > 2 - 2 H '2 A '&22 - *22 H *22

    '222 - 1222 H 1222 4 22 - &22 H 122

    0 +2 - &2 H *2 N '222 - &22 H +22

    N 222 - 222 H 222 T '222 - ''222 H 222

    / '222 - '22 H 22 9 2 - '2 H +2S '222 - 22 H 22 0 '1222 - 1222 H '2222

    0 '2222 - '222 H 222

    /h$ %as the music teacher ocked out of her cassroom7

    =ecause 4 0 5 8 0 9 S'22 2 *222 &22 '2222 +2 22

    / 0 5 0 > N 22 *2 +222 2 '2 222

    T 4 0 ; > A N 222 122 222 322 22 *22 +22 1222

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 37

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ =asic utipication Bacts 2 -

    A t%ip7

    utip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters

    to the #ank ines #eo%.4 &

    L &/ +

    L A 1

    L T *

    L 1T

    L >

    L 1N '

    L '/ &

    L / *

    L > *

    L +

    A L *

    N 1L

    S L

    > &L +

    A 1L &

    > L '

    0 +L +

    D +L 2

    A 3L +

    / L 3

    T L 3

    A &L 3

    0 L &

    S 1L 1

    / +L 1

    4 3L *

    0 1L 3

    T L

    T L +

    A 'L 1

    = &L '

    8 +L

    = L

    /hat6s a t%ip7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____&1 *3 &2 ' 1& 3* & '* &

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____'& * 2 + * '+ * ' &+ &

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____32 + 2 &' 1 3& '2 & 3

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 38

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ =asic utipication Bacts 2 -

    A t%ip7 ANS/05 809

    utip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters

    to the #ank ines #eo%.4 &

    L &

    / +L 1&

    A 1L *3

    T *L 1&

    T L &2

    > L 1&+

    N 'L '


    / &L '2

    / *L 32

    > *L ++

    A L *

    N 1L


    S L

    > &L +


    A 1L &


    > L '

    0 +L +


    D +L 2


    A 3L +


    / L 3


    T L 3'&

    A &L 3


    0 L &


    S 1L 1

    / +L 1*

    4 3L *'+

    0 1L 3&'

    T L &

    T L +3&

    A 'L 1


    = &L '


    8 +L


    = L


    /hat6s a t%ip7

    / 4 A T A / A = = > T&1 *3 &2 ' 1& 3* & '* &

    T A 8 0 S / 4 0 N > T '& * 2 + * '+ * ' &+ &

    / > D 0 S A T / A > N 32 + 2 &' 1 3& '2 & 3

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 39

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ =asic utipication Bacts ' - '&


  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ =asic utipication Bacts ' - '&


  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ &-Digit #$ '-Digit utipication

    The Anima that Cumps 4igher Than a 4ouseBind the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines #eo%.

    0 &L &

    3&L 1

    > 'L +

    A 1*L

    S ++L

    ? 'L

    A &1L

    4 3'L

    @ 33L +

    N 1+L 3

    A '*

    L &



    N *

    L 3

    T &&


    N 3

    L *

    S +1L +

    @ *L +

    C 3L

    9 *L

    ; 33L *

    @ &1L

    S 31L 3

    0 2L

    0 L *

    A &L 1

    = 'L *

    A 3L

    L &

    ? +1L +

    , 'L 1

    /hat anima can Fump higher than a house7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____'3 ' 3& 32 &3 2+ '2+ +31 *31

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____2 2 3& + ''' &2

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 6 _____ &1 &22 &3 ** &12 3& ** '*+ &+ ++

    _____ _____ _____ _____3+1 &* && '+

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 42

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ &-Digit #$ '-Digit utipicationThe Anima that Cumps 4igher Than a 4ouseBind the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines #eo%.

    0 &

    L &2


    L 1&&

    > '

    L +2+

    A 1*

    L 32

    S ++

    L 3&

    ? 'L

    A &1L '3

    4 3'L &1

    @ 33L +&*

    N 1+L 3&3

    A '*

    L &3&


    L &22

    N *

    L 3'

    T &&

    L ++

    N 3

    L *&+

    S +1L +**

    @ *L ++

    C 3L 3+1

    9 *L 3&

    ; 33L *'+

    @ &1

    L &3

    S 31

    L 3'''

    0 2

    L &2


    L *&12

    A &

    L 1'*+

    = 'L *


    A 3L +31

    L &'2+

    ? +1L +**

    , 'L 1*31

    /hat anima can Fump higher than a house7 A N 9 A N > A , '3 ' 3& 32 &3 2+ '2+ +31 *31 = 0 ? A @ S 0

    2 2 3& + ''' &2

    4 @ S 0 S ? A N 6 T &1 &22 &3 ** &12 3& ** '*+ &+ ++

    C @ ; 3+1 &* && '+

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 43

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ 3-Digit #$ '-Digit utipication

    The >n"isi#e an '+'* '33+ '22+ '11* +1 &1&

    ? A N 6 T S 0 0 9 @ '+22 *+2 '& ''*2 '*22 2' 1* &* 32*2 '2&

    5 > < 4 T N / . 322 332 +1+ 1 ''+ '12' *12 2

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 45

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ________________________________________ utip$ing one$ (#$ a '-Digit Bactor)

    A ?o%6s ight ut!utip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    S E3.L 3


    E*.3&L &

    4 E.'+L

    T E3.*&L +

    E&.2+L * T E1.L & 0 E2.2&L + E2.+*L 1 E.*3L 3

    0 E1.*3L 1

    E.22L +

    E.L 1

    E1.3L *

    > E*.&2L

    /here do co%s go on a Saturda$ night7

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________E'.+ E''.32 E&+.* E3*.1& E2.'*

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________E3&.22 E'&.* E'&.+ E3+.+ E*.2& E.2 E'*.+ E&.+2 E3.' E'2.3

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 46

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ________________________________________ utip$ing one$ (#$ a '-Digit Bactor)

    A ?o%6s ight ut! A S/05 809utip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    S E3.L 3E'2.3

    E&.&*L E''.32

    E*.3&L &E'&.*

    4 E.'+L E3*.1&

    T E3.*&L +E&+.*

    E&.2+L *E'&.+

    T E1.L &E'.+

    0 E2.2&L +E2.'*

    E2.+*L 1E*.2&

    E.*3L 3E'*.+

    0 E1.*3L 1


    E.22L +


    E.L 1


    E1.3L *


    > E*.&2L


    /here do co%s go on a Saturda$ night7

    T T 4 0 E'.+ E''.32 E&+.* E3*.1& E2.'*

    > 0 SE3&.22 E'&.* E'&.+ E3+.+ E*.2& E.2 E'*.+ E&.+2 E3.' E'2.3

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 47

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ &-Digit #$ &-Digit utipication

    The Singing =um#e =eeutip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    S &L '3

    T *L 31

    A +L '&

    5 '+L

    5 1&L 2

    0 *L &

    A 3L &1

    N 3*L 3*

    > 12L &

    0 33L '

    ; *2L 2

    'L 3

    < 1*L

    N L +3

    /hat do $ou ca a singing #ee7

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________''*' '&* ** 3222 '*& &++2 ''1*

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________3'& '12& 3*2 1+2& 33 '33 1&

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 48

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ &-Digit #$ &-Digit utipication

    The Singing =um#e =ee A S/05 809utip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    S &L '3


    T *L 31'12&

    A +L '&''1*

    5 '+L


    5 1&L 2&++2

    0 *L &'*&

    A 3L &1''*'

    N 3*L 3*'&*

    > 12L &3*2

    0 33L ''33

    ; *2L 23222

    'L 3**

    < 1*L 33

    N L +31+2&

    /hat do $ou ca a singing #ee7

    A N ; 0 5 A ''*' '&* ** 3222 '*& &++2 ''1*

    S T > N < 0 5 3'& '12& 3*2 1+2& 33 '33 1&

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 49

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ 3-Digit #$ &-Digit utipicationThe '& inch nose!utip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines #eo%.

    > ''3L &3

    T 333L

    23L *+

    *&L +

    , +*+L 1+

    T &'

    L 3

    T +&*

    L 3

    4 *'3

    L 3

    D '33

    L +

    B 11+

    L 32

    0 ''*L 3&

    = 3++L &1

    / +*+L 13

    0 *1L &

    A 1L &1

    @ '&L

    2'L 3

    N &2&L *

    /h$ can6t a nose #e '& inches ong7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ '*& &321 &3&2+ '3& & &+2+

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____*33* '123 2'&+ *112 '''1& '21* 31'& '1*

    _____ _____ _____ _____ &332 *'1* *'2 '13

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 50

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ 3-Digit #$ &-Digit utipicationThe '& inch nose! A S/05 809utip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines #eo%.

    > ''3L &3&

    T 333L


    23L *+


    *&L +


    ? +*+L 1+


    T &'

    L 3'13

    T +&*

    L 3&+2+

    4 *'3

    L 3&321

    D '33

    L +'''1&

    B 11+

    L 32&332

    0 ''*L 3&31'&

    = 3++L &1


    / +*+L 13


    0 *1L &


    A 1L &1


    @ '&L


    2'L 3


    N &2&L *


    /h$ can6t a nose #e '& inches ong7

    T 4 0 N > T '*& &321 &3&2+ '3& & &+2+

    / @ , D = 0 A *33* '123 2'&+ *112 '''1& '21* 31'& '1*

    B T &332 *'1* *'2 '13

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 51

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ -Digit #$ &-Digit utipicationThe ?ra:$ ?ockutip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    > *1L '3


    S &2*L &1

    ? '*3L +'

    ? L

    T &*1L 3+

    0 2'L ''

    8 '1L 3&

    @ ++L '*

    3*L &

    1&'L 3

    < &'2L *1

    4o% do $ou kno% if $our cock is cra$7_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

    31' '22** ''23 +1** *'' '&

    J _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ! K &32 '+&& '33+3 1*+ 113&+ 3'2'1

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 52

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ -Digit #$ &-Digit utipicationThe ?ra:$ ?ock A S/05 809utip$ to find the products. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters neLt tothe #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    > *1L '3)31'

    '3&L 113&+

    S &2*L &1)))'&

    ? '*3L +''33+3

    ? L .&32

    T &*1L 3+'22**

    0 2'L ''*.''

    8 '1L 3&)1)*+

    @ ++L '*')+&&. 3*L &+1**

    1&'L 33'2.'1< &'2L *1'.'23)

    4o% do $ou kno% if $our cock is cra$7 > T < 0 S

    31' '22** ''23 +1** *'' '&

    J ? @ ? 8 ! K &32 '+&& '33+3 1*+ 113&+ 3'2'1

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 53

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ Di"ision =asic Bacts %M Di"isors up to '&

    Bour /hees and BiesDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    A 3 1 H ________ < & 1 H ________

    5 * H ________ < ' ' H ________

    A '+ H ________ = 3& + H ________

    5 & + H ________ T 1& H ________

    0 &+ H ________ A 2 H ________

    ? '&' '' H ________ @ '22 '2 H ________

    8 1& * H ________

    /hat has %hees and fies7

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____2 ' & 3 * 1

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____+ '2 '' '&

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 54

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ Di"ision =asic Bacts %M Di"isors up to '&

    Bour /hees and Bies A S/05 809Di"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    A 3 1 H < & 1 H *

    5 * H < ' ' H '

    A '+ H & = 3& + H

    5 & + H 3 T 1& H +

    0 &+ H 1 A 2 H 2

    ? '&' '' H '' @ '22 '2 H '2

    8 1& * H '&

    /hat has %hees and fies7

    A < A 5 = A < 0 2 ' & 3 * 1

    T 5 @ ? 8+ '2 '' '&

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 55

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ Di"ision =asic Bacts - issing Di"idends

    Sat /ater SharksDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    ________ + H + 0 ________ * H +

    G ________ 3 H 3 0 ________ 3 H 1

    S ________ H + 0 ________ ' H 1

    8 ________ 1 H 5 ________ 1 H

    4 ________ H 3 0 ________ 1 H +

    A ________ H 0 ________ 1 H 1

    N ________ & H * S ________ * H

    ; ________ H 1 0 ________ * H 1

    ; ________ 3 H + ; ________ H +

    0 ________ H ________ H

    T ________ * H

    /h$ do sharks on$ s%im in sat %ater7 =ecause ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 3& & 3 & 3* &+ +' *3 2

    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ &1 &' * 32 '& 1 + *

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 56

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ Di"ision =asic Bacts - issing Di"idends

    Sat /ater Sharks A S/05 809Di"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    * + H + 0 + * H +

    G 3 H 3 0 &' 3 H 1

    S 2 H + 0 1 ' H 1

    8 *3 1 H 5 &+ 1 H

    4 &1 H 3 0 * 1 H +

    A +' H 0 1 H 1

    N '& & H * S 32 * H

    ; 3 H 1 0 & * H 1

    ; & 3 H + ; 3& H +

    0 3* H H

    T * H

    /h$ do sharks on$ s%im in sat %ater7 =ecause ; 0 ; ; 0 5 A 8 0 S 3& & 3 & 3* &+ +' *3 2

    T 4 0 S N 0 0 G 0 &1 &' * 32 '& 1 + *

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 57

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________ Di"ision: '-Digit Ouotients %ith 5emainders

    The 4app$ ?hess ;a$erDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    8 * ?&1

    >1 ?2

    B + ?12

    < ?3'

    A ?'+

    N ?3&

    < & ?

    B ?+*

    > + ?&1

    T* ?'

    T + ?'

    A ?'&

    1 ?*2

    43 ?&

    8 ?'*

    N * ?&&

    /hat makes a chess pa$er happ$7

    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

    'r1 & r& 3r' 3r3 3r r' r&

    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______r3 *r& 1r' 1r3 +r' +r3 +r +r* r

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 58

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________ Di"ision: '-Digit Ouotients %ith 5emainders

    The 4app$ ?hess ;a$erDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    8 r3 * ?&1

    > 1r' 1 ?2

    B +r* + ?12

    < 1r3 ?3'

    A r& ?'+

    N *r& ?3&

    < r' & ?

    B r ?+*

    > 3r3 + ?&1

    T +r3 * ?'

    T 'r1 + ?'

    A &r& ?'&

    +r 1 ?*2

    4 +r' 3 ?&

    8 3r' ?'*

    N 3r * ?&&

    /hat makes a chess pa$er happ$7

    T A 8 > N < A 'r1 & r& 3r' 3r3 3r r' r&

    8 N > < 4 T B B r3 *r& 1r' 1r3 +r' +r3 +r +r* r

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 59

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________ Di"ision: &-Digit Ouotients %ithout 5emainders

    The Seeping =uDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    , &3

    0 1 *&3

    = '+

    , & '2*

    5 +2


    3 &'@

    + 32A

    1 '1

    D &&2

    /hat do $ou ca a seeping #u7

    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

    & 31 3+ 1 3 *' 13 + *

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 60

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________ Di"ision: &-Digit Ouotients %ithout 5emainders

    The Seeping =uDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    , 1 &3

    0 +1 *&3

    = 31 '+

    , 3 & '2*

    5 * +2

    G 13 3 &'

    @ 3+ + 32

    A & 1 '1


    D &&2

    /hat do $ou ca a seeping #u7

    A = @ , , D G 0 5 & 31 3+ 1 3 *' 13 + *

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 61

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ______________________________________ Di"ision: &-Digit Ouotients %ith 5emainders

    The ?o% on the Bront ,a%nDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.


    3 &2

    N * 22

    / 3'&

    5 & '11

    , &3' A &21

    1 *2

    A 1 '

    0 + *&

    /hat do $ou ca a co% eating grass on $our front a%n7

    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ - _______ _______&2 r & r* ' r3 *& r& ** r *+ r' 1+ r* +* r& +* r ++ r'

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 62

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ______________________________________ Di"ision: &-Digit Ouotients %ith 5emainders

    The ?o% on the Bront ,a%nDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    1+ r* 12+

    *+ r'3 &2

    N ** r * 22

    / *& r& 3'&

    5 ++ r' & '11

    , & r* &3'

    A ' r3 &21

    +* r& 1 *2

    A &2 r 1 '

    0 +* r + *&

    /hat do $ou ca a co% eating grass on $our front a%n7

    A , A / N - 0 5&2 r & r* ' r3 *& r& ** r *+ r' 1+ r* +* r& +* r ++ r'

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 63

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ ,ong Di"ision %M -Digit Di"idends

    A ?at6s =reakfastDi"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the

    #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    ? 3*1+

    > 1 +3

    0 + &++

    S &

    S 3''*

    > * 3*1

    3 &&'

    ; + *




    * &*&


    + &1*2



    /hat do cats eat for #reakfast7 _______ _______ _______ _______

    13+ *'& r3 ' r& 3 r

    _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______3 *3* r& &1 3++ r' +'& r3 1'' r* 3'' '

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 64

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ____________________________________________ ,ong Di"ision %M -Digit Di"idends

    A ?at6s =reakfast A S/05 809Di"ide to find the Iuotients. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the#ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    ? ' r& 3*1+

    > 1'' r* 1 +3

    0 3'' + &++

    S ' &

    S 3++ r' 3''* > *'& r3* 3*1 13+ 3 &&' ; +'& r3 + *

    5 *3* r& 3'+&

    > &1 *


    ? 3 + &1*2

    0 3 r &*1

    /hat do cats eat for #reakfast7

    > ? 013+ *'& r3 ' r& 3 r

    ? 5 > S ; > 0 S3 *3* r& &1 3++ r' +'& r3 1'' r* 3'' '

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 65

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ /riting =ig Num#ers (@p to Digits)Dirt$ =ats/rite each num#er. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank inesat the #ottom of the page.

    fi"e thousand t%ent$-se"en - ______________ (T)

    fi"e thousand t%o hundred se"ent$ - ______________ (T)

    three thousand siL hundred siLteen - ______________ (A)

    three thousand siL hundred siLt$ - ______________ (=)

    t%o thousand one hundred thirt$-t%o - ______________ (4)

    t%o thousand one hundred t%o - ______________ (0)

    one thousand fi"e hundred thirt$-siL - ______________ (@)

    one thousand thirt$ siL - ______________ (=)

    nine thousand four hundred nineteen - ______________ (T)

    nine thousand four hundred nine - ______________ ()

    eight thousand eight hundred eight$ eight - ______________ (T)

    /here do dirt$ #ats go to cean themse"es7

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________++++ 2 ' &'3& &'2&

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ 3**2 3*'* 2&1 &12 '3* '23*

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 66

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ /riting =ig Num#ers (@p to Digits)Dirt$ =ats/rite each num#er. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank inesat the #ottom of the page.

    fi"e thousand t%ent$-se"en - 2&1 (T)

    fi"e thousand t%o hundred se"ent$ - &12 (T)

    three thousand siL hundred siLteen - 3*'* (A)

    three thousand siL hundred siLt$ - 3**2 (=)

    t%o thousand one hundred thirt$-t%o - &'3& (4)

    t%o thousand one hundred t%o - &'2& (0)

    one thousand fi"e hundred thirt$-siL - '3* (@)

    one thousand thirt$ siL - '23* (=)

    nine thousand four hundred nineteen - ' (T)

    nine thousand four hundred nine - 2 ()

    eight thousand eight hundred eight$ eight - ++++ (T)

    /here do dirt$ #ats go to cean themse"es7

    T T 4 0 ++++ 2 ' &'3& &'2&

    = A T T @ = 3**2 3*'* 2&1 &12 '3* '23*

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 67

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ /riting =ig Num#ers (@p to Digits)

    Tedd$ =ear6s Dinner/rite each num#er. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines

    at the #ottom of the page.

    siL thousand ten - ______________ (B)

    siLt$ thousand one hundred - ______________ (>)

    siLteen thousand one - ______________ (B)

    siL thousand one hundred one - ______________ ()

    siLteen thousand ten - ______________ (0)

    siLt$ thousand ee"en - ______________ (S)

    siLt$ thousand one - ______________ (D)

    siL thousand one - ______________ (T)

    siLt$ thousand one hundred ee"en - ______________ (@)

    /hat did the tedd$ #ear sa$ after dinner7 ______ 6 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

    *2'22 *'2' *22'' *22' *2''' '*22' *2'2 '*2'2 *222'

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 68

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ /riting =ig Num#ers (@p to Digits)

    Tedd$ =ear6s Dinner/rite each num#er. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines

    at the #ottom of the page.

    siL thousand ten - *2'2 (B)

    siLt$ thousand one hundred - *2'22 (>)

    siLteen thousand one - '*22' (B)

    siL thousand one hundred one - *'2' ()

    siLteen thousand ten - '*2'2 (0)

    siLt$ thousand ee"en - *22'' (S)

    siLt$ thousand one - *222' (D)

    siL thousand one - *22' (T)

    siLt$ thousand one hundred ee"en - *22'' (@)

    /hat did the tedd$ #ear sa$ after he ate dinner7

    > 6 S T @ B B 0 D *2'22 *'2' *22'' *22' *2''' '*22' *2'2 '*2'2 *222'

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 69

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ /riting =ig Num#ers (@p to 1 Digits)

    The AnLious gre/rite each num#er. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines

    at the #ottom of the page.

    t%o miion t%o hundred thousand t%o - ______________ (A)

    t%o miion t%o hundred t%ent$ thousand t%ent$-t%o - ______________ (0)

    t%o hundred thousand t%o hundred t%ent$-t%o - ______________ (N)

    t%o miion t%o hundred thousand t%o hundred - ______________ (S)

    t%o hundred t%o thousand t%o - ______________ (4)

    t%o miion t%ent$ thousand t%o hundred - ______________ (5)

    t%ent$ thousand t%o - ______________ (5)

    t%o hundred t%ent$-t%o thousand t%o hundred t%ent$-t%o - ______________ (S)

    t%o miion t%o thousand - ______________ (@)

    t%o miion t%o hundred t%ent$ - ______________ ()

    t%o hundred t%ent$ thousand - ______________ ()t%ent$-t%o thousand t%o hundred t%ent$ - ______________ (0)

    t%o miion - ______________ (8)

    /hat do $ou ca an anLious ogre7

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________&&2222& &22&&& &&&22&& &2&2&22 &&2222 &222&&2 &22&222 &&&&&&

    ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ &&22&22 &2&22& &222& &&&&2 &222222

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 70

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ /riting =ig Num#ers (@p to 1 Digits)

    The AnLious gre/rite each num#er. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the etters to the #ank ines

    at the #ottom of the page.

    t%o miion t%o hundred thousand t%o - &&2222& (A)

    t%o miion t%o hundred t%ent$ thousand t%ent$-t%o - &&&22&& (0)

    t%o hundred thousand t%o hundred t%ent$-t%o - &22&&& (N)

    t%o miion t%o hundred thousand t%o hundred - &&22&22 (S)

    t%o hundred t%o thousand t%o - &2&22& (4)

    t%o miion t%ent$ thousand t%o hundred - &2&2&22 (5)

    t%ent$ thousand t%o - &222& (5)

    t%o hundred t%ent$-t%o thousand t%o hundred t%ent$-t%o - &&&&&& (S)

    t%o miion t%o thousand - &22&222 (@)

    t%o miion t%o hundred t%ent$ - &222&&2 ()

    t%o hundred t%ent$ thousand - &&2222 ()t%ent$-t%o thousand t%o hundred t%ent$ - &&&&2 (0)

    t%o miion - &222222 (8)

    /hat do $ou ca an anLious ogre7

    A N 0 5 @ S &&2222& &22&&& &&&22&& &2&2&22 &&2222 &222&&2 &22&222 &&&&&&

    S 4 5 0 8 &&22&22 &2&22& &222& &&&&2 &222222

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 71

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ ;ace aue M aue of @nderined Digit

    The Scared SiL/rite the "aue of each underined digit. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching theetters to the #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    0 '&3 - ________ N '3&' - ________

    S '&3 - ________ 0 +&* - ________

    T *3& - ________ N &31 -________

    > 3&1 - ________ A '*12 - ________

    0 1+'3 - ________ 0 &21+ - ________

    *1+' - ________ N '3*1 - ________

    /h$ %as siL afraid of se"en7

    =ecause ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

    2222 222 2 * *2

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______*22 32 322 3222 32222 &2 +222

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 72

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: _______________________________________ ;ace aue M aue of @nderined Digit

    The Scared SiL/rite the "aue of each underined digit. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching theetters to the #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    0 '&3 - 322 N '3&' - &2

    S '&3 - 2222 0 +&* - *

    T *3& - 32 N &31 - 3222

    > 3&1 - 32222 A '*12 - *22

    0 1+'3 - +222 0 &21+ - 222

    *1+' - 2 N '3*1 - *2

    /h$ %as siL afraid of se"en7

    =ecause S 0 0 N

    2222 222 2 * *2

    A T 0 N > N 0*22 32 322 3222 32222 &2 +222

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 73

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________________ 5oman Numeras

    /hen P - _______ (0) >> - _______ (S) P> - _______

    (=) > - _______ (9) , - _______ (S) P, - _______

    (8) PP>P - _______ (,) ??>> - _______ (0) ,P> - _______

    (0) PP>>> - _______ (T) P,>P - _______ (T) PP>> - ______

    (,) ?> - _______ (A) ,> - _______ (0) - _______

    (4) ?? - ______ () P, - _______ () PPP>>> - _______

    (0) ? - ______ (=) ?,P> - _______ (>) , - _______

    (T) >- ______ (T) >>> - _______ (5) > - _______

    /hat do ghosts do %hen the$ get into a car7

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ - ______ ______ ______3 1 2 33 & &21 '222

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______&22' '&22 *' '22

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______'* &3 * '** '22 '2 && 2

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 74

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________________ 5ounding to the Nearest '2(& and 3-Digit Num#ers)4umpt$ Dumpt$6s

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________________ 5ounding to the Nearest '2(& and 3-Digit Num#ers)

    4umpt$ Dumpt$6s

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________________ 5ounding to the Nearest 4undred(3 and -Digit Num#ers)?ookies in =ed

    5ound each num#er to the nearest hundred. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching the

    etters to the #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    D '2 - '22 S 2' - 22 '2 - &22

    T 3* - 22 0 +' - +22 0 3&+ - 322

    S *'3 - *22 4 ** - 122 T - 22

    0 3 - 2 0 +* - '222 5 13& - 1322

    &&&2 - &&22 0 31 - 322 4 +&* - +322

    T &31& - &22 S +'2 - +&22 0 +&+ - +22

    A ''* - '22 / 3+1* - 322 A 311 - 3+22

    N 31&2 - 3122 '*& - '22 ; '+11 - '22

    / '3 - &222 A &32' - &322

    /h$ did the gir put cookies under her pio%7

    S 4 0 / A N T 0 D 22 122 322 322 &322 3122 &22 2 '22

    T 4 A 022 '22 +322 3+22 &22 322

    S / 0 0 T+&22 &222 '222 +22 22

    D 5 0 A S'22 1322 +22 '22 &&22 *22

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 79

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________________ 5ounding to the Nearest Doar

    The =ird /ho n Trou#e5ound each mone$ amount to the nearest doar. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching

    the etters to the #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    T E.* - _______ S E.3+ - _______ A E&.* - _______

    T E2.1 - _______ > E2.& - _______ A E*.3 - _______

    < E+.'+ - _______ @ E*.1 - _______ ? E.2 - _______

    / E'.*2 - _______ 4 E.1 - _______ T E'2. - ______

    0 E'.&& - _______ A E&3. - _______ > E'+.'' - _______

    T E3*.2* - ______ N E&&.+ - _______ 0 E'.2 - _______

    T E'*.3 - _______ S E33.22 - _______ T E&*. - _______

    < E&2. - _______ N E'.2 - _______ E&2. - _______

    0 E&.3 - _______ / E'&.2 - _______

    /h$ did the #ird get in trou#e at schoo7

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______E2 E' E& E3 E

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______E E* E1 E+ E E'2

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______E'' E'& E' E' E'* E'+ E' E&2

    ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ E&' E&3 E& E&1 E32 E33 E3*

    The Math Riddle Book - www.mathriddlebook.com 80

  • 8/13/2019 Full Math Riddle Book


    Name: ___________________________________________ 5ounding to the Nearest Doar

    The =ird /ho n Trou#e5ound each mone$ amount to the nearest doar. Then so"e the ridde #$ matching

    the etters to the #ank ines at the #ottom of the page.

    T E.* - E'2 S E.3+ - E A E&.* - E3

    T E2.1 - E' > E2.& - E2 A E*.3 - E*

    < E+.'+ - E+ @ E*.1 - E1 ? E.2 - E

    / E'.*2 - E& 4 E.1 - E T E'2. - E''

    0 E'.&& - E' A E&3. - E& > E'+.'' - E'+

    T E3*.2* - E3* N E&&.+ - E&3 0 E'.2 - E'

    T E'*.3 - E'* S E33.22 - E33 T E&*. - E&1

    < E&2. - E&2 N E'.2 - E' E&2. - E&'

    0 E&.3 - E32 / E'&.2 - E'&

    /h$ did the #ird get in trou#e at schoo7 > T / A S E2 E' E& E3 E

    ? A @ < 4 TE E* E1 E+ E E'2

    T / 0 0 T > N