full board - wvc.edu

Upcoming Events: Upcoming Meetings: Virtual Scholarship Reception- TBD Budget & Finance- Nov. 1 4pm Development- Nov. 8 12pm Executive- Nov. 8 4pm Full Board- Nov. 15 12pm Board Portal: www.wvc.edu/boardportal FULL BOARD AGENDA Monday, October 18, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 pm https://wvc.zoom.us/j/4675301522 CALL TO ORDER 1) CONSENT AGENDA A. June 2021 Minutes B. Committee Reports C. Financial Reports i. Income Statement (Restricted and Non-Restricted) ii. Balance Sheet iii. Monthly Gift Report 2) OLD BUSINESS A. Board Retreat Notes 3) NEW BUSINESS A. Action: Foundation Mission Statement B. Action: Board Member Applications i. Daryl Ferguson ii. Jose Gonzalez C. Committee Roster D. Upcoming Board Activities i. Volunteer Needs 4) REPORT FROM THE COLLEGE – President Richardson 5) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT – Rachel Evey A. Position Vacancy B. Virtual Scholarship Reception C. Grant Opportunities D. New Scholarship Funds ADJOURNMENT Pages 1-4 Page 5 Pages 6-10 Pages 11-12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Pages 16-17 Page 18 Page 19

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Upcoming Events: Upcoming Meetings: Virtual Scholarship Reception- TBD Budget & Finance- Nov. 1 4pm Development- Nov. 8 12pm Executive- Nov. 8 4pm Full Board- Nov. 15 12pm Board Portal: www.wvc.edu/boardportal


Monday, October 18, 2021 – 12:00-1:30 pm https://wvc.zoom.us/j/4675301522


A. June 2021 Minutes B. Committee Reports C. Financial Reports

i. Income Statement (Restricted and Non-Restricted) ii. Balance Sheet

iii. Monthly Gift Report 2) OLD BUSINESS

A. Board Retreat Notes

3) NEW BUSINESS A. Action: Foundation Mission Statement B. Action: Board Member Applications

i. Daryl Ferguson ii. Jose Gonzalez

C. Committee Roster D. Upcoming Board Activities

i. Volunteer Needs

4) REPORT FROM THE COLLEGE – President Richardson

5) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT – Rachel Evey A. Position Vacancy B. Virtual Scholarship Reception C. Grant Opportunities D. New Scholarship Funds


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Monday, June 21, 2021 Via Zoom

MEMBERS PRESENT: Brenda Alcala, Xavier Arinez, Kathy Coffman, Beverly Jagla, Jorden Jessup, Barry Leahy, Ron Lodge, Bryce Mackay, Lyle Markhart, Neil Neroutsos, Brett Peterson, President Richardson, Joshua Wood MEMBERS ABSENT: April Clayton, Don Gurnard, Bárbara Guzmán, Marile Kunkel, Christy Walt, STAFF PRESENT: Rachel Evey, Nancy Barret, Brenda Magaña-Galvan, Ellora La Shier GUESTS PRESENT: Bianca Ebreo, Chelsea Ewer Meeting called to order at 12:03 PM. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS: Rachel Evey introduced the guests in attendance. Chelsea Ewer and Bianca Ebreo have be recruited as potential new board members, following the established process. Their applications were presented at the May full board meeting for review. 1) CONSENT AGENDA

A. May 2021 meeting minutes approved by consent. B. Committee Reports: Board reviewed committee reports.

2) TREASURER’S REPORT: Brenda Alcala provided an update on the financial statements. On the

Unrestricted Income Statement, revenue is over budget mostly because of management fees and donations. The Gift, Grants & Awards expense account increased by $100,000 to reflect a donation to the Building Futures Campaign. This was also recorded as a liability and is listed on the Balance Sheet. Without that grant, expenses would have been under budget. There were no major changes to the Restricted Income Statement. The Community Foundation of North Central Washington currently holds $11,700,000 in assets, as seen on the Balance Sheet. The remainder of assets are held at Cashmere Valley Bank. The Monthly Gift Report shows an increase of 40 donors from May. Total funds raised is down by $1,700 from this time last year.

Brenda Magaña-Galvan confirmed that the funds in the checking account at Cashmere Valley Bank need to be available for scholarships and department requests. She noted that the Budget and Finance Committee will receive a report listing the balance and location of all funds in August, per fiscal procedures. They will have the option to adjust where funds are kept at that time.

3) OLD BUSINESS: Rachel Evey provided an overview of the 2021-2022 work plan for each committee.

The Executive Committee, Budget & Finance Committee, and Events & Outreach Committee have each reviewed their respective work plan.



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A. Board Resolution for McQuaig Student Loan Fund: Rachel Evey reported that after the board approved an updated endowment spending policy in 2019, staff have been actively working to bring all funds in alignment with the policy. Judy Courshon, daughter of the original donors Douglas and Beverlie McQuaig, is in support of the resolution.

Lyle Markhart made a motion to approve the resolution amending the spending policy for the Douglas and Beverlie McQuaig Student Loan Fund. Barry Leahy seconded. Motion passed without dissent.

B. Amended 2020-21 Unrestricted Budget: Rachel Evey noted that the only change to the

budget is a $100,000 increase in the Gift, Grants, & Awards to the College expense category. This update will help with future budget comparisons and planning. The Budget & Finance Committee recommended this change.

Kathy Coffman made a motion to approve the Amended 2020-21 Unrestricted Budget. Barry Leahy seconded. Motion passed without dissent.

C. WVC-WVCF Annual Agreement: Rachel Evey reported that the 2021-2022 agreement has no changes, other than effective dates, from the current agreement. This agreement outlines the roles for the college, the foundation board of directors, and the foundation staff. It states which staff salaries are paid for by the college or the foundation.

Beverly Jagla made a motion to approve the 2021-2022 WVC-WVCF Annual Agreement. Bryce Mackay seconded. Motion passed without dissent.

D. Board Committee Structure & Descriptions: Rachel Evey presented the committee structure and descriptions. There are no changes to the Executive and Budget & Finance Committees. The Events & Outreach Committee will be renamed the Development Committee and will continue to focus on fundraising and marketing. Sub-committees for specific events and/or projects will be convened when necessary. The current members are in support of these changes. A new Scholarship Committee has been proposed to provide direction and oversight to the growing scholarship program. The committee will focus on setting the mission, vision, and goals for the program, ensuring equity-centered practices and data-informed decisions.

Lyle Markhart made a motion to approved the proposed Board Committee Structure & Descriptions. Brenda Alcala seconded. Motion approved without dissent.

E. 2021-22 Board Slate: Rachel Evey provided a brief overview of the nomination and recruitment procedures. Ron Lodge reported that the Executive Committee has reviewed and recommended the slate.

i. Executive Committee Officers: Board reviewed slate of Executive Committee Officers: President Beverly Jagla, Vice President Don Gurnard, Secretary/Treasurer Brenda Alcala.

Lyle Markhart made a motion to approve Executive Committee Officers. Josh Wood seconded. Motion passed without dissent.

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ii. Executive Committee At-Large Members: Board reviewed slate of Executive Committee At-Large Members: Jorden Jessup and Barry Leahy. Ron Lodge asked for any additional nominations for these positions. None were offered.

Brenda Alcala made a motion to approve Executive Committee At-Large Members. Kathy Coffman seconded. Motion passed without dissent.

iii. Renewing Board Members: Board reviewed slate of renewing board members: April Clayton, Beverly Jagla, Ron Lodge, Bryce Mackay, Christy Walt.

Kathy Coffman made a motion to approve the Renewing Board Members. Lyle Markhart seconded. Motion passed without dissent.

iv. New Board Members: Chelsea Ewer and Bianca Ebreo both briefly spoke about their interest in joining this board.

Jorden Jessup made a motion to approve Chelsea Ewer, Bianca Ebreo, and Steven Wilkinson as new board members. Kathy Coffman seconded. Motion passed without dissent.

v. Information Sharing: Ron Lodge noted that each committee elects their own chair. Currently, Brenda Alcala will chair the Budget & Finance Committee, April Clayton will chair the Development Committee, and Josh Wood will chair the Scholarship Committee. New members may be approved at any time during the year. Ron Lodge asked the board to provide referrals for potential board members to Rachel Evey and incoming President Beverly Jagla. Rachel Evey honored Ron’s service as President, noting that he led the foundation during an executive director search, college budget cuts, and a global pandemic. Ron will now serve on the board as Immediate Past-President. Ron noted that he has served on this board for 12 years and expressed appreciation for Rachel and the entire Foundation staff.

F. 2021-22 Unrestricted Budget: Rachel Evey reported that this budget has been reviewed and

recommended by the Budget & Finance Committee and the Executive Committee. Rachel noted that this budget includes operating expenses, program expenses, and grants to the college. The budget does include a deficit. Unrestircted assets are sufficient to cover the deficit. The Budget & Finance Committee continues to monitor the unrestricted balance.

Brenda Alcala made a motion to approve the 2021-22 Unrestricted Budget. Josh Wood seconded. Motion passed without dissent.

G. Upcoming Board Activities: Rachel Evey reviewed the upcoming opportunities for board members to volunteer. Board members can email [email protected] to sign up. Rachel also reported that the Board Orientation on August 16 and the Board Retreat on September 20 will be held in person.

5) REPORT FROM THE COLLEGE: President Richardson thanked Ron Lodge for his service as Board President and commended his leadership during changing times. President Richardson reported that

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the college Board of Trustees met on June 16. The board approved a revised mission statement that now includes a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion for all students and employees. Trustees received a tour of the new building. The conference center now bears the name of Jack & Edna Maguire, per the donors’ gift agreement. The new building will be named for a Wenatchi tribal member. The remaining Wing 5 of the old building will retain the Wells Hall name. Virtual graduation ceremonies went well; many students submitted photos and statements. Fall quarter will be in a “high-flex” mode. Some classes will be in-person, some will be online. Social distancing requirement for higher education has been reduced to 3 ft. WVC is not requiring vaccines. College leadership is still discussing mask requirements for fall. While this legislative session resulted in positive budget decisions, funding often comes with designations. Federal funds are being used to backfill lost revenue from pandemic-related enrollment decline.


A. Executive Assistant vacant position: Rachel Evey reported that interviews were conducted on June 10. There were several excellent candidates. Currently checking references on the selected candidate.

B. Year in Review: Rachel Evey made a presentation that summarized the activities for the year, including scholarships and emergency grants, support for faculty and staff, capital campaign, and cultural experiences on campus. Rachel highlighted the increased year-over-year donor retention rate and donor recapture rate. Plans for next year include the creation of new programs: major gifts, giving circles, planned giving, and corporate giving.

Meeting adjourned at 1:28 pm. Minutes prepared by Ellora La Shier.

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Budget and Finance – Brenda Alcala

• Total ending unrestricted balance decreased by $23,000 from the prior month. Unrestricted revenue is under budget by $6,500 and expenses are under budget by $16,000. Overall, unrestricted budget is at a deficit of $39,000.

• How to make future allocations from the WVC Foundation Endowment. • Fiscal Procedures Manual approved without dissent.

Development – April Clayton

• Meeting cancelled Scholarship – Joshua Wood

• There were 5 new scholarships established in 2021, which is a record for the foundation (usually 2-3 new funds per year).

• Training will be held in February for volunteer scholarship reviewers. All foundation board members are encouraged to be a reviewer.

• Ongoing goals and effective strategies for the scholarship program include eliminating the “treasure hunt” for students to access funding, prioritizing renewable awards, focusing on completion for recipients, and providing wrap-around support (e.g. advising, mentoring, etc.).

P: 509.682.6410 | F: 509.682.6401 | 1300 Fifth Street | Wenatchee, WA 98801 | www.wvc.edu

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Period Ending 08/31/2021

Unrestricted Income Statement - Overview

Wenatchee Valley College Foundation

Year-to-date Year-to-date Year-to-date

FY 2021-22 Budget Actuals Variance


Annual Fund $2,502.50 $2,264.34 $238.16

Assessments/Investments $30,290.00 $28,499.15 $1,790.85

In-kinds $40,570.66 $36,115.90 $4,454.76

TOTAL INCOME $73,363.16 $66,879.39 $6,483.77


Administration ($34,220.10) ($28,442.65) ($5,777.45)

Programming ($1,633.32) ($434.60) ($1,198.72)

Events ($1,000.00) ($380.24) ($619.76)

Gifts, Grants, & Awards ($45,000.00) ($41,000.00) ($4,000.00)

In-kinds ($40,570.66) ($36,115.90) ($4,454.76)

TOTAL EXPENSE ($122,424.08) ($106,373.39) ($16,050.69)

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ($49,060.92) ($39,494.00) ($9,566.92)

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Period Ending 08/31/2021

Unrestricted Income Statement - Detailed

Wenatchee Valley College Foundation

Year-to-date Year-to-date Year-to-date

FY 2021-22 Budget Actuals Variance


Annual Fund

Employee Payroll Contributions $502.50 $345.00 $157.50

Contributions/Donations $2,000.00 $1,919.34 $80.66

Total Annual Fund $2,502.50 $2,264.34 $238.16


Management Fees $26,500.00 $26,879.84 ($379.84)

Program Assessment $1,250.00 $455.00 $795.00

Investment Income - Dividends (CF) $2,500.00 $1,161.33 $1,338.67

CVB Interest $40.00 $16.96 $23.04

Gain/Loss on Investments - CF $0.00 ($13.98) $13.98

Total Assessments/Investments $30,290.00 $28,499.15 $1,790.85


In-kind Contributions-WVC $40,570.66 $36,115.90 $4,454.76

Total In-kinds $40,570.66 $36,115.90 $4,454.76

TOTAL INCOME $73,363.16 $66,879.39 $6,483.77



CF Administrative Fees $4,333.32 $4,056.97 $276.35

Merchant Service Fees $200.00 $118.00 $82.00

Dues & Memberships $0.00 ($39.00) $39.00

Broker Investment Fees $900.00 $780.71 $119.29

Office Supplies $250.00 $68.87 $181.13

Staff and Board Professional Development $1,000.00 $30.44 $969.56

Salaries and Wages $19,833.32 $17,684.88 $2,148.44

Payroll Taxes $1,578.50 $1,381.99 $196.51

Medical Benefits $3,833.32 $2,808.00 $1,025.32

Retirement Contributions $2,083.32 $1,372.30 $711.02

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Year-to-date Year-to-date Year-to-date

FY 2021-22 Budget Actuals Variance

Wages and Benefits - Other $208.32 $179.49 $28.83

Total Administration ($34,220.10) ($28,442.65) ($5,777.45)


Spring Appeal $300.00 $212.75 $87.25

Board & Committee Expenses $0.00 ($188.80) $188.80

Networking $333.32 $135.97 $197.35

Stewardship $1,000.00 $274.68 $725.32

Total Programming ($1,633.32) ($434.60) ($1,198.72)


Alumni Events $1,000.00 $380.24 $619.76

Total Events ($1,000.00) ($380.24) ($619.76)

Gifts, Grants, & Awards

Gifts Grants Awards to College $45,000.00 $41,000.00 $4,000.00

Total Gifts, Grants, & Awards ($45,000.00) ($41,000.00) ($4,000.00)


In-Kind WVC Payroll $40,570.66 $36,115.90 $4,454.76

Total In-kinds ($40,570.66) ($36,115.90) ($4,454.76)

TOTAL EXPENSE ($122,424.08) ($106,373.39) ($16,050.69)

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ($49,060.92) ($39,494.00) ($9,566.92)

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Period Ending 08/31/2021

Income Statement per Restrictions

Wenatchee Valley College Foundation

Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total

Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions


Employee Payroll Contributions $345.00 $0.00 $0.00 $345.00

Contributions/Donations $1,919.34 $0.00 $0.00 $1,919.34

In-kind Contributions-WVC $36,115.90 $0.00 $0.00 $36,115.90

Management Fees $26,879.84 $0.00 $0.00 $26,879.84

Program Assessment $455.00 $0.00 $0.00 $455.00

Investment Income - Dividends (CF) $1,161.33 $0.00 $0.00 $1,161.33

CVB Interest $16.96 $0.00 $0.00 $16.96

Gain/Loss on Investments - CF ($13.98) $0.00 $0.00 ($13.98)

Contributions/Donations $0.00 $27,288.68 $0.00 $27,288.68

Investment Income - Dividends (CF) $0.00 $335.61 $0.00 $335.61

Gain/Loss on Investments - CF $0.00 ($4.03) $0.00 ($4.03)

Contributions/Donations $0.00 $0.00 $105,077.50 $105,077.50

Investment Income - Dividends (CF) $0.00 $0.00 $10,618.81 $10,618.81

Gain/Loss on Investments - CF $0.00 $0.00 ($127.75) ($127.75)

Total Revenues $66,879.39 $27,620.26 $115,568.56 $210,068.21


CF Administrative Fees $4,056.97 $0.00 $0.00 $4,056.97

Merchant Service Fees $118.00 $0.00 $0.00 $118.00

Dues & Memberships ($39.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($39.00)

Spring Appeal $212.75 $0.00 $0.00 $212.75

Broker Investment Fees $780.71 $0.00 $0.00 $780.71

Board & Committee Expenses ($188.80) $0.00 $0.00 ($188.80)

Office Supplies $68.87 $0.00 $0.00 $68.87

Networking $135.97 $0.00 $0.00 $135.97

Gifts Grants Awards to College $41,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,000.00

In-Kind WVC Payroll $36,115.90 $0.00 $0.00 $36,115.90

Stewardship $274.68 $0.00 $0.00 $274.68

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Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total

Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions

Alumni Events $380.24 $0.00 $0.00 $380.24

Staff and Board Professional Development $30.44 $0.00 $0.00 $30.44

Salaries and Wages $17,684.88 $0.00 $0.00 $17,684.88

Payroll Taxes $1,381.99 $0.00 $0.00 $1,381.99

Medical Benefits $2,808.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,808.00

Retirement Contributions $1,372.30 $0.00 $0.00 $1,372.30

Wages and Benefits - Other $179.49 $0.00 $0.00 $179.49

Program Expenses $0.00 $1,726.74 $0.00 $1,726.74

CF Administrative Fees $0.00 $1,173.76 $0.00 $1,173.76

Broker Investment Fees $0.00 $225.63 $0.00 $225.63

Gifts Grants Awards to College $0.00 $5,850.00 $0.00 $5,850.00

CF Administrative Fees $0.00 $0.00 $37,088.33 $37,088.33

Broker Investment Fees $0.00 $0.00 $7,138.63 $7,138.63

Total Expenses $106,373.39 $8,976.13 $44,226.96 $159,576.48


Unrealized Gains and Losses $23,003.39 $0.00 $0.00 $23,003.39

Unrealized Gains and Losses $0.00 $6,647.73 $0.00 $6,647.73

Unrealized Gains and Losses $0.00 $0.00 $210,336.69 $210,336.69

Total Gains $23,003.39 $6,647.73 $210,336.69 $239,987.81

BEGINNING RETAINED EARNINGS $1,126,198.26 $734,746.13 $10,161,669.59 $12,022,613.98

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ($16,490.61) $25,291.86 $281,678.29 $290,479.54

ENDING RETAINED EARNINGS $1,109,707.65 $760,037.99 $10,443,347.88 $12,313,093.52

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As of 08/31/2021

Balance Sheet

Wenatchee Valley College Foundation

Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total

Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions


CVB - Checking $41,522.54 $0.00 $0.00 $41,522.54

CVB - Money Market $8,067.91 $0.00 $0.00 $8,067.91

Investments - Stifel $109.33 $0.00 $0.00 $109.33

Investments - CF $699,067.58 $0.00 $0.00 $699,067.58

Fair Market Value Adjustment $463,564.11 $0.00 $0.00 $463,564.11

Management Fees Receivable $13,459.10 $0.00 $0.00 $13,459.10

CVB - Checking $0.00 $424,746.11 $0.00 $424,746.11

CVB - Money market $0.00 $11,404.80 $0.00 $11,404.80

Investments - CF $0.00 $86,179.25 $0.00 $86,179.25

Fair Market Value Adjustment $0.00 $249,808.83 $0.00 $249,808.83

Pledges Receivable $0.00 $130,195.00 $0.00 $130,195.00

CVB - Checking $0.00 $0.00 $110,329.69 $110,329.69

Investments - CF $0.00 $0.00 $6,169,067.04 $6,169,067.04

Fair Market Value Adjustment $0.00 $0.00 $4,461,721.15 $4,461,721.15

Total Assets $1,225,790.57 $902,333.99 $10,741,117.88 $12,869,242.44

Liabilities and Retained Earnings


Credit Card Liability $192.56 $0.00 $0.00 $192.56

Payroll Liabilities $13,515.36 $0.00 $0.00 $13,515.36

WVC Annual Funding - Awards Payable $2,375.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,375.00

Other Payables $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00

Scholarships Payable $0.00 $84,796.00 $0.00 $84,796.00

Nurses for Tomorrow - WVC $0.00 $57,500.00 $0.00 $57,500.00

Scholarships Payable $0.00 $0.00 $286,160.00 $286,160.00

WVC Annual Funding - Awards Payable $0.00 $0.00 $11,610.00 $11,610.00

Total Liabilities $116,082.92 $142,296.00 $297,770.00 $556,148.92

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Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total

Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions

Retained Earnings

Unrestricted $1,109,707.65 $0.00 $0.00 $1,109,707.65

Temporarily Restricted $0.00 $760,037.99 $0.00 $760,037.99

Permanently Restricted $0.00 $0.00 $4,102,974.10 $4,102,974.10

Return to Endowment $0.00 $0.00 $6,340,373.78 $6,340,373.78

Total Retained Earnings $1,109,707.65 $760,037.99 $10,443,347.88 $12,313,093.52

Total Liabilities and Retained Earnings $1,225,790.57 $902,333.99 $10,741,117.88 $12,869,242.44

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Susan Adkins Jorden JessupBrenda Alcala Ty and Grace JonesAnonymous Kerin Keys and Reuben Hart

Xavier Arinez Ron and Jeanne LodgeKaren Arnold Lise and Jim Louer

Andrew Behler David and Patricia NotterReagan and Tom Bellamy Janet Petrie and Gregory Etchison

Jenny and Armando Capelo Tria SkirkoKathy Coffman Carin Smith

Rachel Evey Amy Snively-MartinezLeo and Karen Garcia Erin Tofte

Edward Grubb and Joan Espe Grubb Tod TreatDon and Debbie Gurnard Malia Tucker

Carol and Douglas Hansen Barton WeickRebecca Hargrove Weinstein Beverage Co.

Andrew and Maggie Hersh-Tudor Joshua WoodBeverly Jagla

Unrestricted: 2,145.00$ Temporarily Restricted: 20,755.00$ Permanently Restricted: 200.00$

Grand Total: 23,100.00$

33 Donor(s)

Turn to View Graph & Statistics

Wenatchee Valley College FoundationSeptember

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2021 Board Retreat – Group Discussion Notes

How can we grow our core mission support? • Based on amount of money you’re looking for, you’ll approach individuals and

groups/organizations differently. The dynamic of the approach changes depending on that amount you’re seeking.

• Focus more on the relationships, the knowledge you’re spreading about the cause you’re seeking funding for, and the money will follow that.

• Social interactions are important, and the focus should be on those 1-on-1 interactions to allow networking to happen more naturally and that relationship to grow.

• Remember to give back to our donors through holding events and making them feel valuable.

• Focus more on personal relations, use personal story-telling and make your pitch more impactful that way.

• Use your reputation among the individuals or groups you approach and your familiarity to add a personal touch.

• Prioritize local donors. (versus billionaire types). Put focus on youth-led or youth focus organizations and businesses as a missing voice. Also BIPOC-owned businesses. They may not always fund or donate but can also be great natural spokespeople within their communities.

How can we create meaningful relationships with our donors?

• Be cultivation focused, using experience with sales and focus on ongoing relationships, making an effort to be present in the donor’s mind.

• Use mailers, phone calls, personal contact to keep ourselves relevant and use that relationship to be present in their minds when they have the opportunity to donate to an organization. Creates a likelihood that they’ll at least consider us when donating somewhere.

• Use community connections to spread the knowledge of both the need and opportunity for donation. Help make people feel invested in our mission by spreading that awareness.

• Find ways to create connections where people can identify with and feel passionate about the project and the need.

P: 509.682.6410 | F: 509.682.6401 | 1300 Fifth Street | Wenatchee, WA 98801 | www.wvc.edu

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Purpose The Wenatchee Valley College Foundation exists for the exclusive purpose of encouraging, promoting,

and supporting education programs, scholarly programs, scholarly pursuits, athletics, alumni relations,

and future development in connection with Wenatchee Valley College.

Vision The Wenatchee Valley College Foundation envisions an educated, inclusive, prosperous, and healthy


Mission The Wenatchee Valley College Foundation provides equitable access to education and invests in student

success through philanthropy.

Strategic Goals 1. Remove academic barriers.

a. Scholarships

b. Emergency assistance for students

2. Strengthen an environment of learning.

a. Professional development for faculty and staff

b. State-of-the-art facilities, equipment, and software

c. Enriching cultural experiences

3. Encourage investment in an educated community.

a. Steward current donors

b. Cultivate potential donors

c. Build relationships with the community

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Form Name: Foundation Board Member ApplicationSubmission Time: September 27, 2021 10:43 amBrowser: Chrome 87.0.4280.141 / WindowsIP Address: ID: 866268986Location: 47.370700836182, -120.35929870605

Board Member Application

Name Daryl Ferguson

Birthday Aug 12, 1954

Email [email protected]

Cell Phone Number (509) 670-1808

Home Phone Number (509) 670-1808

Preferred Mailing Address 832 W Golf Course DriveChelan, WA 98816

Spouse/Partner Name Mona Ferguson

Are you a Wenatchee Valley Collegealum?


What year did you graduate from WVC? 1974

Briefly describe your occupation (ifretired, please describe pastoccupations).

Former insurance broker for commercial accounts/ fruit industry for 45years. I owned my own insurance business in Brewster for 20 years I haveworked in Wenatchee for various companies for the past 25 years. I retiredin 2019 from Paynewest located right here in Wenatchee.

Briefly describe your interest in servingon the Wenatchee Valley CollegeFoundation Board.

I am an alumni at WVC. I wish to support the college in its growth within thecommunity.

Briefly describe your past and currentboard service at other non-profitorganizations.

*Wenatchee Downtown Rotary - 2 terms. Member for 30 years.

* Washington Apple Blossom Festival - 3 terms. Member 28 years. DirectorGeneral for Apple Blossom - 2013. Grand Parade Chairman 27 years.

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Please provide a brief biography. Daryl Earl Ferguson age:67Retired Lives in Chelan Washington currently - lived in Wenatchee 25+yearsHometown: Twisp WashingtonAla mater: WVCI originally started my career in Pateros/Brewster WA owning my ownbusiness. I moved to Wenatchee in 1986 and continued in the insurancebusiness for 45 years. I retired in 2019 and moved full time to our home inChelan WA. I currently stay busy with Rotary and Apple Blossom. My wifeis Mona Ferguson who also attended WVC and has her Associates ofScience degree. Mona continued her career in Mammography at CentralWashington Hospital/Confluence Health. Mona also has been asked for thelast several years to teach a mammography class at the college. I love to play golf, boat, walk and enjoy my grandkids. I would be honored to be chosen to sit on your board to represent my Alamate.

Please select what WVC Foundationcommittee you would prefer to serveon:

Events & Outreach Committee

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Form Name: Foundation Board Member ApplicationSubmission Time: September 23, 2021 11:34 amBrowser: Chrome 93.0.4577.82 / WindowsIP Address: ID: 864795807Location: 47.668899536133, -117.43689727783

Board Member Application

Name Jose Gonzalez

Birthday Apr 23, 1985

Email [email protected]

Cell Phone Number (509) 263-8151

Preferred Mailing Address 1460 Sally Jean Way Rock Island , WA 98850

Spouse/Partner Name Leonor Gonzalez

Are you a Wenatchee Valley Collegealum?


Briefly describe your occupation (ifretired, please describe pastoccupations).

I have been in banking for the last 7 years. I am currently employed byWashington Trust Bank as a relationship manager in the small businessdepartment. I focus on Small business lending in the Wenatchee Valley,Quincy and Ephrata.

Briefly describe your interest in servingon the Wenatchee Valley CollegeFoundation Board.

I am happy to be part of organization that serves the community in which Ilive. I especially enjoy working with organization that focus on helping thosein pursuit of higher education.

Briefly describe your past and currentboard service at other non-profitorganizations.

I have not served as a board member in any organization. however I havevolunteered for organization like Junior achievement and currently serve asa mentor for WAEF.

Please provide a brief biography. Hello my Name is Jose. I am 36 years old. I am married and have one sonwho is 7 years old. I have lived in the valley since I was 5. I graduated highschool in 2003 and attended EWU.

Please select what WVC Foundationcommittee you would prefer to serveon:

Budget & Finance Committee

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DEVELOPMENT Meets 2nd Monday 12:00-1:00pm

April Clayton (Chair) Jorden Jessup Bryce Mackay

BUDGET & FINANCE Meets 1st Monday 4:00-5:00pm

Brenda Alcala (Chair) Xavier Arinez Don Gurnard

Bárbara Guzmán Barry Leahy Ron Lodge

Lyle Markhart Brett Peterson Bianca Ebreo

Steven Wilkinson

SCHOLARSHIP Business Meetings:

10/4/21-- 12/6/21-- 1/3/22-- 6/6/22 Joshua Wood (Chair)

Beverly Jagla Neil Neroutsos Kathy Coffman Chelsea Ewer

EXECUTIVE Meets 2nd Monday 4:00-5:30pm

Beverly Jagla (President) Don Gurnard (Vice President)

Brenda Alcala (Secretary/Treasurer) Joshua Wood (At-Large Member #1) Barry Leahy (At-Large Member #2)

Jorden Jessup (At-Large Member #3) Ron Lodge (Past President)

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