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·· A . . ' nrM.a,.; iJ>tftjijt.1'., . .\lift toll W•<fe •-. ilt.t ttiUiieflt . · ... · . $0dt •mt . itil . _ ... the tn.eUo .4tid · vrril'lflill J.t: wtn: · ttt •. .. .. . Pt9Pfir;ty Jrinoft fmt bltt .fi* ®tt't · I ;,.. " .,. It"' ..._ !'- .. ..

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Post on 09-Jun-2018




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·f··.THF~#~ ·· ~PRODIGAL:-.-~ ~-'~JUDGE A -~

. . ' nrM.a,.; iJ>tftjijt.1'., . tilt'~ .\lift -wtr~i· toll W•<fe •-. ilt.t

ttiUiieflt ~ tarf1t~ . · ... 'J'a1~ .t.Jif~t · . $0dt ttfitii~l'll •mt . itil . _ ... the tn.eUo .lf~ .r~hl>er. .4tid ···-~.-- ·

vrril'lflill t;t:JiJt:v:~, J.t: wtn: · ttt •. ~m~t .. .. . Pt9Pfir;ty Jrinoft fmt bltt .fi* ®tt't · ~·

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thet,o; mr fafllld, I mllet bP co~Uillt to t.'IYI> . . . . '1/. '>U,\;·l!Uill'c1l!lS

. , . , . ··, .. ·, iiQ,~\JlJ,f~ loyt\l comp(ll)icct 1llld-thets- Cilnii,OU'~o~ -tOJ1 '' '~ c_ "'· , •

T la not uncommon to 'Hmghni.l~, mid' ~ifiiit!Jl~ . all: .thtOUS~ t!o nccountll \'Ylth Loub '\Yhev. ho I loo!re4 !low~ Theto,~Clil1t0' cloubtitlti'Pl bcnr tho wll!b Olt• Nqrth H!ndla. wltlltqu;, !clot ~-co v;1tlj. burnt out or biD retu~o. All at ongo qt lt. ~t ~!l prcaciod, br poroona of )'ou .to Pnrto. Tllot~J tros-®tero: 'f.o l~:lU1Jthilliln~~~~~:~~~~~~:; r ntumblcll ovlll' nozue. .tr~n thint;. tor.ch.f!!Llll'OliJ}d._ . ....,LLI"""LJ.._.,.,.w .... _,.,~~ t~~'hi:'~~fu~d~crt'1~it~l:O:b~ln::r?&~: tomontte temporn· dovfitl1,_ ---- "-cc--- --: Ill hoard 11 murmur overhead. Everr· thpt I} 1ltont\r 'fltre;\lW \7M , rl mont, Ulnt the dnyo of I c}louJ(l otllJ14 tA I!.!:C4 ot. t\ tnlotr oa- thinG' befnrr no 'dar~ no pltcb, I atruclt ni®S' ·Ute enl!lQOmbo~ lllv~u · ~o tho prooent woro no alatant. I c.onqentoll w. 'l'lllbllt'o »Jca, n. •match, To 1111 notonll!hment J m1a watche~ · I !1AW ~t. cntllll"!.l J)feco · ot ~S1> . he · fruitful In GIBmor ot I )lruf tl pret!entlmQDt that t,ho 'TIOf..k atnndiJJG at 'tbo foot ot the ladder newopilper ~4 ~(Jllt lt ~\Vl}Y ln.to ~0 lilY!ld.t(J we, l!Jl~ for my IJI'oat dooclo ao thooo ot ln front of me'wna colnt:r to provo Ill'• which I bad' clcncelldcd, and over- dnrlmena. l heord ·n about of fo(ll': 4l:¢4!' •--•~t ... c~.·, · ·~ .. ·_" _ 11'_

~ . ..JIAill~...ccnturlJ~~~-l-dJillllla=:~Jl(:em~~:-l:lll~l;-lllwur14-Jf-Whollr12•crt'ClU'nodt;-1Jitrriovo~i.ffuiF'\1nrl1WtUF~n~r<m'ii-iffitli·rureliiiY'r --~ettrotc---Tmr-mtnet'- · .. ..,....,.. ... '""' "' · "!J ""'~ -t wlahcn nro m!lllo ln Ill'· not conalder that I ha4''ae<:on:lp1Johcld were to doacend mto Ulo cob!lfomb::~ he eould'- -omeU tre:JhlY·mlxed mortar. AnJln audden t!JopfrntJon ew:no uvoJJ rour o~tfro .force?" ·

oorunco. I wonder bow much or tho mr tnah unUJ tho plot bad been truo- IJI'OW nlmo:~t. hllc.rlouolr oneiltcd.; .AJJ 'Then I reafl&ed tho truth, ~ me. "Why, ;vert, ~ona!o~tr. How UlODl" ,.ecrot Wotory of tho prcoent century trato£1..- Proudly TBibot oet ofl beoldo for me, 1 '\YO.O atrangoly nfloctQd. It . Tho pre!}ldcnt 11M liung104. 1 bad "Prlnco Louin.'' I chouted, "' ba'!Zo dld )'Oil thlnlt r bad!" will ov11r como to llaht, whothor fu· mo and, the moment thn\ wo loft the oeomcd Jmpomdblo tb.at, , uuderuellth been walled In allvo bent!'nth tho tho only lmowlodao ol eocapo for you. It aoexna to mo n,ow.tllat ~~ ~opt turo ncnerntJono wlll over know como bouco, tho old rolnilona ol mnoter nnd thn~ ounnr o.treor.,.conaplrntQro could araUngl Kill me, and you dlo Jllio water raw." wao not nltorrothQt n~ tho QltP~~oo Of of tbo ovento that rCilllY trnnnplre In oorvant wore, by n trndltlonnt uPilor• b~IIY drllUII!' for tho ovottbro\7 Move thooo bloelro of mnoonr:v? 1 The tllll man came forward. He woo Louin, t7hen wJth a. Pnltr'T 1uUt~rod tho c11pltolo of tho, world today ond ro- otnndtna, nbrognted. · ot tho -ropubUo. might 08 won have tried tQ obouldor nearly lmeo deep In wntor, and now, men ho had terrl1led thQ clumcellorloo main bidden from the prylnn oyea of "Hot work on band, old lillln?" onld Tho llttlo pdrlt wao !ll~oot doaorted. tho fortUlcnUoD!l. 1 ohouted wildly, no lonaer a. otrcnm, lt woo owlrllng ot tho t'\"'Q mighty 'We/ltP¢ nntlono. tbo moot oiiutul lnveottgotora! my erotwhlle acrvant, cheoi'(UIIy. ~ The olsbt of two well-drecoed ·men nh.niilnt; tho srnttnc with both hllbdll. through the cntncombo lllro n torrent l)ut ·thene tbonchto camo·nftorwnrd.

Well, I otnrttld out tl) mor11llz:o, but "Prott,- warm, Talbot," l .llD!!WOred, pulllna up tho grntlna mrcltcd only a In vain. Tho faint lloundn that 1 h!ld growing more nnd moro awlft mo- tn ll few mlnuteo we '\?Oro h.nrd nt tbla romlndo me of a otory, one of tho m,- hand 11tenllng toward tho automntlo momentnrr curloolty. Thon ... wo wore at flrot heard lind dled lll71lY, and no mentn11ly, worlt wttb our plclmxeo, bretlhlns loot of tho mnn ndvonturco th.nt hap- Colt that I nlwnyo carried In my bolt- crono again nnd It bad ctanced to over nollle could penetrate that ever In· '"You opnro our Uvea?" I crJcd. through tho m!WODtf, The tloddll poDcd to mo l7hlle I WDll employed 011 !l holotor. Talbot nnw tho nctton and our hondo. Talbot nt~d 1 doocondod crenoin(; thlelmcoo of bloclto of atone. Ho nodded. Men were rnnlnc to wore owlrUns round our wnlDtll beforo courlflr of hlo mnJeoty, Kln~t Edward crrlnnod. I know that artn. I had coon tho thin, ruoty l!ldder, unUl 01U' feet 1 am aohamcd to cay 1 had nQt unt.U nnd fro wUdlr. A few, more coura.- we had -achieved our purpoco. Then VJI., and oent by him upon lmportaot Tnlbot grtD that war over n doru11l!.l> otruo!t acalnnt tho atone floorln{l' of then roficctod upon 'fnlbot•o onfcty. geouo than the roat, oto.od nenr to 'WO fiuns ouroolveo upon tho mer-cy ot wlaulona to vo.rloua cnpltalc of tho ghan, whtlo parrytna ctro!Ioo 'from o what appclll"ed to bo 11 dllluacd drain. Now tho rcn.aon of tho abandonment woJt fc.r their comiil!Uldll. At a algnnl tho Dtl'CiliD that now roared around uo. world I wno llvlng In my lodglngo In mounted horco!Jlnn proporntol')' to nd· 1 Ut tho enndlo: It fllchorod uncer- ot the fllaht wna borne tn upon me. we wero rolenacd. · It coemcd no eternlt1 of nnguloh, ltt1ll Moon otroot, Plccndlll,-, wllh Tal· mtnllltorlng tho"crownlnamorcy"Vdtb 'tnlnly-tbon ftnrcd up. Tho atr '\70!1 They lw.d ccen ontr ono mnn; they "Your map of tho catncombc wno tho:Je few mtnuteo of buoponoe, VlhUo bot, m,- aoldler ocrvant. when Sir bill own Pllllol. Bo I felt that If our breathable. We toolt thrco ctopa to had followed Talbot alona Ulnt brunch made," 1 13nfd, "boforo there woro wo ohol pnat tho groat bnttrcooC:J upon li'mnuiD Knowlco (or Lord Kno"Wiea, plane mlocnrrlod oomobody woUld bo tho riGht. and the pnteh or l3tmllt:r.ht o1 thu cnto.combo, nod, doubUcllll, cmy .oe11ora In Pnrln worth apcnldnG the Jlood, under !l vaulted root thnt r~>thor-1 !\Ill lllWilYII CoraotUng lbllt thO arcatly to blnmo for lt. over our hendll vanlllhcd. 1 blow tho ta!Ien hie JJfe. of. I end I clono po:mcna the tru9 almont grnzed our hclldo: borne rlvel" old gonUomao b~;~a 'lYon the rownrd ot We arrtvod at Porto tho followlnll CAndle out, plnced lt ln m:v poc!Iot. And, whether ho lfvcd or died, 1 map, made 50 yenro Jatar b1 Nnpoli!OU l7Drd. Then-there '\70D tho freoh wind ru .. ny yearu or faithful ~>ervlce 1111 blo mornln!l. tbo train DtCilll\lna up to tho nnd wo proceeded In uttor dnrlmC!la. must find como other e:dt from tho Ill. Five hundred ,-nrdc nwny tho on our fnceo. and overhead tho llsht mi\JCtJty'o ot•crctnn 1- lAird Know leD out.oldftll or tho city, wbence nn "omni- ... 'O't7 tar do we ao. atr-clo .man, 1 cntacombo or portah Uhowlllo. llUl1n oowor rullll thtoUGh n , vault. or tbo atnro. and round 11D Pnrlo-thnt ""

11 t ror mo to como to lluchlntrham boo" bnmo eonvoY.!ld ua throu.ah tho meanT" whlolJ(lr-ed Tcltlot, otter tho 1 oat down nn!f JJt n mntcll. 1 oprend Brtna plclta:Xoo nnd bl'colt n patch into c!ty for 'IYbiCb ono mao mOI'o In hlo­vnlu<'., On my o.rrl val there 1 found otroot.o on top of tho flood. 1 learned Dt<lnd;r rlii!I ot our root. on. tho .floorlng tho _ mnp out haoUI}'. No matter Jt. It Ill never full, oven ln. flood tim ea. torr had ebq~•m dloo with fnto nn4 btm paMDII tho floor norvouolr. lhut the Beine had rfaen ton belabt al· of atone had olono brohon tho unend· which 'IYny 1 ~rued, 1 muot pnaa Thoro Ill mom enouGh batweon tho mol with failure.

Ilia maJeaty-" bo l>ugan tuaolly. mont U11ltnown; that tho oewcru were lntr ollcnco. throuah tho amphltbCiltcr to flnd an ________ ....., ___ ..,.. _ __,..,..~.....,....,_ ...... _.....,.....,.,.....,......,,__.,... __ 11"1 )unl tbOD tho lUng llnlornd and din- Ollloa wltb water ODd no opldcmlo "About ll mllo," 1 cald, ebccttully. oxlt. And--wbf, tbO tbrco Cldto Tlero v~ '"'"""d htm. Then biG mnJo~>l7 lod me thronwned, And otlll tllc rtoc cootln' "When you bump rour hoo.d, wotcb barred by mnaontrl 1 bnd ohut mr· LIFE VJITHm A BEE HI ~~;. HOW

" 11 In bin and, opening a oocrot drawer, ucd. It "Waa with como dJmculty thnt tor an opcnlna on your oldo· ot tho oolt Into tbto tmp with tho eonoplrn· ROBBERS &,ET DEATH

l•wh '"" n foldnd ycllo>¥ parchment I obtained nn lntorvlcw wlth Preoldont walL" toru. "'htrh h•· up•m .. d out finl I could ooc fo'ullloren, nod It Wllll noccoonry for mo It lo O!I\'ODI!O ho\7 one locco Qllllcnao Match after -mntt:h \"lent out no I lbnt II "na writ ton ovor In l"r'eneb nod to dlaplny hla mnJcoty'a card. Tho of tlmo~ :finder ouch clrcumctAncca. oco.nncd tho pnrcb~gont. Th1D 'WilY no .. mud to 1>,. u doal~&n or plnn. proaldent wan acnlct1· In a lnrao room f.;t

~l'aptnln Adnmo," blo mnJoot,- bo- In the ElyGoc, and vna bnaGard and ann, ul oil tit., rnlr>oluno wblcb )'1tli pnlo-trom bllVIna devoted all hta ttmo bnvu rvor uodt•rtAiinn oD bobalt or my to the fiood vlcUm.o, n oympathetlc nt­llu•.,rumont, tbla lu oDe of tho mont tondunt whJapPl"Dd, I omllod at thla lmportaol You bn•o board that Louin naive Interpretation. llunllpar••• haG arrived ID l'nrlo?" "WcU, Monalour, bol7 CAD I nnalo1

I l)ntl DOl I wna alnrtlod That n you?" nahod tho pret~tilcnt, bl'llllquolr. plot lor tb .. roatoratlon of tho Jlono· "It to ratbor n quootloo of bow 1 can parloa h~>d bocn und(lr way, I llnc". 1 DIIDiot you." I onoworctl. "With Napo­""a a~> nro aloo tbot tho dlacatllblloh- loon mnator ot aubtorrancan Parlo, how nt•ot of tbc l"rcncb church had loaguod IQDg do you ospoct to uphold tho roo lugllthor nil tho elorlcal ond ronctlon· public 7" nry nlornonta Dut tbnt tho elnhnant He looked nt lDtl lndtgnonlly, thon to tb" lmpnrlnl tbronn, wbo WOll a GOD· ouddooly ho nnnk down an4 groaned, "rill In tbo llu1141nn army, hod dared to burylna bin fncll bet"Wooo hJo bnndn. cnt<>r Franco wrus Down lo mo. "It ,.o J.nmv whore bo hldcG-" ho

··And th•• Bolo~ lo rlolna llalf tho mullorl:'d ··nut vo oro bolplono. And lowor <llotrlrtD ol tbo l'npltol nro under tho troopa uro not to be n>llnd on. And ootf>r, ond tho elly In romplotoly luoln· It would '""'' dayn to brloa loyniiDto lud 1>0 tar oa tnlcgraphlc (·omruuuolc!l- fNlm tbo frontier, tor bnlr of Franco 1D Uon Ia I:'OD<"..omod," lila moJc:oty aontln· undor woll•r." uc4, na tbouah be road my lhouahta. I placed tb" map In hlo hnndn. ~Prlocn l..ouitl hna 6.uoo makontont.o ··mo mnJ<>Dl3' lUna Edward VII. ontlflF nrmo. all l'Or<'fully drlllod and o<>ndo you thl11, and bldo you uao It for NU>dy In auU<"It>allon ot revolt. rho tho prot.vcllun of tho republic." llllrTII>OD Ill lnr~iod with olld!Uon, and lio loolwd at tho map dumbly, llD ontr o I."'uplo of oomp:1nl(ll), m)" amhna· t!louah not compl"Dbondtna; tbon rooo pador wntoa mfl, can bo rolled on for to bla foot, hlo fnco fiunbod. tho dotonDo or tho rnpubllc And If "It lo a map--" mo M>j)ut.UI' flilli!, aoodby {Q Uio Fti!fi. "'f illo Cillacombo," T annrorod. "81 co- Dntlab olllnnco " tho old ·-or thla you will dofcnt hill

Tlio IUD!!' pallll04 nnd IOOID!(i M mo iiliihli. ·Dul )'OU IDWII. act nl ODCO 'Fo-oomeatly. night-"

"llo wtll atl'lllo tomorrow ntabt. Do- "Yon," 1>11ld tho prcaldonL "I lmo'IY. erot lnlormntlon f()QCboo mo," bo COD• Whol oholl I do? Tbla nod tho llootl­ttnund. tbo reaponolblllt,--and nobodl" lmown

"Uut-bov con 5,000 moo hldo ln or t1ream11-" l!'nriD =d dory tho aovemmontT" J "Let mo ace tho mav," I onld, ocblna cried. "Wboro couta they drtll T" tlw.l Prcatdent l''nlllorco 'IYilll no lotmcr

"In tho entacomlul," hln mnJcnlJ' an mnotor ot blmgolf; and for ball an avorcd.. boor I Gtudlcd IL At tho ond uf thnl

I uttorod an o:ttelomnUon of aurprtoG Umo lt.o mt>nnlna WaD dear to mo. lio cotltlooOO: Thoro wore throe mnln cntroncc£1 to

-You a.n4 t llnd nmnr tourlot.o ll!IYo tho entncombA w1Ultn tho wnJia of dCllC()odnd Into thoco fDmouo 11nclont P11rtn. Ono of thoao Ulroo WaD In tho ~md cubtcrrnncnu p::u:anjloll," bo anld. Qunrtlor Latin; o o<lrond clo:Jo boaldo "Out go bnvo ooVCl' t::noo very ro.r tho north wnll, a tblrd 'IYltblo n otr<iet trom tho eotrnncc. fer Ulo roct Ia that 11ot flvo mtnulc:l' '1711111 from tho Elyooo. l;lohndy !mooo their omct o:tcnt or lo- And It Wllll bor{), obvloUilcy, thzlt tho ~:nUon. runntnu no tboy do In all dlro"" rovoluttonarll!ll 'IYOUld omoruo. tiona ana lotcfeoctltm tho complleutc:c1 "Do you lmo'lf vhnt tbC1le eotron~o covoruoo Dftltom. wblc!l lll furl her on· nru r· I llllllcd tho pJ'C:llc1ont. tnnatc:a vltb nrcllod-ovcr ouhtorroncno It vno e:nay to find out. tpr In tho ctl'Cilmtl tbllt OO!llltnntlr ahltt tbolr room · wna 11 flood map obowlna tho rourco. In fnct. ono vllh n mnp of ao,.omao ayutom. Tbo outrnnco under tbo oubton;:motm ~:Uoo of Pnrla tbo north wall bod ov1dontly oocomo mtatlt aotr tbo ontlro nation to O'!Pill acdlcd olneo tho map '170!1 made, for ll Cllm. Aoa tbot 1c vbnt Prlnco Loulll 'Q'et! no~ under tho floorttm or como a~o. I'MIHI:ltl rnroo. Tliot rn tllo

"It npDQnro that tho firul Napnlccn QunrUor Lntln wna npp::~.rontl:y con-1!)6::)~ocd n map ct t.h1o l't'Cl~C. T'\7o ncetod wlth tho oollor or n b::~.ltQr'o coptC!I cf \bill wcr~ ltnow w cmnt. nbop - ouch cattlbllabmcnlD blllnc Ono wc.o loft to biD oon. Duo do Roleh· IIUU'ltod n:d on tblo mnp. Tho thtrd atm1t, · fllrouab ~em it l)!lllllcd to 'ttno fiat to 1m tmwtt -Ncpnlccn 111. aod tbooco to Prtnco "I bnvo Ill" e:VIot1 tho proaldont. t.oulll. Ho tmo ntroadr ttlrown biD "Tbblt otroet Oltlato no lonacr, It Ia Gt;ncptratoro lnto"'tho cntecombo b.V no'\7 n ott,- po.rtt. And 1 romembol'; mcnoa of thiQ oocrot, on!), wbon tho thoro Ia no lrou arnuna undor wblcb ttco Cllt:lco, bo ron atrfiib Tlboro ho n tlratn vna bollovod to run." ll)t;!a:lc::~, tluO. mmo \'lllllroov \'lboro iho "Ocnd> n cumpnny c1 Mppora to btoctt f!l:ott Ill CiOioa to fall, oucopt tbo ptm up thO b:~t~omcnt ct tho b:lltor'n chop 111l~J ol'mo tno ccoood ·mt~P... ~•m cli!:Ol\r7, ~fcOolbiy oo a ncod

.. \"&:lro ID u. olrf' 1 crt~. ]j)i'Ot:litUon," l ao!d. "Now \70 MvO " cot:l tho trul.g. QtO).)t;)od 1111 Ulo tolt'o co.rltla Cbo.

~~:oc:J' to mv ~aa. nt~w t:lllt\1 eoCiummca of tornt ~U~U' t!ltl t<lchu:l

~~~-~~~;. ~::: . ~-====---=--=-z~ "')2;:J ~ C/!JI" lfvexJf"' I Cried.

Whother nn hour or !lvo mlnuloa hnd pnnocd ooomod oqually uncortntn. wllon To.lbot cnvo G- mutton;d cry.

~aottlaa lo-go, olrl" ho vhlapcrcd.

Threo Clneeee of lndlvldunla In Ecch End of Tchaklrdjall and Hla Compnn-Colony, aru::h Hcvlno Ita Opcolol lono Otrfctly Ae::ordlng to

Dutloo to Perform. Oondlt Trndi'Uon.


. I

I ~ :~~ .. ,..,,/-lo.. '"~-~ ·~:.£:rJ



> ••

·. Cll<!s, Mt~rphy, E~ P; 4 S. lhieman of El Paso, was· in Carri•

.. _ ~ozo Wedncs!la} 4o1ng some re~

wheit the hrd'tfter ill. 'Jiitr· • ,;i,r':iir:iiu:l1he Wll.Snoh'e(o~ni.zed;

· Mrs • .flarriclPrin"· a<~Sistanf in ·thel~CJ.H:ir>;~r~ol!is~· i~.~r:t~~~f )lt_~o , ·rmt(<'Sh'tnt!i tor the prize'"-1lffcretl -1iy 1'tie''l<~l~l>-aso 'rlmc<;; · -Tu~lisi

· (HAt. t SJtYrNs?·~rO)lrieter: ~---·---"~-· ~-~~£._ -·-- ~----~) .,.__-_:• __ :__:r:_::....,_;::__~ _-:--:; • • + ·,

CA.R:Rtzozo, NEW,' rtEX"tco~ .0


LlC.ensed E~bahner rind ker. . . . All Ca1hi Promptly Answered; •

. . '

·;r f,Jlhono 214 ____ :.,_~-~---4>-~

nf c.ontcstattt!t, with the pumbl!r ~:,:.:;:::;:~:;~~~~:;_t:.~:.::.,:_:_:_:_:_:_:.:..~:..:_.::""""""""=----~ ........ ...-:;__.Hi"4mn~~~dn;r"i~H~~~I-r:.J\RRIZC)~CJ:-__,.-"7":;....:-....---..___:........,~~J~EfW~rwm:)t--.-::--:M o( votes accortted fo·each,..a'pp_t!a

. _ i.!! the Times ever.t:~ton~~Y· • _ --~ .. --~· ~~R(!;;;·-c;·y:-·-·\vittler'~relurucd . , . -:--~-~---~atptday-.ftom-ff--ttip to,.Abmo-- -~-~---~- -SrfltflQ.___ELEa_!'\n~.-and~.p<)ints.o\'eJ'fl·Etlwai'ds~()ld~Stand. A. lbe Mexicafllxmlc ... Rev. Walk- --------------~~------.-.:.-

. · er did not like lbe looks or' . · · · · · · · ~ ,Mexjc~n situaHon· at}cl > • o·s.c u R.A. H 0 TEL

b;t\'e !e1t ·ftiUCh safer w!th a bOOt · • • '· · · -gi,tard.. • • · · ~wellest in Uncolri County.

-J-................ .,~ .. <m'RAL·~~.':·- ~.~ ~- ·''NOTARY PU81Jc

• .- _ .. OE~. LEE Prop. ,. A good line. of i'~resh· ~and Snite<L·l\fea~ and sausage

""· · - ~- ~ ··• C--oostan~ly·on ·hand.~~ -· · > · --. . •.

-AH B~nded Wtiisk~y Port' •Will~ · . • -~

-UlaekfJertv Bra1nty • ~. OTd Ki~g<Tom Bfco<Te'o WtHiiliey

:wholesale PrJces on_s;j~pp~'~ ·a;e,::. ~--_--~-~e.~l~~~~~~~~~~5~!mflilrFwmh[?if.ffi~fii~~~:~~~~~~m:;-~rni¥ffir~7-f . .to Outside Dealers. _ ·

. . '-. ·. &ILlllRDS AND ·POOL.

• ~·. > • - ~=::~~{>~·~- ~· -


.. __ ,_ <iliOUT

- -lm~Wisi:i!

OOl lrtid·Jwljl llb ··...,ltnt>lr~--llt1""·hfn:rtttrrtr"·

sl,uJg JJUH,ine-.~. WJ:i ,gcLtlnH" to "'"""'~=-~·-·==-r"'·,;1~"'""-:. .• f~ ficti.~<

{li: "" -'f·· · ~•Yn•w!i f1ii'~i ~!';~-~!-~;••;; 1;::~::,"";;;~;

dfurt~;, · . · . Easter only three weeks fr,;m s_und.qy. ~our: stod<" Js no\v com•' it"!'"/&1/""b'"'ete•;nbloom .with nll.fhat'inc)v.-:Evety tiedion is in sprlOJt-"ti~e-

rendllicss: Thc'slock tfC ut. is mu"ch 'litfgcr ftild be1ter"'nss~rted·

_,~,. ~l'h!!n'. lli'!.!:._!·.'!~!!L . .!:.!! 7~!!.'!~-~~ .. ~ .. !.~:.+f~lt{---~:.-:..:.:.: . .:. .. t ht• honor, hut

.. AU the autJiorltative fn

iltll} tlt! Ol!t'!J mosl S!•rioutt1y ~em .. ...,ithmd hy thl' it•t•tt>l'tlirnn umjor~ tt)'• ufl' Catrou, )l'ull ~lttd A}t• . dr\1\\'!1, 'I' hi' l WI)'WIJO Uflllill't'lllly;

h·•n• tilt• l...rgH•t Jullowittg ~Jf(' l"nll a1111. Mnir"wi, 'litii"'"itt ••nt twithvr s~·cnJ,. to.llitVt' lt ~<Uf• · tktt'ut nutllhl'r i>f \'OI.ts 1o 'swing i he tuli••· J~tHr.tXOIO; lltr.-ilgt• hi tillf, hns n munbcr uf \0\t.J\ ·f•l;dgNl, ncul muy iwlii-liuouglt. 1t!e!!Jli\Jf!! \!tli\' J(fl_ \hr d(•t Unn. I

' 1J1,w' N;;~~e~l;;; St~tll.' r~>puh• I

.Jic~tUfl1 4lt thO umVt'UtiOit ltclcl in 4 H.tuttn. J!•c nml· ~t urtl.ay


AND SUITS ., • . l

· · · ~ -::-:: : -Tff" ·ttl~ lftiitTtir<l(t. ·noui~tlo1tt "' """"'=~-' --who!il."' lift-~ii i:Ttfi-fty t. !.tt·mt:·n-r.11 ~'!'~='t~~:,.~.,~.u.!!

• f•r ·mottutdllt\· • :-.h·~ M:r\!t nt



1wmt:. She:- i'lr ahv:tJ:!i. in- tl1~ (('IJ'F-'---,~r--~ hnm4e ~celnl{": the ~-1ne lhin~t~ h~•rimc Ute. 1'lttttt'l '\'Uict~ cMt•g tlt~MtJlC:Wotk, dt't\" nJttlr iln\',

with. 'eiuUcss tt'irut~tri'i· ,.i.e

, Y•>ur En~t~r drcs~ woal'f h~ complete_ without a· · ·• New AtrterJcnn Lady, • ...Encb. o.tte ·absolutely guat·

~u}~eect to we.ar ~nd _gJve .~a~l~f~~tion. ~riced at $1. to

..... ~. • f • . )

. tortet Artlth.ts, Etc. . - ·Ji.IN.~ .. t~an'• ~. -~ .;ill.:

' ~ ·'" .. ·"~"·"""

-Z·J .. E G·La .. R ,·::B·R;O$~, ., 18. Hou~··ufQ~ Talt~." · '· _ ,-·~uo~<Ot G:ood Tu~

lndUUI· Ci.t:flotl C-attrf,.Qif!;, :. . ~~. . ~tw ~tftfta.

• , .. , . :~:~J;A~ITAN:N: ij, , . .,.·. ',, !"""" ,;;. ... f':. I

.· .4~'~ ' . . ~ ,. ..

r < ' ' . . .. '"


.. We ·o~r ~·y ln ··stock · Crude CJ1i-bolic . ··

'«.. ; .__.' • t . ,. • . ., ~ • •

Acid. in gallon. caria;. wood· Alcohol,· ·.Cai'.bon.or~High ],ife~ Dry._Batterie.sr.·

. .. . ~. . .. "' . '

,WUCH &.. IllTSVVORlH · Capitan;-.New ·Mexico.· '. .

Wlte-n:yo~ buy :t lol her~ it i~ J.Jo Cat long, 'fac_in~ (Hf a st:eet 81} f<!~t wule. w'h~lhcr tot a home .or fur a •bu~nnt:s$ htcntn:m·,

lnve.stiga_te· before :you ·buy. ~ . I ... • . A .5Quare J)eal du•rantcrd~ • ..

... ·-·-- ---·----··---·..- ; il·"

w. c. McDONALD~ Ol\ke itJ u()r\t>nhtl14 Bldg.

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ..

·Flour.· Hay, ·orain, ·--··":~eed StUffs ·etc. . . .. . f

' . i.Sllctes!IOr. to Witdl~ld .& nell l '

Staple & Fancy Oroc~.ries~ ~ .


... . '"

. ·'


Moro Mediocrity. "1 uood to lhtnlt J poaoooaod tho 111'

tlaUo tcmpornmont-tl!.o oncrod nrc; but I WilD mlatn!Ion. I'm Just ooo a.mona tbo mllllonll o! t.ommon P<» plo:"

"You bt1vo no rfabt to ·.ao.:v lbntl ll'ou b11vo d9no como aplondld ·tblogn -thlDGD that :vou could not poaalbly hnvo dono If you lmd meroly boo:t ono nmona: tbo mtlllono of common !)Coplo.'" ·

"No, you'ro mlatnllon. I'm Juot no ordJnney, OVOITdn)' mAll. Why, DIY mto b!UI Uvod vlth mo for olovon roaro t'lllbout ovor once tbtnlltna ot aottJna n dtvorcoi"-Judco.

14,;-.-. ,


"" Willie (naod aovon)-Bny, pop, d!cl 11 mnn over aboot tho Nlnanrn Rnplcl&t

Pop-YC3. Wllllo-Woll. 11 bo bad onb aotton

bnlf WQ:V tbrouab vould tboy bave boon halt choU

Hlo Need. Tbo nv1o.tor mo.do hiD pro.yo,>

For \\ h~&t ho fait hill dcnrth 1 Ho crtod cloud, "Oh. al¥o mo

I do not wnnt tho ~hi"

tfoplno for tho Ooot. "1 expect Jo bo ablo In nbout nvo

renro to rotlro nnd llvo on tho tntoro11t of my lnvootmootll."

"Tbot'o Roo. But I didn't lmo\7 you troro mnldn(l' lnvootmonta. Whnt oro lbCJyT"

"I bnvoo't modo nny oo tnr, but I bnvo tbl"'lo very boouUtul doll{lbtcru arowlna up."

A Ooft Ano'Wor. • "Wb!lt nrc dolna tboror

tho lllllll of tho baUDo, oltUna b:OO

llDI:tod up to

~My dcnr air," ropllcd tho aanUc> mnoly buralar trho wna rummnalns tbo bureau. ~1 nm aodonvorlna to Ond tho locll plelnd or '~>'bJcb lbo poot luls ao roollnaly wr1ttcn."

wu~ wln:tt -'\llto. ttain 11la1n!X~il l}l~ 'btlllge. Tba P9ner ~QY~redAt1 thdi:tl'iberJ.c and:

' r:outlu~tor.J.~rJM -Wcll_t to n;v;-.u .. · · · itite·11~. too. wx1 coter~l

~ l'iU~ and '"'uutd~ to lhr~w up .: 'fland•, . El'igiuec:r Or~tt : • 111td_c to .Uglll front . ·1ns ~- ... , .. "' •

JJid WldkJ>•~k ,\Q tb~ tftle · _ tllo •. :::.:- ~ ; ''hiJrl!liC ~K.r · fOtttatutar l.he

: vatua.blt estm:u.m•Uer. · " .... ...._~~- ""s ---.......f'- ~ .. ~;;:,,:a+G~~ .. - ~ - • ~

T4J~OMMS-~CJAL. H Mfi W. TlfPECK, Prop·~· · ..

d .: ·""#~'1.·-::;."' ;:- x:-.,-.~-~-;. "' r 'i rl "~ =¥il 't r-

T~bltJ IUppltwd with .GQOD.HOME eyK)KIHQ ""- ' . . . """ . .: ~ - . . s~.a.~ b1 w .. tt-:-«:Y~tb.-;--·

N~xt ~ Gafriao@J;;iyilry-t::o.

... ,,·. -·1 ' I

N. 'ftf:t'AYLOR·&·soNS ·" "· *· .: Blackandthtng and llnYdowatt\ · · · · .- · · · · - · ~ · · · ·· · · · · · · ·~f ·. · · r · · • · :

~-- . :-~~ .......... ~T.~#~it1 it<4; :· ·. :. =· ·_ -~~fiTIIU litiioi.IStloxG·D.mAJtiAtfl;~:·-;:;: -~-- ~-~·.,~:1 'llnt'let$~.AftlttllltdlJon. ltt~~ : . . · .• · · , · ... . ..· .· · r"" • _.. · • ·· . • .1,.~ , ·

---....--'-'"-tiinlwtrlJ~--,...:···~···~~:~:~~;;=~~~-=·~;~:~-~··_ ~~~i~t~!~[1~~;!~~~~~- A.~~---~L~~~~~tr~~~~!~:~~~.-~. ~-~-t·~}· jtj • I •