ft. say ishey mwfelling - chronicling america canon knox little's plaln apoken words in ......

M THE NEW TORK TRIBUNE WEEKLT REVIEW, JT7LT 18.) Latest Foreign JSebtttS About TiooK*ft Parls, July 14. FOremost ta il ' thf* works published thla w. ndanee du Comte de Jaueourt. Ira des Affairea _Btrang£res. a\c Talleyrand. Pen- dant le Ooi JuM issued by Plon. The lettan aa carefully .-dlted by the Marquie de Jrueourt. and give an intimage lety of those daya, nt .arell aa into the career of tha diplomatist-author. Tha promlsed novel by U.-ne Bazln, of the FTen.-l: Acaoemy. has been published by Cal- H_*T-y, and pro-vea to l_e the romanee of a I ..ti glrl of reflnement. good birth and edu¬ cation vi ho. by tbe diFp. rsion of a religious .eommunity in arhlch taken refuge, is auddr: h into the fafhionable so- i_rht to shun. From eomes a book entltled "L'Avenlr de tains a curious but ' :..'! nnalvFis of the lntelleetual In the same volume, otter Judgment, i na aa r-->presented in M.ithl.-u dc Noailles, VIvien l**ierre de r and other Parisian : p _. to dlfferent Interests by Bchleleher, and rinan, who has made a very eomplete study of the art of handllng and caring for motor cars ln all eountrlea C. L B. London, Juiy 14. Although there ls now no fear of a general electlon being held here wlthln the next flfteen montha. publisaers admit that the book market ls llkely to remaln ln Its present dull con¬ dltlon for some tlme to como. It la possible tha* Canon Knox Little's plaln apoken words in hls new volume on the present relatlona of the Engllsh Chureh to t hrlstendom may exclte rome eontroveray. but there seems llttle hope of anythlng approachlng a general revlval ln the publlshlng world. The Rev. Rtopford Brooke. lt Ls said, wlll have a volume of llterary esaays ready for publlcation ln tho nutumn. Al- gernon Charles Swinburne's youthful novel. "__ove's Cross Currents," has astonished the crltics, but by Its lack of characterlstlc. quaii¬ ties. and not by the author's ability to trans- mute into prose those quaiities which have dls¬ tingulshed hlm aa a poet. Rider Higgard has made a book out of his report on the Salvatlon Army colonlea ln Great Brltaln and America, the result of hla recent extended journeys aad lnvestigatlons. W. B. Maxwell's next novel, whlch wjll be entltled "Vlvlen," is reported to be bullt on less exciting llnes than his "Ragged Messenger." I. N. F. TlooK* Teople Are *Rea.dingt K ri"PLlC LIRRARY..The most ¦ of the week, :t<-fording to the -culatlng department, are Adult I '.-.nr'. "Tbe Prospeetor*"; Wllilam- e Princess Fassts'; Ward's "Tbe Mar- .rn Afche." :r's "Weatherbj-'p Innlng"; :_idwin's "Flfty i of Inventlon of the N1nr -ury": Boes'B "Heroea of '.aeh's "Story of Art kGO PUBUC LIBRARY.--Cbleago, July 14..The ..ar books among Chicago tBBat "iii.g to the demands at the Publio Library last week, aro as follows: Romt- «'«. "Tbe G«.rd<-n of Allah"; "-- William Ashe"; History and l_.ograt.hy- VVhiie .= raphy**: Piioi-'e . .ee and AVar"; ;,hrey s "] Spiea of the ("MvT. ._..-.'' A-t*' tura (**¦ "Pathfinders of the Trai! of Lewls and <-'.-»-.-¦ .:::S tha, Sagc Brurh.'" -.oai.Books on autot. ttonden'a li Nutritioii;" Haeck- tt Life." aEoouB.Waguer's "On Life's Threshold." BOFTON PUBLIC LIBRARY..Boston, July 14. .Ajnong the books most frequently in de¬ mand at the DaatOO Publlc Library durlng the week were the fo"'lowlng: Ficti',n.Jen-ej-*!" "The Klder Brother": Helfch's "Tho House of 'rockett's "May Mar¬ garet"; Gcrara s "Sawdusi": Fraeer*e "A Maid 'a 'Tbe Dlvlne Fire"; ".Vlll- lax..'- V'rincess Passes": Camden's -'The FfoareU'fl "Mlss Bellard's In- f "The Celebrity"; Crad- C'c'k'b ". Crntre": Adams's "John Henry Pmith"; Bru.ino's "The Little Conscrlpt"; Overton's "Tbe Heiitege of UnresL" Mlsreiianeoua.Lummis's "Daughtera of the Falth": Twltt-hell's (translation) "Chinese Llfe in Town and 1'fim'rv": Dewev's "Leglslation Agalnst Speculation ": Dilke's "The Book of the Ppirltual Life": Warner's "The Elhles of Force"; Wol- jeska's A Woman's Confessional"; MacDon- nell's "Kin? Leopold": Schafer's "History of the Paciflc Northwest": Streeter's "The Fat of the Land." LIBRARY OF CONGRESS..Washlngton. Juiy 14..The followlng llat of books called forln- dlcates the tastea of readera ln Waahlngton thls week: History.Shippen's "Naval Battles of the "World"; Freeman's "Western Europe tn the Fifth Cen¬ tury"; Botsford's "Anclent History." Descrlptive and Travel.Goodloe's "At the Foot of the Rockles"; Shattuck's "The Bahama Isl¬ ands"; Llghton's "Tlie Lewla and Clark Expo- sltlon"; Forrest's 'Citiee ot Indla," Biography- Sichel'a "Catherlns de Medlcl and tha French Revolutlon": "A Later Pepys"; Cart- wright's "Beatrice d'Este." Fiction.MacGowan-Cooke'a "Return"; Bonner'a "The Pioneer"; Tarklngton's "The Bea.itlful Lady"; Holmea's "A Myaterious Dlsappear- nnce"; Martin's "The Courtshlp of a Oareful Man"; Clouston'a "The Lunatic at Large." PHILADELPHIA FREE LIBRARY..Phlladel¬ phla, Juiy 14..The booka moat read thla week are as followa: History.Myers's "Outllnes of Medlsaval and Mod¬ ern History": McCaleb's "Aaron Burr Con¬ spiracy"; Watson'a "The Story of France"; Col- quhoun's "Mastery of the Paciflc." Travrl and Descriptlon.Khan and Sparrov's "Wlth the Pllgrlms to Mecca"; Pook's "Fra'nce.His- torlc and Romantic"; Slngleton'a "Venlce." Blography.Garrett's "Colerldge"; Moore's "Talks ln a Library with Laurence Hutton": Coleman'a "Flfty Years of an Actor'e Life"; Slchel's "Dis- raell"; Hadden'a "Chopln." MlaceUaneous T_. hda-Bernays's "Nuremberr**- Dye'a "The Story Tellers' Art"; Louns_erry*s '"Gulde to the Trees"; Calkins's and Holden's Modern Advertising." Fiction.MacGrath's "The Man on the Box'1 Ward's "The Marriage of William Ashe"- War¬ ner's Susan Clezg and her Friend Mrs. Lath- n.p'; Oppenheim s "The Master Mumrner"- C_._'?rs_.'?he Quakeress"; Grant s "The Or- chld'; Helgh's "A House of Cards." What ft. y. EooKsellers Say IShey Are mwfelling Most. -W-^^aTwere^ ^ " .*°. * ." ****** .b»" X. Tbe Marrlage of Wiiliam ABhe"..Mra. Humphry Ward.(Harpe" & Bros )*i ca 1 "Roaa,of tha "World".-....-Agnesand Egerton fJhatl... rFrederick A. Stokes" Compan'y)" 1 50 *" IJ*a'3Y".-AJlce Hegan Rice.(The Century Co.) iaa A Tha Pnaoaaa Passas".-W. and C N. WlIllamaon...CHenry Holt A Co) '" iM 6. -IU- Gaaaar._.Jack London.(Th<> Macmlllan Company). Vm A ' ... -AAcm TTfeacoi".S. Welr MltehelL.(The Century C*a^T^...7..Z\ 1M LITERARY NOTES. V a Paower'a life of Edwln M. Stan- .e has been engaged for many 1 ly the Saalfleld Pub- rn of high posltlon r times were more crttlcised, and aa many othere believe, than Abraham Llncoln'a The author, who ap- ; v.i.h an open mlnd and 1 find no adequate biography ted a large amount of i ew materlal, and writes of hls hero as "an otic citizen and an lnde- :'ieri> professor of history '.__ has i.titl.J, "Russia and published August 13 I The au- presentatlve of known as the "Iiitellectuals," v in thr cause of freedom lumnv, imprisonment i to explaln the pres- . u. through a historical consideration of the drcurastaaoea under whlch the eountry's ctvUlzatJoa has been developed. r.s "Niipoleon, Lover and Hus- a brought out by the Werr.er 1 lish tran.lation by J. M. '. i.'. _r I". Crafta, of Washlngton, the i-eformer, has prepared and issued gb hls Intamatioiial Reform Bureau a Btadtas," consistlng of ex- enta Ulustrating the fts's influence on natlonal laglslaTi. r.. The 'cook is arranged wlth rpeclal furnishlng a top.c-a-month course n, munlclpal re- torm. I : labor and capl- 1 dlvorce, national government, e and charity. lt a'ir.s to accomplish Ss ¦f the Fourth of Julv, . ese firecrackers, Ger- aoea, with nothing t tne flag." But surely that after a brief OO b«r next nov.-! ln BM "k., ln Bucklngham- ..rming feature of Stocks, Jne, says one who has vi_- lightness and apaciousness of --. a feature too gen- tnt Engllsh manor housea. out of the large en- aamaj with eoid. flne .;.s much quaint furniture. Iowa of lhe house look out World gardens. composed of stately brilliant bloseoma, an unusual atuary, which lncludes a at appears to mount guard f tne sunk fence dividing the gar- _B t_M | aiden sUll Hands must once have been an tba trunk la forty-three feet ln is a roughiy hewn seat, I'oet's Seat," and supposed to ... Um i> t Wallt-r, who owned tbe eatate ln the seven teenth century. Wbfle the Dowager Queen ot Italy may not be e*eneraljy reoognlzed aa a literary critkT^f authority, she 1b well known to be an automo- blllat of enthuslaam, ao that her judgment on an automobile book may be received with a re- apect not entirely due to her exalted rank Mme Waddlngton, ln her "Letters of a Diplomafe Wlfe." Btatea that the Quoen read Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Williamson's motoring story, "The L-ightnlng Conductor." end "was much amuBed wlth it." lume "Kate Greenaway" ls the title of a voli..,, that the Putnams expect to publish in the fall as one of their *'star" hollday gift books. It ls written by Marion E_ Spielmann. the English author and art crltic, but wlll oontain a num¬ ber of autobiographical chapters relating es¬ pecially to i-iss Cxreenaway's chlldhood and to her friendships with lnteresting people. There will also be included flfty le-tters received by Mlss Greenaway from Ruskin. together wlth her replles. embelllshed wlth tbe Uttle pen and ink sketches which sho was wont to scatter through the text and on the margins of her notes The lllustratlons to the book will be largelv Jn eolor and much of the material will now see the llght for the first tlme. The Church of Christ," jusl publIshed bv Funk A Wagnalla. ls said to be written by a layman of wlde commercial. political and re- llglous experlences, who prefers to have tho book brought out wlthout any hint as to his ldentity, ao that its contents may be considered without referenee to the particular mind that produced it. He maintains that the Christlan Church should be one or identical in organfza- tion. teachlng and practice with the New Testa ment Church aa it was before creed or sect or party began, and that such unity Is essential to l-s compleie success and flnal trlumph. IGOBBOTES FEAST ON DOG. After Weird Wedding Ceremony Head- Hunters Indnlge in Tribal Custom head-hunting tribe troT Sontet** "* " ** afternoon. and after The ££ ^T* ,n th* -tth this ceremony a mongreT's Sroai^StlS hta -areass provlded the most succulenr^.at ., £«b. left tbe Philippines. SSS^SB It had been planned to have a. ____¦____¦_. . I-f rmed. but one of the protnfsedZ^? tT mena, Jilied her swuin at the altar and tulke^fn ."*' ******* **.d became the bride of tll J" M CreJU M°*t * ^ victlma ^ from otber bostilo Igorrote tribea. A series of tat too marks on his chest and back iudi at h prow. sg %s ;l warrlor. '"ui.ate his ., ' °A r" a'H'lce is friven at .... r_- ¦k The patrlarch By5«a«5f *%!$fH*1* < upon tbe unlon; tbe w<X Z\,f' I'-l,nt '' L * with beads aloof and bodlos i*«t£«\ th,e trlbe- oentr. of th,- n-'iu,' King tom^s-^th. ttS* .ru,i,utb.yweroeompl^^tt^l- Jbe dog. a a.lea of ihe Coney Island cur whi.-i, lo^,t:Vu,::c T^^iu^r^'^ lea. of horror said Dr. T. K°WZnT. SnoLTA^l ,of ihe Kov.-rtunent. than ia witlielsSd n Ameriean abattolrs Then there was more dam- Ing and tomtom heating. after whlch tha deudl am ",'al * "-tenor of tbe villagewhere -'.fir.- and ihe baTr tonVea wlthout beine further eleaned was then lh; v.i, into a pot of\olling watt-r, where it was allowed to slmme- lo a pulpy maM -,-h. dlvlded among the^ membenT'of tha Irtba ,..- women. with the exceptlon of the bride not being permitted to eat untll tha male tti-Mnhara had aaUalUd their fciuigar. ^^ ***-aai*--ni TWO KILLED IN COLLISION. Head-on Smash Bettceen Freight Trains Injures Four. Roanoke, Va., Juiy 16..Two men were killed and four injured ln a head-on colllsion between two freight tralna to-day one mlle nortb of Mldvale, Va., on the Shenandoah Division of the Norfolk and Weatern Rallway. The dead are E. S. Hlte, of Vesuvlua, Va., a brakeman, and John Dent, of Roanoke, flreman. The in¬ jured are James Buck, of Roanoke, engineer, who was scalded about the legs, arms and back, and suatained other wounds, condition aerious; C. E. Eargenbrigtit. of Roanoke, englneer, who was acalded on legs and hands and cut about the arma, will recover; Wllllam Wllltanison, of Roanoke, flreman. acalded and cut, wlll re¬ cover; Isom Mason, of Roanoke, flreman, seri¬ ously burned on body and legs. The Injured men are in the Roanoke Clty Hospital. Midvale is alxty-four miles north of Roanoke. The northbound freight traln had orders to walt at Midvale for a southbound extra freight. but the ordera, it is alleged, were dlsregarded by the northbound crew. ARMY NEWS. [rBOM TKB TRIBUNE BtRKAU] Washington, Juiy 16. CASH OF LIEUTENANT LOMAX.-A eaat whlch has attracted much attention in Washlngton la that of Lleutenant F. Ii. Lomax, of the Artillery Corps. who waa trled by orders of General Grant ln the Department of the East for alleged absence without leave and intoxlcation. He was found guilty of those charges and sentenced to be reduced flve flles. the court speclfying that his name should appear ln the Army Reglater next below that of Lleutenant F. L. Perry. It so happened that after the court adjourned one of the live offlcers lelow whom Lomas: was to be placed dled. and It became a questlon whether Lomax should be reduced four flles. so as to rank next to Perry, or should lose the flve flles stipulated by the court. It was de¬ clded that the court had nothing to do wlth spe- clally designating the place where Lomax's name should appear. aud, inasmuch as it would require summoning offlcers from various posts if the court were reconvened, it was declded to reduce Lomax flve flles. without further conslderatlon of the case. imi1]0 _meaJ1,t,,ne' however, General Grant has sig- nlfled hls disaporoval of the sentence. He says- itie sentence is not deemed a satisfactory one. It should have imposed some personal deprivation, as of liberty, rather than a loss of military rank. Ueutenant Lomiu. has shown ln evldence that prior to the commission of the offences under consldera¬ tlon his eonduct has met with the oommendation of his commandlng offlcers. The findintrs and sen¬ tence in this trial should cause a lasting res.'.utlon on hls part as well as that of others to refrain from the excessive uae of intoxi.ating llquor, and to cause a total abstlnence tlurefrom on the pnrt of those who, by its use, are led to sully thelr records in the service." * Lleutenant Lomax ln the Bpanlah war was a priiate and corporal of Companv l>. 71st N.w- iSL* *nfnnt:>'- «. was appointed to the regular army from New-York in February. 19W, and Is a graduate of the artillery school at ifort Monroe GHOST HAILS FERRY. Weird Story of Spirit Haunting Kentueky Mountains. Owingsvllle, Ky. Juiy 16 (Speclal)..According to a story just received herr. a ghost with pecullar and blood curdling hahits prowls around the Ken¬ tueky River In the mountains around the village of Sand Ripple. The ghost ls supposed to be the ap- paritlon of John Winter. a lumberman who mys- teriously disappeared from his home ln that sectlon sevcnty-ilve years or more ago. Winter had been maklng money, and flnally de¬ termined to take a trip to the South. It was a big journey in those days, and his partlng from his young wlfe. to whom he had been married but a short thne, was tender. Time passed and no word came to hia walting wife. Flnally she. with the neighbors. believed that Winter had been murdered py the rovlng bands of outlaws that then infested the route and hls body east away ln some spot where lt would never be found. _?ta^!£_ a ti^veller reported that a man named John \\ inter had died of a fever in the South but that .'ould not be conflrmed. Several years after his .iisappearance Mrs. Miller listened to the wooing of a young man who had been a llfelong friend of herself and husband. The night before the weddlng the preacher, who llved somo distance away, waa preparlng for his Journev. Suddenly from across the river. near where the minister llved, came a call to the ferryman. WEDDING 13 INTERRUPTED. "Hello!" the volce rang over the water. There was something famlllar in that tone, and the min¬ ister listened. Again the call came and the ferry¬ man, a tail, gaunt mountaineer, answered. asking who it waa. "I am John Winter," came the reply. Never was a ferryboat hustled out wlth greater speed. As the party was preparlng to start a flgure iu white came to the water's edge and begged to be taken along. It was the brlde-to-be and the wife of the suppos- edly dead John Winter. Her love for the man walting up at the house was forgotten and the old love for Winter returned. Across the broad Kentueky Rlver the party paddled. When the opposite shore was reached no one was in sight. The vlcinlty was searched. but no one was found. Neither were there any foot- prints ln the sands where the man who wanted to cross must neoeasarlly stand. The party returned wonderingly to the home shore. but the trembling woman called the wedding off. For many years the ghost haunted the Sand Ripple viclnity. No one could hear the heart- rending cries of the apparition without shmldering, but no one ever caught a glimpse of the ghost. BRIDE FALL9 IN PAINT. Again Mrs. Winter listened to the pleadings of a wooer, aj.d agaln g.ie..ts were assembling for the woddlng. As before, the same minister was pre¬ parlng to go to the place designated. and again the cry cut through the air. Tlie trembling preacher disrobed and refused to go to the wedding. Agaln the call caae for the ferryman. and again ho asked who it was. The answerlng cry came back: "John Winter." At the house the bride was array- ing herself. She heard the cry, and a faintlng woman was carried to bed. The wedding was agaln called off. Thirty years after Mrs. Winter. who had never marrled agaln. lay dying. As her breath caa. shorter and shorter a caU came from the other side of the rlver. It was for the ferryman. All listened. The ferryman asked who the walting person was. "John Winter," came back the reply. A wasted woman turned ln the bed and whlspered "He has come back for me," and dled. But the ghost of John Winter, so the story goes, stlll roaras throupi, the hills bordering the Kentueky River. and to certain places the. mountaineers never go after nightfall. INSECT PESTS IN MASSACHUSETTS. Great Damage Done by the Browntail and Gypsy Moths. [BT Tl__-_(__t__- H TO THK TBIBCNE. 1 Boaton, Juiy 16..The moth pest now appearing wlth Its advance guard ln New-York ls that scourge of Massachusetts, the browntail moth, and will be followed ln a few days by the gypsy moth, another scourge, both of which have done millions of dol¬ lara" worth of damage ln thls State. They wlll work enormous devaatation if not handled promptly. Theae two pests untll thls year were practically oonflned to a small section of Massachusetts, but aa they bred and multiplled. becoming more accli- inated, they have spread oui, until now a large part of the State is infected. aud they are travelllng to other parts of the country. belng carrled on freight and freight cars. Once they get a foothold, they multiply so rapidly that thousands of dollars muat be spent to extermlnata them ln any locality The caterpillars hatchlng from them feed on any follage or verdure. preferring. howe.er. trees and shrubs. From the caterpillars of tho browntaiis a flne. hairy fuzz is wafted through the alr which settling on human skin. causes a painful r'ash. a-. ITALIAN MOB THREATENS MOTORMAN. Quarter in Uproar After Boy Is Struck by Madison-Ave. Car. Savario Arcna, aged four. years, whose parents Hve at No. H Eltzabeth-st.. was trying to cross Grand-st. at Eilzabeth-et. i_._t evenlng when a northbound Madi,.,:, _v. car struck hun rew hlta over to the tidewalk. Tha whola quarter weat into an uproar, surround u? and a dosen more that w.r. ruiowtn* making an kmds of threata for what they ered tfie earelesaneaa of the motorman The dem onstratlon got no further than aeatSwa. Iwwevfr Patrolman Walafc of tbe S-J-fberry-at. atatlon ?faV_.u > 7, "cena almoai as aeen as the aahther ot the child. aad he quickly aent ln a call f_r an aml.ulan. .- fr ,rn Bt. Vlncenfa HoapltalBy ,h" tlme Dr McMahon. from that loetitutlon. arriv". i?or_.b°_. ",-n,lJth,r h«* carsled hm into tha , rug etore at the eorner. Dr. McMahon declded to re? move the .-hlld to the hospital. A auperflclal ex- amlnation atowed that .evj.al stitoh-s were nlc,* B!_r2..,n ."Ji"! cu__°ver »*»¦ rlght ayaaad" u__4.tht ak-il might ba fracturad. BOARD AND ROOMS. Slngle Inaertlona 6 eenta per llne. Slxteen word*. seven times consecutlvely. $1. whlch entltles advert'ser to have rooma entered In The Tribune'* Dlrectory of Dealrable Roonis for a periud of fourteen daya Wrlte tor cireular. Full Inforrnatlon concerulna these room* may be had. free of charae. at the t'ptown Offlce of The New-York Tribune. 1.844 Broadway, between 86th and 37th »ta. WHY go to a boarding houae when you can enloy the comforta of a well ordered hotel at exceedlngly low summer ratesj Rooms. $1 per day und upward; room and board. |14 a week and upward; restaurant a la carte and table d'hote. HOTEL BRIb- TOL. 122 West 49th st. Telephone 4910. 88th. THE HASSARD, 29-31 West 25th-»t . Elegant rooms; private baths; board op- tional; summer rates; telephono; tranalenta 44TH-ST. 124 EAST.Elegantly furnlshed roonis. wlth or wlthout board; excellent locati.n: raaaoaable. 68TH--ST.. 73 WEST Hall room; private bath; pleasant home for business people. at summer prices. TWO LARGE rooms. ln a rehned fajmlly; all improv.'inents. wlth strictly good table; referenee llt. West 70th st. COOLEST BOARDINQ HOUSE in clty: full r»>ar,i nr French breakfaat ..ptional; sum¬ mer rates. 187 Madison ave., near i>4th. STBl'RBAN. An aged or enfeebled rerson wlth thelr nurse or maid .an have eofeclal attentlon and care at the Chateau ln Sr-eer's Ever green Park. Passalc N. J a flne large room. weil adapted, now vacant. lt you wanl tn j.rolong thelr life ln eomfort and enioyment with quiet. refln»rt sun-oundlngs and can pav the prlce. here ia the »[-->t Aunt Ann Betta 102 >ears old. has lived off and on at the Chateau stnea it was built. wlth comfortable room, cheerful surround- lngs. food prepared to suit and special care. Ph* is now visltlng relatives ln Orange, weil and happy. ADVERTISEMENTS and ¦ubacrlpUons for The Tribune recelved at thelr Uptowa Offlce. No. 1.3rt4 Broadway. between 36th and 37th st*., untll 9 o'elock p. m. Alver- tisetr.ents recelved at the following branch offlces at regular offlce rates until 8 o'elock p. va.. vlz.: 254 Sth-ave.. s. e. car. 2.'4d st. 153 9th ave.. cor. lith-at.; 92 East 14th-st.; 257 West 42d-st., between 7th and 8th aves.; 263 W»st 125th 4t.: l.:J3S 3d ave.. betweea 76th and 77th sts.. 1.026 3d ave., near 61st- st.: 1.708 lst-ave.. r.ear 89_h-st.: 157 East 125th-st.; 756 Trj-njnt-ave.: 4150 3d-ave.. near 41st st.; 554 Sd-ave.; 210 Bleecker- st.; 325 Bleecker-st. FCBN1SHED BOOM8. Slngle lntsertions 6 ceut* per llna Slxteen words. seven times consecutlvely. fL whlch entltles advertiser to have rooms eniered 'n The Tribune's Directory of Dealrable Rooms for a perlod of fourteen daya Wrlte tor cireular. Full Information conceralnr these rooms may be had. free of charge, at the Uptown Offlce of The New-York Tribune. 1,364 Broadway, between 36th and 37th sts. 50T WESTnil^T^i-lT^fCathedrarHe. ghts). .Two front rooma and 'oath, near sub¬ way; aii convenlences. M'l'KI'.MOTT. LARGE BACK PARLOR and small rooms; runnlng hot and cold water. Olst-st.. 351 West. ROOMS, furnlshed or unfurnished. 348 West OSth-st. Arrangement* to b* made now for September. 1 QRAMERCY PARK. East 21st-st.; ex- ceptlonally c>ol rooms overlooking pri¬ vate park; breakfast served, references. .2D ST., 24 WEST..Bachelor*; very de¬ alrable large and single rooms; prlvat* baths; flrst class huu.o; telephone. 43TH-6T.. 10 EAST -Attractlve rooms; gentlemen. Iadles; high class house; breakfaat; telephone: summer rates._ 43D-ST.. 13 EAST. opposite Hotel Man¬ hattan .Pleasant. cool room; reasonable for summer to an acceptable tenant. 12STH-ST.. 14 WEST..Five llght. alry rocnis; three hall bedrooms; convenient Subway; back parlor. dentlst. Mrs. HILL 212 WEST 44TH-ST Flne, cool rooms; telephone; all convenienoes. nuar Subway; qulet street; reflned sunoundlngs. 45TH-ST.. 110 WEST..Excellent neighbor- hood; neat. reflr.ed h,,u.-e. Leautiful larga, alry rooma: private baths; summer rates. 126TH-ST., 120 WKST.Slngle furnlshed room to let; private famlly; near subway; gentleman preferred. MANHATTAN-AVE., 517. Large front room; bath. telephone; suitable for two; summer ratea 121st-»t. 0 WEST 4STB-8T..Handeomely furnlshed rooms; first class house; doctor*s offlce; summer rates. UNFL*KN18HED ROOMS TO LET. S3D-ST., 20 EAST (opposite Madison Square Park). .Sulte, two rooms and bathroom; references. BILLIAKD AND POOL TABLES. MANUFACTURERS of bllliard and pool tables; hlsh grade bowling alley builders- lowest prices. MARKS BROS 24 Unlon Squaie. H. WAGNER-ADLKR OOMPANY. manu- tacturers superlor bUliard tables; S-i.ae- fer eaaUaaa Ial at and Broadway; 45 Great Jon-s-st. ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptiona for Tha Tribune recelved at thelr I'ptown Offlce. No 1.364 Broadway. between 31th and 37th sts.. untll 9 o'elock p. m. Adver¬ tlsement* recelved at the following branch ..ffloes at regular offlce rates until 8 o'elock p. m., viz.: __54 8th-ave.. s. e. cor. 23d-st.; 153 eth-a.e.. cor. 12th-st.; !<2 East 14th st.; 257 West 42d-st., between 7th and 8th aves.; ¦2CZ West 125th-st.: 1,338 3d-ave.. between 76th and 77th sts., 1.008 3d ava, near Olsi- st.; 1.70S lst ara, near f>9th-_n.: 157 East 125th-_>t.; 756 Tremont-ave.; 650 3d-ave., near 41st -at.: 554 3d-ave.; 210 Bleecker- st 325 Bleecker-st CARPET CLEANTNO. TKE IPAffiQIlllET FLOOR We do thoroughly good work 36 West 27th st., near Broadway. Telephone 2U91 Madison Square. 210 W EST 77TH-ST. Largest Works Excellent Facllitles TELEPHONE 2.285.RIVERSIDE 853 W0 64758 ST. oS&S. CARPET CLEANING. Establlshed 1873. H. V. ©AffilPET ©iLEAW JB3-S (C(&» Uldest, Largest, Most Modern. 437 AND 439 WEST 45TH-ST. Tel. 511.3bth-*t. E*t*bii_.hea 1S57. W. H. JORDAN. EDW1N LENTZ. EAVE your old carpets: nandaome and durable rugs made from them: send for Cireular. JACKSON RLG WORKS. 7* Barrow-st New-York. CAREFL'L CARPET CLEANING CO . Cleans by rompreased alr, steam. band or on floor. 1.558 Broadway, 421 East 48th- Bt. COE A BRANDT. Tel. IW Wlh. DHEM.MAR1NO AND MU.____U.EKT. A..A.MODISTE.Mis. Wilson, 1.19 West 90th; artlstlc Ctter and desagiier of ladles' aijl u.i-is-s' costumes; referencea glven; home or by day. DRESSMAKER..An expert eeamstress and dressiuaker, late wlth Altman. wi-hts work slx hours dally; mountains or sea- shore; $4 weekly and board. DAULToN. 226 2d-av*. EMPLOVMENT AGENCIES. R__Bploy-_aent Ageacaee.Par llna each ln ¦artion. 18 ceata; oa* month. 10 cent* per line. HRS. C"SEELY HAS REMoVllij HKR EMPLOTMENT BIREAU TO 23 West 39th St. Phones 3765. 3764^-3Sth. BROOKLYN OFFICE. 34 NEVINS-ST. IT. ^iTl^OlLfOI^W7^ EMPi_<OYMENT RL'I'.EAU. 211 East 42d-et.. Flrst class domestlco ara eupplled; also managing housekuepera ma- trons. goeraeui'i. tulors. ete MISS FITZOERAL-D'8 NEW EMPLOY MENT RITRK.VU. 14" '.el;, promptly furnlshed. Telephone Madison MACHINERY. AFJlEDfCEU PRICES..COlTseeond hana wood and Iron worklng machines fu.lj guaranteed: maehlnery Dcugnt and ex- cbanged G_¦_..> B El.l'V. 398 Madlsen-w. OLD GOLD AND MLVEU. OLD GOLD. silver and pr*etou» stonea bought at lugheat market value. u.ada Into new artlcles or exchanged for new Jvwe.rj ,r Japanese go..da %t M P ThlP- PERtl EACTORT. 19 W 31st. basemenT ADVER'flBBMENTS and auUcriptloaa BM lh* rrlbune recelv.d al thelr L'ptJWTl Offlce ho. 1.864 Broadway. tetwaen 8«th and 37lh sts untll 9 o . lock p. m Adver- Usament* i*c«lv*d at tb* following branch offlo*. at regular offlce rates unll! \ ocloiw P- in. vlz.: 354 Sth-ava. a, a cor. 2*l-*t_- -M __u_raya-_ aa. IAIhrIiVftUt tiUvsLi AGENTS WAXT-J. AGENTS..Do you want to make |6C© per month eelllng STRANSKT'3 PATENT for maklng Smokelea. Oun and Blastins Powdar? Partlcutara fre*. J. A. 8TRAN- 8KT. Box oig}. Pukwana, S. D. WANTED.Agente for beat II a yaar ac¬ cldent; fl 80 health pollclea; large com- mlssion; renewala; county manaaers want¬ ed In ever State. A. B. CILLRY. Mana¬ ger. 412 *txm.ci Bldg.. Times Square, New- York i*lty. WANTED..Flfteen brlght young men to take up our t-brk; excellent opportunity to rlght parties. . ADAMS CO., 70 Erle-st.. Jeraey Clty. BE YOUR OWN EMPLOYER..I.et ru start you in an independent buslness; you can earn pr'.rlts of *li> to $2.1 weekly. '"all er wrtte. IHRNS & REi:i\ 209 Hudaon- at.. New-Tork. DESKS A?fD OFFICTE FTRNITIRB. "_t~o"_riL~~rc>i' OFFICE Fl HNIXURE ln great vail»ty| of style and price T. O. 6EI_L__W. 111 Fulton St. JtCMKDH VACUUM CAP FOR BALDNESS and Falling Hair. Only sucressful method. Booklet and demonstration frre. VACUUM CAP-APFI.IANCE co., 108 Fulton st.. Suite B12, N. Y. Clty. TYPEWK1T1NO. Typewrltlng.5 cents per line. HEADQUARTERS for typewrltprs; rented. repaired. bought, told, Lnspectu.rs. »up- pllts. RAPID SERVICE. _H£HWOO_.3 Exchange. 40 Lib«rly-st. Telephone 1056. John. QUICK TYPEWRITER REPAIRS; imme¬ diate servlce on eails; charges most rea¬ sonabie. F G. DYETT. 90 Broadway. Tel.. 5.338-Ccrt. TYPEWRITERS AU makes aold. rented. repaired. exchar.ged; reliable sarvlca. GORMAN. 7» Nassau-st. Telephone _740. Cortlandt. ADVERTISEMENTS and auO-crlpttona for Tlie Tribune received at thelr Uptown Offlce. No. 1.364 Broadway. between 38th and 37th sts.. untll » o'clock p. m. Adver- tlsements received at tha following branch offlces at regular offlce ratea untll 8 o'clock p. m.. viz. 254 Sth-ave.. s. e. cor. 23d »t.; 103 Bth-ave. cor. 12th-st.; 82 East 14th st.; 2t7 West 4_J-..t.. between 7th and 8th aves.; 2«3 West 125th-st.: 1.338 3d-ave.. between 76th and 77th sts.; 1>2C 3d-ave.. near tlat- st 1..08 lst-ave.. near 8_th-at.. 157 Eaat 123th st 75« Tremoct-_v# 660 31 ave.. LOST. LO-TT-Bankhook^No. 428.472 on Dry TVck Bavinsa Bank. Any perso.. having ciaims id bnok ts i-alied upon to present the aame to the bank within thlrty daya or the said book wlll be declared canceiled and extir.jjuished and a ne* one Issued ln lieu the.-fc.>_. LOST or STOLEN..Bankbook No. 602,623 of taa (ierman Savlngs Bank in the Clty of New York. cnrr.er 4th-ave. and l-fch-st laaued to John M. Acosta. Alflfersons are cautioneU agalnst negotlating the same. If rurned to the bank on tha 7th day of August. 1906. a duplicate wlll be issued. Bankbook No. 867.784. Bank for Savlngs, 28i> 4th-ave New-York. Pay- ment stopped. Please return book to bank. HELP tt'_ST_D. Male. ANY lntelllgent person may earn a good In¬ come corre-sp.niilng for aewspapers; no canvasslng; experlence unnecessary. Send for particuiars. NORTHERN PRESS 6-N- DICATE, Lockport. N. Y. CANVASSERS. New proposltlon on New York morning newspaper for out of town; steady work to good men; transportatlon fumished; start tmm.dlatelv. LINN VHEELER. 8 a. m.. R.oiu 1. Tribune Building. $3 DAY AND COMMISSION. LIBRARY ASSISTANT. Experienced ln vertlcal fll'ng. correspondenee and paper*; typ:. t and ster.ographer preferred. Address LIBRARIAN, Tribuna Offlce. WANTED.-By a large contractlng flrm. an architectural englneer and draughis- man. Address. siating experlence. saiary required and the nan.o ol last employer. Only flrat claaa men need apply. Addreaa ARCHITECTURAL. _&4 Broad-at, New- ark. N. J._ ADVERTISEMENTS and subscrtptlons for The Trlbun. recelved at thelr Uptown Offlce No. 1.364 Broadway. between 36tn and 37th sts.. untll tt o'clock p. m. Advar- tlsemenl.! recelved at the following branch offlces at regular office rates until 8 o'clock p. m., viz.: 254 Sth-ave.. s. e. cor. lUd-at.; 153 6th-ave.. ccr. 12ih-st.; _2 East llth-st.. 257 West 42d-st_. between 7th and 8th aves.: 26_ West 125th-st.; 1.338 3d-ave., between 76th anl 77th sts.; 1.026 3d-ave.. near 61st Et 1,708 lst-ave., n»-ar S9th-_t.: 157 East 12_th-st.: 7-'> Trcmont -ave.; 660 3d-ave., near 41st st; 6S4 3d-ave.; 210 Bleecker- st.; S3B Bleecker--*. A..MME. JACQUI.N, 602 Cth-ave..French employment bureau; supplies oelect a_r- vants. all capaclties. aU natlonalltlea, rec¬ ommended help wanted; call early. GOVERNES9 WANTED..A Well edu- cated. refined. Protestant lady. as gov- emess for a boy of _ix; state age. chureh. health and general qualificatlons. Address W. X Box '_!'. Trlbuno Ofllce. HOU9EV.OHKKR.-rwo ln famiiy; no washing. ?20; references required. Mrs. COLLIEH 122 West ld st. WUKK WAMED. Situation* Wanted.Mala and Female. Four lines inot exceedlng 24 words), three lnsertions. 15 cents; seven lnsertions, 30 cents. Exceedlng 24 words and less than 41) words, three lnsertions, 30 cents, seven ln¬ sertions, W) centa. Male. ACCOUNTANT wlsnes work evenings; trial liatanraa. statements, bookkeeping. et. excellent references; terms modorute. Ad¬ dress B Box 4. Tribune Office. liOOK.K_l_.PER desires apactaj work or po- slUot. that will require part tlme; famlllar wlth furiraiion ot partserahipa ar.d settle- ments, organization of corporations. broad experlence ln auditlug, speclal examinationa aad preparing balar.ee sheets and state- rner.ts; mod.rate eompenaatlon. ARTEMAS HOPKIN8, 1 MaU.s-:i ave. Telephone 46ttO Uramercy. BBIOHT, lntelllgent college atudenl; at anything for vacation; good penman. can (urnlab reference. B. QOBDOX, care Charles Rlchards. 232 Bond-tit.. Brooklyn. BOY, 16, brtadtt. wishes ptace ln an oflice. SOI. COHfc.N". 117 Ames-st., Brooklyn. CoY wl-i'.ea place in offlce; knowledge of stenography; references. F. MIL1.EK. Ii/7 Green-st., Bfvoklv:;. BOY. 17; reliable; al anything; offlce or preierrod. three y.ais in High Icho-1. Adcress J. BJEICHSRT. otlo lst _t., Hobokaa, N. J. BOY, lii. ex; c-rien'.d, would like to leam a trade; pald while loarmng. STRALS. 410 ____: .-'d-s'. Bu\ i rlght, to Itara tnide; electric pre¬ ferred. J. M'AYoY. Ml Conay Island- ave.. Krooklyn. Ct'TTEK aad FITTi-H tn a merchant tallorlng atora Address SOLoMON SCHNECK, SJ Ludlow-bt. CARPENTER. cab.netmaker and all handy man. by young German; underatandi iius engine. shafting. ... «ry. ate; baa toola. BARTSCH. 1x4 Mid- ^t Brooklyn. lAIU'i-N !'i:i:. abin.-tmaker, millwrtifiit; tirst class; tine refere: >. r* fr.rn lar..l. .rd.. ;n\a..- ut factorlW dress MECHAN1C, C44 Park ave lyn._ CREAMKHY MAN To tak- cnarge ot crtamery underatands all _:nda of cream ery work. Addiess S V O. Box IM. Uelhi. N Y CBAUITET-B- Bespectabla young Amer¬ lcan macbaalc; llcaaaed; la eouati au at familsar aith l__ng Islan.l roudti. vaaes. t*o and expenats. Postofflce _h x 76 Mi_e.la. N. T. i*llAl FFEl'K Former employer out of town; b. ¦_ t v.rbal refer^u cs. drtvar. J. U J'.. u_- tta ava CHAUFFEUR. . Experl.n. _d >>n ga cari; .->-. j ::n-r; mlaur repalrs. couniry. TlloilAS m AN LAN. 130 Alexander av. DR1VKR or PtHlTtili u.aker, als» so.la syrups: good re.', 1101 afra;d of Work. J.VMEs i-'RANi'E 33k> ,, .... *<_.¦ _. EXPESRIENCED Fl'lToil. adv.m- writer and pr>..ifiead': 4ft,-r would work fr..u. s :iu t. t for ill a*t week Vddr«sa VER8ATHJTY :;.\ 27. Trfboaa :" TR1CIAN luris.T ta. iry .-ui preaent employer vddr«« SW1TCH, rar. Henry :4knd». 258 Plaae-at Newaik. N. J. ELBVATOR MAN. Fln ttl « ,»r loft bullding A.l.lreas Mii. HAM." 143 8th a.r. i:i.i:*rniii xns helper rienced. JOSEPH Z> .- tiiat 74t!i st FIHKMAN lr Oil --le.wilhsU .e*i'«rteuce. aiila i- do rap_dra M-TKR _unu_|__N. U7 CarroUr-aL. mtook WORK WANTED. "»gg?«t_.WCS?a£^l; i_no&-?£aj ineerOotM. 1* isBOta; eejen laMrtioaa eenta *_-xce«-»li_g t* words and leas tnan _e word*. tliree ln**rUona 8-» c*nU; aaeea to- sertlon*. 60 ceata fViRHMAN. Understands brass llnishli press**. plating. poll»hlna. maehlnery a etal aoods In general: been ln busln4 metal good- hlmself. long "PTOence^ honest. ^.M*! results a erences. Add Tibune Offlce >R Wlshe* a change. h-.t or coid water flats or tenenneris; ateam and all repalr*. JANIT-'U. 414 ini East 68th at. _______.__ M v N UORETZKI. 712 Adams st Wa* York. N. J._ M*_N 30- wllbag to do anything. ooarding house preferred; dl tl Wai worth el M VN thing; g **l referen-. GRAY. -.3. Fiushing av* __l--'*HANiWl. BNGIN-. v-arv factory expcrlei r. su;e.-intender.: n:achlner>. Addreaa A B.. Box B Offlce. MAN Bi' ar>v tt'nd of work; respe honcat; eapertenced 'a '-mr* ot gUe sccturlty lf required, beat ref- TAEGE. 7'i7 Ely - PAINTER. paperhanger. plaa Ing kaisominlug: will w rk for lai ¦.., slde wai cenis ip. J KIHB PRIVATE TUTORING. Gramn.ar prl.iclp.il will prepare puplls I sn years et perleace TUTOR, Twenty thlrd Y. M C. A. __ PRIVATB I.ETE.TIVE By mun. I corporatlon. no dlvorce busiiiees erenres. clty or coontr] .1.11- FUL Box 53. 1.069 Gates-ave.. RreotUira_ PL'MBER. -Al tinsm.th; in plumblng sh-p Satur.lav aftarnoona tn perfeet hlm¬ self In trade. no pay wanted. Address J. . XOB East 88th-»t. _ SALESMAN desirse to represent ln New- Orleans a* .nan_.fart-i.-w s agec: address; t>est references. R. W_ 9 BanTc-st. WORK at lliustrating and dealgnlng bli- heads. business cards. et . ab orders promptly attended to. Addreaa CHARLES PERCY BROWN. P. O. Box 146. Matawan. N. J._ YOUNG M\N want* work tn arocary »tora CHRISTENSEN. 40© Wilt Kth-ef. YOUNG MAN. as eutter on ladles* B*r- rr.ents; can draught pattema FRED 2A- NIER. 11 7th ave._. XOUNQ MAN* wishe* p.\»ltlon at aajrthir.g; ¦r tands farmin* o( all kinds. B. 4 79 Br!dge-st.. Brooklyn. YOUNG MAN. married: ln wholeaal* house or store; Industrlous. honest and obllgtng. R. SXMON, 107 W>st 108th-st. YOUNG MAN. 29. wants »alary posltion aa salesman or some reilable position; can furnlah Al referenee or bond, JACK LES- SER, 26 1'ark-at.. Brook Female. BOOXmm.-BBrX 16, t_> assist book- keeper; eaa furnlsh references. ¦alary |5 or *ri. KATHEIUNE FR.V.NCK, 192 Wyckoff-ave., COMPANTON*.- By young lady to chlldren .,r elderly lady; expert seamstresa. refer¬ ences. Mlsa WHEELER. 64 Chestnut-at.. Altany. N. 1*. Altany. N. MASSEUSH would Uk* place ln famlly or instltution, or w>uld go to summer me; references. M. G.. 613 Wao: STENOGRAPHER, typewrtter; good pen- man; accurate. wllllng, reflned. ambl- tlous. experlenced. operates Rerr.tr.gt nn. Underwood ani others; as araanuensis pre¬ ferred: aged 19. C. E. MORROW, Nyack. STENOGRAPHER .Part nf each day at seaahore: capable, but r.ot exper place a woman preferred. ref¬ erences. Address M:«s A. B.. car* of Prawer '.H. Tn y. N. Y. STENOGRAPHER..By recent hlgh school graduate. or ar-v kln i of offlce wcrlc ROSE t.EFKOWTTZ. 2'.' Baat 9»th-3t. DOMESTIC SITCATIONS WANTED. Sltn.itlons Wanted.Ma!* and Femal-». Four line* (not exceedlng 24 words), thre* Insertlon*. 15 cen.s. aeven lnsertlona 30 eenta Exceedlng 24 words and leaa thar 40 word*. three Insertlon*. 80 cent*; aeven ln¬ sertlona 430 eenta ATTENDANT. NURSE..Flfteen years- ln- Btltutlonal experler.ee and wtth r gtnt:emar.; companlon superlntendent of apartment. household; good wagaa, rec< m- mendatlona prominent physician*. wealthy farailiea New-York. Addres* THoMAS F. L'UNN, 2 Ke*p-*t.. Madison. N. J. ATTENDANT to invalld gentleman; g.od vaiet; experlenced masseur; be»t refer¬ ences. Address JOHN oTALTER. 510 West 42d st. BUTLER, 30, flve years" referenee f-nm last *mpIo>er; honest and strlct abst&'n- er; in prlv .te family. Addrea* BL'TL-iR, 150 East ' aA-si. COACHMAN.Aged 39. medlum ala* experience; best written and personal ref¬ erences, _ate employer can be seen. GIB- SON. 154 East 85th-*t. COACHMAN. GARDENER..By Swe-le; marrled: no children: thoroughly experl¬ enced ln all branehes on gentleman's paaa*; high personal recommendatlnns. T.. car* of Llnqvist. 302 East 126th-»t. COACHMAN. CARDBXER..German; un¬ derstand* care of horses: good gardea*r Addreaa R. SMITH, 475 Peari-st. COACHMAN..Mlddle aged; very reilable: strictly sober; uaed to flne horaaa, iar- rlages. haxness ete. very gocd man: beat references. THOMAS. Carpent*r» Bureau, 154 6th-ave. COA.-HMAN, gardener. lawna and general useful man. gc.,.1 driver; can fl',1 ; .ace i hman; very tldy; good appearance, weil recomm_ended. PATRICK, Carpen-.er's Bureau. 1T,4 8th ave. CO.vcHMAN. GARDENER By mlddle aged Englishman; slngle; thoroughly un¬ derstands care of horae* IE, _ar« McHugh. 1.0M Park i COACHMAN"..German; slngle; ln private fan.'.ly; thoroughly eompetent, carefnl; gpartence; g^od references. HBNRT, care Mrs. Perkrns. 162 C_-;amber»-st. COACHMAN. GROOM..By Engllahnan, ,^-d. thoroughly tent; medlum size.1; rwat appeuiance. smart workman: r.lce driver; all ax, und servant. s:.. trate, wlllng. re?pe.-tf.'.l; p.rl\a:e family; anyvvhere. good recomnren,'.. wages mo.1. .MAX. .' Mrs. Smith. 3.»> West 43d-*t.. aec- ur-.d r! OARDRNER ar.d FLOR IST. .Norweglan; 2'j years" exper;ence: age, 33, married; ._s from best b< a private an.l commerclal places ln Amerlca. England. France. Germany and Nor\va> as head gardener. staid wages and p._.r:. O E. \v;;o. 1.-39 South-ave.. RlahnflelA N. J GARDENER ally experi- flowers and .. .-d ln- dustxtous. GARDENER, 4 Chat.iiim Square. GARl'ENER.- Marrled, no famtiy; Pmtea- tant; wlfe as ihoroue. opetent; long experlene*; : refer>n,.e. Call ur add.es* W. R., 346 West 3oth st. GARDENER..Scotsh; marred: nn r. wants heuse; long experience ln tvery brane w'.aas. ete 6n* vegetable gre wer. ej. liANlEL, at e'arpecier's 154 6th-ave. OARDENER'S AS.>ISTANT .Some experl can drive if needed; young. -ner- mg to be u*eful: ended JAMES. Carp*nter"s Bureau. 154 6th ave._ j OARDENER Has had 1*4 years of prac- tical experlen. e ln greenhouse. gard«n. lanlaeapmg. farm. poultry. Incubators. wlfe itter muker. would board help. rof- ,. Box 115, Irvlr... GARDENER -German. ._¦» yeara experi¬ ence tn tariui.ig and - nrst claa* t.iliy ooderstanda his business. to take Ippl) la U*M l'ulnt. Long Islaad. N V GAIU>KN'lr_R. tngllsh. p.Tvatw '..'> iraiv practtcal experience in all branchea f areenhouse highr^t referencea WlLia.VMS. lihitiecil-T N V USEFUL MAN By youug eolored man referenee prescn: -'- boats 3'~i years last iter. CHAS 1SKF1 1. M vs- single country preferred. I'AK.T. -22* t'.oal . .lon: lat ely with Eugl'.sh aa Addresm cV»UR1ER. SwU., ive CXIMPANION ,.r HiX'SKKESiPaB. tlned laly a* coaspam unv p, m;i. n -f iruat In . IT.TUKKl. B.,x 34. Advt. tMBe* Gates il)n COOK Tnoroughly Hiat ctasa: Frenoh and Ameriean cooklug; excellent clty relae- ence, wage* $50. Mra MCpClNSON 9 C^- 4S2^ .***.**. ".» *-wfioaava Tal. wnmnf ____r_t-_sie_0-a >i.\ili>. Hlwi-to. Waatetl Four ilnes tmot .ceaitr. laaarUona. can**. ExracG. words. IhttM !0*i "..I* v*> ..<;»:_. ....* u ¦ertlona. «0 .a prt- . very -.-__..BS -Varr-an. good Mrs. ALM a ith? mpetant !n ._! veais' A H -V and LaUNDRESS: CHA-7a=TlpL M .II' and WAITRESS Two a»a- -r- Mrs HAS.--. AGENCY. 1.028 ld »v», near 61 COOK and LAUNDREari .Experleoas* German Hungarlan Protestant girl: .ttg or couniry. country preferred, personal ref¬ erencea D. HERZ. 182 East 4th st. COOK. maid. seamatraaa referencaa. at Mlaa LARSON'S Etnploy- ment offlce. 33 W.ec 24 \o*a. Madlson SquaT-._ CHAMBERMAID.By a newl7 landad :, wl'.ling tr, do walting. aew¬ lng or eaalm wltb chlldren: wages Ht. (""al! at L.VNG * BOE^HERER CXX, IB West 27th-s». chambermaIi. v.aitress or Hocas- WORK-b __i* w n_aa. two years' peraonal -.:y referar.-aa: -Ity ar country. C. G., Mrs. Colller-a 123 W«s» 23d-st._ DAY'3 WORK or offlce ciaaaing; dtr *a>» erencea- FARREIL 4M Sth-ase. DAY'S WOn .By reapertabla wtdcw; laeworg, sewlr.g _: r.. es. Mra QiUI, ¦ :.:_._.__. fr.jnt. DAY'S WORK..By r_apect____a woman; few dais' work !n week, go out ^r -_ka home. Mrs "VVILboN. 544 Waat 4ttr. HOU3EW ORKER..By aaat young good cook; caa baka; ax laun.lress. r.as friend curaa; c»ty c: try; reference. MORROW*5 BLTLE.. East __'. HOUSEKEEPER..A wldo^s* woold famiiy. Address Mra. M. MAP-TTN". 311 H O C S _-W OR R. .By mlddla age mar- *** <^tat-_fc neat. and has good rafer«n-es i;j ",_;: Mr*. Af MA BEN ___- PLOYMENT AGENCY. 63 C_ _ HOU3EK >man ""-.-:_- >> ava. HOU3EWORKER. .By a young Bngllsa speakln< woman, experienced; wants g-o4 home .r.try preferred. pe.-sona* referer.es. HERZ. 162 East 4th-a:. HOC3ETVORK. laur.dry. platn AGENCY. 263 V.e__ 47th-at._ JANIT1 -8 widow w'.shee ANNIE FI MAN JANIT" ¦ aged A- il ra GDBARY 214 East U6l LAUNDKKSS .Flrst -lass: c. -¦¦ MAID and SEAMSTRESH .Swa Ing to aaa erence; wages. J22 _: Mrs. Pa teraoa's bell. MAID and SE ge: pla wncm ahe cai, for three days town Offlce. 1 MOTHER and son cf 10 wll gethcr in the furnlsh good re:'orence.-> I.'KSON. 113 Park st Hart-ord, an NUKSE-.English; take entire tr.val. SS6 Columbus-ava. NUR3E and attendant gentleman by a thor woman v-nce; highest refer ladies: no cards a__ East 54th st._ NURSE.--'' not under three ye*-* ence last aanptoyer N of Behrens. 13- Wi NTR9B-Flrst '.laaa: mar. charge: b»*t tsJ-i.caa *t '_. Tribuna ¦. Cittlc*. 1.3H4 Broadway NURSE charge of y Ing; ve-. iferred. F .32 St. Ann's-ave. testant: a.sist jhaaibe chlldren 8 ye M. H Mrs >* .Ui-r s. 122 West __d st NUYtSEP.Y com r.. _!____ v Addr ,se. 503 East SSth-et. MI'ANIoN Experienced gea- Uewoman as uaefm .oc^panlon to lady. woull m-iiiij." _.msaho__. referencea. J. M 10 East llth-st._ WAITRES5. ae By Swede; aad sear-stress: gc JUSSILA B. i_____s__a WArTtBF.SS. --Strtctly fi-st .liaa. wJU aa- ai3t ch*.mbenr.aid: excellent reforea.-es: leaving 'f fa_n:!y cloaing houaa. B R ^ar. 122 "Waat 23d el. Phone 199fr-Cha_S-a. The net sales of the Daily and Sunday TRIBUNE for March, 1905, were r 42X Moiv Than During the San: Month in 1 ADVERTISING Daring januarv, Fel und Mar.: TRIBUN1 7 ailverti- mc advcr' A I OF OVER 139 Columns lUtiou Booka Op»*n ta AUJ 7t Results Ailver: THE TRIBUNE.

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Latest Foreign JSebtttS About TiooK*ftParls, July 14.

FOremost ta il ' thf* works publishedthla w. ndanee du Comte deJaueourt. Ira des Affairea_Btrang£res. a\c Talleyrand. Pen-dant le Ooi JuM issued byPlon. The lettan aa carefully .-dlted bythe Marquie de Jrueourt. and give an intimage

lety of those daya, nt

.arell aa into the career of tha diplomatist-author.Tha promlsed novel by U.-ne Bazln, of theFTen.-l: Acaoemy. has been published by Cal-

H_*T-y, and pro-vea to l_e the romanee of a

I ..ti glrl of reflnement. good birth and edu¬cation vi ho. by tbe diFp. rsion of a religious.eommunity in arhlch taken refuge, isauddr: h into the fafhionable so-

i_rht to shun. Fromeomes a book entltled "L'Avenlr de

tains a curious but' :..'! nnalvFis of the lntelleetual

In the same volume,otter Judgment,

i na aa r-->presented inM.ithl.-u dc Noailles,

VIvien l**ierre der and other Parisian

: p _. to dlfferent Interestsby Bchleleher, and

rinan, who has made a

very eomplete study of the art of handllng andcaring for motor cars ln all eountrlea C. L B.

London, Juiy 14.Although there ls now no fear of a general

electlon being held here wlthln the next flfteenmontha. publisaers admit that the book marketls llkely to remaln ln Its present dull con¬

dltlon for some tlme to como. It la possibletha* Canon Knox Little's plaln apoken words inhls new volume on the present relatlona of theEngllsh Chureh to t hrlstendom may exclterome eontroveray. but there seems llttle hope ofanythlng approachlng a general revlval ln thepubllshlng world. The Rev. Rtopford Brooke. ltLs said, wlll have a volume of llterary esaaysready for publlcation ln tho nutumn. Al-gernon Charles Swinburne's youthful novel."__ove's Cross Currents," has astonished thecrltics, but by Its lack of characterlstlc. quaii¬ties. and not by the author's ability to trans-mute into prose those quaiities which have dls¬tingulshed hlm aa a poet. Rider Higgard hasmade a book out of his report on the SalvatlonArmy colonlea ln Great Brltaln and America,the result of hla recent extended journeys aadlnvestigatlons. W. B. Maxwell's next novel,whlch wjll be entltled "Vlvlen," is reported tobe bullt on less exciting llnes than his "RaggedMessenger." I. N. F.

TlooK* Teople Are *Rea.dingtK ri"PLlC LIRRARY..The most

¦ of the week, :t<-fording to the-culatlng department, are

Adult I '.-.nr'. "Tbe Prospeetor*"; Wllilam-e Princess Fassts'; Ward's "Tbe Mar-

.rn Afche.":r's "Weatherbj-'p Innlng";

:_idwin's "Flfty

i of Inventlon ofthe N1nr -ury": Boes'B "Heroea of

'.aeh's "Story of Art

kGO PUBUC LIBRARY.--Cbleago, July14..The ..ar books among ChicagotBBat "iii.g to the demands at thePublio Library last week, aro as follows:

Romt- «'«. "Tbe G«.rd<-n of Allah";"-- William Ashe";

History and l_.ograt.hy- VVhiie .= raphy**:Piioi-'e . .ee and AVar";

;,hrey s "] Spiea of the ("MvT.._..-.''

A-t*' tura (**¦ "Pathfinders of theTrai! of Lewls and

<-'.-»-.-¦ .:::S tha, Sagc Brurh.'"-.oai.Books on autot.

ttonden'ali Nutritioii;" Haeck-

tt Life."aEoouB.Waguer's "On Life's Threshold."

BOFTON PUBLIC LIBRARY..Boston, July 14..Ajnong the books most frequently in de¬mand at the DaatOO Publlc Library durlngthe week were the fo"'lowlng:

Ficti',n.Jen-ej-*!" "The Klder Brother": Helfch's"Tho House of 'rockett's "May Mar¬garet"; Gcrara s "Sawdusi": Fraeer*e "A Maid

'a 'Tbe Dlvlne Fire"; ".Vlll-lax..'- V'rincess Passes": Camden's -'The

FfoareU'fl "Mlss Bellard's In-f "The Celebrity"; Crad-

C'c'k'b ". Crntre": Adams's "JohnHenry Pmith"; Bru.ino's "The Little Conscrlpt";Overton's "Tbe Heiitege of UnresL"

Mlsreiianeoua.Lummis's "Daughtera of the Falth":Twltt-hell's (translation) "Chinese Llfe in Townand 1'fim'rv": Dewev's "Leglslation AgalnstSpeculation ": Dilke's "The Book of the PpirltualLife": Warner's "The Elhles of Force"; Wol-jeska's A Woman's Confessional"; MacDon-nell's "Kin? Leopold": Schafer's "History of thePaciflc Northwest": Streeter's "The Fat of theLand."

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS..Washlngton. Juiy14..The followlng llat of books called forln-dlcates the tastea of readera ln Waahlngtonthls week:

History.Shippen's "Naval Battles of the "World";Freeman's "Western Europe tn the Fifth Cen¬tury"; Botsford's "Anclent History."

Descrlptive and Travel.Goodloe's "At the Foot ofthe Rockles"; Shattuck's "The Bahama Isl¬ands"; Llghton's "Tlie Lewla and Clark Expo-sltlon"; Forrest's 'Citiee ot Indla,"

Biography- Sichel'a "Catherlns de Medlcl and thaFrench Revolutlon": "A Later Pepys"; Cart-wright's "Beatrice d'Este."

Fiction.MacGowan-Cooke'a "Return"; Bonner'a"The Pioneer"; Tarklngton's "The Bea.itlfulLady"; Holmea's "A Myaterious Dlsappear-nnce"; Martin's "The Courtshlp of a OarefulMan"; Clouston'a "The Lunatic at Large."

PHILADELPHIA FREE LIBRARY..Phlladel¬phla, Juiy 14..The booka moat read thlaweek are as followa:

History.Myers's "Outllnes of Medlsaval and Mod¬ern History": McCaleb's "Aaron Burr Con¬spiracy"; Watson'a "The Story of France"; Col-quhoun's "Mastery of the Paciflc."

Travrl and Descriptlon.Khan and Sparrov's "Wlththe Pllgrlms to Mecca"; Pook's "Fra'nce.His-torlc and Romantic"; Slngleton'a "Venlce."

Blography.Garrett's "Colerldge"; Moore's "Talksln a Library with Laurence Hutton": Coleman'a"Flfty Years of an Actor'e Life"; Slchel's "Dis-raell"; Hadden'a "Chopln."

MlaceUaneous T_. hda-Bernays's "Nuremberr**-Dye'a "The Story Tellers' Art"; Louns_erry*s'"Gulde to the Trees"; Calkins's and Holden'sModern Advertising."Fiction.MacGrath's "The Man on the Box'1Ward's "The Marriage of William Ashe"- War¬ner's Susan Clezg and her Friend Mrs. Lath-n.p'; Oppenheim s "The Master Mumrner"-C_._'?rs_.'?he Quakeress"; Grant s "The Or-chld'; Helgh's "A House of Cards."

What ft. y. EooKsellers Say ISheyAre mwfelling Most.

-W-^^aTwere^ ^ " .*°. * ." ****** .b»"

X. Tbe Marrlage of Wiiliam ABhe"..Mra. Humphry Ward.(Harpe" & Bros )*i ca1 "Roaa,of tha "World".-....-Agnesand Egerton fJhatl... rFrederick A. Stokes" Compan'y)" 1 50*" IJ*a'3Y".-AJlce Hegan Rice.(The Century Co.) iaaA Tha Pnaoaaa Passas".-W. and C N. WlIllamaon...CHenry Holt A Co)


iM6. -IU- Gaaaar._.Jack London.(Th<> Macmlllan Company). VmA '... -AAcm TTfeacoi".S. Welr MltehelL.(The Century C*a^T^...7..Z\ 1MLITERARY NOTES.

V a Paower'a life of Edwln M. Stan-.e has been engaged for many

1 ly the Saalfleld Pub-rn of high posltlon

r times were more crttlcised, and aa

many othere believe,than Abraham Llncoln'a

The author, who ap-; v.i.h an open mlnd and

1 find no adequate biographyted a large amount of

i ew materlal, and writes of hls hero as "anotic citizen and an lnde-

:'ieri> professor of history'.__ has

i.titl.J, "Russia andpublished August 13

I The au-

presentatlve ofknown as the "Iiitellectuals,"

v in thr cause of freedomlumnv, imprisonmenti to explaln the pres-

. u. through a historicalconsideration of the drcurastaaoea under whlchthe eountry's ctvUlzatJoa has been developed.

r.s "Niipoleon, Lover and Hus-a brought out by the Werr.er

1 lish tran.lation by J. M.

'. i.'. _r I". Crafta, of Washlngton, thei-eformer, has prepared and issued

gb hls Intamatioiial Reform Bureau a

Btadtas," consistlng of ex-enta Ulustrating the

fts's influence on natlonallaglslaTi. r.. The 'cook is arranged wlth rpeclal

furnishlng a top.c-a-month coursen, munlclpal re-

torm.I : labor and capl-1 dlvorce, national government,

e and charity.lt a'ir.s to accomplish Ss

¦f the Fourth of Julv,. ese firecrackers, Ger-

"¦ aoea, with nothingt tne flag." But surely that

after a briefOO b«r next nov.-! ln

BM "k., ln Bucklngham-..rming feature of Stocks,Jne, says one who has vi_-

lightness and apaciousness of--. a feature too gen-

tnt Engllsh manor housea.out of the large en-

aamaj with eoid. flne.;.s much quaint furniture.Iowa of lhe house look out

World gardens. composed of statelybrilliant bloseoma, an unusual

atuary, which lncludes aat appears to mount guard

f tne sunk fence dividing the gar-_B t_M | aiden sUll Handsmust once have been an

tba trunk la forty-three feet lnis a roughiy hewn seat,

I'oet's Seat," and supposed to... Um i> t Wallt-r,

who owned tbe eatate ln the seven teenthcentury.

Wbfle the Dowager Queen ot Italy may not be

e*eneraljy reoognlzed aa a literary critkT^fauthority, she 1b well known to be an automo-blllat of enthuslaam, ao that her judgment onan automobile book may be received with a re-apect not entirely due to her exalted rank MmeWaddlngton, ln her "Letters of a DiplomafeWlfe." Btatea that the Quoen read Mr. and Mrs.C. K. Williamson's motoring story, "TheL-ightnlng Conductor." end "was much amuBedwlth it."

lume"Kate Greenaway" ls the title of a voli..,,that the Putnams expect to publish in the fallas one of their *'star" hollday gift books. It lswritten by Marion E_ Spielmann. the Englishauthor and art crltic, but wlll oontain a num¬ber of autobiographical chapters relating es¬pecially to i-iss Cxreenaway's chlldhood and toher friendships with lnteresting people. Therewill also be included flfty le-tters received byMlss Greenaway from Ruskin. together wlth herreplles. embelllshed wlth tbe Uttle pen and inksketches which sho was wont to scatter throughthe text and on the margins of her notes Thelllustratlons to the book will be largelv Jn eolorand much of the material will now see thellght for the first tlme.

The Church of Christ," jusl publIshed bvFunk A Wagnalla. ls said to be written by alayman of wlde commercial. political and re-llglous experlences, who prefers to have thobook brought out wlthout any hint as to hisldentity, ao that its contents may be consideredwithout referenee to the particular mind thatproduced it. He maintains that the ChristlanChurch should be one or identical in organfza-tion. teachlng and practice with the New Testament Church aa it was before creed or sect orparty began, and that such unity Is essential tol-s compleie success and flnal trlumph.IGOBBOTES FEAST ON DOG.

After Weird Wedding Ceremony Head-Hunters Indnlge in Tribal Custom

head-hunting tribe troTSontet** "* " **afternoon. and after The ££ ^T* ,n th*-tth this ceremony a mongreT's Sroai^StlShta -areass provlded the most succulenr^.at .,£«b. left tbe Philippines. SSS^SBIt had been planned to have a. ____¦____¦_. .

I-f rmed. but one of the protnfsedZ^? tTmena, Jilied her swuin at the altar and tulke^fn."*' ******* **.d became the bride of

tll J" M CreJU M°*t * ^ victlma ^from otber bostilo Igorrote tribea. A series of tattoo marks on his chest and back iudi at hprow. sg %s ;l warrlor.'"ui.ate his

.,' °A r" a'H'lce is friven at .... r_-

¦k The patrlarch By5«a«5f *%!$fH*1*< upon tbe unlon; tbe w<X Z\,f' I'-l,nt ''L *with beads aloof and bodlos i*«t£«\ th,e trlbe-oentr. of th,- n-'iu,' King tom^s-^th. ttS*

.ru,i,utb.yweroeompl^^tt^l-Jbe dog. a a.lea of ihe Coney Island cur whi.-i,

lo^,t:Vu,::c T^^iu^r^'^lea. of horror said Dr. T. K°WZnT. SnoLTA^l,of ihe Kov.-rtunent. than ia witlielsSdn Ameriean abattolrs Then there was more dam-Ing and tomtom heating. after whlch tha deudl am",'al * "-tenor of tbe villagewhere-'.fir.- and ihe baTr tonVeawlthout beine further eleaned wasthen lh; v.i, into a pot of\olling watt-r, where itwas allowed to slmme- lo a pulpy maM -,-h.dlvlded among the^ membenT'of thaIrtba ,..- women. with the exceptlon of the bridenot being permitted to eat untll tha male tti-Mnharahad aaUalUd their fciuigar. ^^ ***-aai*--ni

TWO KILLED IN COLLISION.Head-on Smash Bettceen Freight

Trains Injures Four.Roanoke, Va., Juiy 16..Two men were killed

and four injured ln a head-on colllsion betweentwo freight tralna to-day one mlle nortb ofMldvale, Va., on the Shenandoah Division ofthe Norfolk and Weatern Rallway. The deadare E. S. Hlte, of Vesuvlua, Va., a brakeman,and John Dent, of Roanoke, flreman. The in¬jured are James Buck, of Roanoke, engineer,who was scalded about the legs, arms and back,and suatained other wounds, condition aerious;C. E. Eargenbrigtit. of Roanoke, englneer, whowas acalded on legs and hands and cut aboutthe arma, will recover; Wllllam Wllltanison, ofRoanoke, flreman. acalded and cut, wlll re¬

cover; Isom Mason, of Roanoke, flreman, seri¬ously burned on body and legs. The Injuredmen are in the Roanoke Clty Hospital.Midvale is alxty-four miles north of Roanoke.

The northbound freight traln had orders towalt at Midvale for a southbound extra freight.but the ordera, it is alleged, were dlsregardedby the northbound crew.


[rBOM TKB TRIBUNE BtRKAU]Washington, Juiy 16.

CASH OF LIEUTENANT LOMAX.-A eaatwhlch has attracted much attention in Washlngtonla that of Lleutenant F. Ii. Lomax, of the ArtilleryCorps. who waa trled by orders of General Grantln the Department of the East for alleged absencewithout leave and intoxlcation. He was foundguilty of those charges and sentenced to be reducedflve flles. the court speclfying that his name shouldappear ln the Army Reglater next below that ofLleutenant F. L. Perry. It so happened that afterthe court adjourned one of the live offlcers lelowwhom Lomas: was to be placed dled. and It becamea questlon whether Lomax should be reduced fourflles. so as to rank next to Perry, or should losethe flve flles stipulated by the court. It was de¬clded that the court had nothing to do wlth spe-clally designating the place where Lomax's nameshould appear. aud, inasmuch as it would requiresummoning offlcers from various posts if the courtwere reconvened, it was declded to reduce Lomaxflve flles. without further conslderatlon of the case.

imi1]0 _meaJ1,t,,ne' however, General Grant has sig-nlfled hls disaporoval of the sentence. He says-itie sentence is not deemed a satisfactory one.It should have imposed some personal deprivation,as of liberty, rather than a loss of military rank.Ueutenant Lomiu. has shown ln evldence that priorto the commission of the offences under consldera¬tlon his eonduct has met with the oommendationof his commandlng offlcers. The findintrs and sen¬tence in this trial should cause a lasting res.'.utlonon hls part as well as that of others to refrainfrom the excessive uae of intoxi.ating llquor, andto cause a total abstlnence tlurefrom on the pnrtof those who, by its use, are led to sully thelrrecords in the service." *

Lleutenant Lomax ln the Bpanlah war was apriiate and corporal of Companv l>. 71st N.w-iSL* *nfnnt:>'- «. was appointed to the regulararmy from New-York in February. 19W, and Is agraduate of the artillery school at ifort Monroe


Weird Story of Spirit HauntingKentueky Mountains.

Owingsvllle, Ky. Juiy 16 (Speclal)..According toa story just received herr. a ghost with pecullarand blood curdling hahits prowls around the Ken¬tueky River In the mountains around the village ofSand Ripple. The ghost ls supposed to be the ap-paritlon of John Winter. a lumberman who mys-teriously disappeared from his home ln that sectlonsevcnty-ilve years or more ago.Winter had been maklng money, and flnally de¬

termined to take a trip to the South. It was a bigjourney in those days, and his partlng from hisyoung wlfe. to whom he had been married but ashort thne, was tender. Time passed and no wordcame to hia walting wife. Flnally she. with theneighbors. believed that Winter had been murderedpy the rovlng bands of outlaws that then infestedthe route and hls body east away ln some spotwhere lt would never be found._?ta^!£_ a ti^veller reported that a man namedJohn \\ inter had died of a fever in the South butthat .'ould not be conflrmed. Several years afterhis .iisappearance Mrs. Miller listened to thewooing of a young man who had been a llfelongfriend of herself and husband. The night beforethe weddlng the preacher, who llved somo distanceaway, waa preparlng for his Journev. Suddenlyfrom across the river. near where the ministerllved, came a call to the ferryman.

WEDDING 13 INTERRUPTED."Hello!" the volce rang over the water. There

was something famlllar in that tone, and the min¬ister listened. Again the call came and the ferry¬man, a tail, gaunt mountaineer, answered. askingwho it waa."I am John Winter," came the reply. Never was

a ferryboat hustled out wlth greater speed. As theparty was preparlng to start a flgure iu white cameto the water's edge and begged to be taken along.It was the brlde-to-be and the wife of the suppos-edly dead John Winter. Her love for the manwalting up at the house was forgotten and theold love for Winter returned.Across the broad Kentueky Rlver the partypaddled. When the opposite shore was reached no

one was in sight. The vlcinlty was searched. butno one was found. Neither were there any foot-prints ln the sands where the man who wanted tocross must neoeasarlly stand. The party returnedwonderingly to the home shore. but the tremblingwoman called the wedding off.For many years the ghost haunted the Sand

Ripple viclnity. No one could hear the heart-rending cries of the apparition without shmldering,but no one ever caught a glimpse of the ghost.

BRIDE FALL9 IN PAINT.Again Mrs. Winter listened to the pleadings of

a wooer, aj.d agaln g.ie..ts were assembling for thewoddlng. As before, the same minister was pre¬parlng to go to the place designated. and again thecry cut through the air. Tlie trembling preacherdisrobed and refused to go to the wedding. Agalnthe call caae for the ferryman. and again hoasked who it was. The answerlng cry came back:"John Winter." At the house the bride was array-ing herself. She heard the cry, and a faintlngwoman was carried to bed. The wedding wasagaln called off.Thirty years after Mrs. Winter. who had never

marrled agaln. lay dying. As her breath caa.shorter and shorter a caU came from the otherside of the rlver. It was for the ferryman. Alllistened. The ferryman asked who the waltingperson was. "John Winter," came back the reply.A wasted woman turned ln the bed and whlspered"He has come back for me," and dled. But theghost of John Winter, so the story goes, stlllroaras throupi, the hills bordering the KentuekyRiver. and to certain places the. mountaineersnever go after nightfall.


Great Damage Done by the Browntail andGypsy Moths.

[BT Tl__-_(__t__- H TO THK TBIBCNE. 1Boaton, Juiy 16..The moth pest now appearing

wlth Its advance guard ln New-York ls that scourgeof Massachusetts, the browntail moth, and will befollowed ln a few days by the gypsy moth, anotherscourge, both of which have done millions of dol¬lara" worth of damage ln thls State. They wlllwork enormous devaatation if not handled promptly.Theae two pests untll thls year were practicallyoonflned to a small section of Massachusetts, butaa they bred and multiplled. becoming more accli-inated, they have spread oui, until now a large partof the State is infected. aud they are travelllng toother parts of the country. belng carrled on freightand freight cars. Once they get a foothold, theymultiply so rapidly that thousands of dollars muatbe spent to extermlnata them ln any localityThe caterpillars hatchlng from them feed on anyfollage or verdure. preferring. howe.er. trees andshrubs. From the caterpillars of tho browntaiis aflne. hairy fuzz is wafted through the alr whichsettling on human skin. causes a painful r'ash.



Quarter in Uproar After Boy Is Struck byMadison-Ave. Car.

Savario Arcna, aged four. years, whose parentsHve at No. H Eltzabeth-st.. was trying to crossGrand-st. at Eilzabeth-et. i_._t evenlng whena northbound Madi,.,:, _v. car struck hun

rew hlta over to the tidewalk. Tha wholaquarter weat into an uproar, surround ,£u? and a dosen more that w.r. ruiowtn*making an kmds of threata for what theyered tfie earelesaneaa of the motorman The demonstratlon got no further than aeatSwa. IwwevfrPatrolman Walafc of tbe S-J-fberry-at. atatlon?faV_.u > 7, "cena almoai as aeen as the aahtherot the child. aad he quickly aent ln a call f_r anaml.ulan. .- fr ,rn Bt. Vlncenfa HoapltalBy ,h"tlme Dr McMahon. from that loetitutlon. arriv".i?or_.b°_. ",-n,lJth,r h«* carsled hm into tha , rugetore at the eorner. Dr. McMahon declded to re?move the .-hlld to the hospital. A auperflclal ex-amlnation atowed that .evj.al stitoh-s were nlc,*B!_r2..,n ."Ji"! cu__°ver »*»¦ rlght ayaaad" u__4.thtak-il might ba fracturad.


Slngle Inaertlona 6 eenta per llne. Slxteenword*. seven times consecutlvely. $1. whlchentltles advert'ser to have rooma entered InThe Tribune'* Dlrectory of Dealrable Roonisfor a periud of fourteen daya Wrlte torcireular.

Full Inforrnatlon concerulna these room*may be had. free of charae. at the t'ptownOfflce of The New-York Tribune. 1.844Broadway, between 86th and 37th »ta.

WHY go to a boarding houae when you canenloy the comforta of a well ordered

hotel at exceedlngly low summer ratesjRooms. $1 per day und upward; room andboard. |14 a week and upward; restauranta la carte and table d'hote. HOTEL BRIb-TOL. 122 West 49th st. Telephone 4910.88th.

THE HASSARD, 29-31 West 25th-»t .Elegant rooms; private baths; board op-

tional; summer rates; telephono; tranalenta

44TH-ST. 124 EAST.Elegantly furnlshedroonis. wlth or wlthout board; excellent

locati.n: raaaoaable.

68TH--ST.. 73 WEST Hall room; privatebath; pleasant home for business people.

at summer prices.TWO LARGE rooms. ln a rehned fajmlly;all improv.'inents. wlth strictly good table;

referenee llt. West 70th st.

COOLEST BOARDINQ HOUSE in clty: fullr»>ar,i nr French breakfaat ..ptional; sum¬

mer rates. 187 Madison ave., near i>4th.

STBl'RBAN.An aged or enfeebled rerson wlth thelr

nurse or maid .an have eofeclal attentlonand care at the Chateau ln Sr-eer's Evergreen Park. Passalc N. J a flne largeroom. weil adapted, now vacant. lt youwanl tn j.rolong thelr life ln eomfort andenioyment with quiet. refln»rt sun-oundlngsand can pav the prlce. here ia the »[-->tAunt Ann Betta 102 >ears old. has livedoff and on at the Chateau stnea it was built.wlth comfortable room, cheerful surround-lngs. food prepared to suit and special care.Ph* is now visltlng relatives ln Orange,weil and happy.

ADVERTISEMENTS and ¦ubacrlpUons forThe Tribune recelved at thelr Uptowa

Offlce. No. 1.3rt4 Broadway. between 36thand 37th st*., untll 9 o'elock p. m. Alver-tisetr.ents recelved at the following branchofflces at regular offlce rates until 8 o'elockp. va.. vlz.: 254 Sth-ave.. s. e. car. 2.'4d st.153 9th ave.. cor. lith-at.; 92 East 14th-st.;257 West 42d-st., between 7th and 8th aves.;263 W»st 125th 4t.: l.:J3S 3d ave.. betweea76th and 77th sts.. 1.026 3d ave., near 61st-st.: 1.708 lst-ave.. r.ear 89_h-st.: 157 East125th-st.; 756 Trj-njnt-ave.: 4150 3d-ave..near 41st st.; 554 Sd-ave.; 210 Bleecker-st.; 325 Bleecker-st.


Slngle lntsertions 6 ceut* per llna Slxteenwords. seven times consecutlvely. fL whlchentltles advertiser to have rooms eniered 'nThe Tribune's Directory of Dealrable Roomsfor a perlod of fourteen daya Wrlte torcireular.

Full Information conceralnr these roomsmay be had. free of charge, at the UptownOfflce of The New-York Tribune. 1,364Broadway, between 36th and 37th sts.

50T WESTnil^T^i-lT^fCathedrarHe. ghts)..Two front rooma and 'oath, near sub¬

way; aii convenlences. M'l'KI'.MOTT.

LARGE BACK PARLOR and small rooms;runnlng hot and cold water. Olst-st..

351 West.

ROOMS, furnlshed or unfurnished. 348West OSth-st. Arrangement* to b* made

now for September.1 QRAMERCY PARK. East 21st-st.; ex-

ceptlonally c>ol rooms overlooking pri¬vate park; breakfast served, references.

.2D ST., 24 WEST..Bachelor*; very de¬alrable large and single rooms; prlvat*

baths; flrst class huu.o; telephone.43TH-6T.. 10 EAST -Attractlve rooms;

gentlemen. Iadles; high class house;breakfaat; telephone: summer rates._43D-ST.. 13 EAST. opposite Hotel Man¬hattan .Pleasant. cool room; reasonable

for summer to an acceptable tenant.

12STH-ST.. 14 WEST..Five llght. alryrocnis; three hall bedrooms; convenient

Subway; back parlor. dentlst. Mrs. HILL

212 WEST 44TH-ST Flne, cool rooms;telephone; all convenienoes. nuar Subway;

qulet street; reflned sunoundlngs.

45TH-ST.. 110 WEST..Excellent neighbor-hood; neat. reflr.ed h,,u.-e. Leautiful larga,

alry rooma: private baths; summer rates.

126TH-ST., 120 WKST.Slngle furnlshedroom to let; private famlly; near subway;

gentleman preferred.MANHATTAN-AVE., 517. Large frontroom; bath. telephone; suitable for two;

summer ratea 121st-»t.

0 WEST 4STB-8T..Handeomely furnlshedrooms; first class house; doctor*s offlce;

summer rates.


S3D-ST., 20 EAST (opposite Madison SquarePark). .Sulte, two rooms and bathroom;



MANUFACTURERS of bllliard and pooltables; hlsh grade bowling alley builders-

lowest prices. MARKS BROS 24 UnlonSquaie.H. WAGNER-ADLKR OOMPANY. manu-

tacturers superlor bUliard tables; S-i.ae-fer eaaUaaa Ial at and Broadway; 45Great Jon-s-st.

ADVERTISEMENTS and subscriptiona forTha Tribune recelved at thelr I'ptown

Offlce. No 1.364 Broadway. between 31thand 37th sts.. untll 9 o'elock p. m. Adver¬tlsement* recelved at the following branch..ffloes at regular offlce rates until 8 o'elockp. m., viz.: __54 8th-ave.. s. e. cor. 23d-st.;153 eth-a.e.. cor. 12th-st.; !<2 East 14th st.;257 West 42d-st., between 7th and 8th aves.;¦2CZ West 125th-st.: 1,338 3d-ave.. between76th and 77th sts., 1.008 3d ava, near Olsi-st.; 1.70S lst ara, near f>9th-_n.: 157 East125th-_>t.; 756 Tremont-ave.; 650 3d-ave.,near 41st -at.: 554 3d-ave.; 210 Bleecker-st 325 Bleecker-st


TKE IPAffiQIlllET FLOORWe do thoroughly good work

36 West 27th st., near Broadway.Telephone 2U91 Madison Square.

210 W EST 77TH-ST.Largest Works Excellent FacllitlesTELEPHONE 2.285.RIVERSIDE

853 W0 64758 ST. oS&S.CARPET CLEANING. Establlshed 1873.

H. V. ©AffilPET ©iLEAW JB3-S (C(&»Uldest, Largest, Most Modern.

437 AND 439 WEST 45TH-ST.Tel. 511.3bth-*t. E*t*bii_.hea 1S57.


EAVE your old carpets: nandaome anddurable rugs made from them: send for

Cireular. JACKSON RLG WORKS. 7*Barrow-st New-York.

CAREFL'L CARPET CLEANING CO .Cleans by rompreased alr, steam. band

or on floor. 1.558 Broadway, 421 East 48th-Bt. COE A BRANDT. Tel. IW Wlh.


A..A.MODISTE.Mis. Wilson, 1.19 West90th; artlstlc Ctter and desagiier of ladles'

aijl u.i-is-s' costumes; referencea glven;home or by day.DRESSMAKER..An expert eeamstress and

dressiuaker, late wlth Altman. wi-htswork slx hours dally; mountains or sea-shore; $4 weekly and board. DAULToN.226 2d-av*.

EMPLOVMENT AGENCIES.R__Bploy-_aent Ageacaee.Par llna each ln

¦artion. 18 ceata; oa* month. 10 cent*per line.



Phones 3765. 3764^-3Sth.BROOKLYN OFFICE. 34 NEVINS-ST.

IT. ^iTl^OlLfOI^W7^EMPi_<OYMENT RL'I'.EAU.211 East 42d-et.. Flrst class domestlco araeupplled; also managing housekuepera ma-trons. goeraeui'i. tulors. ete


'.el;, promptly furnlshed. TelephoneMadison

MACHINERY.AFJlEDfCEU PRICES..COlTseeond hanawood and Iron worklng machines fu.ljguaranteed: maehlnery Dcugnt and ex-

cbanged G_¦_..> B El.l'V. 398 Madlsen-w.


OLD GOLD. silver and pr*etou» stoneabought at lugheat market value. u.adaInto new artlcles or exchanged for newJvwe.rj ,r Japanese go..da %t M P ThlP-PERtl EACTORT. 19 W 31st. basemenTADVER'flBBMENTS and auUcriptloaa BMlh* rrlbune recelv.d al thelr L'ptJWTlOfflce ho. 1.864 Broadway. tetwaen 8«thand 37lh sts untll 9 o . lock p. m Adver-Usament* i*c«lv*d at tb* following branchofflo*. at regular offlce rates unll! \ ocloiwP- in. vlz.: 354 Sth-ava. a, a cor. 2*l-*t_--M __u_raya-_ aa. IAIhrIiVftUt tiUvsLi


AGENTS..Do you want to make |6C© permonth eelllng STRANSKT'3 PATENT

for maklng Smokelea. Oun and BlastinsPowdar? Partlcutara fre*. J. A. 8TRAN-8KT. Box oig}. Pukwana, S. D.

WANTED.Agente for beat II a yaar ac¬cldent; fl 80 health pollclea; large com-

mlssion; renewala; county manaaers want¬ed In ever State. A. B. CILLRY. Mana¬ger. 412 *txm.ci Bldg.. Times Square, New-York i*lty.WANTED..Flfteen brlght young men totake up our t-brk; excellent opportunity

to rlght parties. . ADAMS CO., 70 Erle-st..Jeraey Clty.


start you in an independent buslness; youcan earn pr'.rlts of *li> to $2.1 weekly. '"aller wrtte. IHRNS & REi:i\ 209 Hudaon-at.. New-Tork.




ln great vail»ty|of style andprice

T. O.6EI_L__W.

111 Fulton St.


BALDNESSand Falling Hair. Only sucressful method.Booklet and demonstration frre.

VACUUM CAP-APFI.IANCE co.,108 Fulton st.. Suite B12, N. Y. Clty.


Typewrltlng.5 cents per line.

HEADQUARTERS for typewrltprs; rented.repaired. bought, told, Lnspectu.rs. »up-

pllts. RAPID SERVICE. _H£HWOO_.3Exchange. 40 Lib«rly-st. Telephone 1056.John.

QUICK TYPEWRITER REPAIRS; imme¬diate servlce on eails; charges most rea¬

sonabie. F G. DYETT. 90 Broadway.Tel.. 5.338-Ccrt.

TYPEWRITERS AU makes aold. rented.repaired. exchar.ged; reliable sarvlca.

GORMAN. 7» Nassau-st. Telephone _740.Cortlandt.

ADVERTISEMENTS and auO-crlpttona forTlie Tribune received at thelr Uptown

Offlce. No. 1.364 Broadway. between 38thand 37th sts.. untll » o'clock p. m. Adver-tlsements received at tha following branchofflces at regular offlce ratea untll 8 o'clockp. m.. viz. 254 Sth-ave.. s. e. cor. 23d »t.;103 Bth-ave. cor. 12th-st.; 82 East 14th st.;2t7 West 4_J-..t.. between 7th and 8th aves.;2«3 West 125th-st.: 1.338 3d-ave.. between76th and 77th sts.; 1>2C 3d-ave.. near tlat-st 1..08 lst-ave.. near 8_th-at.. 157 Eaat123th st 75« Tremoct-_v# 660 31 ave..


LO-TT-Bankhook^No. 428.472 on Dry TVckBavinsa Bank. Any perso.. having ciaims

id bnok ts i-alied upon to present theaame to the bank within thlrty daya or thesaid book wlll be declared canceiled andextir.jjuished and a ne* one Issued ln lieuthe.-fc.>_.

LOST or STOLEN..Bankbook No. 602,623of taa (ierman Savlngs Bank in the Clty

of New York. cnrr.er 4th-ave. and l-fch-stlaaued to John M. Acosta. Alflfersons arecautioneU agalnst negotlating the same. If

rurned to the bank on tha 7th day ofAugust. 1906. a duplicate wlll be issued.

Bankbook No. 867.784. Bank forSavlngs, 28i> 4th-ave New-York. Pay-

ment stopped. Please return book to bank.

HELP tt'_ST_D.

Male.ANY lntelllgent person may earn a good In¬come corre-sp.niilng for aewspapers; no

canvasslng; experlence unnecessary. Sendfor particuiars. NORTHERN PRESS 6-N-DICATE, Lockport. N. Y.

CANVASSERS.New proposltlon on New York morning

newspaper for out of town; steady work to

good men; transportatlon fumished; starttmm.dlatelv. LINN VHEELER. 8 a. m..R.oiu 1. Tribune Building.


LIBRARY ASSISTANT. Experienced lnvertlcal fll'ng. correspondenee and paper*;

typ:. t and ster.ographer preferred. AddressLIBRARIAN, Tribuna Offlce.

WANTED.-By a large contractlng flrm.an architectural englneer and draughis-

man. Address. siating experlence. saiaryrequired and the nan.o ol last employer.Only flrat claaa men need apply. AddreaaARCHITECTURAL. _&4 Broad-at, New-ark. N. J._ADVERTISEMENTS and subscrtptlons forThe Trlbun. recelved at thelr Uptown

Offlce No. 1.364 Broadway. between 36tnand 37th sts.. untll tt o'clock p. m. Advar-tlsemenl.! recelved at the following branchofflces at regular office rates until 8 o'clockp. m., viz.: 254 Sth-ave.. s. e. cor. lUd-at.;153 6th-ave.. ccr. 12ih-st.; _2 East llth-st..257 West 42d-st_. between 7th and 8th aves.:26_ West 125th-st.; 1.338 3d-ave., between76th anl 77th sts.; 1.026 3d-ave.. near 61stEt 1,708 lst-ave., n»-ar S9th-_t.: 157 East12_th-st.: 7-'> Trcmont-ave.; 660 3d-ave.,near 41st st; 6S4 3d-ave.; 210 Bleecker-st.; S3B Bleecker--*.

A..MME. JACQUI.N, 602 Cth-ave..Frenchemployment bureau; supplies oelect a_r-

vants. all capaclties. aU natlonalltlea, rec¬ommended help wanted; call early.

GOVERNES9 WANTED..A Well edu-cated. refined. Protestant lady. as gov-

emess for a boy of _ix; state age. chureh.health and general qualificatlons. AddressW. X Box '_!'. Trlbuno Ofllce.

HOU9EV.OHKKR.-rwo ln famiiy; nowashing. ?20; references required. Mrs.

COLLIEH 122 West ld st.


Situation* Wanted.Mala and Female.Four lines inot exceedlng 24 words), three

lnsertions. 15 cents; seven lnsertions, 30cents. Exceedlng 24 words and less than 41)words, three lnsertions, 30 cents, seven ln¬sertions, W) centa.


ACCOUNTANT wlsnes work evenings; trialliatanraa. statements, bookkeeping. et.

excellent references; terms modorute. Ad¬dress B Box 4. Tribune Office.

liOOK.K_l_.PER desires apactaj work or po-slUot. that will require part tlme; famlllar

wlth furiraiion ot partserahipa ar.d settle-ments, organization of corporations. broadexperlence ln auditlug, speclal examinationaaad preparing balar.ee sheets and state-

rner.ts; mod.rate eompenaatlon. ARTEMASHOPKIN8, 1 MaU.s-:i ave. Telephone 46ttOUramercy.BBIOHT, lntelllgent college atudenl; atanything for vacation; good penman. can

(urnlab reference. B. QOBDOX, careCharles Rlchards. 232 Bond-tit.. Brooklyn.

BOY, 16, brtadtt. wishes ptace ln an oflice.SOI. COHfc.N". 117 Ames-st., Brooklyn.

CoY wl-i'.ea place in offlce; knowledge ofstenography; references. F. MIL1.EK.

Ii/7 Green-st., Bfvoklv:;.

BOY. 17; reliable; al anything; offlce or

preierrod. three y.ais in HighIcho-1. Adcress J. BJEICHSRT. otlo lst _t.,Hobokaa, N. J.

BOY, lii. ex; c-rien'.d, would like to leama trade; pald while loarmng. STRALS.

410 ____: .-'d-s'.

Bu\ i rlght, to Itara tnide; electric pre¬ferred. J. M'AYoY. Ml Conay Island-

ave.. Krooklyn.

Ct'TTEK aad FITTi-H tn a merchanttallorlng atora Address SOLoMON

SCHNECK, SJ Ludlow-bt.

CARPENTER. cab.netmaker and allhandy man. by young German;

underatandi iius engine. shafting. ...

«ry. ate; baa toola. BARTSCH. 1x4 Mid-^t Brooklyn.

lAIU'i-N !'i:i:. abin.-tmaker, millwrtifiit;tirst class; tine refere: >. r*

fr.rn lar..l. .rd.. ;n\a..- ut factorlWdress MECHAN1C, C44 Park ave

lyn._CREAMKHY MAN To tak- cnarge otcrtamery underatands all _:nda of cream

ery work. Addiess S V O. Box IM. Uelhi.N Y

CBAUITET-B- Bespectabla young Amer¬lcan macbaalc; llcaaaed; la eouati

au at familsar aith l__ngIslan.l roudti. vaaes. t*o and expenats.Postofflce _h x 76 Mi_e.la. N. T.

i*llAl FFEl'K Former employer out oftown; b. ¦_ t v.rbal refer^u cs.

drtvar. J. U J'.. u_- tta ava

CHAUFFEUR..Experl.n. _d >>n gacari; .->-. j ::n-r;

mlaur repalrs. couniry. TlloilAS m ANLAN. 130 Alexander av.

DR1VKR or PtHlTtiliu.aker, als» so.la syrups: good re.',

1101 afra;d of Work. J.VMEs i-'RANi'E 33k>,, .... *<_.¦ _.

EXPESRIENCED Fl'lToil. adv.m-writer and pr>..ifiead': 4ft,-r

would work fr..u. s :iu t. t forill a*t week Vddr«sa VER8ATHJTY:;.\ 27. Trfboaa :"

TR1CIANluris.T ta. iry .-ui

preaent employer vddr««SW1TCH, rar. Henry :4knd». 258 Plaae-atNewaik. N. J.

ELBVATOR MAN. Fln ttl « ,»rloft bullding A.l.lreas Mii. HAM." 1438th a.r.

i:i.i:*rniii xns helperrienced. JOSEPH Z> .-

tiiat 74t!i st

FIHKMAN lr Oil --le.wilhsU.e*i'«rteuce. aiila i- do rap_draM-TKR _unu_|__N. U7 CarroUr-aL. mtook


"»gg?«t_.WCS?a£^l; i_no&-?£ajineerOotM. 1* isBOta; eejen laMrtioaa *»eenta *_-xce«-»li_g t* words and leas tnan _eword*. tliree ln**rUona 8-» c*nU; aaeea to-sertlon*. 60 ceata

fViRHMAN. Understands brass llnishlipress**. plating. poll»hlna. maehlnery a

etal aoods In general: been ln busln4metal good-hlmself. long "PTOence^ honest. ^.M*!results aerences. AddTibune Offlce

>R Wlshe* a change. h-.t or coidwater flats or tenenneris;

ateam and all repalr*. JANIT-'U. 414 ini

East 68th at._______.__

M v N

UORETZKI. 712 Adams st Wa*York. N. J._M*_N 30- wllbag to do anything. ooardinghouse preferred; dl

tl Wai worth el

M VNthing; g **l referen-.

GRAY. -.3. Fiushing av*

__l--'*HANiWl. BNGIN-.v-arv factory expcrlei

r. su;e.-intender.:n:achlner>. Addreaa A B.. Box BOfflce.

MAN Bi' ar>v tt'nd of work; respehoncat; eapertenced 'a '-mr* ot

gUe sccturlty lf required, beat ref-TAEGE. 7'i7 Ely -

PAINTER. paperhanger. plaaIng kaisominlug: will w rk for lai

¦.., slde waicenis ip. J KIHB

PRIVATE TUTORING. Gramn.arprl.iclp.il will prepare puplls I

sn years et

perleace TUTOR, Twenty thlrdY. M C. A.


PRIVATB I.ETE.TIVE By mun. Icorporatlon. no dlvorce busiiiees

erenres. clty or coontr] .1.11-FUL Box 53. 1.069 Gates-ave.. RreotUira_PL'MBER. -Al tinsm.th; in plumblngsh-p Satur.lav aftarnoona tn perfeet hlm¬

self In trade. no pay wanted. Address J.. XOB East 88th-»t.


SALESMAN desirse to represent ln New-Orleans a* .nan_.fart-i.-w s agec:

address; t>est references. R. W_ 9 BanTc-st.

WORK at lliustrating and dealgnlng bli-heads. business cards. et . ab orders

promptly attended to. Addreaa CHARLESPERCY BROWN. P. O. Box 146. Matawan.N. J._YOUNG M\N want* work tn arocary »toraCHRISTENSEN. 40© Wilt Kth-ef.

YOUNG MAN. as eutter on ladles* B*r-rr.ents; can draught pattema FRED 2A-

NIER. 11 7th ave._.XOUNQ MAN* wishe* p.\»ltlon at aajrthir.g;

¦r tands farmin* o( all kinds. B. 479 Br!dge-st.. Brooklyn.

YOUNG MAN. married: ln wholeaal* houseor store; Industrlous. honest and obllgtng.

R. SXMON, 107 W>st 108th-st.

YOUNG MAN. 29. wants »alary posltion aasalesman or some reilable position; can

furnlah Al referenee or bond, JACK LES-SER, 26 1'ark-at.. Brook


BOOXmm.-BBrX 16, t_> assist book-keeper; eaa furnlsh references. ¦alary

|5 or *ri. KATHEIUNE FR.V.NCK, 192Wyckoff-ave.,COMPANTON*.- By young lady to chlldren

.,r elderly lady; expert seamstresa. refer¬ences. Mlsa WHEELER. 64 Chestnut-at..Altany. N. 1*.Altany. N.

MASSEUSH would Uk* place ln famlly orinstltution, or w>uld go to summer

me; references. M. G.. 613 Wao:

STENOGRAPHER, typewrtter; good pen-man; accurate. wllllng, reflned. ambl-

tlous. experlenced. operates Rerr.tr.gt nn.Underwood ani others; as araanuensis pre¬ferred: aged 19. C. E. MORROW, Nyack.

STENOGRAPHER .Part nf each day atseaahore: capable, but r.ot exper

place a woman preferred. ref¬erences. Address M:«s A. B.. car* ofPrawer '.H. Tn y. N. Y.

STENOGRAPHER..By recent hlgh schoolgraduate. or ar-v kln i of offlce wcrlc

ROSE t.EFKOWTTZ. 2'.' Baat 9»th-3t.


Sltn.itlons Wanted.Ma!* and Femal-».Four line* (not exceedlng 24 words), thre*

Insertlon*. 15 cen.s. aeven lnsertlona 30eenta Exceedlng 24 words and leaa thar 40word*. three Insertlon*. 80 cent*; aeven ln¬sertlona 430 eenta

ATTENDANT. NURSE..Flfteen years- ln-Btltutlonal experler.ee and wtth r

gtnt:emar.; companlon superlntendent ofapartment. household; good wagaa, rec< m-mendatlona prominent physician*. wealthyfarailiea New-York. Addres* THoMAS F.L'UNN, 2 Ke*p-*t.. Madison. N. J.

ATTENDANT to invalld gentleman; g.odvaiet; experlenced masseur; be»t refer¬

ences. Address JOHN oTALTER. 510 West42d st.

BUTLER, 30, flve years" referenee f-nmlast *mpIo>er; honest and strlct abst&'n-

er; in prlv .te family. Addrea* BL'TL-iR,150 East ' aA-si.

COACHMAN.Aged 39. medlum ala*experience; best written and personal ref¬

erences, _ate employer can be seen. GIB-SON. 154 East 85th-*t.

COACHMAN. GARDENER..By Swe-le;marrled: no children: thoroughly experl¬

enced ln all branehes on gentleman's paaa*;high personal recommendatlnns. T.. car*of Llnqvist. 302 East 126th-»t.

COACHMAN. CARDBXER..German; un¬derstand* care of horses: good gardea*r

Addreaa R. SMITH, 475 Peari-st.

COACHMAN..Mlddle aged; very reilable:strictly sober; uaed to flne horaaa, iar-

rlages. haxness ete. very gocd man: beatreferences. THOMAS. Carpent*r» Bureau,154 6th-ave.

COA.-HMAN, gardener. lawna and generaluseful man. gc.,.1 driver; can fl',1 ; .ace

i hman; very tldy; good appearance,weil recomm_ended. PATRICK, Carpen-.er'sBureau. 1T,4 8th ave.

CO.vcHMAN. GARDENER By mlddleaged Englishman; slngle; thoroughly un¬

derstands care of horae*IE, _ar« McHugh. 1.0M Park i

COACHMAN"..German; slngle; ln privatefan.'.ly; thoroughly eompetent, carefnl;

gpartence; g^od references. HBNRT,care Mrs. Perkrns. 162 C_-;amber»-st.

COACHMAN. GROOM..By Engllahnan,,^-d. thoroughly

tent; medlum size.1; rwat appeuiance.smart workman: r.lce driver; all ax, und

servant. s:.. trate, wlllng.re?pe.-tf.'.l; p.rl\a:e family;anyvvhere. good recomnren,'..

wages mo.1. .MAX..' Mrs. Smith. 3.»> West 43d-*t.. aec-

ur-.d r!

OARDRNER ar.d FLORIST..Norweglan;2'j years" exper;ence: age, 33, married;

._s from best b< aprivate an.l commerclal places ln Amerlca.England. France. Germany and Nor\va> ashead gardener. staid wages and p._.r:.O E. \v;;o. 1.-39 South-ave.. RlahnflelAN. J

GARDENER ally experi-

flowers and .. .-d ln-dustxtous. GARDENER, 4 Chat.iiim Square.GARl'ENER.- Marrled, no famtiy; Pmtea-

tant; wlfe asihoroue. opetent; long experlene*;

: refer>n,.e. Call ur add.es* W. R.,346 West 3oth st.

GARDENER..Scotsh; marred: nn r.wants heuse; long experience ln tvery

brane w'.aas. ete 6n* vegetable gre wer.ej. liANlEL, at e'arpecier's

154 6th-ave.

OARDENER'S AS.>ISTANT .Some experlcan drive if needed; young. -ner-

mg to be u*eful:ended JAMES. Carp*nter"s

Bureau. 154 6th ave._ j

OARDENER Has had 1*4 years of prac-tical experlen. e ln greenhouse. gard«n.

lanlaeapmg. farm. poultry. Incubators. wlfeitter muker. would board help. rof-

,. Box 115, Irvlr...

GARDENER -German. ._¦» yeara experi¬ence tn tariui.ig and - nrst

claa* t.iliy ooderstanda hisbusiness. to take

Ippl) la U*M l'ulnt.Long Islaad. N V

GAIU>KN'lr_R. tngllsh. p.Tvatw'..'> iraiv practtcal experience in all

branchea f areenhousehighr^t referencea WlLia.VMS. lihitiecil-TN V

USEFUL MAN By youug eolored manreferenee prescn:


boats 3'~i years lastiter. CHAS

1SKF1 1. M vs- singlecountry preferred. I'AK.T. -22* t'.oal

. .lon: lat ely with

Eugl'.shaa Addresm cV»UR1ER. SwU.,ive

CXIMPANION ,.r HiX'SKKESiPaB.tlned laly a* coaspamunv p, m;i. n -f iruat In. IT.TUKKl. B.,x 34. Advt. tMBe*Gates il)nCOOK Tnoroughly Hiat ctasa: Frenoh andAmeriean cooklug; excellent clty relae-ence, wage* $50. Mra MCpClNSON 9 C^-

4S2^ .***.**. ".» *-wfioaava Tal.

wnmnf ____r_t-_sie_0-a >i.\ili>.

Hlwi-to. WaatetlFour ilnes tmot .ceaitr.

laaarUona.can**. ExracG.words. IhttM !0*i "..I* v*> ..<;»:_. ....* u¦ertlona. «0

.a prt-. very

-.-__..BS -Varr-an.good

Mrs. ALMa ith?

mpetant !n ._!

veais'A H -V

and LaUNDRESS: CHA-7a=TlpLM .II' and WAITRESS Two a»a- -r-

Mrs HAS.--. AGENCY. 1.028 ld »v»,near 61

COOK and LAUNDREari .Experleoas*German Hungarlan Protestant girl: .ttg

or couniry. country preferred, personal ref¬erencea D. HERZ. 182 East 4th st.

COOK. maid. seamatraaareferencaa. at Mlaa LARSON'S Etnploy-

ment offlce. 33 W.ec 24 \o*a.Madlson SquaT-._CHAMBERMAID.By a newl7 landad

:, wl'.ling tr, do walting. aew¬

lng or eaalm wltb chlldren: wages Ht.(""al! at L.VNG * BOE^HERER CXX, IBWest 27th-s».

chambermaIi. v.aitress or Hocas-WORK-b __i* w n_aa.

two years' peraonal -.:y referar.-aa: -Ity arcountry. C. G., Mrs. Colller-a 123 W«s»

23d-st._DAY'3 WORK or offlce ciaaaing; dtr *a>»erencea- FARREIL 4M Sth-ase.

DAY'S WOn .By reapertabla wtdcw;laeworg, sewlr.g _:

r.. es. Mra QiUI,¦ :.:_._.__. fr.jnt.

DAY'S WORK..By r_apect____a woman;few dais' work !n week, go out ^r -_ka

home. Mrs "VVILboN. 544 Waat 4ttr.

HOU3EW ORKER..By aaat younggood cook; caa baka; ax

laun.lress. r.as friend curaa; c»ty c:

try; reference. MORROW*5 BLTLE..East __'.

HOUSEKEEPER..A wldo^s* woold

famiiy. Address Mra. M. MAP-TTN". 311

HOCS _-WOR R..By mlddla agemar-*** <^tat-_fc

neat. and has good rafer«n-es i;j",_;: Mr*. Af MA BEN ___-


HOU3EK >man ""-.-:_-



HOU3EWORKER..By a young Bngllsaspeakln< woman, experienced; wants g-o4

home .r.try preferred. pe.-sona*referer.es. HERZ. 162 East 4th-a:.

HOC3ETVORK. laur.dry. platn

AGENCY. 263 V.e__ 47th-at._JANIT1 -8 widow w'.shee


JANIT" ¦ aged A-il ra

GDBARY 214 East U6l

LAUNDKKSS .Flrst -lass: c.


MAID and SEAMSTRESH .SwaIng to aaa

erence; wages. J22_: Mrs. Pa teraoa's bell.

MAID and SEge: pla

wncm ahe cai,for three daystown Offlce. 1

MOTHER and son cf 10 wllgethcr in the

furnlsh good re:'orence.->I.'KSON. 113 Park st Hart-ord, an

NUKSE-.English; take entiretr.val.

SS6 Columbus-ava.

NUR3E and attendantgentleman by a thor

womanv-nce; highest referladies: no cards a__East 54th st._NURSE.--''

not under three ye*-*ence last aanptoyer Nof Behrens. 13- Wi

NTR9B-Flrst '.laaa:mar.

charge: b»*t tsJ-i.caa *t '_. Tribuna¦. Cittlc*. 1.3H4 Broadway

NURSEcharge of y

Ing; ve-.iferred. F

.32 St. Ann's-ave.

testant: a.sist jhaaibe

chlldren 8 yeM. H Mrs >* .Ui-r s. 122 West __d st

NUYtSEP.Ycom r..

_!____ v Addr,se. 503 East SSth-et.

MI'ANIoN Experienced gea-Uewoman as uaefm .oc^panlon to lady. _»

woull m-iiiij." _.msaho__. referencea. J.M 10 East llth-st._WAITRES5. ae By Swede;

aad sear-stress: gcJUSSILA B. i_____s__aWArTtBF.SS. --Strtctly fi-st .liaa. wJU aa-

ai3t ch*.mbenr.aid: excellent reforea.-es:leaving 'f fa_n:!y cloaing houaa.B R ^ar. 122 "Waat 23d el.Phone 199fr-Cha_S-a.

The net sales of the

Daily and SundayTRIBUNEfor March, 1905,


r 42XMoiv Than During the San:

Month in 1

ADVERTISINGDaring januarv, Fel

und Mar.:

TRIBUN17 ailverti-mc advcr'


139 ColumnslUtiou Booka Op»*n ta AUJ

7t Results Ailver: