ft in n i yl :i si .1. v 'rsbe:' rft4 in n h h k n il h si h v 0 i 1 x 1 i yl fl fi n u...

4 ft in n H H k N il H . Si H V 0 I 1 X 1 Yl fl fi n u 11 u a 1 II r li i :i .1. 71 V 1 ? V 'rsBE:' VOL. IX. NO. 88. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATURDAY, APRIL lit, ISS9. price ") CENTS. ilusincsis Cnnls. THE SAM0AN CALAMITY. business Cards. dwelt in God. Should wo hesitate to live and die for Him when He has said, "If a man believe in me, though he were dead yet shall he live; ami whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." The preacher said it was tho bonds of brotherhood which brought them together that afternoon, people of England, of America, of Germany, ami of these inlands. They were drawn thither because God had made of one No. 106 Fort Street. THOS. G. THRUM. Brewer's Block. THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS ri'DLISUED Every 3Iorniiii? Except Sundays. SCl'CHU-nO.N- S : STATIONER, BOO KSKLLER? NEWSDEALER Etc., Etc. Respectfully notifies the public of Honolulu and residents of the islands generally that having resumed business as above and ert'eeted connections abroad with the ob- ject of enhancing all interests in obtaining promnt attention to orders, with best goods at lowest market rates. While the following enumerated line embody the several departments, patrons are assured that all orders will have careful consideration. Fine A full assortment of Fashionable and Commercial Stationery is now on baud Stationery, aud will be replenished monthly with Staple Goods aud Novelties as they appear. Notwithstanding the distance from source of supplies the stock of miscellan-liooks- : eons ltooks Is lare and varied and will be made just as full and attractive as the libles. tastes aud demands of the people require. Special orders forwarded bv regular steamer and filled at list prices excepting a few certain hues. This fea'.ure having been taken up again will be Riven careful attention for News prempt delivery to city or mail subscribers. Latest dates to band by evt rv mail. Apenoy. Counter customers can h ive their supplies reserved, if notified iu time. Special papers or periodicals procured to order. The leading American and English Magazines rnd Rexews regularly received, Maca.lnes. as also a varied list of Fashion publications. Subscriptions can eommeiice at any time Hack numbers sent lor as Choice Some 70 00 copies of Seaside, No els. ket not loi a since and yet people I.ovell and other Libraries were forced on the ma are crying for more. A fresh stock lias just been received of favorite authors and new issues will arrive by each mail. Xt present this branch is confined to epecial orders. So soon as public demand warrants it a full stock of Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music and Standard Co- llections will be kept on hand. Comprising Windsor & Newton's Oil Colors and aud Artists' Sundries. Drawing Taper, i lain or mounted; Tracing Cloth, etc. A few choice tets Water Colors, as also a large variety of cheaper grades for the little folks. In order to close out this line of really fine Tictures subjects from emi nent artists a lare leduction in prices have been trade. Dargaius are offered also in quite a variety of Panel Pictures, plaiu or framed; Photo. Frames, etc. It is planned to carry this stock as a feature of the store through the year, instead of confining it to the holidays, in order to meet the birthdays and their recurrent demauds that are always happening in every will regulated community. This class or line of goods in stock, while full and varied, is being added to con- tinually, as attractive and serviceable novelties appear from time to time. The receipt of a new invoice of Mrs. Sinclair's Ispioenoi s Flowers enables all orders to meet with prompt attention. Ily the opening up of the Parcels Post system with the United States this universally admired work can now be mailed thither at a moderate charge. Hawaiian Annuals, Jarvis' Uistohv of Hawn. Js., Andrews' Dictionary, Uawn. Cook Look, etc., constantly ou hand. Collections or sets of the full series of engraved Postage Stamps of Hawaii, ruouuted. showing date of issue, etc., on hand or put up to order on short notice; new or cancelled. Music. Artists' Materials. Artotypes and Frames. Toys ami Notions. Fancy (ioods. Specialties. Hawaiian Stamps. Irintinr Having special facilities and advantages In this department, customers can (lri,jVi rely on all orders meeting with care aud attention lor execution in the hichest style Qf the art Minding All orders for Bin "iug also faithfully attended to. whether magazines, papers. Orders, inusic, ruling, or the of special sizes or kinds of Blank Books. Term - Cash Tnls is an important point in all business transactions, In taking up again the business set forth above it is planned to conduct it on a cash basis as strictly as Monthlv possible, though accounts for prompt monthly settlements will be allowed. ..' l i, ,e lB' Orders from unknown parties on the other Islands must be accompani ed with cash or responsible city reference. Finall v. All orders faithfully attended to. whether for City or out of town patrons. Goods not in stock will be procured as speedily as possible, in town or from abroad as directed. :o:- - 1 mprs!l e Memorial Service at St. Andrew Cathedral Vavlou I'nlte In llnring tle Memory of the Jol ami the llraie. St. Andrew's Anlioait Catltodrul v;is comitlotely lillod with a reprosontativo con rogation at o o'clock Wo'lnesday afternoon, on tho occasion of a service in memory of the late Oupt. C. N. Schoon-make- r, commander of the lT. S. Van-dali- a, Mr. F. II. Arms, paymaster of the same ship, and other victims of the naval disaster at Samoa. A mon those present were Princess Kainlani attended by her father, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn : Frince David Kawa-nanako- a, accompanied by Mr. James YY. Kobertson, II. M.'s acting Chamber- lain ; lion. A. F. .ludd, Chancellor and Chief Justice, with Mrs. Judd; His Kx-eellen- ey Jonathan Austin, Minister ot Foreign Affairs; His Fxcelleney tieorge W. Merrill, United States .Minister Resi- dent, ami Mrs. Merrill; Major J. II. Wotlehouse, II. T. M.'s Commissiotne and Consul-Cienor- al ; Mr. d'Anglade, French Commissioner; Mr. Canavai ro, Portuguese Commissioner; Mr. II. F. Glade, Gorman Consul; Mr. F. A. Schafer, Italian Consul, and Mrs. Schaefer; Mr. 11. W. Schmidt, Consul for Sweden and Norway; Mr. T. II. Walker, British Vice-Consu- l, and Mrs. Walker; Captain Green and officers of the U. S. S. Alert, Captain Nicolls and otlicers of II. B. M. S. Cormorant, Kev. lr. Beckwith, lion. C. K. lUshop, Hon. II. A. Widemann, Hon. John O. lom-ini- s, lion, and Mrs. W. F. Allen, Hon. and Mrs. II. M. Whitnev, Hon. and Mrs. W. W. Hall, Hon. M. F. Bobinson, Mr. J. II. Soper, Marshal of the Kingdom, and Mrs. Sojer; Capt. II. W. Mist, B. N., and Mrs. Mist; Mrs. J. O. Carter, Mrs. S. M. Damon, Mrs. B . Lowers, Mrs. A. Fuller, Mrs. J. W. Robertson, Lieut. Moore of the Alert and Mrs. Moore. Mrs. A. T. Atkinson, Mis. George W. Board-ma- n, Mrs. Saml. Parker, Mrs. Kahau-Ieli- o, Mr. aud Mrs. F. W. Jordan, Mr. S. N. Bouton, Prof. M. M. Scott, Mr. II. Benjes, Mr. J. Hoting, Idr. Tom May, Mr. James G. Spencer, and many other ladies and gentlemen. The Sisters and pupils of St. Andrew's Priory were pre- sent in a group. Detachments of Ameri- can and British marines and blue jackets, from the Alert and Cormorant, were as- signed special accommodation. A pla- toon of police also attended the service, marching to and from the church. Decorations were exceedingly beauti- ful and suggestive. Flowers ot subdued tints were mingled witlthe white roses and lilies in the floral compositions. Two vases of llowers stood on the altar table, while a row of Japanese flower stands, magnificently tilled, was ranged on the steps. Over the choir was suspended a floral anchor, and several of the massive pillars were decorated, severally, with anchors, cross, sickle, and lilies. A splendid wreath, in form and size like a ship's life preserver, composed of white roses spangled with heliotrope, appeared on the pulpit front, it bore across the diameter, in the same flowers, the letters "IS. S. N." Another lovely wreath of smaller size adorned the lectern. The finest compositions were two pillows, one on the kneeling cushion, the other on top, of the litany desk. "Vandalia" appeared in floral letters on a body of ferns in the former, while upon a basis of maiden hair fern in the latter were the initials "S." and "A." for Captain Schoonmaker and Paymaster Arms, who were members of the Second Congrega- tion. The floral emblems were the handiwork of Mrs. J. W. Robertson, Mrs. Pierre Jones, Mrs. Boardman, Mrs. Eben Low, Mrs. J. II. Boyd, Miss Hessie Dickson and Mr. James W. McGuire. After the service the large anchor and two wreaths were taken to Nuuanu Cemetery and deposited in the G. A. R. lot. It had been the intention to make similar disposition of ail the floral de- vices, but at the request of ladies of Central Union Church the pillows were reserved for use at the memorial service of that congregation next evening. The service was itself very impressive. It was conducted in the following order: Funeral March "In Memoriam" Or- - pan, by Mr. Wray Taylor. Hymn 28o. by the Choir. Versifies and Responses, led by Rev. A. Mackintosh. Psalm li:. Proper Psalms 4't, !": , 130. First Lesson Isaiah xl., read "nv Rt. Kev. Bishop Willis, followed by the psalm ;'). Second Lesson Revelations xxii.. to verse 13, read by Rev. H. II. Cio-.ven- . Nunc Diinmiti". Apostles' ('reed. Versicles and Responses Special prayers bv Rev. Geo. Wallace, followed by Hymn 221. Sernion by Rev. Ceo. Wallace. II vnm 222. followed by the Benediction from the bishop. Dc.id March in Saul, by the 'nvruni-t- . The musical portions of the service were especially well rendered. An air of solemnity the congregation throughout, and tears of real mourning stood in many eyes. Mr. Wallace preached an eloquent discourse from the words in the'.'oth Psalm, "The sea is his, and he made it." They were in the presence of a widespread calamity, their hearts were tender with a great sorrow. Miht He who bad sounded the depths of human anguish himself lead him fo fitly apply the lessons of the .sad occa- sion. Earthquakes, tidal waves, devast- ating storms, all testify to the terrible fact of death, but. multiply these ten times and they would not have a tithe of the world's woe. Philosophy prescribed mental fortitude and material anodynes for the prevention of suffering, but in both ways it had proved a failure and they must seek elsewhere an answer to the question, "Is there such a thing as a God over all or a Providence ot God?" The preacher Paw all tilings in the vegetable, animal, spiritual and moral spheres obeying the laws of God. If He did not teach them those laws and write them in their hearts, they were of all men the most miserable. Self-sacrifi- dwelt in m?n breau c it Australian Mail Service FUii SAN FRANCISCO. The new and fne Al steel steaxusniv "MARIPOSA" Of ttn Oft'Hiik" sjeaaisfiip Coiuauy , w iU be Ju at Hi)i!Ilu f roiu Syilney aud Aucfeliunl an or dbout May Itll, 1889, wm;v, fr uv rr mfti! iHut;soiioruLout tut.dite. cc frt-ui- or piissiure, havlag: Ui'EllIOF ALl OMMOLi.V UO.NS.it ply to Wm. U. Irwin & Co., For Sydney and Auckland. . rVZ I tie new ana flne Al steel steamship fcS ZEALANDIA " Of the Oceanic Steamship Company , will be due at lionoiuiu from San t'ratidsco or or about Apr. 18, 1809. And will nave prompt dMpatrn with mails an asseuijers for the above K'rts. For freight or p;iHi,'e, having SUPERIOR AC CUMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. Ct. Irwin & Co., AOKNTS CIau3 SprecKela Wm. G. Irwin. CLACS SPKECKELS & CO. BANKERS, HONOl.CLU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Kxchange on the principal parts o th world. Will receive deposits on open account, makf collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits boariner interest received la their Sav int-- s Department subject to published rules and 17oc3tf HNT ERPBIS Sr. PLANING MILL., ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. 174 Telephone 55. II. G. CRABBE, . II V T q (-- -- A x X V LV 1 King Sireet, - Honolulu, Opp. the old Police Station. TREO. F. SEVER IX Photographer, II fak-- : n the Studio formerly occupied by A. A. MoctAtiO, co-ner- of KINO and FOKT STS., Iictures in any Stvle riir.ti.fc' done for Amateurs. Cabinets $G adoz. Work guaranteed. ? Fr.'rv, .in r'jrt 5tr?t. 173-t- f PIOXEER Steam Candy Facton li t AND li j. KE H Y . IT. PIORIsT. Practical r' nfpetioner. Pastry Ccok and Baker. P.ich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 HCotol Street. IIAKRY'S LUNCH K00XS ' IIHTKI. iTKEET. i Open all Nidit! Meals at all Hours. Kft"i'i the Host Cnrt'ee. Ton ami t'liooo- - lto to be lirnl in the City j j Mush ami llilk eory mornif.ii. A Change of Dinner Every Day! Hawaii nil Fertiiiziny: Co. Manufacturer;: vi arui IValors in J Cane IFer-tilizevs- i BONK MKALS ir.a.le to order ; i STABLE MANURE, rotted and mixed. I i ON IIANl AND FOR SALE In ijuantities to .suit. A. F. COOKE, Manager, j Factory, Honolulu, II. I. lGl-Ci- n I The Liverpool and Lon-- j don and Globe IXSURAXCI CO' ILSTAHLISHEI) Is? 6. - et S 40,0 IO.OOO Net Income 4.t..MlO Claim I'aiil . H2.3ol,Ot0 Takf s KiSs axir.st Less or Pinuce hy t ire on Ltu:Idi:it,4, M.icLiuery, Sr-i- Mills, Lv ih uj aiid Fxiruiture, ou the most t'.iwr.tMe terms. 33isliop Su Co. 1 S. FOSTER & CO., WHOLESALE Gil to AND Purchasing Agents. Sole Agents for Sitm'sou's Ti-o-C- ai Brand Diamond Creamery BUTTER. rpiHS CELEBRATED BUTTER I X of the litiL-.-- t tmality, ma.lo upon the Pani.-- h unl American systems combine..!. Facketl in hermcticallv sealed tins, and warranted to keep in hot climates. 2G and "JS California t, SAX FRANCISCO, : : CAL. l i :oviv B. LEVY & SOX, Importers, Wholesale Dtalers and Commission Merchants In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AXD I' li ODL'CE. to SUorJm of all tmJMn We are prepared a " i" our line, and e kinds of fruit for lou distance market,. iT.,.T,i Islind ivitrouae will receive special attention. and Sau.-oni- e St., San Francisco, p.o'box 174-- m.tt uti ...... t. U. t..-- ll-C- ai AfBt for HiwaiUn SUX FIRE OFFICE,! OF LU X I) O X . KBttablisliod 1710. I "8urtiCAefrf-te.i- l ur"-- every de?:rirtion ..f j ' ToUl Sum Injured in l- - 5 .. -7- -- o tt - i w ,i rr;;,rt:l li rai-.ty- . I J :r., i.c tlonol tiio w"1 ",,uM G. W. Mm-t'av!;ui- e & Co. I Im A cuts for TI-- iiim ''ll FELIX OLLEUT, Artistic Ertrnmr ( Wood j .f Harper 1 -- .. N. V.) Cont ract3 Exi - "'i ( it f r'K at ) PI 1'l.nMA. Ar.r Pkit.. H vkith I'.k -- . ) Nkw V"!;k. April, J;'T. y.-::- cm- - i ii .win .i rt--- ( l a I,..."ll.,',.f llr... V S'.id. i"- - - ; j Co ,. 2H MlH Udi.l bt. liespectfully submitted, Tlios. Gr. Tliinim. Dailt F. C. .ivEnr;-ER- . one year fo 00 six moiittu 3 10 i p?r monlb 50 ffttsLr Hiw.viux OiZEtri;, one yer 5 L0 . foreigu iu-- c India I'vita' Vnynhle Jariby in Al iinfo. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., IVsioiSoe Cox O. Honolulu. II. I. u.sia?.s.s Cards. LEWERS k COOKE, iSuocessors to Lew era i Dicksou) linporlern hii1 Ioaler lu Lumber Aud Kiuds of Luilditii MittrUti. No. 82 FOR T TliELT. HoaoluUi. ltf J. ALFRED MAG00N, Attornev - at Law, il Merchant Street, Ilouoluhi. ltf JOHN T. WATERH0USE. liKi orter ud Dealer iu GENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. 'i'v-'- U Q.ueeu Stret. Honolulu, ltf H. HACKFELD & CO-- , General Commission Agents Cor. Fort A. Queen Sts.. IIouolulu. ltf BEAVER SALOON, Tort Street, Ofipooitc Wilder V (o.'s, 11. J. NOLTE. I'KOI'KIETOR. First-civ- s Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, sodJk Water, Ginger Ale or Milt. nKu From 3 n. ui. till 10 p.m. firSmokers Requisite a Sref ialty. ltf R. W. FRAZER. MERCHANT TAILOR, Cr. Kia and Alakea Sis., Honolulu. Moderate ch.r;. good workmanship and a perfect at gu.tratiieea. L GERMANIA MARKET. geo. m. uvcrr, - - - rRoriUETOK. Fort street, Honolulu. BEEF, LiUTTON AND VEAL. rreiJi Smixie, l'ork, Etc., Consuttly an hand. Shipping served on short EOlICt HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, Holler, M";ar HU. Couler. Rra in.l I.e;l CnHtius. made to Anl rJAchiu7 of every Je.criptlon order rrtio.iUr.tteuton A to-hi- ps bl; Jo; workcutel ou the D'nce. . THE ROYAL SALOON, Cor. Miuanu and Merchant Street Under the Management of E. EI. F- - A oiter. trncents rer ;lis- - I Walker & Keihvarcl, Contractors & Builders I 13rici. Stone And Wden tiiven. A!te,uiel , Jobbing ITo.iiptlT K INC. STREET. p. O. Box 423 ii tf J)AVIS & WILDEK, 52 FOUT STKKF.T. blood all nations of men. They were assembled to testify of the bravery of men who had died at the post of duty boide their wrecked and sunken ships. They came thereto thank God that thoso men met their death like heroes, lighting the tempest and not in the strife of battle with each other. They were there to render thanks to God that the cheers which rent the air that day were not the cheers of victory over slain foe-me- n, but cheers of brave men because, another noble ship had escajvd from the perils that they were struggling with. It made us better men to know that these had added to the list of noble men who died doing their duty. Reference was made clemientlv to the wave of ympathy passing round the world for tl ie amoan disaster as the tidings of sorrow entered homes in California, New- - England, Germany and the British Islands. To many sorrowing hearts the news was mingled with the sweet voice thai brought hope of a reunion with lost dear ones when the sea shall give up its dead. Touching allusion was made in closing to "those courteous, Christian gentlemen who but a little while ago were going in and out among us," of whom there was no doubt that they had died like men. It was the devout habit of two of them to kneel in this place and take of the cup of salva- tion. Now it was given them to drink of the water of life and eat of the manna everlasting. The sermon concluded with a word picture of the sea as emblematic of life and the love of God. As the congregation dispersed to the music of the dead march, a striking inci- dent occurred which was apparently without previous intention. The Eng- lish marines and sailors formed in line to the right, and the American detach- ment to the left, marching, as it were, shoulder to shoulder to the boat landing. CORRESPONDENCE. We do not hold ourselves responnlble for the statements made, or opimoua exircHed by our correspondents. The Tramway. Mr. Editor: Public opinion is certainly averse to laying rails on narrow Fort street; and I think it about timo that such opinion found vent. AVliilo few people are heard to object to street cars when run on streets suitable and wide enough, I think that all sensible persons object to tho disgraceful manner in which some parts of Fort street are being cut up in order to enrich a few indi- viduals who do not reside in the kingdom. It seems to be the policy o the II. T. Co. to grab all and con cede little. To what extent the Company would go, if not prevented, was demonstrated a short time since by their laying T rails on the Wai-ki- ki bridge, to tho detriment of all other traffic. There is no knowing what may be the result if the author- ities allow this syndicate of foreign capitalists to monopolize our princi- pal business thoroughfares, already condemned as by far too narrow for the city traffic and travel, outside of thp tramway car business. A patition in favor of laying a track on Fort street, signed by a few short-sighte- d shopkeepers when the subject of street cars was first mooted here, ought not to be deemed sufficient reason for making that thoroughfare absolutely dangerous, and at times impassable for all who travel in vehicles. If storekeepers blindly encourage the blockading of Fort street by the cars, as a natural consequence their carriage customers will seek wider and safer localities to do their shopping in. I f?cl sure that if the sentiment of the public generally had been consulted on the matter, nine out of every ten would have condemned tramway cars on Fort street. Ihe last Legislature, though unwisely permitting rails to be laid on thoroughfares almost too narrow to be called lanes in other countries, could not ignore the palp- able fact, that Fort street was out of the question. There are many rea- sons why street cars should bo pro- hibited on narrow streets. Accidents are becoming quite numerous, owing to the difficulty of crossing tho rails where thoy project abovo the level of the road; and if accidents from this cause occur on a wide street like King, how much oftener will the' occur on a narrow street like Fort. That the rails do project in many places is a notorious fact, which the proper authorities should insist on being remedied before more serious accidents occur. Citizen. George H. Vanderbilt has pur- chased 1,000 acres of mountain land near Asheville, N. C, where he will build a large industrial institution for the ol neat ion of poor white chil- dren, who will be taught how to work in wood and metals, and thus become skilled mechanics. The in-- s itute will be liberally endowed, as Mr. Vanderbilt intends to make it a j monument to his family. 1261-l- m S. N. CaSTLE. J. B ATHERTON. Q. P. CASTLE. W. A. BOWEN. EDW. D. TENNEY. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN desired. C0-- 9t Tiohala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papaikou Sugar Co. NOTT m mi Housekeeping Gx50ds. and Sheet Iron Work 67 General jVEeichainciise. -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation. A. II. Smith & Co., Koloa, Eaual, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Fiancisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson SEWING MACHUNTES. tr J OHN Stoves, Ranges and Plumbing, Tin, Copper Mr. relixOIVrttva f.r (vmI iMPOBTBESls1,;:;1:;:;:;;;':; S ! reliable an-- upright rorer A ProVMlon nealrrn. -- .yRtaU GOODS BV EVER! STEAMK.-- ii

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Page 1: ft in n i Yl :i Si .1. V 'rsBE:' rft4 in n H H k N il H Si H V 0 I 1 X 1 i Yl fl fi n u 11:i u.1.a 1 71 II r li V 1? V 'rsBE:' VOL. IX. NO. 88. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATURDAY,


ft in nH H k N il H.

Si H V 0 I 1 X 1Yl fl fi n u 11 u a 1 II r li

i :i .1. 71 V



ilusincsis Cnnls. THE SAM0AN CALAMITY.business Cards. dwelt in God. Should wo hesitate tolive and die for Him when He has said,"If a man believe in me, though he weredead yet shall he live; ami whosoeverliveth and believeth in me shall neverdie." The preacher said it was thobonds of brotherhood which broughtthem together that afternoon, people ofEngland, of America, of Germany, amiof these inlands. They were drawnthither because God had made of one

No. 106Fort Street. THOS. G. THRUM. Brewer's



Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every 3Iorniiii? Except Sundays.


Etc., Etc.Respectfully notifies the public of Honolulu and residents of the islands generally thathaving resumed business as above and ert'eeted connections abroad with the ob-

ject of enhancing all interests in obtaining promnt attention to orders,with best goods at lowest market rates. While the following

enumerated line embody the several departments, patronsare assured that all orders will have careful


Fine A full assortment of Fashionable and Commercial Stationery is now on baudStationery, aud will be replenished monthly with Staple Goods aud Novelties as they appear.Notwithstanding the distance from source of supplies the stock of miscellan-liooks- :

eons ltooks Is lare and varied and will be made just as full and attractive as thelibles. tastes aud demands of the people require. Special orders forwarded bv regularsteamer and filled at list prices excepting a few certain hues.

This fea'.ure having been taken up again will be Riven careful attention forNews prempt delivery to city or mail subscribers. Latest dates to band by evt rv mail.

Apenoy. Counter customers can h ive their supplies reserved, if notified iu time. Specialpapers or periodicals procured to order.

The leading American and English Magazines rnd Rexews regularly received,Maca.lnes. as also a varied list of Fashion publications. Subscriptions can eommeiice at any

time Hack numbers sent lor as

Choice Some 70 00 copies of Seaside,No els. ket not loi a since and yet people

I.ovell and other Libraries were forced on the maare crying for more. A fresh stock lias just been

received of favorite authors and new issues will arrive by each mail.Xt present this branch is confined to epecial orders. So soon as public demand

warrants it a full stock of Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music and Standard Co-llections will be kept on hand.

Comprising Windsor & Newton's Oil Colors and aud Artists' Sundries. DrawingTaper, i lain or mounted; Tracing Cloth, etc. A few choice tets Water Colors, asalso a large variety of cheaper grades for the little folks.

In order to close out this line of really fine Tictures subjects from emi nentartists a lare leduction in prices have been trade. Dargaius are offered also inquite a variety of Panel Pictures, plaiu or framed; Photo. Frames, etc.

It is planned to carry this stock as a feature of the store through the year, insteadof confining it to the holidays, in order to meet the birthdays and their recurrentdemauds that are always happening in every will regulated community.

This class or line of goods in stock, while full and varied, is being added to con-tinually, as attractive and serviceable novelties appear from time to time.

The receipt of a new invoice of Mrs. Sinclair's Ispioenoi s Flowers enables allorders to meet with prompt attention. Ily the opening up of the Parcels Postsystem with the United States this universally admired work can now be mailedthither at a moderate charge. Hawaiian Annuals, Jarvis' Uistohv of Hawn. Js.,Andrews' Dictionary, Uawn. Cook Look, etc., constantly ou hand.

Collections or sets of the full series of engraved Postage Stamps of Hawaii,ruouuted. showing date of issue, etc., on hand or put up to order on short notice;new or cancelled.









Irintinr Having special facilities and advantages In this department, customers can(lri,jVi rely on all orders meeting with care aud attention lor execution in the hicheststyle Qf the art

Minding All orders for Bin "iug also faithfully attended to. whether magazines, papers.Orders, inusic, ruling, or the of special sizes or kinds of Blank Books.

Term - Cash Tnls is an important point in all business transactions, In taking up again thebusiness set forth above it is planned to conduct it on a cash basis as strictly as

Monthlv possible, though accounts for prompt monthly settlements will be allowed...' l i, ,e lB' Orders from unknown parties on the other Islands must be accompani ed with

cash or responsible city reference.

Finall v.All orders faithfully attended to. whether for City or out of town patrons.

Goods not in stock will be procured as speedily as possible, in town or fromabroad as directed.

:o:- -

1 mprs!l e Memorial Service at St.Andrew Cathedral Vavlou

I'nlte In llnring tleMemory of the Jol ami the llraie.

St. Andrew's Anlioait Catltodrul v;iscomitlotely lillod with a reprosontativocon rogation at o o'clock Wo'lnesdayafternoon, on tho occasion of a service inmemory of the late Oupt. C. N. Schoon-make- r,

commander of the lT. S. Van-dali- a,

Mr. F. II. Arms, paymaster of thesame ship, and other victims of the navaldisaster at Samoa.

A mon those present were PrincessKainlani attended by her father, Hon.A. S. Cleghorn : Frince David Kawa-nanako- a,

accompanied by Mr. JamesYY. Kobertson, II. M.'s acting Chamber-lain ; lion. A. F. .ludd, Chancellor andChief Justice, with Mrs. Judd; His Kx-eellen- ey

Jonathan Austin, Minister otForeign Affairs; His Fxcelleney tieorgeW. Merrill, United States .Minister Resi-

dent, ami Mrs. Merrill; Major J. II.Wotlehouse, II. T. M.'s Commissiotneand Consul-Cienor- al ; Mr. d'Anglade,French Commissioner; Mr. Canavai ro,Portuguese Commissioner; Mr. II. F.Glade, Gorman Consul; Mr. F. A.Schafer, Italian Consul, and Mrs.Schaefer; Mr. 11. W. Schmidt, Consulfor Sweden and Norway; Mr. T. II.Walker, British Vice-Consu- l, and Mrs.Walker; Captain Green and officers ofthe U. S. S. Alert, Captain Nicolls andotlicers of II. B. M. S. Cormorant, Kev.lr. Beckwith, lion. C. K. lUshop, Hon.II. A. Widemann, Hon. John O. lom-ini- s,

lion, and Mrs. W. F. Allen, Hon.and Mrs. II. M. Whitnev, Hon. and Mrs.W. W. Hall, Hon. M. F. Bobinson, Mr.J. II. Soper, Marshal of the Kingdom,and Mrs. Sojer; Capt. II. W. Mist, B.N., and Mrs. Mist; Mrs. J. O. Carter,Mrs. S. M. Damon, Mrs. B . Lowers, Mrs.A. Fuller, Mrs. J. W. Robertson, Lieut.Moore of the Alert and Mrs. Moore. Mrs.A. T. Atkinson, Mis. George W. Board-ma- n,

Mrs. Saml. Parker, Mrs. Kahau-Ieli- o,

Mr. aud Mrs. F. W. Jordan, Mr.S. N. Bouton, Prof. M. M. Scott, Mr. II.Benjes, Mr. J. Hoting, Idr. Tom May,Mr. James G. Spencer, and many otherladies and gentlemen. The Sisters andpupils of St. Andrew's Priory were pre-sent in a group. Detachments of Ameri-can and British marines and blue jackets,from the Alert and Cormorant, were as-

signed special accommodation. A pla-toon of police also attended the service,marching to and from the church.

Decorations were exceedingly beauti-ful and suggestive. Flowers ot subduedtints were mingled witlthe white rosesand lilies in the floral compositions. Twovases of llowers stood on the altar table,while a row of Japanese flower stands,magnificently tilled, was ranged on thesteps. Over the choir was suspended afloral anchor, and several of the massivepillars were decorated, severally, withanchors, cross, sickle, and lilies. Asplendid wreath, in form and size like aship's life preserver, composed of whiteroses spangled with heliotrope, appearedon the pulpit front, it bore across thediameter, in the same flowers, the letters"IS. S. N." Another lovely wreath ofsmaller size adorned the lectern. Thefinest compositions were two pillows, oneon the kneeling cushion, the other ontop, of the litany desk. "Vandalia"appeared in floral letters on a body offerns in the former, while upon a basisof maiden hair fern in the latter werethe initials "S." and "A." for CaptainSchoonmaker and Paymaster Arms, whowere members of the Second Congrega-tion. The floral emblems were thehandiwork of Mrs. J. W. Robertson, Mrs.Pierre Jones, Mrs. Boardman, Mrs. EbenLow, Mrs. J. II. Boyd, Miss HessieDickson and Mr. James W. McGuire.After the service the large anchor andtwo wreaths were taken to NuuanuCemetery and deposited in the G. A. R.lot. It had been the intention to makesimilar disposition of ail the floral de-

vices, but at the request of ladies ofCentral Union Church the pillows werereserved for use at the memorial serviceof that congregation next evening.

The service was itself very impressive.It was conducted in the following order:

Funeral March "In Memoriam" Or- -

pan, by Mr. Wray Taylor.Hymn 28o. by the Choir.Versifies and Responses, led by Rev. A.

Mackintosh.Psalm li:. Proper Psalms 4't, !": , 130.First Lesson Isaiah xl., read "nv Rt.

Kev. Bishop Willis, followed by thepsalm ;').

Second Lesson Revelations xxii.. toverse 13, read by Rev. H. II. Cio-.ven- .

Nunc Diinmiti". Apostles' ('reed.Versicles and Responses Special prayers

bv Rev. Geo. Wallace, followed byHymn 221.

Sernion by Rev. Ceo. Wallace.II vnm 222. followed by the Benediction

from the bishop.Dc.id March in Saul, by the 'nvruni-t- .The musical portions of the service

were especially well rendered. An airof solemnity the congregationthroughout, and tears of real mourningstood in many eyes. Mr. Wallacepreached an eloquent discourse from thewords in the'.'oth Psalm, "The sea ishis, and he made it." They were in thepresence of a widespread calamity, theirhearts were tender with a great sorrow.Miht He who bad sounded the depthsof human anguish himself lead him fofitly apply the lessons of the .sad occa-sion. Earthquakes, tidal waves, devast-ating storms, all testify to the terriblefact of death, but. multiply these tentimes and they would not have a tithe ofthe world's woe. Philosophy prescribedmental fortitude and material anodynesfor the prevention of suffering, but inboth ways it had proved a failure andthey must seek elsewhere an answer tothe question, "Is there such a thing as aGod over all or a Providence ot God?"The preacher Paw all tilings in thevegetable, animal, spiritual and moralspheres obeying the laws of God. IfHe did not teach them those laws andwrite them in their hearts, they were ofall men the most miserable.

Self-sacrifi- dwelt in m?n breau c it

Australian Mail Service


The new and fne Al steel steaxusniv

"MARIPOSA"Of ttn Oft'Hiik" sjeaaisfiip Coiuauy , w iU be Ju

at Hi)i!Ilu f roiu Syilney aud Aucfeliunlan or dbout

May Itll, 1889,wm;v, fr uv rr mfti!

iHut;soiioruLout tut.dite.cc frt-ui- or piissiure, havlag: Ui'EllIOFALl OMMOLi.V UO.NS.it ply to

Wm. U. Irwin & Co.,

For Sydney and Auckland.

. rVZI tie new ana flne Al steel steamship

fcS ZEALANDIA "Of the Oceanic Steamship Company , will be

due at lionoiuiu from San t'ratidscoor or about

Apr. 18, 1809.And will nave prompt dMpatrn with mails anasseuijers for the above K'rts.For freight or p;iHi,'e, having SUPERIOR AC


Wm. Ct. Irwin & Co.,AOKNTS

CIau3 SprecKela Wm. G. Irwin.



Draw Kxchange on the principal parts o thworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makfcollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits boariner interest received la their Savint--s Department subject to published rules and




174 Telephone 55.


.II VT q(-- -- A x

X V LV 1

King Sireet, - Honolulu,

Opp. the old Police Station.


Photographer,II fak-- : n the Studio formerly occupied by A. A.

MoctAtiO, co-ner- of KINO and FOKT STS.,

Iictures in any Stvleriir.ti.fc' done for Amateurs.

Cabinets $G adoz. Work guaranteed. ?

Fr.'rv, .in r'jrt 5tr?t. 173-t- f

PIOXEERSteam Candy Facton

li tAND

l i j. KE H Y .

IT. PIORIsT.Practical r' nfpetioner. Pastry Ccok and Baker.

P.ich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 HCotol Street.



Open all Nidit! Meals at all Hours.

Kft"i'i the Host Cnrt'ee. Ton ami t'liooo- -

lto to be lirnl in the City j


Mush ami llilk eory mornif.ii.A Change of Dinner Every Day!

Hawaii nil Fertiiiziny: Co.

Manufacturer;: vi arui IValors in J

Cane IFer-tilizevs- i

BONK MKALS ir.a.le to order ; i

STABLE MANURE, rotted and mixed. I


ON IIANl AND FOR SALEIn ijuantities to .suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager, j

Factory, Honolulu, II. I. lGl-Ci- n


The Liverpool and Lon-- j

don and Globe


- et S 40,0 IO.OOONet Income 4.t..MlOClaim I'aiil . H2.3ol,Ot0

Takf s KiSs axir.st Less or Pinuce hy t ireon Ltu:Idi:it,4, M.icLiuery, Sr-i- Mills, Lv ih ujaiid Fxiruiture, ou the most t'.iwr.tMe terms.

33isliop Su Co.1



Purchasing Agents.

Sole Agents for

Sitm'sou's Ti-o-C- ai Brand

Diamond Creamery

BUTTER.rpiHS CELEBRATED BUTTER IX of the litiL-.-- t tmality, ma.lo upon the

Pani.--h unl American systems combine..!.Facketl in hermcticallv sealed tins, andwarranted to keep in hot climates.

2G and "JS California t,

SAX FRANCISCO, : : CAL.l i :oviv

B. LEVY & SOX,Importers, Wholesale Dtalers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic


to SUorJm of all tmJMnWe are prepareda " i "our line, and e

kinds of fruit for lou distance market,.iT.,.T,i Islind ivitrouae will receive special

attention.and Sau.-oni- e St., San Francisco,

p.o'box 174-- m.tt uti......t. U. t..--

ll-C- ai AfBt for HiwaiUn


KBttablisliod 1710.

I "8urtiCAefrf-te.i- l ur"-- every de?:rirtion ..f j


ToUl Sum Injured in l- - 5 .. -7-

-- o tt -i

w ,i rr;;,rt:l li rai-.ty- . I J :r., i.ctlonol tiio w"1 ",,uM

G. W. Mm-t'av!;ui- e & Co. I

Im A cuts for TI-- iiim ''ll


Artistic Ertrnmr ( Wood

j .f Harper 1 -- .. N. V.)

Cont ract3 Exi - "'i( i t f r'K at )

PI 1'l.nMA.Ar.r Pkit.. H vkith I'.k -- .


Nkw V"!;k. April, J;'T.y.-::- cm- -

i ii .win .irt--- ( l a

I,..."ll.,',.f llr... VS'.id. i"- - -



Co ,. 2H MlH Udi.l bt.

liespectfully submitted,

Tlios. Gr. Tliinim.

Dailt F. C. .ivEnr;-ER- . one year fo 00six moiittu 3 10

i p?r monlb 50

ffttsLr Hiw.viux OiZEtri;, one yer 5 L0. foreigu iu-- c

India I'vita'

Vnynhle Jariby in Al iinfo.


IVsioiSoe Cox O. Honolulu. II. I.

u.sia?.s.s Cards.


iSuocessors to Lew era i Dicksou)

linporlern hii1 Ioaler lu LumberAud Kiuds of Luilditii MittrUti.

No. 82 FOR T TliELT. HoaoluUi. ltf


Attornev - at Law,il Merchant Street, Ilouoluhi. ltf


liKi orter ud Dealer iu

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.No. 'i'v-'- U Q.ueeu Stret. Honolulu, ltf


General Commission Agents

Cor. Fort A. Queen Sts.. IIouolulu. ltf

BEAVER SALOON,Tort Street, Ofipooitc Wilder V (o.'s,


First-civ- s Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,sodJk Water, Ginger Ale or Milt.

nKu From 3 n. ui. till 10 p.m.firSmokers Requisite a Sref ialty. ltf


MERCHANT TAILOR,Cr. Kia and Alakea Sis., Honolulu.

Moderate ch.r;. good workmanship and a

perfect at gu.tratiieea. L


geo. m. uvcrr, - - - rRoriUETOK.

Fort street, Honolulu.


rreiJi Smixie, l'ork, Etc.,

Consuttly an hand. Shipping served on shortEOlICt


Steam Engines,Holler, M";ar HU. Couler. Rra

in.l I.e;l CnHtius.made to

Anl rJAchiu7 of every Je.criptlonorder rrtio.iUr.tteuton A

to-hi- ps bl;Jo; workcutel ou theD'nce. .


Cor. Miuanu and Merchant Street

Under the Management of

E. EI. F- - A oiter.trncents rer ;lis- - I

Walker & Keihvarcl,

Contractors & Builders I

13rici. Stone And Wdentiiven.

A!te,uiel ,Jobbing ITo.iiptlT

K INC. STREET.p. O. Box 423

ii tf



blood all nations of men. They wereassembled to testify of the bravery ofmen who had died at the post of dutyboide their wrecked and sunken ships.They came thereto thank God that thosomen met their death like heroes, lightingthe tempest and not in the strife of battlewith each other. They were there torender thanks to God that the cheerswhich rent the air that day were notthe cheers of victory over slain foe-me- n,

but cheers of brave men because,another noble ship had escajvd from theperils that they were struggling with.It made us better men to know thatthese had added to the list of noble menwho died doing their duty. Referencewas made clemientlv to the wave ofympathy passing round the world for

tl ie amoan disaster as the tidings ofsorrow entered homes in California, New- -

England, Germany and the BritishIslands. To many sorrowing hearts thenews was mingled with the sweet voicethai brought hope of a reunion with lostdear ones when the sea shall give up itsdead. Touching allusion was made inclosing to "those courteous, Christiangentlemen who but a little whileago were going in and out amongus," of whom there was no doubtthat they had died like men. It was thedevout habit of two of them to kneel inthis place and take of the cup of salva-tion. Now it was given them to drink ofthe water of life and eat of the mannaeverlasting. The sermon concluded witha word picture of the sea as emblematicof life and the love of God.

As the congregation dispersed to themusic of the dead march, a striking inci-dent occurred which was apparentlywithout previous intention. The Eng-lish marines and sailors formed in lineto the right, and the American detach-ment to the left, marching, as it were,shoulder to shoulder to the boat landing.


We do not hold ourselves responnlble for thestatements made, or opimoua exircHed by ourcorrespondents.

The Tramway.Mr. Editor: Public opinion is

certainly averse to laying rails onnarrow Fort street; and I think itabout timo that such opinion foundvent. AVliilo few people are heardto object to street cars when run onstreets suitable and wide enough, Ithink that all sensible persons objectto tho disgraceful manner in whichsome parts of Fort street are beingcut up in order to enrich a few indi-viduals who do not reside in thekingdom. It seems to be the policyo the II. T. Co. to grab all and concede little. To what extent theCompany would go, if not prevented,was demonstrated a short time sinceby their laying T rails on the Wai-ki- ki

bridge, to tho detriment of allother traffic. There is no knowingwhat may be the result if the author-ities allow this syndicate of foreigncapitalists to monopolize our princi-pal business thoroughfares, alreadycondemned as by far too narrow forthe city traffic and travel, outside ofthp tramway car business.

A patition in favor of laying atrack on Fort street, signed by afew short-sighte- d shopkeepers whenthe subject of street cars was firstmooted here, ought not to be deemedsufficient reason for making thatthoroughfare absolutely dangerous,and at times impassable for all whotravel in vehicles. If storekeepersblindly encourage the blockading ofFort street by the cars, as a naturalconsequence their carriage customerswill seek wider and safer localities todo their shopping in. I f?cl surethat if the sentiment of the publicgenerally had been consulted on thematter, nine out of every ten wouldhave condemned tramway cars onFort street. Ihe last Legislature,though unwisely permitting rails tobe laid on thoroughfares almost toonarrow to be called lanes in othercountries, could not ignore the palp-able fact, that Fort street was out ofthe question. There are many rea-sons why street cars should bo pro-hibited on narrow streets. Accidentsare becoming quite numerous, owingto the difficulty of crossing tho railswhere thoy project abovo the levelof the road; and if accidents fromthis cause occur on a wide street likeKing, how much oftener will the'occur on a narrow street like Fort.That the rails do project in manyplaces is a notorious fact, which theproper authorities should insist onbeing remedied before more seriousaccidents occur. Citizen.

George H. Vanderbilt has pur-chased 1,000 acres of mountain landnear Asheville, N. C, where he willbuild a large industrial institutionfor the ol neat ion of poor white chil-dren, who will be taught how towork in wood and metals, and thusbecome skilled mechanics. The in-- s

itute will be liberally endowed, asMr. Vanderbilt intends to make it a

j monument to his family.

1261-l- m


CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,



C0-- 9t

Tiohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papaikou Sugar Co.



Housekeeping Gx50ds.

and Sheet Iron Work67

General jVEeichainciise.-- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- -

Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. II. Smith & Co., Koloa, Eaual,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Fiancisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson



Stoves, Ranges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

Mr. relixOIVrttva f.r (vmI

iMPOBTBESls1,;:;1:;:;:;;;':; S! reliable an-- upright

rorer A ProVMlon nealrrn.


Page 2: ft in n i Yl :i Si .1. V 'rsBE:' rft4 in n H H k N il H Si H V 0 I 1 X 1 i Yl fl fi n u 11:i u.1.a 1 71 II r li V 1? V 'rsBE:' VOL. IX. NO. 88. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATURDAY,


13 y vliitljoritn. OUR SAN FRANCISCO LETTER.

I'er S. S. I m.itilla, San Tranci-c- o,

March 31, lSS'J. OTICE. ZNXortraijfGe's;

NOTICE OF SALE. I(From our specialTli Suifa r Market. FEAJSTK GERTZ,aF LIZZIE JOKMAN Wol'l.l) KF- -

I specti'uiiy inform her friends and theThe New York market is verv firm. c

.'tiu-raU- y that s'ne has iened a

vniTi;i: or a rowi'.uthough reported qniet. The reports j .Z..).'' tof the shortage in the Cuban crop spared to do cmbreidcry. h ofare fully con tinned and London buy- - j all dt-c-rij Native hats et "all kinds

rs aro f,.ninph'nc witli tlniso in .nv ui:ve in rdt-r- . Hawaiian curie-alwa- ys

York. The London market has been

act".l ;.'). by J K puidir.. if Hkiioiu'u. to' TK Kot-- r. at s:rd IIouo.ulu. dated FebruarylJ. a: .1 reC tided in !!;' h'f-i.-tr- y of Peed-- . !l,I.ibi r 7i, on :'.T.") ai:d 'u. ana in i;:r"ii.iuci- -

of !u! iee t inreinieri to foroclos,- - heretoforej.ubhhd. tl.ere w : behold i; Public Auctionby l.tU !S .. l.h V,--; V. .i:t liosieer. at his sait.s.-ruo;- ;i

(inu stuct, lioiKlu'u,XOTICE.

credible, bail they not happened sooften, anil their effects Leon attestedLy such multitudes of competentwit noshes. Tho dust whirls whichare frequently seen in the streets,and sometimes in the open country,are nothing but miniature whirl-wind.-.

A cyclone is suiiything like awhirlwind on a iantic scale, inso-

much as the wind blows violently ina circle, aiouud a central point. Butthere tire some very important differ-ences. Instead of having, like thewhirlwind or tornado, a diametervarying from a few feet to a fewhundred yards, the true cyclone hasa diameter of several hundred miles.Owing chielly to the size of thecircle, there is nothing that corres-ponds accurately to the vortex of thewhirlwind or water-spou- t. The ac-

tion extends over a vastly largerspace, and is never as violent at anyone point. At the center of thecircular storm known as a cyclone,there; is a space of comparative calm.

On Saturday, April 13 !

v.s i inti:m t ri.osE un mybu-inv- -s ,,n April -- nh. 1 jrive netk'e

that all- - warehes and jewelry, Jvft evertlsrce months fur will sold atauction, jf i , . . t elaimed n that date. Allouttaiiiit!!.ir aecnimts net paid en April'Ot h . will ho j.laeevl in the han.i- - f a eel-lecte- r.

MAX KCKAin'.S'-- td

Will be received at the olli. e of the i;..ardof l'..lur;iti..n until Vi:i)N'i:.-lt.- Y, tl.-o- f

May next, at 1J o'clock noon, tortin- - re..;, -- triHtion, i n.at.rial.freight, cartage, paint in;;, etc, of a m ),,..,:house l'.,xHj12 feet, with two rootii-- . atWnipio, llainakua, Hawaii.

I'lutu and , specifications ni;tv he s. en atthe ollieeof the Hoard of i:,lu'r.,ti1n, Ho-nolulu, and at .Mr. It. A. Lyman.-- .Atfent, IFatiiakua, Hawaii.

1'y order of the Hoard of Ivlin aiion.W. JAS. SMITH,

Secretary.Education Oilier, April lo, lwj.

So-.'- 1 gin;-I- t

I'kiaktmi nt ok Tin m n, )

Hov. .1.1 i.r April 1, i:.,"Tin- - following pcr-on- s have heen ap-


Assess,.M aM,j (,n,.(.t,,r, ,,f T;1X(.,

AT VZ OX'l.oClv NooN,All .Mid driiruhir the I': s conveyed by s;.u'1

k! . ' Mc di'- d. l!aliie;y:


Certain Piece ausl Parcel of LaiSituate on Miiliu strvet. at Kuksuiaka,

Koua. Uain:,Ib'ii the same j.reniise descril'ed in a certai;

steadily advancing till it now touches17s. 7.UL, a much higher figure, re-latively, than is quoted in New York.The total slocks of raw sugar held inthe East were less than oO.OOO tonson March 20th.

The Alvarado beet sugar factory-ha- s

been sold to the newly incorpor-ated Alameda Sugar Company, for$150,000. It will in future be underthe management of Mr. E. C. Burr,late Superintendent of the AmericanKetiuery.

"With the advance in sugar therehas been an advance in HawaiianCommercial Company's stock, saleshaving been made this week up to

per share, with sales yesterdayat It is believed that S100,0-'-

of the bonds will be redeemed to- -

NOTICE.t Tin: Ai.)ori:N :i A N NT A L j deed troai Ktiniiiii in .Mali;.!!. !'cor!ed li, Lite:

j M. on 5'i,ie-- . 4. . and 17, and be' ni: pari of theiand d scribed ir. Hoyal Patent No. Kulc.ni::Hardware "e..'in ' e lilVlIJi

( hiiiii't'dj.tlif feilewin No. 11 IT.

Tuii 1V1H K l WITH ALT. TI1K

llieers were eit i tt t!

I're-ide- nt

r.gcr. . , . . Ti t a in r. . - uditor

lor Is;).1. K. Diliir,-!ia- ni

.1 as. ( i . s,,ti,(vr. ..MaV. .. Win to:- -

W. F. All.--It follows, of course, that at OD Eiiiliiiip & Impravemsnts Tliereoii,

posite points of the circle, tho wind morrow, and the adjoining planta- -ior i ne respective Taxation Divisions .

the Kingdom, in accordance with an Ato amend anil regulate the Law. rclatin

to the sameAnd all the rights and privilege;

l" appointment ami tenure of onVe o

jii'.periainiiiit.T. K FOSTEK, MortL'-iee- .

Honolulu. Maich 3d, isst. JtLEWIS J. LEVEY.


lax Assessor ami Tax 'olleelor, anl tin

::i, l Nutt ,

A. L. umiih I,'"-mr- .

JA.. (J. sI'KNCKK.

JIone!rt!n, April 11, Is.sn, .s,;.;;r

FOE SVJK.Assessment and Collection of Taxes, appruve.l the 21st .lay of August, A. l.-l-- s HASPUST DECEIVED VEll ST31B. U31ATILLA,C. A. ISKOVV'N, 1st Division, Island oOahu.

H. L TKLADWAY, LM Division. Isl

will be blowing in exactly opposite .u v m,Home anil Foreign Affairs.directions. Ibis theexplains phen- - BouiaDger ia spring from the

omenon often noticed in marine re-- opening of an old wound, and hasports, where a vessel encounters a been compelled to resort to the useheavy gale blowing in a certain di- - f morphine.rection, followed by a brief period of Postmaster General AVanamaker iscomparative calm, to bo succeeded getting himself disliked by applying. business methods and hours to hism turn by an equally furious gale Department, much to the disgust offrom the opposite point of tbo com- - the clerks.pass. In such cases, tho vessel has Admiral Steven B. Luce was re-sinip- ly

passed through a cyclone, tired on March 25th. He is sixty-nea- r

its centre. In caso tho transit ,wo yars old, and has been activelyis made nearer tho circumference, JJ0 service nearl? forty-eigh- t

there will bo a change in tho direc- - Th;ro bayG M bepQ



Fashionable .Milliner,

F'ort Street, : Honolulu,

MY HAN'lSoMH T'dloWNSaddle Mare. A line animal for.saddle or lor breeding. At pre-.se- nt

in foal bv Ivanhoe.;. r. casti.k.

--A. Cai-g-e Stock ofands of Maui, Molokai, and Lanai.

HKKltKItT C. AlVriN, .Id Divisionof Hawaii. wi-h- f

JOsd.PH K. rAULLY,. 1th Division,ANDEHSON & LUXDV,

Dentists. Ladies'. Misses. Gents", and Children'sHas Received per Steamer Umatilla, inall the

Island of Kauai and N'iihau.W. L. CULLW.

Approved: Minister of Finance.Jo. . At STI.V,

Minister of Foreign Affairs.L. A. Tm nsToN,

Minister of I nterior.C. W. Asitniiin,

Attorney -- Cetieral.T7-l- lgUl-l- t

,1U, out yCUeiaiij Uen aeaths in the hospital at Flor- -:

Newest Shades and Latest Noveltiesamounung 10 an enure reversal, and ence, all preceded by intestinal disARTIFICIAL TEETH

from ene to an entire et in-seit-

on fxold, silver, allum- -there will bo no intervening period turbanco. Some papers attribute the BOOT SHOESof enhn. ( V.rvesnondin..- - nlionmnona UOatU to DaU tOOd and others to"O L I

lnum and rubber bases.Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which' are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommend

nitI iinren nhiorrnl n in. I v;uuieiu' ' .", ti koq i i. i

OF THEni, llu UL a I'S "irougu H neror William's nominn- - visit, to 1--

storm, tho storm is observed from laud tho occasion of a grand display,some pejint on tho land, over which similar to that which accompaniedit passes. tue reception of Queen Victoria in

our Prophylactic Metal I'iato. All oper-ations performed in accordance w ith thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide (Jas.

fjs Hotel street, at Ir. Grossman'sold stand. ;V-l- v

Latest Style and Best QualityIt is to bo remembered that in all ,T, n 0rtcaculai storms, whether of the whirl- - on tho moring of March 27tb. Howind or of cyclone varieties, there was in his seventv oio-bt-b year, bav- -is, in addition to their rotary char- - ing been born November 1G, 1811. 84

ilibbons, Velvets,Surah Silks.

Also a Large Variety of

Xreiicli Flowers,fu:nc;i lace hats and hat


Latest Novelties in Tiiiiiiniiigs!

IVrsonally selected by me forHunululu and the other islands". s." 1m

THERISDONIron and Locomotive Works,



ArcTroN Salks I!y L. J. Livev,land onLiliha street, under foreclosure, 12 in.Ity J. F. Morgan, fi shares Lritish Cluhstock, 12 in.

Koyal Hawaii x ISam. Concert, Fnuna"Square, 4:30 p. m.

Hawaiian-- Mission Cmi.t.Kr:x Meeting ofSociety, at Kawaiahao Seminary7:30 p. in.

CoKi'oKATioNs-Pre'- vN Publishing Co., an-nual meeting, 10 a. in.

IIoxomi.it Kike Dki-aktmkn- t LayinL'corner stone hoiUse F.ngine Co. No. ;")

2 p. in.

icter, a movement of tho whole body 111S ena wa3 PPacelul and painless,aim no uau iain in a comatose concti-o- fthe distm banco along the earth s tion for twQ d AU tbe familsurface, somewhat as a wheel, which, were present. I TTT VXD SPARKLING1 Ulbllit tno same time mat it revolves, Lord Dunraven has issued a elml- -

Received per S. S. UumtiliaA Full Line of Spalding's

Baseball Grooclsliilii0- - lACK. Fort St.

cl-ih-. GEirrz,Iniorter .and Dealer iti

;ents', Ladies,' anl liildreii's

Siloes MijsrsNo. SO Fort St.. Honolulu.

Ts-l- v

IS T1IE- -

also moves forward. In the caso of lengo for the America Cup. Hiswhirlwinds and water spouts, this Jacht is being built at Southamptonmovement is visible to the eye, while, al?fl is losipod as a steel cutter

. with a a center board if re-in the case of cyclones, it is demon- - quiroa. She is to be named tho Val-btrate- d

by a comparison of the di kyric. General Payno says herection and forco of tho wind as ob-- wi" nt race tho Volunteer againstserved at different times and places er"

during the continuance of tbo storm. ,IonV?.VVVLC;an,pj,e11' ox Jufticol .nnrt

Ginger Ale, Cream Soda,THE DAILY Corner of Deal and Howard Streets,

San I --iii i s o California Lemonade, Vhiin Soda,JAMES CA.RTY w. ii. T.vi,(in.

it. s. Mooiu:...r resident

.S;nci-iu- ndentPacific CoiiiEiercial Atotiser.

Siirsajwrilla.liniWi'i'S of Sif-an-i Jiarliinci'vt

In all its inches.

.Mineral Waters,

In the recent instance, tho galo is and Assistant Confederate Secretaryreported to have come first from tho of War, died at bis home in Ualti- -

S. E., thence shifting to N. E. and nf recently, aged nearly seventy- -

eight. Ho regarded his success inN , and linally ending from the U est. stnf0lh sreat case, ns it is callod,lhese changes m tho direction of tho States of New York and Newthe wind, taken in connection with Hampshire vs. Louisiana, as thetho long continued violence of tho triumph of bis legal life, as it estab- -

with view of the rights of thestorm, no reported interval of States under the Constitution, llo- -quiet indicates two things, namely: fcrrinff to bis arffllmollt in-tba- t oaso

Can le found nxt door to the 1. ('. A.Oltice, Mcrcliant Strict.

Hacks Xos. IV, :;7,0fi 75,AND WA(;oNKTTi: 1 1 ).

X? II11 T. ;,!, '.'Ol, r.iulii.-i- l 590.'ii;; tl'

StrmiiHhip. Land r.n-i- ns X Boilers,j ni ;li I'l t sjiiu-- or CojiijiouiuI. OF ALL KINDS, MANUFACTU1IKI) Jjy

l!e just aiul fo.ir not :

It all the niilM Hum iiiin'rtt at leThy Country's, thy OoXh, nuil Truth's. HO LISTEli fc Co.inatine sweep ot tho cyclone was Chief Justice Waite said: "That is I

- 11- -. '1 T . .1 IV l i 1 1 i iipieny wme, ana mat mo portion in greatest legal argument mat 1

passing over Apia was far within the liavo ver liear- -SATURDAY, AFUIL LI, 1SS0.


Wool, Calieo and Linen Shirts,

Queen St., next duor toll. . Tli.nia'

STKAM VKS.M-:r.- of all kir.ds lnult rmpi.i. tewith Imils ot wood, iron or 'on:iosiu. '

oaiU.VAIiV J:NU1M:s eonijioundod whenSTKAM l.Al'NOUI-S-

,Bar-- m und Strain Tii"s oonsli iHdt-.- l with to the trade in' whichthey are to he e.n, h.yed. Seed, tonuayo anddraft oi water K'o autwd.

SI'OAlt MILLS and Snar Making Macl.inee alter tne most arj.i.ned i lans. Also, allHonor Iron Work connected therewith.

WATKU of lioiler oi Sheet Iron, of amMe made in aitahle l.uKtl,rt fur conneotint.together, or sheets rolled, pinched and nack-- dJrownd?''1111' r":uly tU be nVtl,d u

UVmiAUBlO BIVBTINO, Boiler V.'orlj and Water

circle, but not quite at its centre. Intho spring 0f 1883 tho Samoan Isl


Tbo Water usod in preparing their (lootls hoin purified by tho

"HYATT PURE 'WATER SYSTEM,"NOTICE.ands wero swopt by a similar cjclorio,which wrocluvl nino vessels. At thattime, as in tho recent instance, thevi ml revolved from S. II by N. E.

JAV1I K s:,ij.tji,Manufacturers' Aont, Importer and

Commission Merchant,

In operation in the Jiawajitin Islands in their EstablishmentC. r.OLTE Irf HHUKP.Y

to sifrn our iirm name tv oro- -and N. . to W or in a direction only.cu ration. 31. S. ii III NBA I'M A--contrary to that of tho hands of a II molulu, Ajril 12, lss). ss-l- w

iiy.f.s inane l.y tins stahlNhinont, riveted hvhyuraimc rivetiii( macln nery, that quality ofwork l.eiuu' tar superior to hand worl;Si!IP W,,nK ship and Stem, M,.U,,S, Stean,Mnches. ,lr 11!U1 Circuhuin- - lunii-s- , ,,laii,alter the most an-rovt-- idans.SOBK Agents and manufacturers for tho 1'acifit oast ot tlie Heine Safety Boiler.I'l,t,PSI,)ir.,'t Actil"i irrigation orty j.urj oses, huilr with tlie celehraf edoavy ulve Motion, sujierior to any other

No. "JS Men hant St.. Honolulu.watch.

i.N;i:i: i kom ciioi.kka. Notice of Jlemoval. I1:NRY DAVIS & CO.,niPoirrMus,EAGLE HOUSE


It is very gratifying to tbo friendsof tbo nntivo Samoans, to lind thatthe favorable opinions they badformed and expressed as to themanly characteristics of that people,bavo been bo fully sustained by tbeirconduct at tbo time of tbo lecentnaval disasters. Courage and hu-manity are apt to go together. It istboroforo not surprising that a racewho bavo shown themselves suchfair lighters and bard bitters, withho little trace of treachery or wantoncruelty, should have been foundprompt, daring and skillful, in thework of rescuing and caring for thecrows of tho wrecked warships.Their services on that occasion,

rpm: rxnnnsKixrci) has ki:- -,lnovt''l Id ollire from over liislion it("o.'a I'ankto No. 1"5 Kaahumanu street, or

hjiin nvi:i nol 111 II

The Fatal Iiam lrva1ent in tlioI'liilippino Islands.

Health Olhcer Barger states thathe does not believe this city in anydanger from small pox or yellow

mi-onic- e lormeriy occti.if(i livllun, If. AWidemann, and will he niot hapy to at-tend to any business that mav he etit runtedto his rare. yr. C. l'ARKi:.Honolulu, April 3, 1sk. So-l-

i77ri(,Ioim Provision and Feed Dealers52 ,sti;.:i.-.- t liiM.in,. ., .

Tins Iiisl-clas- s rauiilv Hot-- liiiivnif,' just cliuiUPil hantls, !: .sOmroiurli ly reni)v:it. d. toihcr n;thlever, now prevalent in certain West

Indian ports. A few days aro a report reached here of tho fatal spread For Miucli. !!!;!).ni i i PL TAPof cholera in ouo of tho PhilippineIslands, which is much more to bo 'iiorm:n Nur

s nttu i.t.,!iiud is pierareil to receive gosta '

By the Day, Week or MonthAt Ke.isonaMc J:.if-s- .

T.Ai:i.K rxsn:p,ssEP. Transient mu-sl-

r o oo I'fiiiiii'ti nil n i if V If ;A UL II (iOODS " i; cv. i: ntAlvaj rj-!,l- i aiulfeared than either of tho other dis o i I' Fill ST - CLASSIl'ST KKCKIVKI) AT

eases, as that country is much morenearly related to this in commercial --o-

interests. The susjrar trade brines IIOLLISTER & C0:s ? CHOICE FllEm liUTTEU,T,.l T T , . .

this city into direct communicationwith those islands. JS. F. Call. frh supply of the celfbrated C. 1. VHates, all .sizes, direc t from the faetorv.

ii - ' (""I"",''1'"J'1. a i)I.i.- - wln rcalt tlie cumau-t- of a Lome can ie ol.Uined.

TIIOS. KKOUSi:, ri:or.Ilonoliiin, H. I. if

Maiiliattan Life

especially in view of the fact thatseveral of them lost their lives inrendering assistanco toothers, wouldseem to call for some official recogni-tion from tbo governments whoseofficers and sailors were involved intho disaster.

fresh ami reliable m alilornia Quis;i-:-' v y 4Mr. Campbell, of Xew York, in-

ventor of an air ship, has received aletter from Lieut. G. 1. Lempriere, awaii Co.(Hian Vi .r kiui iue jjiiiisu u, expressing con-li- d

mce in the feasibility of aerial


NotesKdituiial ('ommentsLa! Miters and Cane in Hawaii(irass as fertilizersSugar ntaiiun in TexasWatsonville I'eet Sugar lailerpri.--e

I'ackitit: S.-e- for TranspoitationNote.-- , on Sugar Machineryi!ar!ad s Seedling CaneI i rectory of J'lantations and (JiiicersOrange and hen.ofi Culture in SicilyCo'd Storage for 1'ruitsi


il n- -i' iti in TexasT.. r'c. iila or Mam'eiiie Cra.-- sS:s I'r.jress in LouisianaNew Cane 1 isea-e- s in ,J;iva

(L1MITKD.) iistsuj;jv2stce co.CYCLOPES AND WHIRLWINDS. navigation. I 'rot. Allen, one of themost successful aeronauts in the

OUR 310110 !

Kxcellence of QualityLOW PRICES



Lmted States, who operated CauiDOf New York. J',t .il.l i sln,l ISJO.bell's ship at tho trial ascension, was

perfectly convinced of its navigablequalities. Capt. Paul lioytou, theswimmer, wants to go into partner- - I his old Company now olfVr.--- to tl In- -iesnip wit n lampoon. If the inventor

Tho lato storm at Samoa was unilouhtedly of tho nature of a cyclone.Tho words cyclone, whirlwind andtornado, are commonly, but incorrcctly used in a sense substantiallyidentical r interchangeable. Theyare, in lv.dity, quite different things.A whirlwind is, as its name implies,a circular, and generally very rapidwhirling motion of the atmosphere,embracing a small area, seldom more

surin I'ul.ir its newiFamilynud Island Orders Filledj with Soruplous Caro

OX AND AFTEK FJJIDAVThe 12th inst., tliere will be a

Half Hourly Service to and l'ruin Wai-kik- i,

as follows :

Sundays fiom 9.00 a. m. to 10.00 p. nt.Sattmla'S from COO a.m. to V 00 am. ; 2.;;0 p. m. to 10.00 j). ni.Other days from COO a. m. to t'.OO a.m. ; 3.00 p. m. to 0.00 . m.

The cars will leave Palama. at tl,- -

does not go to Lnglaud this spring,a trip will be made from Now Yorkto Philadelphia in the ship.

i a-- 1 . 1,1 i ION F. 330.vivoi'sliiji Di'viiieiid PkiiiThe King of Holland is uncon O. BOXa-- in r

scious, lite .Ministers have tiro--




YeatiyForeign "Found '..iume

Fack Volumes bound to order.'

2 .,(

1 l0 3.Bvailed upon the Queen to undertaketemporarily tho Dutch llegency.Tli Cnliinot. il.mi.lo.l 4

Wliieli alfurds all th. advanta-v- of I.iiV1.,r..,. 1 ... .1 - ....than a few hundred yards, and cap- - 3 cfe Co.,-r--hour and half hour, Fort street S min-

utes later, Kith? Kane at 27 minuUs an.l57 minutes past the hour ami from W.ti-ki- ki

at 7 minutes andAddr- e-


able of drawing up into its vortex, f a congress of the two chambers foraccording to its size and violence. purpose of declaring tho Kingdust, leaves, sticks and other small ! inoa paoitatotl for tho duties of aobject?, or even men, animals and j

SOYt'n''on- -

trees. Water-spout- s at sea are the

the hour. '.l.-- l

iiuriiir UK' earn'r years ot hit-- ,

and at the same time makes a piovwunfor old a-- as the can sur-render his Policy at the end of the Sur-vivorship rivni:Nt) I'k!:!,.!, and receiveits Fn.i. V.i.. f. isCami thus combin-ing ISVKSTMKNT aild l'iii l'KC'I IcN.

ii.vin; ta;;i:.n stock.

Goods at (Jrc'itlyBesides the school oars fn O-il- All(i VA:vn FUF.IJSIIING CO.,

Merchant St., Honolulu.d,Vu2wlere there will be a ronnp. tif.n

two hours from tho h'ifU 1?,, . fresult of similar atni,mtil,t,-- ; vvl,;. T. Iresnient Harrison thinks of- M llli l.-- l,

abolishiiiLT hand shaking at his re- - lows: :it !'.27 a. m., 11. ;J n" t' -

Keduced Prices.

OF KEMXANTSMIJIll KK Willi- - I I a T " . IMCCIAL 15AKGANISm., . m., o.j, . mi. ana 7. p. m.

tLfSf A complete time tahle is in pre- -

paratiort showing when the cars will pass !

firewood For Sale!SS per Cord,

AT run. (iFRTZ'S

cepuons. lie iioes not mnul a com- -bometimes work such destruction in mon dry shake, but tho habit of thethe western portions of the United ' hoosieis who call is to spit in theirStates, are of tho same character Iiantls before they grab his. ThisThe force of some of these storm is

him wiPin toh jnico on-p-orted, " "would eom allnM

Any information cheert'ullv fur- -ni.-lie- d.

eacn oi tlie crossing Ptattons, and maybe procured on Friday from the Com


lot OF

hlAMOXl) DYE 11 LACK HOSE1-- tf

I1IN If.pany's office. FATY,Agent.

Page 3: ft in n i Yl :i Si .1. V 'rsBE:' rft4 in n H H k N il H Si H V 0 I 1 X 1 i Yl fl fi n u 11:i u.1.a 1 71 II r li V 1? V 'rsBE:' VOL. IX. NO. 88. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATURDAY,


Harry really Uft.AKKI VA

rJiu.AY. April l- - THE ARCADE,Negotiation I'rogresidng Tow artl Amal-

gamation of the Jiell and the Mutual.A joint conference of the Hawaiian

Bell Telephone Co. and the Mutual Tele-

phone Co. was held on Thursday. Thecommissioners from the Bell were

73 an.l 77 FORT ) VSTREET. S 11,LtA W and 77 FORTCV IU., STREET.

CompJimeiitary Letter of Thanks fromNorway to Mr. Taernier the Artist.I'r. P.ran-lt- , of Christiania, Norway,

v. bil-- ' on a visit to these Islands sometim.- - ago, accompanied Mr. Jules Taver-

nier on a trip to the Volcano. RecentlyMr. Tavernier sent the Doctor a presentof a Volcano painting by himself, andhas just received the following cordialacknowledgment in the English lan-

guage an printed :

Kkistiania, March o, 1SS0.My Dear Tavernier : My compliments

and best thanks for the picture, which Ihave received, a few days ago, in good

order. It is praised by all who haveseen it, both dilettantes and artists, forits good style and its skillful execution.You can boast of your picture. Put youmust return to Europe, if you wish to besurrounded by people who appreciateart. It is not right to your talent to re-

main in that crow corner of the worldnamed Hawaiian Islands. The interna-tional exhibition in Paris this year is agood opportunity for you; you must ex-ploit it. People will buy your pictures,and you have studies enough for a life-time". With my compliments and kind-est regards to Mrs. and Miss Tavernier,I s(.nd my renewed thanks for the pic-

ture, which I intend to exhibit in "laSoeiete ties F.eaux Arts" here in Kris-tiani- a.

Ci'ii vive! En avant! Aurevoir!Yours truly, Ku. Brandt.

On account of tho death of Mr. Simon Cohn, the Entire new and Magnificent


.A."fc and Below Cost !Everything must bo disposed of as the business will be discontinued. The

Stock consists of the Latest in

FIXE DliESS & FANCY GOODS,Laces, Embroidery, Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Trimmings, Ladies'Underwear, Hosiery, Roots, Shoes, Slippers, etc., etc. Alio remember that whave a Large and Elegant Stock of Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Fine

CUSTOM! - ZMVDIi: CLOTHING,Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc., and

By Buying at the Arcade You can Save Money.--o-

oi lL)l-3- m

The Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE XJNITJED STATES.

Slanis First Amona the Leading Life Assurance Companies of the World

In Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,in Premium Income, in the. annual Increase m Surplus and

Assets, in the Percentage of Assets to Liabilities,and in all other Important Respects.

Assets. Dec. 31, 1887, : : : 81,478,901 85.Outstanding Assurance S483.09,563New Business of 1887 138,043,105Surplus (4 per cent. Standard) 18,104,265Increase in Surplus during the Year l,748,37tfIncrease in Assets during the Year 8.868,43Total Income 23,340,849Premium Income 19,115, 77ftPercentage of Assets to Liabilities 1547 1-- 3

A Careful Study of the abore Troyes Conclusively that the Equitable Societyis the most Profitable and Secure Life Assurance

Company for intending Assurers.


HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.




Departments of Business :

Books and Acc-ovnt- s accurately kept and properly adjusted.Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly made.Conveyancing a Specialty. Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnishedLegal Documents ami Papeks of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general use. in this Kingdom.Real Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insured.Hoi'ses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected.Finn and Life Insi kanck ellected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies.Ccstom House Risiness transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and !Si isscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

St m r W (i Hall. Chancy, from Maui andHawaii. I

Mmr Kwa from I'.wa. j

Am lutno W II Kimoi.d, Dre w, 1') d.iy.- -fp'in San

Am l.Utm-- ti Wilder. 1'aul. 11 j day-,- !

from San J'ratu iro. (

Am wli hr Mary H Thomas Smith, 11 j

day- - from Sau Fram-ivo- .i

ni:r.un i:i.I'r.ihAY, April 12.

S S Fmatilla, HoIiiks, for San 1'ran-cix'o- ,12 m.

StinrlJ 11 IUshop, Ia Claire, for aeireuitof thi i at ! a. m.

St in r Iwalam, Weir, for Hamakua, vial.aiiaina, at lo a. ni.

Stmr Ia ima, "i.i rk. fur Hamakua ndIlilo "rt, ;it 1 p in.

Sehr Mwkuol.i I'm I'wa.

'i"-e- j. I . .'i v i 1 1 ic 'lfi-l;- y.

S'mr l Smj the, f..r Hamakua at 10a m.

Stmr Kilauea Hon, Cameron. fr Ham-akua, 1 j. m.

Sehr Kauli'f.a f..r Waianae.Schr LilioHlio for baliuma.Br m lir Norma, in n m , for Mill way

l!r Ok Hoval Tar, bower. for l'.urrardH.let.

Y''l In I'orl from I'lucisn l'ort.1 S S Alert, i reen, 1 la waii.H U M S Cormorant , Nieolls. Kauai.Am Mispkt M'Uiiinr Siar, ( iarland, S S I

l'r ik Iton, Ke'iiier, Honkon'.Itrit hk Koval Tar, bowers, Tahiti.l!k Annie .foliii-o- n. Krnrrx m , Neuea-t!e- .I'.k Forest (ueen, Winding', San l'ranci-co- ,ierlkiN Wil. o, Uasi h, l'.ieme.t.

Am I k Newl y, JoJinson, Newcastle.Am bktne l'lan'ter. l'enhallow, S. F.

Daily KeceiptH ,f l'i ,.! im . j

I!;ih Hiiiinr. Iias rice. Mis. pliK.StmrK ilaiieaHou 1"'im ....stmr W ; Hall.. ;;i;7 "li tStmr Cummins. . l.'xiO

IMSS:n;i;i;s.AKU1VA LS.

From Maui and Hawaii per stmr 'tHall, April 11' lion 1' N Makie, Hon .1

bichards.Hi, S F Cliillinw m th, Mrs ASunter, lr Kanado, Mrs Taro Ando, MrsT Miyama, W (Joodnes, yrs JulianMom-arr-at ami child, Mrs J M Lee, ( iA Capeii, It Huh.s, Mrs S Kia, .1 KNahale, Kev V II Jiarnes, Miss Mav Lald-win.J- H

Waipuilani, Mrs Huho.'l Chi-nese, and tl dck pas.-ener- s.

I'i'iiiii Waianae, per Mmr Montague,April 1J -- Christian Conradt, atnl HarryKycroft.

From San Franci-co- , per bktne S (IWilder, April 12 Mrs NbHii ;imi 2 steer-tig- e

pa.sen,i;ers.From San Francisco, per bktne W H Di-inon- d,

April 12 Mrs Denning and daugh-ter, and 1 t cerate passenger.

I'Ei'A in runs.For Hamakua, per stmr Iwalani, Aril

12 Mts Mullinger, F A Schaefer.Mr 1'yreand C 1". Wells.

For San Francisco, per S S Fmatilla,April 12 Hon C K bishop, Col Z S Spald-in- j,

wite and .". tliildien, Chas Thrower,Miss K White, Mrs.l J Knapp. C W Hamand wife, LH Anthoii, Wil Chi kerinr,wife an. I child, J M Kothchiid, .) T Water-hous- e,

jr, H W Himond, C 11 Abeel, MisC It V lis and 2 childien, J A Ihown.HT Keamer, Mr l 1L Luce, Mrs A F Sim-mons, U J Saxe. Capt de Courcey, J Cook,Atueis (irannis, N !S Fouton and wife. FKecsley, wife and 2 children, M Noall,w ife and 2 children. W 11 tSrei;, Miss Maj:-pietireit- ,',

M Nacayami, F incIair andwife, M L Svlva, ColCrannis, Mr Frethand wife, II C Meyer, T F Wall. 11 F IMl-linha-

M Loi;i-oi- i. J W Smith. C WMacfailane, Mrs W II Lawrence and child,T K McDonald, Hon W It Cattle atnl wife,FJ Lowrev, wile, .t chihlren and maid.MisA ILif-teai- i. F 1" lo.l.re, wife and 2hildreu, .1 T sit l e, Mis F Coon, K

Trciver, MissS K Cray, sie; II Campobelloand wile. A Oloo.-k- a, .1 N S Williams, MrsMoore. 2 children and maid, Arthur Kad- -

liM'e, Sir Ludolph and wile, F I Lowell,IM Camerinos, M r- - Howard, Mrs ltoss-fon- l.

Miss i; .1 Powsvti, Lieut Uipley andwife, Mrs U Whitman and son, h ( Kerr,Capt F W ltu-r- . .1 Ciccn, Napeha, wifeand ( Inldieii, Lima, w ile and child, Fbarrcll, S Aley, J L bush. -- Suerai 11

lla.semann, Mrstieo TesstT, MisA Rob-ertson..) Lickman, T l'otter, Miss F Fer-rm- s,

N Larseu, Chas FI.lc, .1 W Criimf.Mrs Steel. M r Anderson and 2 cliildian,.1 Fernandez. .1 Kehuku. wile ami 1 chil-dren, A WaMi, .he. Meyers. F. P'Ncil, JUuike, .1 Moltr. F Nielsen. H Mitchell,.!Anderson. W L l'.ower, J I'atteisoii. A

Steen, Chas bovle, .1 Chapman, A Moore,W Winters,.! Murphy, I' OUcn, C W Lay-man, Ceo Williams, Portuguese, and tothers.

llli riNi NOT 10 s .

The schooner Kaulilua .sails to-da- y forWaianae with "O.'kkj bricks.

The stern-whe- t ler Fw a t rouht TOl

bnchs. bananas voterday for the Fma-tilla.

The American whaling schooner MaryII. Thomas. tons rei-fe- r, 'aptain S. F.Smith, is anchored in the stream , H daysfrom Sai: Francisco.

The American hark Forest Queen, Cap-tain J. C Winding, will leave brewer'swharf w morning, Sunday, Aprilllth.with about sTO tons suyar for SanF'ranci.-c'o- .

The steamer W. b Hall hrou-- ht yestcr-tla- y

from Maui and Hawaii :i,.sT bafisMiar, M ha-- s cotl'ee, ltd hairs aw a, 2" headcattle, .r calve-- . l."7 pkg-- . hides, 72 pks-sundrie-

ami 1 horsy.The steamer Kilauea Hon reported very

rou-- li weather at Faauhau. 1 la wail, canythis week, and an anchor with severalfathoms t ham during the rale. Mie willleave a'ain at J o'clock this ai ternoon torHamakua.

The S. S. Fmatilla, Captain Holmes,sailed at 1 . m. Aprd L-'-

th for San Fran-eise- o

with l'U7 Inis sii-a- r. 1.112 ba'srice, fv.) hajrs cotVee, o,o'.: bnchs. bananas,o;; hdh. hales. 11 h.lls. goatskins, 42 I.I.I,tallow, lu'J empty bhls.. and various sun-

dry pat kat-s- .

The American Imrkentine W. IL Ii-mon- d,

Captain K. F. Drew , arrived earlyAtril 12th, h days trom San r raneiseowith about eoo tons general merchandise.Hadli-- ht winds till within miles ofHonolulu, when she bad strong trades.The Pimond is anchored in the stream,and will be Cocked at the Oceanic Steam-ship Company's wharf on Monday to

The American barkontme S. (.. Wilder.Captain A. H. I'aul. arrived early April12th, days from San Francisco with a

car') of frcneral merchandise and a deckloadt.f lumber. Was becalmed the hr-- t

hours; tDetiee had liht winds to April;th, when she ha.I strong trade win. s.

The S. O. Wilder is moored near theOceanic Company's wharf. Captain Nis-se- n

(formeilv "t" the si lmoners JennieAValker an.l Malolo) is chiet olhcer.

roi.u i: cm in. j


l'rt.eee.li.i A noliie r Oplm"l i i.l.iy's j

liifiti t tuiatf.II. Schenccbi forfeited i for drunken- - i


Jiess.Ah Foo alias Ah Hoo, 'punn in j.os-Kessio-


$51 and one hour at hard labor.i


mils PAFFi: is ki:ft on itli: '

1 , 1. i.it - I . l.AKI. s .in r.iiii-..- ".

The bear still draws

Trade w i mis rvv.iil.

CliU!inv cats :;t liii!.' Knu','

A little rain fell Friday evening.

Kin street be v Nunann was i K ati.ve.-uriL- iv.

Delayed I c 1 1 1 r on ''The Tramway" onfirst iaye.

Shoot the new hat-"- , but net with theHobbies' heads in them!

There will be no meeting of the I.lueliibbon F.ea'ue' this eveniie'.

A roller tol-na- s:i 1 has bt-- e

erected at l.on l'.raiu h

The Co.-to-n Shoe ( ' .in pany ill shortlyopi-- out in the new 1'iewer block.

The whaling sehooner Mary 1 1 .Thomasarrived somewiiat the wor.-- e vt wind arid

ae.Arre.-t- s ves'erdav were one each t'-- r

I'o: s cheat ai;d opium, ami nine for'ainin.

Mr. ('. r.olte is ainhorizi'd to sign the1 rm name of M. s. (irinhanni ec Co. bv:'rJcuratiou.

"Heddieadeil Iufchy"of unsavory re-

pute is back Iroin his banishment with-out invitation.

There was a lar'e attendance of ladiesat the 1 eiree of Kebekah Lodge, 1. O.O. V., last nijrht.

lion. S. M. Damon acts under powerof attorney for Hon. C. l. Fisliop duringthe latter'.s absence.

S. S. Zealandia is due this morningfrom San Francisco for the Colonies,with tix days' later news.

Mr. IL C. F.arnfield, artist, is about tomake his studio in the Melnerny block,alon with Mr. Tavernier.

The drum corps of the HonoluluI lilies ruve a lively conduct in the vicin-ity of the Arniorv last niht.

Hand concert at Thomas S'lpiare thisafternoon, unless the Zealandia will behere to require musical attention.

The Government Dispensary on Kingstreet has reached the painting stay;e.Its front elevation h quite attractive.

The corner stone of China FieineCo.'s house will be laid with appropriateceremonies at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

Jlidway I.-la-nd is favored by tihin;j;vessels as a jrood place for getting water.It seems to be a bad lace forgctlingashore likewise.

copy of the last few days of theAiA'FitTisKit an.l the last issue of the(A.i:i ri: was bought up before the mailclv'SCil for San Francisco.

Twenty-eirh- t native Iorinons fromLaie on this Island lately came to town,on their way to Salt Lake City. Ten ofthem left by the Fmatilla.

The regular monthly meeting f theHawaiian .Mission Children's Societywill be held this evening at 7:1)0 o'clockat the Kauaiahao Seminary.

F. XV. Mu was ment to San Franciscoby the Fmatilla, to be tried over therefor shooting the sailor Andrew Paulsonaboard the bark Newsboy on the hirhseas.

The Vandalia shipwrecked sailorsrtoinir Iionie exchanged lusty cheers withthe sailors on the Alert as the Finatillasteamed pat Unit warship in roin outof the harbor.

Mails dispatched for San Francisco perS. S. Alameda, April btb, comprisedo.l.sd letters and 1,420 prints; and forthe same point per S. S. Fmatilla, April12th, 4,r2'j letters and 2,:)02 prints.

Instead of a festive celebration of theanniversary of the Order, falling on theL'tlth inst.," F.xcelsior and HarmonyLodges, IndepiMident Order of Odd Fel-lows, will signalize the occasion by mak-ing a joint donation to the family of adistiessed brother.

The Hawaiian Hotel has lest twonty-ei"h- tiruests by the departure of the

steamer for San Francisco. This larjrej..

depletion has made the place exceed-inu'l- v

dull, as compare.l with the timethat it was occupied by the merry Whit-com- b

& liavmond tourisU.

The Supreme Court sat yesterday eve-ning until all the evidence was taken intheWaialua murder case. Addressesof counsel and .lud'e Dole's char-r- tothe jury will be delivered this morning,the Court otHMiin-- r at half-pas- t nine. Thetrial has been on since Monday morning.

The circulation of the Advi:ktisi:k h isincreased several hun-lre- cojaes dailysince coming under present manage-ment. Frequently it runs to a thousanda dav, while the "ordinary issue of theCta.kttk is far above that ti-u- re. Thesefacts should be pondered by the adver-tising public.

The Arcade is pinir to be closed outon account of the death of Mr. SimonCohn, the senior proprietor. An adver-tisement m this paper ?'ives some of theleading troo-l- that must be sold. Thisis certainly a rare chance for gettingbargains in dress goods and apparel forevery ago and sex.

Captain Alapai and Sergeant Kanianaraided a Chinese gaming house on Kingstreet near the bridge yesterday eve-

ning. They captured nine players, one..f idmin. oil he inn searched at the Station, was found to have opium on his

lerson, and a charge lor that oilei.se wasentered against hiiiK

There was a large crowd on the Oceanicwharf to see the steamer Fmatilla oil'.She was delayed till nearly 1 o'clockgetting bananas from the steamer Fwa.Professor F.erger with the Pov.il Ha-

waiian l'and enlivened the farewell-- , witha iim prograiiinu- - ending m nationalairs. Many departing passengers, oldacquaintances and visitors, were decorat-ed with leis.

Col. Z. S. Spalding boudif from Mr.Jules Tavernier one ...f that artist's mostrecent oil paintings of tin- - Volcano, sizo2din x .".din. The Colonel will exhibit itat the Paris Exhibition. F.y next mailsteamer Mr. Tavernier hopes to forwarda black and white drawing of theNol- -

during the

Messrs. Cecil Brown, W . O. Smith andJ. F. Brown; from the Mutual, MessrsJ. B. Atherton, Henry aterhouse andJ. A. Hopper. The conference agreed tocertain recommendations, looking to anamalgamation of the companies, whichwill be submitted to meetings of stockholders of the two companies separately

A member of the Mutual Co., on beingasked if the union involved a muchhigher rate, taid he thought it would henecessary to make the monthlv rates 5

for private houses and $4 for businessiiouses. A member ot the iell tosimilarly interrogated, said that he didnot apprehend a serious raising of therates. It would, he thought, be badpolicy.


A Statement That He Hails FromSydney.

A Sydney dispatch of February 2Sth isas follows:

An ve who resides in thiscitv, is in possession of a photo, exactlycoinciding with the description of Jackthe Kipper. The original ol the photo,was for some years a resident in Sydney,where he contracted a disease, and, tak-ing to drink, soon became a monomaniac.He left here for the old country, and fre-quently boasted that, if he left the col-ony, he would kill a hundred women.When leaving Sydney he had in his pos-session a surgeon's small knife.

Newsy Paragraph.The loss to the United States by

the Samoan disaster is computed at$2,000,000.

In parts of New South Wales, the lat-ter part of February, the thermometerstood at 112 and 117 degrees in the shade.Rather warm !

The bark Southern Cross, wreckedlately at Rocky Cape, Queensland, wasa sister ship to the famous Confederatecruiser Alabama.

Queen Victoria has commissioned SirJulian Pauncefote, hitherto Cnder Sec-retary for Foreign Affairs, to be HerMajesty's Envoy Extraordinary andMinister Plenipotentiary to the UnitedStates.

A Symphony in C."

Cash, there,


The "Pantheon" will have another bar-rel of the Celebrated Pilsen Draught Peeron tap to-da- y. This beer is f rem the fam-ous Buergerliehes. Brewery of Pilsen, Ger-many, ami comes all the way from Europeon ice.

Pattern Hats and Bonnets will be exhib-ited to-da- v, and the balance of this weekat N.S. S Cciis' Porn.AH Mii.mnf.ky Hoi sk,No. 101 Eoilt Stkkkt. The latest springand summer styles will he displayed, andthe ladies of Honolulu are cordially in-

vited to inspect them.


Monthly Sleeting.

milK II KG FLAB QUARTERLY MKKT--1- -ing of C. Brewer & Company will be

held at the ollice of the Company, Queenstreet, at 10 o'clock a. m., April 15th next,

J. O. CARTER,Secretary C. B. it Co.

Honolulu, April 5, lssi).

liooms to Letfv AT NO. 4 GARDEN STREET,piiij Honolulu.


Call at Anderson & Lundy'sDental Ollice, Hotel street, after 1 o'clock.

83-t- f


Stockholders of the Wailuku Sugar Co.will he held at the ollice of C. Brewer tfc

Co., Queen street, on MONDAY, Aprilloth, at 2 o'clock p. m.

PER ORDER.Honolulu, April S, ISsO. 85-l- w

Notice to Delpent Tax Payers.

AND AFTER TO-DA- Y, THEON of April, all Taxes will be payableat the Tax Assessor's Ollice in the " Ivapu-aiw- a

Building."No ten per cent, charge will be made,

unless a warrant has been issued or a suitcommenced, against the person or firmwishing to pay.

C. A. BROWN,Assessor and Collector of Taxes for the

Island of Oahu.April S, lsS!. 84-- 1 w


I the undersigned, hereby give noticethat niv wife, Mrs. Emma "Aloiau, hasleft niybed and board, without any justcause or provocation. I have taken goodcare of her and our children, clothed them,but it was not of any use, she was boundto go astray and leave me. Therefore. I

hereby caution every store owner of everynationality in this Kingdom, not to trustheron rnv.woiint, Any debts contractedby her I "will not be responsible for. Ifshe employs any attorney, I will not payhis fees. All debts contracted by her willbe on your own shoulders.

(Signed) ALOIAF.Kapaa. K'anai, April 5, lss:. 7-- it

4 DVKRTISF. YOUR WANTS IN-- V Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Absolutely Pure.tor quick raising, the Royal Baking Towderia

superior to all other leavening agents. It is ab-solutely pure and wholesome ana of the highestleavening power. It is always uniform instrength and quality and never fads to makelight, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.Bread, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised withRoyal Raking l'owder may be eaten hot withoutdistressing results to the most delicate digestiveorgans. It will keep in any climate withoutdeterioration.

Prof. II. A. Mott, V. S. Government Chemist,after examining officially the principal bakingpowders of the country, reported:

"The Roval Raking Powder is absolutely pure,for I have so found it in many tests made bothfor that company and the United States Govern-ment.

"Because of the facilities that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon the properproportions of the same, and the method of itspreparation, the Royal Raking Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"Db. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D.,"B 1221-l- y U. S. Government Chemist.


Attorneyat-La- w .

Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 12U-l- y

TO LET.THE STORES, Nog. 85 and 87Kin street, next door to the cor.of Fort street, will be to let onthe lirst day of Mav next.

GFTerms liberal. Inquire of10-3- m HENRY "V ATERHOUSE.


friends and the public generally that hehas purchased the Blacksmith and Carriage Shopformerly conducted by A. Morgan at Nos. 7'J and81 King street, where lie is now prepared to doall kinds of Carriage Painting and Trimming,Carriage and Heavy Wagon AVork and GeneralBlacksmithing with promptness and dispftcUSatisfaction guaranteed. 131-t- f.

DRESSMAKING.M. B. CAMPBELL HAS COMMENCEDMRS. busi uess of Dressmaking. Cutting and

Fitti ng, at her residence. No. 73 Beretauia street,opposite the Hotel. Tho patronage of the ladiesis respectfully solicited, satisfaction guaran-teed. 88-t- f 124:My

FOR SALE.P The Lame Estate fl

Known aa

KAHUKU, KAUIsland of Hawaii.

Contains 181,000 Acres.

Apply to J. O. CARTER.72 12(-t- f


FLORIDA WATERThe Universal Perfume

For the Toilet, the B.-t- and the Handkerchief.

In view of the attempts maderecently Ly some unscrupulousdealers, to foit upon the publica worthless imitation, bearing thegeneral outward appearance ofthe genuine, we call attention tothe distinguishing marks of thegenuine Mlkray fc Lanmas

FLORIDA "WATER.Each bottle of the genuine

article bcors on its neck the TradeMark, which appears alongsidethis notice: and on each leaf ofthe pamphlet, which is wrappedaround it. appears in fint watermark letters the words


If either le lacking: rejectthe article as spurious.

eh DOWNING SCHMIDTWholesale Agentt

San Francltco, Cal.

o. J

119 1240-l- y

Hig (1 hmglvpn univer-sal satisfaction in thercri lo

rl TO 5 DATS cure of Jonurrh' ftndGtirote4 toDot MU vi. I presenile it andoaiua Stricter.

feel safe in recommend-ingMf d only by th it to nil sutlVrer.Yltnzt Cic!ol Co. A.J. STOM H. M.D.,

Cincinn atl ,BJ:7SI Decatur, III.i'llHK.SI.OO.

Hold by 1 TUiTKitS.

IlKNSOX, SMITH & CO.,ill 12C1-1- V Agents.

riio Onl itK.Tt r:iv.liat will 5 RUPTURE is Kl' trii ity.Ht. PltiHF' Irt tho only

hIl.F.I'THtC TIU'SS III t W OJ 111 i'.l!lil.llr..t-- l in im led frn.ft.. K. T. 'o. TO I JSttt'to St. Snn I runcirtco l.'ai. U.S.A

EG AN & CO., 75 and 77 Fort St.

- fim

-- o-



Having hail an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e years inNew York City and elsewhere, we feel coinjtelent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and resectfullysolicit a trial. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.

Bell Telephone No. 274. 29 12oG-t-f


Iiftli Day of Murder Trial KquityDecinion in Itanco.

The trial of Aila for the murder ofLouis Johnson was resumed before aHawaiian jury on Friday at 9:00 a. m.

Defendant's counsel recalled Opunui(k.) and called J. S. Emerson and Pua.The prosecution offered in evidence astatement signed by Pua. Defensecalled Kauakaokai (k.), Mokuniaia (k.),Harry English and Henry Smith ; of-

fered in evidence the will of J. 0. Davis,and called I. Kalia, V. D. Alexander,Kepa, Pekelo and Caroline Aila. Theprosecution in the meantime offered inevidence statements signed by I. Kaliaand Kepa Kukuma.

The defense rested at this stage andthe prosecution had Enelu on the standat 4 :.'50 p. m., to give evidence in re-liutt- al.

DECISION.An opinion of the full Court in favor

of plaintiffs has been filed in the case ofUn Wo Sang Co. vs. T. Alo et al, upon aplea in bar by defendants to a bill ofequity to cancel a lease. This was thethird bill, to which the second waspleaded in bar. The Court find that aquestion is still open on the pleadingsand proofs between the parties, andtherefore overrule the plea in bar. A.S.Hart well for plaintiffs; P. Neumann andC. L. Carter for defendants.

Not Murli Like War.The following is from the pro-Germ- an

correspondent of the Sydney Telegraphat Samoa :

To-da-y is the l,"7th anniversary of thebirth of George Washington. Hero inApia the followers of the stars and stripesare having a good time, a baseballmatch at Matautu being the principal at-

traction. All the men-o'-w- ar in the har-bor "dressed ship," and as there is asteady trade-win- d blowing, the buntingis seen to advantage, thestars and stripesfloating gaily from the mainmasts of theAdler, Olga, Eber (German), Calliope(II. M.S.), and N'ipsic (F. S. S.) Andyet we are in a state of war.

Dulpli Interviewed.Adolph Spreekels, son of the Colonel,

in an interview at Philadelphia, said hisfather had refused proposals of Englishcapitalists to buy his sugar interests inthe Hawaiian Islands. His intentionhad been not to allow English monev tolloat there. He had gone to Honolulufor the benefit of his health, but had soldnone of his property to anybody. YoungSpreekels might have added that hisfather had, on the; contrary, added largelyto his sugar property in these Islands.

Public Concert.The Hand will play this afternoon at

Emma Square, commencing at 4.30o'clock. Following is the programme :

1. March Vienna Schlomer2. Overture Nahucco Verdi... Gavotte Domino Obhlager1. Selection Yeoiuen of the Guard...

Sullivanr. Waltz Yeomen of the Guard

Sullivanft. Galop Kossack Hide Millocker

fioorf Horse Sense.The San Francisco Altasays: " Let

no one fear that Hawaii will be forciblyannexed to the Enited States. We arenot out gunning for islands. All thatthis country requires is that the Sand-wich Islands shall not be used to shelterattacks upon our commerce. Let thatKingdom be the Switzerland of thePacific, and Fiu le Sam is content."

It is estimated that there are32,000 families in London homelessthrough intemperance.

Under the new treaty vith Chinait is righteously forbidden thatAmerica import opium into theCelestial Kingdom.

England has demanded of Mor-occo 50,000 indemnity, for the mas-sacre and pillage at the Mackenziefactory. Cape Nuby, in 1SS8.

I'YSi'cvUs'r meats.


N. AM I'LL M . DAMON HOLDSII mv power of attorney to act for metinnier mv ai.scnce iroin ims Kin-room- .

II AS. K. IUSIIOP.Honolulu. April 2. !!. ss-o- 't

StorklioliltTS Moetinir.

milF. ANN FA L FdSlNFSS M FETINGJL t.t the Press Publishing .'.( LVL). fortin- - presentation of reports ;ind election of..iliccrs will be h.ld SATE i: DAY, AprilP'.th, at its otl'tce. Friend building, at 10,, . ,.k a. in. A. L. SMITH,

sj-i- Secretary.


We have just received a consignment of tho


Canadian "Club" Whiskey!

And otler the same for Sale

In 13ond or Duty Paid.W. C. PEACOCK & Co.

D4 l2:if;

H. E. Mclntyre & 33ro.,IMTORTKR8 AND DKALEKH tJf

Groceries, Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Keye Hoods received by every partet from the Kftntern Rten mnd Knrope frPAh CaliforniaPrcduceby every steamer. A II orderH faithfully attended to, and uoodn delivered to any pat i of thmcity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed, l'ostoflice Box No. iltTelephone No. VI oapl7

Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu.3STo. V7 Emma, Street.

The underHigneil lens to Inform the public of thee islands that he Is making Sliirts bymeasurement. directions for self measurement wilt he given on application.

White Shirts, Over Shirts ami Night Gowns.A fit guarantee! )y making a sample Shirt to every order. Island orders solicited.

do Merchant's Exchange, cano, to be reproduced in eitherCab, where contracts for j (ration or Lo Monde Ilhistreol I ans

Exhibition.AOKNCV, t.

i....ri Uin.r can be made for it. T Hell Telephone 4 I O.,iu t. t ""pi

Page 4: ft in n i Yl :i Si .1. V 'rsBE:' rft4 in n H H k N il H Si H V 0 I 1 X 1 i Yl fl fi n u 11:i u.1.a 1 71 II r li V 1? V 'rsBE:' VOL. IX. NO. 88. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. SATURDAY,

i i'

J. I


Ollxfn.tli"") Jlllll Illlpl I'HollllH of .1

Visitor i'roni Alirii.nl.

TLo following letter UdU its own C. BREWER & COMPANY, GEO. W. LINCOLN, THOMAS LINDSAYMr. Clifford is andstory. so so Has KeruoveJ Itis Manufacturing

favorably known to a larp num!or (Limited). rpiIE WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS A IPICof persons, having sprat ahuut four tractor, and is now better prepared to do anv and all kinds of workUKNKRAL MERCANTILE apiertaining to contracting or any other class of work "beloiiirin- - to his trade, in Jewelrv Establishmentmonths in visiting the various points the same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed mv shop

of interest in the islands, that his - ai;d expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kin fs of work apiertain-lm- ? Vto the buildim trade that m.iv. ht put rnf .,? fn t,,t- - t m . j . . j .statements will Lo likely to - " - .ur. J. iiiii UJ (lo Fromcarry

COMMISSION AGENTS. the same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time Xuiiauii street towith them more woiht than is the ii iv uiiii vmu.L ir uuu uvuiy UL Uil is Woriii UulIV Wtll.case with the opinions of ordinary Thomas Block, Kinix Street.theThanking public for past favors,tourists. The use of yurjun oil is LIST OF OFFICERS: I remain respectfullv vours.something of which we purpose P. C. JdUM. Jr President and Manager

Co GEO" "V. LINCOLN. Particular attention paid to repairing. AdvertiserI. O. Carter Treasurer aodspeaking hereafter Secretarymore fully. Uou. W. F. AlU-- Auditor


lion. C. 11. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhouse

Wing llro Chan & Co.,


FOOX LTJi7 & CO.,113 Xuuanu Street, opposite Emma Ilall



Df.au Mn. Damon: My vi-.- it to theleper settlement on Molokai hasgiven mo great satisfaction. TheJJoard of Health kindly arranged forme to stay a fortnight at the guesthouse, so that I had ample oppor-tunity for sketching aud observing.It was a great surprise to me to findhow apparently happy and contentedthe lepers were in spite of the dis-ease. They almost always lookedcheerful and ready to give me asmiling grot ting, whether I metthem riding or walking about therlaco, or sittinir chatting at home.

Chinese & Japanese Goods.Have Just Received by Late Arrivals Contains all the nutritive virtues of the best Malt Liquors while it is Fit EE

from all ctiMinlofiV. r.r. ..i.-- v lar'e arm wen assorted mock ol

hand-painte- d ChinaFire Craoiiers, New Pesisns In Cups and

Sancees, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of FancyU00J9

At Orently KetlnreI I'rices.Heading; Baily KcwspapAirNOT 133VEVOE.Dinner and T'ea Sets

Regnlar shipments hj erery steamer.To winch the attention of intending pur-chasers is directed, as no goods of equal The following analysis the proportion of alcohol in the Malt Extract as Com- -nuah'tv h:iv ever hepn imnnrrnd intn narpd with M-il- f 1 .-- i - - ... i x .ifc.. i-- iii uuiaitins market. Also, all varieties and

I was glad to lind from those able tojudgo that the leprosy certainly takesa milder form in the island than ittook some years ago, and that gener-ally speaking the lepers do not sutlersovero pain. I saw several bad casesin the hospitals, but compared towhat I have recently seen in India,there were few in proportion to thepopulation. This is I suppose mainly

TOST OFFICE BOX NO. 255. ix tup:qualities of

Siik Handkerchiefs,Of Chinese and Japanese make. Also.

ExtractiveAlcohol. ANater.MatterEnglish siaall beer 32 2 4 9liLager beer (Brooklyn) o 8 oS QliMalt extract (Wyeth's) S2A(


TO ARRIVE by bark " VELOCITY,"now due, an assortment of


Paving and Curb Stonesand a few



Fort St.. : : : Hoxolulv.

The Manufacturers, Messrs. Jno. Wveth & Bro., I'hil., have appointed


due to tne excellent sanatory ar-rangements on the island. The cottages are well ventilated, the supplyof good water is plentiful, and thefood, as far as I could judge, excel-lent. During my stay I subsistedlargely on the samo meat and bis-

cuits which were supplied to thelepers, as my visit was lengthenedunexpectedly, and tho supply of foodI had brought with mo became exhausted. 1 noticed that even the

-- :o.-

LEWIS fc CO.,numerous dogs about tho placelooked well fed.

I was struck with the diligence of' Dr. Swift, who seemed to bo alwayshard at work among his patients,and to be quite absorbed in attend

Have Just Opened

New Lines of GoodsWhich will repay inspection.

JP-?""- In the Salesrooms on the secondfloor are many articles entirely new tothis market.

Special Goods at Special Trices!Household Goods in Large Variety!

Complete Lines


(Except Sunday.)



Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers ic

Groceries and Provisions.ing to them. I attended two services

e Ilousr (jol a Wirllly .Tjlbl-t- f

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COHardware, Agricultural Implements,'

HONOLULU MARKET r.ic, liantatiou .supplies. Kero-sene Oil of best quality.Printing Establishment

on Sunday, Protestant and RomanCatholic, and in both cases there wasa large congregation and heartysinging. I was particularly pleasedwith tho Bishop cottages erected forgirls, superintended by tho Franciscan Sisters. They were kejt inbeautiful order, aud the girls lookedhappy; they and the boys at Kala-wao were very much delighted withthe magic lantern of scriptural viewswhich 1 had brought with me fromEngland. I think you are awarethat one of my chief objects in visit-ing tho leper settlements was to introduce to them the gurjun oil whichhas proved itself so valuable a curein tho Andaman Islands and in otherplaces. Dr. Swift was very kind infurthering my wishes about this

(Successor to Wm. McCandlesa.)-- o-Pacific ILvkdware Co., L'n.,

1201 57-- y Honolulu.JVo. O ( 11 re 11 Strvet, Tisli Market, Ho-

nolulu, II. I.

Subscription,JUST AKRIVED : $6.00 per Annmijrhoir.pst Roof Mnffnr ) P.ii1 PishVllViVVUli UWI PKR BAUK iMerchant St., Honolulu. -VEGETABLES, ETC.,

Always Kepi on Hand. Or 50 Cents per jVIontli

matter ami the Sisters willingly consented to try the remedy on the girlsin their charge. While I was therethere was a marked improve-ment in the patients whoused it voice, face, bleep, andgeneral health being all notice Family and Shipping orders Carefully

Attended to.

Delivered by Carrier.Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at short

H Hackfeld, from London


Fence Wire,Galvanized Bucket

Best Coir 3Iattin,aSTFor Sale at Lowest I'riees byl

Ct. W. Miicf'arliiiie & Co.120 tf

, . : j lcTelephones 3STo. 212

LOVE'S BAKERY.o. 7 Xuuann Street.

MRS. KOBT. LOVE, . . . Pr0irietrBI.

ably better, but I feel that a gooddeal of pressure would have tobo put on lepers before the' couldgive tho oil a sufficiently "lengthytrial to produce a cure. Two smalldoses have to bo taken daily and itshould be rubbed all over the bodyfor two hours twico daily. Youknow better than I how difficult itwill bo to persuado Hawaiian lepersto make this exertion. If, however,this can bo done, I feel persuadedthat a euro will bo the result. I amassured by Sir Donald Stuart (lategovernor of the Andaman Islands)that every ono of his convict leperswithout exception was cured by thegnrjuu oil treatment, though manycases were far advanced and of sev-eral years' standing. I sluill Jn,i,i


1 1 f; 2 OliWoifs Feiizerelllci.rcsci.to the Interests of tl.e IVIitician, tl.e Merchant, the1 lantor the fctorokocper, the Lawyer, tho Workman, and, inlact, all Classes of the Community.

Every Dpscrlrtion of Plait and Fancyi

Bread and Crackers,1' RES H .

Soda CrackersA N I)


Having been appointed HOIA-- AdKXTSin the Hawaiian Islands for these

Celebrated Fertilizers, areprepared to execute

orders for

Dissolved Peruvian Guano,Special Cane Alanine,

bo thankful if the same results canbo attaiuod in Hawaii. There is alargo supply of oil at the settlementand more is to arrive shortly. Theonly fear is that it will not be stead-ily and sufficiently applied. Wouldit bo possible for the matter to betaken up by tho authorities?

I left Molokai in tho Likelike, theship which carried for the lirst timethe friends of the lepers at Hono-lulu to spend a few hours with thesufferers, and I was deeply inter

THE ADYEETISEESaloon BreadAlways ou Hand.


Islnn.l Orders IVoiuptly Attended to,1 72-3- m

Plain and Fancy Printing H,s for many year, been noted for its Reports of Legislatilroceechngs important Lar Cases, etc. These are recordedchafm when the importance of the occasion warrants itested in the excursion. I had previ-- 1

And the Other Fertilizers

For Sugar Cane and Fruit Trees

Made byT 1 1 E A X i L O -- C O N T I N E N T A L

I'ANO WORKS (late OhlendorlFs),

And to give sueh intorniation eoncemir.gthe same as may be rcqtured.


7 .


uus,j nmifsspu mo neart breaking-partin-

of thoso who were leaviu"their homes and families for Molikai, and it must have been an

delight to lind that tholinks were not broken forever, andthat segregation at tho settlementdid not mean absolute separation forHie. 1 shall never fnnr,.i .


Habana Cigars,It was certainly a beautiful thought

Law Books and Blanks, Pamphlets of anv kind,Lawyers' Briefs, Freight and Plantation Books,

Statistical Work, Colored Poster Work,Lithograph Colored Cards, Business and Visiting Cards,

Ball and Wedding Cards, Programmes, Billheads,Letterheads printed in Copying Ink, Etc., Etc., Etc.

to plau this excursion, ana it rnitmake a permanent chango in thofeelings of droavl with which a lifeat Molokai is regarded.Altogether my visit has left methankful and surprised at the com-

parative prosperity and contentmentof the l pers, and I feel that thegreater credit is duo to those whohave bi.-i?- ht matters to their nr.

And a iurtht-- r shipment of tin's and of theIi-..iv- ed Peruvian Guano is due here in

;:': 71-l- m

Bavarian Beer.of the Hackerbrau Brewery, Munchen;

Strassburg Beer.

Flgnsbnrg Beer,


Double Extra Stout I'Ul'H.U- - I'UNTA , 1

Eiflpa Ir0E aa'i Lo.j Oiuotlve V.;rks Sin FranCISCO.

IJotrlc-- l ly M.R Foster it S LmW PEOMPTLF Am JfEATLY EXECUTED.

ent fitalH. I must not close withoutsaying how interested I was in xavintercourse with Father Damien andhis associates, and how impressed Iwas with the work he has l .oen effect-- !ing at the cost of so much snfteriu" :

to himself. 0 j

lielieve me,Iear 3Ir. Damon,


ours very sincerelv, i

Kiwai:d Cr.irr.mi.. ;

March S, 1SS9.

French Claretseasily hanJV.j r,rl nUiilentirely to our P;it:sfact.on. 1 c a rlr"nnu ni1uo nrj.rovennt on tru--

Vt-r- rehire t fully voiuh.(signpd, a. Moo hk j

yiAU ir 1'aanhau FUutation.

of superior qualities ;

German Preserves.in tins.

-- :o:

FOR SALE BYAd.lress all hu.-ic- fs letters:

HAWAIIAN--C1AZETTK CO.,Honolulu an.l ar, u " V' T1, Ul "'km

AVooden shoes for children haveheen introduced with some euceossin London. They are so cheap thatthey cannot be pawned, as leatherhoea frequently are, bv the parent,of many poor children, to wh, thevare gjven by charitable people

iloil sclilacgcp & Co.,Address all business letter? :


II. M. WHITXEY, nu.iness 3anager.

i:isIon Iron A. I.oo. AVrU,'D I'r.uieisr-o- .

Koom n ; v hrVu- - ""nolului ni2 w..,:WIVJS c,.., AK,tl.


H. M. WHITNEY, MannerHonolulu, II. 1.