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4 , ' THE } ^ ' ^ DI^i^$^, < f i^^LM^i ,.. ; ¦ ;. T \ : . - ; ¦ . ' . ¦^¦ ¦C\ ' ^ . . ti I i' . , I j«i the articles in the present volume we spar k of common sense or any senti - neas with ^the Russian ' peasant ' rjri Bifininb an ^' ; m^ jw** writtefi ''^r I thexcoMio n i' ': wv^ l llfi A lTlfirlrfln I8f3fi llfil f ound them In the quotations free from ment of jus tice is left in him , will frank- pearly half of, all who come remain in Bubstitute th ^for others 6f to idle and conservato r y; 6f ;flowers r Tlie pre sent s Are Better; , -thei ; '' :BpyB - : : br; ' ' th i'Gij.]iwf I lib ntllUUU UU IQIUUIU UI ^ some of the Vticles are of par- ly declare th at he ordain s and enforce s ¦ »«| * "4 «j *f work on read y, meaningle ss cha racter. JV ^ttho-numerou B fH^dfl^n^^ r ^H^a^fro ^^ p^n ot>:B ucceS i ^^ „„ -,-^ /^^ v .. , . . - ./¦ . , ' : i . . . . , . .. made clo thin g. If. . we h ad no unmigra . But to resume General Pike was ad- name, is le gion , ; were elegan t . and ; a^. pe48gogue. : ^./ ^..v^^:rl^^ ¦ ¦ ¦•¦:^;¦ ;-^ ;^ ¦¦ ¦ -Vi LEO WISE & CO., ti cular interest just now , as Arbeiler , t he nameless 'misery of many ten thou- tlon frpm ether countrie s , we ebuld: re- mitt ^ POB usHiw and morK iL-roM . Chiliaamus , ^ Feiterbestallung , OJfenbarung, sands because some being of the same ceive without danger' . --a' few thousand beea sb long and ;i^ * «us„«. v w fv,r vifth and Vine Sta. and man y " oth ers. Although Dr. K. reli gious belief with them are s upposed Polish Jew s-a ' year without injury to forty -onei year s ' ago. He has contribut- ^rV' 'J£ ' 'Benjamin; >'S£^ anbl'Urs: \ ; ]&uri oe; paintings and' fkhcy wor k: ' : bf the ' tMi^r ' ¦ <g ffice. *. W. Cor , nun ana deolaKB in the pr6foce , tha t he is no to be NihilisVespe^ ^ ^ largel y to/literatur si muchiof which B^amin ^.,tod ^M^ ISAAC M WISE - - - - Editor .. . i - 4 u 1. u-- ¦ *!. *v.-* ' *-* U ' ' i.:-j «.» ..iLu . ..j ' ^i; grant s coming during the last thre e is profound : tod philosopmcal. ^ ^ I SAA C M. WX**, * partisan , yet it seems he hold awith that j ect every kind of r eligion , and the monthaare a4urce ofVeat dange ^ Cincinnati , 0., June 11, 1891. ancient rabbi tpV KT ™" "5 , for large bulk of them come from -the or- Journal and Messenger , Cincinnati ,, , ' he will^way s b^o^^ .^i.^^,.^., ¦ ' .,„, ¦ -- 1T , J,.m which we giv e him s pecial credit , aswell thodox Rus sian and , the Roman Gather fr-i™., fliiL. ^ ft int 'ir«W in«STrP«t He tran alate d from L atin The Paudeot s Kali sher t : Fountain * ;, Mr. ' Arthur ¦Wolff , the yariouB ,:ekbibit8 of the pupils ' - iJ.Sv 50BSCE1PTIONS PAYABLE « AB7AICE. . , ^ ^ ^o^gi ftnd «iactne. s, lj c churches after they have renounced ^^^SS SSS S of.*»titfih£» iMIPTtON PRICE, PEE TEAS . . . . $i 00 . ..„ ¦ . ¦;, ? £„. nf afv , A , t ttir rttB Wiv* r^irin« V Tt ' rather * ^ Wllb DebOTaH . t . ^ brevity.and clearnes s , of sty le. * h "Y P^V e -^ Posta l to EnTose; One Ttsai loo ~— , ' ' , . T pu . t o V-^ tb VT^ ^ " ¦ Major Euipt s attack on the Chris- gained the consent of the modern Ahas- ,j owg . :Ba^d:Ute^ature ;.of;the : Hm^oM ,;: iiB ' -far . Mr ;: .;iuBd . : : l Mi ^ Kates OP advertisin g. tologi cal dogmatism of the Church in uera s "to destroy, to slay and to extra- baok ' in the past as letters ;and learnrag R^ comptoentary Rc»iutiDu. unJ Obitu n rica «5M G produc ed . tremendou s effects raish all the Jews , " as Haman of old 1885 18, 536 enable us : !to penetrate: lie Zend- snuth ^^ Betr othal *. Ma niagea . Birt to. Deaths Ac, eachioo i v„^ ' > , «, „„ „a . j .t a. a m u frt Tj i^ -a 1886 27 - 348 Avesta,iB a compilation pf the same T. . Frankle , Me ssrs. M. J. Frtokle , iMWled-^ -a^Vfflawmi^ wliJA ^u? ?' : : Advm(.em<mi. c71^^t 1on. . nn ieM o^ ^^ 1887 25, 788 character of s acred liter ^ . «"£. wiie ordered , ar e tet up unuom ii to tKcupy a cratio laity . Another monograph , to half-witted emperor believe the Jews ' ga ges. Thia . ' gr eat ; work of General Tobiner , H. ' Samstag, A. Kuhta , .Miss ladie s.were charm ed with th e or oeK ? SftU o%oi!rf dta wDtinuedP U TSe cha S l e for tho the same effect ^appeared latel y under are t he Nihilists , and it became in him ' " o>W Pike' 8 has now attained to the 'd imen- H^Fran kl e / Miss C. Rice, Mi s s ' Rose wort , embroidery : ' and ^fiW sewinB 1 ' f S^a 9 r^ ll ^X^ S^uSu K «>e title Vnausgesprochene Gedanken B mania to persecute the Jews , as the °° *"" fj ?£ ' aions; of . fifteen f large ^ manusb ^v^-; ^ ^e ipupils/ /Dr esseB ': completel y ig^ gfr ^^ S^SfiSi /S^S l ft! ^ "'^ »»« ("Unuttered thoughto minds of demen ted men once turned 189° v 83 ' 321 umes., ¦ A j pro found . inow edge oTeth- Dr ^d ; MM. ; ,Behr ^ thbi i n mind when giving their order *, ii tney \ = ¦¦ ¦«>u™ i'< »B»i»«-"' —»*• «u»,u »«. »» ,. ¦ nolonr and .nhiloloitv'is involved. ¦¦ re- L. Baum. Mr. and Mrs. Brook. Mr. L. works of art; > The ; «*hiH*;At. -.. ;Vv ¦ ^a^Ja^^^^^^ ^E^ of m ^ milli0M on th « UGtenab * into a certain direction are perfectly 156 l 268 quired and ^ develofed: in . this great AbSS ^IisV Abrahams , ^iM o^^Sorld ^r^l^£ ^ to ao ^ notiiy toe pub UBher. wheu givlug their nature of the Christian confession in its hypnotised and inseparably wedded to Or an average of 26065 a year Ten work ' .. ' , " ; ¦MrBV:BaraeB V-Mr.; ahd , Mrt ; ' \J uliiM. ;Iians ; ' bly' . occup ied during th e yew , ' and or ,r c ' presen t form. ") Another to the sam e this or that particular mania. And now- M ,, ..^.L ., Ini ' „;„ *i,l n m A prominent writer , .commenting on bur j ^^ denting; at its^ clbse indub itable evidmi^ KK mWu tottte %t I Th( . J* ± . ' . ( i j^ oiodeii doe- f^Ll^ v,nJ ^ K ft ™w«?lL£™ bw that arme at all . of the other ports , 4 ,^j, capaci ty for train worfc surpas s ; : ^he engagemen t s; announced ;t>f ¦:&¦ ts scope.; /;: ;; ;^.; ; ¦;; ^ ; " ; .;¦ ¦¦> - V:V ;^ °^" ^ na ifdrm charge ot».oo ewh. p ' lhe atta cks on the . , Chri stological dog tells, ^ wa, how the emperor became taken together These peop le-; are es^that of any man known: to pur J itera ^; Mi ss: Birdie Ktn^ of, th is iityi to-Mr. < ^ . . Om Sund ay ' last; at Oi^^ nazo ^ ^ n.t« f 0 > r,ispLAY ADVERTi3EMESTam.de maB f t re made by professed Christian s .; flUOh an enraged and; furious , foe of his pr aotipaUy ; aii ' Belf-s^r^n g7bniy : an: turei.tod ;for forty y^rsjt equid ed that . Morris; Bnck , ofNew'York.j SorHBR ;/ ; ' Cougr egatibn ;^haaray > Tefila , 1hUdr ^ ; t^wtfc ^Slon ; ADVERTI3EMEI ,T9 m,<le the ;J ewB, especiall y in Germ any , are Jewi sh subjeots. ; The ^ gnat iri the ' brain SS erab te portio ^ the ^riiv- oj ^onap arte ,>hen engaged ; in: hi s eel, W^^ ™ ' ?^^ ^:^ ' of & Hebrew lFree^bhooH wSS^' ~r ~ - ~ very quiet in thi s direction—they have ol Titus , which hammered away" day "i v * * . ' ¦ W ¦ ' t; •:• a^J: ? brate rV camp aigns , ^ .^rhese .? studious ; ; , .;. . ¦: " ^ •• ; ; ^^ ^i^ ; . ' " ; ; , v firni ^ ! a «8»w«rJB ff Mrer »l.. *l«rttee» H iv«n tWi . .^ qflm i t : . m t^ ^1^«^ \. ^ w. T* ; j ' V ing re ^^^ ^ om tho oharitle s . and ab so- habits were ^stimulated - by an;ihsat able Jf ^w. YQBK.: . - v. .- opening P wer : and ;-Israe l G^^ i^ p»per , «»rre»d«r ,»m«aftr.f. Tornpoa iioth , «1. too much anti-Semitism to contend and night and tormented incessantl y ^ .^ .becoming a burde i^ toi any desir e ;for knowled ge f from ever ^ SZ^™^SEB ^lRA ffi Wltk ' " , " . ' - - - the destroye r of the teinp le . is m this one ^t.their own co- r elig ionisU, ' : : ^ ^ science - and ? was - ^PP ort ^b^ ., wthe >a Terti iemt Ejlnti..AMEB [CASlSRAELlTh . ^ case the flea put in Alexander ' s ear by -; ^ . , amaiin gimem ory , arid Ofte or; the fine st { ru ^ion ; comx^ic^ok, Bbt^ed by the miter : win ^ cobr esi-ondext writes from Sy dr ;^ e ^_ Ucft v£' eneini ^ of the Jew a vi^ r ': , ;- , -. ' > ' f ¦ ' : ¦• , ,. . , > ^ -; v brains ^nd iphysical: »cohBtituiion ^yer ; ^ n f ^m^^achc ^ ^Gn.the ^ Rap tael ^Sam l^BS S-^ bo ue ther publiAed not pretenred. No MS9.wlll ney : r ne unpiaca pie enemies 01 me j ews , yi z. p a n p s vnn ^ AVAsn j Na fpfy ^ riven ¦ ; -in man ^^ It ;' wm ; -ba " 1 Ma diiv ' ««in 3d.of July th e public schools will be ^^^ f^^ t^" - ™?*-^** - '* ' ' ' ' 8 ^ be r eturned tinieai Jon wW tor txaminatioa at a ^- . . ¦ ¦ . _^ . ¦ - . . , . .;, ' ^The Jews are Kmilists ,'' which is as ^? £0 ^ '^ ^" , -^^^ word ? of encourageme nt to th e;confir m- ' ipeciai reque it of the pnbUiher. , . - ¦ : "It bein g so nea r Passover reminds ,t u "r" - " ¦ ; , ^ ¦' ./• " , ¦¦ * . . *" ¦ , :• -;¦ .. ¦;¦ - '. - - . .; ;- - .; . th at this . exceedingly rare , combination 0 f 0B ^. ™*.v^ ne ^v a v: 0 f ul J^ n ' ;- * e r. ant8 , arid then the examidation bv -ftS - ' ' " -.^ iw^w ' ^ me that we are being visited by some of much of a faUehood as if one; would ; 6 the I8th bf April ; there pas sed of fac ulties leads to the highestdeg rees WflV heprospect of^e cpmra g jaca- ^Jc^ooi^tb ^ ' paot ^^^^Km' , JT JTO jyE ^. : , the Egyptia n pUgiL ^name i, grsss : ; maintai n : aU Englishmen are /gamblers , ^? . ^S ^ st ^ St W ora ^mmen ^^ eVhave ^a^him S^^ ^g^ ^S Sola - Mendes ^ m^ ySfi^^^ w.™nid b8 mnoh T obIie ^ United State sV if the ^ pmer of , America , ;the^oro aSter of p^.^^^ V^mt ^^ S~ chHdren and then /xielivered an addr e^ Kc^^tt l^^u 'ffi e^ the coloriy ^ notwithstanding the magnif- ardB . „, all Am^i canB M^ Mur at not in the world , ; ; - modem . Asia, a profound; philosop her , a g^S^ ^Sf S^aS^ tem ti^f t^mi^$mi iteM thtyd^ir a ohron ^ to th ewrpecUT oad- icent ieason , riot ave sti ge of green is to ^ T"- i; T - -^f X n,^ ¦ " . ¦ = ¦ ¦ V:- . ' /; , gr eat jurist ^ profound : ethnolog ist, , a m ^ M Theissue of thV ^mmia nfi^Lnnk - ; dre ae. , before the tta especMed ^ be seen anywh ere , a a it has aUbeeri eat- Halstead (June 3d) gtyes the followmg . .. v , j^ E ^ K p, , .. , a gre ^ statesman , perfectly ;free (f from end of June , as Jhe.pr omotion s ; would ^^^ ^tls^a^enedtn ^V ^ffi rSll ffi iP0 ^ en by the grasshoppers. No doubt you additional ezplah ation : -;. _ ; \ Grand Commander of the Ancient and the arte pf; the demagogue , and all^e ^ ^ve^ beeu .made ,by ^t,me ,^d appro bitJ ^.iaSSp^ g, Phiiadciphia. -B«fore Monday nooa to will wonder what I mean by the plague . "The Czar of Russia is becoming a Accepted . Scot tish Rite. V.He was . a mait debasiri g fftctoys whi ch stiiri ulate ambi : ? 8ea ??f at ^ B > ua -5[. - . ,9 o^1 ; °f ^Pf 5l -- n unusually iarW tdDy ' contei nib c W^> Herman firUn, wiok r 85i W; 6to s t ' of'Blood. ' - Abou t four weeks ago the very /religious man. He is now driving in the tioie sense of the ; ; word , beloved ti pn to pande rto the frailties of man. The just . bef ore vacation time ^ ^ but ^ the ( inor - ^^ ; fif ^. tw | r ^^^ , ; ; excei)erfi^! ^ B ^^ o^nlwionv - OI1 !la7: n00 ^ " Dnl ' whole ; of . the ; water in; the harbor as ^ the Luther ans out of his Emp ire. ^ He is and esteemed not onl y by hi s brethre n worl d produces bui fe w such men: .r In tion- was -Tigor puslyf cpmUted ^y ; his ^^ rwdin ^m^tter ^ v^^ i^ Ci«5veiandr-B , Z. Hnff 1No.SBouth W»t *fBt. Biimed a red appearance, Everybod y resol ved. that his empire shall be hol y. ; of . thi s country and every civilized com- , the estimation of the au thor he is, with- cpiieague ^ Oomm ^s^ner GuggeuheAmer ,. whion ; att OT t to the ' enterD rise of th s <i? Belore Mondi r noori. . , ¦ ; . was asking what -caused it , arid the The Greek Church is raising a revival munity . of the globe , ;but by everyone: out dpubt or rival /the greatest ' of Amer- fno^yoted a^ ¦* , ^S^i?AT^^ H<ra il7 nt>onto72i lt ' I * ?' Government'Chemist , announced that and.the Czar is pushing it with his bay - who knew him out side of the fraternity/ ican .p 6ets.. r His poetic:works embrace the board. ;Nm this respect our commis^ j^are entiile a i ' The Jew in-Fin a mS^ tobS^i^ieiow Mond sT noon to upon " examinin g various samples of oriet; ¦ What he wants to complete ' the He was a poet ; ap haosopher and sage , a volume priMitly ^rin ied, and distribut a ?? nei ^ *J* ^,^ ^ n ?i- aa .,i ne y 09 ^ The Jew in Education /The Jewiri Mirl 'i - " 'Moech , " 1013 Third Are: : f-v ¦ ' . ¦: ;. 'V - . . " water he bad discovered that the water circle of reli gious'irifluer ices is Constan- and ;iri the special-riiatters; that , Were; ed to a^w frier ids only. : ; Hi s talents P«enMn : th e; East eide ^ witl r regaj d^tp jci n ^ Tbe : Jew ; iu Music The ^^ CbIeaKo.^Boiore ^esdayio6ri to ' Amerlc ^ was full of microscop ic insects of a red tiribple. ; The fact is he needs . Constan- under his-jurisdiction ¦ evinced energy, as lawyer arid jurist assured 'hto ^^ a P? 1 ; : ^ , ? B ^ uc ™^ e 'f-^ h Yf r*n v iLiterature , Th e- Jew>ad '^L' aw V 'ThB : W ?; . . .- . ¦: lmeTlto ^Ho. 820 Dearbomst. i Eooin«7i5 , 7is ^forV m any tbousands of tbem being in tiriopl e for a Lritherari cap ital and th at justice ^upright nessand univer sarcharity stant and ^great- profession ^ . employ-; They say ^ ^,. ' -^ /{ Zr^i^^ be may compete with ^he; religious; in- to all who were /br ought: into connec- ment .^ -;,;, ;; ; ^ S^^ p^-b^^ Cnoba V rema ^ B a myfltery ," - ¦ > " ' ;- ' ; ' flueric ^ ofRomeon the ; Eastern shor es ; tion witt; him ; ; ^o narro w prejudice : He was born in; 1809, and ; thu s fin- ' Ched ar ' : . ac day ^efore the mouth y ^ writerBi ;5 " , ^ W:?? * ^ *"* : ; " " p "™ 5 ' wMte mATo7 . < ^ - ; ; ; wi. ' ¦ ' - " ; . - - » •¦ . '" ¦;: ¦ ; ' ¦ ¦ ;; ¦ ¦;, at least , of the Mediterranean. " :V -•: ' or arrogance of creed , faith or r ace^: ,had ished his mundane ; work at a ^ ri pe . old pT^ ;^ - . .;^ •:,,At ' last' week y B^m eetinlt ' of th e -Boir d ' - , ;San *^o ; Xe^^ ¦:: ;; :; ' :::: ; : ; ^s (5^bo ^^ \ The Danish Crown Pri nce, whP is act- is ener geticall y at wOrk on his great Er ^ ^ Guardm n , under ;. the : signature of ^ on numerous occasion s , promin ently nftve ; d6Tote ^; tb6 ; much ^ ^ Ving as regent duringth e KingV abserice , cyclopedia o w6 ^ d ¥¦ ^ r ^°^ ; ^- ^.vi sit o,w^^^ : nineti pth- Hrth ^ ' : ¦ ' " ¦ . -- ' *V . : . . . . .V ; ' - - : .beV 300 . francs . ;for the ^ twelve ^ volumes. iri : ;longev ity,; iri th e trial s it. has under- Sof the ^brew language: in which &* , pamp hlet s. ^ .books : are ^aily make the pilgrim sge; whifo in the iasy-: ^^^^S^ v -^^ ^ ; iK behalf of , the , H ebrew TJniori . Col % A letter inviting sub scriptions has been gone . ' arid- suririonted , in the : vast , yai te 1 attained great prPfioiency - He i ssued coriimeriting .. on . Jews and : lum men , women and children ' were ?.- ,f?- -: ; ^. B : .Y ^^^ ;. ^^ er, r * . -^-/ - ;;-j lege,; we; ack nowledge receipt ; of one issued by ' a ' committee . ipbnsiatirig of M: ™*y;of it s sufferings , in. the patience ifoie^ its h^rature and history * -: the ' ;. J ewish/question , : ^pme ^ a "; or Been^aiid; althoug ^rthW aMem ^ .. hundre d dollars from Mrs: ^Hann ach :(by z adoo Kahn , Grand R abbi of Fr an ce, ^ wnichrihas ^ne^hem , or m the ¦:^ ^^^: i ^£^,.^. . ^^ > ', L ^^ / ~^^ i ^ ! f r Anpnnw^aa ^aeV yia ' ¦S SS S^'^^S-^ t, ¦ -n ' ¦ «¦ ¦ " ¦ " ¦¦ > ' ¦ Yi. - j v, " 7,^ , £ t- v., v T victorious ; eas e with whi ch it has tn- ¦ . . -.. , , sorro >v, sorrow , sobbow , . . . . -n ature. -; A .. . wri ter ' styling himself rriost cordid welcome tod . as in the - ?P^^^ - -^ :: Rev. D ^ Mayer), m;m emory pf her ceased husband , : Julius Hannach , ot J ules Oppert , Theodor e; Reiriach arid plogy of Christian it y i s trivial compared and especially, by those of our pdmmun- city, has printed ab^^ : .;: ; -; . - , . ¦ 'V\ P/:;.^^ i r ^ iJ m , r ;,;;.;o.;;; :;; : , ; Pittsburg h; ; Pa ; , who ; di ed January 3, Isidore ; ¦ Singer. Vlri ' Berlm ; Rabbi S. with , the , martyrolb gy ; ;6f the :" Jew s. ion ; . . . : ;: ^: ' ; ::. . \ :: " ,y. -: ' : tles^Modem Judaism and ihe ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' lSSl/ fiftyr four year s > old. - Omci al re- Jafie issued a table of coritent s tb aiiew ^re-the . ow cpunt s its hundreds the ;; ^ Ariiorig ' the eloquent eulog ie s Teceived " ^ ^P 1 ? ' a T^a . sh -^ , ^°f e ^ ^^S^S^rl -'Sf? mg ^ ! - ..;a- »!ii ui^^ai, ...» ¦ ¦ ¦ ' \ -o , " ; :- -ii ' r It. m - v j oth er counts its tens of thousands or its hon e are more touchin e affectionate arid tracts with a sprmkhng of libelous . fa- . ^ B^ 6 e ^ , ceipt:Will ;p esent.by; theS ecr et ft ry. . .^^ ¦ . "" ¦ ' ; . ' - r ¦ * *> ¦ ¦* .- : ; : ' . .. ; ' ¦ ¦ on; a, sma ller scale t han H ambur ger ' s. , h ave been persecuted in,every realm of endeared ^' brethr en: ' -A ' E * Pr ankiand W « bonversiori ;Vne acb r nowledges be, irig ii: ^ R - a * >?5 d "^^™?^^' W S^'^' u -^ nV1 ^ WliB: - ^ U8 ^ ^ ink of air ythi ng ^ut;- . , A r awp transition was effected in ; it has the reco mmeridatien of the fore- Europ e, - their goods confiscated ,; their: Chi cago and N Levitf " of Charleston descendant-bf the tribe ?of ¦ Israel / but : is ^^?urm 8 V 118 - '*^}?6 7reff - The prepv the ;cpriquest ,pf ;;th e wilderness; and' a; V Berlin. ; The orthodox Rabbi; l>r. -W , ; mbst Talrriudical' scholars , like Prof , childr en , tpr a.fr om:th im, them selves two of his brethren :whdiad: progres sed ' «|d^ay,w^V; ;on ^lotot ¦S^S.nSfi S rfSfSSS h ^t^^ df ^^ h ^^ endeiit ¦% Elem perer /the Rabbi of Bromberg, in Jo e^' Mueller of Berlin - and ' Isaac do6ined mftS9aore ' and this not once ln the oraer to 'th e hi ghest ittamable for a; job : J n';: the - sal e ^ his. , br ochure , : ^^ S^ 1 ?? ' -^; tho . cpmposure . 0 n ,.him ^.;; These first; - obstacles , : over,, y ^lemperer , ^. xvaDDi oi xirwno er g, m j oei . atelier, ot iJ er iin , ana . Isaac. or twioe m a century but fo r a thou sand decrees " ' - ' ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' - O whiohT hbWever r -has ' f allen ; stillborn 0i ft^t^;^, :: ; - - ? ^v\;. :!: :-; ;v^'r^;^- come, the gr eat wealth of the contine ntv i; -the Duchy of Po sen/was elected pr each- Hirsch Weis , of Vienna . The work - is years together. Here arid there th ey ¦ FoiTsbmeidays the r erriain s of thPo V from thepress ; ; He ad vocates mba sure e ^; ^^ b ecame disclos ed; arid ; with it iridre ariit :;: ; er of the Reform Congregation of Berlin , to app ear , shortly. . have had a pa lmy 3time for a consider- ^rted Commander were deposited ' in- for enticing Hebrew s ' into the; fold s. I he ;Tisitor ^, were , r eceived by ther - Di- pf' opportuni ty for affluenc e arid ease. ^ ' -i and has already accep ted-th e position. ¦ ; ;V " ¦ ¦ , , . - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . able period , " .; wh eri ;-they repaid - the the San ' ctuary ^ftheTemple of the Rit e; In thisj erapf Bri ggs ,: Newfon ,. «^ 5 ^itti "c* 0 ^ of the ^mtitation ;;an d^ they lad y: The , race ^ tq grasp ; th ' em; beca ' me:the:a ]i;?;; Now -we do notiriow whe ther Mobam- ' TlIEm ost ridiculous renort on the country which ;^ot^ed^henv : by add-: : The; rbom was suita bly; drlped , ; ; Sopher 6 r^ ^^mth ^M gog ^m SS ^^Jlfe lStS rrW abs »rb ^ Sipaesion/; ;,Time passed, : and: ; :v; ~ a ' -; .? ' *w \ ¦ ' ¦ ?!, ^ naicui pu s report on tne in g to its wealth-and. furn ishing the waa cabled -rinbri bv his brethreri to as- as theodapothegem says , be damned if tod ^ he reception iasted ^he entire day: we enter upon a ' new . era. .. The. e artli; .. med .went 5 to the ; mountam or he Czar arid the persecute d . Jews came . via m | st- accomp lished pr ofessPrs,of ^their ^Sjl^Snd Sfrii uS tbey do and -bb " damned ' if they dor i j t. ;P^ Tuesday ^afterrxoon .g en .; Fitz g^ald ' tod ^the >i ohiess:- thereof ; las- passed ' - : : mou ntain , to. Mohammed —one of the Lona pn, June 3d. - It i s reported th at age in aimPst . ever y blatich . of phii& sbphy; aBati n - t ablet on which %a s painted in 'I n stri ving to avcld jScyll a ;they . will be and. h^afi ^eviewed ^he corps of ;cs j inte; firm:h ands /: tod our dime is n6t;so :;; two mir acles must have hap pened. influential men succeeded in- reaching ; aQd learning; but a turn in politics or purp ie {the ritualistic color of mourn tog) wreck ^d on ChMy bdU;^ altogethervtaken up^-^ut: what we can - :; ; —— - . " .- » . - - ' >i;--i„ „p n,„ rv . „ *a ^tui ^»j : '- - : an outburst of reli g ious fanaticisrii * rv t. ; . ¦ ' " - - ' - ; •- was a time when ttje popular '^^ T . ? ¦ ¦ ¦?,. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " ,, ., . - . the ear.pf Ahe Ua,r and ^ p etit wned m f(jund them , oul at latt an d scourged - \ ' . ' ^^" ?' 1X ^ ! . '' v ^ as racked Snd ;^ AHANKs to the committe fpr an - invi- behalf of the perse cuted Jews. The Czar th em into exile.. Ch ri stians h ave reason Accompanied ;wi th the ^monograni . A. P. the pre sent hour ; . Min isters •;are : ex- ^ey; ^ent ,throu gh th w evolutipri s like h tation to be presen t m St. Louis at the is reported to have r efused to chan ge to wal k humbl y in the presence of. a ifc ' ha s been res olved; that , this/ ' tablet pelled for: Ypting ^at a ; -S tate election. ; ?r UB ^ la n ; splmer ^ and pn ^ely ; . .tp v .^ ceremony of laying the corn er-storie of any of his cruel ' measures against the Jew , for if they associate themflelve s at shall remain displayed ' ¦ ' in the lodge Let us Walt awhile .untii the ; cbrife ssiori WW^^ -W-JP^^ '^PS- ^neral ; jenceV Thanksgiving andyM embrial Days ' - ' the new City H all. We could not have cersecuted Perfectl y helriless men and ' a11 with the deeda of tneir aiicestors or >pom as ab lasting memorial ; . . - ' .}• pr faith is reformed , for rio bne cari teU ^ ^received ^highest ,. encpmiun ^ ; :for are ; f aW: ; bwpmin ' g riatioriai mstifurJons . ^ :^ .; tr ,« ti Ipm.™ , ? *h * fith nf T«nl ».„ I! TT T^ ^TW news men , and ^ hi storical reputa- Except the : ri tu tosticTbrmul a of the what rt is now. > . Let ^ th e baptists arid their excellent wpA, from; sa^ gentle- ;The . last named.was/m ore generall y oV-:; ; : the P leasur e as the 6th of June was on declared that the Jews force d him into tion of P the faith they possess , th ey have Rrt ^^cSotiies - weredevo kl of os- the Lutherans settle their shabbies as ¦*** : , ; ^e commanderwa S; Mr : ;MarUn Bervedfth is - year ciri - oiir icUy Hhaii ever . ;- our faabbath Day. We expect , however , thi s policy, because " no Nihilistic conspir- a debt to be^r which can never be dis- tentati pn arid display, in obedience to. to who shall convert the poor Indian , Cohen , also an mmateo fth e insti tu tion , before ;:; The diflerent ; ceremonies ' wbrV ^ ;- the corner-stone was laid just as well by acy wks yet " devised in which a number of charged , And there is the debt ;we owe his ' reque st as follows : and to what ? No. one of senae wants to : ^ *"e ^ review-i one of^ < ¦¦ the Masonic Fraternit y, in whose skill Jews were not concerned. " This says indi- to them in . common with " the Gr eeks " Let my bod y be plac ed in no can- go into one of , the . hundred tod sixty ; ' - .W d :: . to' -*f§'F^.ft°A™f. -- B^ ( ^:^ ; gr atefulness : . of A;;thei ^;pe pp)p :: >ward ;K and exAotnfliH WB nlann iinlimitprl rnnfi -™«iw +i,=4 .ir „(w „fc aM«. K.„„ »i,t for the share their thoughts ^ have had ' 'ket' -but in a plain coffiVcbvered ' with odd side-show creeds , and then to be ^ess ;- a ?; tollow !t : : lne ;childreii : ioI ' th |Blr ^•&ar;tyM ^ ¦aad fallto : " : er^. ¦ .ni<TO ' '^- ¦ . ¦ ¦ an d wnotne ss we place unlimited confi- rectl y that all other charges brought . Q the civUization of the world. It is black bloth , ar id taken in the evening told by the balance that ; b^ so doing *e ^Hebrew . Orph a^ Asylum are most evidentthan ^ eyer before:: S- dence . We also send congratulations against Jews and spread broadcast over n eedless here; to attemp t to divide the of the day to the Cathedral Room of they arp utterl y lost./ The- story ' illus- happy tasee . you, tod , ypur ;w^p le fltaff -At : the .temp le^ to youtgMr. Spitz , gradu ating fr om the the world are not true. The barbarPu s obliga tion minutely, or ' . to discrimin ate the Scptti sh Rite; or a church , without trated "by. Puck must be studied; by ; ' °W ?? 1( "^- : ^i foel greatiy hpnored .tothed ay;. ;vfaa obser ved. : H-+y: ' y; ~ '^, t : : ' ' St. Louis Hi gh Scho ol. The invitatiori policy of the emperor was induced by between the servic es r es pectivel y ren- any procession , parade or muaio. At Lindner and his confreres. It is appo- *h at iT^ h . aye - cpndes Mnde ^: ;t6 :review; . . Ai Strawbe catne too late . the aUeeed fact that in everv Nihilistic , dered by the two r aces. It is also to be midnigh t , let the funeral offices of ' th e site and: exactl y in poirit. A ' cplpredmiri- 0U f; u W^ bat talion.; ; We : have no*pr > der ^ the-a tispicesM the : Mt. 'Zion. ConV ' : _: ' -, « , ¦ me auegea laci mai, in every « nii«u ^ ° r emembered that Greek: culture per- Kadbsh be performed there . over my i ster . is fobe tried by hi s cbngregatibn . ,, .. ... _, . .. oons P ,rac y JeWB alB0 ^ ere m P llcated - vades the whole atmosp her P of modem at tne meetin g oi the Executiv e We suppose none wSi be much sur- thought , and is by no means confined to sire that no Lodge of Borrow ^be holderi ' nouncing stealing of ¦ch j ekeris , and all you; but stiU, there is a strong militar y, affai r: was: quite ' ; lar gely -attende ci; and ; ; : Board of th e Union of American He- prised to learn that after bo long and those who can read Greek , Yet ; there for me, '* ' ' * ' •"* " " If the works pre- his parishioners are oppos ed to. toy sub B P iri t -in . us^and if any time the I talitos passed o ff^ pleas iwtiy.; : :;: ; ;' .; , -• •; . brew Congre gations last January, a res- persistent persecution of the Jews in i s something in the fact that for every pared by me for the Scottish. Rite shall dogma , The ^ say he. did not preabh Bh°uld ^ ^ olution was adopted authorizing the Russia some df them ' became Nihilito one who has read Homer or Sophoclea be valued , and used after lam dead , in the, true gospel , and that nowhere ^ President to invite some con ^Ji S uT ^, Ninilists 6 r Plato there are tens of thousands who p ervcluitum Eitus ^ - do not desire arid theOld or New, Testament ; is- a single f^e ypu ^ Gener al, ^t wp,^^ rre siueni w invit e some compet ent gen- which name comprises all kinds , of have read the Prophets and the Psalm a , need no other (monumerit) . If I were Une found denouncing; the " stea ling of >fre read 7 ^ PfP la ? 6d v% th e deferi ae ^ess aphieved. 'T'he net p ^ tieman to deliver an address before the Democrats in Russia , together wi th all arid that these writings have been , for to be " buried (of which , - tod . it s 'WormB chickens, Are they not correct in their ° . f our Countr y, in .the front ; line pf bat: toward the ; liqu idatfo ^ of tt e; expenses : Council , which will conven e in Balti - opposed to the rulin g dynast y. It is eighteen centuries and continue to be and nothingness and cold dishonor ,' I. reading of the Scriptur es?: ; Of .course "?• _; .. . ' ¦ " : ' ¦ ' . - ¦ . ' - : ' - - coririebted ^ with: . th ' iei ^ ^briameritatibn ofthe ' more on the seventh of next month , most wonderful that there should be tlie Bpiritual food of millions.. Israel have a horrbr), I' shpuld desire ' to they are , and there is no qu ' estibn ' but ,J P '"f l * ^ en*fal i: Our dri ^. affords Cemetery : with fl pwer a : tod pl ants. ; Mr Juli us Freiber o ha« Iibb h fn^unot ^ t « t, v - > x „., ./ seemed to ; be extiuguished when King have.put upon my gravestone only my w^ tl^ tT l g * TS? c ? a»y J^B in Russia who are not Nihil- Zedekito fled befow hU foes , but it name the date pf mV birth and " death; heresy. - He ackno wledge s his ' error in a * the sound of bur music, which , :thou g h : waB o^ani ^dmour P,t y,;with Mr. Mo^, . in securing tne services ot Ma yer faulz- iats under the present circums tances ; foun d a second birth in Babylon and and these words : advocating a subjec t so utterly at vari- excellent ini ite kind / is. by. no mean s of itz Heim as President , which bids fair to berg er , Esq., of Philad e l phi a. The well an d it would be somethin g akin-to a issued iri the Jewis h Church. Another " Visit anc e with th e views: of his flock> I sup- a strikin g charadter , we allrfsel . that . We becpmeap ' opulaT ; in stitution ^ ^ ^ : : , known qu alifications of Mr. Sulzberger miracle if the nolicv of the emneror blow fell when its chief men were car- 11T A . , 1TTa " ¦ „„ omra pose overtures , as they are balled, will could serve our coun ^ with every ner ve / ^ are sufficient guarantee that th ose who ZTn^lTZ IwftrT^ ™* 1 ^^ Alexandra , but another J ewry " ^" O rum ejus sup^stites sttst be Bent to the next conference of col- of our heart ;and w r ^every fibre ; pf bur. wiin«vye uri on; * he :15th ^f/June , to will hav e ft ^Tasur e o7L^L ^ FBDcro ' ore d ministers. . ^L Qmng you c^the part of burP ^ wiu nave me pleasure ot listening to ber of NihilisU in his domains. We Bpeculation s were to influence profound- "Alb ert Pike. " Several other books have been 4ent ( Director s and cad ets , a most hearty . Misa Bau- of New ; York , is vis itin g v nis ora ^on will be tre ated to an intel- mU8 t be quite mistaken in hum an na- ly the th eology of Chrte tendom . Wa in- * He has lived ' brought to my riptice , which wrll be re- welcome, I conclu de in implorin g every^ her .sister; MwBen (3bbdkind. lectual feast. ture if that relentless crue lty would not herit a great debt , and it may be said The fr uits of his labors live after- him. viewed in: a future letter. blessing upon/the. land in which " we : ; Through ^ the ; ef^ —^ Dro due« th B iiaual reantior . maWrio of th at of late years we in England have „, . , ,, / . roo iTrR M * ¦ - u L j " p( ? n ) men ^ bo B0 nobly steVn '^ S . erman populatibri of St. Pau l Th e second Blinnl« m<.n* ^ T> r t T a ,7 \ tT * ,^i ™* forgotten our obligations , thou gh ^ « a useful lesson herein con- localises . . uphold and defend our :natiom xl banner have beeri: ; regaled ? by th t f fambus Ger- The second supp lement to Dr. J. thousands of loyal or hitherto indiff er- they seem to be but imperfectl y remem- \ eJ ^ many 7 h ^^ man Theatrfoai ;-Company; of Mil- Hambur gers Real -Encyclop ediefuer Bibel ent persons , stern enemies to the perpe- bered at Moscow and Corfu For the old endeared , simp le funeral customs clared by statut e a national holiday, la. 0n Tuesda y evening the "Betty Bruhl " ; Vaukee with- a series of seven und Talmvd (177 pages , large octavo), tr ator of such atrocious wickedness , at rest , let ua hope that our Jewish fellow- and slopping oyer to; tfae idle pomp that; nowhere celebrat ^d,^ The excellent performances. The op- just app eared in Leipzi g, in c ommission which Satan himself must feel diseu ted ' oitizen s will stay amongst us, We ib . bo pre v elent in this age of dudery To AH the pub lic offices - were , closed and value of the prizes peached $660, which por tunity ^ ' was very much im- or V v tt ^i,i„ a?? commission wmon Hatan mmseii must teel disgusted be sorr y to think that anv of dl 8 reB8 foE ? momOiit , apropos of this the services at the Arlington and many wer e conveyed to the' fortunate winner s pr oved by orir .Jewish rieorile who JollL an i^f r Tu P l a ° e l nd 0Utra « 6d , But aside of all that , if %S?££3 $ Pm Sat fng to " the *^ ?- The wri ter was h ed by a other cemeteries were more , than usual , by meanaof saying bank books , Kad ,; S^iSoft » follows an index , German and H ebrew , th e emperor had made such a elate- dreary shores of the Gulf of Akabah. " Promin ent clergy man of ^ Wa shington : ly impressive. There are a l arge num - dition to the prizes in mpn ey, 14 medals ent evenin gs: St Paul in connect ion of fifty-nine articles , partl y ori ginal and ment in extenuation of his barbarous , . , " ?ow is it that your people are abl ejo ber of officials , cle rk s and ^ bead s: of de- and 35 books were awarded , to the de^ with ; other lar «e cities near by, would 2? 3?ST- to t ^r * -t ^i t is a self-accus ation of both ba , B umAN mi9RA TI0K S^^SS^t^ -^ w^Ii^feiligS SdtceS ^ZS ^ "^ ^ \ umes each of which is treat ed strictly bansm and idiocy. It is evident , any- _ was very easy, andT added that I could fi t and proper that the : memory of their deportment , for pr olioienoy is ^K aSword ^ to bur friends A? : objectivel y, with the anno tations fr om how , that the contin gen t of the Jews to There is a considerable number of every day raise enough money in any departed brethren in arm s should be for vocal and instrumental :music ; for pur J ewish popul ation crows it is im- Bible , Talmud and post -Talmudical the ra nks of Nihilism is in proportion Jews coming to this country at the city to pay the expenses of all the honored and respected. monltor shi p, for sewing and for essays, possibl e to keep posted on all matte rs writers to date. It is for the student a far below the contingent of the higher pr 6Ben , t iime' A .. Je \ 0 / °? urse ' m&l ne eded charitie s if I were only g iven a The social event of last week was The numpreu s .prize s^ ^ which were not of/int erest occurring in the different labor -Ravi ™ «mrt iii,= ^n„„ i„ a- A-i w. r 4J , , .., come from an V n ation , but the present pick-ax and spade. " How so? was the marriage of Mis s Helen , eldest given ^ by tho se immediately connected cirdlna of nnni»hr if wi™iJ tVinTefore. labor saving work , like encyclopedm s in and lower nobility, of students , of civil immi gration is mainly fr om Rus s ia and the rej o inder. Why , I would dig up the dau ghter of Charles Baum , of thi s cit y, with the institution , but by friend s of Z?l Jli ^S.i J. ^ ^ w^fte rS of in- general , because it at once places before and militar y officers , or of women , Poland , which have sent us 5 , 000 to 10,- pom pous velvelK iovered coffins and to Mr. George Benjamin , son of the late the same , off er a striking proo f of th e terest communicated throueh ^th e post- him the mai n authorities ' on each subject, for the most violent Nihilists 000 a week for some tim e past. They break off th e silver handles and other Alfred Benjamin , of New York. The popul arity which the hsylum enjoys in office to th e undersifmed Takk ik. To the . layman it is of special value - It come fro m the ^ fair sex If it are Perhaps the least desirable , of gegaws that were wasted underground ceremon y was performed by Rev. L. the community. ¦ ¦ . - : ¦ j £ t . , ' : affords him a brief and clear insight is just or even wise to punish a a " JewB . ^ t ^ e likely to make better at every funeral "Well , '' wa s the re- Stern under a chup ah made ; of flowers. _ Th p following ar e the donors t 2 Bett y The North Tex as National Ban k of . ¦ t r. , . . x * ° . JU " or eveu W18e t0 P uniB n a ci tizens than the Poles not of JewM ply, " we Chri stUn e must come to you He made a most beautiful address to Bruhl p rizes , $50 each ; 2 Malcolm. Dallas Tex in !nnr™uiir.ff ife capital - into Jew ish laws , customs , tradit l0 ns, his- class of several millions of people for the race. Many of them have been aided Hebrews to teach us to leave off our the happy coup le. After the couple Athert on Strau ss prizes , $30 each ; 2 from $500000to -Sl OO^OOO its surp lus tory and li terature ; so Hamb urger ' s .misdem eanor or crime of some, then by Baron Hir sch. All of them have a idolatries , for I say, without hesitation , were united , the invited guests partook Seligman Solomon priz es , $25 each ;. 2 from $100, 000 to $200 000 ' and it s^und i- Encyclopedic is to the gener al reader and the Czar would have to outlaw expatri- ^ttle money, and they are likel y to be that our funerals take the form of of a sump tuou s banquet , th e caterer be- Abraha m Bernheimer prizes , $25 Paoh ; vided : profits fro m $25'000 to $50000. inquirer a considerabl e library , from ate , banish , stamp out of existence or t ^S? in getting a foothold by their idol worship. " Let th ose who pile up bat- J acob Wiener , of Phil adelphia. 2 Pannie Loeb prizes $25 each ; 2 Louis Subscri ption s to the new ; stock are whioh tn Hrn w infnrm-*!^ ¦ C. - f j- r \i. ¦ \ ?. .. ' ,. bre th ren here . The J ews have always floral paraphernalia at a funeral remem- Elaborate souvenirs were presented. Stern pmes, $25 each ; 10 S; de Youne sPlioited at *125 ti er shar e bein e exact - which to draw informatio n in brief on dispose of otherwise the entire nobi lity, been loyal citizens of the United States , ber th P aphorism , "that a simple nose- Sopher will kt ep his as a tre wure , for pri zes, $10 ea ch; 10^ Miss Eleano r ^ Hen ^ book value, 'SB'fef nwer almost all J ewish topics , with an oppor- all students and public officers of the and appreciate the religious toleration gay to the living is worth more than a he has loving affection for both drick s prizes , $10 each ; 10 additi onal earne d less ' th an 14 per cent per an- tunity to point in all cases to the orig- Emp ire , and make an end of all Finns , of this country. Few of the late iinmi. room full of flowers to the of the parties , whom he has Betty Bruh l priz es, $5 each ; 2 Bett y num net since ite or eariizfttion inal sources. Hambur ger makes it eas y Ruthenian s and Poles whose number grantB have any knowled °f farming, dead." I shall resume remarks kriown from the day of their birth Prarikenhei m priz es, $10. each, The irivb stmeht ' will - rpturn you a to the modpm man to be , or at least to of Nihilists is immense It does not ao- [°* unde wtand any trade. The most of on thta themei Pn a future occasion , as it tod whose honored parents he . ha s al- The pro gram consisted of^ kinder gar- semi-arinual dividend of 6 per oer it. free .««-.». t j -o ¦ . wj ui "iuuibw ib immense, n aoes not ap- tnem nave l)een gmftll traders , ped- is evident that many among us who de- ways counted as near and dear friends , ton exercises , musi c, choral ^ir isine reo- of t»«i ' i^™. n TRr iv cessnir , appear , a hamde n. Examining some of pear likel y to us th at a pot entate , if a dler s, small mone y lender s, doin g bust nounce and decry some of our beautiful , The parlors and dining-room were itatlbns , dialogues , etc; The l ast nam edPresi dent Dallas TexaJ '

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Page 1: ft A V-^ ttir VT^ -^ V Tcollections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/...nf afv,A ,tttir rttB Wiv* r^irin« V Tt ' rather * ^ Wllb DebOTaH . t . ^ brevity.and clearnes s,

4 , ' THE} 'DI ^i^$^,<f i ^ ^ L M ^ i,.. ; ¦ ;.T \ :. - ; ¦ . ' .¦^ ¦¦C\ '

^ . .ti I i'. , I j « i the articles in the present volume we spar k of common sense or any senti - neas with ^the Russian ' peasant 'rjri Bifininb an^'; m jw** writtefi ''^r IthexcoMioni'^«':wv^l llfi AlTlfirlrfln I8f3fi llfil found them In the quotations free from ment of jus tice is left in him , will frank- pearly half of, all who come remain in Bubstitute th^for others 6f to idle and conservato ry; 6f ;flowers r Tlie pre sents Are Better; , -thei

;'':BpyB - ::br; '' th i'Gij.]iwfI lib nt l lUUU UU I Q IUUIU UI some of the Vticles are of par- ly declare that he ordain s and enforce s

¦ »«| ™* "4 «j *f work on read y, meaningless character. JV ^ttho-numerou B fH^dfl^n^ r ^H^a^fro ^ p^n ot>:BucceS i— ^ „„ -,- „ /^^v .. , . . - . / ¦ . , ': i . . . . , . .. made clothin g. If. .we had no unmigra . But to resume General Pike was ad- name, is legion, ; were elegant . and ; a^. pe48gogue. : ./ ^..v^^ :r l^^ ¦¦¦• ¦ : ^ ; ¦ ;-^ ; ¦¦¦ ™ -ViLEO WISE & CO., ticular interest just now, as Arbeiler , the nameless'misery of many ten thou- tlon frpm ether countrie s, we ebuld: re- mitt ^

POBusHiw and morK iL-roM . Chiliaamus , ^

Feiterbestallung , OJfenbarung, sands because some being of the same ceive without danger' . --a' few thousand beea sb long and ;i^*«us„«. v w fv,r vifth and Vine Sta. and many" others. Although Dr. K. religious belief with them are supposed Polish Jew s-a ' year without injury to forty -onei year s'ago. He has contribut- ^rV''J£''Benjamin; >'S£^anbl'Urs: \;]&uri oe; paintings and' fkhcy work:' :bf the 'tMi^r ' ¦<gffice. *. W . Cor , nun ana

deolaKB in the pr6foce , tha t he is no to be NihilisVespe^ ^largel y to/literatur si muchiof which B^amin ^.,tod ^M^ISAAC M WISE - - - - Editor . . . i -4 • u 1. u- -¦*!. *v.-* '•*-* U ' 'i.:-j «.» ..iLu . ..j '^i; grant s coming during the last thre e is profound : tod philosopmcal. ^ ^ISAAC M. WX**, * partisan , yet it seems he holdawith that ject every kind of religion, and the monthaare a4urce ofVeat dange ^

Cincinnati , 0., June 11, 1891. ancient rabbi tpV KT™" "5, for large bulk of them come from -the or- Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati ,, , ' he will^ways b^o^.^i.^^,.^.,¦'.,„,¦-- 1T,J ,.m which we give him special credit , aswell thodox Russian and , the Roman Gather fr-i™., fliiL. ^

ft int'ir«W in«STrP«t • He tran alatedfrom Latin The Paudeot s Kalisher t: Fountain*;, Mr. ' Arthur ¦Wolff , the yariouB ,:ekbibit8 of the pupils' - iJ.Sv50BSCE1PTIONS PAYABLE « AB7AICE. . , ^o^gi ftnd «iactne. s, ljc churches after they have renounced ^^^SS

SSS S of.*»titfih£»

iMIPTtON PRICE, PEE TEAS . . . . $i 00 . „ ..„ ¦ . ¦;,? £„. nf afv ,A ,t ttir rttB Wiv* r^irin« V Tt ' rather * ^

Wllb DebOTaH . t . brevity.and clearnes s, of style. *h"Y P^Ve -^Posta l to EnTose; One Ttsai loo „ ~—, ' ?¦ ', . T pu . toV- ^


^" ¦ Major Euipt s attack on the Chris- gained the consent of the modern Ahas- ,jowg . :Ba^d:Ute^ature ;.of;the :Hm^oM,;: iiB ' -far . Mr ;:.;iuBd .::l Mi^Kates OP advertisin g. tological dogmatism of the Church in uera s "to destroy, to slay and to extra- baok' in the past as letters ;and learnrag R^comptoentary Rc»iutiDu. unJ Obitu nrica «5M G produc ed .tremendou s effects raish all the Jews ," as Haman of old 1885 18,536 enable us : !to penetrate: lie Zend- snuth^Betr othal *. Maniagea. Birt to. Deaths Ac, eachioo i v„^ ' > „,«,„„ „a .j.ta. a mu frt Tj i -a 1886 27-348 Avesta,iB a compilation pf the same T. .Frankle , Messrs. M. J. Frtokle , iMWled-^-a^Vfflawmi^wliJA ^u? ?' ::

Advm(.em<mi.c71 t1on.. nnieM o^ ^ 1887 25,788 character of sacred liter .«"£.wiie ordered , ar e tet up unuom ii to tKcupy a cratio laity . Another monograph , to half-witted emperor believe the Jews ' gages. Thia .' great ; work of General Tobiner , H.' Samstag, A. Kuhta , .Miss ladies.were charm ed with the oroeK ?SftU o%oi!rf dta wDtinuedP

UTSe chaS

le for tho the same effect appeared latel y under are the Nihilists, and it became in him ' " o>W Pike'8 has now attained to the 'dimen- H^Fran kle/ Miss C. Rice, Miss' Rose wort , embroidery : 'and fiW sewinB

1' f

S^a9 r^


^X S^uSu K «>e title

Vnausgesprochene Gedanken B

mania to persecute the Jews , as the °°*"" fj ?£

' aions; of . fifteen f large manusb ^v^-;

^eipupils/ /Dr esseB': completely ig^gfr ^ S^SfiSi /S^S l

ft! "' »»« ("Unuttered


minds of demented men once turned 189° v 83 '321 umes., ¦ A jpro found . inow edge oTeth- Dr ^d ;MM.; ,Behr ^thbi in mind when giving their order *, ii tney \ = ¦¦ ¦«>u™ i'< »B»i»«-"' —»*• «u»,u »«. »» ,. ¦ nolonr and .nhiloloitv'is involved. ¦¦ re- L. Baum. Mr. and Mrs. Brook. Mr. L. works of art; > The ; «*hiH*;At. -.. ;Vv ¦^a^Ja^^^ ^E of m

milli0M on th« UGtenab * into a certain direction are perfectly 156l268 quired and ^develofed: in . this great AbSS ^IisV Abrahams ,^iM o^^Sorld ^r^l^£to ao^

notiiy toe pubUBher. wheu givlug their nature of the Christian confession in its hypnotised and inseparably wedded to Or an average of 26065 a year Ten work '. . '," ; ¦MrBV:BaraeB V-Mr.; ahd , Mrt ;'\J uliiM.;Iians;' bly'. occupied during the yew,' and or,r c ' — presen t form. ") Another to the sam e this or that particular mania. And now- „ M,, ..^.L., Ini' „;„ *i,l n„m A prominent writer , .commenting on bur j ^ denting; at its^ clbse indub itable evidmi^

KKmWu S» tottte %t I Th(. J *± . '. (ij oiodeii doe- f^Ll^

v,nJ ^K ft ™w«?lL£™

bw that arme at all. of the other ports , 4,^j, capaci ty for train worfc surpas s ;: ^he engagemen t s ; announced ;t>f ¦:&¦ ts scope.;/ ; : ;; ;^.;;¦;; ^;"; .;¦¦¦> -V:V ; °^"^na ifdrm charge ot».oo ewh.p ' lhe atta cks on the. ,Chri stological dog tells, wa, how the emperor became taken together These people-; are es^that of any man known: to pur J itera^; Miss: Birdie Ktn^ of, this iityi to-Mr. < . .Om Sund ay'last; at Oi^^nazo ^^n.t« f0> r,ispLAY ADVERTi3EMESTam.de

maB ftre made by professed Christian s.; flUOh an enraged and; furious , foe of his praotipaUy ; aii' Belf-s^r^ng7bniy: an: turei.tod ;for forty y^rsjt equided that .Morris; Bnck , ofNew'York.j SorHBR ;/ ; ' Cougr egatibn ;^haaray > Tefila , 1hUdr ^;

t^wtfc ^Slon;ADVERTI3EMEI ,T9 m,<le the ;J ewB, especially in Germ any, are Jewish subjeots. ; The^gnat iri the' brain SSerab te portio ^the ^riiv- oj onap arte ,>hen engaged; in: his eel, W^ ™ '?^ : 'of & Hebrew lFree^bhooH wSS^'~r~- ~ very quiet in thi s direction—they have ol Titus , which hammered away" day "i v * *.'

¦ W ¦' t; •:• a ^J : ?brate rV campaigns, ^ .^rhese .? studious ; ;,. ; . . ¦: " •• ; ;

^ ^i ; . ' " ; ; , v firni ^!a «8»w«rJB ff Mrer »l.. *l«rttee» H iv«n tWi . . qflm i t:.m t ^1^« \. ^ w. T* ; j ' V ing re^^ ^om tho oharitle s. and abso- habits were ^stimulated -by an;ihsat able

Jf ^w.YQBK.: .- v. .-opening P wer : and ;-Israe l G^ ip»per , «»rre»d«r ,»m«aftr.f. Tornpoa iioth,«1. too much anti-Semitism to contend and night and tormented incessantl y

^. .becoming a burde i^ toi any desir e ;for

knowled ge f from

ever ^SZ^™^SEB ^lRAffi


' " ,". ' - - - the destroye r of the teinple. is m this one ^t.their own co-religionisU,' :: • ^

science - and ? was - ^PP ort ^b^.,wthe >aTerti iemtEjlnti..AMEB [CASlSRAELlTh . — case the flea put in Alexander 's ear by - ; . , amaiin gimemory, arid Ofte or; the finest {ru ^ion;

comx^ic^ok, Bbt^ed by the miter:win cobr esi-ondext writes from Sydr ; e


of the Jewa vi^ r ':, ;- , -. ' > ' f ¦ ' : ¦• , , . .,> -;v brains ^ndiphysical: »cohBtituiion ^yer ;

^nf ^m^^achc ^ Gn.the

Rap tael^Saml^BS S-^bo ue ther publiAed not pretenred. No MS9.wlll ney : rne unpiaca pie enemies 01 me jews, yiz. pa„n ps vnn ^AVAsn j Na f pfy ^ riven ¦;-in man ^^ It ;'wm ;-ba " 1Madiiv ' ««in 3d.of July the public schools will be ^ ^ f^ t^"- ™?*-^**-'* ' ' ' '8^be returned tinieai Jon wW tor txaminatioa at a^- . . ¦ ¦. _^ . ¦ - . . , . . ;, '^The Jews are Kmilists ,'' which is as ^?


^ ' ^", -^^ word ? of encourageme nt to the;confir m-'ipeciai reque it of the pnbUiher. , . - ¦ : "It bein g so near Passover reminds , t u" r " - "¦; ,

¦' ./•" , ¦ ¦* . . *" ¦ , : • -;¦ . . ¦;¦- '.- -. .; ;- - .; . that this .exceedingly rare , combination 0f0B^.™*.v^ne

^v a™v: 0fulJ ^n ';- *er. ant8 , arid then the examidation bv-ftS -' ' " -.^iw^w' me that we are being visited by some of much of a faUehood as if one; would ;

6 the I8th bf April ; there passed of faculties leads to the highestdeg rees WflV heprospect of^e cpmrag jaca- ^Jc^ooi^tb 'paot ^^^^Km',JTJTO jyE . : , the Egyptia n pUgiL^name i, grsss :; maintai n : aU Englishmen are /gamblers , ^?. ^S ^

st St W ora ^mmen ^^ eVhave ^a^him

S^^ ^g^ S Sola - Mendes ^m ySfi^^^w.™nid b8 mnohTobIie United State sV if the

^pmer of ,America ,;the^oroaSter of

p^. ^ V^mt ^ S~ chHdren and then /xielivered an addr e^Kc^^tt l^^u'ffie the coloriy ^notwithstanding the magnif- ardB . „, all Am^icanB M ^ Mur

at not

in the

world , ; ; - modem . Asia, a profound; philosopher , a g^S ^SfS^aS temti f t^mi^$miiteM th tyd^ira ohron ^ to thewrpecUT oad- icent ieason , riot avestige of green is to T"- ™i; T - -^f • Xn, ¦„" ™ .¦ = ¦¦ V: - . ' • / ; , great jurist profound : ethnolog ist, , a m

M Theissue of thV ^mmianfi^Lnnk -;dreae., before the tta especMed

be seen anywh ere , aa it has aUbeeri eat- Halstead (June 3d) gtyes the followmg . .. v , j E -«

Kp, ,• . . , a gre statesman , perfectly ;free(f from end of June , as J he.pr omotions ; would ^ ^ ^tls^a^enedtn ^V

^ffi rSllffiiP0

en by the grasshoppers. No doubt you additional ezplahation : -;. _ ; \ Grand Commander of the Ancient and the arte pf; the demagogue , and all^e ^ve beeu.made,by ^t,me,^d appro bitJ^.iaSSp^ g,Phiiadciphia. -B«fore Monday nooa to will wonder what I mean by the plague . "The Czar of Russia is becoming a Accepted . Scottish Rite. V.He was . a mait debasirig fftctoys which stiiri ulate ambi : ?8ea??fat

^ B>ua-5[.-.,9 o^1; °f ^Pf 5l-- n unusually iarW tdDy 'conteinibc W^>Herman firUn,wiokr 85iW; 6to st ' of'Blood. ' - Abou t four weeks ago the very/religious man. He is now driving in the tioie sense of the ;; word , beloved tipn to pande rto the frailties of man. The just .before vacation time^^but

^the ( inor - ^ ;fif^.tw|

r^^^ ,; ;excei)erf i^! B^ o^nlwionv-

OI1!la7:n00 "Dnl

' whole; of . the ; water in; the harbor as the Luther ans out of his Empire. He is and esteemed not only by his brethre n world produces bui few such men: .r In tion- was -Tigor puslyf cpmUted ^y ; his

^ rwdin^m^tter v^ i^Ci«5veiandr-B , Z. Hnff 1No.SBouth W»t*fBt. Biimed a red appearance, Everybod y resolved. that his empire shall be holy.; of .this country and every civilized com-, the estimation of the author he is, with- cpiieague^Oomm^s^ner GuggeuheAmer,. whion ;attOTt to the ' enterD rise of ths <i?Belore Mondi r noori. . , • ¦ ;. was asking what -caused it , arid the The Greek Church is raising a revival munity . of the globe,;but by everyone: out dpubt or rival /the greatest 'of Amer- fno^yoteda^¦*,


H<ra il7 nt>onto72ilt' I*?' Government'Chemist , announced that and.the Czar is pushing it with his bay- who knew him outside of the fraternity/ ican .p6ets.. r His poetic:works embrace the board. ;Nm this respect our commis^ j^are entiilea i' The Jew in-FinamS^

tobS^i^ieiow MondsT noon to upon " examinin g various samples of oriet; ¦ What he wants to complete' the He was a poet ; ap haosopher and sage, a volume pri M itly^rinied, and distribut a??nei *J* , ^

n?i- aa.,ine y 09

The Jew in Education /The Jewiri Mirl'i- " 'Moech ," 1013 Third Are: : f-v ¦' .¦: ;. 'V -. . " water he bad discovered that the water circle of reli gious'irifluerices is Constan- and ;iri the special-riiatters; that , Were; ed to a^w frierids only. : ; His talents P«enMn:the;East eide^witlr regajd^tp

jcin^ Tbe:

Jew ; iu Music The ^CbIeaKo.^Boiore ^esdayio6ri to'Amerlc was full of microscop ic insects of a red tiribple. ; The fact is he needs . Constan- under his-jurisdiction ¦ evinced energy, as lawyer arid jurist assured 'hto ^^aP? 1;:





hYfr*nv iLiterature , The- Jew>ad '^L'aw V'ThB :W?;. ..- .¦ : lmeTlto ^Ho.820 Dearbomst. i Eooin«7i5, 7is ^forV many tbousands of tbem being in tiriopl e for a Lritherari capital and th at justice ^uprightnessand univer sarcharity stant and ^great- profession .employ-; They say ^^,. '- ^


Zr^i^ be may compete with ^he; religious; in- to all who were /br ought: into connec- ment .^ - ; , ; , ;;; ^S^ p^-b^ C noba t»

V rema ^B a myfltery ," - •¦ > " ' ;- ' ; ' flueric ^ofRomeon the ; Eastern shor es; tion witt ; him; ; ^o narro w prejudice : He was born in; 1809, and ; thu s fin- ' Chedar ' : . ac day ^efore the mouth y

writerBi ;5" ,

W:?? * *"*:

; " "p "™5'wMtemATo7 . < - ; ; ; wi. ' ¦ • ' - "; .- -» • ¦.' " ¦; : • ¦ • ; ' ¦¦• ; ; • ¦ • ¦ ; , at least, of the Mediterranean. " : V - • : ' or arrogance of creed , faith or race^ : ,had ished his mundane ; work at a ^ripe. old pT^ ;^ -. .; •:,,At 'last 'weekyB ^ m eetinlt ' of the -Boird' -,;San * o; Xe^^¦:: ; ; : ; ; ¦ ' ::::

; :; ^s(5^bo^^

\ The Danish Crown Pri nce, whP is act- is ener geticall y at wOrk on his great Er Guardm n , under ;. the : signature of

on numerous occasions, promin ently nftve ; d6Tote^; tb6 ;much ^^

Ving as regent duringth e KingVabserice , cyclopedia o w6^

d ¥¦


; ^-^.visit o,w^^^

: nineti pth-Hrth ^' : • ¦ ' " ¦. --

' / ¦ • *V . :. . . . .V ; ' - - : .beV 300. francs . ;for the ^ twelve volumes. iri:;longev ity,; iri the trial s it. has under- Sof the ^brew language: in which &*, pamphlets. .books: are ^aily make the pilgrimsge; whifo in theiasy-: ^^^^S v -^ ^; iK behalf of , the , H ebrew TJniori .Col% A letter inviting subscriptions has been gone .'arid- suririonted , in the : vast , yai te1 attained great prPfioiency - He issued coriimeriting .. on . Jews and : lum men, women and children ' were ?.- ,f?-- :;^.B:.Y ^ ;.^ er, r*.-^-/ - ;;-j

lege,; we; ack nowledge receipt ; of one issued by 'a'committee .ipbnsiatirig of M: ™*y;of its sufferings , in. the patience ifoie its h^rature and

history * -: the ';. J ewish/question , :^pme

^a"; or

Been^aiid; althoug ^rthW aMem^.. hundre d dollars from Mrs: ^Hann ach :(by zadoo Kahn , Grand Rabbi of Fr ance,

wnich rihas ^ne^hem, or m the ¦:^^^^:i £ ,.^.. ^¦^ >',

L ^^/~^ i

^!f r Anpnnw^aa ^aeV yia '¦SSS S^'^^S-^t, ¦ -n' ¦- ¦ «¦¦" ¦" ¦ ¦ > '¦• Yi. - j v, " 7,^ , £ t - v . , v T victorious ; ease with which it has tn- ¦. . - . . , ,sorro >v, sorrow , sobbow, . . . . -n ature. -; A .. .wri ter ' styling himself rriost cordid welcome tod . as in the - ?P^^ - -^: : Rev. D

^Mayer), m;m emory pf her

ceased husband , : Julius Hannach , ot Jules Oppert , Theodor e; Reiriach arid plogy of Christian ity is trivial compared and especially, by those of our pdmmun- city, has printed ab^ :.;: ; - ; . - ,.¦ 'V\ P/:;.^^ i r ^iJm , r ;,;; .;o.;;; :;; :

, ; Pittsburg h; ; Pa ;, who ; died January 3, Isidore ; ¦ Singer. Vlri ' Berlm ; Rabbi S. with , the , martyrolb gy; ;6f the :" Jew s. ion; . . . : ;:^: ' ; ::. . \ :: ", y . -: ': tles^Modem Judaism and ihe' ¦¦¦' lSSl/ fiftyrfour years> old.- Omcial re- Jafie issued a table of coritent s tb aiiew ^re-the . ow cpunt s its hundreds the ;; Ariiorig' the eloquent eulogies Teceived "

^P1?' a T^a.sh - , ^°fe

^^S^S^rl -'Sf?mg^

! -..;a-»!ii ui^^ai, ...» /« • ¦¦ ¦' \ -o ," ; :--ii ' r It. m -v j other counts its tens of thousands or its hone are more touchin e affectionate arid tracts with a sprmkhng of libelous . fa-. ^B^6 e^, ceipt:Will ;pesent.by; theS ecretftry. . . ^

•¦."" ¦' ; . ' - r ¦ * *> ¦ ¦* .- : ;: ' . .. ; • -¦ ' ¦ ¦ on; a, smaller scale than Hamburger's., have been persecuted in,every realm of endeared ^' brethr en: '-A ' E*Prankiand W « bonversiori ;Vne acbrnowledges be,irig ii: ^


WliB:-— ^U8

° ^ink of airything ^ut;-. , A rawp transition was effected in; it has the recommeridatien of the fore- Europ e, - their goods confiscated ,; their: Chicago and N Levitf " of Charleston descendant-bf the tribe ?of ¦ Israel / but : is ^^?urm 8 V118-'* }?6 7reff -

;¦ The prepv the ;cpriquest ,pf ;;th e wilderness; and' a ; VBerlin. ; The orthodox Rabbi; l>r. -W , ;mbst Talrriudical' scholars , like Prof , childr en , tpr a.fr om:th im,them selves two of his brethren :whdiad: progres sed' «|d^ay,w^V;;on ^lotot ¦S^S.nSfi SrfSfSSS h^t^



endeiit ¦%Elemperer /the Rabbi of Bromberg, in Jo e^' Mueller of Berlin - and ' Isaac do6ined *° mftS9aore ' and this not once ln the oraer to 'th e highest ittamable for a; job :Jn';: the - sale

his. , br ochure ,: ^ S^1??'-^; tho.cpmposure . 0n ,.him^.;;These first; - obstacles,: over,, y^lemperer , ^.xvaDDi oi xirwno erg, m joei . atelier, ot iJ eriin, ana . Isaac. or twioe m a century but for a thou sand decrees " ' - ' ¦¦ ' ¦ < ¦ ¦' - O whiohT hbWever r -has ' fallen ; stillborn 0i ft^t^;^, :: ; - - ? ^v\;.:!::-; ;v^'r^;^- come, the great wealth of the contine ntv i ;-the Duchy of Posen/was elected pr each- Hirsch Weis, of Vienna . The work - is years together. Here arid there they ¦

FoiTsbmeidays the rerriain s of thPo V from thepress ; ; He advocates mbasuree ^; became disclosed; arid ; with it iridreariit :;:;er of the Reform Congregation of Berlin , to app ear , shortly. . have had a pa lmy 3time for a consider- ^rted Commander were deposited ' in- for enticing Hebrew s' into the; folds. I he ;Tisitor ^, were , received by ther -Di- pf' opportuni ty for affluenc e arid ease. ' -iand has already accepted-the position. ¦ ; ;V " ¦ ¦ , , . - ¦ •' ¦• ¦

. able period ," .; wheri ;-they repaid - the the San'ctuary ^ftheTemple of the Rite; In thisjerapf Briggs,: Newfon ,.«^5^itti "c*0

of the^mtitation ;;and


lady: The, race^tq grasp ;th 'em;beca'me:the:a ]i;?;;

Now -we do notiriow whether Mobam- ' TlIEm ost ridiculous renort on the country which;^ot^ed^henv: by add-: :The; rbom was suita bly; drlped,;; Sopher 6r ^^^mth ^M


SS^^Jlfe lStSrrW abs»rb

^Sipaesion/; ;,Time passed, :and:; :v;

~ a „• '-; .? • ' *w \ ¦ '¦ ?!, • naicui pus report on tne ing to its wea lth -and. furn ishing the waa cabled -rinbri bv his brethreri to as- as theodapothegem says, be damned if tod ^

he reception iasted ^he entire day:

we enter upon a ' new .era. .. The. eartli; ..med .went 5to the ; mountam or he Czar arid the persecute d. Jews came.via m|st- accomplished professPrs,of^their ^Sjl^Snd Sfrii uS

tbey do and -bb" damned 'if they dorijt. ;P^Tuesday ^afterrxoon.gen.;Fitzg^ald ' tod ^the >iohiess:- thereof ; las-passed '-::mountain , to. Mohammed —one of the Lona pn, June 3d. - It is reported th at agein aimPst .everyblatich .of phii&sbphy; aBatin- tablet on which %as painted in 'In stri ving to avcld jScylla ;they. will be and. h^afi^eviewed^he corps

of ;csj inte;firm:h ands /: tod our dime is n6t;so :;;two mir acles must have hap pened. influential men succeeded in- reaching ; aQd learning; but a turn in politics or purp ie {the ritualistic color of mourn tog) wreck ^don ChMy bdU; altogethervtaken up^-^ut:

what we can - : ;


——- ." .- » . - • - ' • >i;-„ -i„ „p n,„ rv . „ *a ^tui ^»j : '--: an outburst of reli gious fanaticisrii * r v t.

; . ¦' " - -' -; •- was a time when ttje popular '^^

T . ?¦ ¦ ¦?,.

¦ ' ¦ ¦ ",, ., . - . the ear.pf Ahe Ua,r and^p etit wned m f(jund them, oul at latt and scourged - \ ' . ' ^^" ?'1X ^! . ' ' v ^as racked Snd ;AHA NKs to the committe fpr an - invi- behalf of the perse cuted Jews. The Czar them into exile.. Christians have reason Accompanied ;with the ^monograni . A. P. the pre sent hour ; . Min isters •;are : ex- ^ey;^ent ,throu gh thw evolutipri s like h

tation to be presen t m St. Louis at the is reported to have refused to change to walk humbl y in the presence of . a ifc ' has been resolved; that , this/ 'tablet pelled for: Ypting ^at a ; -S tate election. ; ?rUB^

lan; splmer

and pn^ely

; ..tpv .^ceremony of laying the corn er-storie of any of his cruel 'measures against the Jew , for if they associate themflelve s at shall remain displayed ' ¦ ' in the lodge Let us Walt awhile .untii the ; cbrife ssiori WW^^ -W-JP^^ '^PS-^neral ; jenceV Thanksgiving andyM embrial Days' - 'the new City Hall. We could not have cersecuted Perfectl y helriless men and

' a11 with the deeda of tneir aiicestors or >pom as ab lasting memorial ; . ;¦ . - '. } • prfaith is reformed , for rio bne cari teU

^received ^highest ,. encpmiun ;:for are ;faW :; bwpmin'g riatioriai mstifurJons .:^ .;tr ,« tiIpm.™ ,?*h* fith nf T«nl ».„ I! TT T^ ^TW

news men , and

historical reputa- Except the : ri tutosticTbrmul a of the what rt is now. > . Let ^ the baptists arid their excellent wpA, from; sa gentle- ;The. last named.was/m ore generall y oV-:; ;:the Pleasur e as the 6th of June was on declared that the Jews forced him into tion ofPthe faith they possess, they have Rrt ^^cSotiies - weredevo kl of

os- the Lutherans settle their shabbies as ¦***: , ; ^e commanderwa

S;Mr :;MarUn Bervedfth is - year ciri -oiiricUy Hhaii ever . ;-our faabbath Day. We expect , however , this policy, because " no Nihilistic conspir- a debt to be^r which can never be dis- tentati pn arid display, in obedience to. to who shall convert the poor Indian , Cohen , also an mmateo fth e insti tution, before ;:; The diflerent ; ceremonies ' wbrV ^ ;-

the corner-stone was laid just as well by acy wks yet " devised in which a number of charged , And there is the debt ;we owe his' reque st as follows : and to what ? No. one of senae wants to :

*"e review-i one of^

<¦¦ the Masonic Fraternit y, in whose skill Jews were not concerned. " This says indi- to them in .common with " the Gr eeks " Let my body be placed in no can- go into one of , the . hundred tod sixty; ' -.Wd::.to'-*f§'F^.ft°A™f.-- B (^: ; gratefulness : . of A;;thei ^;pepp)p ::>ward ;Kand exAotnfliH WB nlann iinlimitp rl rnnfi -™«iw +i,=4 .ir „(w „fc aM«. K.„„»i,t for the share their thoughts have had ' 'ket ' -but in a plain coffiVcbvered 'with odd side-show creeds , and then to be ^ess;- a?; tollow!t : :lne ;childreii : ioI 'th |Blr ^•&ar;tyM ^¦aad fallto :" : h¦er ^.



and wnotness we place unlimited confi- rectly that all other charges brought .Q the civUization of the world. It is black bloth , arid taken in the evening told by the balance that ; b so doing *e Hebrew . Orpha Asylum are most evidentthan ^eyer before:: S-dence . We also send congratulations against Jews and spread broadcast over needless here; to attemp t to divide the of the day to the Cathedral Room of they arp utterl y lost./ The- story ' illus- happy tasee . you, tod , ypur ;w^ple fltaff -At :the .temple^to youtgMr. Spitz , gradu ating from the the world are not true. The barbarPu s obligation minutely, or' .to discrimin ate the Scptti sh Rite; or a church , without trated "by. Puck must be studied; by; j £

'°W ??1("^-: ^ifoel greatiy hpnored .tothed ay;.;vfaa observed. :H -+y : 'y ;~ '^, t ::''St. Louis High School. The invitatiori policy of the emperor was induced by between the services respectively ren- any procession , parade or muaio. At Lindner and his confreres. It is appo- *hatiT^ h.aye -cpndesMnde^:;t6 :review; . . Ai Strawbecatne too late. the aUeeed fact that in everv Nihilistic , dered by the two races. It is also to be midnight, let the funeral offices of' the site and:exactl y in poirit. A'cplpredmiri- 0Uf ;uW battalion.; ;

We :have no*pr > der ^ the -atispicesM the :Mt. 'Zion. ConV ' :

_: ' -, « , ¦ me auegea laci mai, in every « nii«u^° remembered that Greek: culture per- Kadbsh be performed there . over my ister. is fobe tried by his cbngregatibn

. ,, .. . . . _, . .. oonsP,racy JeWB alB0 ^ere mPllcated - vades the whole atmosp her P of modemat tne meeting oi the Executiv e We suppose none wSi be much sur- thought , and is by no means confined to sire that no Lodge of Borrow ^be holderi ' nouncing stealing of ¦chjekeris, and all you; but stiU, there is a strong militar y, affai r: was: quite'; largely -attende ci; and ; ; :Board of the Union of American He- prised to learn that after bo long and those who can read Greek , Yet ; there for me, '*' ' * '•" * "" If the works pre- his parishioners are opposed to. toy sub BPiri t -in .us^and

if any time the Italitos passed off^ pleasiwtiy.; ::;: ;;'.; , - • •; .

brew Congre gations last January, a res- persistent persecution of the Jews in is something in the fact that for every pared by me for the Scottish. Rite shall dogma , The^ say he. did not preabh Bh°uld ^ ^olution was adopted authorizing the Russia some df them 'became Nihilito one who has read Homer or Sophoclea be valued , and used after lam dead , in the, true gospel , and that nowhere ^

President to invite some con^Ji S uT • ^, Ninilists 6r Plato there are tens of thousands who p ervcluitum Eitus ^ - do not desire arid theOld or New, Testament ; is- a single f^e ypu

Gener al, ^t wp,^^rre siueni w invite some competent gen- which name comprises all kinds , of have read the Prophets and the Psalm a, need no other (monumerit) . If I were Une found denouncing; the " stealing of >fre read7 PfPla?6dv % the deferi ae ^ess aphieved. 'T'he net p^tieman to deliver an address before the Democrats in Russia , together with all arid that these writings have been, for to be" buried (of which,- tod. its 'WormB chickens, Are they not correct in their °.f our Countr y, in .the front ; line pf bat: toward the; liquidatfo of tt e; expenses :Council , which will convene in Balti - opposed to the rulin g dynast y. It is eighteen centuries and continue to be and nothingness and cold dishonor ,' I. reading of the Scriptur es? : ; Of .course "?• _; . . . „ '¦": ' ¦ • ' . - ¦

. ' - : '- - coririebted ^ with: .th'iei^^briameritatibn ofthe 'more on the seventh of next month , most wonderful that there should be tlie Bpiritual food of millions.. Israel have a horrbr), I' shpuld desire 'to they are , and there is no qu'estibn ' but ,J P '"f l*

^en*fali:Our dri

^.affords Cemetery : with flpwer a : tod plants. ;

Mr Juli us Freiber o ha« Iibb h fn^unot ^ t • « • t, v-> x „., ./ seemed to ; be extiuguished when King have.put upon my gravestone only my w^tl tT l

g * TS? c ?

a»y J ^B in Russia who are not Nihil- Zedekito fled befow hU foes, but it name the date pf mV birth and "death; heresy. - He acknowledges his'error in a* the sound of bur music, which , :thou gh: waB o^ani ^dmour P,ty,;with Mr. Mo^, .in securing tne services ot Mayer faulz- iats under the present circums tances ; foun d a second birth in Babylon and and these words : advocating a subjec t so utterly at vari- excellent ini ite kind/ is. by.no mean s of itz Heim as President , which bids fair toberger, Esq., of Philad elphia. The well and it would be somethin g akin-to a issued iri the Jewish Church. Another " Visit anc e with the views: of his flock> I sup- a strikin g charadter , we allrfsel. that .We becpmeap 'opulaT ;institution ^^ ^ : : ,

known qualifications of Mr. Sulzberger miracle if the nolicv of the emneror blow fell when its chief men were car- 11T A . , 1TTa " „ ¦ „„ omra pose overtures , as they are balled, will could serve our coun with every nerve / ^are sufficient guarantee that those who ZTn^lTZ IwftrT^ ™*1^ Alexandra , but another J ewry " " Orum ejus sup^stites sttst be Bent to the next conference of col- of our heart ;and w r^every fibre ;pf bur. wiin«vye uri on;*he :15th ^f/June , to

will have ft ^Tasur e o7L^L t« FBDcro ' ored ministers. . ^L Qmng you c^the part

of burP ^wiu nave me pleasure ot listening to ber of NihilisU in his domains. We Bpeculation s were to influence profound- "Alb ert Pike." Several other books have been 4ent( Director s and cadets, a most hearty . Misa Bau- of New; York , is visiting vnis ora ^on will be tre ated to an intel- mU8t be quite mistaken in human na- ly the theology of Chrte tendom . Wa in- *He has lived ' brought to my riptice , which wrll be re- welcome, I conclude in implorin g every^ her .sister; MwBen (3bbdkind.lectual feast. ture if that relentless crue lty would not herit a great debt , and it may be said The fr uits of his labors live after- him. viewed in: a future letter. blessing upon/the. land in which "we: ; Through the ;ef^

—^ Drodue« thB iiaual reantior . maWrio of that of late years we in England have „, . , , , / . roo iTrR M * ¦ - u L j"p(?n ) men

^bo B0

nobly steVn ' S.erman populatibri of St. Pau lTh e second Blinnl«m<.n* T> r t T a ,7 \ tT *

, i ™* forgotten our

obligations , thou gh « a useful lesson herein con- localises . . uphold and defend our :natiom xl banner have beeri: ;regaled?by thtf fambus Ger-The second supp lement to Dr. J. thousands of loyal or hitherto indiffer- they seem to be but imperfectl y remem- \eJ ^ t° many 7h

^ man

Theatrfoai ;-Company; of Mil-Hambur gers Real -Encyclop ediefuer Bibel ent persons , stern enemies to the perpe- bered at Moscow and Corfu For the old endeared , simple funeral customs clared by statut e a national holiday, la. 0n Tuesda y evening the "Betty Bruhl "; Vaukee with- a series of sevenund Talmvd (177 pages , large octavo), tr ator of such atrocious wickedness , at rest, let ua hope that our Jewish fellow- and slopping oyer to; tfae idle pomp that; nowhere celebrat ^d, The

excellent performances. The op-just app eared in Leipzig, in commission which Satan himself must feel diseu ted ' oitizens will stay amongst us, We ib.bo prevelent in this age of dudery To AH the pub lic offices- were , closed and value of the prizes peached $660, which por tunity ^ 'was very much im-or V v tt ^i,i„ a??

commission wmon Hatan mmseii must teel disgusted be sorr y to think that anv of dl8reB8 foE ? momOiit, apropos of this the services at the Arlington and many were conveyed to the' fortunate winner s proved by orir .Jewish rieorile who

JollL an i^f r TuPl

a°e lnd 0Utra «6d

, But aside of all that , if %S?££3 $ PmSatfng to "the * ?- The writer washed by a other cemeteries were more, than usual , by meanaof saying bank books, Kad ,;S^iSoft»follows an index , German and H ebrew , the emperor had made such a elate- dreary shores of the Gulf of Akabah. " Prominent clergy man of

^Washington : ly impressive. There are a large num- dition to the prizes in mpney, 14 medals ent evenings: St Paul in connect ionof fifty-nine articles , partl y ori ginal and ment in extenuation of his barbarous , . , " ?ow is it that your people are ablejo ber of officials, clerk s and

^beads: of de- and 35 books were awarded , to the de with ;other lar«e cities near by, would

2? 3?ST- to

t ^r* -t ^it

isa self-accusation

of both ba, B umAN mi9RATI0K S^^SS^t - w^Ii^feiligS SdtceS ZS ^ " \umes each of which is treat ed strictly bansm and idiocy. It is evident , any- _ was very easy, andT added that I could fit and proper that the :memory of their deportment , for pr olioienoy is™

^K aSword to bur friends A?:objectivel y, with the anno tations from how, that the contin gen t of the Jews to There is a considerable number of every day raise enough money in any departed brethren in arm s should be for vocal and instrumental :music; for pur Jewish popul ation crows it is im-Bible , Talmud and post-Talmudical the ra nks of Nihilism is in proportion Jews coming to this country at the city to pay the expenses of all the honored and respected. monltor ship, for sewing and for essays, possible to keep posted on all matte rswriters to date. It is for the student a far below the contingent of the higher pr 6Ben,t iime' A ..J e\ 0/ °?urse ' m&l needed charities if I were only given a The social event of last week was The numpreu s .prize s^ ^ which were not of/int erest occurring in the differentlabor -Ravi™ «mrt iii,= ^n„„ i„ a - • A - i w. r 4 J , , . . , come from an V nation , but the present pick-ax and spade. " How so? was the marriage of Miss Helen, eldest given^ by those immediately connected cirdlna of nnni»hr if wi™iJ tVinTefore.labor saving work , like encyclopedm s in and lower nobility, of students , of civil immigration is mainly from Russia and the rejoinder. Why, I would dig up the dau ghter of Charles Baum , of this city, with the institution , but by friends of Z?l Jl i S.i J. ^

^w ^ fterS of in-general , because it at once places before and militar y officers , or of women, Poland , which have sent us 5,000 to 10,- pompous velvelKiovered coffins and to Mr. George Benjamin , son of the late the same, offer a striking proo f of the terest communicated throueh ^the post-him themai n authorities ' on each subject, for the most violent Nihilists 000 a week for some time past. They break off the silver handles and other Alfred Benjamin , of New York. The popularity which the hsylum enjoys in office to the undersifmed Takk ik.To the. layman it is of special value - It come from the ^ fair sex If it are Perhaps the least desirable , of gegaws that were wasted underground ceremon y was performed by Rev. L. the community. ¦• ¦. - : ¦ j £ t . , ' :

affords him a brief and clear insight is just or even wise to punish a a" JewB .

^t ^

e likely to make better

at every funeral "Well ,'' was the re- Stern under a chup ah made ; of flowers. _ Thp following ar e the donors t 2 Betty The North Texas National Bank of .¦ t„ r . , . . x * °. ™ J U " or eveu W18e t0 PuniB n a citizens than the Poles not of JewM ply, " we Chri stUne must come to you He made a most beautiful address to Bruhl prizes, $50 each ; 2 Malcolm. Dallas Tex in !nnr™uiir.ff ife capital -into Jew ish laws,customs , tradit l0ns, his- class of several millions of people for the race. Many of them have been aided Hebrews to teach us to leave off our the happy couple. After the couple Athert on Strau ss prizes , $30 each ; 2 from $500000to -Sl OO ^OOO its surp lustory and literature ; so Hamb urger 's .misdemeanor or crime of some, then by Baron Hir sch. All of them have a idolatries , for I say, without hesitation , were united , the invited guests partook Seligman Solomon priz es, $25 each ;. 2 from $100,000 to $200 000 ' and its^und i-Encyclopedic is to the gener al reader and the Czar would have to outlaw expatri- ^ttle money, and they are likely to be that our funerals take the form of of a sumptuou s banquet , the caterer be- Abraha m Bernheimer prizes , $25 Paoh ; vided : profits from $25'000 to $50000.

inquirer a considerabl e library , from ate , banish , stamp out of existence or t^S? in getting a foothold by their idol worship. " Let those who pile up bat - J acob Wiener , of Phil adelphia. 2 Pannie Loeb prizes $25 each ; 2 Louis Subscription s to the new

;stock are

whioh tn Hrn w infnrm -*!^ ¦ C. - f j - r \i. ¦ \ ?. . .',. brethren here. The J ews have always floral paraphernalia at a funeral remem- Elaborate souvenirs were presented. Stern pmes, $25 each ; 10 S; de Youne sPlioited at *125 tier shar e bein e exact -which to draw informatio n in brief on dispose of otherwise the entire nobility, been loyal citizens of the United States , ber thP aphorism , "that a simple nose- Sopher will ktep his as a trewure , for pri zes, $10 each; 10 Miss Eleano r^ Hen book value, 'SB'fef nweralmost all J ewish topics , with an oppor- all students and public officers of the and appreciate the religious toleration gay to the living is worth more than a he has loving affection for both drick s prizes , $10 each ; 10 additi onal earne d less 'than 14 per cent per an-tunity to point in all cases to the orig- Emp ire , and make an end of all Finns , of this country. Few of the late iinmi. room full of flowers to the of the parties , whom he has Betty Bruh l priz es, $5 each ; 2 Betty num net since ite oreariizfttioninal sources. Hambur ger makes it easy Ruthenian s and Poles whose number grantB have any knowled 8« °f farming, dead." I shall resume remarks kriown from the day of their birth Prarikenhei m priz es, $10. each, The irivbstmeht ' will - rpturn you ato the modpm man to be, or at least to of Nihilists is immense It does not ao- [°* undewtand any trade. The most of on thta themei Pn a future occasion , as it tod whose honored parents he. has al- The pro gram consisted of^ kinder gar- semi-arinual dividend of 6 per oerit. free.««-.». t j -o ¦ .

wj ui "iuui bw ib immense, n aoes not ap- tnem nave l)een gmftll traders , ped- is evident that many among us who de- ways counted as near and dear friends , ton exercises , music, choral ^irisine reo- of t»«i ' i^™. n TRr iv cessnir ,appear , a hamde n. Examining some of pear likely to us that a potentate , if a dler s, small money lender s, doin g bust nounce and decry some of our beautiful , The parlors and dining-room were itatlbns , dialogues , etc; The last namedPresident Dallas TexaJ '