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  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point





    COSTSPresented By : John Minor

    Complete General Contractors,


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Wind v


    Flood Line Finished Floor Elevation (FFE) -Measure with a tape up close and perspective.

    Inside Debris Line : Still Water/Surge The inside

    measurements may be different than those recordedoutside due to the ramp-up effect of wave action

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    National Flood Insurance Progra !

    NFIP"#$%&%%% Ca'

    The NFIP requires the mortae loans that oriinate!rom !ederally"#ac$ed !inancial institutions to require!lood insurance. %Circa &'()*

    More than +.( million policies in e!!ect in -,areas.

    -+ /ecord 0oss 1ollars Paid " 2&3,(4(,(+3

    5pecial Flood 6a7ard 8rea 95F68 ; -(< chance o!#ein !looded durin the term o! a = yr mortae ascompared to ' < chance o! !ire

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Total Loss Causation (

    E)'ertsMeteorologists ; @sed to determine thetimin o! the di!!erent aspects o! thedamaeA

    Structural*Forensic Engineers; ?erlaythe >eather data to the structure todetermine >ithin a reasona#le deree o!enineerin certainty that >hat portions o!

    a structure >ould ha?e #een damaed #ya i?en perilA

    Cost Providers ; Present the costsassociated >ith the indi?idual causation

    determinations and #uildin characteristics.

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Costs o+ Coastal Construction

    Increased Costs o! Compliance is a?aila#lea!ter a property is +< damaed !or costsassociated >ith the ele?ation o! a ne>

    structure and demolition o! the old.

    2=, is a?aila#le to !lood insurance

    policyholders in hih"ris$ areas to help payto #rin their home or #usiness intocompliance.

    >>>.!ema.o? or >>>.!loodsmart.o?

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    $%, Rule

    R105.3.1.1 Substantially improved or substantially damaged existingbuildings in areas prone to flooding - For applications for

    reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of existing

    buildings or structures located in an area prone to flooding as established

    by Table R301.2(1! the building official shall examine or cause to be

    examined the construction documents and shall prepare a finding withregard to the value of the proposed work. For buildings that have

    sustained damage of any origin, the value of the proposed work shall

    include the cost to repair the building or structure to its pre-damage

    condition. If the building official finds that the value of proposed work

    equals or exceeds 5 percent of the market value of the building or

    structure before the damage has occurred or the improvement is started,

    the finding shall be provided to the board of appeals for a determination of

    substantial improvement or substantial damage. !pplications determined

    by the board of appeals to constitute substantial improvement or

    substantial damage shall meet the requirements of "ection #$%$.

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Costs o+ Coastal Construction

    Large Cost Drivers +or "e#


    0aminated indo>s Dle?ation"Compliant @tilities

    Continuous 0oad Path

    %Threaded /ods, Fasteners E Clips* 5hear alls

    Bloc$in and Tie 1o>ns

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    5u!!icient depth to resist #oth upli!t and o?erturnin

    caused #y >ind andor >ater

    5u!!icient depth to account !or the possi#le loss o! soil due

    to erosion or scour

    8dequate strenth o! the !oundation material such that it

    >ill not #rea$ >hen the #uildin is impacted #y hih

    >inds andor >ater and >a?es

    5trenth to resist lateral mo?ement >ithout #racin i!

    possi#le 5u!!icient structural redundancy to resist !ailure >hen one

    critical corner or section is damaed #y >ater"#orne


    Foundation Design

    Principles For Sustainability

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Expert Witness and Appraisal Services

    Biloxi, Mississippi (urricane !atrina"

    #erdido !ey, $lorida (urricane %van"

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Foundation Failure ( -urricane Ivan

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Elevation Re.uireentsT&e first t&ings to understand on any

    #ind'#ater loss

    Elevation Certi+icate8n Dle?ation Certi!icate is required in order

    to properly rate Post"FI/M #uildins,

    >hich are #uildins constructed a!ter

    pu#lication o! the Flood Insurance /ate

    Map %FI/M*. 8n Dle?ation Certi!icate is notrequired !or Pre"FI/M #uildins unless the

    #uildin is #ein rated under the optional

    Post"FI/M !lood insurance rules.

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Elevation Certi+icate

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Elevation Re.uireentsT&e first t&ings to understand on any

    #ind'#ater loss

    NFIP Flood Inundation Ma's

    DHcellent tool to use a!ter a loss : Maps are#ased on the o#ser?ation o! sur?ey teams

    set up #y FDM8. These maps i?e ranes

    as to the heiht o! !lood >aters : 8nomalies

    in !lood heiht %anand do occur.


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    FEMA Flood Ma''ing

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Elevation Re.uireentsT&e first t&ings to understand on any

    #ind'#ater loss

    FIRM ( Flood Insurance RateMa'

    Pro?ides the current ele?ationrequirements !or a particular propertyAthese maps are continually updated andchaned.

    D/FIRM Elevation Ma'sThe 5tandard 1FI/M 1ata#ase is a diital?ersion o! the FDM8 !lood insurance rate

    map that is desined !or use >ith diital

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Agencies 0 Researc1 2rou's

    I'roving Tec1nolog3

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Universit3 o+ Florida -urricane

    Siulator S1o4n to t1e Le+t

    FL State niv Modelin& ' esearch

    L! State niv Buildin& the )i&ital urricane

    "e#as "ech Mobile *eather )ata +ollection

    niv $F Brid&es ' oads *ired and #osttorm )ata +ollection

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Institute +or 5usiness 0 -oe Sa+et3 !


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Institute +or 5usiness 0 -oe Sa+et3 !


    Iediate Researc1 Focus ( Roo+/Related

    Issues The initial research !ocus >ill #e on roo!s and roo!in"related issues and

    de?elopin relationships #et>een current test standards and per!ormance o!

    roo!s in simulated >indstormsA

    Identi!yin e!!ecti?e methods to pro?ide #ac$"up >ater intrusion protection

    >hen primary roo! co?er is damaedA

    Identi!yin !iHes !or >ater intrusion and >ind"#orne !ire#rand intrusion ?ia

    roo! ?entin systemsA

    5imulatin >ind"dri?en hail e?ents and e?aluatin associated damae to

    roo! co?ers, as >ell as, identi!yin solutionsA

    Initiatin research into ain e!!ects on roo! per!ormance in eHtreme e?entsA 1e?elopin cost"e!!ecti?e methods !or retro!ittin ?arious roo!in systems to

    mitiate damae and losses.

    Contact in!oi#hs.oror call )(("(+3"4-43

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Federal Eergenc3 Manageent Agenc3 !

    FEMAFlood Plain Manageent

    hen a community oins the NFIP, it must adopt

    and en!orce minimum !loodplain manaement

    standards !or participation. FDM8 >or$s closely

    >ith state and local o!!icials to identi!y !lood ha7ard

    areas and !lood ris$s. The !loodplain manaement

    requirements >ithin the 5F68 are desined topre?ent ne> de?elopment !rom increasin the

    !lood threat and to protect ne> and eHistin

    #uildins !rom anticipated !lood e?ents.

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Federal Eergenc3 Manageent Agenc3 !


    Oil S'ill Deterination re( InsuranceCoverages Co?erae !or commercial #uildins and contents must #e purchased

    separately and the limit !or damae caused #y pollutants is 2&,A

    1amae to the round, soil or land caused #y !lood, oil or !lood

    >ater miHed > oil is not co?eredA The cost o! complyin >ith any local or state ordinance includin one

    that requires special remo?al methods !or oil is speci!ically eHcludedA

    There is no co?erae !or testin !or or the monitorin o! pollutants

    unless there is a la> or ordinance requirin itA %certain !loodplain

    manaement mitiation requirements are eHceptions* I! the policyholder ma$es any claim aainst any person >ho caused

    the loss and reco?ers any money, the policyholder must pay FDM8

    or the K #ac$ !irst #e!ore the policyholder may $eep any o! that


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Coastal Mississi''i Post


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Potential Polic3 Solutions

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Potential Polic3 Solutions

    All Ris7 Policies

    The ultiple )erils *%t of 200+6/ Bill '-,

    !urthered #y Conressman Gene Taylor o!

    Mississippi, >as an attempt at an all ris$ policyA

    This act has #een opposed #y insurance

    industry roups >ho say it could cause as

    much as 2&" - #illion a year in losses >itha similar trac$ record as !lood >ould end up a

    hue issue !or taH payersA

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Potential Polic3 Solutions


    Insurance industry lo##yist arue that

    >hile insurance has dou#led since

    Latrina, policies typically are a?aila#le

    in many cases #y the J@8. These are

    prorams administered #y each state,

    i.e., Citi7ens Ins Co in FloridaA the NCJ@8A and the TeHas ind Insurance


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Potential Polic3 SolutionsCiti9en:s Insurance

    The Citi7ens Board o! Go?ernors appro?ed

    an emerency plan to ?alidate the accuracy

    o! the more than 23 million in >ind

    mitiation credits pro?ided to itspolicyholders.

    8s a o?ernment entity, Citi7ens has a !iscal

    responsi#ility to all Floridians to ensure thatthe premiums it chares are correct and

    re!lect accurate ratin characteristics !or

    each co?ered property.

  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point


    Potential Polic3 Solutions

    Nation4ide Insurance Co'an3"ation#ide is proposing a solution t&at


    Pro?ide Flood E ind Co?erae in nePolicyA

    8?oid Future 1isputes o?er ho PaysO or

    No Co?eraeO

    Puts the Primary Claims /esponsi#ility !or

    Flood 1amae on Pri?ate Insurance


  • 8/13/2019 FSU Power1Point

