frontline and related text

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  • 7/29/2019 Frontline and Related Text


    Using 3 episodes of Frontline explain how ideas of truth are represented?

    The truth is a complex concept that suggests the presentation of facts without subjectivity or

    bias. In a world immersed in commercial gain and egocentricity, the truth is however often a

    casualty, morphed and shaped by those who control it for a myriad of reasons. This significance

    of the truth is explicitly explored within the satirical series frontline by Rob Sitch et al in the

    episodes The Siege, and Smaller Fish to Fry, and who parody the conventions of current affairs

    journalism, and the Sydney Morning Herald article, Corby: Battle of the TV Experts by Ben Cubby,

    which persuades one to question the authority of current affairs journalists.

    Frontline represents the notion that the media are prone to disregard their role as investigative

    journalists, sensationalizing occurrences to place ratings over the truth and welfare of people.

    Brooke epitomizes the medias motives in The Siege, slipping between business-like coldness and

    a pretense of compassion, as she coaxes out of the distraught mother a sensational plea Gavin,

    please come home., demonstrating the emotional exploitation of the media. The close up shot

    ofMrs. Forbes genuine emotionof sorrow is juxtaposed with Brooks callous and insincere

    reporting with her dialogue Would you be able to cry again demonstrating how the fabrication

    of marketable image outweighs truthful reporting. Brooke also makes use of technical jargon in

    asking Mrs Forbes to sign an exclusivity clause because some shows are very unscrupulous,

    ironically appearing professional while it is Frontline who is in fact unethical. This shows how

    the media subverts from the truth, showing little regard for the public. This is reinforced as the

    episode establishes the defiance of authority in its reckless commitment to ratings through

    Brians order to fly over the siege site to get overhead images in contravention to police

    instructions. Martys Its not right, youre risking peoples lives! is juxtaposed with his ironic

    and hypocritical You beauty! when he finds out his own team was responsible. His excited tone

    creates incongruity, reflecting his indifference to the truth, as he has no idea of the potential

    implications of his unethical journalism. Through the subtle humor the satirists aim to highlight

    and criticize the deliberate unethical behavior of these journalists.

    The representation of a superficial truth occurs as a result of the egocentrism and pursuit of

    personal image, of those representing the truth. This is expressed in Smaller Fish to Fry through

    the emphasis on vision Fraud doesnt give you give me vision Ill run it every night

    for a week. Brians exaggerated response alludes to his ratings relying on withholding

    controversial issues and broadcasting stories people want to see, presenting to the audience a

    superficial truth which appeals more to our senses than our intellect. The juxtaposition between

    the high definition televised shots of mike portraying him as sophisticated and confident and his

    stupidity behind the scenes can you connect the dots for me highlights the medias incongruous

    attitude to serious journalism as it is all about image. Sitch et al thus expresses the medias

    highly opinionated of themselves view is based on ego alone forcing viewers to question the

    validity of the truth they portray. Similarly the importance of image projection is portrayed in

  • 7/29/2019 Frontline and Related Text


    Corby: battle of the TV experts to refute the authority of current affairs journalism. The

    professional and formal tone of the article using evaluative words such as unsurprisingly and

    condemning is used to project an image of expertise and effectively provides a critical

    perspective on the inconsequential dispute between commercial television programs, which has

    taken precedence over reporting the real issue of drug abuse. The journalists pursuit for

    personal image is highlighted through the photograph of Mercedes Corby with caption stating

    lying low. The irony of this statement is conveyed through the close up frontal shot of her

    distressed face, which contradicts the caption; expressing the articles, deliberate incorporation of

    the photograph to sensationalise the truth.

    It is the powerful members in society that ultimately control and exploit the truth to serve their

    own interests. Smaller Fish to fry expresses the ownership of truth held by those in power by

    portraying the media as keen to target the small fish while overlooking those in power. This is

    expressed through Mikes use of dialogue upon receiving information on a bank fraud we ruin the

    fridge guy and the cigarette guy but we cant ruin these guys, juxtaposed by Mike being blamed

    for a sexual harassment charge. The incongruity of the situation highlights how despite some

    journalists having ethics, they are unable to alter the culture of sensationalism, as current affair

    shows are not truly interested in airing stories that would have the biggest positive impact; their

    primary concern is not upsetting those who have influence. Similarly in Corby: battle of the TV

    experts the Sydney Morning Herald employs its power as reputable journalists to question the

    authority of current affairs journalists over the truth. Emotive and negative phrases are used to

    describe them as a sordid circus and unedifying skirmishes exaggerating the issue to reduce

    them to mere adolescents. Persuasive language is used to encourage readers to question their

    authority the farcical nature of the current affairs genre. Seven interviewed her in November,

    but decided to air the story on Monday, the start of the official ratings period. The word decided

    is used patronisingly to convince the reader that this was a conscious decision in their pursuit of

    ratings undermining their journalistic abilities. This highlights the importance of truth in human

    experiences as it scrutinizes those corrupt liberating the public from ignorance.

    It is with an understanding of the corruption of journalistic integrity in selecting and accurately

    presenting the facts and the significance of the creators motive, that the vulnerability of truth is
