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[Frontiers in Bioscience 8, e172-189, January 1, 2003] 172 ACUTE VERSUS CHRONIC FUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF UNILATERAL SPATIAL NEGLECT Victor W. Mark Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 619 19 th Street South, SRC 190, Birmingham AL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Primacy of unilateral neglect for disability 4. Functional manifestations of unilateral neglect 5. Neglect recovery and chronic aspects of neglect 6. The functionally valid assessment of neglect 7. Rehabilitation of neglect 7.1. Vestibular stimulation 7.2. Eye patching 7.3. Pharmacologic intervention 7.4. Prisms 8. Discussion 9. Acknowledgments 10. References 1. ABSTRACT This article reviews the impact of unilateral spatial neglect on daily living (“functional”) activities. Its disturbances on basic functional activities, such as feeding, grooming, and locomotion, are easily identifiable. Patients with neglect frequently lack insight into their disorder and do not initiate compensatory behaviors, which probably impedes recovery. Simple standard tests of neglect during visual exploration correlate with impaired recovery of functional skills acutely following brain injury. However, unilateral neglect resolves in most individuals, yet many patients remain chronically impaired during daily living activities. This suggests that some other disorder associated with neglect may contribute to the failure to regain functional independence. A candidate disorder is general (non-spatial) inattention. However, cognitive studies in stroke are biased toward assessing neglect and are usually insensitive to other disorders that may accompany stroke, such as general inattention and executive dysfunction. Therefore, the contribution of unilateral neglect toward functional status relative to diverse other cognitive disorders after stroke is unclear. Treatments for unilateral neglect have been largely unsuccessful or impractical, or they were not evaluated in controlled studies. Intensive practice of scanning appears to benefit, but this observation needs to be replicated in a controlled manner. A recently developed treatment that involves wearing prisms to shift the view ipsilaterally has been associated with transfer of training effects to untreated spatial activities and prolonged improvement of neglect. However, despite some promising lines of investigation in neglect rehabilitation, further research is required to understand where neglect stands in relation to other cognitive disturbances that follow stroke with respect to functional significance and recovery, to decide what disorders should be targeted for rehabilitation. 2. INTRODUCTION Unilateral neglect (alternately termed spatial neglect, hemispatial neglect, amorphosynthesis, hemi- inattention) has been recognized in humans since the early 20 th century (1). Definitions vary, but essentially the term refers to pathologic spatial asymmetry in performance or awareness. This lopsidedness entails a deficiency for action or awareness that in most instances is contralateral to the side of brain injury. However, the individual with neglect in addition may demonstrate overactivity in the opposite direction (i.e., ipsilateral to the side of brain injury) (2-5). Neglect is considered to have an attentional basis, since it may be overcome by cuing or increasing motivation (6-15). Unilateral neglect is commonly recognized by physicians, psychologists, therapists, and family members in individuals with brain injury. Furthermore, unilateral inattention can interfere with routine daily living activities, such as locomotion and feeding. This article will review the impact of neglect on daily living activities (“functional activities”) both acutely and chronically following brain injury. For this article, “functional” will refer broadly to any voluntary activity that is involved with self-care, locomotion, social interaction, or self-fulfillment (e.g., leisure pursuits). This is to be distinguished from activity on tasks that are considered to be experimental or diagnostic, but without clear benefit to the individual (e.g., line bisection), or from primarily involuntary behaviors (e.g., dreaming, reflexive withdrawal to pain). Although investigational and clinical reports often regard neglect as if it were a well-described and homogeneous phenomenon, investigators repeatedly have stressed that “neglect” comprises a heterogeneous array of disturbances, as does “aphasia.” Inconsistencies may occur

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[Frontiers in Bioscience 8, e172-189, January 1, 2003]



Victor W. Mark

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 619 19th Street South, SRC 190,Birmingham AL


1. Abstract2. Introduction3. Primacy of unilateral neglect for disability4. Functional manifestations of unilateral neglect5. Neglect recovery and chronic aspects of neglect6. The functionally valid assessment of neglect7. Rehabilitation of neglect

7.1. Vestibular stimulation7.2. Eye patching7.3. Pharmacologic intervention7.4. Prisms

8. Discussion9. Acknowledgments10. References


This article reviews the impact of unilateralspatial neglect on daily living (“functional”) activities. Itsdisturbances on basic functional activities, such as feeding,grooming, and locomotion, are easily identifiable. Patientswith neglect frequently lack insight into their disorder anddo not initiate compensatory behaviors, which probablyimpedes recovery. Simple standard tests of neglect duringvisual exploration correlate with impaired recovery offunctional skills acutely following brain injury. However,unilateral neglect resolves in most individuals, yet manypatients remain chronically impaired during daily livingactivities. This suggests that some other disorder associatedwith neglect may contribute to the failure to regainfunctional independence. A candidate disorder is general(non-spatial) inattention. However, cognitive studies instroke are biased toward assessing neglect and are usuallyinsensitive to other disorders that may accompany stroke,such as general inattention and executive dysfunction.Therefore, the contribution of unilateral neglect towardfunctional status relative to diverse other cognitivedisorders after stroke is unclear. Treatments for unilateralneglect have been largely unsuccessful or impractical, orthey were not evaluated in controlled studies. Intensivepractice of scanning appears to benefit, but this observationneeds to be replicated in a controlled manner. A recentlydeveloped treatment that involves wearing prisms to shiftthe view ipsilaterally has been associated with transfer oftraining effects to untreated spatial activities and prolongedimprovement of neglect. However, despite some promisinglines of investigation in neglect rehabilitation, furtherresearch is required to understand where neglect stands inrelation to other cognitive disturbances that follow strokewith respect to functional significance and recovery, todecide what disorders should be targeted for rehabilitation.


Unilateral neglect (alternately termed spatialneglect, hemispatial neglect, amorphosynthesis, hemi-inattention) has been recognized in humans since the early20th century (1). Definitions vary, but essentially the termrefers to pathologic spatial asymmetry in performance orawareness. This lopsidedness entails a deficiency for actionor awareness that in most instances is contralateral to theside of brain injury. However, the individual with neglectin addition may demonstrate overactivity in the oppositedirection (i.e., ipsilateral to the side of brain injury) (2-5).Neglect is considered to have an attentional basis, since itmay be overcome by cuing or increasing motivation (6-15).

Unilateral neglect is commonly recognized byphysicians, psychologists, therapists, and family membersin individuals with brain injury. Furthermore, unilateralinattention can interfere with routine daily living activities,such as locomotion and feeding. This article will review theimpact of neglect on daily living activities (“functionalactivities”) both acutely and chronically following braininjury. For this article, “functional” will refer broadly toany voluntary activity that is involved with self-care,locomotion, social interaction, or self-fulfillment (e.g.,leisure pursuits). This is to be distinguished from activityon tasks that are considered to be experimental ordiagnostic, but without clear benefit to the individual (e.g.,line bisection), or from primarily involuntary behaviors(e.g., dreaming, reflexive withdrawal to pain).

Although investigational and clinical reports often regardneglect as if it were a well-described and homogeneousphenomenon, investigators repeatedly have stressed that“neglect” comprises a heterogeneous array of disturbances,as does “aphasia.” Inconsistencies may occur

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Table 1. Literature citations associating specific cognitivedisorders with impaired functional recovery followingstroke

Cognitive disorder ReferencesUnilateral neglect 26-42Depression 36, 43-49Aphasia 36, 37, 50-53Anosognosia (impaired insightinto one’s own illness)

39, 54-56

General inattention 57, 58Disorientation 59, 60Limb apraxia 50, 61Memory impairment 60, 62Pathologic laughter and crying 61Motor impersistence 62Executive dysfunction 63

Numerals denote specific citations given in the Referencessection.

in its severity (16-18) or even direction (i.e., to the left orright) within an individual patient (19-25), depending onthe task or what specific stimuli are presented. (However,neglect on functional tasks is almost invariablycontralateral to the acute, major cerebral lesion.) Thus, thedisturbances that are collectively referred to as “unilateralneglect” are considerably diverse and may have differentneurophysiologic bases. This frustrates developingstandards for diagnosing and reporting neglect. However,the absence of standard definitions for neglect does notundermine the clinical importance it has for theperformance and recovery of functional activities.


As would be expected with any cognitiveimpairment, functional disturbances may accompanyneglect. However, neglect is especially important, since ithas been associated with impaired functional recoveryfollowing brain injury more often than any other cognitivedisorder. Table 1 reflects the importance that clinicalinvestigators have attached to neglect following stroke.Although neglect may occur with nearly any illness thatinvolves structural brain injury, it has most often beenevaluated following stroke. (Stroke is defined as anenduring neurologic disorder of abrupt onset that ispresumed to be secondary to a pathologic alteration ofregional blood flow, such as from hemorrhage or bloodvessel blockage.) This bias toward evaluating neglectfollowing stroke is most likely due to the high prevalenceof stroke and its increasing incidence as the mean age ofpopulations increases, particularly in industrialized nations.Table 1 cites the articles from the author’s own literaturesurvey up to the year 2002 that have associated specificcognitive disorders following stroke with impairedfunctional recovery.

However, a ballot-counting measure of thesecitations cannot be assumed to reflect the actualcomparative frequency of these cognitive disordersfollowing stroke or the strength of their associations withfunctional decline. It is not possible to draw conclusions

from these studies on the primacy of unilateral neglect forfunctional outcomes after stroke because of inconsistenciesin (1) the range of cognitive functions assessed, (2) thespecific cognitive tests used, and (3) the functionalassessments used. Moreover, the surfeit of studies onneglect may reflect a clinical and investigationalpreoccupation with its bizarre aspects (e.g., drawing onlyhalf a flower, denial of limb ownership) or the ease of itsassessment relative to other cognitive disorders. (Forexample, neglect is commonly assessed by measuring thedifference from true midpoint when subjects are asked tobisect lines with a pen, or by counting the number ofomitted figures on cancellation tests, where subjects mustcross out all figures of a certain kind.) Few studies thatfound disorders other than neglect to be importantly relatedto outcome actually examined for neglect (56, 57, 60, 61).In addition, measures of functional ability are biasedtoward basic motoric activities, and they less reliably oreasily assess social, leisure, or community-based activities(e.g., banking, driving, or other “instrumental” activities ofdaily living). Thus, Table 1 at best reflects the presentclinical and investigational appreciation for the impact ofneglect on a restricted set of functional activities.


Clinicians who treat brain-injured individualsreadily associate neglect with functional impairment.Indeed, a disorder that seriously affects either the “input” or“output” aspects of directional spatial cognition might beexpected a priori to impair any functional activity.Consequently, the functional impact of neglect is almostwithout limit. Some of the more common or interestingaspects of functional neglect are described below.

In its most severe form, neglect may involve astrong gaze bias that is directed ipsilateral to a unilateralhemispheric lesion. This finding, which has been termed“Vulpian’s sign” (64), is often associated with a markeddisinclination to orient or explore contralaterally, eithervisually or manually. (For the remainder of this article,“ipsilateral” and “contralateral” will be used with respect tothe location of the brain lesion that is presumed to beresponsible for the clinical disorder under discussion.)Ipsilateral gaze bias nearly always appears when the braininjury is acute, and the brain lesion is generally large andcortical, spanning most of a lobe or overlapping lobes. Theimpairment frustrates the most basic functional activities inthe clinician-patient relationship, so that the patient fails toturn the head or eyes toward a clinician or family memberwho stands in contralateral space. The patient also oftenfails to find the contralateral hand with the ipsilateral handupon command, and more often gropes only thecontralateral chest or shoulder before stopping. Anaccompanying neglect syndrome usually appears in thissevere state, which includes (1) flattening of affect andvocal intonation (aprosodia), (2) unawareness(anosognosia) for the severe hemiparesis and hemianopiathat are usually coexisting, and (3) an apparent indifferenceto neglect itself after it has been pointed out. The latter isvery surprising: patients fail to be impressed by the

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Figure 1. Pusher syndrome in a man with left neglect whilehe performs a line cancellation test. This man habituallymaintained the abnormal posture despite developing painfulcontracture of the neck.

clinician’s pointing out their failure to orient past the bodymidline; they behave as if the world simply has stopped atthe midline. They also fail to search for boundaries in theirenvironment for spatial reference. Thus, for example,corners of rooms or the edges of food trays or pages holdno importance (19). Their failure to find the contralateralhand generally does not concern them either. Furthermore,when the clinician holds the (almost invariably) paralyzedhand in front of the patient’s face, the patient will oftendeny that the hand belongs to him or her(somatoparaphrenia) (65, 66). In such instances, findingthat the paralyzed contralateral hand cohabits the bed withthem sometimes offends or frightens such patients, whodemand to have the “stranger” or the arm taken away (67).Finally, they may also falsely localize a perceived stimuluson the neglected side. For example, clinicians may observethat when neglect patients are touched on the contralateralknee, the patients may state that they were touched on theabdomen. Similarly, they may believe that the person whospeaks to them from their contralateral side is actually ontheir ipsilateral side. This false interpretation of stimuliwithout self-initiated verification amounts to confabulation.

As patients with severe acute neglect regainmobility, they frequently tilt the body or head toward thecontralateral side. This phenomenon was termed the“pusher syndrome” by Davies (68), and clinical reports of ithave recently become frequent (69-77). The consequenceof the pusher syndrome frequently is dangerousmaintenance of the body posture in bed or in thewheelchair, such that the patient risks falling to the floor.Torticollis may also result (14), which despite theaccompanying pain from the prolonged dystonic neckposture may not be spontaneously overcome by the patient(figure 1).

As mobility recovers, neglect patients may fail toprotect their hemiparetic limbs during locomotion. Forexample, neglect patients commonly dangle theirhemiplegic upper limb over the arm rest of the wheelchair,

against the wheel. [However, although neglect frequentlyaccompanies prolonged contralateral limb flaccidity afterstroke (78), reports are inconsistent regarding theassociation between limb pain in hemiplegia and neglect(79) (80).] Conceivably, inattention to the paralyzed limbcould lead to crush injuries when patients try to wheelthrough doorways, although this has not been reported inthe literature. Neglect patients also commonly fail toprotect the paretic limb during transfers from bed to chairor during mat mobility. Even when limb paresis is mild (asdemonstrated by limb movement to command), neglectpatients frequently fail to use the limb to assist themselveswhen balancing or during other activities. This failure ofspontaneous limb use on one side has been termed “motorneglect” (81). It is clinically similar to “learned nonuse” inchronic hemiparesis (82), in which patients move the limbbetter to command than they do spontaneously. However,learned nonuse is thought to develop from punishinginteractions with the environment after the patient initiallyexperiences difficulty with moving the limb, whereas motorneglect is considered to involve an unlearned endogenousinhibition of unilateral limb activation (83).

Not surprisingly, neglect can disrupt locomotionover greater distances. The patient may veer to one sidewhile walking (84). Grossi et al (85) observed that an 8-year-old boy with traumatic brain injury had unilateralneglect while he walked: he inadvertently knocked downobjects that were mainly to his left. Nonetheless, the boywas unimpaired during standard neglect assessments.Similarly, individuals with homonymous hemianopiafollowing brain injury may fail to scan contralaterally,despite the absence of contralateral neglect during standardtests. This deficit may be associated with impaired obstacleavoidance, particularly when crossing streets or walkingalong corridors, and can be behaviorally modified withoutsubstantially improving the visual field defect itself (86).[An open question is whether a unilateral deficit duringfunctional tasks is truly “neglect” when there is nocorroboration from standard neglect tests. If the deficit canbe improved through improving attention, then the disorderwould appear to qualify as neglect. But see Mark andKerkhoff (87) for debate on this point and related issues.Tant et al. (88) also contribute data pertinent to thisconcern.]

In addition, patients with neglect are prone tofalls and wheelchair accidents (89-94). Omissions oncancellation tests may be associated with impaired drivingin stroke patients after discharge (95). One stroke patientwith unilateral neglect on multiple kinds of tests was notedby his wife to inadvertently veer their car toward the right(96). Other case reports have described repeated trafficaccidents by drivers with unilateral posterior hemisphericlesions who failed to monitor the environmentcontralaterally (97, 98). In general, though, stroke patientswith chronic unilateral neglect do not drive, in contrast tostroke patients without neglect (99, 100). It is not yet clearwhether such patients decide not to drive or are preventedby others from driving, and whether neglect itself or adifferent disorder is fundamentally why neglect patients donot drive or why they have vehicular accidents.

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Figure 2. Left personal neglect reflected in grooming. Thepatient’s wife was asked not to assist him with shaving onthe day that this photograph was taken. The right side of theface is clean shaven, the left side untouched. This manhabitually groomed only the right side of his face.

Figure 3. The “hanging spectacles” sign in the man shownin figure 3. His wife had observed that her husband wasusually careless on his contralateral side when putting onhis eyeglasses. He was asked to take off and then replacehis eyeglasses without further instruction just before thisphotograph was taken.

Figure 4. Unilateral neglect during clock drawing. Theexample is shown above and the patient’s copy to the right.Not uncommonly, patients with left neglect sketch theentire circle and write the numerals 12, 3, 6, and 9 at theircorrect locations. The patient was satisfied that she hadsketched the entire clock face shown to her. She acknowledgedher omissions when they were indicated to her. Note thebunching of numerals on the right side, another characteristicof clock drawing by patients with neglect.

Neglect frequently appears during self-careactivities. Pocketing food on one side of the mouth iscommonly observed by rehabilitation therapists, despite its

having been reported only occasionally (101-103). Patientsmay also consistently overlook food items from one side ofthe plate. Disabled self-dressing (“dressing apraxia”) is notunusual among patients with neglect (29, 104, 105), butwhether the disorder usually results directly from hemi-inattention vs. a non-lateralized attentional or planningdisturbance has not been ascertained. Self-groomingimpairments are also common (figure 2). A peculiar findingis the “hanging spectacles” sign (106), in which the patientrecurrently fails to place the contralateral frame of theeyeglasses behind the ear (figure 3). Similarly, a unilateral“hanging dentures” deficit has been described (107).

Because unilateral neglect is easily recorded andscored with graphomotor tasks such as line bisection andcancellation, it is not surprising that research reports ofneglect during drawing or writing are legion. The classicgraphomotor disturbances of neglect include biasingwriting to one side of the page and supplying numeralsprimarily on one side of a clock face (figure 4). A populartest is to have the patient sketch a daisy, which typicallyresults in omitting the petals on one side. Omissions incopying tasks can be either within individual objectswherever they occur in the scene or for entire objects thatare on the contralateral side of the scene that is beingcopied (108) (figure 5). Examples abound of unilateralneglect in the works of professional graphic artists (109-111). Neglect within scenes may also appear when patientssnap photographs (112). Chronically deaf patients with leftneglect may show strongly asymmetric “mapping” whenthey describe their living quarters through manual signing(113). That is, they cluster their gestured productions to theright side of the space in front of them, which yields amarkedly distorted representation of space akin to thatfound on drawing tasks. Remarkably, when theycommunicate non-spatial concepts through signing, deafpatients with neglect do not skew their use of space.

Not surprisingly, patients may also fail to readadequately due to neglect. Patients may read from only oneside of the page. When they read aloud spatially isolatedwords, they may either omit the contralateral half of theword, or they may substitute an incorrect word that isidentical to the target word only on the ipsilateral side. Forexample, when reading a compound noun such as “hotdog,” they may say only “dog.” “The” may become “he.”In contrast, hemiconfabulated items can include “prize”instead of “satirize,” “target” instead of “forget” (114). Theconsistent location of mistakes to one side of words is notexplained by a purely visual disorder. Instead, theimpairment reflects consistent carelessness with identifyingword beginnings or endings. Many patients with neglectduring reading (neglect dyslexia) fail to detect the thematicaberrancies that result when they read aloud.

Neglect may also disturb more complexactivities, such as leisure pursuits. Neglect during chessplaying has been described (115, 116). Unilateralinattention during card playing has been measured in thelaboratory (102, 117) and thus may occur in the real world.Neglect also has been found on kitchen activities in thelaboratory (27, 118-120).

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Figure 5. Unilateral neglect when copying a scene,executed by the same patient from figure 5. Before shestarted copying, she was asked what she saw. She said, “Atree, a house, and a fence.” After she believed that she hadcopied the entire picture, she was asked again what she sawin the original picture: “A tree and a house.” Note not onlythe absence of figures from the left side of the scene, butalso that only half the tree was drawn, thus demonstratingtwo different kinds of neglect on drawing tasks (i.e.,environment-based neglect and object-based neglect). Thedistortion of elements in drawings (constructional apraxia),as shown here, is also common in patients with unilateralneglect.


For the most part, the foregoing reports of neglectassessed patients acutely after illness onset, i.e.,approximately within the first month. It is well known thatneglect may persist, but the distinctions between acute andchronic neglect have not been comprehensively studied.During recovery, the neglected area on cancellation testsmay shift either farther to the left or toward the near leftquadrant of the page (121, 122). The error direction on linebisection tests may reverse with recovery (123-125),suggesting either overcompensation for neglect or theunmasking of other cognitive deficits as the originaldisorder recedes. However, reversals in neglect directionduring other activities, including functional tasks, have notbeen reported during recovery.

One aspect of neglect that is more oftenencountered chronically than acutely is awareness for thedisability (111, 126-128). This paradoxical state—nearlythe opposite of anosognosia—amounts to “lip service” forthe condition. That is, patients may readily admit, evenvolunteer details about their unilateral inattention, and yetfail to consistently and spontaneously compensate, such asby scanning bilaterally or attending to their contralaterallimbs. This reflects the considerable difficulty with the

“carry-over” of training effects that is commonlyrecognized by rehabilitation therapists—the failure to learnto compensate spontaneously for impairments that can beovercome by verbal cuing from the therapist. Thisdisturbance, one of the most bewildering and frustrating inbrain injury, partly underlies the great desire by clinicalinvestigators to improve treatments for neglect. The basisfor this paradoxical awareness has not been wellinvestigated. It does not appear to be consequent togenerally decreased motivation or initiation, since somepatients spontaneously report their neglect and avidlyperform tasks on their ipsilateral side. The disorder alsodoes not appear to be a form of “anosodiaphoria,” theemotional indifference to a pathologic condition (129, 130),since some patients with neglect express concern for theirinability to accomplish tasks successfully (111), eventhough they may not emotionally intone their voices.Instead, the difficulty appears in part to reflect a lack of“mindfulness” for their spatial impairment during taskperformance. That is, such patients do not remaincontinuously aware of their limitations and make correctiveadjustments, and as a result they recurrently encounterdifficulty during daily living tasks due to spatial inattention(e.g., failing to protect the hemiparetic limb from injuryduring transfers from bed to chair) unless they are cued.This suggests a deficit of what is termed “workingmemory” (the active maintenance of a fact in mind forimmediate use when needed). But this is not the completeexplanation, because even when neglect patients becomefrustrated because of their neglect on tasks, such as failingto propel a wheelchair through a narrow doorway due tocollision on the neglected side, it is often hard for them toefficiently resolve the problem (111). This suggests thatneglect is a very powerful disorder that resists self-initiatedproblem solving, even when patients understand that theyhave difficulty and thus, in principle, should be able toovercome the problem.

An example of the complexity of problemsolving in neglect was shown in a study by Mark et al.(131). Patients with neglect improved their cancellationwhen they were instructed to erase stimuli rather than markthem. Nonetheless, some patients could not completelyovercome their neglect. This suggests that unilateral neglectinvolves multiple concurrent cognitive impairments, suchthat some are more easily overcome than others. A vividexample of this was also shown by Mesulam (10), whofound that monetary payment for every canceled stimulusimproved neglect in a patient, but again did not abolish it.Alternatively, these examples might reflect the existence ofa spatial “gradient” to neglect, such that problem solvingbecomes more difficult the farther that the problem occursin the contralateral direction. Perhaps on functional tasks,despite understanding their disorder and benefiting to someextent from changes in problem solving strategy, patientswith neglect may simply be unable to orient sufficientlycontralaterally, at least through self-initiation. Cantagalloand Della Sala (111) reported that the famed film directorFederico Fellini, whom they evaluated after his stroke,understood that he omitted marking targets duringcancellation but nonetheless seemed powerless to improvehis performance on his own. The observations suggested

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that Fellini was aware of stimuli to his left, in the same waythat neglect patients who confabulate the left sides of wordsthat they read aloud are responding to incompletelydetected stimuli. Numerous other examples of “covertawareness” in neurologic disorders have been described,such as the changes in electrical skin conductance thatoccur when brain-injured patients are shown familiar facesthat they nonetheless cannot recognize overtly (132). Agreat mystery in cognitive research is why awareness forenvironmental stimuli is sometimes incomplete followingbrain injury.

However, most patients recover substantiallyfrom neglect, if not completely, and typically within a fewmonths (27, 28, 33, 38, 39, 42, 121, 133-136). The recoverycan be highly erratic, marked by day-to-day fluctuations(137), despite general improvement over several months.Unfortunately, inconsistency in the kinds of tests used forneglect has prevented understanding its prevalence,particularly in the chronic state (138). Consequently, theurgency for treating acute neglect is unclear. Suchintervention might curtail particularly disabling outcomes,such as falls, collisions, or painful dystonia, but theincidence of these complications is also unknown. Thus, itis not clear whether neglect rehabilitation deserves priorityover therapy for other impairments that may occur withchronic stroke, such as aphasia or hemiparesis. Thisunderstanding becomes particularly important if financialresources for rehabilitation become strained, which mayoccur as the population of stroke survivors increases.

Attempts to describe “recovery” mustacknowledge that the ability to detect neglect depends inlarge part not only on the sensitivity of the individual testsused, but also on the overall processing demands or stressesthat the individual must confront while being tested, or thefacilitating effect from certain activities. Thus, for example,neglect severity can change with changes in gaze direction(139, 140) or with limb movement (141). More pertinent toclinical practice is that neglect that has completelyrecovered long after stroke onset can be reinstated byintravenous benzodiazepine (142). These observationsemphasize the “state-dependency” of cognitive disordersfollowing structural brain injury, that is, their dependenceon the total cognitive processing resources available. Inpractical terms, judging whether an individual hasrecovered from neglect may depend on diverse factors suchas the person’s overall health, concurrent medications, orwhether the person ruminates over miscellaneous concernsat the time of testing. These factors are difficult to control.However, estimating an individual’s current cognitiveperformance level may be improved through repeatedassessment over several days (if there is no indication thatthe person’s health is declining), as suggested by theobservations reported above by Small and Ellis (137).

Finally, despite the close association betweenacute unilateral neglect and functional recovery, it is stillunclear to what extent neglect directly impairs function.Clearly, as shown by the accounts and illustrations in thepreceding section, neglect can be functionally disruptive.But to what extent does functional recovery depend on

neglect vs. other disorders? Despite the plethora of studieson functional outcomes and acute cognitive status, we donot well understand the relative contributions of otherdisorders such as aphasia, depression, and so on. We willprobably not have such understanding until the fullcomplement of cognitive disorders that follows brain injuryis consistently and sensitively assessed in a large acutestroke population. This is unlikely in the near future, giventhe lack of standard comprehensive assessments for manyof these disorders.

Some evidence suggests that unilateral neglectmay not directly affect chronic functional status. Kinsellaand Ford (33) found that acute neglect patients hadimpaired functional status at 18 months compared to strokepatients without acute neglect. However, the chronicdisability in the acute neglect group was not strictly relatedto concurrent neglect, because only half of the acuteneglect patients had measurable neglect at follow-up. Onthe other hand, Cherney et al. (143) failed to find asignificant difference in functional status at 3 monthsbetween patients with and without acute neglect. However,the patients with acute neglect had longer hospital staysthan did stroke patients without acute neglect. Thus, theabsence of differences between groups at 3 months mayhave been due to differences in the amount of rehabilitationthey received.

Other studies have failed to significantlyassociate acute neglect with functional status whencompared with other acute cognitive disorders.Unfortunately, there has been no consensus on whatdisorders are more important to outcomes. Thus, Sundet etal. (61) found that neglect correlated with chronicfunctional status, but not as strongly as did acute apraxiaand pathological laughter or crying (emotional lability).Similarly, Mysiw et al. (60) found that unilateral neglectwas not as successful as impaired attention, calculation, andjudgement for predicting functional status at hospitaldischarge. Gialanella and Mattioli (56) and Pedersen et al.(55, 144) found that neglect did not predict outcomefunctional status, in contrast to anosognosia forhemiparesis. Blanc-Garin (57) observed that cancellationtests did predict functional recovery in stroke patients, butwithout relation to the laterality of omissions on these tests.This suggested that non-spatial inattention was crucial. Thisobservation is consonant with Hjaltason et al. (127), whonoted that patients who were aware of their chronic neglectwere also impaired in sustained, non-lateralized attention.Similarly, Samuelsson et al. (135) in a longitudinal studyfound that perseverations (needlessly repeated actions) oncancellation tests correlated with acute neglect, but thatthese persisted even when neglect had become less stronglyasymmetric 6-7 months later.

Non-lateralized alerting may benefit neglect (11-13), which is consistent with other evidence that suggeststhat the attentional deficit in neglect is not strictly unilateral(145, 146). Reviewing this evidence, Robertson (147)suggests that unilateral neglect is fundamentally a disorderof non-lateralized attentional capacity. While Hjaltason etal. (127) indicated that the attentional deficit in neglect may

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at least affect sustained attention, experimental studies havenot otherwise examined whether other components ofattention [e.g., selective attention, divided attention (148)]are also impaired in a non-lateralized manner in patientswith unilateral neglect. Nonetheless, Robertson’s proposalcould help account for changes in spatial inattention duringrecovery from focal brain injury. Acute focal hemisphericinjury sufficient to disrupt general attention would beassociated with unilateral spatial neglect, due to a suddenimbalance between the mutually opposing, contralateralattentional biases of the cerebral hemispheres, according toone hypothesis (149). Recovery would then attenuateunilateral neglect, perhaps due to functional corticalreorganization or compensation from undamaged regions(150, 151), while non-spatial inattention would persistbecause it is less amenable to compensation. Generalinattention would therefore be prominent during thechronic phase of illness following focal brain injury, ratherthan unilateral spatial neglect. The observation thatunilateral neglect is more frequent, severe, and enduringfollowing right than left hemispheric lesions (39) isconsistent with evidence suggesting that primarily the righthemisphere mediates general alerting and sustainedattention (152-154). These observations link unilateralspatial neglect with general inattention.


While much work remains concerning therelative importance of unilateral neglect to functionaloutcomes, the neglect assessments that predict functionalstatus and recovery have been well established. Essentially,the cancellation test has most often been found to besuccessful (27, 31, 32, 72, 91, 92, 121, 155-157). This testpresents numerous distinct images across a page. Thesubject must mark all the occurrences of a particular image(e.g., the letter “A”) and disregard all other images (non-targets) if present. (The activity is akin to canceling aparcel that has numerous postage stamps; one must markonly the stamps and not other printed items.) Some versionsrequire speeded performance, so that the subject must markall targets in a restricted time interval. However, neglectmay be found simply by having the patient work at a self-determined pace and indicate when he or she has completedmarking the page. Neglect is scored by counting thenumber of unmarked targets after test completion. Someinvestigators recommend measuring the imbalance in targetomissions between the right and left sides (155, 158, 159)to indicate the extent to which the neglect is actuallyunilateral. The value of the cancellation test comes not onlyfrom its correlation with functional status and outcome, butalso because it can be cheaply and rapidly reproduced,either by photocopying a standard version or, in a pinch,sketching out an example on hospital chart paper ifnecessary. Different cancellation test versions have beenpublished, but unfortunately there is no consensus forwhich version is most sensitive to neglect or functionaloutcomes.

The preeminence of cancellation tests forpredicting functional outcomes is plausible. Cancellation

tests typically measure visual search over a cluttered array,which in this regard is similar to common encounters withthe real world, where one must search for salient itemsamong undesired objects from a crowded table top, dresserdrawer, kitchen shelf, or roadway. In contrast, other neglectassessments such as line bisection, reading, copying, anddrawing from memory assess functions that are lessfrequently used during daily living activities in general.

The Behavioural Inattention Test, or BIT (160-162), has emerged as the internationally favoredcomprehensive assessment for unilateral neglect. It wasdeveloped in part to include “ecologically valid”simulations of actual daily living activities on which onemay find unilateral spatial bias. One part of the batteryincludes traditional pen-and-paper neglect assessments(different varieties of cancellation tests, line bisection,figure copying), and the other part comprises the ecologicalportion, which includes activities such as inspecting apicture of a life-sized plate of salad, reading from a menu,and sorting familiar coins. The complete battery has beenfound to correlate well with occupational therapists’judgements on the occurrence of unilateral neglect onfunctional tasks (27, 162). However, administering thecomplete assessment is time consuming, probably all themore so for patients with marked neglect, who tend toaccomplish tasks very slowly and may require repeatedprompting. Thus, fatigue may supervene; subjects may beunable to complete the test at one sitting. More important,studies have shown that the traditional pen-and-paper testsin the BIT are sufficient to detect most instances of neglect(156, 162, 163), and that a single cancellation test from theBIT may correlate with functional status or recovery (27,121). Therefore, for most purposes cancellation tests bythemselves are adequate for predicting functional status.

However, cancellation tests and other activitiesassessed by the BIT concern only extrapersonal neglect,that is, unilateral inattention to the environment separatefrom the body. Many brain-injured patients show unilateralneglect for their own bodies, as demonstrated above. Such“personal” neglect may occur independently ofextrapersonal neglect (102, 164-169). Unfortunately, theassessment of personal neglect has not been as welldeveloped. One detailed test of personal neglect involvescounting the number of limb movements made on the leftvs. right side of the body during commanded self-grooming(combing, shaving, or make-up application) over 30seconds (168). The test is reported to be highly reliable andsensitive to neglect. However, this test is not helpful forseveral reasons: (1) The validity of performance tocommand for real life behaviors on these tasks has not beenevaluated. (2) The lateral differences in movements forthese tasks may be influenced by factors other than neglect,such as the location of the part in the scalp, premorbidlaterality biases in action sequences (e.g., habituallystarting on the right or left), and the fact that a movementthat commences on one side of the face or scalp maycontinue over to the other side, thus leaving less work to doon that side. (3) The laterality of movements close to themidline are difficult to judge. (4) Some patients move soquickly as to challenge accurate counting, even when thebehavior has been video taped (author’s observations).

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An alternate test of personal neglect is the “flufftest” (170), which involves attaching multiple adhesivepieces of cardboard to the patient’s clothing while he or sheis blindfolded. Afterward, the blindfold is removed and thepatient is asked to detach all of the cardboard pieces, akinto picking lint from clothing. The proportion of cardboardpieces removed from the total applied is calculated. Thetest is difficult due to the need to prepare the stimuli andbecause the patient must wear clothing suitable to assurestimulus adherence. Furthermore, the correlation of anytests of personal neglect for functional outcomes has notbeen evaluated, and so their practical value for neurologicrehabilitation is undetermined.

Finally, the assessment of motor neglect has beeneven less well developed. Most reports have used informalobservations. Some inconsistency in the definition of motorneglect has been noted (171). Only one formal assessmentbattery for motor neglect has been developed (172).However, this approach assesses diverse behaviors,including spontaneous limb use under uncontrolledcircumstances, movement of the hand into ipsilateral orcontralateral space to command (which actually assessesdirectional hypokinesia (173) or motor intentional neglect(174), not motor neglect itself), and vaguely describedspontaneous behavior during postural supporting activitiesor when touching painful stimuli (!). These observationsare collapsed to a single 3-step ordinal scale ofundetermined reliability or validity. For these reasons thisscale cannot be recommended.

A promising alternative assessment to motorneglect comes from research on constraint-inducedmovement therapy (CI therapy) for improving learnednonuse after stroke (82). One assessment for learnednonuse is the Actual Amount of Use Test (AAUT), apreliminary description of which is provided by Uswatteand Taub (175). Patients are discreetly video taped in thelaboratory while they are asked to perform certain tasksthat are posed to help their participation with therapy, suchas filling out a form, tucking an appointment card into awallet, inserting a cassette into a VCR to observe playbackof their treatment responses, and so on. The AAUT isethically permissible because patients consent to videorecording during the therapy, but without being told whatspecific interactions with investigators will be recorded.The patients are not cued to use a particular hand during theAAUT. Subsequently, raters view the tape recordings andscore the relative amount of use by the contralateral handon each of the tasks. The authors indicate that thepredictive value of the AAUT for real-world functionaltasks has so far not been assessed. This test nonethelessoffers a controlled basis for evaluating motor neglect aswell. Research is needed to decide whether the AAUTcould be practical for predicting the functional implicationsof motor neglect. Another assessment of learned nonuse isthe Motor Activity Log, or MAL (175), which relies on selfor caregiver reports of relative contralateral limb use onmultiple routine daily living activities. Although theassessment is subjective, high interrater reliability has beenreported between caregivers and patients, at least whenparticipants had been screened for cognitive disorders. The

MAL may therefore offer a more feasible assessment ofmotor neglect, but thus far motor neglect has not beenexperimentally evaluated with the MAL.


The treatment of unilateral neglect in clinicalpractice is not theoretically based (176). Instead, treatmentis guided by observations of the patient’s performance onstandard basic daily living activities, and then training isimplemented to improve attention and action toward thecontralateral side, according to the specific tasks that wereimpaired (177). Perhaps as a result, treatment approaches toneglect in clinical practice are not consistent. Occupationaltherapists sometimes place a highly attractive stimulus suchas a stripe in contralateral space (“anchoring”) to overcomescanning biases, or they teach patients to use their finger toguide themselves contralaterally (19, 178-180). Someindividual patients have been observed to learn to applyand benefit from these interventions. However, systematicstudies on the efficacy of these approaches have not beenconducted.

Over the past 40 years various experimentaltreatments have been introduced to treat neglect. Initialattempts were based on behavioral training, includingproviding feedback during errors or practicing contralateralscanning, which usually improved neglect. Nonetheless,these attempts either inadequately (or not at all) assessedcontrol subjects or did not assess whether treatment effectstransferred to other daily living activities (178, 181-188).Other studies failed to find consistent transfer of treatmenteffects to other tasks (189-191) or any benefit at all fromspecific treatment for neglect (192, 193). The placement ofobjects to be used for daily living activities in either thecontralateral or ipsilateral side of space does not affectrecovery of functional activities in patients with neglect(194). An exceptional study was by Young et al. (195),who found that training acute stroke patients on the BlockDesign subtest from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scaleimproved reading contralateral words. Nonetheless, suchtraining has not become routine. A limitation of thesebehavioral or environmental treatment approaches is thatthey were not developed from theoretical models ofdisability, but rather from observation and trial-and-error.This has complicated interpreting the basis for treatmentfailures (196), or, for that matter, successes. For example, itis unclear why practice on Block Design should benefitunilateral neglect.

In contrast to the foregoing studies, Antonucci etal. (197) reported that comprehensive scanning training andprolonged practice with reading, copying, and describingpictures resulted in significant improvement on standardand functional aspects (102) of unilateral neglect that hadnot been directly trained. They thus provided evidence fortransfer of training effects. Furthermore, the interval sincestroke onset was unrelated to neglect improvement.Antonucci et al. suggested that the basis for their successfulbehavioral intervention was “massive stimulation,” sincetraining sessions were one hour daily, five days a week, foreight consecutive weeks, or 40 hours total. In contrast,

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earlier studies used more limited treatments. Thus, in a mannersimilar to that of the “massed practice” of CI therapy forchronic stroke hemiparesis (82) that was referred to in section6 above, transfer of training effects following cerebral injurymay only occur after a critical amount of task practice has beengiven. In the case of therapy for neglect, Antonucci et al.suggested that massive stimulation promotes improvedawareness for the deficit. However, their hypothesis was onlyinferential rather than based on debriefing the treated patients.Alternatively, perhaps massed stimulation for neglect results infunctional reorganization of cerebral areas involved withdirectional spatial attention, independent of any awareness forneglect. Functional neuroimaging studies from CI therapyprograms for chronic hemiparesis support the occurrence ofcortical reorganization following massed motor practice (198).Since participants with major cognitive disorders have beenexcluded from CI therapy trials thus far, it does not appear thatimproved awareness for motor deficits is obligatory fortherapeutic benefit. Correspondingly, neglect may respond tomassed stimulation because of unconscious learning.Unfortunately, Antonucci et al. did not indicate the duration oftraining benefits, nor did they state whether benefits transferredto daily living activities in the real world, in contrast to thefindings in support of CI therapy benefits.

Numerous other interventions have used moreintimate or even invasive contact with the patient. Noparticular treatment approach has proven popular in clinicalpractice. A comprehensive overview of these diverseapproaches has recently been provided elsewhere (199). Afew of the more frequently assessed treatments arepresented below.

7.1. Vestibular stimulationIn 1941 Silberpfennig (14) discovered that a

standard clinical assessment of brainstem function, theflushing of one ear canal with cold water to inducenystagmus (reflex lateral drifting of the eyes in unison),could improve contralateral reading and reaching, as wellas torticollis, in patients with neglect. This effect, known as“caloric stimulation,” was repeatedly confirmed decadeslater (200-203). The improvement of left neglect generallyoccurs when the left ear is treated. The basis for thisimprovement is unclear but is considered not to reflectnonspecific arousal from ice water, since the benefit isspecific to treating only the left ear. Unfortunately, withrare exceptions, treatment benefits last only 15 minutes,and therefore this fascinating phenomenon has no practicalvalue. A related effect has been shown by exposing thepatient to opticokinetic stimulation, which also inducesnystagmus (204-206). This effect is induced by having thepatient view a rapidly rotating vertical cylinder paintedwith alternating black and white wide vertical stripes,which causes a horizontal beating of the eyes akin to theeffect of watching telephone poles rapidly go by whilelooking from the window of a speeding train. As withcaloric stimulation, the basis for the improvement isunknown, and the benefit is short-lived.

7.2. Eye patchingButter and Kirsch (207) in 1992 observed that

occluding the right eye with a patch resulted in modest

improvement in line bisection or cancellation tests. Incontrast to the behavioral modifications in scanningdescribed above, Butter and Kirsch’s approach wasdeveloped from basic neuroscience principles. Thehypothesized basis for the benefit was the predominantlycontralateral retinal input to the superior colliculus, a smallpaired brainstem structure that is considered to beimportant to eye movement control. Experimentalobservations in lesioned laboratory animals had suggestedthat the twin superior colliculi mutually inhibit each other,while each one individually excites the ipsilateral cerebralcortex. Asymmetric cortical activation should result inincreased contralateral attention (149). Thus, right-sidedeye patching should diminish the activity of the leftsuperior colliculus. This in turn would disinhibit the rightsuperior colliculus, which would then activate the lesionedright hemisphere in patients with left neglect.Consequently, increased left visual exploration shouldemerge from right eye patching in left neglect patients.

Unfortunately, the remediation of neglect througheye patching has not been as straightforward as one wouldhave hoped. First, the anatomical relationship between theeyes and the superior colliculi is unclear. Previc (208)indicates that while the input to the superior colliculus isprimarily from the contralateral retina in most mammals, inprimates the inputs are more bilateral. Second, subsequentstudies of eye patching were inconsistent. Barrett et al.(209) found that right eye patching aggravated left neglectin a case study, while left eye patching improved neglect.In a subsequent case report, Barrett et al. (210) replicatedthe results of Butter and Kirsch, that is, benefit from righteye patching, but not left, at least on a cancellation test.Because so few subjects have been evaluated, it ispremature to postulate how monocular patching affectsneglect. Intraindividual differences may be due in part todifferences in the innervation of the superior colliculi fromthe eyes, or differences in neglect subtypes. Moreimportant, however, is the conclusion that monocularpatching may exacerbate neglect (209). This observationmay have practical importance, since patients may need towear patches for other reasons, including isolated cranialneuropathy or corneal injury. The effect of patching onfunctional activities has not been determined.

7.3. Pharmacologic interventionFollowing experimental studies in laboratory

animals, in 1987 Fleet and Heilman (211) reported that amedication commonly used to treat Parkinson disease,bromocriptine, could improve unilateral neglect onstandard tests in two stroke patients. Anecdotally, one ofthe patients benefited on functional activities also.Compatible observations were reported in a later case studywith bromocriptine (212) and a series study using anotherantiparkinsonian agent, carbidopa with levodopa (Sinemet)(213). However, it is unclear why a systemically distributeddrug should benefit unilateral neglect, since one wouldexpect drug receptors in both cerebral hemispheres to bestimulated. Indeed, a straightforward explanation iscomplicated by reports that bromocriptine may aggravateunilateral neglect (174, 214). As with eye patching, too fewpatients have been treated to provide generalizations, and

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Figure 6. A representation of the significance of unilateralneglect among contemporary investigations for cognitivedisorders that follow stroke. The bars indicate the numberof articles that assessed the specific cognitive disorderslisted from all of the citations shown in table 1.

the functional responses to treatment have not been wellevaluated.

7.4. PrismsA recently developed approach reportedly has the

advantages of simplicity, persisting benefit, and transfer oftraining effects. This method uses prismatic lenses that shiftthe field of view 10º ipsilaterally. The treatment programpioneered by Frassinetti et al. (215), termed prismaticadaptation (PA), involves 20-minute sessions twice a dayfor 2 weeks. During the sessions, patients wear the lensesand repeatedly point with the ipsilateral hand to thelocation of stimuli that occur at pseudorandom locations atarm’s length. According to Frassinetti et al., PA resulted insignificant improvements on subtests from the BIT, areading test, and pointing to objects in the extrapersonalenvironment to command, in contrast to control subjectswith neglect who did not wear the prisms. There was nosignificant benefit to personal neglect as assessed by thefluff test, although there was a trend in this direction.However, few patients had personal neglect, so there mayhave not been sufficient power to detect a treatment effect.Preliminary findings suggested that treatment effects weremaintained for as much as 17 weeks. Furthermore, neglectprogressively declined during several weeks of follow-up,suggesting that the PA treatment had somehow facilitatedactive recovery long after the treatment itself hadconcluded. Using an abbreviated form of the sametreatment, Farnè et al. (216) found that one patientimproved in exploring rooms in the home. Further studiesare needed to determine whether patients significantlyimprove on standard functional activities assessmentsfollowing PA therapy.

Frassinetti et al. (215) emphasize that one reasonfor the success of PA is that it relies on “bottom-up”training, that is, through the passive modification ofsensory input rather than depending entirely on active gazeshifting to alter views of the environment, as has occurredon “top-down” neglect training tasks such as visualtracking of kinetic stimuli. The latter require patients to befundamentally cognizant of their disorder, which as wehave seen is not always the case. Correspondingly, “top-

down” training may not transfer to untrained activities. Incontrast, Frassinetti et al. suggest that PA may improvespontaneous contralateral scanning, which in turn mayimprove the internal mapping of the surroundingenvironment. This may stimulate further explorationcontralaterally. Eye movement analyses could test thishypothesis.

The PA method uses simple equipment and doesnot require much skill to train. The procedure is welltolerated. If further studies support enduring benefits todaily living activities, then PA may become a usefultreatment for unilateral neglect.


Unilateral neglect is a conundrum for neurologicrehabilitation. It is commonly encountered in acuterehabilitation programs and obviously appears to impair awide variety of daily living activities. Furthermore,rehabilitation therapists commonly regard unilateral neglectas one of the most vexing disorders to follow brain injury,due to the common difficulty with the carry-over oftraining effects from day to day. Frequently, patients withneglect lack insight and understanding for their disabilities.Many studies indicate that acute neglect forecasts poorrecovery of functional independence. For these reasonsunilateral neglect would appear to be of utmost importancein trials to improve rehabilitation outcomes.

On the other hand, many studies indicate thatneglect usually recovers several months following braininjury. In contrast, as much as 50% of chronic strokepatients remain functionally impaired and have associatedcognitive decline (217), even though unilateral neglect isnot an obvious part of their presentation. Therefore, is itworthwhile to treat acute unilateral neglect? At this timethere are insufficient data to answer. Points raised in thisarticle could help to reconsider the significance ofunilateral neglect in relation to functional activities and thedesign of rehabilitation research for cognitive disordersfollowing brain injury.

As we have seen, unilateral neglect commandswidespread interest in the treatment of brain injury patients,particularly following stroke (table 1). Using a ballot-counting measure again, figure 6 indicates the frequency ofcognitive disorders that were evaluated in the studies fromtable 1. The leading disorders were unilateral neglect,depression, and aphasia. [Whether depression should beconsidered a “cognitive” disorder may be debated, but thereare well established links between depression and otherkinds of cognitive decline (218-221).] This suggests thatthe cognitive disorders that are targeted for outcomesstudies in stroke are those that have well establishedmanners of evaluation, e.g., the BIT or individualcancellation tests, the Zung Depression Scale, and theWestern Aphasia Battery. In contrast, the remainingdisorders either do not have well established evaluations(e.g., anosognosia, pathologic laughter and crying) or arenot emphasized in stroke research (e.g., executivedysfunction, memory disorders). Some of these disorders

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are assessed by laborious tests, such as reaction time taskswhen assessing general attention or the Wisconsin CardSorting Test when assessing executive processes. Also, thecognitive disorders that are most commonly evaluated inoutcomes studies in stroke are linked with lateralizedcortical injury. This bias is probably a consequence ofcognitive research on stroke in general, which favorsneglect and aphasia. Regardless of the reason, the emphasison cognitive assessments that are traditionally or mostconveniently administered for stroke may divert attentionfrom other disturbances that could also seriously affectfunctional outcomes.

In contrast to stroke studies, clinical neuroscienceinvestigations of other populations (e.g., dementia, aging,schizophrenia) emphasize disorders that are less stronglylateralized, such as executive dysfunction and generalinattention. Such disorders have been frequently associatedwith impaired functional status. For example, the UsefulField of View test (UFOV), a measure of divided attention,and the Trail Making Test B, a measure of executivefunction (controlled alternating responses in this case),predict impaired driving and skills for living alone in theelderly (222-224). Disturbances of executive function,general attention, and memory follow stroke as well (11,60, 63, 225). Furthermore, studies of patients with chronicvascular disease, which do not strictly include stroke, alsoindicate significant non-lateralized cognitive impairments(226). The neuropathologic changes that occur in suchpatients would likely occur in stroke patients as well.Unfortunately, the apparent bias against evaluating suchdisorders after stroke limits understanding their relativecontribution to functional decline following stroke. Thislacuna in knowledge would be remedied by assessingstroke patients on more diverse cognitive assessmentbatteries and relating these findings to functional recovery.From such evaluations we would have a better understandingof the relative importance of unilateral neglect.

Another unresolved issue is understanding howexactly does neglect affect functional tasks. We saw abovethe many ways that neglect can interfere with daily livingactivities, but we do not yet understand the consistency ofunilateral neglect during daily living activities. Much moredetailed observation are needed. In addition, we have yet tounderstand how well unilateral neglect explains thevariance in functional activities assessments such as theFunctional Independence Measure (FIM) (227) or theBarthel Index (228) (the two leading assessments of basicdaily living skills), or assessment tools for instrumentalactivities of daily living such as the Frenchay ActivitiesIndex (229), the Lawton-Brody assessment (230), or theOlder American Resources and Services assessment(OARS) (231). It is possible that other disorders, such asexecutive dysfunction, correlate better with suchinstruments. If this were found to be the case, then muchmore emphasis should be placed on understanding thenatural course of recovery from these disorders and whattreatments for them are effective.

Through most of the past several decades,unilateral neglect has been refractory to standard or

experimental therapy. However, the findings by Frassinettiet al. (215) and Farnè et al. (216) suggest that the benefitsfrom treating neglect may extend well beyond the tasks thatwere directly trained and may be long lasting. A valuableinquiry then would be to find out whether early treatmentof neglect, before its spontaneous recovery, would have anybearing on functional status in chronic stroke. Althoughunilateral neglect may fundamentally be a disturbance ofgeneral attention, which normally may persist longer thanneglect, the finding that PA therapy is followed bycontinued improvement of unilateral neglect over severalweeks suggests that it could be improving general aspectsof attention, and not only spatial bias. Further researchshould evaluate whether PA or other methods’ treatmentbenefits extend to non-spatial tasks. If this were to beshown, then such treatments might offer inexpensive orconvenient ways to treat diverse disorders.

In conclusion, unilateral neglect remains afascinating and common disorder. Improved understandingof its relative importance toward functional recoveryfollowing acute brain injury would do much to improve ourgeneral understanding of mechanisms of response to braininjury and adaptation.


During the preparation of this article the authorwas supported by a training award from the SoutheastCenter of Excellence in Geriatric Medicine and grants tocolleagues at the University of Alabama at Birmingham(Edward Taub, Mark Mennemeier, and Georg Deutsch)from the National Institutes of Health.


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