from search to purch(ase): closing customers quickly

From Search to Purch(ase): Closing Customers Quickly

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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From Search to Purch(ase):Closing Customers Quickly

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Eric ReischVP of Strategic Sales



Sara LeafAccount Manager

Elite SEM

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Intro to Elite SEM and Trustpilot

Consumer Research and Behavior

What you should know about SEO 2017

Trust Matters More than Ever

Why & where to display reviews in search

Post SEO - Increasing Conversions

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Performance Display

Paid Social

Paid Search

SEO Shopping & Feed

CRO Insight & Analytics

Who is Elite SEM?

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Who is Trustpilot?

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Why does Trustpilot Exist?

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Consumers and Search What to Know In 2017

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● Mobile traffic surpassed desktop traffic for the first time in Q4 2016.

● Nearly 60% of all search traffic comes from mobile devices

● People who use mobile devices to read reviews jumped to 61% in 2016 from 38% in 2015

● 54% of people will visit a website after reading positive reviews

● Online reviews make up 13% of how Google ranks local search results according to Moz’s 2017 Local Search Ranking Factors

Businesses Need to Adapt to Consumer Behaviors

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Revamping Your SEO Strategyin 2017

Recent Google UpdatesMobile First Indexation

AMP PagesUniversal Results


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RECENT GOOGLE UPDATES• “Fred” Update (March 7th, 2017) – Unconfirmed update,

focused on spam algorithm and poor quality backlinks.

• Core Algorithm Update (February 7th, 2017) – Changes were made to Google’s core ranking algorithm, specifically focused on content quality.

• Interstitial Ad Penalty (January 11th, 2017) – Websites showing Ads that cover a significant portion of the screen on mobile devices may be penalized.

• Mobile First Index (November 4th, 2016) – The mobile index will become the primary index since more searches are taking place on smartphones vs. desktop.

seo industryGoogle UpdatesRecent changes in Google’s search engine ranking algorithm

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seo industryInterstitial AdsExamples of potential penalty

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mobile strategyMoving Towards Mobile-First Indexation

• Mobile content will eventually be the primary index used for showing listing to both desktop and mobile users.

• Announcement was made from Google’s Webmaster Central Blog on Nov 4, 2016.

• Goal is to improve experience as Mobile devices now account for 60%+ of search queries.

Source: Search Engine Land

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mobile strategyMobile Friendly Does Not Equal Mobile Optimized

• A ‘mobile friendly’ website may use a responsive design however, a ‘mobile optimized’ website is specifically designed with smartphone users in mind.

• Missing key usability elements and low page speed scores can prevent a site from being mobile optimized.

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mobile strategyKey Principles Of Mobile Site Design

Research has shown five key design areas matter most to provide exceptional mobile user experience and increase mobile conversions.

Source: Mobile Transformation Workshop

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mobile strategySlow Load Times and User Experience“What do you dislike the most when browsing the web on your mobile device?”

AMP is a way to build mobile web pages for static content that render fast.

Source: Mobile Transformation Workshop

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What is AMP? • Accelerated Mobile Pages• Introduced in February 2016• Created for publishers to

have mobile-friendly content

Who can use AMP? • Publishing, e-commerce,

content sites

Why does AMP exist? • AMP pages load quickly and

with less data used

How does AMP work?• Developers rely on AMP

HTML – a new open framework

AMP Example in Search Engine Result Page

ampCreating Fast Mobile Content

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POLL:Are you using AMP pages?

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ampSeen In The SERPNews & Content

Example of news content using AMP Improved page speed for AMP pages

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ampSeen In The SERPE-Commerce & Page Speed

Example of Ebay using AMP for product pages

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How can you use AMP?• Product pages• Content pages • News items

How can AMP help SEO? • Not a direct ranking factor – but speed

matters• Value is determined based off user


Is AMP free?• AMP pages are not free – expenses

may vary• May require an outside developer

Left: An article without AMP HTMLRight: An article with AMP HTML

ampWill It Boost My Rankings?

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Universal Results

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universal resultsSearch Solution Within SERPInstantly stand out to users

• Universal Results are part of Google’s intention to deliver the user “the best result” as quickly as possible

• These results come in a variety of forms such as knowledge graph, instant answer, featured snippets, people also ask, news, images, video, etc.

• Universal results include content extracted from on-page content

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universal resultsSeen In The SERPBulleted lists & instant answers

Example of instant answer + images

Example of a bulleted list

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universal resultsSeen In The SERPKnowledge Graph & People also ask

Example of Knowledge Graph Examples of People also ask

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universal resultsHow To Optimize Your SiteBest practices to get recognized by Google

• Identify simple, direct questions on a topic that your audience or consumers are interested in

• Provide a succinct answer that directly answers the question with targeted keywords

• Follow SEO best practices

• Create additional relevant, high-quality content on that theme with related targeted keywords

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HTTPSfor SEO and Credibility

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httpsMoving To A Fully Secured SiteSecure or not secure: that is the question

• Google is working towards a fully secured web

• Ensures encryption, data integrity, and authentication

• 84% of users would abandon a purchase if data was sent over an insecure connection

• Google calls the move “imperative” in 2017

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httpsBenefits Of A Secured SiteIt’s much, much safer

• HTTPS sites receive a small ranking boost

• 40% of Google’s page one rankings are HTTPS

• They also protect users and add a layer of trust

• Google Chrome labels HTTP sites as insecure, warning users of the potential risk

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httpsSwitching To HTTPSWhat To Expect When You Make The Move

• Sites may see a temporary fluctuation in site rankings during the move

• All HTTP URLs must be 301 redirected to their HTTPS version

• Set up new Google Search Console profile

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Trust and Reputation MatterMore Than Ever

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● Consumers need to be able to trust the message, the company, and what a company is selling.

● Third-party credibility is a major differentiator in the large eCommerce industry.

● Security, data protection, privacy, and even shipping all matter to a consumer.

Why is Credibility Important?

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Do consumers read reviews when shopping online?

• 89% read reviews “Sometimes”, “Most of the time”, or “Always”

• Less than 3% read reviews “Never”

Takeaway The vast majority of consumers read reviews when making online buying decisions.

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Where do you go to find reviews?

> 50% → search engines

> 20% → company’s website

>10% → 3rd party review websites

Takeaway Consumers conduct the majority of review-related research via Google.

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How Do Reviews Affect Buying Behavior?● 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal

recommendation● 33.8% of consumers find customer reviews as the most

important feature of an online store● 12x more consumers trust product reviews than manufacturer

descriptions● 65% of respondents rate “a person like yourself” as a credible or

extremely credible spokesperson. The color is so much

brighter in person!

Fit is a bit tight…order one size up!User generated content from reviews help you get your site

rank higher and look more credible in organic search


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Where to Leverage Reviews in Search

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Rich snippets provide an indirect SEO boostRich snippets on product pages and key business pages displays more relevant information to potential consumers.

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Rich Snippet Stars are everywhere in search

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Third-party validation in organic search drives conversionsHaving positive reviews on a third-party platform can improve your brand reputation with positive organic impressions.If consumers search for branded reputation terms, they are looking for validation in order to make a purchase.

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Boost organic search with product reviews➔ Improve organic rankings

with content that is...● Relevant & keyword-rich ● Engaging & user-generated ● Fresh & always updated

➔ Improve organic click-throughs with stand-out search results featuring Rich Snippets

➔ Product reviews on your product pages will also help boost conversion

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Post-SEOIncreasing Conversions

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Approximately 75% of online shopping carts are abandoned every year

Leverage Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Increase Revenue

Leveraging CRO best practices will increase conversions and revenue on all conversion


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Utilize trust symbols to improve your credibility

42% increase in landing page conversions

72% increase in product page conversions

45% increase in retargeting ad CTR

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Social Proof Can Increase Conversion Rates ● Social Proof can include:

○ Customer list or logos

○ Press mentions

○ Reviews

○ Social media integration

○ Testimonials

This Is It StoresGroupon

130% increase in conversions, 315%

in revenue

ID Wholesaler

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Use Personalization to Convert Customers

● 75% of customers like when brands personalize shopping experiences for them.

● 40% of online revenue comes from returning customers.

Very.Co.Uk SpearmintLove

Burton Menswear

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Key Takeaways From Today’s Webinar

● Leverage a mobile-first SEO strategy that takes advantage of high ranking factors based on recent updates

● Remember that HTTPS is a must in 2017

● Use trust signals, badges, and symbols that surface on your site and search results to improve your credibility and reputation.

● Leverage social proof to optimize your conversion rates.

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Thank you!

Elite SEM Questions?

Sara Leaf: [email protected]

[email protected]

Trustpilot Questions?

Eric Reisch: [email protected]

[email protected]