from pythagoras to max planck

From Pythagoras To Max Planck, An Evolution In Human Consciousness and Our Perception of the Archetype, "Deity". Copyright ©2012 RWB Wesley F Revels "None of the things which are comprehended by the senses or comprehended by the mind really subsist; Nothing except the transcendent essence and cause of all". St. Gregory of Nyssa, AD 335 - 395 "We are becoming more and more aware that, we are each of us, both reflection and cause, of the whole of the universe. And, it is all too obvious and understated to say, secular and cleric or religious fascism is the cause of many a death in spirit." RWB Wesley F Revels _____________________________________________________________________ An Evolution In Consciousness, Humanity's Perception Of The Archetype "Deity". How exactly do we explain the evolution of consciousness through a history of humanity? Is it not true that as Deity (Holy Logos) remains constant, our perception of the Archetype we perceive as Deity within our collective consciousness changes? One way would be to show how the perceived Hierophant or Holy Logos inspiring humanity has evolved through an awareness of its' self simultaneously as humanity perceives the inspired teaching from the holy logos as Deity. The very term logos however, is misinterpreted from its original meaning. The Greek word Logos, used in the Gospel of John 1:1 "In the beginning was the word ...", in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, reference number #3056 defines Logos as something said or thought, a subject of discourse or reasoned or as in the Gospel of John as the Divine

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Page 1: From Pythagoras To Max Planck

From Pythagoras To Max Planck, An Evolution In Human Consciousness and Our Perception of the Archetype,


Copyright ©2012 RWB Wesley F Revels

"None of the things which are comprehended by the senses or comprehended by the mind really subsist; Nothing except the

transcendent essence and cause of all". St. Gregory of Nyssa, AD 335 - 395

"We are becoming more and more aware that, we are each of us, both reflection and cause, of the whole of the universe. And, it is all too obvious and understated to say, secular and cleric or

religious fascism is the cause of many a death in spirit." RWB Wesley F Revels


An Evolution In Consciousness,

Humanity's Perception Of The Archetype "Deity". How exactly do we explain the evolution of consciousness through a history of humanity? Is it not true that as Deity (Holy Logos) remains constant, our perception of the Archetype we perceive as Deity within our collective consciousness changes? One way would be to show how the perceived Hierophant or Holy Logos inspiring humanity has evolved through an awareness of its' self simultaneously as humanity perceives the inspired teaching from the holy logos as Deity. The very term logos however, is misinterpreted from its original meaning. The Greek word Logos, used in the Gospel of John 1:1 "In the beginning was the word ...", in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, reference number #3056 defines Logos as something said or thought, a subject of discourse or reasoned or as in the Gospel of John as the Divine

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Expression (i.e. The incarnation of The Christ, Yeshua). Christian theologians attempt to equate the term Logos with the Hebrew God, Elohim as in Genesis 1:3, God Said, "Let there be light", the expression of God's Self as Deity. But this is a misuse of the term. To proclaim God as Deity is Idolatrous to the Hebrew. If God's Eminence is constant throughout the universe, then why are there so many definitions of God? Would this not mean that God evolves through individual consciousness as humanity evolves. To many theologians the expression of God from a Hebrew perspective comes from Genesis 1:2, "the Spirit, Ruach, of God...", literally meaning "breath of God", which is more descriptive as the Holy Spirit than the Deity as Yeshua. So, to the Christian, Yeshua is more the Hierophant to humanity than the Deity balloted and pronounced God, at the Nicene Council in 346 A.D. An example showing this relationship and evolution in consciousness in humanity can be compared. Showing the cosmology of early Greek philosophic/scientific thought, and contemporary philosophic/scientific research in a Quantum perception of reality today we can easily see this evolution. The Ptolemaic or Pythagorean perception that all souls are predestined was made obsolete with Quantum Theory. In a quantum universe although there is a randomness in all of life, there remains a probability as forms take shape within the laws of physical matter in our universe. Therefore, our perception of our "Self" individually is directly connected with our perception of the collective self resting the human consciousness in total. And there is a common consciousness that connects all living things in the universe.

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The Freemason and the Mystic Teachings, Unity in Duality, How Our Conscious Perception of the Archetype "Deity"

Evolves Through Time. "Setting Our Moral Compasses"

Freemasons with interests in the Mystic or contemplative tradition observe the symbols and listen to the lectures, seeking wisdom sophia, and truth alethia, and in the beginning it is through faith pistis, they begin their study. But, the only secrets to Freemasons are those not seen through their own blindness. This "blindness" is most easily recognized when viewing the art of academic Medieval/Renaissance portrayals showing the Pythagorean/Ptolemaic Structure of the universe before the 1600s A.D., an example of which is shown above, compared with how we perceive the universe today. According to the Ptolemaic scheme of the universe before Copernicus, Galileo and Newton, Earth was the center of the universe, the Sun and Moon were planets which with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn totaled seven (7) Gateways or Dominions in the heavens.

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These dominions encircled the Earth in the form of crystalline spheres and at each respective planet there were principalities or mediators who officiated the coming and going of human souls as they descended and ascended through the heavens in birth and death on their way to the "Prime Mover", God. Now, the description just given may seem comical to us today. A fairy tale. But its important to remember that this perceived reality was imagined as an Archetype of Deity. This understanding is important because we find this Pythagorean/Ptolemaic, Platonic, perception inter-weaved in Biblical teaching, New and Old Testament, Old Testament post

Babylonian captivity and in the Gospels of the New Testament. For this reason we are taught that it is through The Deity Christ, Incarnated as Jesus, that we transcend the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, before ascending or returning to "That house not made with hands eternal in the heavens". And until the new Copernican/Planck, perception of the universe was accepted in modern times, all spiritual and physical perceptions including how humanity perceived the Deity of God and God's dwelling place based on this Pythagorean/Ptolemaic or Platonic structure of the universe, were religious law and millions of people suffered the penalty of death both physically and spiritually in the most cruel manner. Yet, it is the Archetype Deity resting in the collective conscious, represented as the Holy Word or Logos, as

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explained above that the contemplative Freemason sets his focus for a moral compass, the symbol being the "Point In A Circle", as explained in my earlier entry "Meditations On Unity In Duality".

Understanding The Esoteric Mysteries As Originally Intended

Today, the Contemplative Freemason studying the mystics, contrary to popular belief or teaching (the classic experience of the vision based on the now archaic Ptolemaic understanding) is not recognized through our senses or experienced in the physical, with which examples abound in the Gospels, rather through our consciousness coming through an awareness that is a non-physical or transcendental Self. Dr. Carl Gustav Jung would call this non-physical conscious awareness the Collective Self. As a result we can interpret inspired Biblical teaching through a "Lens" with a new introspective understanding called the "Introvertive Vision Experience", by Dr. Walter T Stace. In his book "The Teaching Of The Mystics" A Mentor Book Copyright © 1960, Dr. Walter T Stace writes, pg 17 (7), "Suppose that one could shut all physical sensations out of one's consciousness. [As in Meditation]. It may be thought that this would be easy as regards some of the senses, namely sight, hearing, taste, and smell. One can shut one's eyes, stop up one's ears and hold one's nose. One can avoid taste sensations by keeping one's mouth empty. But one cannot shut off the tactile (touch) sensation in any simple way. And it would be even more difficult to get rid of organic sensations (the internal sensations of the body's biological mechanism)." And, there is only one way to remove thoughts that constantly keep one's conscious mind active. Through meditation. All physical senses are experienced in one's mind on the surface levels of one's consciousness, and it is only by transcending and not suppressing, the physical and mental senses through introspection during meditation that one is able to experience one's True Self within the Collective Consciousness. And, this Collective Consciousness is first experienced as seemingly random thoughts surfacing in one's

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consciousness. As one gains more experience in meditation however, one experiences consciousness as a "Vacuum Of Silence". It is in this Vacuum Of Silence, that one is able to experience the Collective Consciousness of the Self, and a "Unity In Duality". Therefore, I will proceed to the next step in the contemplative Freemason's preparation for study of the symbols and lectures in Freemasonry. The meditation its' self and the lifestyle that voluntarily accompanies it, seemingly as a discipline at first later becomes a lifestyle with boundless enjoyment. At least this has been my experience. There are many different types of meditations used for many purposes. The meditation described in the next lesson is one originally taught by Patanjali, and is recognized as the foundation of all meditations.

The New Paradigm Of Humanity's Perception Of The Archetype "Deity", For This New Age.

It was through the sacrifices and efforts of the great scientists, philosophic and biblical scholars of the Renaissance through the enlightenment period up to the mid 1900s, that the "New Scientist" today, views life etymologically with a "Quantum View", of reality. That is to say that a quantum or transcendent view of the universe reflects more a continuum that has no beginning or end rather evolves from moment to moment. Reality and the consciousness of reality evolves in a continuum that is not linear in nature but rather trans-mutates from one photon to other photons or species virtually through a medium of "Free-Space" also known as the vacuum of space, the vacuum of the collective consciousness. It was the famous physicist James Clerk Maxwell who discovered that electric and magnetic fields traveled through space in the form of waves and at a constant speed of light. Using this discovery, defining that wave form and energy have constant velocity, relative to frequency, it has become known as Planck's Constant. Max Planck, divided this constant in the "energy frequency waveform relationship" that makes up all physical matter, and together with Louis de Broglie, founded Quantum Physics.

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Quantum Physics Proves the Ancient Esoteric Teachings.

Quantum physics principals however were taught in the ancient mystery schools for millenia through the esoteric teachings of Pythagoras, the Hermetic Science of Hermes Trismegistus, and even the earlier teachings of Patanjali in India. The Christ teachings as the Holy Logos, from his sermons and parables teach the salvation of the soul through redeeming grace.

A New Paradigm Of Consciousness, A New Perception Of Deity.

The Pythagorean perception of Deity in Freemasonry and how the symbols taught to initiates through the symbols and lectures are becoming more and more misunderstood because the adepts who teach them are becoming fewer as memorization and proficiency becomes more and more relaxed. Also, as humanity evolves and shifts into the "New Paradigm Of Consciousness" toward the next age, it will be the responsibility of the proficient few who understand this new paradigm, who will interpret this new evolved consciousness through the Hierophant or Holy Logos, that brought humanity to this current point in time. And even today their knowledge and awareness continues to enlighten modern society. In the future, a Freemason's Quantum Perception of the Tracing Board will be quite different when compared to his Pythagorean ancestor. The challenge now for the Freemason studying the symbols and lectures, is to find the harmony when realizing the pre-manifest and manifest realities of life simultaneously, recognizing this Vision through the introspection of meditation as a form of consciousness (The Collective Consciousness of the Inner Self) or thought rather than physical phenomena.