from polling to real time: scala, akka, and websockets from scratch

Letgo chat From polling to real time Scala, Akka, and WebSockets from scratch @SergiGP @GVico46 @JavierCane #scbcn16 - Software Craftsmanship Barcelona 2016

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Page 1: From polling to real time: Scala, Akka, and Websockets from scratch

Letgo chat From polling to real timeScala, Akka, and WebSockets from scratch

@SergiGP @GVico46

@JavierCane#scbcn16 - Software Craftsmanship Barcelona 2016

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Context(not Bounded)


Getting started

Pain Points

From PHP to Scala

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1. Context (not Bounded)

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App downloads

Messages sent monthly growth

Messages sent every day


20 - 40%


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Context (not Bounded) Where do we come

● Mobile first

◕ Internal REST API ● Startup with less than 2 years

◕ Externalize services (Parse, Kahuna…) ● Funding: $200M

◕ Ads in TV in USA and Turkey

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2. Legacy

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● PHP ● No test ● New Features

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Legacy REST API in PHP

Do I have new messages? No

And now?

And now?

And now?

And now?




😑 🔫 💣

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Legacy No test

● Rebuild a system without tests => 🦄💩💣💀

● Coupled system => Acceptance tests

◕ Learning what the system does

◕ Find existing weird behaviors

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Background: Given there are test users: | user_object_id | user_name | user_token | | 19fd3160-8643-11e6-ae22-56b6b6499611 | seller | sellerToken | | 120291b2-8643-11e6-ae22-56b6b6499611 | buyer | buyerToken | And user "seller" has a product with: | id | objectId | | 120291b2-8643-11e6-ae22-56b6b6499611 | SuperProductId | Scenario: A user can get messages from another user associated to product Given user "seller" has a conversation related to product "SuperProductId" with user "buyer" When user "seller" asks for messages related to product "SuperProductId" from user "buyer" Then the response status code should be 200 And the response should be in JSON And the JSON should be valid according to the schema "messages.schema"

Acceptance test with Behat

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Legacy Taking advantage of backwards compatibility

Leaving The Monolith thanks to #EventSourcing @ #scpna

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Legacy New Features

● Product always want more features ● Negotiation:

◕ Archive conversations

◕ Mute interlocutor

◕ Stickers

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3. Getting started

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Getting started

● Why and how to switch to Scala ● Scala and Akka crash course ● Takeaways

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Why and how to switch to Scala

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We want a WhatsApp inside


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I’ve payed $22 Billion for WhatsApp

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Getting started Why and how to switch to Scala

● Realtime (WebSockets) ● Akka ● Scale!

Why How

● Learning a lot ● External consultancy ● Akka :) ● Backwards Compatible

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Scala quick start

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Getting started Scala quick start

● Case classes ● Functional ● Optionals ● Futures ● OOP

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class User { private $id; private $name; public function __construct(Uuid $id, string $name) { $this!→id = $id; $this!→name = $name; } public function id() : Uuid { return $this!→id; } public function name() : string

Case Class

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{ return $this!→id; } public function name() : string { return $this!→name; } public function setId(Uuid $id) : self { return new static($id, $this!→name); } public function setName(string $name) : self { return new static($this!→id, $name); }}

Case Class

Page 30: From polling to real time: Scala, Akka, and Websockets from scratch = "Santi"val santi = rafa.copy(name = "Santi")println( #$ Santi

val rafa = User(UUID.randomUUID(), "Rafa")println( #$ Rafa

case class User(id: UUID, name: String)

Case classes

Does not compile



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val users = List( User(UUID.randomUUID(), "Rafa"), User(UUID.randomUUID(), "Santi"), User(UUID.randomUUID(), "Jaime"), User(UUID.randomUUID(), "Diyan"))


Mutable state

val names = %& names =

List[String] names = new ArrayList();for (User user: users) { names.add(}


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Some(x: A) None

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def searchUser(id: UUID): Option[User] = { #$ …search user in database (blocking) Some(rafa)}


searchUser(userId) match { case Some(user) %& #$ do stuff case None %& #$ user not found}

Usage (pattern matching)

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Option usage (functional)

searchUser(userId) match { case Some(user) %& #$ do stuff case None %& #$ user not found}

searchUser(userId).map { userFound %& #$ do stuff}

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def searchUser(id: UUID): Future[Option[User]] = { Future { Thread.sleep(1000) Some(rafa) } }

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Futures usage

searchUser(userId).onComplete { case Success(Some(user)) %& #$ do stuff case Success(None) %& #$ user not found case Failure(exception) %& #$ future has crashed}searchUser(userId).map { case Some(user) %& #$ do stuff case None %& #$ user not found}


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trait UserRepository { def search(id: UUID): Future[Option[User]]}trait ConsoleLogger { def warning(message: String) = { println(message) }}


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class MysqlUserRepository extends UserRepository with ConsoleLogger { def search(id: UUID): Future[Option[User]] = { #$ implementation warning("user not found") Future(Some(rafa)) }}

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OOP - Companion object

object UserId { def random: UserId = { UserId(UUID.randomUUID()) }}case class UserId(id: UUID)

val userId = UserId.randomprintln( case class User(id: UserId, name: String)


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Akka (actor model)

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Scala quick start Akka (actor model)

● Concept ● Introductory examples ● Chat actors architecture

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Scala quick start Akka (actor model) - Concept

● Mailbox (1 each time) ● receive to handle incoming messages ● ActorRef ● Tell or ask methods to interact with the ActorRef ● Location transparency

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final class ConnectionActor extends Actor { }

object ConnectionActor { def props: Props = Props(new ConnectionActor)}

Building our first actor

Instantiationval connection: ActorRef = context.actorOf(ConnectionActor.props)

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object ConnectionActor { def props: Props = Props(new ConnectionActor)}

final class ConnectionActor extends Actor {

override def receive: Receive = { case PingQuery %& } }

Building our first actor

Instantiationval connection: ActorRef = context.actorOf(ConnectionActor.props)

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final class ConnectionActor(webSocket: ActorRef) extends Actor { override def receive: Receive = { case PingQuery %& webSocket ! PongResponse } }

Tell (Fire & forget)

object ConnectionActor { def props(webSocket: ActorRef): Props = Props(new ConnectionActor(webSocket)) }

Building our first actor

Instantiationval connection: ActorRef = context.actorOf(ConnectionActor.props(webSocket))

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case class ConnectionActorState( lastRequestSentAt: Option[DateTime]) { def requestSent: ConnectionActorState = copy(lastRequestSentAt = Some(}

Dealing with state

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case class ConnectionActorState( lastRequestSentAt: Option[DateTime]) { def requestSent: ConnectionActorState = copy(lastRequestSentAt = Some(}

final class ConnectionActor(webSocket: ActorRef) extends Actor { var state = ConnectionActorState(lastRequestSentAt = None) override def receive: Receive = { case PingQuery(requestId) %& state = state.requestSent webSocket.actorRef ! PongResponse }

Dealing with state

State model

Akka: 1 message at a time (no race conditions)

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final class ConnectionActor(webSocket: ActorRef) extends Actor { var state = ConnectionActorState(lastRequestSentAt = None) override def preStart(): Unit = { context.system.scheduler.schedule( initialDelay = 1.minute, interval = 1.minute, receiver = self, message = CheckWebSocketTimeout ) } override def receive: Receive = { case PingQuery(requestId) %& state = state.requestSent


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override def preStart(): Unit = { context.system.scheduler.schedule( initialDelay = 1.minute, interval = 1.minute, receiver = self, message = CheckWebSocketTimeout ) } override def receive: Receive = { case PingQuery(requestId) %& state = state.requestSent webSocket ! PongResponse() case CheckWebSocketTimeout %& if (state.hasBeenIdleFor(5.minutes)) { self ! PoisonPill } }}


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override def receive: Receive = { case PingQuery %& Future { Thread.sleep(1000) sender() ! PongResponse }}

Akka and Futures - SHIT HAPPENS

sender() could have changed

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Be careful dealing with futures - sender()

override def receive: Receive = { case PingQuery %& Future { Thread.sleep(1000) PongResponse }.pipeTo(sender())}

sender() outside Future

Same happens with self

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Chat actors architecture




ConnectionS1 ConnectionJ1

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Maintains consistency between 2 talkers : 1 conversation

Kill connections if shit happens

Chat actors architecture




Connection Supervisor

Talker Provider

Conversation Provider

Maintains consistency between N connections : 1 talker

“Singleton” actor

Non “singleton” actor

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4. Pain Points

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Pain Points

● MaxScale ● Slick ● Deploy ● Dependency Injection ● Sync between chats

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Chat protocol









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interlocutor_typing_stopped interlocutor_message_sent








fetch_messages fetch_messages_newer_than_id







Chat protocol




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DB initial import

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DB initial import

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Legacy events


Legacy events


Legacy events


Scaling domain events workers

Legacy events


Auto scaling supervisor actor


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Scaling domain events workers

Legacy events


Legacy events


Legacy events


Legacy events


Auto scaling supervisor actor


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5. From PHP to Scala

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From PHP to Scala

● Language community ● Composer vs SBT

◕ Semantic Versioning (scalaz, play…) ● Developer eXperience

◕ Not descriptive errors

◕ Scala and IntelliJ ● Learning Curve ● Loving and hating the compiler ● Another set of problems

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● Presentation base template by SlidesCarnival ● Graphics generated using