from photography to microbiology: eigenbiome models for skin … · 2015-05-26 · from photography...

From Photography to Microbiology: Eigenbiome Models for Skin Appearance Parneet Kaur Rutgers University [email protected] Kristin J. Dana Rutgers University [email protected] Gabriela Oana Cula Johnson & Johnson [email protected] Abstract Skin appearance modeling using high resolution photog- raphy has led to advances in recognition, rendering and analysis. Computational appearance provides an exciting new opportunity for integrating macroscopic imaging and microscopic biology. Recent studies indicate that skin ap- pearance is dependent on the unseen distribution of mi- crobes on the skin surface, i.e. the skin microbiome. While modern sequencing methods can be used to identify mi- crobes, these methods are costly and time-consuming. We develop a computational skin texture model to characterize image-based patterns and link them to underlying micro- biome clusters. The pattern analysis uses ultraviolet and blue fluorescence multimodal skin photography. The inter- section of appearance and microbiome clusters reveals a pattern of microbiome that is predictable with high accu- racy based on skin appearance. Furthermore, the use of non-negative matrix factorization allows a representation of the microbiome eigenvector as a physically plausible posi- tive distribution of bacterial components. In this paper, we present the first results in this area of predicting microbiome clusters based on computational skin texture. 1. Introduction Recent advances in measuring and analyzing the skin mi- crobiome through gene sequencing is revolutionizing our understanding of skin appearance. With skin microbiome measurements, causative relationships between microbes and macro-appearance can be explored. However, gene se- quencing is very cost-prohibitive and time-consuming. An exciting opportunity exists to use photographic imaging and appearance modeling to infer the skin microbiome, i.e. to effectively “see” the microbiome of a human subject by an- alyzing skin surface patterns. The pioneering work of [14] shows that healthy skin may harbor a particular strain of benevolent bacteria. The appearance of human skin in this study was divided manually into only two simple classes of good and bad skin appearance. By developing computa- Figure 1: The computational skin appearance model charac- terizes multimodal images based on their attributes using a texton-based approach. The eigenbiome model projects the skin microbiome to a lower dimensional subspace. By iden- tifying overlapping groups in appearance and microbiome clusters, we show that our skin appearance model is predic- tive of the underlying microbiome clusters. tional models of skin appearance, we provide a more fine- grained quantitative categorization of human subjects using multiple classes of appearance. While prior work in mi- crobiomics shows the association of bacteria with skin ap- pearance [14, 24, 19], there is no mechanism for automatic inference of the skin microbiome from images. This asso- ciation of visual patterns to bio-patterns on the skin surface is a novel area that has not been explored. In this paper, we present an approach that uses multi- modal skin imaging and sparse coding to link microbiome to skin texture (Figure 1). For computational skin texture, we use a texton-based approach with a neural network clas- sifier to categorize skin regions based on the distribution of known attributes. The eigenbiome model projects the skin microbiome to a lower dimensional subspace. Projec- tions of microbiome using non-negative matrix factoriza- tion (NMF) reveal a physically realizable eigenbiome where

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Page 1: From Photography to Microbiology: Eigenbiome Models for Skin … · 2015-05-26 · From Photography to Microbiology: Eigenbiome Models for Skin Appearance Parneet Kaur Rutgers University

From Photography to Microbiology: Eigenbiome Models for Skin Appearance

Parneet KaurRutgers University

[email protected]

Kristin J. DanaRutgers University

[email protected]

Gabriela Oana CulaJohnson & [email protected]


Skin appearance modeling using high resolution photog-raphy has led to advances in recognition, rendering andanalysis. Computational appearance provides an excitingnew opportunity for integrating macroscopic imaging andmicroscopic biology. Recent studies indicate that skin ap-pearance is dependent on the unseen distribution of mi-crobes on the skin surface, i.e. the skin microbiome. Whilemodern sequencing methods can be used to identify mi-crobes, these methods are costly and time-consuming. Wedevelop a computational skin texture model to characterizeimage-based patterns and link them to underlying micro-biome clusters. The pattern analysis uses ultraviolet andblue fluorescence multimodal skin photography. The inter-section of appearance and microbiome clusters reveals apattern of microbiome that is predictable with high accu-racy based on skin appearance. Furthermore, the use ofnon-negative matrix factorization allows a representation ofthe microbiome eigenvector as a physically plausible posi-tive distribution of bacterial components. In this paper, wepresent the first results in this area of predicting microbiomeclusters based on computational skin texture.

1. Introduction

Recent advances in measuring and analyzing the skin mi-crobiome through gene sequencing is revolutionizing ourunderstanding of skin appearance. With skin microbiomemeasurements, causative relationships between microbesand macro-appearance can be explored. However, gene se-quencing is very cost-prohibitive and time-consuming. Anexciting opportunity exists to use photographic imaging andappearance modeling to infer the skin microbiome, i.e. toeffectively “see” the microbiome of a human subject by an-alyzing skin surface patterns. The pioneering work of [14]shows that healthy skin may harbor a particular strain ofbenevolent bacteria. The appearance of human skin in thisstudy was divided manually into only two simple classesof good and bad skin appearance. By developing computa-

Figure 1: The computational skin appearance model charac-terizes multimodal images based on their attributes using atexton-based approach. The eigenbiome model projects theskin microbiome to a lower dimensional subspace. By iden-tifying overlapping groups in appearance and microbiomeclusters, we show that our skin appearance model is predic-tive of the underlying microbiome clusters.

tional models of skin appearance, we provide a more fine-grained quantitative categorization of human subjects usingmultiple classes of appearance. While prior work in mi-crobiomics shows the association of bacteria with skin ap-pearance [14, 24, 19], there is no mechanism for automaticinference of the skin microbiome from images. This asso-ciation of visual patterns to bio-patterns on the skin surfaceis a novel area that has not been explored.

In this paper, we present an approach that uses multi-modal skin imaging and sparse coding to link microbiometo skin texture (Figure 1). For computational skin texture,we use a texton-based approach with a neural network clas-sifier to categorize skin regions based on the distributionof known attributes. The eigenbiome model projects theskin microbiome to a lower dimensional subspace. Projec-tions of microbiome using non-negative matrix factoriza-tion (NMF) reveal a physically realizable eigenbiome where

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Figure 2: Partial faces of subjects imaged in fluorescence excitation with blue-light (FLUO) modality. Our database contains48 subjects with age varying between 25 and 68. The faces of each subject are imaged from left, right and frontal viewsunder five modalities. Each image is 4032 × 6048 pixels in size. The forehead regions used in our experiments are from thefrontal views.

the eigenvectors are all positive components and representparticular concentrations of microbes. For our experiments,we capture appearance measurements from 48 human sub-jects with multimodal images: fluorescence excitation withblue-light (FLUO), fluorescence excitation with ultravioletradiation (UV), parallel polarization (PPOL), cross polar-ization (XPOL) and visible light (VISI) (Figures 2 and 3).The association of appearance and microbiome is observedwith FLUO and UV imaging modalities, therefore thesemodalities are used for our experiments. Sequencing ofswabs from the forehead skin of the 48 subjects gives thecorresponding skin microbiome. Using both eigenbiomeand skin texton modeling, we have identified overlappinggroups in appearance and microbiome. We show that ourskin appearance models are predictive of the underlyingmicrobiome clusters. Therefore, convenient and instanta-neous multi-modal photography may be sufficient for infer-ring microbial characteristics. This proposed methodology

is the first of its kind to use a computational model of skinmacro-appearance to predict the microbiome clusters.

2. Related Work

Human skin is a complex, multi-layered structure, whichhosts various microbial communities. Studies of the skinmicrobiome [2, 40, 18] show dependence on genetics, en-vironment and lifestyle as well as a variation over time.The skin microbiome varies according to the location onthe body and from individual to individual. While the ben-efits of gut microbes are well known, knowledge of the skinmicrobiome is at an early stage [14, 24, 19].

Prior applications of skin modeling include studies ofskin aging [4, 27, 38], computer-assisted quantitative der-matology [32, 44], and lesion classification [25, 34]. Sev-eral imaging techniques have been developed in dermatol-ogy for analyzing skin health. These imaging techniques in-clude polarized imaging to enhance surface and subsurface

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3: Facial images of a subject captured in different modalities. (a) Fluorescence excitation with blue-light (appearsgreen). (b) Fluorescence excitation with UV radiation (appears blue). (c) Visible light. Fluorescence excitation captures skintextures not revealed by the visible light. The most salient attributes are apparent in FLUO and UV images (see Figure 4),therefore these modalities are used for computational skin modeling.

skin features, and fluorescence imaging to capture featureswhich are not visible [23, 3, 21, 8, 9, 33]. The images cap-tured using different methods are collectively called mul-timodal images. Multimodal high-resolution skin imagingcaptures fine scale features like pores, wrinkles, pigmenta-tion. Computational methods have been developed to au-tomatically detect skin conditions like inflammatory acne,erythema and facial sebum distribution from multimodalimages [3, 21, 20]. However, the skin appearance has notbeen characterized as a collection of quantifiable featuresusing these imaging techniques.

In computer vision, textons have been used for textureclassification and object recognition. A classic approachis to use filter responses or the joint distribution of inten-sity values over pixel neighborhoods to identify the basictexture elements or textons [29, 5, 45, 10, 7, 31]. An im-age can then be represented by a distribution of textons.In [30], a multi-layered approach based on multilevel PCAand multiscale texon features is applied for face recogni-tion. The bag-of-words representation of images using localinterest features has been used for object or scene recogni-tion [48, 13], image segmentation [22] and image retrieval[51]. Skin exhibits 3D texture and the appearance variessignificantly depending on illumination or viewing direc-tion. Methods have been developed to model skin appear-ance to account for this variation [6, 8, 29, 36]. Skin re-flectance models have also been developed to acquire andrender human skin [12, 15, 26, 47]. Local appearance hasbeen linked to attributes [41, 1, 43], pose [42, 50, 35] andmotion [39, 49, 46]. In this work we develop an appear-ance model that can be demonstrably linked to microbiomemeasurements.

3. Methods

3.1. Multimodal Skin Imaging

Fluorescence excitation with blue light (FLUO) orultraviolet-A radiation (UV) is used to excite skin elementslike keratin, collagen cross-links and elastin cross-links[23, 20]. These skin structures result in image features butnot in visible light. Noticeable skin features include red oryellow dots in FLUO images (Figures 4(e) and 4(f)) andblotches in UV images (Figure 4(h)). Red dots in FLUOimages are due to excitation of porphyrins in the pores. Por-phyrins are known to be produced by bacteria such as Pro-pionibacterium acnes residing in sebaceous glands. Yellowdots in FLUO images are produced by excitation of “horn”in pores, which is a mixture of keratinocyte ghosts from thesebaceous glands lining, sebaceous lipids, sebocyte ghostsand water. In UV images, blotches are observed due toskin pigmentation, which can be a result of pigmented mac-ules (spots), hyperpigmentation due to sun-damage or con-ditions such as melasma, or erythematous macules (flat redlesions). Pigmented skin appears as dark patches in UV im-ages as a result of attenuation by melanin in epidermis orinduction of collagen cross-links fluorescence in dermis.

We capture images of 48 subjects with age varying be-tween 25 and 68. The face of each subject is imaged fromleft, right and frontal views under five modalities: ultravi-olet (UV), blue fluorescence (FLUO), parallel polarization(PPOL), cross polarization (XPOL) and visible light (VISI).Each image is 4032 × 6048 pixels in size. The most salientattributes are apparent in FLUO and UV images (Figure 4),therefore these modalities are used for computational skinmodeling. The forehead regions used in our experiments arefrom the frontal views. Example images of these modalitiesare shown in Figure 3.

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(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i) (j) (k)

Figure 4: Examples of patches on facial skin. The corresponding attribute labels are as follows: In FLUO images: (a) smooth,(b) blotchy, (c) fine hair, (d) sparse sebum dots, (e) dense yellow sebum dots, (f) dense red sebum dots. In UV images: (g)smooth, (h) blotchy, (i) fine hair, (j) sparse sebum dots, (k) dense sebum dots.


Skin Image

Filter Bank (L filters over 5x5 region)




Textons (over 101 x 101 region)


NNET Classifier(over 101 x 101 region)

Histogram of attribute labels

(skin appearance descriptor)

smooth blotches fine hair dots dense dots0






0 10 20 30 40 500






1000 x 2000 image region

1000 x 2000 image region

1000 x 2000 image region

Figure 5: Computational appearance model. The texton histogram of a patch centered at each pixel of a skin image is labeledwith one of the attribute categories using a neural networks classifier. The histogram of attribute labels of the entire skinimage is its skin appearance descriptor. A texton label characterizes a 5 × 5 region. An attribute label characterizes a 101 ×101 region. The histogram of attribute labels describes a larger region (typical size 1000× 2000)

3.2. Computational Appearance Modeling

In each modality, there are groups of people with percep-tually similar skin appearance attributes. In FLUO and UVmodalities, we observe the following five skin attributes:smooth, blotchy, fine hair and sparse sebum dots or densesebum dots (Figure 4). We further categorize the sebum dotsinto red or yellow for the FLUO modality. The skin appear-ance of subjects can be modeled as a percentage of each ofthese attributes. This attribute-based approach includes atraining phase to obtain a trained neural network (NNET)classifier [37] and an image labeling phase to obtain a skinappearance descriptor.

For the training phase, we use two components that aretypical in computer vision: texton histograms which isan unsupervised approach, followed by a NNET classifierwhich is a supervised learning approach. To obtain a textonlibrary, a random sampling of skin images are filtered usinga filter bank with L filters, resulting in each pixel having anL-dimensional feature vector. Our filter bank is comprised

of 48 filters as in [29]. These filters include 36 first andsecond order derivative of Gaussain filters (6 orientations,3 scales each), 8 Laplacian of Gaussain filters and 4 Gaus-sian filters. The filter outputs over 5×5 region are clusteredusing k-means clustering into T clusters or textons. We em-pirically choose T=50 for our texton library.

A neural network classifier for each modality is trainedto classify the skin patches. Every patch pixel is assignedthe label of its closest texton and a texton histogram is com-puted over each skin patch of size 101 × 101. The trainingset is obtained by manually labeling random skin patcheswith one of the attribute labels described in Figure 4. Thetexton histograms from the labeled skin patches and thepatch attribute labels are used for training the neural net-works classifier (NNET).

The image labeling phase is illustrated in Figure 5. Theterm skin image refers to the entire extracted forehead re-gion and a histogram of attributes (one attribute per patch)is used to to describe the skin image. For a skin image (typ-

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Dense Dots

Sparse Dots

Fine Hair

Figure 6: Image labeling using NNET classifier. The forehead skin image from the frontal view of the subject in FLUOmodality has been labeled using NNET classifier. Face is blurred to preserve the privacy of the subject.

ical size 1000 × 2000), a patch of size 101 × 101 aroundeach pixel is filtered, labeled with textons and a texton his-togram is obtained. Using the texton histogram as inputto the trained NNET classifer, the patch corresponding toeach pixel is labeled with one of the attributes (for exam-ple Figure 6). A histogram of attribute labels is then con-structed for each skin image, giving a skin appearance de-scriptor. We merge the attributes labels sparse sebum dotsand dense sebum dots together to form the attribute sebumdots. In FLUO modality the color of the dots is an addi-tional attribute that indicates either excitation of porphyrins(red sebum dots) or horn (yellow sebum dots). The dots aredetected by finding high gradient pixels that have attributelabels as sebum dots. The mean of the normalized red chan-nel for the dot pixels is a measure of dot redness.

Skin appearance of a subject is grouped using the per-centage of attributes in each modality. Appearance clusterscorresponding to each attribute are defined by specifying asimple threshold on the attribute percentages. For example,when the percentage of pixels in UV labeled as sebum dotsis high (≥ 50%), that subject is in appearance cluster AD

U .We define six appearance clusters: AD

F (percentage of se-bum dot pixels ≥ 50% and red color ≥ 0.76 in FLUO);AB

F (percentage of blotchy pixels ≥ 50% in FLUO); ASF

(percentage of smooth pixels ≥ 50% in FLUO); ADU (per-

centage of sebum dot pixels≥ 50% in UV); ABU (percentage

of blotchy pixels≥ 50% in UV); ASU (percentage of smooth

pixels ≥ 50% in UV).

3.3. Eigenbiome-Model for Skin Microbiome

Using 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing [16, 11, 17],a swab from the forehead of each subject is profiled to ob-tain the relative abundance of 724 genera. Relative abun-dance of genus is the concentration (percentage) of eachof the 289 genus in a subject’s skin microbiome. Out of724 genera, 289 genra had non-zero relative abundance ofgenus for all the subjects. Subjects with similar microbiomeshould group together using clustering techniques. How-ever, clustering in a 289 dimensional space is problematicdue to the well-known problem in machine learning referredto as the curse of dimensionality. By projecting this highdimensional data to a lower dimensional subspace, we canobtain meaningful clusters that can be linked to appearance.Additionally, the projection provides a convenient visual-ization.

Principal component analysis (PCA) is widely used fordimensionality reduction. PCA finds an optimal orthogonalbasis set for describing the data such that the variance in the

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Figure 7: Random samples from the subjects in the threemicrobiome clusters: (a) Cluster M1. (b) Cluster M2. (c)Cluster M3. Notice that the appearance forms a group inmicrobiome cluster M1. Also see Figure 8.

data is maximized. The data can be projected to a lower di-mension with eigenvectors which retain the maximum vari-ance. We refer to the microbiome projected to a lower di-mensional eigenspace as eigenbiome. For the microbiomedata, the percentage of variance retained with each eigen-vector is analyzed and it is observed that 92.49% varianceis retained by first three eigenvectors. Thus, three dimen-sional space is sufficient for this microbiome representation.Clustering of the eigenbiome is done based on proximity toneighbors by a simple kmeans clustering. The distributionof subjects microbiome in the eigenbiome space suggestsclustering with k = 3, i.e., three distinct groups can be visu-ally discriminated. Using three groups, we classify all sub-jects into one of the three microbiome clusters (M1, M2 orM3) in Figure 8.

The eigenbiome vectors for each of the three clustershave both positive and negative components using PCA.However, the negative concentrations of relative abundanceof genus are not physically realizable. If we employ non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) [28], the eigenbiomeclusters are constrained to have positive components. Thisconstraint has a very useful physical interpretation. Thevector components are positive so that they are physicallyrealizable for the relative concentration of genus. More-over, since NMF favors a sparse solution, the physical inter-pretation can be enhanced. Sparsity constraints force nearzero concentrations to be set to exactly zero. Therefore,the eigenbiome vectors are realizable concentrations of se-lect microbes. In this sense the three eigenbiome vectors aredistinct microbial communities that contain some microbes,





















Figure 9: Using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)for projecting the microbiome to a lower dimensional space,the eigenbiome clusters are constrained to have positivecomponents so that they are physically realizable for the rel-ative concentration of genus. Overlap of microbiome clus-ter M1 and appearance cluster AD

F (high concentration ofsebum dots with red color threshold≥0.76 in FLUO modal-ity) shows that this appearance cluster is linked to micro-biome cluster M1.

but not others. All subjects are computationally expressedas a mixture of these three dominant communities.

4. Results

Using the computational appearance modeling discussedin Section 3.2, the forehead of a subject in each modality islabeled using the trained NNET classifier and its histogramis obtained as illustrated in Figure 6. The appearance clus-ters defined by specifying thresholds of attributes. The sixappearance clusters, three each for FLUO and UV modal-ities, are listed in Table 1. These appearance clusters areof interest because our results indicate a clear microbomeassociation. There were not many subjects in the dominantfine-hair category, so a connection to the microbiome couldnot be made and the category is omitted from Table 1.

Using the eigenbiome model in Section 3.3 each subjectis projected to a three dimensional space using PCA and as-signed to one of the three microbiome clusters (M1, M2or M3). Figures 8 shows the overlap of microbiome clus-ter M1 and appearance cluster AD

F (high concentration ofsebum dots with a red color in FLUO modality) shows that

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Figure 8: Clusters in eigenbiome have been linked to appearance clusters. (Left) Microbiome is projected to a three di-mensional space using PCA and three clusters (M1(red),M2(blue),M3(green)) are found using kmeans clustering. Therectangular markings show the appearance cluster AD

F (high concentration of sebum dots with red color threshold≥0.76 inFLUO modality). Overlap of microbiome cluster M1 and appearance cluster AD

F shows that this appearance cluster is linkedto microbiome cluster M1. (Right) Example patches are shown for the subjects that are in the overlap of appearance clusterAD

F and microbiome cluster M1. The conditional probabilities such as P(M1 | ADF ) are given in Table 1. As expected

P(M1 | ADF ) is high showing that appearance is predictable of the microbiome cluster.

Appearance Cluster A n(A) P(M1 | A) P(M2 | A) P(M3 | A) P(A |M1) P(A |M2) P(A |M3)AD

F : FLUO modality 14 0.93 0.07 0 0.57 0.06 0Sebum dot ≥ 50%Color ≥ 0.76

ABF : FLUO modality 5 0 0.6 0.4 0 0.18 0.25

Blotchy ≥ 50%AS

F : FLUO modality 7 0 0.85 0.14 0 0.35 0.13Smooth ≥ 50%

ADU : ULVI modality 29 0.66 0.17 0.17 0.83 0.29 0.63

Sebum dot ≥ 50%AB

U : ULVI modality 12 0.25 0.58 0.17 0.13 0.41 0.25Blotchy ≥ 50%

ASU : ULVI modality 6 0 0.83 0.17 0 0.29 0.13

Smooth ≥ 50%

Table 1: Conditional probabilities for microbiome clusters M1,M2,M3 and appearance clusters based on the followingappearance attributes: Dots - high concentration of sebum dots pixels with red color above threshold, Blotchy - high concen-tration of blotchy pixels and Smooth - high concentration of smooth pixels. Observe that the probability of microbiome M1conditioned on appearance cluster AD

F in FLUO modality with a high concentration of sebum dots and redness=0.76 is 0.93,indicating a 93% chance of a subject being in microbiome cluster M1 given this appearance cluster. Similarly observe thatthe probability of microbiome M2 given a high concentration of smooth pixels in FLUO and UV is high (0.85 and 0.83 givenAS

F and ASU , respectively.)

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this appearance cluster is linked to microbiome cluster M1.Using non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) for project-ing the microbiome to a lower dimensional space (Figure 9),the eigenbiome clusters are constrained to have positivecomponents so that they are physically realizable for the rel-ative concentration of genus. The subjects grouped togetherusing the projected microbiome data by NMF are same asthe subjects in groups using PCA.

Table 1 shows the conditional probability of each of threemicrobiome clusters conditioned on the individual appear-ance cluster. High conditional probabilities indicate a highlikelihood of the microbiome cluster when the subject ex-hibits the particular appearance attribute. Observe that inthree distinct cases the conditional probability is high: 1)AD

F : sebum dots with a red color above the indicated thresh-old in FLUO (predictive of microbiome cluster M1 withP (M1 | AD

F )=0.93); 2) ASF : smooth in FLUO (predictive

of microbiome cluster M2 with P (M2 | ASF )=0.85); and

3) ASU : smooth in UV (predictive of microbiome cluster M2

with P (M2 | ASF )=0.83). For the appearance cluster AD

F )the conditional probability increases as redness of dots in-creases but the number of samples in the appearance clusterdecreases (see Figure 10). Our results reveal a strong linkbetween appearance clusters (captured instantaneously withcamera) and microbiome clusters (from time-consuming se-quencing).

5. Conclusions

In this paper, we present an attribute-based appearancemodel using texton-analysis of blue fluorescence and ul-traviolet imaging modalities. Using 48 subjects, we linkappearance to the eigenbiome, the low dimensional repre-sentation of a subject’s skin microbiome. The eigenbiomemodel using non-negative matrix factorization representsphysically realizable concentrations of microbes. The inter-section of the appearance and eigenbiome clusters revealsthree interesting cases where the probability of a subject be-longing to a microbiome cluster conditioned on appearanceis high. The sequencing of microbiome takes several daysbut computational appearance is obtained in seconds. Theestablished link to microbiome clusters provides biologicalinformation with photographic imaging.


The authors would like to thank Johnson and JohnsonConsumer Products Research and Development for sup-porting this research. The authors also express their grat-itude to Dianne Rossetti, Kimberly Capone and NikoletaBatchvarova from Johnson and Johnson Consumer Prod-ucts Research and Development, for their contribution to-wards clinical design, data acquisition and many valuable

0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.80






Red color threshold






0.7 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8








Red color threshold








M1 ∩ AF



D−(M1 ∩ A




Figure 10: (a) Conditional probability for linking of mi-crobiome from appearance P (M1 | AD

F ) and appearancefrom microbiome P (AD

F | M1) as a function of rednessof dots. For varying threshold of sebum dot redness, ap-pearance cluster AD

F has subjects with high concentrationof sebum dots (≥ 50%) with indicated red color thresholdin FLUO. (b) Number of subjects in clusters AD

F and M1(M1 ∩AD

F ) as a function of redness of dots. As the thresh-old increases, the conditional probability of a subject to bein microbiome cluster M1 given it is in appearance clusterAD

F increases whereas the number of subjects in appearancecluster AD

F decreases.

conversations about the microbiology aspect of the data.

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