from passiora edulis studies of six anti-inammatory

Page 1/19 Facing COVID-19 via anti-inammatory mechanism of action: Molecular docking and Pharmacokinetic studies of six anti-inammatory compounds derived from Passiora edulis Aristote Matondo University of Kinshasa Jason T Kilembe University of Kinshasa Domaine T Mwanangombo University of Kinshasa Beaudrique M Nsimba University of Kinshasa Benjamin Z Gbolo University of Kinshasa Gedeon N Bongo University of Kinshasa Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua University of Kinshasa Dorothée D Tshilanda University of Kinshasa Damien S T Tshibangu University of Kinshasa Virima Mudogo University of Kinshasa Pius T Mpiana ( [email protected] ) University of Kinshasa Research Article Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Cytokine storm, Passiora edulis, anti-inammatory activity, ADMET properties Posted Date: October 7th, 2020

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Facing COVID-19 via anti-in�ammatory mechanismof action: Molecular docking and Pharmacokineticstudies of six anti-in�ammatory compounds derivedfrom Passi�ora edulis

Aristote Matondo University of Kinshasa

Jason T Kilembe University of Kinshasa

Domaine T Mwanangombo University of Kinshasa

Beaudrique M Nsimba University of Kinshasa

Benjamin Z Gbolo University of Kinshasa

Gedeon N Bongo University of Kinshasa

Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua University of Kinshasa

Dorothée D Tshilanda University of Kinshasa

Damien S T Tshibangu University of Kinshasa

Virima Mudogo University of Kinshasa

Pius T Mpiana  ( [email protected] )University of Kinshasa

Research Article

Keywords: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Cytokine storm, Passi�ora edulis, anti-in�ammatory activity, ADMETproperties

Posted Date: October 7th, 2020

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License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.  Read Full License

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AbstractSARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent of the COVID-19 disease. Pathophysiologically, high levels ofproin�ammatory cytokines in the serum of SARS-CoV-2 patients are reported, which is so-called thecytokine storm. In this study, molecular docking calculations of six bioactive compounds from Passi�oraedulis with anti-in�ammatory activity in interaction with the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 wereperformed, and their pharmacokinetic properties were predicted. The results of their molecular simulationsand the ADME-T pro�les of each ligand (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion and Toxicity)suggest their use as potential treatment for SARS-CoV-2. Among the six investigated compounds in whichfour �avonoids and two alkaloids, the best docked ligands are quercetin (-8.2 kcal/mol), chrysin (-8.0kcal/mol), kaempferol (-7.9 kcal/mol) and luteolin (-7.7 kcal/mol), both �avonoids compounds. Theirpharmacokinetic studies using SwissADME, preADMET and pkCSM Web servers establish the goodADMET pro�le for each ligand.

IntroductionOther than vaccine development, people around the world are waiting for the famous news fromresearchers: a molecule against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been found.The SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent of the novel ß-Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) or the Corona VirusDisease (COVID-19) that is a pneumonia infection characterized by the hyperproduction of mainlyproin�ammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, etc) [1].  In the active research of �nding molecule that cantreat COVID-19, two approaches are currently being used. One is to �nd molecules that can be used aspotential treatment against COVID-19 among several FDA-approved drugs [2-3], while the other is toidentify from plants biodiversity potential inhibitors (phytochemicals) of SARS-CoV-2’s main proteaseusing molecular modeling approaches [4-5].

During molecular modeling approaches of �nding potentials inhibitors, particular emphasis is placed onthe signi�cance of binding a�nity of ligand-protein complexes and on their drug-likeness properties [4,6].However, it should be mentioned that the biological activities of these molecules are as well veryimportant [7]. Further, the most common trend is that an anti-COVID-19 molecule might be derived from aplant endowed with antiviral properties [8-11]. Nevertheless, what is abundantly clear in this moment isthat the most important cause of COVID-19 related deaths is respiratory failure which is due to pneumonia(an acute in�ammatory lung injury), which itself varies depending on the disease severity level, but alsoalveolar damage that can precipitate acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [12]. The innate immuneresponse is then to produce pro-in�ammatory cytokines and chemokines to contain and stop theinfection. Pathophysiologically, previous studies have reported high levels of various cytokines (the so-called cytokine storm) and chemokines in the serum of SARS-CoV-2 patients [13-14]. In addition, Fidanand Aydoğdu recently reported that various pro-in�ammatory cytokines such as IL-6, IL-1, the tumor

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necrosis factor (TNF-α) induce a migration of leukocytes into lungs, that then secrete the reactive oxygenspecies and proteases that damage capillary endothelium and alveolar epithelium [15].

Based on the relevant clinical characteristics, phytocompounds derived from Passi�ora edulis whoseisolated molecules have several therapeutic properties such as anti-in�ammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-cancer… can be used for the treatment of COVID-19 as supported in the following lines:

Passi�ora edulis (P. edulis), also known as passion fruit ( 1), exhibits potential effects for thetreatment of in�ammation. Several mechanisms, including the inhibition of proin�ammatory cyto -kines: TNF-α and IL-1ß levels, enzyme: myeloperoxidase (MPO) and mediators: bradykinin, histamine,substance P, ni tric oxide (NO) release and/or action, appear to account for Passi�ora edulis’s actions.Interestingly, in a comparative study, Montanher et al. found that Passi�ora edulis was more effectivethan dexamethasone (0.5 in inhibiting both MPO and NO levels) [16]. This latter, which is consideredas an important steroidal anti-in�ammatory drug, might hold the promise for the treatment of COVID-19 as recently reported by Ledford [17]. Cazarin and co-authors reported in 2015 the anti-in�ammatory activity of P. edulis leaves [18]. In a dextran sodium phosphate caused mice colitismodel, P. edulis peel �our was found to reduce TNF-α, IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-12, and IL-17 [19]. Moleculesresponsible for this effect could be compounds like C-glycosyl �avonoids vicenin, orientin, chrysin,vitexin and kaempferol [20]. Finally, Harmol and harmine, two �uorescent harmala alkaloids showedanti-in�ammatory activity by signi�cantly inhibiting the NF-kB signaling pathway [21-22].

With regards to the reactive oxygen species that are secreted by leucocytes, several studieshighlighted the antioxidant activity of edulis fruit and leaf which can eliminate free radicals or inhibitthe activity of free radicals [23-24].

Aqueous and ethanolic leaves extracts have shown in vitro effect on some viruses species includingHerpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and 2, Varicella-Zoster Virus, etc. [25].


Methodology2.1. Literature review

Based on information reported above, six phytochemicals derived from P. edulis with anti-in�ammatoryactivity are chosen for this study.  Chrysin or 5,7-dihydroxy�avone (5,7-dihydroxy-2-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-one), kaemferol or 3,5,7-trihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one), luteolin or 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxychromen-4-one, quercetin or 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxychromen-4-one, harmol or 1-Methyl-2,9-dihydropyrido[3,4-b]indol-7-one and harmine or 7-Methoxy-1-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b] indole. The four �rst compounds are �avonoids while the two lattercompounds are alkaloids. Chemical structures of compounds were retrieved from literature sources. Their

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2D structures have been sketched using Marvin JS and their 3D structures retrieved from PubChem/NLM.Bibliographical references were made using a bibliographical software "Mendeley".

2.2. Molecular Docking

The structure of the 3-Chymotrypsin-Like protease (3CLpro) or the COVID-19 virus main protease (Mpro)which is among the most studied SARS-CoV-2 proteases was obtained from PDB (Protein Data Bank)database (PDB ID:  2GTB) and imported into chimera for visualizing the binding domain of the complexand identifying the amino acids in the binding pocket as well. The hydrogen atoms were added to theprotein in order to correct the ionization and tautomeric states of the amino acid residues. Furthermore,the water molecules and complexes bound to receptor molecule were removed before the docking.Incomplete side chains were replaced using Drunbrack rotamer library. In addition, the protein wassubjected to energy minimization by applying the AMBER 14SB force �eld, and AM1-BCC was used forother residues with a maximum number of 200 steps at RMS gradient of 0.02. The optimized protein wassaved in pdbqt format and imported to PyRx for molecular docking which was carried out by means ofAutodock Vina virtual screening tool [26].  The validation of the docking study was performed by re-docking the reference ligand into an appropriate protein cavity. Re-docking is accepted if the root meansquare value (RMSD) < 2.0 Å. Figure 2 displays schematic structure of the SARS-CoV-2 Mpro/3CLpro (a)and the complex formed between the SARS-CoV-2 Mpro and 2GTB as a potential drug target for the newcoronavirus-2 (b). According to Xu and co-workers, 2GTB is the main protease found in the coronavirusassociated with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and that the main protease in 2019-nCoVshares 96% similarity with that in SARS [27].

2.2.1 Generation of ligand dataset and pharmacokinetic pro�les

The selected compounds derivatives from various literature resources [20, 28] were drawn using MarvinJS. Figure 3 shows the 3D structures of the sketched compounds retrieved from PubChem/NLM. The 3Dligands were then saved in .sdf format. Ligands optimization was performed by using universal force �eld(UFF) with conjugate gradients algorithm of 200 Steps, and then analyzed for pharmacokinetic properties.Bioinformatics resources have been employed in the prediction of ADME properties (Absorption,Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion) using the SwissADME database [29]. During the early stages ofdrug discovery, the ligand to be selected as a hit must be non-carcinogenic and non-hepatotoxic. Thetoxicity assessment (ADMET, T for Toxicity) that allows to predict the mutagenicity (Ames test) andcarcinogenicity of the potential ligands was made using the preADMET server, Korea [30], while thehepatotoxicity and the oral rat acute toxicity were assessed using the pkCSM server [31].

Results And Discussion3.1 Energetics and geometries

Noncovalent interactions, mainly H-bonds [32], van der Waals and π-π interactions (stacked/parallel and T-shaped/perpendicular conformations) [33] are forces that drive and determine the binding of ligand-

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protein interactions. The most common tool to evaluate the strength of binding between ligand-proteininteractions is molecular docking. The docking results obtained using AutoDock Vina virtual screeningtool between ligands 1-6, the native or reference ligand with the SARS-CoV-2’s main protease (Mpro or3CLpro) are gathered in Table 1.  

Table 1: Binding a�nity (kcal/mol) of 2GTB and Ligands 1-6 with SARS-CoV-2 Mpro.

Receptor PDB ID Ligands Binding A�nity (ΔG in Kcal/mol)

2GTB Lopinavir -8.4

Nel�navir -8.1

1 -8.0

2 -7.9

3 -7.7

4 -8.2

Ref. Ligand -7.4

5 -6.7

6 -6.4

Since Lopinavir and Nel�navir, two FDA approved drugs for the treatment of human immunode�ciencyvirus (HIV)/acquired immunode�ciency syndrome patients can represent potential treatment options [34],they were used as drug standards for comparison.

The binding a�nity values of 6 ligands ranging from -6.40 to -8.22 kcal/mol place the four �avonoidscompounds as the best docked ones to the SARS-CoV-2 main protease. The most strongly bound to theprotease cavity is ligand 4 or quercetin (-8.22 kca/mol), followed by ligand 1 or chrysin (-8.04 kcal/mol).The overall trend of complexes stability follows the pattern: ligand 4 > ligand 1> ligand 2 > ligand 3>ligand 5> ligand 6>. Based on data presented in this table, the binding energies of the four �avonoidscompounds are somewhat close to those of Lopinavir/Nel�navir and higher than that of the referenceligand. However, as part of principles that drive drug discovery, this does not mean that ligands 1-6 canautomatically inhibit the virus action, or ligands 5 and 6 cannot be considered as hits, without establishingthe pharmacokinetic properties of each ligand.

Turning next to the types of noncovalent interactions established between ligands and the SARS-CoV-2Mpro, one can see in �gure 4 below that the complexes are mainly stabilized by hydrogen bondinginteractions, but also supported by van der walls and π/π interactions. At this stage, the stability ofligands 1-4 which are �avonoids compounds over ligands 5 and 6 can be explained by the presence ofmultiple OH groups that can be act simultaneously as hydrogen bonds acceptors (HBA) and donors (HBD)[35].

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In addition, the presence of three aromatic rings in �avonoids compounds offer much possibilities to π-πinteractions to take place. Such interactions are mainly stabilized by dispersion or van der Waals forces,important in the ligand-protein interactions [33].

H-bonds parameters (distances and angles) between the protein target and ligands 1-6 along with theinvolved groups (ligands) and the amino acids residues of the Mpro engage in H-bonding interaction aresummarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Hydrogen-bonds parameters derived from docking of ligands 1-6 with SARS-CoV-2 Mpro

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Ligand AA residues Ligand group δ (Å) θ(˚)

1 GLU166 O-H 1.99 155

HIS189 O-H 2.17 163

THR180 O-H 2.01 142

ASP187 O-H 2.18 140

HIS41 O=C2 2.17 153

2 HIS41 O-H 2.30 163

ASP187 O-H 2.29 135

GLU166 O-H 1.86 153

THR190 O=C2 2.24 158

GLN189 O-H 1.97 160

3 THR190 O-H 2.15 145

THR190 O-H 2.15 150

GLN192 O-H 2.36 144

HIS164 O-H 2.32 130

ASP187 O-H 2.00 170

4 GLN192 O-H 2.10 144

THR190 O-H 2.20 155

THR190 O-H 2.22 150

HISP164 O-H 1.99 140

ASP187 O-H 1.78 165

5 ARG188 H-N 2.06 145

THR190 H-O 1.83 165

MET165 H-N 2.04 151

6 TYR54 H-N 2.18 160

It can be seen that ligands 1, 2, 3 and 4 form �ve conventional hydrogen bonds with the active site of theSARS-CoV-2 main protease, whereas the two weakest complexes are three and one hydrogen bonds forligand 5 and ligand 6, respectively. The strongest (shortest) hydrogen bonding interaction is establishedbetween the residue of the amino acid ASP187 of the Mpro with the O-H group of the quercetin ligand (1.78Å). The two adducts form the strongest complex.

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3.2 Physicochemical properties and ADME-T pro�les

Physicochemical property is an important parameter of a molecule that in�uences e�cacy, safety ormetabolism which could be predicted by using Lipinski’s rule of �ve (RO5) that is: molecular mass < 500;Hydrogen-bond donors (HBD) ≤ 5; Hydrogen-bond acceptors (HBA) < 10; and Log P < 5 [36]. Prediction ofin silico physicochemical parameters of the 6 ligands are grouped in Table 3.

Inspection of Table 3 shows that all ligands meet every single criterion of Lipinski’s rule of �ve and thusfully obey the rule. Consequently, all the investigated ligands are predicted to be easily absorbed and havegood permeability and bioavailability. According to Ghose and co-workers, the molecular refractivity is aubiquitous parameter for a drug molecule that cannot exceed 130 m3.mol-1  and not to be under 40m3.mol-1 [37].

Table 3. Predicted in silico physicochemical parameters using SwissADME online tool

Ligand Formula MW(Da)





Violations LogS

1 C15H10O4 254.24















2 C15H10O6 286.24 1.70














3 C15H10O6 286.24 1.86 4 6 117.31 76.01 0 -3.71

4 C15H10O7 302.24 1.63 5 7 131.36 78.03 0 -3.16

5 C12H10N2O 198.22 1.68 2 1 48.65 61.39 0 -2.18

6 C13H12N2O 212.25 2.07 1 2 37.91 65.06 0 -4.05

With MW= Molecular weight, Log P = Lipophilicity, PSA = Polar Surface Area, Log S = water solubility

None violation is observed here for all the investigated ligands as can be seen in Table 3. Finally, aspointed out by Cerqueira and co-authors, for optimal drug absorption and distribution, the polar surfacearea (PSA) values cannot be higher than 140 Å [38]. Once again, none violation is observed here. Threepotential candidates for the inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro have PSA values almost two to threetimes less than the recommended value (ligands 1, 5 and 6), while ligands 2, 3 and 4 have PSA valuehigher than 100 Å.

The next step to deal with is to establish the ADME/T pro�les of each ligand. In fact, a major issue afteridentifying stables complexes, that is, lead or hit compounds, is to evaluate their ADME parameters andcardiotoxicity.

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These pharmacokinetic properties are very important parameters in the computer-aided drug discoverysince they allow one to retract some hit from early-stage trials. The ADME properties are evaluated byusing SwissADME and pkCSM servers, but other parameters such as the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB), theHuman Intestine Absorption (HIA) and the skin permeability come from the preADMET server. The selectedendpoints for toxicity are Ames test and Rodent Carcinogenicity (rat) in preADMET server, hepatotoxicityand oral rat acute toxicity (LD50) in pkCSM server. These parameters are gathered in Table 4. 

Table 4. ADME-T pro�le of ligands 1-6.

Parameter Ligand 1 Ligand2

Ligand 3 Ligand 4 Ligand 5 Ligand 6

Absorption & Distribution            

BBB 0.933 0.286 0.368 0.173 0.320 3.798

HIA (%) 92.644 79.439 81.132 77.207 94.263 92.827

Skin permeability (log Kp) -3.346 -4.323 -4.280 -4.433 -4.662 -4.386

Bioavailability score 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55


CYP2D6 No No No No No Yes

CYP3A4 Yes No No No No Yes


Total clearance 0.48 0.50 0.50 0.41 0.59 0.62

Renal OCT2 substrate No No No No No No


Ames test Yes No No No Yes Yes

Hepatotoxicity No No No No No No

Carcinogenicity (rat) Negative Positive Negative Negative Negative Negative

oral rat acute toxicity (LD50, inmol/kg)













Values in bold are expressed in mg/kg

According to the binding a�nity values, it was derived the following decreasing order in the complexesformed between ligands and the SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro or Mpro: Ligand 4 > Ligand 1 > Ligand 2 > Ligand 3>Ligand 5 > Ligand 6. This order only re�ects the thermodynamic stability of complexes. However, thestability over time of the ligand in a protein interaction site depends on other factors. For a ligand to be

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used for therapeutic purposes, its absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity are aspectsto take into account. To pursue further, it is worthy to point out that �rst of all, such a ligand must be non-hepatotoxic and non-carcinogenic [39].

Scrutiny of toxicity outcomes in Table 4 reveals that all potential ligands are non-hepatotoxic. Withregards to the carcinogenicity, the results predict the carcinogenic activity only for the ligand 2. Thisencouraging result of toxicity assessment allows us to go back to ADME properties. The ability of a drugmolecule to cross into the brain is an important propriety to improve the e�cacy of drugs (reduce sideeffects and toxicities). The BBB values for the potential candidates are all positive and the lowest value isfound in ligand 4 (0.173) which forms the strongest complex with the SARS-CoV-2 main protease. Theprobability of intestinal absorption by human is very high, and in the other hand almost the same forligands 1, 5 and 6; and on the other hand almost the same for ligands 2, 3 and 4. Ligand 4 has thesmallest probability (79.44 %) of being absorbed by human intestine, in contrast with its binding a�nitywith the COVID-19 protease. The recommended value of the skin permeability or log Kp for a drugmolecule is set at more than -2.5 cm/h. Interestingly, the computed log Kp values range from -3.3 to -4.7cm/h. Finally, the bioavailability score which is evaluated to 0.55 con�rms that ligands 1-6 have goodabsorption and distribution since all potential candidates may have more than 10% of bioavailability in rat[40]. 

The Cytochrome P450 inhibition as metabolic indicators including CYPs: 1A2, 2C19, 2C9, 2D6 and 3A4 arepredicted. Nevertheless, only CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 are responsible for drug metabolism [41-42].Interestingly, the three best candidates according to their binding a�nity are found to be non-inhibitors ofCYP2D6 and CYP3A4 except hits 1 and 6 that affect the CYP3A4, and hit 6 which in addition affects theCYP2D6. This result rules the ligand 6 out from the list of potential candidates for the inhibition of theSARS-CoV-2 main protease, a result which is moreover in good agreement with its lower free enthalpy(-6.40 kcal/mol).

Turning next to excretion also called elimination, the total clearance is directly linked to the renal OCT2(organic cation transporter 2) substrate that offers helpful information on potential contraindications. Theselected 4 �avonoids and 2 alkaloids compounds are predicted to be not renal OCT2 substrates. Thismeans that all the 6 phytocompounds can be eliminated through the OCT2 substrate. Surprisingly, thetotal clearance values of the investigated compounds vary almost inversely with their binding a�nitiesvalues. In addition, ligands 2 and 3 which have the same molecular weight of both chemical formulaC15H10O6 have exactly the same total clearance.

Closing �nally the ADME-T pro�les of the six compounds, their oral acute toxicity (LD50) are classi�ed incategory or class 4, meaning that they are slightly toxic (Globally Harmonized System: 300 < Category 4 ≤2000) and can thus be considered as safe.

Summary And Conclusion

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Bacteria, fungi, viruses can cause serious infections and diseases in the world. Some of these infectionsand diseases are curable while other are not. Even for those that are curable, there is sometimes multipledrug resistance. Since humanity exists, plants have been one of man’s best friends. While it is obvious thatplants are a source of vitamins, proteins, minerals, they are as well source of phytocompounds containingexcellent therapeutic properties: antioxidant, anti-in�ammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial, antitumoractivities. Passi�ora edulis, also known as passion fruit, passion �ower, purple granadilla, or “maracuja”(DR Congo or Brazil), is widely cultivated for its edible fruit. With numerous biological activities, thepassion fruit also contains vitamins A, C, E, K, minerals such as Zn (0.10 g), Mg (29 mg), K (348 mg), Ca(12 mg), etc [41]. On one hand, vitamins A and K could help to �ght the COVID-19 [42]. On the other hand,these chemical elements mainly Zn, although indispensable as enzymatic co-factors, a slight increase intheir intracellular concentration inhibits the replication of retroviruses including SARS-CoV-1 [43] importantin the management of COVID-19. Owing to its numerous therapeutic activities, P. edulis has traditional orethno medicinal uses in many countries. Of complex phytochemistry, its secondary metabolites havenumerous health bene�ts and very recently, as stated above, Jabareen and co-workers reported in anexperimental study the antiviral activity of P. edulis leaves on some viruses’ species including HerpesSimplex Virus Type 1 and 2, Varicella-Zoster Virus, etc [25]. Since P. edulis exhibits anti-in�ammatorycapabilities essential to stem the cytokine storm, this study is conducted in order to identify potentialinhibitors from a set of 6 phytochemicals endowed with anti-in�ammatory activity. The 6 selectedcompounds (four �avonoids and two alkaloids) reacted with the SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro or Mpro, and anorder of thermodynamic stability was obtained.

Compared with Lopinavir and Nel�navir that are protease inhibitors recommended for the treatment ofSARS and MERS, the binding a�nities of the four top compounds, both �avonoids, are very close to thoseof two anti-HIV drugs, and even a bit higher to that of the ligand reference. Indeed, the ligand 1 or chrysinhas anti-in�ammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant activities [44-45], while ligand 2 or kaempferolexhibits antitumor, antioxidant and anti-in�ammatory capabilities [46]. In fact, our previous studiesshowed that aloe vera represents potential treatment for COVID-19 [47], and three of its phytochemicalswere identi�ed as potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease, in which two compounds exhibit anti-in�ammatory effect [5]. The anti-in�ammatory activity of luteolin in experimental animal models wasreported by Ziyan and co-workers [48], and recently, a study by Lesjak and co-authors showed antioxidantand anti-in�ammatory activities of quercetin and its derivatives [49].

One can remember that the hyperproduction of proin�ammatory cytokines is the main reason that causesmorbidity and mortality in SARS-CoV-2 patients. Thus, the application of anti-in�ammatory molecules is amechanistically-sound strategy for treatment development [50]. The established ADME-T pro�le of eachligand suggests that the four �avonoids (chrysin, kaempferol, luteolin and quercetin) might be used aspotential treatment of SARS-CoV-2.

In conclusion, the strategy adopted in this work consisted in exploring the inhibitory power of sixphytochemicals derived from P. edulis. Given the cytokine storm, six compounds exhibiting anti-in�ammatory activity, among which four �avonoids and two alkaloids, were each paired with the SARS-

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CoV-2 main protease in order to evaluate �rst their thermodynamic stability. The docking a�nity scoresshowed that ligands 1-4 (�avonoids) are more stables than ligands 5 and 4 (alkaloids). Then, theLipinski’s rule of �ve and the pharmacokinetic studies using SwissADME, preADMET and pkCSM showedthat these phytochemicals have good ADME-T pro�les, mainly the �avonoids compounds. Consequently,chrysin, kaempferol, luteolin and quercetin as the four top compounds can be used via anti-in�ammatorymechanism of action to �ght the overproduction of proin�ammatory cytokines in SARS-CoV-2 patients.

DeclarationsDeclaration of Competing Interest 

The authors declare that they have no known competing �nancial interests or personal relationships thatcould have appeared to in�uence the work reported in this paper.

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Figure 1

Leaves and Flowers (left) and yellow passion fruits (right) of P. edulis

Figure 2

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Schematic structure of the SARS-CoV-2 Mpro (a) and the complex formed between the SARS-CoV-2 Mproand co-crystallized inhibitor 2GTB (b)

Figure 3

3D Structures of selected �avonoids and alkaloids compounds 1–6 derived from P. edulis.

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Figure 4

Interaction map of ligands 1-6 with the main protease of coronavirus 3CLpro