from men to gods

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Page 1: From Men to Gods

By: Abraham W. Bolden


Page 2: From Men to Gods

© All Rights Reserved by

Abraham W. Bolden, Sr.7632 South Sangamon Street

Chicago, Illinois 60620January 19, 2004

First Manuscript January 19, 1972

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Page 3: From Men to Gods

The Seven DaysFrom Men to Gods


In the following pages, a discussion and explanation of the Divine works of the Seven Days is undertaken. In expanding upon these works, the sections are kept concise and as straightforward as possible. I am confident that this writing will give the reader a correct interpretation of the original meaning of the works of the seven days and their relationship to the present time. If the interpretation is to be understood, the reader of course must have an opened mind as to all previous opinions concerning this divine topic under consideration. This work was not authored for the purpose of confusing the reader or arguing the validity of organized religious doctrine. It is offered as an avenue or pathway by which man can obtain the truth of man’s purpose of creation that peace and harmony between the various religious, ethnic, and national factions might become a reality.

True and lasting freedom can come only when man develops a will to achieve it and a free will cannot be exercised in the absence of divine knowledge. Man is in desperate need of a knowledge that will cure the ills of sick and ailing societies. The scriptures teach that the people of God are in captivity because they have no knowledge. Until there is adequate knowledge upon which to base man’s actions, no man can take his place as a member of the human family. Without proper knowledge, man is destined to remain in a state of involuntary servitude to the animal drives and behaviors that magnify the lower self.

Acts and behaviors are properly called human that are voluntary and all voluntary acts are based upon forethought that is a result of the process of thinking. It is the lack of spiritual knowledge and insight that causes man to become mentally confused and morally weak.

As you read the following chapters, we ask that you think as you read…that you compare, classify, analyze, define, and divide upon knowledge, observations and experiences ‘You’ have had. That is the classical definition of thinking. To this point, much of what has been called thinking is but the memorization of the opinions held by others. Those opinions are often intentionally corrupted and contaminated due to selfish motives and hidden schemes that operate to mislead you

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and deprive you of man’s ancient birthright as the vicegerent of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness called God. Man has been misguided by those who profit and rule because of man’s ignorance concerning the true meaning of the revealed scriptures. Man has accepted myths as truth and truth has been regarded as mythological belief. All that man needs to do to see the effects of the present teachings is to look about himself and witness that this world is in a terrible mess with murders and wars occurring on all continents, man against man, Muslim against Christian , black against white, man against woman, children against their elders and parents fighting against their children. There is a world-wide dementia that has infected the minds of government leaders and their principalities. Yet, the churches, mosques, synagogues and temples are full, the choirs are singing, the masses are praying, but the beat of mortal conflict and world-wide discord continues. Look around you at the sordid slums, the pimps, the call girls and street prostitutes, the urban and suburban drug dealers and addicts, the growing number of confessed and secret alcoholics, the roaming thugs, the deadly diseases, the suffering, bloodshed and violent deaths. Do not these conditions confirm that either the True God is being worshipped in the wrong way or that the False God is being worshipped in the right way? Do not these conditions tell you that there is some significant defect in either the formation of man as a living organism or in man’s knowledge of what is true and just?

Why, then, do these conditions prevail? They prevail because we deny the Infinite Creative Force that created the Heaven and the Earth in seven Days and we join equals with the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. Man does not truly believe in the works of the seven days because that which is not understood likewise cannot be totally reconciled with reality. Faith in the wrong medicine will not cure the disease.

Wherein is the confusion? The confusion stems from insufficient knowledge combined with a conscious or unconscious disbelief in the revealed scriptures. Man does not truly understand the cosmic creative process (which is the hidden message of all scriptures) by which God created man in the image of God. Earthly man has set about to create external Gods in man’s image and in the name of those gods man maims, murders, and engages in the most heinous crimes against his fellow man. For this reason man has become a spiritual pauper perishing under the flood of worldly lusts. Man has become a servant to the snarling beasts and demons of the lower self; lust, rage, and greed.

The truth concerning the works of the seven days is the foundation of all that was, is, and is to be. The lack of knowledge is the cause of man’s spiritual debasement and entombment in the fires of a living hell. The human family is as a vagabond upon the face of the earth and is void of those qualities that separate man

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from the beasts of the field. Death and destruction shall not free man from its horrible grips until there is an unwavering devotion to knowledge and understanding that cultivates brotherly love, divine truth, and equal justice.

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Relying on the text of Genesis, Chapter 1 let us begin our journey. In the King James Version, which will be used throughout this writing, it is stated:

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth…”

“In the beginning”…What is meant by this phrase? Certainly, we cannot apply these words to God or the Creative Force or Energy for the eternal Creative force is infinite and therefore without beginning or end. God is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega; therefore, we cannot apply designations of time to that force which is given to be the initiator of the task at hand. Since it is the Creative God or Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness that is performing the creation, we must admit that that Force is already in a state of active being for some thing not in existence can do no work. To create is to make or mould something towards an end according to the purpose of the Creator. Thus, the maker or molder of something towards a particular purpose must have knowledge and power superior to that which is being made; therefore, “in the beginning” cannot refer to both the maker and the object made. “In the beginning” then, must refer to some material or spiritual act initiated by a superior generative power of cosmic origin.

Some religious authorities have interpreted this phrase as having reference to the beginning of mankind and go so far as to place a time span of 6000 years as constituting the “beginning” of the earth and man. Scientific and archeological discoveries in Africa and other continents have refuted this belief. There is too much available evidence that places man’s development and earthly existence (by the carbon dating process) beyond 500,000 years. The fallacy of these religious authorities is so apparent that further comment is not appropriate. We must believe that prior to the 6000 year date set by these groups, man did not exist even as an idea in the mind of the Creator. If this belief is true, man could never come into an earthly existence because if the idea of man did not exist, then man could never come into existence due to the undeniable fact that the created is first a reality in the mind of the creator.

On the other hand, when we admit that man existed as a spiritual idea within the Creator and was later relegated to a life on earth, we likewise admit that man was potential as far as his earthly existence was concerned but in actuality in the spiritual world. If this be the case, we must further concede that things that are in a

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state of potential on earth must first exist in reality in some other sphere of essence for the reason that physical potential must be born from that which already is in act. This is to say that an egg is the potential of a chicken and must come from some other chicken already existing. If the essential concept of a chicken did not exist as a pattern for the final form of a chicken prior to the egg, then the hatched egg could not take upon itself the earthly form and characteristics of something that has no reality prior to physical conception. The egg must be formed by something other than itself and we do not see eggs forming other eggs. What we know from our own experiences and observations is that actual chickens bring about potential chickens in the form of eggs. Therefore, we must confess the truth that earthly man has always existed in actuality and any potential relating to man flowed from some previous circumstance of man’s reality.

Further, when any being acts not according to its purpose in harmony with its inherent nature and form, the being is in potential in relation to his true self but in actuality in relation to non-man or non-being characteristics. A thing cannot be in potential and act in the same respect at the same time. It either is or it is not. Man is identified by certain traits, characteristics, and attributes. If he abandons these traits, characteristics and attributes, either intentionally by conscious choice or by external accidental causes, he is no longer functioning as man even though he remains in the structural and genetic form of man. And once these characteristics are lost, the loser is potentially of the family of man but in act and behavior likened to the beast of the field.

“In the beginning” refers to fallen man’s resurrected search for truth set in motion by the quickening of the physical mind by internal cosmic forces called the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. “In the beginning” alludes to a rise to a sincere yearning to understand, to expand Divine knowledge and wisdom, and to make a conscious effort to obtain unity with and submission to the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness called God. “In the beginning” refers to the moment that man turns himself away from the cares and desires of the physical worlds and seeks only to satisfy a search for that which is true, eternal and divine. At this point, fallen man realizes by divine inspiration emanating from the inner cosmic consciousness that God brought forth, molded, shaped, and otherwise caused to exist, by Cosmic Creative Power, a higher giver and a lower receiver - the former called heaven and the receiver called earth. At the start of any search for divine knowledge, the first logical assumption must be that there is an Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness that is the Prime Mover, the Eternal Force and man is the receiver or host that is to be moved. Our physical body is the field or earth in which the husbandman, who is the Causeless Cause, plants the Divine Seed that we may

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fulfill our respective duties in harmony with the higher purpose of being. “In the beginning” signifies an ascent to the acknowledgement of the forces of creation.


“And the earth was without form, and void; And darkness was upon the face of the deep.

And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The earth, which is the physical manifest or body of the potentially divine man, was without order and void. If the physical body of man or field in which the seed of the Creator is to be planted is void, it must be void of some attribute that is necessary to complete its perfected existence. A man may be void of sight or void of the development of one of the five senses; but, he cannot be said to be void of wings because wings are not necessary to complete the formal existence of man. If any thing is lacking or deprived of a quality or action that is essential to the complete expression of its true nature and purpose, it is void of that which is absent. When a thing is void, it is without its due form because of the absence of the essential missing parts. And if it is without its due form according to the plan and purpose of its creation, it is without form.

The earth or physical body of man is without form and void. This fact connected with the above understanding implies or infers that the missing part causing the void in the body is a natural and essential part of the body and we know that if two things belong together this attraction becomes incorporated in the inherent nature of each. They are complements of one another as man and wife or the seed and the field in which the seed is to be sown. Therefore, we can conclude that the body of the man is without its due form either due to an accident or by the intentions of one having divine authority to deny the essential and necessary parts.

“And darkness was upon the face of the deep.”

The body of man is void or the field has no seed. Why? It is because darkness is upon the face of the deep. This darkness is the evil of chaos or the epidemic expression of the lower animal natures within the species of man.

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“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil.”(Holy Bible, St John 3rd

chapter 19th verse).

Darkness then is the habitation of evil doers guided by ignorance and spiritual rebellion. Further, this darkness of evil is on the face of the deep. What then is the deep? If the meanings of spiritual words are unclear, man cannot properly interpret what is spiritually written. Likewise, spiritual interpretations must develop from the spiritual definition of words and terms or the spiritual message will serve only to confuse the seeker of truth. Looking at the Psalm of David, number 64, it is recorded:

“Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer:

Preserve my life from fear of the enemy…….

They encourage themselves in an evil matter:

They commune of laying snares privily;

They say, who shall see them?

They search out iniquities; they accomplish

A diligent search: both the inward thought of every

One of them, and the heart, is deep.”

It is completely evident, then, from the writings of the Prophet David that the word “deep” refers to the inward thoughts of the wicked and the heart of evil persons. When darkness is on the face of the deep, it is spiritually understood that ignorance and evil was encouraged and sanctioned by a wicked and base people…… it is this day!

The motives of the dwellers in darkness are to encourage themselves in an evil matter and to work secret counsels against truth. The tongues of the deep are and are as swords that commit violence upon the truth at every opportunity. It is these earthly minded men who by trickery, force and deceit caused the earthly body of the potentially divine man to become without form and void of the knowledge and divine status that is man’s proper due. These negative forces operated to destroy man and man’s spiritual relationship to the creative forces. These negative influences of the deep operated to deprive man of the essential qualities that are necessary for man’s continued progression towards spiritual attainment. Man is in

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the captivity of darkness-that is to say that due to the influence and insinuations of the rebellious souls called the deep, man is unable to distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad, death and life. His body and mind are therefore deprived of knowledge and the earthly field of the creation, the body of man, is therefore void and without form.

The deep, then, refers to the evil conduct of mankind and not to an abyss or great dark hole in the heavens as commonly taught in modern day theology. The deep is not deprived or without form but the earth or physical and material essence of man is void and we have noted that he is void of knowledge because of the evil plotting of the people of the deep. This infers or leads one to logically believe that the man and the people of the deep are of opposite natures. The people of the deep, being not deprived of knowledge and wisdom, are in a natural state of rest and satisfaction while it is said of the earth, or manifest body of man, that it is void. Therefore, the deep having reference to people of evil, it must concluded that evil and secret counsels to subvert the truth is the inherent nature of the people of the deep who profited in and loved darkness. We must further logically conclude that the natural actions, natures and characteristics of the people of the deep are unnatural and foreign as relating to spirit man and man therefore is void of man’s spiritual potential. For, if a thing is void of a quality or attribute, it is incomplete and this state of incompleteness is said to be an unnatural condition.

It is the people of the deep who skillfully deprived the manifest body of Spirit man of a quality or attribute necessary for a spiritual existence and therefore the earth or manifest body of man is said to be void and without form. “In the beginning”, the internal and external cosmic forces, called God, are activated.

The natural inheritance of the people of the deep is unlike the natural inheritance of Spirit man. It is not said that the deep are deprived or void of anything, act or knowledge according to the nature of the deep. From what has been said above, we have two bodies of men implied. One body of people naturally inclines towards evil (called the people of the deep) while the other is void of some quality or attribute necessary for completeness.

We have established that there are two opposite forces in operation. Those forces are the negative force or energy that controls the people of the deep and the positive force or energy that is doing the work within the earth or body of man. The people of the deep are naturally inclined towards the darkness of cunning and spiritual deceitfulness while the earth or manifest body of Spirit man is being brought towards a state of completeness by cosmic creative power.

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“And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Water is a major part of the planet earth and constitutes over 90% of the human body. Water has within it the nature to respond to heat and light. Water also has the power to hold materials in solution, to mix with, dissolve and change them. Water also acts as a connector between the living and non-living worlds. However, we are not concerned with the physical properties or make up of water, but we are herein concerned with the higher spiritual meaning of words. We want to point out the idea behind the word water; for, the idea of water is what makes the material water act as it does and gives it its nature.

The word water brings to mind three spiritual attributes that are needed to multiply in spiritual knowledge. Those attributes or natural characteristics are (1) submission, (2) receptivity, and (3) obedience. When we isolate the idea of water from the water as a material existence, we are abstracting or taking out the real meaning of the word. When we understand the principle of abstraction, we likewise understand that, in most translation of holy writings and texts, the word God represents the Cosmic Creative Force and is the male principle of giving. The waters relate to the female principle of receiving. There is some characteristic within the earth or manifest body of man that are likened to water and possessing the qualities of submission, receptivity and obedience. What in the body of man has the characteristics and attributes of chemical water? Simply put, it is the human mind. The mind of man holds materials (thoughts or beings of reason), mixes and

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Frontal Lobe


& Reasoning

Pineal Gland – Internal Cosmic Consciousness

within man

Occipital Lobe

Pituitary Gland – Growth & Maturation


Involuntary Actions & Instincts

Midbrain -Sensory

Cerebellum – Coordination & Movement


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rearranges the materials (thinking), dissolves the materials (analyzing and classifying), receives the materials (sensory reception) and acts as a connector between the living and non-living existences.

Moreover, it has been said that the earth is void meaning that the physical body of the Spirit man is lacking in some quality that it is natural for it to have. Any natural quality is always present either in potential or act within the object itself as it is the natural quality of a rock to fall towards the earth. When natural qualities occur in living organisms, we refer to them as inherent abilities, talents, or instinctive and emotional natures. A natural quality means that the principle of action is within the thing itself and in order to move against a natural quality, the movement must come from some stimulus that originates from outside of the object or thing. If movement is in harmony with the natural abilities of the organism, the movement is initiated from within as the movement of a rock towards the ground is due to the inner qualities, natural inclinations and physical attributes of the rock. Likewise, it is the natural or inherited endowment of the mind of man to be paired with the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness called God. When the connection between the mind of man and the Cosmic Creative Force called God is obstructed or inhibited, the mind of man falls prey to the workings of the darkness of the deep whereupon the whole material essence of man is said to be void and without form.

The word water, then, represents the intellectual nature of man and is man’s mental and emotional capacities. The mental functions have the capability to receive the impressions from the Cosmic Creative Force. It is said that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. To move upon an object is to exert a force upon it. A force exerted over a distance is called work. At the point of contact between the mover and the object to be moved, energy is transferred from the mover to that which is moved. The thing moved is energized and internal agitation and/or change of direction take place. As the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the mental waters, the rational and intellectual attributes are energized and this energy source is from the eternal Cosmic Creative Force called God.

The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man existed within man prior to movement on the first day; However, these forces are attached and identified with the material or carnal body of man and for that reason are void and without form due to the influence of those who encourage themselves in an evil matter called “the deep”. According to the Genesis narration, “the earth was without form and void”; therefore, it must be said that the waters that are associated with the earth likewise are without proper form and void of some necessary part. Nevertheless, the intellectual and rational attributes of man have a natural tendency towards wholeness and this completeness is initiated by the activation of the internal cosmic force within called God.

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Conscious man is rational, sentient, animate, corporeal, substance.

Rational = Having or exercising the ability to reason. Of sound mind; sane. Consistent with or based on reason;

Sentient = Having sense perception; conscious: Animate = Possessing life; living. Corporeal = Of, relating to, or characteristic of the body. Of a material nature; tangible.

Substance = That which has mass and occupies space; matter.

A material of a particular kind or constitution.

Before the mind of man is acted upon by the internal cosmic spirit, man’s mental faculties are stagnant and in an unnatural affiliation with the darkness of the world of the deep. Dwelling in this unnatural environment, these mental attributes are held prisoner by the illusions of the carnal world which is the world of excessive physical and sexual appetites. It is not the nature of the mind to remain in the unnatural condition and for this reason the mind seeks completion by its innate nature.

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Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man

Material Body

Ethereal Body


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“And God said, Let there be light; And there was light. And God saw

The light, that it was good.”

The mental faculties of man are quickened and his thoughts are agitated or stirred by the inner cosmic force and energy called God. During this process, energy is being combined with the waters of intelligence. The inner creative consciousness takes upon itself a form of intellectual substance referred to in Genesis as water. The thoughts of unconscious man are attentive to and strongly influenced by the sensory, appetitive, and instinctive desires and the earth represents the finite body and material natures of man. Further, “darkness was on the face of the deep”. Man is cloaked in ignorance brought about by the works of evil men; Therefore man is void of some attribute that is necessary for man’s completion and well being. This state of ignorance maintains temporary possession of man’s existence because it has the cosmic power to hold the attention and thoughts of man by forces related to the animal part of man’s physical nature. As gravity has the power to attract water and pull the liquid towards the center of the earth, the animal attributes needed for earthly survival (eating, sleeping, fighting, playing, and procreating) has the attraction over the physical body of man in man’s early development. When the pull of the animal qualities, in absence of spiritual knowledge, is at its maximum intensity, the result is an over abundance of emotional, appetitive, and primitive instinctive cravings associated with the material body. This carnal way of life is the initial state of man before the inclusion of light that emanates from the inner cosmic creative consciousness called God.

Light. What is light and how is it brought about? In the First Epistle General of John, Chapter 1, verse 5, the spiritual definition of light is given as follows:

“Then this is the message which we have heard of him and declare Unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”

We read in the Book of Genesis, “And God said let there be light and there was light”. If we apply the First Epistle definition of the word Light, God said in effect, let there be God! This decree cannot mean that god recreated an infinite cause of all creation in the infinite plane of existence but that there was a reproduction or extension of some quality or attribute of God within the realm of

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created things called earth. Spiritual earth is the material or corporeal body of man and it is this earth or body that is void and without form due to a missing quality. That missing quality is Light or knowledge emanating from the internal infinite cosmic creative force and energy called God. In order to understand this clearly, the natures and movement of familiar things that are seen daily must be understood. Man must engage the art of thinking and to think is to analyze, compare, classify, define, and divide upon knowledge previously possessed. This previous knowledge is a product of what we call experience.

Natural law is the governor of the created existences and all material laws are reflections of infinite creative necessities referred to as cosmic causes and effects. These cosmic causes and effects are present and are constant as to their operations and predictions whether man is able to determine the constancy or discover the effects through scientific experiment.

The vital energy of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is the cosmic creative force or energy within man and when these forces are activated, the result is Creative Consciousness called Light. The action of this creative consciousness can be likened to what occurs when the sun’s rays operate to change the state of water from ice to a liquid. In the form of ice, the material water and the earth are as one body. There are no distinguishing natures apparent in the first instance. However, when the rays of the sun strike the ice and its energy is absorbed, a transformation in the solid state of existence begins to unfold as the ice begins to melt. This is due to the fact that a part of the energy that is radiated from the sun is absorbed by the ice and this energy agitates and so energizes the ice that a physical change occurs. The ice gradually becomes water due to the absorption of what is known as heat and in this state can express one of its multiple natures. Those natures, as we have previously noted, are receptivity, submission, and obedience.

Spiritual light can be likened to heat by analogy. As the heat of the sun encased in physical water is not called by the name of the sun, so the regenerative force of the Infinite Creative Power when encased in the cognitive and rational mind of man is not called God but is called Light. The Light issued forth by the Infinite Creative Consciousness within man reaches the intellectual faculties of man wrapped in beings of reason called Truth. The sun’s energy is a part and partial of the sun from which it radiates and the sun has one origin. The same relationship applies to the actions of the internal creative force within man. The Eternal Supreme Creator of all that was is and is to be is present within man through the agency of creative consciousness originating from the Infinite Eternal Source by the identical natural laws that govern the rays of the sun encased in the liquid water in the form of heat.

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The Cosmic consciousness within man is a part and partial of the Primordial (issuing forth from the primary or first cause) Infinite Cosmic Consciousness called God and is contained within the inborn nature of man’s rational, cognitive mind. The internal cosmic Light within man is retarded by the material cause of existence and presents itself to the mind in the form of Truth and this Light, Truth, and God are expressions of one entity (being). The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is Light, God, and Truth by the same principle of relationship observed as the actions of physical light and heat acts upon the ice and alters the state of the ice by infusion of energy as explained above. As Light is infused in the physical body of man, some of the bodily attributes of man are destined by their very nature and functions to respond and those responding faculties are best suited to receive the active force. As knowledge and Truth are activated by the Cosmic Consciousness of man, those intellectual operations that are most susceptible to reorganization are aroused. Knowledge is Truth in action and is the progenitor (ancestor) of cognitive and rational processes in man. Truths send forth knowledge that the mind of man may be prompted into action and thereby raise man to the highest state of existence.

By the fruition of knowledge, man is brought into recognition of the Supreme Cosmic Cause called God and recognizes that the Light received through the Internal Cosmic Consciousness is good; Therefore, as stated in Genesis,

“God saw the light and it was good”.

Light operates to raise the rational and intellectual actions of man to a higher plain. Truth is Good. The Light within the material body of man (earth) is good because it is God. Man then perceives by revelation, intuition and introspection that the Truth is Supreme Good and this perception of Truth comes as a Divine Gift of grace from the Eternal Creative Consciousness for the salvation of Man.

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“And God divided the light from the darkness”.

Truth is defined as that which is and consists in the conformity of our minds with reality. Falsehood is defined as that which appears to be and consists in the distortion of the reality to which the mind conforms. The nature of Truth is to reveal, make known, expose and illuminate the reality to which the mind conforms. The nature of falsehood is to deceive, conceal and darken that reality to which the mind conforms. Truth is the manifestation of Spiritual Light and falsehood is the distortion and corruption of that Spiritual Light and is called darkness. Things or ideas having opposite natures have opposite creative functions and darkness is in no manner like light except that it has the opposite effect of light as falsehood has the distorted form of truth. Falsehood is darkness. Truth is light. Falsehood deceives the mental processes and presents itself to the mind in the image and likeness of reality. Truth is encased in falsehood as the Internal Cosmic Consciousness of man is encased in the material manifest (body). Therefore, if Truth is given a visible body and falsehood is also given a visible body, the bodies must appear similar in basic form as both Light and darkness appear to cover and in that respect have a common attribute (to cover); but because Truth is revealing in purpose and falsehood is concealing in purpose, falsehood appears in the covering characteristic of Truth but lacking in some critical component (reality) that is found in Truth.

Truth is the network around which falsehood is built and the material body of falsehood must appear similar to Truth in basic form but unlike the body of Truth due to a lack of the element of reality embodied in Truth. Although Truth and falsehood are “twins” in basic form, they are different in operation upon the mind of man and the absent attribute of reality inherent in falsehood necessarily reveals the deceptive nature of falsehood.

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“And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.

And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And the evening and the morning were the first day.”

Light is called Day and Darkness is called Night. The essential idea behind Day is clearness of sight and vision in the presence of light. During the day, things are clearly distinguishable and it is the normal time of conscious activity. On the other hand, during the night, the forms and shapes of things are not clearly identifiable due to a covering of prevailing darkness. It is a time of unconscious activity such as rest and sleep. Likewise, truth, through its messenger knowledge, makes all things intellectually visible and clear while falsehood covers, weakens, and confuses the rational, cognitive (knowing) powers within man. The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God divides the cognitive conscious from the emotional, appetitive, and instinctive unconsciousness, Truth from falsehood, and knowledge from ignorance on the plane of mind within man. The final result of the division of Day from Night is the division of man’s rational powers from the animal drives that are associated with the manifest body of man. The rational power is in process of regeneration on the first Day and this regeneration is to occur in the mind man. The animal drives associated with an earthly, mortal, material existence relate to the darkness that was upon the face of the deep and is the body of man, the carnal and finite attribute and is known as the Lower Self. The rational, thinking, creative powers brought forth by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man are called the Higher Self.

The experiences gained from the pursuit of carnal and sensory satisfaction are a source of knowledge. At the time that man reverses that determination and aspires to climb the ladder of spiritual recognition, what man learns is also another source of knowledge. The sun going down due to the rotation of the earth brings about the darkness of the night. Knowledge obtained while seeking to satisfy the lower or animal inclinations is called evening. Due to the same rotation of the earth, the sun appears to rise in the east, it is not the sun that sets or rises but it is the movement of the earth that makes the sun appear to do so. When the sun appears to rise in the East, the period of day is called morning.

By analogy (comparison), at the time that truth blossom by prompting of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man, it is morning in relationship to man’s Spiritual development. The introduction of Truth into the mind brings forth

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knowledge and this knowledge scatters the darkness of spiritual ignorance. The descent of man into the hell of his carnal or animal self and the knowledge, actions, and deeds that are the experiences of the adverse nature is called evening. The terms morning and evening have reference to kinds and types of knowledge as that emanating from the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man raises man towards cognitive awareness and Truth while the knowledge pertaining to the evening of the carnal pleasures operate to bind man to a worldly existence from which only the activation of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man can free him.

Both kinds of knowledge constitute one Day. Why? Because they are equally sources of knowledge and the fact that one type of knowledge leads downward towards the lower self while the knowledge from the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man ,called God, leads man upwards to intelligence and spiritual recognition has no bearing upon the broad classification of knowledge. Therefore, since knowledge is knowledge whether of the spiritual or the profane, it is nevertheless knowledge and must consequently be included as marking the first Day or first degree of completeness. The term Day represents a period of experiences that are characterized by conscious efforts to attain the truth. It represents a time or period of spiritual discrimination and re-awakening to the divine self within man. It signifies an awareness of and an attending to the higher mind and moral development of man. It is a time of spiritual recognition and mental re-organization. It is a time when man seeks remembrance of the Eternal Cosmic Creator known as The Absolute or God.

[Note 1] The efforts of some religious authorities to calculate a day on the basis of 1000 calendar years or 50000 calendar years is valid to a degree. They are valid insofar as earthly man’s numbering of events is concerned and these numbering systems are mystical and difficult to comprehend. However, when these year formulas are applied to the spiritual interpretation of the events of the seven days, they are inconsistent with the divine meaning of Day. The use of a physical finite time period for the purpose of defining the word ‘day’ must be consistent and constant throughout the interpretation and vacillation between 1 calendar year and 1000 calendar years according to the “point being made” or the chapter of the scripture being interpreted is not acceptable. Several organized religions teach that God created the world in 6 days and that in this reference 6 days is equal to 6000 years. However, when teaching or discussing the crucifixion of Jesus and the affirmation that Jesus lingered on the cross and was entombed for 3½ days, these same persons say that a day is equal to 1 day and not equal to 1000 years! The claim is made that alternating between lengths of year is due to the fact that the creation that is recorded in the Old Testament is under a different time cycle than is

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the New Testament. When it is discussed whether or not Moses of the identical Old Testament spent 40 years in the wilderness with each day equal to 1000 years, now, it is alleged that 1 year is 1 year in Exodus while it is 1000 years in Genesis. The result of such doctrine is confusion over something that the religious authors know nothing of and such inconsistency only serves to advance and reinforce ignorance of what is meant in the revealed scriptures. This confusion is not from the Infinite Eternal Cosmic Creator, but is from the teachings of the darkness of the deep and those that are deluded by the snares of the lower self. These religious authors and teachers foster confusion and disharmony so that they might gain mastery over worldly riches and beguiled men. [End Note 1]

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“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the mist of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so. ”

The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man energized the intellectual attributes of man on the first day. The stirring of these attributes inherent within the mind of man set them into rapid vibration and this mental activity gives birth to the rational qualities within man that are necessary prior to man’s overcoming of the spiritual darkness of man’s material existence.

The primary purpose of the firmament is one of division. The firmament is brought about to divide the lower objective waters from the higher subjective waters. The purpose of the firmament, then, is to divide man’s higher cognitive (knowing) thoughts and ideas from the lower emotional, appetitive, and instinctive thoughts and ideas that are necessary for an earthly life. The thoughts of earthly man are rooted in the body manifest and are captivated by those actions and drives (eating, sleeping, fighting, playing and procreating) necessary to support a physical existence. Overindulging in efforts to satisfy these physical drives gives birth to the archenemies (Devil, Satan) of spiritual attainment Lust, Rage, and Greed. This enslavement to the demands of a physical existence causes man (earth) to be void and without form and therefore darkness (lack of spiritual awareness) is on the face of the deep.

Earthly man under the influence of the darkness of the deep is in a state of mental and spiritual ignorance and sees no distinction between right and wrong. The moral concept of “Right”, to the lower emotional, appetitive, and instinctive unconscious mind is viewed as whatever obtains the desired results or brings the greatest pleasure. The moral concept of “Wrong”, to the lower unconscious mind is viewed as whatever fails to achieve a desired goal or purpose. The concept of “Good”, to a mind under the control of the bodily instincts and drives is characterized as those actions that result in the fulfilling of the needs of the physical body. Man’s thoughts, desires and emotions are attracted towards those actions defined as good that bring bodily pleasures and enjoyment unaware that the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God dwells within.

The rational (thinking) powers within man are set free by the agitating action of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. As the Cosmic Creative energy is absorbed by the mind, a firmament is introduced and the term “Firmament” represents the throne of reflection, thinking and deliberation. With the creation of the firmament on the second day, there is a formation that divides the higher cognitive thoughts from the lower emotional, appetitive, and instinctive thoughts

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within the mind of man. Reviewing what has been said concerning the works of the First day, the following analogies have been drawn:

Sun = the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within manCalled God. Infinite Creative Consciousness

Rays of the Sun = Cosmic Creative Energy or Force

The Waters = the mind of man and the emotional, appetitive, and

Instinctive faculties The Earth = the finite material essence or body of man

In process of learning, it is often necessary to compare objects that appear unlike and then apply the information gained through the study of the unlike object to the question under consideration. This is what is meant by the word analogy. In the sciences, great advances have been made by experimenting with mice, guinea pigs, dogs, monkeys, and other diverse animals and then applying some of the facts learned from those experiments to like questions pertaining to man on the basis of man’s similarity to these animals in many physical or psychological characteristics. In forming analogies, the cognitive mind recognizes the agreements or likeness between living or nonliving things in some circumstances or characteristics even though the organisms or objects that are being compared are otherwise unalike in other respects.

It is known from observation and experiment that as the rays of the sun strike the waters of the earth, heat energy is absorbed by some parts of the water. This absorption of energy in the form of heat causes some of the water to rise (evaporate) in the form of tiny water droplets called vapor. These droplets condense around particles of dust in the atmosphere and form clouds high above the earth. The more energy absorbed, the greater the height and size of the clouds that are formed. Between the higher clouds and the earth is water vapor in the form of gases and mists. The space between the higher clouds and the earth contains air and this air is in constant motion caused by the unequal heating of the earth’s soil and the oceans, seas and rivers of the earth. This air is composed of gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and particles of dust. Because of their different chemical compositions and natures, some parts of the earth heat up faster than other parts as soil absorb heat at a faster rate than water. Where there is a difference in surface temperature, air moves rapidly from the cooler place towards the warmer and this causes the constant motion of the air that we commonly call wind. Underneath the

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air or atmosphere are the lower objective waters or those that are constantly flowing and churning in close association with the physical earth. According to the Genesis account, the firmament divided the higher subjective waters from the lower; therefore it can be seen by the process of deep thought that the firmament has within it the nature and motions of air. In relation to the mind and mental processes of man, this firmament contains the discriminative, logical, thinking, rational processes of the mind of man.

The firmament in man is the seat of the thinking processes. It is man’s Throne of transcendental thought and corresponds to what is referred to as the gateway and connector to man’s absolute and supreme mind. This absolute mind is the house of supreme conscious activity and the house in which divine thoughts and theological ideas are gathered, divided, classified, analyzed and compared. This Throne of consciousness is the room in which the higher ideas relating to the cognitive mind are separated from the lower ideas that are concerned with the emotional, appetitive, and instinctive needs of the material self.

The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God issues forth the Cosmic Creative Energy that divides the higher cognitive consciousness from the lower emotional, appetitive, and instinctive expressions of man that are crystallized to form the memory, habits, and desires of an earthly existence. A division is made and this division is activated by innate cosmic forces within man received at the inception of the initial creation by the Supreme, Infinite Creator of all that is, was, and is to be. Before man is moved from a carnal death to a spiritual life, there exists within the mind of man the nature and will to be moved and this will is revitalized by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. Secondly, the actions of the internal cosmic force divides man’s cognitive thoughts that move the material body according to rational judgments from the emotional, appetitive, and instinctive operations of the mind that move the body towards satisfaction of its animal survival necessities (eat, sleep, fight, play, sex).

Initiated by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within, man is able to distinguish between the higher intellectual operations of the cognitive mind and the lower material operations and thoughts that hinder, impede and obstruct spiritual advancement. By the living, conscious actions of the reasoning powers, man can recognize that the organic drives of man such as eating, sleeping, fighting, playing and reproducing are of the lower self and pertain to the animal nature within man. The five senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing) and the behavior acquired by force of habit during man’s life in a material form are of these lower objective waters for these are in close connection with and depend upon a material being for their completion. The organic drives and sensory powers are critical to man’s earthly life and serve to assist man in necessary survival activities. On the other

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hand, the power to think, to be rational, to understand the inner nature of things, to meditate upon the highest principles of life, to reason and through reasoning make intellectual judgments are moved by the intellectual powers, infinite energy, and the Cosmic Laws governing creation and are therefore fulfilled and completed in the non-material or invisible world of thought. The force and power of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is the primordial spark that initiates all conscious actions. It is through that force that the Greater Divine Will is expressed. The higher subjective waters or the cognitive powers generated by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man expresses the Infinite Divine Will in order to bring about a balance and harmony between the higher and lower selves within man. The infinite fire of the Primal (original) Cosmic Consciousness shines within the higher subjective waters of the mind and because of the power of consciousness within the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man these higher subjective waters of the mind are purer and less contaminated by the necessities of a material existence. As heat and light are the messengers or activating forces for the physical sun, the Internal Cosmic Consciousness intrinsic within man is the messenger of the Infinite Cosmic Force of Creation known as The Supreme God. Spiritual awareness, then, is the light of the soul.



The Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is the Author and Sustainer of all that is, was, and is to be. In that Force is the Divine Will or final determination of that Force known to man as God. That Primal will or determination in man is expressed in the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man and this consciousness is the source of all spiritual knowledge or light. With the infusion of this light within the mind of man, the cognitive faculties are rejuvenated (made new) and the result of the rejuvenation is spiritual knowledge and divine insight. The mental abilities are separated according to the concentration of the energy received through the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man and those faculties that absorb more of these energies due to biological inheritance of man are higher and pertain to knowledge and divine insight of a Spiritual nature. Based upon knowledge of a Spiritual nature as pertaining to the Infinite Primal Force of Creation, man elevates the status of man’s existence to that of a Messenger or Prophet. The highest spirit embodied within the mind of man is the Prophetic Spirit and the Prophetic Spirit

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corresponds to the cognitive spirit concerned with knowledge of the Infinite Primal Will. This is the domain of the Angelic Order of Cherubim. The word “Cherubim” means ‘fullness of knowledge’.

Below the higher water is the firmament that divides the higher and lower objective waters. In this sphere thoughts are divided, classified, analyzed, and compared. Its function is to communicate the powers released by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man between the higher and lower objective waters. Its function is to split apart, digest, and recombine the beings of reason (thoughts) that produce spiritual knowledge and insight. This is the domain of the Angelic Order of the Seraphim. The word “Seraphim” means ‘set on fire’. The Seraphim furnish the spark of mental fire for the change of material knowledge or the knowledge of things into Spiritual knowledge that deal with the ideas that support the knowledge of the material.

Earthly knowledge that is received through the agency of the five senses of man (touch, taste, hear, smell, sight) enter into the mind of man and are associated with the lower objective waters of a material existence. It is this knowledge that is divided, classified, analyzed and compared by a constant movement of the intellectual attributes. This constant movement is called thinking and this is the domain of the Seraphim.

As stated above, the lower objective waters furnish the fuel for the rational and intellectual operations in man. Before this fuel can be used, it must be stripped from its material essence. This is the function and domain of the Angelic Order of Thrones. The Thrones represent the mental operations that abstract the natures and qualities of material things from their association with the blind biological desires and motivations of a material existence (lust, rage, and greed). The powers of the Thrones are concerned with the animality that dwells within all animals without referring to any specific animal. Animality is the nature and inborn characteristics within animals as a group of natures. The lower objective waters of the pre-conscious mind operate to enable a young child to recognize the abstracted nature and form of tree-ness without recognizing the type or kind of tree observed. Further, the earthly desires, instincts, habits and emotions of man are products of biological and psychological urges and motivations that are essential for a physical existence. The experiences gained from the execution of these urges furnish the food for higher thought and cognition. The Thrones are the excavators (diggers, miners, farmers) of this basic food. In the lower objective waters of the mind, the Thrones abstract the quality of whiteness that makes a material object white without taking into consideration any particular white object. The lower objective waters are the place where the angelic Thrones remove the concept or idea of a thing from the particular thing itself and this Angelic Order of Thrones operate within the pre-

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conscious intellectual mental faculties. The function of the Thrones is to separate the accidental characteristics that are necessary for a material existence from the essential characteristics necessary for existence on the plane of thought and thereby form concepts necessary for a higher meaning and determination.

The above function can better be understood by the following comparison:

The earth is round and therefore has roundness as an essential characteristic. An orange, grape, cherry or a ball all have this common characteristic of roundness even though materially and functionally they are different things. The lower objective waters furnish the location where the element of roundness is abstracted from or taken out of the earth, orange, grape, cherry, and the ball. When this mental operation is completed, roundness is a mental concept existing on the plane of mind and the attribute of roundness can be seen to have an existence independent of any specific material thing. A concept pertains to the general principle that governs the physical appearance of material things. It is the intangible model around which the fabrics of material forms are woven.

The Cherubim within the higher mind of man understands knowledge according to and in relation to the end product of cognitive thought. The word Cherubim refers to the cognitive knowledge of Cosmic law of cause and effect within man and the operations of this highest plane of man’s mental faculties culminates in intuition, inspiration, revelation and insight. Knowledge is comprehended because there is more of the Cosmic Creative Fire (the Light of the First Day) within the higher operations of the mind than is in the waters that are lower and the reason for this has been explained earlier. The Cherubim exist within man as a function of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God. Cherubim do not exist out side of the mental operations of man and are not floating around in the unknown realm as taught in modern day theology. The Cherubim are the Infinite Cosmic knowing power within man that are generated and brought about by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God. In the domain of the Cherubim, the concept of roundness extracted from the physical earth takes on a higher spiritual meaning, Eternity. Roundness has the cosmic idea of eternity which means without beginning or end.

Likewise, the word ‘clear’ may refer to water, air, or glass as well as other material and immaterial objects through which visible light can pass. It is in the Angelic Order of the Thrones that the concept of ‘clearness’ is taken out of the clear material thing. This is done by process of mental operation. The concept of clearness is the abstracted attribute that makes all clear things penetrable by a light source. In the domain of the Thrones, it is not necessary to consider the material

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water, air, or glass when thinking about the real meaning of clearness. The fundamental nature or idea of clearness is no longer associated with a material existence.

Moving a step higher in the process of mental operations, the order of the Seraphim, the thinking and reasoning power within man, compares, classifies, divides, analyzes and further defines the knowledge of clearness as received from the Thrones. The idea of clearness is mixed and united with the intellectual function of the Seraphim based upon the previous knowledge and experience of man. When this mixture is complete, the result of the two mental operations move to a higher state and this is the state of knowing in harmony with the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man.

In the order of the Cherubim, the idea of clearness combined with the actions of the reasoning powers or Seraphim produce a cosmic definition of the term. In this case, clearness in matter is as Spiritual purity; therefore, the highest definition pertains to the Cosmic Cause and the knowledge defining a cosmic creative attribute is superior due to the fact that the Infinite Creative Energy is more perfectly concentrated in the higher resolutions of mental actions as the heat of the sun is more concentrated in the higher subjective waters than in those that are lower.

Another analogy as to the function of the firmament of the Second Day is as follows:

For purposes of making the analogy, three very familiar objects are used. They are a tree log, the air, and the sun. The tree log corresponds to the earth; the air by analogy, is the operation of the firmament, and the sun corresponds to the word God in the Genesis account of the creation.

The sun by virtue of internal molecular activity initiates both heat and light. The heat and light are radiated toward the tree log and this heat and light energy, in the form of rays, are likened to the spirit of God that moved upon the face of the waters of the first day of creation. The rays of energy from the sun cause heat to be absorbed by the log and an increase in temperature within the log takes place. The increase in temperature within the log causes a rapid vibration of its molecular structure and a part of the wood breaks down and forms substances called fuel gas. The fuel gases formed by the actions of the heat are comparable to the waters of the first day and are the mental attributes and faculties of man after being freed from the darkness of the earth (material body). As these gases rise from the log and absorb greater amounts of heat, they are united with oxygen and other chemicals in the atmosphere. These gases are released by the mental operation of abstraction and the power to release these gases is within the domain of the Angelic Order of Thrones. The fuel gases represent the thoughts, desires, instincts, habits and

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emotions of man breaking free from the earth’s control and imprisonment in route to a new higher determination in the rational cognitive mind of man. As these gases are released from the grasp of the material log, they unite rapidly with the oxygen in the air and when this combining is accompanied by a substantial increase of the temperature, the flashpoint or kindling temperature is reached and the log begins to burn. As the gases burn, light is produced and this light, by analogy, is equivalent to the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God or the Holy Spirit.

The atmosphere, in which the ignition of fire takes place, represents the actions of the Angelic Order of Seraphim in man. This is the place of the rational reasoning power of man and the function of this power is to breakdown, mix, and transport the elements needed to sustain the fire that will produce the lights of insight and intuition within man. This light, brought about by the heat of the fire, is within the domain of the Cherubim and is of the higher subjective waters as previously said. The fire and light emitted by the log are created by natural physical laws governing the universe and are similar in form and nature to the original source of creation (sun). By the sun’s passing of energy into the log and the causing of the necessary changes to occur that results in the formation of light on a different plane of existence, the likeness of the Creator (sun) is more perfectly in the created (fire). In the same way, the metaphysical intuitive powers, creative consciousness and energy are within the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man.

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“And God called the firmament Heaven.

And the evening and the morning were

The second day”.

The creations of the second day bring about the thinking and rational conscious activity of man. These faculties initiate the voluntary actions peculiar to man as an intellectual being. Actions that are not predicated upon thought are not voluntary. The ability to act in a voluntary manner based upon forethought as to the consequences of the action sets man apart from the beasts of the field. There are no voluntary actions unless there is at least some minimal intellectual consideration of the probable effects of the actions undertaken. The consciousness of action in man is governed by the thought processes and quality of knowledge upon which those mental processes leading to rational consideration are based. The power to exercise the action of higher thought is within man and is derived from the Infinite Cosmic Force of Creation. This Force activates within man through the agencies of the Angelic Orders of the Cherubim, Seraphim and Thrones. These orders are the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God.

According to the Genesis account, the firmament is called Heaven. This seat of rational conscious activity is the location of Heaven and Heaven is referred to as the place of rest and satisfaction. (See the Holy Quran, Surah # 57) The word “rest” implies contentment and satisfaction in the sense that a completion and balance of opposite causes is attained. Man finds contentment or satisfaction to the degree that he fulfills his created purpose in harmony and in equilibrium with his inherent nature. When man deviates from the final cause (purpose) of man’s earthly existence, man’s contentment and satisfaction is in turn reduced in quality. The natural qualities of man according to his cosmic purpose must be present or man cannot be said to be whole. Therefore, man is void of the essential quality that completes the earthly existence of man according to the final cause of creation.

If any life form, be it man or animal, or plant, is void of or deprived of an essential quality that is necessary for the completion of an earthly existence in accordance with the final cause of creation, it cannot be said to be in a state of contentment or balance. The denial of completion can be by conscious choice, psychological violence (force through misrepresentation) or persuasion. Universal Law of Nature governing living things states that the law of self preservation is the

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first law of nature. If there is a foreign or unnatural quality or attribute from an external source operating within the organism, the errant quality or attribute cannot be preserved unless attention is taken away from some significant innate quality necessary to the proper balance and contentment of the organism. The natural or innate quality will suffer from a lack of preservation. The organism is not seeking to preserve itself but is working to preserve it’s not self in obedience to the foreign external impetus. When preservation of the not self occurs, frustration is the result because the offending organism is violating the first law of nature. Therefore, it is doing that which is unnatural whether by choice or error. There can be no permanent contentment or satisfaction if an organism is existing contrary to its innate, inherited nature and it is evident that any living creature is more content when it acts in harmony with its inherent natures and form.

Man is contented or satisfied to the extent that man acts in harmony with the likeness or image of the cosmic idea that initiated the creation. The more in likeness man is to the final cause and purpose of man’s existence, the more complete is man’s perfection. The fact that the firmament is called Heaven infers that the plane of rational consciousness reawakened by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man has a greater likeness to the Infinite Design or idea that fashioned man. The underlying cosmic idea of a creation is the network and lattice that supports the existence of the creation. The idea of the divine prophetic mind within man is first in the Creative Consciousness of the Cosmic Absolute. The purpose of the firmament is to divide the higher cognitive and rational operations from the lower emotional, appetitive, and instinctive operations necessitated by man’s sojourn within a physical form. The Infinite Universal Creative Consciousness revitalizes (renews) the firmament within man by awakening the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is awakened at a time predetermined by man’s biological inheritance incorporated within the nature of mankind. The Internal Cosmic Consciousness energizes the firmament within man by analyzing, classifying, dividing, defining and comparing the essentials of man as a being and raising the universal cosmic man to a higher cognitive state. What is occurring to man as a thought and idea of the Infinite Creative Power is at the same time occurring within the mind of man by power of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God. Man is being moved from the darkness of ignorance into a state of knowledge. The spiritual energies inherent to man are being separated from the carnal natures in the same way and by the same power that the conscious activity of man’s mind is separating the essential characteristics and natures from their accidental material existence. Man is the energy of creation within the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and the thoughts being moved in the mind of man are one with the works that are being

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done upon man as an idea within the creative process. Man is an idea within the universal creative consciousness by the same principle that the natures of material things are fashioned into the cognitive thoughts of man. In the conscious operations of the rational mind, man receives the greatest contentment because in this function and endeavor, man is most like the Primal Cause of cosmic creation. In the firmament of the second day, man’s thoughts are freed from a material association of an earthly existence. In the Firmament Supreme, man is the Thought being moved within the Eternal Creative Consciousness of the Absolute.

“And the evening and the morning were the second day.

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The Dry Land and Seas

“And God said; Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters called He Seas: And God saw that it was good.”

It is the function of the lower objective waters to furnish the fuel reservoir to be used to feed the higher subjective waters. The lower objective waters represent the natures, forms, and attributes of material bodies in the process of being abstracted (separated) from the material cause (matter). As fore stated in the works of the second day, man uses the conscious mind and rational intellect to divide the essential nature of things from the material things themselves. In relation to this cognitive activity based upon previous knowledge, the waters closely associated with the material earth depend upon that material surface for completion in the same way that the five senses (seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting) of man require a material cause for completion of existential purpose. This can be demonstrated by analyzing the term clearness for example. The clearness of glass is inferior to the idea of celestial or metaphysical clearness that symbolizes spiritual purity. Why? Because the clearness of the lower order (glass) is abstracted from a material thing which is the glass: but, the purity of the higher order is abstracted from or taken out of the nature of clearness of the lower order and the term clearness of the lower order is not a material object or thing.

By the same analogy, mud is a mixture of earth and water. When the heat of the sun stimulates the mud, heat increases in the mud and the water that is held captive within the mud begins to evaporate or rise to a higher position. As the water is drawn towards the surface of the mud, concentrations of water or wet spots are sometimes observed on the face of the mud. These evidences of moisture are analogous to the lower objective waters in process of being drawn out of their association with the earth. As the rays of the sun continue to deliver heat into the mud, the water mixes with the air and takes on a new state of existence called water vapor. This vapor that is evaporated out of the mud ascends through the atmosphere until it reaches a point of cooler temperature where the vapor is formed into the condensed state of appearance called clouds. These clouds, having been freed from the material cause by the infusion of creative energy, are the higher

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subjective waters of the cognitive mental attributes of man. Before the lower objective waters are moved to a higher state, they are changed in form, nature and quality in the same manner by which the mind of man abstracts knowledge gained by experiences associated with a material being. The higher subjective waters have a greater concentration of energy from the initiating force within them and consequently have more similarity in form and principle to that force.

A material object that has a great resistance to being lifted is said to be ‘heavy’. It is a logical conclusion that all heavy objects have within them an inertia (resistance to movement) called heaviness. Heaviness is the mental concept, innate characteristic or essential quality of the object that is said to be heavy. When the concept of heaviness is reorganized and digested in the intellectual function and power of the mind of man (called the firmament), the concept of heaviness is raised to a higher metaphysical meaning…sincerity. The meaning of “sincerity” conveys the identical idea as the word ‘heavy’ but on a metaphysical plane of being. Moreover, sincerity pertains to a psychological attribute and needs no material in which to complete an existence.

On the third day, the essential natures and qualities of material things are gathered together unto one place being delivered from their individual material associations. The abstracted words such as fire-ness, earth-ness, air-ness, water-ness, animal-ness, heavy-ness, and all other natures and qualities are brought out of the material things themselves in the cognitive mind of man and gathered together whereupon they are called ‘seas’. These earthly natures are gathered together by the actions of the Angelic Order of the Thrones in man. Since these natures and qualities of material creations are not a part of but remain loosely associated with an earthly definition and determination, they are referred to as ‘seas’. Thus, the word ‘seas’ refer to the earthly natures of created things associated with, but isolated from the things themselves. These earthly natures or attributes remain attached to the earth from which they are brought forth and are as physical seas that are closely associated with the earth, but separated from the earth by nature and purpose.

Once that the inner and essential natures and qualities of material existences are abstracted from the material things themselves, the material things are then referred to as dry land or matter. Matter receives its form according to the fundamental idea constituting its formal nature and this earthly nature and form is the framework around which the material thing is constructed. This is to say that in absence of the idea of animality, no physical animal can exist. Animality is the essential element needed to bring forth an animal and the material earth that makes up the visible animal is molded around the universal concept of animality. The matter in which animality resides is accidental to the form as the idea of animality

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can exist as to form and shape in a carved stone or a painting and in man as to actions and motivations. Yet, the stone, man, and painting have the idea of animality within them though each possesses a different expression and form of the idea or nature of animality. Therefore, when the inner nature of the material thing is seen to be separate from the object, the object itself is referred to as dry land and its separated nature is part of the metaphysical sea.

In Psalms 68, 6th verse, “God setteth the solidary in families: He bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.” Here it is clear that the words ‘dry land’ refers to the dwelling place of the earthly minded and the people that dwell in the earth are said to be rebellious. When a living organism dies, its inherent nature to preserve itself is no longer a part of the lifeless form. The physical form of the dead organism moves towards disorganization and this is called decay. The same rule applies to non-living things. If the idea of tallness is removed from within a tall thing, the material part of the tall thing must come crashing downwards towards the earth as the idea of tallness is the creative form around which the tall thing is constructed. When the idea or formal cause of any living organism or object is removed either by physical or mental process, the existence itself must cease to express the missing attribute. It is then said to be void and without form.

God called the dry land Earth and the gathering together of the waters called He Seas according to the account of Genesis. Moreover, the seas or earthly natures of material things have a natural tendency to dwell within a material body because earthly natures are identified first by material identification. The seas are emotional, appetitive, and instinctive in that they have a natural affinity or attraction to the world of substances. Animality, which is a nature, has its overt material expression in the action and appearance of a living animal. Tallness must express its being in some tall object. The lower objective waters or manifest earthly natures have a natural tendency towards the material and are lifted out of the material by the force and power of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. When these natures are abstracted from the material imprisonment, the dry land or earth is then void or lacking in some essential quality that is necessary to complete its being. As was said concerning the works of the first day, “the earth was void and without form”. The void attributable to the earth (man’s body manifest) was due to the absence of the light of rational powers within man.

It is for the purpose of establishing the light of truth within man that the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is activated. The activation is governed by eternal metaphysical laws that governing the ordering of creative forces. These Universal forces governing the initiation of celestial operations are inherent within man and are one and the same with the powers that cause cyclic events that sustain

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the cosmic orders of birth and death and regeneration. Such physical evidences of these cyclic operations inherent within both living and non-living matter are apparent. The metamorphosis (transformation) of an earth bound, vegetation destroying caterpillar into a vegetation fertilizing, free flying butterfly while imprisoned within and surrounded by the darkness of the cocoon; the twenty-eight day menstrual cycle of an adult female necessary for the reproduction of the human population; the regular revolving of the planets around the sun, and the progression of the four seasons of the earth caused by the rotating of the earth upon its axis are some examples of occurrences whose cyclic tendencies are governed by universal forces that are inherent (inborn) as a vital component of the natures of the creations in which they exist. By the identical force demonstrated above, the Internal Cosmic Consciousness is a part and partial of the divine nature of man and at the appointed time, governed by celestial and metaphysical law, the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is enlivened.

It is the function of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man to establish a divine presence within man through the cognitive will. The higher will in man is the product of rational operations of the mind referred to as thinking. In absence of these rational cognitive powers, the actions of man are not voluntary. On the second day, the cognitive powers are established and are the higher subjective waters that support intuition, insight and divine knowledge. As stated earlier, these powers are the domain of the Cherubim within man. Also on the second day, the firmament called Heaven is brought forth and this firmament is the seat of rational thought and intellection. Contained therein are the actions of fire for during the process of logical thought, the mind breaks down, rearranges, destroys, and changes beings of reason as fire or rapid oxidation has the identical effect upon material objects. As stated earlier, this is the domain of the Seraphim (meaning set on fire). Lastly on the second day the lower objective waters that hold the natures of created things were established as these natures were in close relationship with the physical body.

On the third day, the power of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness operates to move these natures within the material manifest of man to a new and higher determination. These natures are released from the holding power of the earth by the actions of the Angelic Order of Thrones. With this occurrence, the natures are gathered together unto one place- that is to say that they are moved by the energy and spirit in obedience to The Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. The seas are established by the mental operation of abstraction and by this power of the mind, the ideas or concepts of material things are separated from the things themselves. This power in celestial language is called the operation of the Angelic Order of Thrones.

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The material body of man is drawn towards the earth by an electromagnetic force known as gravity. This force pulls man downward towards the center of the earth and it is necessary for man to be supported by an energy force moving in opposition to the pull of gravity. Man’s mental construction has the capacity known as memory. The memory function of the mind attracts and holds beings of reason, thought and sensory reception. The natures of living things are stored in the biological (genetic) or psychological memory and these combine to form what is commonly known as experience. Man’s conduct is governed by extractions from the seas of experience by mental processes known as recollection and imagination. The gravitational pull of the physical earth is by analogy similar to the memory function within man. If man is to rise above the gravitational forces of the physical earth, some external energy source must be utilized. The external energy source that quickens the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is The Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness known as the Supreme Essence, God, and the Absolute.

The creation of the seas of the second day represent the movement of the earthly natures from their enslavement to the material body of man towards a spiritual determination or cognitive will. The higher subjective waters contain the will and knowledge of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. This knowledge of the cosmic consciousness within man forms the divine wisdom around which spirit man’s physical being is constructed. Within those higher subjective waters of the divine mind are the reasoning powers and by these powers the natures of creations are analyzed, compared, classified, divided, and defined. These seas also symbolize the discriminative faculty of the mind that recognizes and acknowledges distinctions and differences among things and ideas. The seas supply the purified food of ideas and concepts of thought after these ideas and thoughts have been mentally liberated from the material forms.

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“And God said let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the third day.”

There are three spheres or levels functioning within the realm of the higher mind of man and they are (1) the Divine Will or Prophetic Spirit responsible for the mental operations of insight, intuition, and prophecy, (2) the Rational intellect responsible for the processes governing logical thought and voluntary actions and (3) the Discriminative power that recognizes and acknowledges distinctions and differences among things and ideas.

As has been stated previously concerning the works of the first and second days, the term earth signifies the material body of man. Earth represents the unlimited potential to be fashioned or molded into various created phenomena (something perceived). It is the power of potential and it is this same earth that now brings forth grass, herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind. What is signified by the word ‘tree’ in relationship to man? Trees and plants are characterized by the cooperation of a group of living systems working together resulting in a complete living entity. When any existence is composed of a group of systems, organs, tissues and cells and these systems, organs, tissues and cells work together to produce a complete organism, that existence has the concept, essence or idea of tree-ness. And since spiritual matters are under consideration, the concept of tree-ness must pertain to a spiritual form in the highest consciousness of understanding. Spiritual man is the most noble creation of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and therefore, in regard to the works of the third day, the earth brought forth grass, herbs and trees not as such but in relation to the material body of Spirit man. The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is enclosed in matter and the material cause of Spirit man is now complete.

Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness ordained that the earth bring forth the grasses, herbs, trees, fruits and seeds and these plants represent the ethereal (heavenly) spiritual body of spirit man which has the characteristics of tree-ness.

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The human body is composed of systems, organs, tissues, and cells that function in harmony to produce a complete individual. This is not to say that the material body of man has no existence prior to the third day: however, that body is composed of dense matter and is in a state of potential as to being as a spiritual body. At the instance that the individual body is formed around the Divine Will, Rational intellect and Discriminative Power, the individual body is elevated from the state of potential into a state of rebirth in obedience to the Supreme Will of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. When the body of man is in servitude to the carnal or unruly natures (lust, rage, and greed), it is in a state of potential as to its spiritual obligations. The potential of any living existence is the seed state. This seed state is the potential of all living things manifest and the identity and form of the offspring is dictated by the genetic inheritance received from parents who are or were what the seed is to become upon germination. The seed receives its genetic endowments or inborn capabilities from the parents that preceded it. Therefore, upon moving from a lower carnal existence to a higher spiritual awareness, the body of man germinates from potential to act even though it is the identical body. The earthly body becomes a spiritual body and when this occurs, the body of Spirit man is likened to trees, herbs and grasses. The divine will, rational intellect and discriminative powers become associated with the earthly body and raises the earthly body to a new and higher spiritual determination and state of being whereupon the earthly body becomes spiritual and likened to green trees, herbs, and grasses. Why?

Trees, herbs and grasses all have common characteristics in that they are plants. Being plants, they are the primary producers of all food upon the earth. Plants have the inherited ability and internal necessity to grow from the darkness of the earth and move towards the light of the sun. Trees, herbs and grasses have the power to differentiate into complex structures with the roots, stems, and leaves having particular responsibilities in maintaining the survival of the entire plant. Plants have the inborn ability to convert non-living materials into living substances; to react to the environment; to reproduce themselves; to reorganize organic materials and release energy for the purpose of doing work, and to develop and maintain a specific, complex organization of individual organs, tissues, cells and sub-cellular parts. The most important and exclusive ability of a plant is its capacity to use sunlight for the manufacturing of food to be used for its personal growth and survival and food used for the growth and survival of other life forms called primary consumers. The capacity to use sunlight for the internal manufacture of food separates the green plants and grasses from other types of life forms. In all green plants, a chemical is present inside the cells of the leaves and some stems. This chemical reacts to sunlight and provides the manufacturing energy that

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sustains the life of the green plants. This chemical is called chlorophyll and the process by which sunlight is used for the manufacture of food is called photosynthesis.

The ethereal body of spirit man is likened to trees, herbs, and grasses. The ethereal body of spirit man is a spiritual body and being likened to trees, grasses and herbs, the ethereal body must possess all of the physical attributes of the terrestrial (land bound) green plants. The ethereal spiritual body is born out of the material body (earth). The earthly body receives its form, nature and inherited characteristics from some preceding earthly body by genetic endowment. Establishing the fact that the earthly body is the seed of the spiritual body, it is an accepted truth of genetics that if a seed sprouts, it will sprout into the form that is responsible for the development of the seed. If an oak tree seed sprouts or germinates, the internal hereditary natures will move the seed towards the form of the oak tree that preceded it and formed the seed within itself. For the same reason, the spiritual body which comes out of the earthly body is a result of the biological inheritance already functioning within the earthly body.

The word ‘earth’ as used in the works of the third day refers to the material body of carnal, unconscious man. The trees, herbs and grasses are the primal energies (Vital, Mechanical, Mental, Radiational, Chemical, Electromagnetic and Gravitational) that in various combinations lay the foundation for the 12 biological systems that comprise man’s earthly body. It is in this form that the spiritual body is reborn out of the earthly body manifest. By biological inheritance, the spiritual body is pre-destined to become a spiritual body from the moment that it appears in its earthly form; for, the earthly form is but the seed of the spiritual body and the seed contains the biological information that causes a living thing to move and grow towards a predisposed form according to its nature and purpose. The seed of the spiritual body is the earthly body manifest therefore the seed of the spiritual body is within itself in the form of a biological remembrance of things past or heredity.

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Material Body

Ethereal Body


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All movement has a source of energy. On the first day, the actions of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness quicken the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man which generates the Light of the first day. This light contains the truth and knowledge of which the earth or body of man is void or missing. The resultant knowledge born of the divine light is a consequence of the Will of the Infinite Creator of all that is, was, and is to be. The moving force of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is manifested in the mind and therefore becomes divided according to the amount of spiritual energy received. The higher subjective waters, the Cherubim, embody the will and knowledge of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. The lower objective waters are governed by the angelic power of the Thrones and operate the discriminative powers of the mental faculty. The activities within the firmament which is the domain of the Seraphim are the rational intellectual functions within man and they act to classify, divide, define, and analyze knowledge and experience received through the lower objective waters. The spiritual body is separated within the earthly body by the agency of light or knowledge and this is the function of the Cherubim in man. The waters of the first day responded to the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness because, as has been said, it is the nature of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man to turn towards the Infinite Power of Creation for the same reason that a green plants turn towards sunlight (called phototropism). Because of a biological inheritance within man a combination of external and internal natures compel that spirit man turn from the darkness of a material manifestation towards the Divine Light of the Absolute or God (Theo tropism).

Comparing, by analogy, the terms trees, herbs, and grasses with the spiritual body of man, the parallels between them are striking. As a tree is able to use physical light as energy for the production of food within itself, the spiritual body inherits the ability from ancestors to use the earthly experience and knowledge to manufacture spiritual truths and insights. These spiritual truths and infinite universal laws are food for the Spirit body of man. As the grasses, herbs, and trees are able to convert non-living materials into living substances, the spiritual body, by the operation of the rational powers, is able to convert inert knowledge acquired from a study of the sciences such as mathematics, physical sciences, astronomy, biology, zoology, botany, geology and chemistry into higher knowledge of a spiritual application. Green trees and other plants can discriminate between light and darkness, therefore the spiritual body has a natural inclination or talent for discriminating between the light of good and the darkness of evil, the light of morality and the darkness of immorality, the lusts of the flesh and the contentment of the inner being. The Spirit body, by inherent ability, organizes knowledge

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received from the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and that knowledge brings man into oneness with the Infinite Creative Energy and Consciousness known as the Supreme God. By instinct, insight, and intuition the Spirit body attains to the highest recognition of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and is able to accomplish divine works because of the inherited destiny to bear the fruits of the Infinite Creative Spirit.


The seed state of the Spirit body is the earthly body manifest and the fruit of a living thing is the end result of its labor and observable conduct. As the fruit of any tree designates the kind of tree it is, so the deeds and behavior of a Spirit man are the reflections of the Divine will, discriminative powers, and rational understanding contained within. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance against such there is no law”. (Holy Bible, Galatians 5:22)

The words grasses, herbs, and trees, are symbolic language for the ethereal spiritual body manifest and this body is in harmony and obedience to the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. With the completion of the ethereal Spiritual body on the third day, the formation of Spirit man is complete. When the ethereal Spiritual body is complete as to form and purpose, the earthly material body manifest becomes a branch, rib, or accidental extension of Spirit man. The celestial sphere inhabited by the Spirit body of man is the Angelic Order of the Dominations.

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Ethereal Body – Format structure for Earthly Body of Spirit Man

Trees, Herbs, Grasses


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“And God said, let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.”

Earlier in this writing, the firmament of heaven and the divine meaning pertaining to the firmament was discussed. It was revealed that the firmament is the seat of celestial consciousness in man. It contains the power of higher thought and corresponds to the intellectual operations peculiar to man. In the firmament, the higher cognitive attributes of man’s higher conscious self are separated from the lower appetitive attributes of the unconscious workings of the lower self. The meaning of the decree “Let there be light” was also discussed and it was concluded that the light of the first day is Truth brought about by the quickening of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God. As physical objects are made visible by the light generated by external luminaries, the primordial light of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man makes eternal Truths apparent to the mind and heart of Spirit man.

On the fourth day, the introduction of lights in the firmament is likened to the works of the first day in that they are both concerned with the production and positioning of light. Light as Truth is separated from the darkness of illusion on the first day and since there is only one light, it must be concluded that any other light is part and partial of that primordial light emanating from Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness on the first day.

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On the third day, the forming of Spirit man is complete. The Spiritual body is born within the earthly body manifest and this Spiritual body is composed of the seven primal energies (Vital, Mechanical, Mental, Radiational, Chemical, Electromagnetic, and Gravitational). These energies are the result of the deceleration (slowing) and refraction of energies emanating from the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man as that cosmic force merges with the ethereal material cause of the body of Spirit man. Spirit man is formed on the plane of ethereal matter and the formative body of spirit man is likened to the trees, herbs and grasses. This is to say that the instance that man recognizes that his spiritual rational self is separated from his earthly appetitive self, he likewise ascends to the logical inference that the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is the light shining within the darkness of the material body manifest. This recognition takes place within the intuitive faculty of the spirit mind and the seat of those rational powers are in the firmament of heaven of the second day. By intellectual operation, the ethereal body of Spirit man is birthed from the earthly body manifest. The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is the greater light. The ethereal body that reflects and redirects the inner light of cosmic consciousness is a light of lesser order. The ethereal Spiritual body is fashioned within the darkness of the earthly body by the actions of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man and this consciousness remains encased within the seed coat (physical body) out of which it was born. This encasement lasts during the life time of the physical body. By the act of symbolic thinking called imagination, the two bodies are separated, one having ethereal being and the other, which is the earthly material house of the divine being, exists in the likeness and image of the ethereal being. There is scriptural content in the Holy Bible that supports the fore- stated relationship. A few of them are listed below.

2 Corinthians 5:1 - For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

1 Corinthians 3:16 - Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

John 14:10 - Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is the form around which the ethereal body is clothed and is the greater light. The ethereal body through which

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the light of the Spirit is redirected to give light by night is the lesser light. The spiritual body is eternal and is composed of prime ethereal energy that forms the body of beings of thought, ideas, dreams and imagination. The spiritual body is composed of infinite primal celestial matter and forms the blueprint or matrix around which the earthly material body is fashioned. The function of the lesser light is to make the phenomena of the greater light apparent within the physical body (night).

On the other hand, the Earthly body is created out of dense matter or matter that has spatial being (weight, length, width, height). The earthly body is the darkness or night into which the lesser light shines and it reflects the form, purpose and operations of the Spiritual body contained within. It is through the ethereal body that the light of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man shines as the rays of the sun shine through a window pane. It is the connector between the spiritual body and the earth just as a Prophet is the connector between the messages received from knowledge of Cosmic Creative Law and the intended recipients of the message. The fact that Spirit man possesses this knowledge gives him the potential ability to foresee, to prophecy, to determine the past, present, and future of events.



A sign is a symbol that leads one to the knowledge of something other than itself as smoke is a sign of a present or looming fire. The lights in the firmament are for spiritual signs and for spiritual seasons, days and years. Man composed of a spiritual and earthly body is a sign - that is to say that the birth of Spirit man leads to the knowledge of something other than itself and this something other than spirit man is the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God.

Ezekiel 24:24 - Thus shall Ezekiel be to you a sign; according to all that he has done you shall do. When this comes, then you will know that I am the Lord GOD.'

Ezekiel 24:27 - On that day your mouth will be opened to the fugitive, and you shall speak and be no longer dumb. So you will be a sign to them; and they will know that I am the LORD."

[at-Taghaabun 64:6] That was because there came to them messengers with Clear Signs, but they said: "Shall (mere) human beings direct us?" So they rejected (the

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Message) and turned away. But Allah can do without (them): and Allah is free of all needs, worthy of all praise.

A sign must be acknowledged as such. If a sign is not accepted as such by the observer, it does not serve its intended purpose. The sign exists for the purpose of giving knowledge of conditions or facts that are present or in the future and either warns or gives direction and information needed by the observer of the sign to respond to the reality underlying the symbol. Spirit man is the sign of the fourth day and is re-energized in order to make the knowledge and the will of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness known. This knowledge and will of the Infinite Creative Consciousness is the Light of the celestial creative consciousness that illuminates the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man.

“And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth; and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule over the day and the lesser light to rule the night”.

There are four seasons and they are spring, summer, fall and winter. The light radiated by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is the cause of these seasons as these seasons pertain to the orientation of man’s earthly body and desires to the light of the spirit contained within. The quickening of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man causes a response in the earthly appetitive body of carnal man and the first awakening of the material body from unconscious desires of the flesh to a growth towards spiritual advancement is likened by analogy to spring. Spring is the season where growing things move from potential or seed stage to growth towards a particular form according to genetic inheritance. In summer, the force of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is at the greatest power and the cognitive attributes of intuition, insight, prophecy and rational will are in full bloom. The devils (lust, rage, and greed) lurking within the earthly body are weakened as the light of eternal truth shines through the material body in its greatest concentrations. In the fall, the knowledge of Spirit man comes to full fruition and perfect harmony between the higher and lower selves is attained. The pull of the carnal urges in man are balanced by man’s spiritual accomplishments and the fruits and seeds of the spirit are produced. And what are the fruits of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man?

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Ephesians 5:9 - For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;

Galatians 5:22 - but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith….

Winter is the time of darkness of the spirit and the evils of a carnal existence overtake Spirit man and cast man down into the pits of hell. The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man gives all of the life force and power received from Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness to the requirements of the material existence and in bondage and servitude to the embodiments of lust, rage, and greed. The earth again is void and without form and darkness reigns supreme upon the faces of the deep. (Review writings on the first day.)

[Note 2] The appearance of Spirit man occurs in the form of prophets, messengers, apostles, and teachers at regular intervals in time that can be mathematically calculated: however, such calculations are mystic and are revealed in the natures of specific creations. The understanding of these mathematical cycles is a product of inspiration and revelation and cannot be decoded solely by the application of worldly intelligence. Resurrected Spirit man acquires some knowledge of these cycles and the knowledge is received through the agency of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God. [End Note 2]

According to the Genesis account, there are two great lights. The infinite Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is the greater light and the ethereal body through which the greater light is reflected is the lesser light. Knowledge is light and is greater or lesser pending upon the source and purity of the light and those factors influence the goal or motivation of the knower. In the greater light which is the spiritual body, the essence of matter is in total submission to the divine will, rational intellect, and discriminative powers brought forth by the power of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness . The lesser light, the ethereal body, is the vessel through which the greater light shines. For in the lesser light, the greater light of which the lesser light is a reflection is more intertwined with the material cause (matter) of creation. While the greater light is sustained by knowledge of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness, the lesser light is naturally influenced by the lower instinctive natures attributable to the earthly body. The earthly body is circumscribed (limited) by natural law. In the lesser light, the law of consequences (cause and effect) governs the animal natures that are associated with a material existence. The lesser light which is in close association with those natures that are

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under the constraints of the law is the ruler over the darkness (night) and the greater light of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is ruler of the day.

In the greater light resides the ability to perform in the metaphysical realm of being. Intuitions, insight, prophecy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, out of body experiences, are some of the gifts that are made possible by the revitalization of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. These talents have no earthly or material cause and are what are referred to as psychogenic. This greater light is the ruler over the day meaning the periods of Spiritual enlightenment and knowledge of the will of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness.

The lesser light is, as stated above, the vessel of reflection through which the greater light is observed. It is the ethereal body of Spirit man. The lesser light shines by virtue of its prearranged relationship with the greater light as the moon shines due to its prearranged relationship to the sun. The lesser light, then, is the ethereal body of Spirit man that is brought into a harmonious kinship with the greater light within. It is this light that is to rule over the darkness and we have explained before the spiritual meaning of darkness as it pertained to the works of the first day.



“And He made the stars also.”

The nature of a star is to send forth light. From observation, it is known that the light bodies that are called stars are best seen in the celestial skies during the period of darkness referred to as night. Stars are created by the internal molecular (the smallest physical unit of a substance that can exist independently) fission/fusion process that changes the atomic structure of the elements that make up the chemical composition of the sun. Since all celestial bodies must be assumed to act in conformance with the final cause (purpose) of creation as ordained by the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness, it must be logically concluded that the purpose of any star is to emit light and celestial phenomena referred to in the physical sciences as various types of energy. The sun is a star and is responsible for the major portion of the light and energy received upon the earth; however, due to the axial rotation of the earth as the earth revolves around the sun, the sun appears to sink below the horizon and this is known as the setting of the sun. The period known as night follows and it is during this period that many other stars can be seen rising out of the horizon in the eastern sky. As the sun sets below the horizon (the line in the

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furthest distance where the land or sea seems to meet the sky), the sun appears to be sinking into the earth and becoming united with it. This is an illusion but nevertheless highly significant in understanding the Spiritual meaning of the works of the fourth day.

The Spirit of God is the cosmic creative force or energy within man and when this force is activated, the result is Creative Consciousness called Light. The stars pertain to the many seekers of Truth who have been raised from the animal desires of a material existence to the cognitive consciousness of the Divine Will of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. These Spirit men are resurrected by the same power of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. In earthly man, these stars are the conscience (sense of right and wrong) within the mind and help to maintain man’s moral and ethical directions. Uplifted Spirit man is to prevail as a shining light in the darkness and evil of the deep and by godly behavior and dedication to truth, give light upon the earth.

On the fourth day, the cosmic plan of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is completed. The vital energy of the Infinite Creative Consciousness shines within the body of Spirit man as the rays of the sun shine upon the physical earth. And when the light of Spirit man is illuminated, the whole body is energized that the will of the Absolute God be made known to all men.

The stars represent Spirit man and the ethereal body is likened to trees, herbs and grasses because (1) the body of Spirit man is especially adapted to transmit the energy of the Will of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness, (2) the body of Spirit man is composed of organs, tissues, cells, and systems that operate to maintain and continue the life of the living body. Likewise, stars are formed when great masses of galactic matter are energized by cosmic forces causing the matter to undergo rapid changes in chemical composition and thereby create new combinations of matter that follow the cosmic law of necessity and balance. The molecular changes that sustain the sun are similar in action to the intellectual operations of the mind within Spirit man: initiating action (willing), analyzing, modifying and dividing material particles (thinking) and holding these actions together within itself (remembering). The sun is our nearest star of the physical world and the Spirit mind is the nearest star of the material body of man. Stars are created when atoms and molecules of galactic matter (carbon, iron, helium, hydrogen, etc.) are forced together by tremendous gravitational forces. Due to the internal pressure combined with the restructuring of atomic particles, a tremendous amount of heat energy is created and released within the celestial mixture. In the same manner, Spiritual stars are formed when the beings of thought and reason derived from past knowledge and experience are set into rapid movement called thinking. Old thoughts are recombined into new thoughts and ideas and the mind is

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constantly rearranging, classifying, dividing, defining and analyzing intellectual beings, concepts, and abstract natures of existences. The subsequent knowledge is the light and that light shines through the corporeal body of Spirit man.

The ethereal body of Spirit man is brought into submission, receptivity, and obedience to the will of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and this will is the Prophetic Spirit with man. Having been likened to trees, herbs and grasses, the body of Spirit man has the inborn potential due to biological inheritance and natural ability to submit to the Supreme Spirit as a seed of any physical tree has the genetic information necessity to achieve its perfection within itself. And when the internal and external conditions are favorable, that is to say that as the knowledge and presence of the Spirit man is mandated by circumstance, the very inner and essential nature is prodded by instinctive emotional preferences that dictate that man exercise the inherited capabilities to absorb the ultimate truths which are the light of man. The primitive urges of man necessary for life in a material form (eat, sleep, fight, play, and sex) must be governed by deep conscious thought before man can reach the highest order of being.

The Fourth DayRulership

The greater Light is ordained to rule over the day and the lesser light is given charge over the night. Both are to give light upon the earth as it is decreed:

“And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.”

To rule over a subject is to have power over it – to direct its destiny and to move the subject according to the desires, will motivations, knowledge and determination of the ruler. The term “Day” is defined as the period of conscious thought and voluntary activity. A spiritual say is characterized by clearness of spiritual vision giving birth to the understanding of the meaning of divine truths. The term “night” refers to unconscious activity. Night is a spiritual term meaning without spiritual light, unrecognizing, not remembering, and ignorance of universal truths. Night pertains to man’s animal nature, the lusts for the material world and a satisfaction of the selfish self. Day is the time of both knowledge and truth while night is the time of ignorance and falsehood.

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These two lights are to give light upon the earth. In the time of truth, the greater light has the power and that greater light is the result of the earthly nature of man being brought under control of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man as reflected by the rational intellect. In the time of falsehood or darkness upon the earth, the lesser light has the power and this lesser light is the result of the reflection of that greater light within Spirit man as described above. The lesser light is lacking in both quantity and quality of the greater light due to the refraction of the greater light as it is commingled (mixed) with the restless energies of the physical body of man. With the advent (spring to life) of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man, the material essence has the power of free choice of submission or resistance to the truth and knowledge contained within the rational mind of man. The word “human” derives from the ancient Arabic word ‘huma’ meaning possessing two natures.

The common purpose or final cause of both lights is to rule over the earth. The Rulership is in the domain of the Angelic Order of Dominations. The greater light rules by day and the lesser light rules over night. Since all creations have a form according to its nature and purpose, the greater light is like the lesser in some characteristics and unlike the lesser light in others; for, even though the common purpose is to give light, the greater is to service the day while the lesser is ruler over the night. The greater light is dominant when the animal inclinations and behaviors of man are under the control of the rational will energized by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. The predominance of the greater light fosters love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice. The lesser light is the greater light reflected through the ethereal body of Spirit man into the material body where the animal natures refract, bend and diminish the power of the greater light. The lower waters of emotions, habits and worldly desires are energized and the lesser light has to compete with the demons dwelling within the darkness of the deep (lust, rage, and greed) for supremacy.

The ethereal body of Spirit man is of the higher subjective waters of the second creative day. It is formed out of ethereal matter (water) in the same manner that clouds are formed in the sky. A cloud is formed when the radiant energy from the sun causes water and dust to rise above the earth. The material dust of the earth is by analogy similar to the material natures of finite man. As the dust rises in obedience to the natural laws governing wind currents and evaporation of liquids, water droplets form around the particles of dust. In like manner, the material body of Spirit man is raised in response to the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man and the raised body is the dust around which the higher waters of Divine will, rational intellect and discriminative judgments are formed. In the Bible, it is recorded in the following verses:

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Exodus 13:21 - And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:

Numbers 14:14 - And they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land: for they have heard that thou LORD art among this people, that thou LORD art seen face to face, and that thy cloud standeth over them, and that thou goest before them, by day time in a pillar of a cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night.

Deuteronomy 31:15 - And the LORD appeared in the tabernacle in a pillar of a cloud: and the pillar of the cloud stood over the door of the tabernacle.

Both the pillar of a cloud and the pillar of fire relate to the two earthly expressions of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. The cloud for the reasons explained on the preceding page and the sun for the reasons outlined earlier in this writing. Spirit man is likened to a cloud due to the elevated position of the physical body and is likened to fire, the precursor (forerunner) of light, according to the operation of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man.

The divine works of the fourth day have now been fully explained. There were no other works and these works refer not to the physical sun, moon, and stars. The astral bodies are a part and partial of Spirit man and are a macrocosm of man’s spiritual self. Celestial stars and other astral and planetary bodies are but shadows of man’s infinite self as the vicegerent (a ruler’s administrative deputy) of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. In the Holy Quran, Allah says to the Prophet David:

[Saad 38:26] O David! We did indeed make thee a vicegerent on earth: so judge thou between men in truth (and justice): Nor follow thou the lusts (of thy heart), for they will mislead thee from the Path of Allah: for those who wander astray from the Path of Allah, is a Penalty Grievous, for that they forget the Day of Account.

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Fowls, Whales, Living Creatures

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“And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind: and God saw that it was good.

In the beginning of the fifth degree of wisdom referred to as the works of the fifth day, the seas brought forth the moving creature that hath life and fowl that fly above the earth. There are two waters and this is confirmed in the works of the second day wherein the firmament is brought about for the purpose of dividing the waters that are under the firmament from the waters that are above the firmament. It is stated earlier that the waters under the firmament have reference to the natures, ideas and forms of material existences when those natures, ideas and observable forms are abstracted from or taken out of the material thing itself and reorganized and redefined as beings of thought and reason. In the previous example, the concept of clearness is abstracted from the term “clear glass”. The nature animality is of the lower waters as animality is the abstracted essential nature that gives an animal its form and characteristics. On the other hand, the abstract term clearness can be raised to a higher meaning and interpretation and in this elevated plane relates to spiritual purity. The higher waters, then, pertain to

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the spiritual but are fed by the lower waters or essential and inner natures of material beings. The lower waters, by there very position and function, have an inherent inclination (tendency) to lose themselves in the material existence and give the material being its form according to the nature within. A portion of the lower waters are raised in position by radiant heat which is analogous to knowledge proceeding from the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. Therefore, it can be concluded that the lowers waters have a dual purpose and function. One function is to lose themselves and merge with the material object or being and the second purpose is to furnish food for the higher waters as stated earlier.

The higher cognitive waters are concerned with divine wisdom, infinite truth and spiritual knowledge and are characterized by its actions of elevating the essential or inner natures of material beings to a more pristine (pure) celestial definition. The lower appetitive waters supply and support the higher subjective waters.

In comparison of the higher and lower waters with the two lights of the fourth day, it is found that in the lesser light, the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is moderated by the influences of the earthly nature while in the greater light the earthly natures are lessened in strength to the cosmic consciousness of Spirit man. In the lesser light, the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is diffused and weakened by an entanglement with the body manifest in the same manner that the lower waters upon the earth tend to flow in the various directions according to the shape of the earth upon which the waters rest. In the greater light, some part of the ethereal energies that constitute the body of man are raised and combined with the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man and this is the characteristic of the higher subjective waters. In the seas, the lower waters are circumscribed (limited) by a material earth; but, in the clouds the earth is surrounded by water. Dust is the core material around which clouds are formed. In the clouds, water droplets or vapor forms around particles of matter in the air (usually in the form of smoke that is produced by incomplete burning of a fuel) and these particles become the center or nucleus around which clouds are formed.

Interaction between the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and the primal cosmic material cause of creation conjoined and gave birth to the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man as the vicegerent of God. Earthly man, as a creation of the two celestial forces, is born with the innate characteristics of the dual natures of consciousness and matter. Creative consciousness, by merging with the power of unlimited potential known as the material cause, is converted into a dynamic and vibrant mass of cosmic power. As the mass of the enlivened cosmic power is

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increased, the rapid vibratory, nutational and axial rotations of the mass are decreased. The primal cosmic components that make up the cosmic power are condensed into forms of energies by the evolving cosmic medium that arises from the cosmic medium. As a result of this condensation of cosmic power, the seven spheres of energy are produced. The seven spheres of energy are: Vital, Mental, Radiational, Chemical, Electromagnetic, Gravitational, and Mechanical.

The seven spheres of energy are further compressed as the gravitational pull towards the center of the enlivened mass increases. The compressed spheres give rise to the four basic divisions that comprise the four elements of material being. Those elements are fire, earth, air, and water. Each of these elements has the innate potential to function as initiating, consolidating, or alternating forces. In astrological science, these are referred to as the three modes and are called the cardinal, fixed and mutable states of the elements. Each of the four elements interacts with the three modes and gives rise to twelve variations or signs. The twelve variations of the four elements crystallize and as the mass of the cosmic power increase the rivers of celestial worlds are formed and the twelve celestial systems that constitute the body of Spirit man are fashioned.

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Creative Consciousness Merged with Primal Matter

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Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness

Primal Matter

Cosmic PowerMerging of Creative Consciousness with Primal Matter

Mental Energy

Vital Energy

Chemical Energy

Radiational Energy

Electromagnetic Energy

Gravitational Energy

Mechanical Energy

Infinite Universal

Cosmic Man

Infinite Universal Cosmic Man


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Compression of the 7 Energies into the 4 Basic Elements

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Primal Matter

Cosmic Power

Mental Energy

Vital Energy

Chemical Energy

Radiational Energy

Electromagnetic Energy

Gravitational Energy

Mechanical Energy

EarthFire Air Water


Alternating-Mutable Consolidating-Fixed

3 Modes of 4 elements

Infinite Universal Cosmic Man

Primal Matter

Cosmic Power

Mental Energy

Vital Energy

Chemical Energy

Radiational Energy

Electromagnetic Energy

Gravitational Energy

Mechanical Energy

Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness


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12 Cosmic Systems as Reflected in Dream of Infinite Universal Man

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The 12 Celestial Systems that constitute the body of Infinite Universal Cosmic Man are:

System Star / Element Dominant Virtue

/ Mode12 Corresponding Bodily Systems

(1) Our Sun / Fire Purity / Initiating Nervous

(2) Altair / Earth Loyalty / Consolidating Skeletal

(3) Menkar / Air Power / Alternating Respiratory

(4) Spica / Water Love / Initiating Reproductive

(5) Alpha Centauri / Fire Justice/ Consolidating Integumentary

(6) Sirius / Earth Compassion / Alternating Digestive

(7) Betelgeuse / Air Will / Initiating Immune

(8) Atria / Water Courage/ Consolidating Urinary

(9) Arcturus / Fire Joy / Alternating Endocrine

(10) Polaris / Earth Beauty/ Initiating Muscular

(11) Antares / Air Curiosity/ Consolidating Lymphatic

(12) Avior / Water Imagination/ Alternating Circulatory

Out of the turbulence and violent eruptions that occurred within the celestial mass, Universal Cosmic Man was born. As the cosmic consciousness of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man descended further into the material sphere of cosmic power, Universal Man lost spiritual consciousness and dreamed. In the dream of the Universal Man, man’s universal body is individualized, scattered and materialized. In place of the unified Universal Body as created by the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness, dreaming man sees galaxies, planets, stars, moons, asteroids, suns, skies, and various forms of celestial matter orbiting, swirling and revolving in the heavens. Instead of being grounded in the Infinite First Cause of Creation from whom all spiritual food and nourishment for a spiritual existence is received, Universal Man dreams and, in the dream, is grounded upon the earth and the material earth is the source of food for the twelve bodily systems that constitute the earthly body of man.

[Note 3] What is a dream? The Encarta Dictionary states that a dream is a sequence of images that appear involuntarily to the mind of a sleeping person, often a mixture of real and imaginary characters, places and events. We can evaluate the

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truth of this definition based upon our own experiences and deep thought. We know from experience and observation that what we commonly call a dream usually occurs while we are asleep unless we are “day-dreaming”. As we day-dream, we know that the images that we see with our mind are created by a will to bring particular ideas, things, characters or events to immediate consciousness. We maintain some element of control and selectivity over the images produced and an awareness of and command over the subject matter of the day-dream.

Sleep induced dreams are more complex in origin and development. While the dreamer can influence the subject of sleep induced (SI) dreams by intense personal interests and desires, there is no selectivity as to the subject matter of any particular dream. In SI dreams, the dreamer has no control over the duration, location, conduct or physical behaviors of the characters and events. In normal SI dreams, the person who is having the dream is not within the consciousness of the subjects in the dream and the person having the dream is unaware of the fact that a sleep induced (SI) dream is taking place. Involuntary bodily responses such as twitching, crying, laughing, ejaculating, fighting and increased heart rate may be experienced by the dreamer. These and other unconditioned responses are invariably based upon an act or circumstance occurring within the dream that would normally elicit a similar response during periods of conscious activity. Further, from our own experience and observations, we can attest to the fact that the person in the dream believes that the images in the dream are real. To the images within the dream, there appears to be no other reality other than the images that are presented to the unconscious mind during the period of the sleep induced (SI) dream.

The most significant characteristic of the SI dream that separates it from the imagery of day-dreaming and imagination is the evidence of an external witness that is a non-participating viewer of the dream. While the image in the dream sees, hears, feels, touches and tastes as an individual being, there is a viewer that witnesses all of the actions of the participants and events that occur within the SI dream. The subject of the dream sees an object. The viewer sees not only the object of the subject’s attention but has a panoramic view of all other objects in the dream scene. This external witness appears to merge with and separate from the active participant at various intervals within the dream cycle.

The imagery of dreams and imagination are composed of mental matter and as such do not follow the natural laws governing earthly physical substance. Dreams are not a reality but serve to reveal, reproduce and reflect some realities that exist on a more stable and permanent plane of existence.

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The undeniable fact is that when the chemical metabolism and energy levels of earthly man are decreased to some biologically pre-set rate, man falls into an unconscious state commonly known as sleep. In the state of sleep, man’s inner thoughts are wrapped in the fabric of imagery called dreams and those dreams are reflective of previous or future situations, characters, ideas, and creations that are on a plane and sphere of reality separate from that in which the dream is occurring. [End Note 3]

The 12 cosmic systems of the ethereal infinite body of Universal Man are reflected in the dream as the (1) skeletal,(2) muscular,(3) circulatory,(4) respiratory,(5) nervous,(6) gastrointestinal,(7) urinary, (8) reproductive,(9) immune,(10) endocrine,(11) lymphatic, and(12) integumentary systems of the earthly human body.

Infinite Cosmic Universal man, deluded by the dream engendered by the decent of Infinite Creative Consciousness into primal matter, entered into the darkened kingdom of substance and form where man’s celestial body is hewn into diverse nations treading upon the seven continents of an earthly abode. In India, fourteen is the number of Purification, a highly charged occult number signifying mental foundation and the completion of a cosmic creative cycle of seven an octave of illuminating intelligence-principle. This is the true meaning behind the consequences of the man-god Osiris’ battle with Set in Egyptian Mythology.

“Typhon (primal matter-Set) was out hunting by the light of the moon, and he found the chest, and recognizing the body, tore it (the body of the Egyptian God Osiris) into fourteen pieces, which he scattered up and down throughout the land.”

In the kingdom of material manifestation earthly man is governed by the Law of Consequences (Karma, Causation) and therefore must climb the nine step ladder necessary for the realization of a worldly life. The nine divisions that govern manifestation in the physical form are: (1) Conception, (2) Individualization, (3) Formation, (4) Differentiation, (5) Specialization, (6) Organization, (7) Identification, (8) Maturation, and (9)Disintegration. Earthly man travels within the continuous circle of birth, death, and rebirth until the awakening of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man liberates Spirit man from the chaotic abyss of a carnal life.

Genesis 28:12 - And he dreamed, and beholds a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

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1 Corinthians 15:45 - And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

All matter is characterized by an innate resistance to movement known as inertia. Life and creative consciousness are vibrant forces and as such have natures that initiate movement, maintain change, and power the transformation of substances. The natural law governing the interaction between the two opposing natures mandate that the external energizing force be of sufficient strength and duration to overcome the internal inertia of the material body. During this process, the energy of the vitalizing force is absorbed and accumulated within the inertial mass until such time as the maximum resistance within the inertial mass is reached. This point of maximum resistance is the threshold of inertial resistance. The vital energy force must thrust through the threshold of inertial resistance of the mass. At the point that the breakthrough is achieved and the mass begins to be moved, the vital energy force has performed work.

There are nine stages peculiar to the development of man’s earthly being and at each stage the threshold of inertial resistance must be overcome or insufficiency in man’s ability to function (as man) will emerge. The stages are: (1) Manifestation, (2) Independence, (3) Movement, (4) Speech, (5) Childhood, (6) Education, (7) Affinities, (8) Identity and (9) Maturity. Each stage depends upon the preceding stage for completion and an arrest in the development at one stage affects the balance of the entire developmental process. At every stage, the inertia within the material body that is in opposition to the vitalizing force must be broken. The vital force is within the inertial mass in the form of kinetic energy and is in subjection to the inertial mass until such time as the threshold of resistance within the mass is overcome and actual movement takes place. The initial awakening of the inertial body of man is caused by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man which is the revitalizing life force within man subduing the inertial material natures and appetitive necessities pertaining to the earthly body (eat, sleep, fight, play, sex) and thereby setting man upon a new and different determination.

In the interaction between the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man and the earth or material nature, the traits produced by the combining of the two opposing natures are varied. In one combination, the Spirit of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is in subservience to the earthly nature during the stage of development where the creative consciousness pushes against the inertial properties of the material body. The spirit in this case is recessive due to the fact that the Spirit is in subordination to the inertial presence within the earthly nature which has the temporary power to dominate or resist the vital force or Spirit until the inertial threshold within the material body is overcome. Since the traits or attributes of the earthly nature are dominate during this period and the earthly nature is in

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opposition to the spiritual nature, the union of the two natures produce a hybrid nature that is a cross between two conflicting tendencies but more akin to the earthly nature which is the dominate nature of the body manifest. The spiritual nature is present but diffused in power by the inertial tendencies of the earthly nature. The earthly nature is inclined towards the basic animal instincts, drives and behaviors that are necessary to satisfy and sustain the individual self and those instinctive deeds and actions bring about disorganization and expressions of the lower self, unless modified by a cognitive will, as outlined in the works of the fourth day. The visual physical appearance of a body is called its phenotype while the ingredients that combine to produce the visual appearance are the genotype.

The Fifth DayMoving Creatures

The fowl, whale, and moving creatures of the works of the fifth day are the creative intelligences of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man made manifest by the descent of cosmic man into the dream world of material being. According to the account of Genesis the waters brought forth “the moving creature that has life, fowl that fly above the earth, great whales, and every living creature that moveth.”

Earthly man has five senses with which man maintains awareness with the world of created phenomena. Likewise, the external world of living creatures is divided into five kingdoms of life. Those kingdoms are as follows: (1) Prokaryote or Monera, (2) Protoctista, (3) Fungi, (4) Plantae, and (5) Animalia or Metazoa. Likewise, animals of our world are classified in five different categories: Fish, Insects and Arachnids, Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians, and Birds. All living creatures that moveth are inhabitants of one or more of the kingdoms.

The five kingdoms of life are further divided into ninety-two phyla or classifications. In like manner there are ninety-two primary self regenerative chemical elements that are responsible for the manifestation of the natural phenomena associated with the physical world. The five senses (touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, and hearing) depend upon the combinations of the ninety-two self generating primary chemical elements that make up the physical world in the same symbiotic bond that the five kingdoms of life depend upon the ninety-two divisions of the phyla for continued growth and survival. The operations of the five senses depend upon the reception and transformation of at least one of the seven spheres of energy (vital, mental, radiational, chemical, electromagnetic, mechanical, and gravitational) to complete their final causes of existence.

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In the prenatal and early stages of the post natal development of earthly man, the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man is suppressed by the inertial forces of the earthly nature as the inertial forces of a material existence have not reached the threshold of resistance. The earthly nature, as has been shown previously, seeks fulfillment in those instinctive appetitive actions that insure the survival of the moving creature. The sensory attributes of earthly man have the identical function. Touch, taste, smell, seeing, and hearing all depend upon some physical cause for their operation and in this way are lower in qualitative degree to the higher subjective and cognitive qualities within man. The dominant virtues that are the essence of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man need no material manifest to complete the state of being. Each of the dominate virtues (Purity, Loyalty, Power, Love, Justice, Compassion, Will, Courage, Joy, Beauty, Curiosity, and Imagination) that pertain to the Infinite Universal Man may be interrelated with Spirit man’s relationship with the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and needs no physical phenomena for expression of the final cause.

The sensory attributes of earthly man are of the lower appetitive waters and it is these lower waters that serve as connectors between the higher cognitive and the lower appetitive worlds. The cognitive higher waters are formed, as has been said previously, by drawing from the lower appetitive waters just as the materials that fuel rational thought and intellectual operation of the mind are first drawn into the mind through some sensory experience. The sensory operations by which things are made present to our minds are not thinking but are the prerequisite (requirement) for thinking. On the fifth creative day, the infinite operations of the creative intelligences related to the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man are clothed in matter. These primal creative intelligences are likened to moving creatures, fowl, whales and every living creature by analogy. And in further comparison between the senses of earthly man and the moving creatures of the waters and fowl that fly above the earth, there are irrefutable similarities.

As the external senses of man depend upon the conversion of reflected energies from the worldly object of attention in order that they might live, so the fish of the earthly waters depend upon secondary light- that is energy received from the sun and digested by the food producing diatoms and dinoflagellets of the sea. Light reflected from the material object is also secondary energy and reaches our senses after being redirected from the object to our sense receptors where that energy is digested and transmitted to a higher organization. Therefore, the living moving creature of the waters and the external senses of man have the same operation and that is to receive, transpose, and conduct secondary energy. The senses of man are always subject to stimulation. And it is seen in the fish of the sea that, in many species, fish do not have eyes that shut giving the impression that the

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fish are constantly on the brink of arousal. The brink of arousal mode is an essential feature of the sensory receptors.

In the works of the first day, the movement of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness upon the face of the waters was discussed. It was noted that this spirit was the divine will as expressed through the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. It was further said that the term waters referred to the natures and forms of the Spirit man that were previously associated with and under the control of the deep who are identified in the scriptures as the evil makers of falsehood and strife upon the earth. The energizing actions of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man agitated the rational intellect and cognitive powers of Spirit man and caused the production of light. This light was shown to be the truth that was separated from the darkness of falsehood.

The revitalizing power of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man brought about the firmament of heaven and this firmament divided the higher subjective waters from the lower objective waters pertaining to man’s mental operations. The higher waters represent the cognitive, knowing power-that is, knowledge relating to the Divine Will of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. The lower waters pertain to the earthly nature of material creations when those natures are disassociated from the material thing itself. The procedure used by which the lower waters feed the higher waters has also been discussed in detail.

As the firmament of heaven divided the higher cognitive waters from the lower appetitive waters, the same higher and lower relationship is obvious in the creatures of the waters and the fowl that fly above the earth. Fowl that fly above the earth bring to mind the spiritual freedom of the higher cognitive powers while fish of the sea suggests a connecting link between the cognitive and the earthly appetitive natures within man. Within the Infinite Creative intelligence of Universal Cosmic Man, the creatures which the lower waters brought forth are within the Angelic Order of Principalities. The fowl that fly above the earth are in the domain of the Angelic Order of Powers.

The Fifth DayFowl

In the spiritual body, the earthly nature is under the control of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man and therefore the interaction between the earthly nature and the dominant spiritual nature brings about creations reflecting the sluggishness of the earthly nature dominated by the freedom of the spiritual nature. The union of the two contrary natures brings about fowl that fly above the earth. As fore stated, Spirit man is concerned with the concept of a material thing rather

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than the material being itself. This is the function of the divine mind that transcends the earthly definition of material things and relates them to a higher meaning.

There is an operation associated with sensory reception that is based upon greater awareness and organization of the energies received through the sensory processes and that function is a mental operation known as sensory perception. Sensory perception is the recognizing of organized wholes and is dependent upon the sensory reception, mental apprehension, and reorganization of sensory inputs according to previous knowledge and experience. All sensory perception is based upon some previous knowledge and experience pertaining to the thing or event observed. Man sees only those realities that are in accordance with man’s prevailing knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Sensory perception is predicated upon sensory reception and in sensory perception the observed object or figure is separated from the surrounding image or ground by prior information or association. Perception can be greatly prejudiced by preconditioned expectations pertaining to the object of attention. Sensory reception permits man to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch; however perception defines what is seen, heard, touched, smelled, or tasted and is dependent upon some higher knowledge or ability to organize many separate stimuli into a unified whole. A few classic examples that illustrate perception are below.

There are only white circles at the intersections.

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Are these two faces or one wine glass?

Is this an old woman or a young girl?

Extra-sensory perception is derived from man’s innate ability to receive, transform, and channel mental and physical energies through space and time and is

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a remnant of the primordial capacities of the creative energies inherent within the Internal Cosmic Consciousness of man. Although no elaborate discussion of Extra-Sensory talents will be undertaken at this time, there are four psychic abilities that fall under this category and they are:

• Telepathy—a person’s awareness of another’s thoughts, without any communication through normal sensory channels.

• Clairvoyance—knowledge acquired of an object or event without the use of the senses.

• Precognition—knowledge a person may have of future thoughts, or of future events.

• Psychokinesis—a person’s ability to influence a physical object or an event, by means of mental energy.

In the process of perception, energies received through the senses are mentally digested and reorganized and the essential form, energy or idea is lifted from the non-essential elements that surround the object of sensory attention. The background must be separated from the central idea or form before perception is complete and successful.

The eagle, hawk and other birds of prey are fowl that fly above the earth. As the operation of sensory perception and mental apprehension depend upon the energies of sensory reception for food and is a higher function of the senses, so the high flying fowl depend upon the fish of the sea and inhabitants of the lower waters for a major part of their food. Birds feed upon creatures of the lower waters, digest them and transfer the vital energy of the fish into a new form and determination for the survival of a new organized whole (the bird of prey). Birds and fish therefore can be seen to be in the likeness of the operation of the higher and lower mental operations discussed earlier. Further, birds are known for their abilities and instincts to (1) recognize organized wholes, (2) determine shape, size, and position of apparently hidden or camouflaged prey and (3) recognize movement by virtue of a sharp sense of sight. These innate abilities of birds of prey, and other fowl that fly above the earth, mirror the mental attributes of the faculty of sensory perception. The lower sensory functions (creatures of the waters) are symbolized by the living creature which the waters brought forth; however, the higher perceptual quality within man (birds that fly above the earth) is concerned with size, shape, and position that are attributes and the final cause of sensory perception.

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The Fifth Day


Then what is the significance of the creation of great whales? It is said that these were also creations of the fifth day. Symbolic language is the language of ideas and underlying meanings. The term whale is also a symbolic word and represents the largest unified development of the ungovernable sensory faculties. The physical whale is the largest animal in the world- not in the seas only- but in the entire world of animate life. Further the whale is possessed of an extremely irascible or moody nature. By comparison, the lower sensory faculties of man are the most active and uncontrollable part of the physical existence being responsible for the taking in of many varieties of energies and impressions from the material world. A whale is an incessant eater of the flesh found in the seas and oceans. The insatiable appetite is a characteristic of the senses as they are mainly appetitive. The eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin are constantly bombarded with stimuli that cause a response within the mental and physical processing organs of man. The sensory apparatus of earthly man is bond together by a unity of purpose which is the survival and protection of earthly man as a living creature. The senses do not function as independent entities but as an organized whole for the preservation of the living organism. In man, the senses are not scattered about as individual fish of the sea but are organized as if they are one huge excitable form swimming in the oceans and seas of man known as instincts and emotions. The whales are symbolic of the integration of sensory input. All of the trees, grasses, herbs, moving creatures that hath life, whales and every living creature are but operations of the primordial creative consciousness within the Internal Cosmic Consciousness of man clothed in the material world of a celestial dream and illusion.

It has been demonstrated that the moving creatures of the waters and the fowl that fly above the earth are symbolic language representing the two levels upon which sensory knowledge is based. These two levels are both appetitive forms of knowing. One is sensory appetitive and the other is cognitive appetitive. Sensory appetitive refers to the raw sensory data in the form of energies and defines what man desires to see, hear, touch, taste or smell. This sensory appetitive function is the Angelic Order called Powers within man. The cognitive appetitive refers to the sensory images classified as to size, shape, position, color, and movement. Cognitive appetitive designates what man seeks to know about physical things observed from the information received from the sensory appetitive. This function constitutes the Angelic Order of Virtues within man. Mental perception is largely dependant upon the cognitive appetitive.

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The works of the fifth day parallel the works of the second day in that the firmament of the second day divided the two knowing powers- the cognitive from the appetitive. In the spiritual mind, the higher thoughts and theological ideas are divided from the lower natures and forms of physical beings that are concerned with knowledge and the nature of the material world. The firmament, the reasoning and intellectual powers of Spirit man divided the higher cognitive waters that embodied the will of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness from the lower appetitive waters that go to make up the largely involuntary actions of earthly man as expressed in the memory, emotions, habits, and desires of the lower self of the earthly man. The works of the first three days are concerned solely with the reconstruction of the cognitive powers of Spirit man driven by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God. The works of the last three days are concerned with the appetitive powers in general.

A similar relationship exists between the sensory reception and the sensory perception as exists between the creatures of the waters and the fowl that fly above the earth. Creatures of the waters are basically cold blooded in that the body temperature is raised or lowered in response to the immediate environment. Birds, on the other hand, are warm blooded in that they maintain a nearly constant body temperature regardless of the environmental fluctuations.

The moving creatures, whales and fowl constitute the sensory and perceptive attributes within Spirit man. The contrary characteristics and natures of birds and creatures of the waters are the central idea underlying the earthly attributes of Spirit man. With the completion of the works of the fifth day, the sensory and perceptual attributes of Spirit man are clothed in the garments of materiality.

“And the morning and the evening were the fifth day.”

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THE SIXTH DAYBeasts, Cattle, Creeping things

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The Sixth DayBeasts, Cattle and Creeping Things

“And God said, let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

The first work of the sixth day is the bringing forth of the beast, cattle, and creeping things from the earth. It has been previously revealed in this writing that the term earth is a symbol for the material body of Spirit man. It is the symbol used for those attributes, natures, and primordial instincts that pertain to the necessities for survival of the earthly body manifest (eat, sleep, fight, play, and sex). In a discussion of the works of the five previous days, the natural inclinations of the material body towards the lower appetitive self of man is outlined. It has also been stated that the involuntary (non-thinking) overindulgence in the primordial instinctive nature within man can lead to an out of control habituation of primitive behavior resulting in the destructive goals (lust, rage, and greed) of the lower self. The central truth and theme of this entire writing must not be forgotten and that central truth is that this visible world is but an illusion produced by the descent of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness into primal matter through the agency of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man. The spectrum of the observable world is brought about by the illuminating celestial activities of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness as refracted and reflected through the medium of primal creative matter. The spectrum of the physical world is analogous to the physical phenomenon that takes place when sunlight is separated into seven distinct visible colors when that sunlight is focused through a prism.

Light Source or Creative Consciousness

Visible World

Primal Matter

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The words beasts, cattle, and creeping things are word symbols that designate the animal kingdom. Further, all animals have a common nature and that nature is called animality. Animals are preoccupied with the physical side of life as opposed to spiritual needs. It is this nature of animality that is manifested in a particular type of conduct, collective behavior and general physical form. Therefore, it can be logically concluded that the concept of animality is the matrix or prerequisite pattern that underlies the existence of all animals. That is to say that prior to the creation of any animal, the concept of animality must precede the design or form. The ideas and natures that form the material thing must be in act prior to the material thing itself. The potential of being must resolve itself towards an active concept or thought.

Intellectual analysis of learned information and direct knowledge of beasts, cattle, and creeping things reveal that they have a certain similarity to man as to general and material form but are lacking in the instinctive desire, motivation, or movement towards spiritual attainment. That is to say that according to general physical characteristics and innate drives (eat, sleep, fight, play, and sex) necessary to sustain the life of the species, animals are similar to man and these aspects of similarity are called organic. However, animals are inferior to man as to intellectual and spiritual potential and there is no inner and essential nature within animals driving them towards conduct related to intellectual or spiritual excellence. Rather, we see in animals a preoccupation with the material existences of the earth as opposed to preoccupation with ideas of higher thought. Therefore, the spirit of animality must be characterized by behaviors relative to the material world of concrete forms as opposed to intellectual and spiritual values and ideas. This preoccupation with the material and absence of a quest for spiritual excellence is the quality and nature called animality that serves as the network around which all animals are formed.

Moreover, animality, as a concept, is recognized by the observable effect that it has within some living body. For instance, animals such as the beasts, cattle and creeping things are primarily motivated by autonomic and instinctive actions necessary for survival or reward for a task completed in the case of an animal whose motivations have been altered or modified by training. Animals are largely controlled by instinct and acquired affections. Instincts are inherited unlearned responses to stimulating events or objects that facilitate (makes easy) the survival of the animal. Instinct suggests a genetic predisposition to respond in a biologically predetermined manner in various stimuli, situations and environments. The animal natures and instincts do not naturally incline towards the intellectual operations of comparing, classifying, analyzing, defining, and dividing upon knowledge previously possessed; however, an animal can be trained to copy or imitate a specific conduct

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that is the end result of intellectual operations. The fact that some animals appear to be capable of simple apprehension or limited learning is not evidence that animals prefer to think or analyze knowledge previously acquired. Learning is a persistent modification or change of conscious behavior and need not be preceded by conscious intellectual processes of the learner.

All animals possess the concept and nature of animality. Any living creature may embody or internalize (either voluntarily or unintentional) these concepts. If the living creature develops a habitual or compulsory need to exhibit these animal behaviors, the organism will be primarily concerned with the desires, goals, and methods of social interaction that characterize the beasts, cattle, and creeping things. The animal drives are oriented towards physical satisfaction, reproduction and survival. The basic drives that motivate the animal kingdom are to eat, sleep, fight, reproduce and engage in playful activities. Any living organism whose interests are confined to these animalistic goals as a consistent pattern of behavior is, in act, an animal. Excessive participation in these animal qualities and natures by man is frequently accompanied by an increased tolerance for the escalating intensity of the abnormal conduct. Continued repetition results in the habituation of behavior that is an enemy to man’s moral and spiritual progress. This habituation of animal behaviors leads to a disorganization of the human personality with the result that the three doors to misery (lust, rage, and greed) appear as acceptable emotions for the advancement of man. In a desire to satisfy the compulsive cravings, man becomes arrogant, prone to plunder on man’s own account and greatly inclined towards harshness and extreme cruelty. Man is then human in potential abilities only for as to formative structure there is no great chasm that separates man from the beasts and lower life forms within the animal kingdom. Man is different from animal in man’s active ability to think and to reason based upon previously acquired knowledge and experience. Based upon deep thought, man forms conclusions and projections that govern present or future actions or events.

It is the essential and inner nature of material beings that are responsible for their particular behaviors. All earthly natures are clothed in forms that reflect the inner attributes and final cause (purpose) of being. Natures have their origin within the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. The shadowy forms of the visible world receive their inner natures and formal structures according to the behaviors of primordial celestial creative forces. The Infinite Universal Cosmic Man is the firstborn and deputy of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. The Infinite Universal Cosmic Man is within earthly man in the form of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness which is the vital force of all earthly life. When these primordial creative natures, characteristics and attributes are clothed in material substance,

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they become visible. The final forms and morphological appearances (shape) of the living creatures are related to their innate natures, abilities and purpose of being as ordered within the infinite creative process.

On the sixth day, the beasts, cattle, and creeping things are brought forth. These creatures are representative of the carnal or animal properties within earthly man. These diverse natures are intrinsic qualities within the material form that is man’s earthly body. It is these animal qualities and natures that make up the inertial resistance to spiritual progression within man. These animal natures that are necessary for man’s survival and growth in the material world must be moderated, tamed, trained, controlled and restrained by the intellectual and rational operations of man’s mental faculties. As beasts, cattle, and creeping things are prone to rampaging plunder and extreme cruelty, there are qualities of animality intrinsic to man that incline man towards these types of self debasing behaviors. The all encompassing nature of Spirit man includes all of the inherited biological drives that are characteristic to the beasts, cattle, and creeping things. Man must eat, sleep, reproduce, play and at times fight. However, these animal drives are not the final cause or purpose of man’s being. Man has the potential to govern and control the forces of animality that inhabit man’s physical form. When these autonomic (without thinking) drives dictate the goals and deeds of man and are not governed by rational thought or mental reflection, man is, in act, an animal and beast of the earth. It is this classification of beasts, cattle, and creeping things to which the scriptures in the Book of Genesis refer.

Ecclesiastes 3:18 - I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.

The beasts, cattle, and creeping things are similar to man as to general form and biological necessities; however, they are unlike man in that in the animal kingdom, there is no internal impetus or urge towards a spiritual realization. As animals are preoccupied with those purely instinctive desires that are critical to self survival, so man who is overcome by the demands of a material life seeks self satisfaction in those acts that are life to the body of carnal desires but death to a spiritual determination. Therefore, the contrary forces of creation (Vital Spirit and Primal Matter) within Infinite Universal Cosmic Man are the energies and the formal causes of animals and this likeness of animals to man bears the same relationship that exists between truth and falsehood. Falsehood is the distortion of truth. Falsehood lacks the essential ingredient contained in truth and that essential ingredient is reality. Falsehood is not an addition to an idea but is a subtraction, distortion, or suppression of the element of realism that completes the being of an idea as truth. Light and darkness have similar natures in that they both envelope

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material things. However, darkness lacks the energizing forces that are necessarily active in the creation of light and as a result the cover of darkness conceals while the cover of light reveals. As falsehood is a disfigured and diluted form of truth and the animal force is an inferior form of the divine spirit, the carnal body of man with its animal natures is a corrupted form of the ethereal body of Spirit man as formed on the fourth day and referred to as the lesser light.

Earlier in this writing it was said that all matter is characterized by an innate resistance to movement known as inertia. Life and creative consciousness are vibrant forces and as such have natures that initiate movement, maintain change, and power the transformation of substances. The natural law governing the interaction between two opposing forces (moving and unmoving) mandate that the energy of the external moving force be of sufficient strength and duration to overcome the internal inertia of its opposite. During this process, the energy of the vitalizing force is absorbed and accumulated within the inertial mass until such time as the maximum resistance within the inertial mass is reached. This peak of maximum resistance is the threshold of inertial resistance. The vital energy force must thrust through the threshold of inertial resistance of the object to be moved. At the point that the breakthrough is achieved and the object begins to be moved, the vital energy force has performed work.

In any process of creation, there are three factors to be considered. There must be a mover, something moved, and some destination or final cause pertaining to that which is moved. The mover is the initiator of the movement and is the supplier of the energy force for movement. Movement is the period of time that the object to be moved is in an active state of potential to the final destination. There are rules that apply to the three factors and some of the more important ones are as follows:

• The mover must be in act or already in motion. (An object not in motion itself cannot impart motion to another body.)

• The mover must impart some energy force into that which is moved and such force must be of sufficient strength and duration to compel movement. (The threshold of resistance within the moved must be overcome.)

• A body at rest or in a state of potential will remain in such state unless acted upon by some external force of sufficient power to move the body.

• A thing cannot be and not be in the same respect.• For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.• A body in motion will continue the motion unless acted upon by some

external force of sufficient strength and duration to counterbalance or stop the motion.

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• Violence is the forceful external movement of a living organism against its natural inclinations.

• Movement is a change in the location (Where is it?), quality (What is it?), or quantity (How much of it?) towards a final cause (purpose). Movement is an active state that is in potential to a final realization or goal.

In order to understand the importance of these and other laws of motion not herein stated and their relationship to what has been stated earlier, the following simple analogy is offered:

A young man named Joe needs to go to the grocery store to buy food. Joe has a bicycle lying on the basement floor that he intends to use for the task. In order for Joe to move the bicycle, he must first be in motion himself because an object not in motion itself cannot impart motion to another body. Joe goes into the basement and grabs the bicycle by the frame and begins to life the bicycle from the floor. As he exerts an upper force in an attempt to lift the bicycle, Joe feels the weight of the bicycle pulling in opposition to his efforts because any body at rest or in a state of potential will remain in such state unless acted upon by some external force that is of sufficient strength and duration to compel movement. At the moment that Joe moves the bike from the floor; the energy force provided by Joe is contained within and is a part of the bicycle due to the law that the mover must impart some energy force into that which is moved. As Joe mounts the bicycle he places his feet on the petals, pushes forward with his leg all the while transferring chemical energy through the muscles of his legs and feet into the mechanical energy needed to cause the chain to revolve around the sprocket and thereby cause the wheels to turn against the surface of the earth. As Joe pushes against the pedal, the pedal pushes against Joe until enough force is exerted to overcome the threshold of resistance of the combined opposing forces of weight, downward gravitational pull and friction between the internal moving parts of the bicycle. As Joe accelerates, the amount of exertion needed to maintain the forward motion of the bicycle is lessened because a body in motion will continue the motion unless acted upon by some external force sufficient in strength and duration to counterbalance the motion. At the instance that Joe lifted the bicycle from the floor, movement towards the goal (going to the store) was initiated and Joe and the bicycle are in active potential to the final goal. This is because movement is an active state that is in potential to a final realization or goal.

Interaction between the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and primal matter conjoined and gave birth to all that is, was and is to be. Primal matter is the creative state of the infinite power of unlimited potential. As stated previously, the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness, by merging with the material cause, is

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converted into a dynamic and vibrant mass of cosmic power. The Creator of the Cosmic Power is within the Power in the form of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man who is the vicegerent (deputy) of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness As the force of creative consciousness energizes the mass of cosmic power, there has to be within the cosmic mass the design and chemical structure to both sustain and stabilize the creative energy forces being received. The design must permit the sustainer to stabilize the energy forces for dispersal of the creative energies into other regions within the mass of cosmic power so as to continue the creative process. The organization and natures of the instruments used to hold and transfer the creative consciousness must be active and based upon the idea of self containment and sole reliance upon the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness for continued existence. All of the qualities and natures that are required for the storage and transformation of external energy are characteristics of the biological classification of green trees and plants. The earthly green trees and plants have the same relationship to the physical sun as the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness has to the stabilization and transformation actions that are necessary within the cosmic creative process.

On pages 12 and 13 of this writing, the symbolism underlying the words trees, herb, and grasses as related to the ethereal body of Spirit man was thoroughly discussed.

The creative energy radiated by the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is stabilized, stored, and transformed within the primal creative mass known as the

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Cosmic Power. If this stored state of the creative energy is allowed to continue, the creative process will cease to proceed pass the initial stage and the final cause (purpose) of creation, which will be covered later, could not be realized. Therefore, a second stage in the creative process is necessary that is designed to release the creative energy from the stored state and began the process of dispersing the energy throughout the cosmic power. Since the nature of the first stage is to stabilize and store the creative energy, the keepers of the stabilized energy must have the quality of stability themselves. The second stage natures must necessarily have the innate ability to move towards the sites where energy and life are stored and convert the energy to a form that can be distributed within the cosmic mass. The energies must be released from the storage process, recombined and scattered throughout the cosmic mass that is the focus of the creative process. This reordering of energy extracted from the primary receiver (producer) is precisely the function of an animal class known as herbivores. The word herbivore means plant-eating. Below are a few familiar herbivores.

Herbivores are incessant eaters and some classifications such as the cow, horse and sheep are called grazing animals. Herbivores are all equipped with special talents and biological makeup that facilitates the digestion and assimilation of green plants.

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The actions and functions of the herbivore animals are symbolic of the complex operations and rearrangements of energies within the cosmic power. It is the natures of these and other animals that are given a visible form and shape in the dream of Universal Man after man’s descent into the illusions of a material world. A comprehensive discussion of the symbolic meaning of the term animal and its relationship with the body of earthly man has been discussed earlier (see page #46).

The Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is conjoined with the power of unlimited potential or the primal material cause and the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man is a result of the interaction. The creative energy is fixed within the cosmic power by elaborate energy systems and molecular combinations having the nature of trees, herbs, and grasses. It has been explained earlier that trees, herbs, and grasses are symbolic language for the ethereal body of Spirit man. Upon being stabilized and stored within the cosmic power, the energy must be unlocked for diffusion throughout the creative mass. The energy extracting formations within the cosmic power that is responsible for the release of energy once stored have been likened to animals, beasts, and cattle grouped in the primary consumer class of herbivores.

In the next stage of advancement in the creative process, the intake and extraction of the energy from storage must be balanced. Groups of energies within the cosmic power unite with and change the form and structure of the extracting energies. In essence, these energies engulf or feed upon the extracting energies in the same manner and for the same purpose that the animal class of carnivores (meat eaters) feed upon the herbivores in the earthly cycle of life. A few carnivores are shown below.

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It is these animal instincts, natures, characteristics and energies within man that are vitally necessary for the continued existence of earthly man and the celestial creative process. The actions and instincts attributable to the beast, cattle, and creeping thing are embedded within the instinctive reactions that are necessary for an earthly survival. These innate biological drives that govern cattle, beasts, and creeping things on the earthly plain of life are but images and reflections of the elemental infinite creative energies clothed in the garments of the material cause. Further, the material cause of earthly being is but a reflection of the infinite celestial vibrations and arrangements of creative energy within the cosmic power of unlimited potential. The cosmic power of unlimited potential is the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man who is the celestial Tree of Life from whom the whole of the visible world receives life, energy, form, and purpose.

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The Sixth DayMan

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Australopithecus Afarensis

Australopithecus Afarensis is a recently discovered Hominid species which lived in north east Africa, in the Hadar region of Ethiopia). Until 1995, this species was the earliest known member of the Hominid family. Australopithecus Afarensis lived from approximately 4 to 2.7 million years ago along the northern Rift valley of east Africa and perhaps even earlier.

The Sixth DayThe Making of Man

“ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the

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earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them.”

According to the Genesis account, the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness said, “let us make man in our image after our likeness.” In order to comprehend the “making” of man, it is necessary to recognize the metaphysical truth that man has always existed either potentially or in actuality. The temporary state of potential is called the seed or resting stage and from the seed comes the new living thing. This new living plant or organism is in the likeness of the parental actuality that is responsible for the production of the seed. As was explained in earlier discussions in reference to the works of the third day, the potential must proceed from the reality of some previous living thing as a seed of any tree is formed by some other tree that existed prior to the seed. The potential of an organism cannot reduce itself to an act that has no reality.

From this fact, it can be understood that if there existed at the time of the “making” of man some qualities, essences and natures that were to constitute man, those qualities, essences and natures to which the potential of man is being moved must have an independent reality that precedes the making of man. Since these qualities, essences and natures combine to characterize Universal Man is a creation of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and the infinite cosmic power is the reality that is the foundation of the delusions that give form and purpose to the material order. Man’s being is flawless within the immaculate celestial operations initiated by the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness who is the Author of Perfection. The imperfections that appear in earthly man are but errors in the perceptual judgments of earthly man and these errors are brought about by man’s lack of sufficient spiritual knowledge as to the Will of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. All creations are by-products of the absolute perfections attributable to the natures, forms, and functions that are an integral (basic) part of the infinite creative process and everything that exists in our appetitive unconscious and cognitive conscious states are but manifestations of the essential creative activities of celestial energies within the cosmic power. (See page #58)

What are the forces that made man? Throughout this writing, it has been demonstrated that all of the works of the seven days are concerned with the making of man. Man is not made from inception (beginning) on the sixth day, but on the sixth day all of man’s attributes, natures, essences, and characteristics are forged together in a common inter-dependency and these traits, natures, and characteristics that were first brought to completion as individual sets of creative

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principles are consolidated into a divine being called Spirit man or Adam. Spirit man is fused and molded into the image and likeness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness as pertaining to knowledge and will. Earthly man received the primordial celestial form and origin within the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and the inherent nature of man as a seeker of reality is related to the final purpose of man’s creation. The purpose of man’s creation can never change and man’s inherited natures, traits, and characteristics are locked in harmony with and in furtherance of that purpose. The nature and form of Spirit man cannot be modified because they emanate from an infinite celestial substratum (underlying base) that operates beyond the control of the finite world. By analogy, the physical world can be said to revolve around the celestial reality in the same fashion and with the same dependent relationship that our earth revolves around the sun. Upon completion of the works spanning the first five days of creation, all of the vital components as to mental abilities, biological form, inherited natures, and survival instincts peculiar to earthly man are already in place. Therefore, the decree “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness” does not have reference to the natural biological and mental attributes of Spirit man. The decree refers to the making of man towards some higher determination in accordance with man’s form, purpose, and inherited natures and abilities already present.

On the sixth day, Spirit man is made in the image and likeness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness as pertaining to spiritual knowledge and divine will. To be in the image of does not mean to be the same as. An image by definition is a reflection of the reality. The reality is superior to the image and likeness in quality and comprehensiveness (fullness). Spirit man is formed in the image and likeness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness according to spiritual recognition-that is recognition of the ultimate reality that gives life and animation to the house of dreams commonly known as the material world. The divine purpose of Spirit man is to open and decode the Book of Life as written in the primary records (known by mystics as the Akashic Scrolls) of creation and subsequently transcribed by Prophets, Messengers, and holy individuals who transcended the illusions of the finite world and embraced the Ultimate Reality. The Holy Bible and Holy Quran both address man’s purpose.

Revelation 5:2 - And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

Revelation 5:3 - And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.

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Revelation 5:5 - And one of the elders saith unto me, weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

[Yasin 36:12] Verily we shall give life to the dead, and we record that which they send before and that which they leave behind, and of all things have we taken account in a clear Book (of evidence).

Who is Spirit Man?

In addition, Spirit man is made in the likeness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness in that man’s will is brought into complete submission to and in harmony with the will of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man called God. Based upon these internal revelations, Spirit man understands that it is man’s duty and purpose to spread forth the spiritual knowledge and will of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness throughout the earth and bring the lower appetitive self of man into harmony and agreement with the higher cognitive principles of life. With the making of man in the image and likeness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness, man is the god of all things manifest and this god-head is bestowed upon man by virtue of the possession of divine knowledge. Spirit man is the vital force that energizes the manifest world of created existences. Spirit man in the image of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is the energizing force that gives life and form to all creations manifest. He is the link between the higher heaven and the lower hell. Spirit man is the governor within the Angelic Order of Principalities and is over all things seen, both living and non-living. Spirit man in the image and likeness of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is the reality behind all earthly mirages and through man’s obedience to the will of the Infinite Reality that reality becomes evident in the thoughts, actions, words, and deeds of Spirit Man the second Adam.

Who are the “us” That Made Man?

It was said according to the Genesis account, “Let us make man in our image after our likeness.” Logically, the word “us” has to refer to some creations that are already complete within themselves as to substantive (essential) form and purpose. The beings designated as “us” are present due to a creative necessity pertaining to the completion of a particular creative process and cannot be reasoned to be present due to some accident or as a passive symbolic witness to the making of man. The term “us” must pertain to Spirit man in some specific necessities, for, Infinite

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Cosmic Creative Consciousness does not need the attendance of a passive audience for the purposes of creation.

Recall that prior to the raising of Spirit man into the divine knowledge of the will of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness on the sixth day, the forming of several natures and qualities pertaining to the development of man were discussed. The qualities relative to Spirit man during the first five days of the creative process were (1) The vital force of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man (2) The Spirit of Light, Knowledge, and Truth (3) The Rational Intellect, (4) The Spirits of Judgment and Perception, (5) The Sensory Powers, (6) The Perceptual Powers and (7) The Carnal or Animal Spirits.

The “Us” That Made Man

Man had an earthly existence prior to being made in the spiritual image of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. Man is of the human species due to

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Infinite Universal

Cosmic Man-The Reality

The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within


Insight, Intuition, Prophetic Spirit, Extra-

Sensory Perception

Rational Mind & Cognition

Discrimination, Memory & Perception Sensory Faculties, Emotions,


Animal Instincts, Drives, Natures

Coordination, Mobility

THE REALITY. Celestial Cosmic Power-The Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness Merged With the Power of Unlimited Potential (Primal Matter)

THE DREAM. The crystallizing of primal creative energies caused by the descent of Universal Man. SPIRIT MAN- ADAM MANIFESTED


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biological inheritance, physical development and learning potential that exceeds that of an ordinary animal. Man cannot be other than man from a biological perspective; however, man who is devoid of mental, rational and intellectual powers and is as a consequence governed by involuntary actions and basic instincts that contribute to survival as an end purpose of being will exhibit many of the characteristics and behaviors that are common in the animal kingdom. Thus, man can be other than man as pertaining to the higher mental operations that produce divine knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. The “us” in the decree “let us make man in our image and after our likeness” has reference to natural inclusions that are critical to the completion of man on the plain of knowledge. The physical inheritance of man when combined with divine knowledge concludes the creation of man as to final cause or purpose. The term “us” represents the attributes, characteristics, natures, and potentialities particular to man that when united with divine knowledge constitutes man in the image and likeness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness.

Man is a rational, sentient, animate, corporeal, substance. A detailed definition of each these terms appear on page 13 of this writing. Man must possess the above qualities for these are the qualities that give comprehension to man. Man is rational in that he has the inborn ability to think – that is to analyze, define, classify, compare and divide upon knowledge previously possessed. The light and waters of the first day, the higher and lower waters and firmament of the second day, and the waters coming together on the third day all allude to Spirit man’s ability to think and be rational. The higher and lower waters represent man’s knowing powers. As stated earlier, the higher subjective waters are concerned with intellectual cognition, revelation, intuition, insight and inspirational operations of the mental processes. Conversely, the lower objective waters symbolize the sensory and conceptual inputs and organization of energies received from some material source.

Man is corporeal in that man has a body. Man’s body is composed of systems, organs, tissues, and cells working in a harmonious relationship for the preservation of the entire self. This corporeal body is the work of the third and fourth days for the analogy between the trees, herbs, and grasses and the physical body of man has been previously demonstrated.

Man is sentient being capable of sensory and perceptual actions. Man is capable of feelings and emotions- capable of sight, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. These are the works of the fifth day and by the method of spiritual analogy, the creatures of the lower waters and the fowl that fly above the earth have been likened to the sensory and perceptual functions within man.

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Man is animate and therefore possessed of animal drives and instinctive natures. Man must eat, sleep, reproduce, fight, and engage in recreational activities on the plane of physical being. In this regard, man is like the beast, cattle, and creeping things brought forth on the sixth day of creation and this animal spirit and nature are barriers to spiritual progress.

Lastly, man is substance. Earthly man is composed of matter that is acted upon by energies, causes and events. Man has essence or being and this being and the quality of man’s being is dependent upon the integration of man’s rational, sentient, corporeal and animate functions.

The inner natures of man and those qualities and characteristics needed to complete an earthly existence of man were completed in the first six days of creation. More specifically, these works were done upon the knowledge of man as man already existed and the newness of the re-vitalizing works of the seven days were necessitated due to the ignorance of carnal man and not for the sake of the works themselves.

The Four Elements and Earthly Man

The physical body is composed of chemical energies that make up the four elements of material expression which are fire, earth, air, and water. This fact is evident in the works of the seven days and if we begin with the first verse of Genesis in the first chapter, three of the elements are suggested. These elements were called spirits by many ancient writers and there is some truth to that belief as the foundation of the four elements is in the primal energies of infinite creative consciousness (see page 31). According to the Book of Genesis, “In the beginning, God created heaven and Earth…..” Further, it is said that the “Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water”. Then there is the introduction of light and light is energy in rapid motion. From our experiences, it is known that light is the product of some heat source and that the most prevalent source of heat is fire. In the second verse, the firmament was formed and this firmament is placed between the higher and lower waters as the air is positioned between the clouds of the sky and the rivers, lakes and oceans of the earth.

When the first two verses are analyzed, it is clear that within a very short period in the narration of the works, the four elements of fire, earth, air, and water are either mentioned specifically or referred to by logical equivalence. Moreover, the three modes of the four elements are likewise apparent. In the two verses, the

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power to initiate, the inclination to solidify, and the actions of changing forms of energies is obvious. Spirit man who is to be formed in the image of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness has the inherent power to initiate, maintain, and digest (reorganize) knowledge of a metaphysical nature and, by exercising the divine will, circulating that knowledge throughout the body of earthly Man.

The power to initiate manifests in the form of the will of Spirit man. In the will, all conscious activity begins and by that same will all voluntary activity can be brought to an end. The power to hold that which is willed is an important function of the memory of Spirit man. Memory is the repository for the food of experience and experience is the food of all thought. Lastly, the power to change presents itself as the rational intellect or reasoning faculties of Spirit man. On the physical level, no one can logically deny that the physical body is composed of fire, earth, air, and water. The maintenance of a constant body temperature of 98.6 is evidence that a highly regulated thermonuclear furnace is present within the body of man.

It is evident at this point that Spirit man is composed of seven fundamental spirits or natures. These seven spirits are the spirits of fire, earth, air, water, will, reason, and memory. These are the elements and modes that are responsible for the formation of the twelve bodily systems as described on pages 31 and 32 of this writing. These seven attributes or spirits constitute the earthly body of man and give rise to the Light or Knowledge, Intellectual, Sensory, Perceptive, and Animal capabilities within man and it is a combination of these capacities that causes man to exist as a rational, sentient, corporeal, animate substance.

The physical body of Spirit man is like the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness in that it is a balanced combination of these seven creative spirits and these seven spirits are manifest forms that are a consequence of the sluggish vibrations of cosmic creative energies during the supernatural descent of the Universal Cosmic Man into the overpowering inertia of dense matter.

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A rainbow consists of the visible colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The solar energy that makeup the rainbow is first perceived by the eyes as white light accompanied by warmth. However, when this unified body of white light is refracted and retarded by a medium such as a prism or water vapor, these particles of energy are displayed as the assorted colors of the rainbow. The energies that combined to give the appearance of whiteness are impeded in progress to such a degree that the energies separate into individual colors and natures. Each of the individual colors is given a different name although in actuality they are but divisions of the single source of light.

The One Great Light that issues from the sun is refracted, bent and otherwise impeded by the translucent nature of the cloud or water vapor suspended in the air. The solar energies that are emitted by the sun vibrate at a slower rate due to the resistance offered by the cloud until the colors of the rainbow become visible. However, the energies, called light waves, are not uniformly distorted due to a difference in the rates of vibration and length of the wave. The rate of vibration and the length of the waves is a product of the chemical composition of the particle of light responsible for the vibration. Since the chemical composition of the sun is extensive (wide) and complex, the waves that are emitted by the sun are also complex and varied and as a result the solar emissions bombard the suspended cloud at slightly different lengths called wave lengths. The molecular combinations of the wave energies that are produced by the solar fire are the principle causes of the colors that appear in the rainbow. The waves are not the colors themselves, but the waves are the form around which the colors are visible. The colors are visible

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Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness & Energy

Primal Matter-Inertial Resistance-Cosmic Power

Illusional Visible World-Matter Matter


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due to the nature of the chemical elements that are responsible for the wave frequencies and lengths. The colors are as the clothing that the waves of light wear. These colors are a reflection of the chemical nature of the light wave within. If the wave motions are slow or far apart in vibratory sequence, the wave when impeded by the cloud appears to be wearing red clothing. However, when the impeded or diffused wave energy is shorter in length, it appears to be clothed in violet or indigo.

Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness called the Supreme Reality or God is the One Reality and Ultimate Divine Light. The seven planes of earthly existence are but illusionary divisions of the One Reality similar to the divisions of physical light discussed above. The divisions of the Divine Light are the seven creative spirits; fire, earth, air, water, memory, reason, and will. Referring to the colors of the rainbow or the seven creative spirits by names that are unlike the identity from which they originate does not alter the truth that they are visible presentations of One Superior Light and that the separation into illusionary divisions is caused by some impeding phenomena. When these relationships between celestial and earthly phenomena are understood, the next level towards realizing the true purpose of man’s creation can be addressed.

From what has been stated thus far concerning the works of the seven days, a number of metaphysical truths are obvious. There is but one light of creation and that Light is the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness regarded as the Supreme God by many nations upon the earth. This one Divine Light is Indivisible, Self Illuminating, and Eternal and is the Author of all that is, was, and is to be. On the plain of earthly existence this One Light is perceived as the seven principles of action and being which are Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Initiatory (Will), Consolidator (Memory), and Mutability (Reason). These fundamental elements and modes that are necessary for an earthly state of being have their origin and sustenance within the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and the result is man’s potential to know God as it is the nature of God to know Self. When these principles of being are united with the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness on the plane of Mind, the result is divine knowledge and recognition of the forces that are the hidden realities that underlie all creation. When the uniting of body and Spirit are complete, man is considered made. Until that time, man is submerged in the chaotic river of the Law of Consequences until raised by the power of the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man.

Matthew 3:16 - And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

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The “us”, then, represents the seven principles of action arranged in the form of cells, tissues, organs, and systems commonly referred to as the physical body of man. This is the meaning of the two Adams.

1 Corinthians 15:45 - And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

Through the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man, the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is united with the principles of animate, corporeal, sentient substance and these are the mind and body of Spirit man. With the completion of this work, Spirit man is the mediator between heaven and earth and the vital force of the universe. Man is the knower and man’s earthly body is the object that is to be known; for, man is the earthly manifestation of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man. By divine providence necessary to the fulfillment of the infinite cosmic creative process, the energies comprising Universal Man are refracted and resisted in accordance with the natural laws governing transfiguration (change in appearance) of energies and the subsequent effects. The threshold of resistance within the celestial power of unlimited potential must be broken on the plane of the earthly shadows of a material universe as the effects of the celestial power and resistance is the primary cause of existence. Universal Man fell because of a universal law governing creative energies. Spirit man is raised by faith. This is the true meaning of the crucifixion that permeates the mythologies of many nations throughout the earth. Krishna (India), Sakia (India), Osiris (Egypt), Iva (Nepal), Mithra (Persia), Thammuz (Asia), Orontes (Egypt), Hesus (France), and Horus (Egypt) are just a few of the ancient “gods” (creative energies) who were crucified (transmigrated to a material form) and descended into the netherworld (the substance of dense matter). Each of these mythical gods was subsequently resurrected by an associative creative force (The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man). Alternate names used to symbolize the concept of resistance to the creative process are Devil, Lucifer, Satan, Shaytan, and Iblis. In the diagrams appearing on pages 61 and 64, the resistance to the creative process is a force located in the center position of the three shown. This resistance is formed in the visible world as a nature within the physical body of Spirit man.

[al-Baqara 2:34] And behold, we said to the angels: “Bow down to Adam” and they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject Faith.

[al-A‘araaf 7:11] It is We who created you and gave you shape; then we bade the angels prostrate to Adam, and they prostrate; not so Iblis; He refused to be of those who prostrate.

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Isaiah 14:12 - How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

[al-Hira 15:39] (Iblis) said: “O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fair-seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong,-

Spirit man, called Adam, is the earthly incarnation of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man enveloped in the corporeal, animate, sentient netherworld of dense matter. Man is the Holy Breath of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness formed when the Creative Energies descended into the physical plane of existence (the crucifixion). The corporeal, animate, sentient attributes are as a cloud of resistance and these constitute the carnal, worldly and bodily attributes of Spirit man. These powers of unlimited potential that oppose the movement essential to the vibrant creative process are the inhibitors of the forces of creative consciousness and form. Challenged by the inertial nature of the state of potential, Universal Man’s will, the motivator of celestial action, became sluggish. As a direct result of the sluggishness of the will the visible phenomena emerged likened to the appearance of the colors of the rainbow.

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Infinite Universal Cosmic Man

Spirit Man-Ethereal body

Visible World-Matter Matter









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Spirit man is the energy force within the illusionary corporeal body by the same phenomena that thermonuclear radiations emitted by the sun are within the visible colors distorted by incidental substance. The visible body of Spirit man, called Adam, is as a color of the rainbow brought about by the congealing of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness with the inertial powers of unlimited potential. As the knowing attribute of Spirit man increased, man’s unity and oneness with the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness becomes evident. Adam was given the supreme knowledge of infinite truths of the origin and purpose of creation and in this respect Adam was made in the image of God. The corporeal existence of Spirit man is but another aspect of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness brought about by the resistance of primal matter to the vitalizing actions of the Infinite Creative Spirit. The seven planes, through divine knowledge, are the true earthly body of Adam and therefore Spirit man is the Lord over all things manifest by virtue of man’s oneness with the source of creation.

The Sixth Day


“And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

The first peculiarity that demands attention is this passage is the word “them”. It is not said let “him” have dominion but let “them” have dominion. Yet, in the later works of the sixth day man was to be made in the image of and after the likeness of Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. Thus, the word “them” must relate to and be incorporated within the term man. The first five days of the creation have been explained in detail in the previous pages of this writing. If what has been explained in detail concerning those works and the analogies put forth regarding those works are understood, there is no contradiction or confusion as to what forms, energies, characteristics and natures are referenced in the word “them”. If there is no comprehension of what has been written previously, there is no need to proceed further and a review of previous sections of this writing is suggested.

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The true origin and existence of Spirit man called Adam is in the celestial cosmic creative power from which the vital, unconscious and conscious attributes of earthly man are generated. The earthly material form of Spirit man or Adam is an illusion that stems from Infinite Universal Cosmic Man’s descent into the realm of the celestial substance of unlimited potential. Therefore, it can be stated that Adam was out of the body in respect to knowledge, wisdom, and understanding but within the body by virtue of earthly form. The material form of Adam developed in the same manner as does a color of the rainbow and is the result of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness operation within the material causes of creation.

1 Corinthians 15:45 - And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

As the colors of the rainbow are not necessary to the existence of the light energy that causes the color to become visible, so the physical body of Adam is not necessary to the existence of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man from which the material expression receives its form, nature and actions. The waves of light within a rainbow are enclosed in an array of colors but the source of light has an existence independent of the colors that are seen. The light energy is inside of the color as the spirit is inside the body. In each case, the color or body merely represents the visible phenomena that occur when two contrary natures merge. At the time that the energy within the visible part recognizes that the visible part is but a reflection of a more perfect whole that is completely divine in nature and administration the internal energy and the external visible manifestation have two distinct modes of being according to spiritual knowledge.

Who is Eve?

The Spirit man, Adam, through intellectual realization and insight concluded that the visible part or corporeal body is but a visual occurrence arising from the intermingling of the divine self and nature with the carnal or animal self and nature. Spirit man correctly identified with the divine nature; consequently, the visible body of Adam is the outward form of man’s ethereal body that pertains to the divine nature. This material actualization of the ethereal body is Eve, the wife of Adam.

Eve represents the particular ethereal body of Spirit man who is the divine nature within earthly man. Eve is an extension or branch of Adam in the same way

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that the visible color of a rainbow is an extension of and an expression of the wave energy within the color. Therefore, Eve, the visible body of Adam, is called a rib of Adam. In ancient writings, the term “rib” means an extension or branch. Rib is a word that is used when an extension pertains to the main object, thought, or idea but is not necessary for the existence of the primary object, thought or idea. The extension or rib is then characterized as an accident to the principle object, thought, or idea. This is the relationship described in the following verse:

Genesis 2:23 - And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

In like manner, the color of the rainbow is an accident that pertains to the energy of the sun but is not necessary for the existence of the sun or its several energies. The colors are dependant upon the solar energy, but the energy receives nothing towards enhancement of its perfection from the color. Adam, Spirit man, is composed of both Spirit and matter and this matter is formed when the two contrary natures are fused together on the celestial plane of creative consciousness. The vital force emanates from the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness in the celestial form of creative energies that constitute the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man. The shadows of the visible world are the result of the combining of celestial creative energies. The one Spirit Man, Adam, is both Adam and Adam’s ethereal body, Eve. This creative order is within the domain of the Arch Angels.

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The Internal Cosmic Consciousness within


Spirit Man

Eve-The Ethereal Body of Spirit Man

Material Body of Spirit Man

The Seven Spheres



Infinite Universal Cosmic Man

Cosmic Power


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By revelation, Intuition, and divine insight, Adam grew in spiritual knowledge to the extent that man’s oneness with the divine creative forces was conceived. Adam is an extension of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man in the same relationship that Eve is an extension of Adam. By analogy, the light rays and energy that are emitted by the sun are parts of the sun’s existence. Therefore, the sun is the direct cause and the rays, waves, and radiations that are initiated by the cause are the effects of that cause. The cause is antecedent to and a participant within the effect either directly or indirectly through some intermediary. The cause is always antecedent to and a participant within the effect of the cause as to energy or intent. Adam is one with the effect of the primal forces and energies of creation and is likewise associated with the primal cause. In this manner, Spirit man, Adam, is one with the cause and this Causeless Cause is the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness known as the Supreme God or Absolute. The seven planes of existence were manifested by the actions of the One Great Cause and Adam, through knowledge, wisdom, and understanding is one with the One Great Cause. This is a result of Adam’s awareness of man’s relationship with the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness as being the material effect of the spiritual cause that is both infinite and spiritually discernable by divine insight. To this degree, man is made in the image of God.

“Because every effect must have a cause, there must ultimately be one cause that is not an effect but pure cause, or how, indeed, can one explain effects? A cause that is itself an effect would not explain anything but would require another explanation. That, in turn, would require another explanation, and there would be a deadly infinite regress. But the argument has shown that the universe as we know it is an effect and cannot be self-explanatory; it requires something to explain it which is not, like itself, an effect. There must be an uncaused cause. That point stands.” Gerstner, John H. (1967), Reasons for Faith (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker). (1967, p. 53).

“Although critics have railed against, and evolutionists have ignored, the law of cause and effect, it stands unassailed. Its central message remains intact: every material effect must have an adequate antecedent cause. Life in our magnificent Universe is here; intelligence is here; morality is here; love is here. What is their ultimate cause? Since the effect can never precede, or be greater than the cause, it stands to reason that the Cause of life must be a living Intelligence which Itself is both moral and loving. When the Bible records, “In the beginning, God...,” it makes known to us just such a First Cause.” Bert Thompson, Ph.D, Reason & Revelation, March 1990, 10[3]:13-16. Copyright © 1990 Apologetics Press, Inc.

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Adam and Dominion

Man is given dominion over all of the seven planes of physical life. Why, simply stated, man is the seven planes over which man is to exercise dominion. Spirit man is given dominion over the fish of the sea; fowl that fly above the earth; cattle; beasts and creeping things. These terms are symbolic of the sentient, corporeal, animate, rational attributes of man as has been outlined earlier in this writing. Spirit man is given mastery over all seven planes of being and among these seven planes are Angels and Cherubim as has been pointed out in preceding sections. Was Spirit man given dominion over the Angels as well? It has been said that the seven planes of created phenomena constitute the visible body of Spirit man and if this observation is correct; there should be some scriptural support for this belief. In other words, there must be a Divine Decree that the Angels submit to the creation known as Adam or Spirit man. The hierarchical relationship between Spirit Man and the Angels is addressed in the Holy Bible as follows:

[Hebrews 1:6] And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him,

The following passages from the Holy Qu’ran elaborate upon the relationship:

[al-Baqara 2:34] And behold, We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam" and they bowed down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject Faith.

[al-Baqara 2:35] We said: "O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful things therein as (where and when) ye will; but approach not this tree, or ye run into harm and transgression."

[al-Baqara 2:36] Then did Satan make them slip from the (garden), and get them out of the state (of felicity) in which they had been. We said: "Get ye down, all (ye people), with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood - for a time."

[al-Baqara 2:37] Then learnt Adam from his Lord words of inspiration, and his Lord Turned towards him; for He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

[al-Baqara 2:38] We said: "Get ye down all from here; and if, as is sure, there comes to you Guidance from me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor

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shall they grieve.

[al-Baqara 2:39] "But those who reject Faith and belie Our Signs, they shall be companions of the Fire; they shall abide therein."

Spirit man is housed within an ethereal individual body that is the Eve of the sixth day. It is both Adam and Eve who were given dominion over the seven planes of existence and that is the true meaning of the decree “Let them have dominion”. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female created he them.

The Sixth Day


“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

Spirit man and man’s ethereal body Eve are instructed to be fruitful and to multiply. For Adam to be fruitful means that Adam or Spirit man must exhibit the divine nature through the vehicle of an ethereal body, Eve; or in other words, act in accordance with the divine attributes that Adam possessed. Spirit man, Adam, is the earthly illusion of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man whose descent from the

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Spirit Man-Adam

Ethereal Body-Eve

Material Body-Earth


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celestial to the physical planes resulted in the world of manifest substance. On page 32, the twelve celestial systems that comprise the divine attributes were given. These are the creative systems that condensed due to the nutational (wobbly) motion of the mass of Cosmic Power. Actions are the fruit of the spirit within and Spirit man, Adam, is instructed to “multiply and be fruitful. In this regard, Adam is given the charge to exert his primal creative natures within the vessel of the earthly body. These primal natures, as outlined earlier, have their origins in the twelve celestial systems and are Purity, Loyalty, Power, Love, Justice, Compassion, Will, Courage, Joy, Beauty, Curiosity, and Imagination. Adam, through the agency of man’s manifest body, Eve, is counseled to radiate the moral and ethical qualities, multiply and propagate and replenish them within the earth.

This is the true meaning of the words “replenish the earth and subdue it”. To replenish something means to make it full or complete again. It means to re-people or to supply the missing part. Adam is counseled to bear the fruit of morality and to cultivate these innate qualities while teaching and propagating these virtues to fallen humanity. Fallen humanity is a term representing those persons and nations who have been subtly led astray by the temptations of their earthly animal natures, do not understand the oneness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness, and do not abide by the teachings and experiences of true prophets and messengers sent for the enlightenment of Man. Spirit man, in man’s capacity as the vicegerent of the Creator, is mandated to subdue the earth by the deliverance of spiritual grace and divine light of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness who is, was, and is to be.

John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 - And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

The word “earth” signifies the seat of man’s carnal nature or the dense material body of man. It is the habitat of the animate, corporeal, and sentient natures constituting the lower appetitive and instinctive desires within man. It is the place where the celestial powers of unlimited potential reach maximum inertia in the creative process until the threshold of inertial resistance has been broken and man achieves spiritual realization. To subdue the earth is to bring those animal natures and qualities under the control of the rational and intellectual processes and in harmony with the higher cognitive spiritual self. To this end, the earth is the body of earthly objective (independent of mind) desires. The magnification of these

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desires inclines man towards immorality, injustice, lust, rage, and greed. This downward spiral in human behavior ultimately leads to a conscious or unconscious (voluntary or involuntary) commitment to those acts and behaviors that have their purpose in the satisfaction and elevation of the carnal appetitive self. The intensity of preoccupation increases to a level that is beyond that which is required for the survival of the species. This is what is meant by Spirit man’s descent into the mythological hell.

The symbol earth embodies all of the characteristics of a resister to the persona of the divine self and the theological word for resister is Satan or Devil. Therefore, Adam was counseled to do battle with the lower, carnal self and its many manifestations which is the true devil incarnate. For the purpose of subduing the earth or carnal nature, Adam is given dominion over the whole of the seven planes. To continue in the image and likeness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness Adam must be challenged by and defeat the resister to Spirit man’s appointed dominion that has its beginnings in the primal celestial creative energies that are the active natures within the material body of Spirit man.

Matthew 4:8 - Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

Matthew 4:9 - And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Matthew 4:10 - Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Matthew 4:11 - Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.

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The Sixth DayMeat

“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat”.

The words herb bearing seed and fruit of a tree yielding seeds are symbols for the sacred qualities within Adam’s spiritual body after that body has met and defeated the threshold of inertial resistance offered by the contrary natures within the material body. These terms designate the spiritual body in submission to the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness whose fruits are derived from the infinite tree of cosmic creation. Those fruits are the twelve celestial systems that constitute the body of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man namely Purity, Loyalty, Power, Love, Justice, Compassion, Will, Courage, Joy, Beauty, Curiosity, and Imagination. These meats, as they are later called, are to be used for the purpose of healing the spiritual and moral diseases of fallen humanity. As the physical herb is used for the curing of bodily ailments, the spiritual idea underlying the term herb is redemption through truth and this knowledge and truth continues to bear fruits of morality and spirituality to be distributed among the inhabitants of the earth. Spirit man is not elevated into the supreme knowledge for glorification of the individual self but was raised for the purpose of the uplifting of others according to the divine will and appointment as vicegerent by the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. That these blessings are conferred upon Adam for the express purpose of carrying out the divine will is contained in the expression “to you it shall be for meat”. In this connection there is confirmation within the Biblical scriptures.

[St. John 4:31] In the meanwhile his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat.

[St. John 4:32] But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of…

[St. John 4:34] Jesus saith unto them, my meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.

If the highest spiritual interpretation of the word meat is used, there is an irrefutable inference that there is only one meat of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and that meat is to finish the work of creative consciousness. To this end, the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness (through insight, intuition, and

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revelation) instructed Adam as to the purpose of man’s existence in a material form composed of cells, organs, tissues and systems likened to herbs, trees, and grasses.

The visible world is a reflection of the actions of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness within the celestial cosmic power of creation. The Infinite Universal Cosmic Man descended into the illusions of the material world and the body of Cosmic Man was divided into the seven spheres of being. As Universal Man fell due to the slowed nutational vibrations of the cosmic power, Universal Man was overcome by the inertial resistance presented by the power of unlimited potential known as primal matter. Universal Man lost consciousness in the primal substance called matter and dreamed of a world in which men are inhabitants of individual bodies divided into many nations and communicating with one another in various languages and tongues. This dream state of Universal Man persisted until Spirit man, Adam, was awakened by the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man. Man is not the body or the soul. Man is the creative consciousness of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and being so is mandated to finish the work of the Creator in the place wherever man is awakened to the divine will. And the works must be finished in bodies likened to trees formed with natures likened unto animals and beasts, with the advent of God’s wisdom likened unto Light.

The Sixth DayFowl and Beasts for Meat

“And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so”.

Beasts, fowl and creeping things are symbolic words representing the earthly natures manifest. A comprehensive explanation of this assertion is contained in earlier sections. These contrary natures are material forms of inertial energies that are inherent to the creative process. The healing and redemptive powers of the Spirit man, Adam, are to be exercised that the carnal and animal inertial natures within the body of man be overcome. The creative process is destined to be raised to a higher degree. These natures within the body of man are given the healing power of the green herbs of redemption and reclamation for meat and these are given for the purpose of fulfilling the works of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness.

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“Thus, the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

According to the scriptures, on the seventh day a new work took place and this new and different occurrence is called rest. No Supreme Essence is in need of physical rest in the sense of being weary or tired for to impute physical inaction to the Supreme Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness must proceed from an absolute ignorance of the indefatigability (untiring) of the Creative Forces and energies. The Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is the Supreme Essence and is the form, nature, and attributes of all things both seen and unseen. If the primary cause that is the form and natures of created entities (objects) ceases to function due to a state of exhaustion of energies, the effects of the cause must be diminished in capacity to exist. The notion of a fatigue and weary God is a product of man’s ignorance as to the nature, organization and purpose of cosmic energies in the creative process. Instead of discovering the true meaning behind the accounts of creation contained in the mythologies of many ancient civilizations, earthly man has created a god in man’s own image who works six days a week and rests and relaxes on the seventh day. The spiritual term “rest” alludes to a divine description of an act essential to the completion of the creative process.

The word “rest” is a symbol for a divine idea and this fact is known from the truth that the word rest in this case is related to the holiest of actions. Rest signifies perfect harmony and balance between two opposing forces. It infers that a state of perfect equilibrium is attained and that the two divergent (contrary) forces have been brought into a symbiotic relationship. The term “rest” further suggests that the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness is perfectly diffused in the creative process and that the Spiritual and material natures are joined in universal harmony. In order for Spirit man, Adam to advance to the highest spiritual degree, Adam was motivated to overcome the inertial animal and material natures within the body of man that are incidental to an earthly existence. Adam was compelled to

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defeat these devious natures when they were at the maximum threshold of resistance. At the time that Spirit man Adam conquered these natures; these adverse energies became perfectly counterbalanced by the progression of cognitive spiritual impetus and motivation and subsequently became the “meat” and nourishment for Adam in Adam’s capacity as vicegerent of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness.

Adam was raised from an earthly materialistic life through the agency of divine knowledge. This sacred knowledge revealed to him the divine relationship that man has to the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness and in addition knowledge enabled Adam to resist and defeat the animal and carnal desires associated with man’s earthly sojourn. Yet, Adam has a corporeal body and this corporeal body of Adam is called Eve. Eve is a rib, branch or extension of Adam in the same causal relationship that characterizes the earthly Adam as a rib, branch and extension of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man.

The visible world is formed as a consequence of the descent of the Infinite Universal Cosmic Man into the substances of unlimited potential. This “fall” of man, as it is known in many Eastern Mythologies, is caused by the inertial resistance that is inherent within the creative substance that is in the state of potential. Creative energies radiating within the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness combined with the inertial substance of unlimited potential and this combining process is responsible for the sluggish nutational revolutions of the primal cosmic mass. As the celestial vibrations of the cosmic power slowed, the creative energies contained within condensed to the degree that the seven planes of created spheres came into view. As a consequence of the condensation and orderly reorganization of creative energies, Universal Man was overcome by the inertial forces and this struggle for dominance was destined to continue until such time that the threshold of the opposing forces could be defeated by the will and power of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. Infinite Universal Cosmic Man is the primal creative consciousness that is the vital spirit within all other creative manifestations and as such is the deputy or vicegerent of the Creator. From Universal Man, all creation has its origins for man is the creative spirit and energy force that radiate from the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. As Universal Man descended into the world of dense matter, he was overtaken by the delusions and illusions of an earthly existence. Sojourning in the earthly netherworld of material form, Universal Man dreamed and the subjects of the dream are the seven planes that constitute the seen and unseen worlds of natures, actions, and forms. As a consequence of the fall, Universal Man was crucified by the inertial demons of the animal appetitive self and Man’s coat of many colors, that constitute the seven

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planes manifest, was torn and scattered throughout the worlds of visible phenomena powered by the mental illusions that are earthly man’s reality.

Mesmerized by the illusion of earthly being and encased in human and inanimate forms Universal Man languished with no recollection of man’s celestial association with the infinite powers of creation. Unaware of true self and origin, man could not comprehend the divine self and origin of others. Until the raising of Spirit man, Adam, man knew little concerning spiritual inheritance and the fragments of spiritual knowledge that were preserved were regarded with levity.

As Isis descended into the netherworld from which she delivered Osiris the fallen God of Egypt, likewise the Internal Cosmic Consciousness within man awakened Adam from the shadowy illusions of the earth wherein the resurrected Spirit man, Adam is anointed as king of the earth. For it was said “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.” After having been raised into a thorough knowledge of self Spirit man, Adam is the representative of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness over all things manifest as is acknowledged below.

1 Corinthians 15:45 - And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

Spirit man, Adam, is the contingent (secondary) mover within the cosmic forces of creation. Before motion can be imparted to the substance of unlimited potential, the threshold of resistance must reach the maximum strength. Prior to any initial movement of the substance, the energy that is to cause the movement becomes encased within and is an intrinsic part of the substance. The causal impetus for motion is imprisoned within the matter until the maximum inertial resistance has been surmounted (overcame). During the time that the energy of the mover is growing and evolving within the nonmoving potential, the effect of the energy that is destined to excite movement is not evident. Upon the defeat of the maximum inertial resistance, movement is actuated and the inertial forces that challenged movement in the initial stages of the combining processes are now contributory to the energies that compel movement. The inertial force that aids movement acts in obedience to another natural law of motion that states that a body in motion will continue in motion unless acted upon by some external force of sufficient strength and duration to stop the motion. The matter that resisted the movement now assists in its own movement and has a new orientation that is an act in potential to some final cause or purpose.

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Spirit man is the energetic force and vital spirit of all things manifest and the ethereal and divine body of Spirit man is Eve. The Infinite Universal Cosmic Man is the manifestation of all that is and the created world is but a microcosm of the supreme reality. Spirit man is the microcosmic embodiment of that supreme reality and is the earthly vicegerent of the Infinite Cosmic Creative Consciousness. This is the truth regarding man’s relationship to the primordial creative forces known as God or gods. With the anointing of Spirit man, the end purpose of creation is complete and man has but to perform the duties and obligations that merit the sanctity of man’s calling as the vicegerent of God. According to this principle, God rested on the seventh day.

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