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Our school motto ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you’ underpins everything we do and permeates every aspect of St Mary Magdalene school life. We nurture students from all backgrounds with care and dignity; developing them academically as well as supporting any spiritual and individual needs they may have. We strive to foster a family-friendly atmosphere where staff get to know all the children well. Our staff routinely go the ‘extra mile’ for students and families; we are proud of our successful and effective working relationships.

Our curriculum is broad and innovative with a project based approach for non-core subjects, providing opportunities for students to be successful, develop a wide range of skills and most importantly, enjoy their learning.

For us, extra-curricular activity is as important as the academic provision in ensuring that our students have every opportunity to become the very best they can be. All Year 7 and 8 students take part in free half-termly trips and we offer a range of school journeys abroad. An extensive and wide-ranging weekly programme of enrichment is offered.

Our highly skilled and committed staff work collaboratively to deliver quality education for our students. Staff set high expectations for all students and challenge them to achieve their best in all areas of the curriculum.

Thank you for considering our school. We look forward to working with you over the coming years and celebrating your child’s achievements along the way.

From left to right: Mrs Victoria Wainwright & Mrs Claire Harrison, Federation Executive Co-Head Teachers, Mr Razwan Hussain, Principal

Welcome to St Mary Magdalene CofE School, the only all through school and only Church of England secondary provision in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. St Mary Magdalene school is split across two campuses, with the secondary phase building based on the Greenwich Peninsula Campus.


Dear Friends,

We write this introduction to the Prospectus of St. Mary Magdalene C of E School Secondary Phase, part of the Koinonia Federation, with great pleasure and pride in the achievements of the school. We would like to recommend this brochure to you, either as a parent with a child already in the school or in the future. It contains information about our expectations in all areas of the school’s life including the curriculum and our Christian values and ethos.

Thank you for considering joining us in this venture borne of faith. In fact, several aspects of the school have remained the same as when it was first founded in the nineteenth century – long before the law required an education to be provided. We certainly retain the Christian ethos, love and commitment to such service which have been central in the tradition at St. Mary Magdalene over so many years.

As you may already know, the Governing Body is responsible for the overall running of the school. The school staff - led by both Mrs Claire Harrison and Mrs Victoria Wainwright, the Federation Executive Co-Headteachers - is a lively, dedicated team, committed to developing both the well-being and education of the children here: nothing is too much trouble and parents are always able to discuss matters relating to their child with the responsible teachers and senior staff, as appropriate. As parents, you are very much part of the St. Mary Magdalene family and we look forward to working together with you. Please ask if anything is unclear – we want you to feel at home.

The relationship between the School and the Parish Churches are treated very seriously. A number of special services such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter take place throughout the year. It is a delight to share these times with the children and their parents. From the very start of their time here until they leave, we are confident that your child will enjoy their learning and flourish as they grow as young individuals who participate in our community.

Please do all you can to fully join in the whole life of St. Mary Magdalene C of E School. There are many generations who have already enjoyed their start in life here - developing a love of learning in a warm Christian context.

Thank you for considering our school and helping to continue to make it a special community.

Dr Peter GregoryFRSA FCollT NLG

Mrs Judith EastaughBA (Law) (Dunelm)


Co-Chairs Koinonia Federation Governing Body


VALUES AND ETHOSOur mission is to provide excellence in academic achievement and to ensure that every member of the school community will move on from us confident, courageous and equipped to make a difference in the world.

Do unto others what you would have them do unto you, our school motto, is firmly and deeply embedded in every aspect of school life. Taken from the words of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, it has been referred to as the Golden Rule since the 16th century. It is certainly the Golden Rule at St. Mary Magdalene all-through school and is lived out by all members of the school community. St. Mary Magdalene is more than a school, it is a learning family where every student is valued, and is part of the Koinonia federation of schools that have the shared aim:


To grow in faith: the school is fully inclusive and welcomes students and staff from all faiths and no faith. It journeys with each individual from where they are by strengthening, challenging, supporting and nourishing them. Collective worship is a key part of each day. We come together either as a family group, house or year group to spend time in reflection allowing us to grow in our spirituality. Led by senior leaders, the students or the school chaplain, collective worship is a creative and responsive time that follows the Anglican calendar and also acknowledges the key dates in other faiths. Religious Studies, the school’s specialism, is a central element of the curriculum and provides the opportunity to learn about religion and its impact on science, culture and society.

To live as family: students joining St. Mary Magdalene belong to the school family. In or outside of the classrooms, students learn to be a friend to all and to trust each other at all times. Our pastoral structure ensures that every student is known individually. Students enjoy coming to our school and feel safe and secure. The two schools in the Koinonia Federation work closely together. There are opportunities for students to develop their mentoring and leadership skills in this work.

To be united in fellowship: the all-through school celebrates and embraces the diversity of the communities from which the students come. We work hard to create unity by fellowship. Students flourish in companionship with others through mutual trust and sharing of experiences, interests and activities. The school has a very active parents’ association that runs social events for school families. St. Mary Magdalene is an outward looking school and works hard in serving its local community, such as through foodbank collections and responding to natural disasters in areas of the world our students have family connections - amongst a plethora of other things.



CURRICULUMOur curriculum provides a strong framework through which every student can continue to grow in their passion and excitement for learning. It is a curriculum for all and we pride ourselves in ensuring that each student will follow a pathway that will challenge and secure progress. Our innovative approach to curriculum design is rooted in believing that every student can achieve excellence.

YEARS 7 & 8We recognise that each student at the beginning of year 7 will come with a broad range of experiences, achievements and attainment from their primary schooling. Our key stage 3 curriculum is carefully designed to fully induct and integrate all students into the secondary phase. There are two strands; a core curriculum and a project curriculum. For the core subjects, students will follow one of three streamed pathways; Omega, Gamma or Alpha and students are set within this for each subject. Students will be taught the project curriculum in mixed attainment teaching groups.

Students on the Omega pathway will thrive on the stretch and challenge that will build on their starting point of having exceeded the required key stage 2 standard. Along with the core subjects of English, mathematics, science, R.S., French, Spanish and P.E., students will have lessons in the social sciences, such as politics, philosophy and economics. The Gamma pathway is aimed at those students who have met the expected key stage 2 standard. Students on the Gamma pathway will study English, mathematics, science, R.S., either French or Spanish, social sciences and P.E. Students who have not yet met the key stage 2 standard will start on the Alpha pathway, and will study English, mathematics, science, R.S., French or Spanish. This provides each student with the bespoke intervention that is needed for them to make progress.

All students in years 7 and 8 study integrated, innovative and academically rigorous projects. These half termly projects fully deliver the National Curriculum content of geography, history, music, computing, design technology, art and drama in a focussed cross curriculum approach. Our project curriculum is built on our belief that students thrive in their learning when their imaginations are ignited. We are determined that this passion, awe and wonder is never lost.

YEAR 9Year 9 students will study all subjects discretely, ensuring that they have the breadth and depth of knowledge in order to select their GCSE options. Over the course of the year, students will consolidate and deepen the knowledge and skills gained over the previous two years, whilst preparing for the rigours of their GCSEs.

YEARS 10 & 11Students embark on key stage 4 at the start of year 10 and follow a core curriculum of English language, English literature, discrete sciences, mathematics, R.S. and P.E.. In addition to the “core”, students have the opportunity to choose three “options” subjects. Students will be entered for the new GCSE examinations in at least eight subjects.

YEARS 12 & 13By 2021 we will be providing an all-through education from early years through to the age of 19 with opportunities for students to join us at each key stage. Our sixth form will welcome students from September 2021 and we will offer a fully academic curriculum with an extensive extra-curricular and social programme.



LEARNINGWe constantly strive to raise our standards of teaching, learning and attainment.

SETTING AND GROUPINGStudents joining us will have sat key stage 2 assessments at their primary schools. Students will no longer be awarded levels, but a point score. This, alongside our own baseline assessments, will inform the pathway that students will start on in September, and also determine the set each student will be placed in within each pathway. Progress will be tracked regularly through the monitoring of classwork, homework and formal assessments. There will be the opportunity to move students between attainment sets and pathways.

TEACHINGWe have a talented, committed, highly professional and qualified team of teachers who teach the curriculum. Our students deserve the best possible provision which secures excellence in every area. Our unique pathway curriculum enables each student to be taught at the appropriate pace

and level of challenge. Within each class the teacher will skilfully differentiate the activities.

Homework is influential in learning and we believe it teaches our students to become independent in their studies. We use homework to reinforce and extend the learning in the classroom and we carefully plan the tasks set to ensure they are interesting and engaging. We pride ourselves in the effective marking and assessment of students’ work, knowing that the feedback is instrumental in securing progress. Students are required to respond to the feedback given so they can move forward in their learning.

SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSWe know there will be students who need individual learning support; either temporarily or long term during their time with us at St. Mary Magdalene. Our learning support team have a wealth of knowledge and experience to respond to and support a wide range of needs including health or developmental related learning problems, specific learning difficulties, behaviour or emotional problems. All staff are trained in recognising and responding to problems and follow a structured system. Individual needs are recognised, and bespoke plans drawn up which are regularly monitored and adapted.

MORE ABLE STUDENTSMany of our students attain a high standard at the end of key stage 2, and we personalise the curriculum to ensure appropriate challenge. We offer a variety of opportunities for the highest achieving students, including the Brilliant Club, which provides additional academic rigour and enrichment for those invited to attend.



PASTORAL CAREOur school is a learning family; every child, parent, carer, staff member and governor is welcomed and belongs to our family. Our staff work with every one of our students, encouraging them, challenging them and ensuring that they become the best they can be.

FAMILY GROUPSEach student will belong to a family group; an essential part of our pastoral system. The family tutor is the first point of contact between home and school. They will get to know your child very well and nurture them throughout the year. The family tutor will also monitor punctuality, attendance, work ethic and progress both formally and informally and identify any issues or difficulties and respond to them, keeping you informed at all times. Students make good relationships with every member of their family group.

HOUSE SYSTEMThere are four houses at St. Mary Magdalene; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. All students are also assigned to a house when they start at the school. Siblings are always put in the same houses and students joining us from our primary schools will stay in the same house. Students collect house points, support house charities, compete in inter-house competitions and perform in inter-house cultural evenings. There are also reward trips throughout the school year.

STUDENT LEADERSHIPOne of our core aims is to be a school family that cares for each other and we expect all of our students to be involved in mentoring, supporting or working with pupils across all phases – from the primary phase and eventually to the sixth form phase. This might involve supporting others with reading, sports coaching, or assisting in clubs or other activities. We want our students to serve one another and know that in doing so, they grow in their own leadership and self-discipline.

BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNINGWe expect the very highest standards of behaviour from every student in every aspect of school life; on and off the campus. We want our students to learn and be self-controlled in their focus and engagement. There are clear systems in place to reward good behaviour and also for when students need to modify their behaviour because it is detrimental to another’s learning or their own. We use a model of restorative justice to make amends when students have made poor choices.

CHAPLAINCY AND OTHER SUPPORT AGENCIESWe are an inclusive school and recognise that at times students might need additional support to that provided by their family tutor. We have a chaplain who works across our federation schools supporting students and their families. Our home school link workers and behaviour support team also provide support and intervention programmes for students who need extra help and direction with their learning in and outside the classroom.


• A trip to France for all year 7 students as part of their induction programme.

• Year group school journey to an outward bounds activity centre.

• Retreat days at local churches and visits to other places of worship as part of the Religious Studies curriculum.

• A diverse programme of out of the classroom learning experiences that supplement the project learning. These include half-termly museum trips, fieldwork, local history walks and working with local enterprise and businesses.

• Koinonia awards which are unique to our Federation.

• A wide range of sport clubs, with the opportunities to learn both new skills and also represent our school in local leagues and tournaments.

ENRICHMENTWe offer a broad range of enrichment activities that complement the taught curriculum. Enrichment is as important as the academic provision in ensuring that our students have every opportunity to become the very best they can be. Our enrichment curriculum includes:

An extensive and wide ranging weekly programme of enrichment is offered. This includes the chance to pursue new interests and develop further skills such as debating, choir, orchestra, drama, chess, STEM, Bible studies and even building a race car - among many others. We expect every student to be a member of at least one enrichment club.

As the school grows, the enrichment curriculum will also expand, and we have plans for our older students to take part in cultural exchanges, geographical expeditions and historical visits across Europe and beyond. There will also be the possibility of a trip to Zimbabwe as part of the Southwark Diocesan Lent project, and an opportunity to visit Uganda with the Tag Rugby Trust.

St Mary Magdalene CofE School (Secondary Phase), 1 Hendon Street, London SE10 0NF

Tel. 020 3873 5555