from indio to filipino

From Indio to Filipino As we prepare for a meaningful celebration of National Heroes Day on the last Sunday of August, let us focus our attention this time not on particular illustrious Filipinos but on the Filipino people whose resolute struggle to defend their country and their freedom in every critical period of their history surely deserves the admiration and honor we accord to individual heroes. The name Filipino is of colonial origin. Ruy Lopez de Villa- lobos, who led an expedition from Mexico which reached Mindanao in 1543, gave the name Felipinas to the Samar-Leyte islands in honor of the Spanish prince, Don Felipe, who later became Felipe II, King of Spain. The name was eventually applied to the whole archipelago which became known as las islas Filipinas (Phil¬ippine Islands). But this did not make the inhabitants of these islands instant Filipinos. The Spanish conquerors called them indios, the common appellation for all people encountered by the Spaniards in their expeditions in search of a route to India. The term Espaliol- Filipino or Filipino for short was reserved for Spaniards bom in the Philippines to distinguish them from Spaniards born in Spain (also known as the Iberian peninsula) who were called peninsulares. The Colonial Elite SM 60 The peninsulares were the ruling elite, with the Espanoles- Filipinos occupying a social status below them. Although their Spanish blood assured them of a place with the elite, the Espa- noles-Filipinos did not have quite the same opportunities for advancement as their peninsular brothers whether in government, in the religious hierarchy, or in the economic field. It is never easy

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article written by Leticia Constantino


Page 1: From Indio to Filipino

From Indio to Filipino

As we prepare for a meaningful celebration of National Heroes Day on the last Sunday of August, let us focus our attention this time not on particular illustrious Filipinos but on the Filipino people whose resolute struggle to defend their country and their freedom in every critical period of their history surely deserves the admiration and honor we accord to individual heroes.

The name Filipino is of colonial origin. Ruy Lopez de Villa- lobos, who led an expedition from Mexico which reached Mindanao in 1543, gave the name Felipinas to the Samar-Leyte islands in honor of the Spanish prince, Don Felipe, who later became Felipe II, King of Spain. The name was eventually applied to the whole archipelago which became known as las islas Filipinas (Phil¬ippine Islands).

But this did not make the inhabitants of these islands instant Filipinos. The Spanish conquerors called them indios, the common appellation for all people encountered by the Spaniards in their expeditions in search of a route to India. The term Espaliol- Filipino or Filipino for short was reserved for Spaniards bom in the Philippines to distinguish them from Spaniards born in Spain (also known as the Iberian peninsula) who were called peninsulares.

The Colonial Elite

SM 60

The peninsulares were the ruling elite, with the Espanoles- Filipinos occupying a social status below them. Although their Spanish blood assured them of a place with the elite, the Espa- noles-Filipinos did not have quite the same opportunities for advancement as their peninsular brothers whether in government, in the religious hierarchy, or in the economic field. It is never easy

to play second fiddle, so the Espanoles-Filipinos had an ambiva¬lent attitude toward the peninsulares. On the one hand, they were proud to be Spaniards like them; on the other hand they resented the fact that the peninsulares regarded themselves as the only real EspaTioles.

The Espaffloles-Filipinos also had an ambivalent attitude to¬ward Spain. As Spaniards, they considered Spain as their mother country; but they also developed a loyalty to the Philippines, the land of their birth. The peninsulares had no such ambivalence. They might have lived in the Philippines for many years but they always looked forward to returning to Spain where their family and cultural roots were. On the other hand, while the Espaxioles- Filipinos surely longed to visit Spain, they were more at home in the Philippines where they had their economic and familial ties. Besides, while they had their place in the ruling circles in the colony, they would probably have been ordinary citizens in Spain.

The Espanol-Filipino was therefore both a colonial and an anti-colonial. As a Spaniard, he was in favor of Spanish rule, but as a Filipino who regarded the

Page 2: From Indio to Filipino

Philippines as his country, he resented colonial policies which favored the peninsulares at his expense. The Espanol-Filipino priests who suffered discrimination from the Spanish hierarchy nurtured anti-clerical feelings while zealously espousing the Catholic faith. These Espanoles-Filipinos were not for independence from Spain but they wanted reforms in state and church policies that would remove the hindrances to their advancement. Their conflicts with colonial power made possible an alliance between them and the local elite -- wealthy indios, Chinese mestizos and Spanish mestizos.

Local Aristocracy

Let us briefly outline the development of each of these three components prior to their coming together. History tells us that the Spanish colonizers used the barangay as the basic unit of local administration and recruited cabezas de barangay as barrio of¬ficials.- As intermediaries between the Spaniards and the people, these officials were charged with the duty of collecting tribute and mobilizing labor for government construction projects while themselves being exempted from both. They and their families were given the title of principales, the beginning of a sort of local aristocracy beholden to the colonial administration. While many a cabeza and gobernadorcillo (roughly equivalent to a town mayor, the highest position open to the indio) ended his term in penury, many others used their authority to acquire wealth by pocketing part of the tribute, manipulating the polo system for their benefit, and most important, titling in their names some of the barangay's old communal lands. Wealth allowed them to acquire Hispanic culture and to send their children to school in Manila and later even to Spain.

Rise of the Mestizo.,

Another sector that would become a component of the local elite consisted.of Chinese mestizos. Since the Chinese community was composed mostly of men (they regarded their stay in the Philippines as temporary and habitually left their families behind in China), many Chinese took native wives. The fruits of these unions were the Chinese mestizos. The Chinese mestizos were the beneficiaries of the business acumen, experience, and affluence of their fathers. Soon there were mestizo gremios (guilds) prospering alongside and even competing with Chinese gremios.

The Spaniards, though dependent on Chinese artisans and merchants for their needs, were always suspicious of them, restricting their movement within the country and periodically expelling large numbers. The Chinese mestizos did not suffer from such restrictions or prejudices. Brought up as Catholics by their native mothers, they blended culturally with the native population. Already' prospering on their own, they were in a position to take advantage of the new economic opportunities offered by the periodic anti-Chinese drives of the colonial administration. They took over retailing and artisanry, then wholesaling, and finally be¬came large land-owners, yielding commerce to the Chinese when the latter returned. With economic power came education and Hispanic culture.

As the main sector of the local economic elite, the Chinese mestizos resented the barriers to their further enrichment that colonial policies posed, for example the indulto de comercio, a privilege sold by the central government to most alcaldes

Page 3: From Indio to Filipino

mayores (Spaniards) which allowed the latter to engage in commerce within their respective jurisdictions and therefore limited the mestizo's economic opportunities. As landowners interested in acquiring more lands or as lessees of portions of friar estates, they viewed with resentment the possession of these vast land areas by religious orders.

Hispanization as Filipinization

By the 1800s, out of a population of four million there were some 240,000 Chinese mestizos, 20,000 Spanish mestizos and 10,000 Chinese. The term mestizo at that time referred to Chinese mestizos, not to Spanish mestizos who were designated as mesti- 26 zos-EspaTloles or simply Espanoles, if they passed for whites. The

Spanish mestizos of this period were no longer regarded with contempt as in earlier times when most of them were the fruits of clerical and military liaisons with native women. The later generation of Spanish mestizos were the children of Spaniards who had married into the elite principalia or Chinese-mestizo families.

The local elite composed of Chinese mestizos, Spanish mestizos and wealthy indios became acceptable in the circles of Espanoles-Filipinos by virtue of their affluence and Hispanization. Thus, in effect Hispanization became the passport to Filipiniza- tion. Moreover, the grievances of the local elite against the Spanish administration were also those of "the Espanoles-Filipinos. The term Filipino was growing in scope though still based on wealth and Hispanic culture.

From the Hispanized local elite emerged the ilustrados (the enlightened), beneficiaries of higher education in the Philippines and abroad, usually Spain. They articulated the grievances of their class against colonial political, economic and social structures that impeded their economic advancement, deprived them of political rights and denied them social equality with the Spaniards. They demanded reforms and acceptance of the Philippines as an integral part of Spain, and of themselves as Filipinos but citizens of Spain. They now appropriated the name Filipino, changing original connotations.

Filipino as Anti-Colonial Term

Since the ilustrado demands were articulated in behalf of all their countrymen and the people recognized many of these demands as corresponding to their own, the term Filipino was eventually accepted by the people as a symbol of their national unity. With the people's active involvement in the struggle against Spanish rule, separation rather than assimilation became the national goal and Filipino became the name of a distinct people. The term was separated from its colonial moorings and was proudly borne by a people who had earned it by their historic struggle for freedom from colonial rule. From a term designating a section of the colonizers, it had become the symbol of a colonized people's nationalism.
