from father bill promesso · 7/5/2020  · if you wish to contact fr. joe you can mail...

u een un In in i e Jul 5, w Be n i i - B i u i n A ma up p p av tat- t a an u t b am n- b H t b an AntRa t". p m t a m u a nn an a n t t pa mmun ty a n t ay.) I am t pn t b n a m nn m tn a ma up... any n a n t m t b nt t , pa ma Nan y an y an 0 ma . m). I tm nt t nt a y u t an nt t n t tp n , ta m tm t a t p um nt " t pn Hat" tn t n many p a t ab ut a m ant a m. a , Nan y an y n u 1t w w m . B P m h t th R m n w P t . L k h w m n th w k nn un m nt mn n. N U IE EN E EN IEN fr m Fa r i r m h m n Wh s ch , h W c m W s h cm h h ss h s x h m c s, s s, s cs m s. s h W c m W hs y s m D h m hs s c s c h h Ps R, h y h c , h s y c y F J h sh s . y h ch m h h F c m s cm. ch ss m s h s s . ’m h h h . ’m h sh. ’m y. ’m hs s. ’m s ss , y V , s, R J sy R . h ss s m h cm ’ c s c F y h m s m my h m h . m y, h s s s m sh ss m . h s sm h h y ss m s m s F , h ch sh cm h c c s h s c yh s m ssy h , s ss m s J y c ’ m y s. ’s h y . y h s h c- . m s. h s c s. W s h m s c mm y h h c s s. W s m s s, s h s m sc s c . ch - ch h c s c ’ s c s - . y sc h m ms h h s h . h h cs y ss. m c h cm c , cm , sh , c s s s h . W m h h h s h h h h hs h R m . y s h h y, h c y, s sm h . , ’s h

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Page 1: from Father Bill Promesso · 7/5/2020  · If you wish to contact Fr. Joe you can mail correspondence to his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake Orion 48362. Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

Fourteenth Sunday In

Ordinary time

July 5, 2020

How To Be AntiRacist -

a Book Discussion

A small group of people have start-

ed to read and discuss the Ibram Ken-

di book "How to be an AntiRacist".

(We promise to share some of our

learning and challenges with the parish

community along the way.) I am still

hoping to begin a morning meeting of

a similar group... if anyone reading this

might be interested, please email

Nancy ([email protected]).

If time or life or interest does not

lead you to an interest in this topic

now, take some time to read the US

Bishops document " With Open

Hearts" or listen to one of so many

podcasts about racism or anti racism.

Peace, Nancy Clancy


July 1st



Fr. Bill

Promesso as

Christ the


new Pastor.

Look for his welcome video in

the weekly announcements

coming soon.



from Father Bill Promesso

The Welcome Wagon

When I was a child, the Welcome Wagon was an

organization that came to the houses of new neighbors to extend a hand in

greeting and offer information about local events, restaurants, services and

amenities. I feel as if the Welcome Wagon has already visited me! During

the four months since it was announced that I’d be the new Pastor at CTR,

I have enjoyed the grace, hospitality and cooperation offered by Fr Joe and

the parish staff. Many people have reached out to me through Facebook

and email to offer a personal welcome. Such kindness makes the transition

a bit easier. I’m new to the neighborhood. I’m new to the parish. I’m

new to Oakland County. I’m new to all these lakes. I’m new to Great

Lakes Crossing, Canterbury Village, roundabouts, Baldwin Road and

Joslyn Road. The newness is intimidating! But the welcome I’ve received

since February will help me settle in and make my home here.

Admittedly, this is a strange time for a new parish assignment. There was

some thought about delaying assignments (and retirements) until Fall, but

the archbishop came to the conclusion that since everything is going to be

messy for a while, starting assignments on July 1 couldn’t make it any


It’s a holiday weekend. Many people are up north or elsewhere on vaca-

tion. Some are on boats. Others are joining in patriotic events. We are

still living in the midst of a community health crisis. We are still wearing

masks, sanitizing our hands and maintaining social distancing. It’ll be chal-

lenging to get to know each other because we can’t socialize as we’d pre-

fer. But you’ll discover that I am an eternal optimist with the power of

positive thinking. I want to live in the light and cast away darkness. So I

am confident that we will become acquainted, we will get comfortable, we

will worship, educate and serve and be good stewards together. We will

make it through the transition and build up the reign of God with the help

of Christ the Redeemer. Today is the right day, the perfect day, to start

something new. Now, let’s go forward in faith!

Page 2: from Father Bill Promesso · 7/5/2020  · If you wish to contact Fr. Joe you can mail correspondence to his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake Orion 48362. Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

Christ the Redeemer

Mass schedule resumes

to normal

Christ the Redeemer Church has

opened for Masses. We will resume

our regular Mass schedule, Saturday,

5pm, Sunday, 9 & 11am.

We will also have Masses Tuesdays

at 7pm and Friday mornings at 9am.

Questions, contact the parish of-

fice, 248-391-1621.


celebrated at Christ

the redeemer

First Eucharist

The weekend of June 27/28 Luke

Smith, Sebastian Mozal , Sienna Di-

Janni, James Bechtell, Drew DeVries

were welcomed to the Lord’s table.

Love One Another as I

Have Loved You . . .

In John 15:12, Jesus says, “This is

my commandment, that you love one

another as I have loved you.” Loving

and caring for one another is not just

the pastor’s job—it’s something Jesus

calls us all to do! Stephen Ministry is a

ministry in which people with special

gifts for caring ministry can put those

gifts to use in an organized way, bring-

ing Jesus’ love and care to those who

most need it.

If you know someone who is going

through a difficult time, contact one of

our Stephen Leaders Karen Swietlik or

Margo Clarfelt about Stephen Minis-

try. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to

provide focused, confidential, one-to-

one Christian care—to help that per-

son experience the healing power of

Christ’s love.

Wint’s healing hearts

grief support group

The July Healing Hearts meeting has

been cancelled due to public health

concerns. For online support visit,

for reading material regarding grief

support topics.

Fr. Joe contact info.

If you wish to contact Fr. Joe

you can mail correspondence to

his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake

Orion 48362.

Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

the [email protected] email

through the end of the year. He

may be reached there as well.

Thank you for your continued sup-

port for our Drive by Drives. Satur-

day's collection will benefit CCRT,

(Catholic Community Response

Team )in Pontiac. Donations included

diapers, toiletries and emergency food

for families. We are humbled by your

generosity and grateful on behalf of

all those we serve in Christ's name.

Sandwiches for the

Baldwin Soup


Just as the Governor's Order went

into effect in March, we received a

request to assist with emergency food

for families who rely on the Baldwin

Center for resources. We initially

committed to supplying sandwiches

for 2 weeks. Fr. Joe asked for dona-

tions to help cover the cost and with

your generosity, we were able to pro-

vide just under 1400 sandwiches! The

Baldwin Center is an essential agency

for our neighbors in Pontiac. Thank

you CTR Family!


�����The month of June, Christ the

Redeemer Church donated $5,540 to

the following appeals.

�� Catholic Relief Services

�� CDP Global Recovery Fund

�� Mercy Ships

�� Bakhita Charities

�� Catholic Community Response


�� Catholic Charities of Southeast


�� USCCB-Catholic Campaign for

Human Development

�� Vista Maria

�� Orion Area Youth Assistance

�� Remnant Project Ministries

�� Oakland Literacy Council

�� Angel’s Place

�� Neighborhood Service Organiza-


�� Gary Burnstein Community

Health Clinic

�� Pope Francis Warming Center

Parish office reopens

Beginning Monday, July 6

Summer office hours will be

Mon-Fri. 9-12

Page 3: from Father Bill Promesso · 7/5/2020  · If you wish to contact Fr. Joe you can mail correspondence to his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake Orion 48362. Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

Christ the Redeemer

Time-Sensitive Information for our CTR Families with Children entering

grades K-12

All of our CTR Parents should have received an important email and short survey on Wednesday, June 17 (see text of

email below). Your feedback via this short survey is immensely valuable to our Office of Family Ministry team as we look

forward to the fall. Here is the 3-minute survey link: Thank you kindly!

Dear CTR Parents,

As we move deeper into the summer, your thoughts may be turning

to what our faith formation programming will look like in the fall.

Given all the unknowns about the pandemic, no church can state with

any degree of certainty today what conditions for face-to-face, in-

person interaction will be by the time of our usual fall start.

However, we do have an important meeting with Fr. Bill the first

week of July and would very much appreciate your feedback as soon

as possible so that we may communicate the desires and needs of our

CTR families to the best of our ability.

Over the past several months, our Office of Family Ministry staff

has been in deep discussion, discernment, reading all the latest recommendations from public health officials, and working on

developing effective and innovative ways we can safely welcome our children to engage in our Faith Formation programing

while maintaining healthy conditions and practices.

While we do not as yet have a final plan, I want to share these preliminary recommendations from our staff:

�� Sacramental Preparation has been set as our highest priority. It is our strongest desire and intention to not put any un-

necessary barriers to our children's reception of our sacraments. We WILL find a way to appropriately and adequately

prepare our children for these sacred milestones of initiation.

�� We are also hoping to offer video sessions with possible/optional small group “zoom” conversations (or a like plat-

form…we are still researching our best options) following each video lesson.

�� Staff, catechists, teen helpers and children will be expected to wear face coverings in our shared indoor environments

and will be expected to maintain 6-foot social distancing requirements.

�� Some Faith Formation activities (particularly for our older children) may require a different model or be hybrids of in-

person and online formation.

�� Some sessions that are too large to meet face-to-face may be conducted primarily online and will be recorded.

�� We expect to have more detailed plans for the fall by early August, with the understanding that a shift in the national or

local health landscape could change these plans as we move toward our usual start dates in September/October.

Here is a helpful guide from the National Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd regarding the final survey


We would deeply appreciate your input and perspectives related to planning our fall programming. The 3-minute survey

above will help us immensely. Your responses are confidential and will only be shared with Fr. Bill and our Office of Family

Ministry Staff members.

Thank you so much for your time and care.

In Christ,

Lisa Brown and our CTR Office of Ministry Staff

Page 4: from Father Bill Promesso · 7/5/2020  · If you wish to contact Fr. Joe you can mail correspondence to his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake Orion 48362. Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

Christ the Redeemer


Find us on


@ctrteens �

All Tied Up?

I see too many teens who put on “yokes.”

Farmers put yokes on oxen to tie them to a plow. Oxen tied to yokes have no

freedom. They go where the farmer commands – just like people with bad habits

or addictions.

I remember a student once who told me that he saw nothing wrong with his

“risky” lifestyle. He was a good kid, great student, respectful and kind…even

attended Mass regularly with his family. He saw nothing wrong with his partying

ways. His thought was that if he was able to keep mom and dad happy, keep his

grades up, and live as though he had it all together, he had nothing to worry

about. But I was worried. No one can keep up this two-toned life for long with-

out lasting effects. I was worried that he was putting on the “yoke” of addiction.

He was the life of the party every weekend. I couldn’t convince him that he was

heading down a really bad path. He thought he had everything in control…until

he didn’t.

I’ve known other students who also seem to have their life together. Great

relationships with parents, teachers and coaches; attend Mass regularly; leaders in

youth group. Yet, living lives fill with sexual promiscuity. The idea that, “It’s just

the way teens date,” was going to end badly. Like his friend who liked to party,

this student thought he had it together, until an unplanned pregnancy changed his


We often take up various “yokes” without even realizing it’s happening. Hab-

its can start innocently, and slowly we take on more negative behavior because we

just can’t seem to see the danger we’re heading for. We get into a rhythm of life,

and don’t realize that the extra “yoke” we’re carrying is destroying the plan God

has for our life.

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus invites us to take up his yoke. “Let me and my

teachings guide every decision you make,” he pleads. “I’ll lead you to peace and

meaning in this life and union with God in the next one.”

He’s right, you know. Many years ago I made the deliberate choice to take

this advice for myself. There are times I still struggle against him, at times, even

going way off course. But, he always gently pulls me back. He reminds me that

all I need to do is to lean into his teachings and quietly follow him. As I’ve let

him guide me, I’ve found peace, rest, and so many wonderful things that other

yokes just can’t provide.

Take a look at your life this week. See if you are tying yourself to a yoke that

could hurt you, maybe one you are slipping on gradually without even realizing it.

Ask Jesus for help to break free. Then, take on his yoke. You’ll never look back

with regret.

Page 5: from Father Bill Promesso · 7/5/2020  · If you wish to contact Fr. Joe you can mail correspondence to his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake Orion 48362. Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

Christ the Redeemer

Online Giving

Visit our website:

�� Select We Give across the top of the page.

�� Click on the Online Giving box.

�� Sign up for a new account

�� (under the password box on right).

My payment methods:

�� Enter checking or credit card information

Give a New Gift:

�� For Sunday, Christmas or Mass Intentions

�� Recurring or one time gifts

Questions contact: Christi Spencer; [email protected] or 248-391-1621

ext. 12. Thanks for your faithful stewardship!

Continue your


During the COVID-19 pandemic

and the temporary suspension of pub-

lic Masses in the Archdiocese of De-

troit, Christ the Redeemer Church still

needs your support. Although we are

not celebrating Mass as a parish com-

munity, we still have a need to pay our

staff, maintain the church building,

and, importantly, continue our out-

reach ministries.

We ask that, to the best of your

ability, you continue to make your

weekly offertory donations by any of

the below methods.

How It Works:

Send a text message with the dollar

amount to�����������

Set up bill pay

Through your local

bank. �

USPS, regular mail

July 4/5

5:00pm For the people of the parish.

9:00am For the Petrosky family req

by family.

11:00am For the Wozniak and

Swanson families freq. by family.

July 11/12

5:00pm For the people of the parish.

9:00am For the people of the parish.

11:00am For Stan Kowalski req. by

Dottie Kowalski.

COVID-19 Community Resources

COVID-19 Testing:

Oakland County is offering drive-through Covid-19 testing by appointment to

HCWs with or without symptoms. Contact the Nurse On-Call Hotline at 800-


Saint Joseph Mercy Oakland

Alice Gustafson Center, 44405 Woodward Ave, Pontiac,

Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., & Saturday & Sunday 11am – 3:30 pm


Oakland County Food Policy Council – COVID-19 Resources


Forgotten Harvest Distribution

�� Silver Lake Church of the Nazarene (520 W. Walton, Pontiac, MI 48342)

Tuesday June 23


1:30 PM – 4:00 PM

�� Woodside Pontiac (830 Auburn Ave., Pontiac, MI 48342)

Friday June 26


12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

COVID-19 Emergency Response website —


Lansing update

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Michigan families are hurting

financially. However, legislation to expand the payday lending system in

this state is NOT the answer. If passed, House Bill 5097 would allow payday

lenders to offer loans of up to $2,500 from the current limit of $600. Michigan

Catholic Conference (MCC) has continually spoken out against the measure,

as it charges borrowers an exorbitant 132 annual percentage

rate, lacks adequate consumer protections, and traps Michiganders in a danger-

ous cycle of debt.

While House Bill 5097 recently passed the Michigan House of Representa-

tives, it only did so by a narrow margin. Your email and phone messages made a

difference, and MCC is grateful for your quick action! Now that the measure has

been sent over to the Senate Regulatory Reform Committee, MCC is asking you

to keep speaking out on this issue. Your continued advocacy is needed in or-

der to stop HB 5097 in the Michigan Senate.

Email your State Senator TODAY and urge him or her to oppose this ex-

pansion to the payday lending system. In just a few minutes, you can send a

strong message on behalf of those in financial distress in our state.

Page 6: from Father Bill Promesso · 7/5/2020  · If you wish to contact Fr. Joe you can mail correspondence to his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake Orion 48362. Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

Christ the Redeemer

��������������������� ��

We are a welcoming Christian community sharing in the mission of Jesus to proclaim the

Kingdom of God. We strive to "make a difference" within our local community and the world in

which we live.

Through our gatherings for prayer, sacraments and sharing the Word of God, we are form-

ing a growing community. Recognizing the importance of each individual member, we call forth

the varieties of gifts, talents and ministries of all. We seek to join with others who share in this

mission. (7/23/03)

The following is the entire prayer list of Christ the

Redeemer Church. If you would like someone added to

the prayers please call the parish office.

For the Deceased

For Our Parishioners

…..our country’s military per-

sonnel especially those connected

to our parish.

For the Military

Cheryl Horvath

sister of Kelly Bechtell

Sharlyn & Joel Weber

parents of Jill Kociba

Megan Taggart

daughter of Marcia Nannarone and

niece of Betty Mlinar

Whitney Wenger

sister of Theresa Lee

Shirley Lemanski

cousin of Therese Wisnewski

Gloria Kienzie

mother of Marcie Perez

Monty Buxton

Jillian Barron

niece of Therese Wisnewski

Anabel Marin

sister of Cecilia Pacheco

Ashley Hafelt

Mary Elizabeth Buck

niece of MaryAnn & Bob Turner

Ashley Gresock

daughter of Gary & Gail Zirwes

Rob Laveque

nephew of Mary Anne Walsh

Derek Coe

son of Ken & Sally Coe

Lauren Hughes

daughter of Tim & Jeanette Hughes

Barbara Whalen

sister of Nancy Clancy

Lauren Hughes

daughter of Tim & Jeanette Hughes

For Loved Ones

Who Are Ill

�Parish Council (Meets 4th Tuesday)

Commissions meet 2nd Tuesday

�Education Chair:

Katelyn Wheeler, 248-568-0426

�Parish Finance Council

Chair: Phil Patterson, 248-310-2231

�Service Chair: Nancy Mazur, 248-287-1096

�Stewardship Chair:

Nicola Juzysta, 248-330-2377

�Worship Chair:

Kristen Locke, 248-736-9312 or

Drew Peters, 248-802-0927

�������������������� ��


Director, Lisa Brown, ext. 20

[email protected]

Pre-K, Elementary Coordinators

Karen Jbara and Michele Pinelli, ext. 19

[email protected]

Administrative, Gabriela Mendez, ext. 14

[email protected]

Middle School, Ann Blizzard

[email protected]

Youth Minister & Confirmation Coordinator

Lisa Andridge, ext. 33

[email protected]



Hours: 9 am to 4:30 pm, Mon.-Thursday

9 am to 12:00 Noon, Friday

Website Address:

248.391.1621, (Fax) 248.391.3412

Administrative: Sue Enjaian, ext. 10

e-mail: [email protected]

Administrative: Dawn Cejka, ext. 11

[email protected]

Finance: Christi Spencer, ext. 12

[email protected]

Christian Service: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17

[email protected] and

Lisa Pratt, ext. 17 [email protected]

Stephen Ministry: Karen Swietlik, ext. 17

Music Ministry: Mari Reyes,

[email protected]

����� � �������������

�� ������������

2700 Waldon Rd, Lake Orion, MI 48360

Fr. Bill Promesso, Pastor

e-mail: [email protected]


Saturday - 5:00 pm

Sunday Summer Mass 10am

Daily - Check weekly bulletin

�������� �����

��������� ������


Pontiac Vicariate Website:

Chuck Lauinger

Kathleen May

Maria Geryk

Paul Donnetti

Andrew Griesser

Carolyn Stevens

Tom Needham

Mary Bussome


Lew Cardimone

Tim Swanson

Keith Kramer

Cameron Kostiz

Nancy Miller

Terry Hart

Maryann Powell

Marian Maher

Luisa Jimeno

Dan Cady

Bob Brain



Bob Hester

Jane Lennox

Craig Collins

Betty Cooney

Dave Lasko

Ron Spitler



Diane Kocik

Bill Schramm

George Smith

Isabel Santiago

Richard Valuet

Pat Tinetti

Cody Baert

Pat Nolf

Page 7: from Father Bill Promesso · 7/5/2020  · If you wish to contact Fr. Joe you can mail correspondence to his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake Orion 48362. Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

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Page 8: from Father Bill Promesso · 7/5/2020  · If you wish to contact Fr. Joe you can mail correspondence to his home at: 1389 Paul Blvd., Lake Orion 48362. Fr. Joe will continue to monitor

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