from earlioems - swansea community boat trust...from earliest times, ships moored at quays along the...

From earliest times, ships moored at quays along the river bank. Swansea Castle was built in the 14th. Century to protect the port. Sea-going ships could follow the river inland to load coal. e history of the river navigation is the story of Swansea itself. Discover how the Tawe River navigation helped create “Copperopolis”, one of the greatest industrial powerhouses that the World has ever known. Heritage Trail Heritage Trail 1. We start our walk at the National Waterfront Museum. e Coastline Warehouse, now part of the NWM, was built in 1898 to store goods passing through the docks. 2. e Swansea Museum Floating Exhibits. ese historic ships – the Helwick Lightship, ‘Canning’ tug and ‘Olga’ the Bristol Channel pilot cutter - were all used to bring vessels safely into port. 3. e Tramway Centre is also part of Swansea Museum, which can be found a short walk away in the Royal Institution building 1841. 4. e South Dock opened in 1859 for coal exports, general cargo and a large fishing fleet. Within a century, the trade had moved to new, larger docks on the east side of the River Tawe. South Dock was abandoned until it found a new use as Swansea Marina. 5. St. Nicholas Seamen’s Church 1868 was a Mission for the numerous seamen passing through the docks. 6. e Pump House 1900 originally provided hydraulic power to operate the adjacent swing bridge and the dock gates. 7. e late 19th century Pilots’ House was once the base for Swansea Sea Pilots, who still bring ships safely into the port. e tall castellated tower was to “look out” for approaching ships. 8. e Tawe Barrage 1992 permanently raised the water levels along the river. Towards the sea are the Piers, first built in early 1800s to shelter the entrance to the River Tawe. 9. e J Shed is another old dock warehouse refurbished for a new use. 10. e Norwegian Seamen’s Church was brought to South Wales in the 19th. Century for use by Scandinavian seamen, mostly employed in the timber trade. 11. e Ice House circa 1880 produced ice for the fishing industry. 12. Crossing the Sail Bridge you will see Swansea’s first Guild Hall 1825, now the Dylan omas Centre. If you have time, walk around the nearby streets to see the fine late-Georgian town houses in Cambrian Place and the Assembly Rooms, dating from the mid-1820s when the area was a fashionable seaside resort. 13. As you return to the river bank, watch out for the stonework of the North Dock entrance 1852 set into the footpath. As the port became busy with coal, copper and other trades, a bend in the river was converted into a “floating dock”, with lock gates to retain the water when the tide went out. e North Dock closed in 1928 and the site is now the Parc Tawe shopping centre. Nevertheless a bollard used to tie ships up at still survives behind the superstore. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cameron’s Wharf circa 1847 by William Butler. Swansea Musuem Collection The Norwegian Church The Dylan Thomas Centre Coal shipping, North Dock To Park & Ride WIND STREET Ship plate made at the Cambrian Pottery Entering North Dock The Tawe Barrage The Pump House The Tramway Centre and Coastline Warehouse The Pilots’ House The J Shed The Swansea Museum Floating Exhibits South Dock circa 1909 North Dock Entrance A view of Swansea in the late 19th Century. Courtesy of Associated British Ports Leisure Centre South Dock Sail Bridge River Tawe Superstore Parc Tawe Shopping Centre Ers y dyddiau cynharaf, angorodd llongau mewn ceiau ar hyd glan yr afon. Adeiladwyd Castell Abertawe yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar ddeg. Canrif i ddiogelu’r porthladd. Gallai llongau morol ddilyn yr afon i mewn i’r tir i lwytho glo. Hanes y gamlas yw stori Abertawe ei hun. Darganfyddwch sut helpodd camlas Afon Tawe greu “Copperopolis”, un o’r pwerdai diwydiannol mwyaf yn y byd erioed. 1. Dechreuwn ein taith ger Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau. Adeiladwyd Warws y Glannau, sydd bellach yn rhan o AGG, ym 1898 i storio nwyddau a oedd yn pasio drwy’r dociau. 2. Arddangosion Arnofiol Amgueddfa Abertawe. Defnyddiwyd yr holl longau hanesyddol hyn – goleulong a adwaenir fel Helwick, tynfad o’r enw ‘Canning’, ac ‘Olga’, Llong Cytar Peilotiaid Môr Hafren – i ddod â llongau’n ddiogel i mewn i’r porthladd. Llwybr Treftadaeth Camlas Afon Tawe Using the Park & Ride Service Leave your car at Landore P&R. Take the bus to City Centre, getting off at Caer Street. Walk towards Swansea Castle, then turn right down Wind Street. Watch out for medieval Cross Keys Inn (first street on right). At the end of Wind Street, you will see the fine red brick and stone former Swansea Harbour Trust building. Nearby is Swansea Museum with its stone columns. Don’t cross the main road, but turn right and walk towards the crossing for the National Waterfront Museum. You are now at the start of the Tawe Navigation Trail. Defnyddio’r Gwasanaeth Parcio a eithio Gadewch eich car yng Nghanolfan Parcio a eithio Glandw ˆr. Ewch ar y bws i Ganol y Ddinas, gan ddisgyn yn Heol Caer. Cerddwch i gyfeiriad Castell Abertawe cyn troi i’r dde i lawr Stryd y Gwynt. Cadwch olwg am dafarn ganoloesol y Cross Keys (i lawr yr heol gyntaf ar y dde). Ar ben pellaf Stryd y Gwynt fe welwch chi’r adeilad hardd o gerrig a brics cochion a oedd gynt yn gartref i Ymddiriedolaeth Harbwr Abertawe. Mae Amgueddfa Abertawe gerllaw, â’i cholofnau cerrig. Yn lle croesi’r ffordd fawr, trowch i’r dde tua’r groesfan i gyrraedd Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau. Rydych chi wedi cyrraedd man cychwyn Llwybr Treftadaeth Camlas Afon Tawe. 8. Bu Argae Tawe 1992 yn codi lefelau’r dw ˆ r ar hyd yr afon yn barhaol. Tuag at y môr mae’r Pierau, a adeiladwyd gyntaf yn yr 1800au cynnar i gysgodi’r mynediad i Afon Tawe. 9. Mae’r Sied J yn hen warws doc arall wedi’i ailwampio ar gyfer defnydd newydd. 10. Daeth Eglwys Morwyr Norwy i dde Cymru yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg i’w defnyddio gan forwyr Llychlyn, wedi’u cyflogi’n bennaf yn y fasnach bren. 11. Roedd y Ty ˆ Iâ, sy’n dyddio o tua 1880, yn cynhyrchu iâ i’r diwydiant pysgota. 12. Wrth groesi’r Bont Hwylio byddwch yn gweld Neuadd y Dref gyntaf Abertawe (1825), Canolfan Dylan omas bellach. Os oes amser gennych, cerddwch o amgylch y strydoedd cyfagos i weld y tai tref Georgaidd gwych yn Cambrian Place ac Ystafelloedd y Cynulliad, yn dyddio o ganol yr 1820au pan oedd yr ardal yn gyrchfan glan môr ffasiynol. 13. Wrth i chi ddychwelyd i lan yr afon, cadwch lygaid am waith carreg Mynedfa Doc y Gogledd 1852 wedi’i osod yn y llwybr. Wrth i’r porthladd ddod yn brysur â glo, copr a masnachau eraill, trawsnewidiwyd tro yn yr afon yn “ddoc sy’n arnofio”, gyda llifddorau i ddal y dw ˆr pan fo’r llanw’n mynd allan. Caeodd Doc y Gogledd ym 1928 a Chanolfan Siopa Parc Tawe yw’r safle bellach. Er hynny mae bolard a ddefnyddiwyd i glymu llongau yn goroesi o hyd y tu ôl i’r uwch farchnad. 14. I ddarparu cwrs newydd i’r afon, cloddiwyd Y New Cut ym 1845. Os edrychwch i fyny’r afon, gallwch weld pa mor syth mae’r afon. Cymerodd dair blynedd i balu’r culfor newydd ac roedd yn gyflawniad mawr i beirianyddion y dydd. 15. Wrth i chi groesi’r Bont New Cut, mae safle Gweithfeydd Copr Cambrian 1720 ar y lan ar y chwith. Hefyd nid oes unrhyw olion gweladwy yn weddill o Grochendy Cambrian 1764-1870 na Chrochendy Morgannwg 1814-1838, ond mae arddangosfeydd o’u cynnyrch yn Amgueddfa Abertawe ac Oriel Glynn Vivian. Llwybr Treftadaeth Camlas Afon Tawe Swansea Neath A483 A483 A483 A484 A48 A48 A48 A4217 A4067 A4067 A4067 A4118 47 46 45 44 43 42 A4240 A48 A48 M4 M4 Tawe River Navigation Herirtage Trail Llwybr Treftadaeth Camlas Afon Tawe. Published by the Swansea Community Boat Trust, working with the Riverside Communities Group, HERIAN - heritage in action, Swansea Museum and the City and County of Swansea. All opinions expressed are those of the Trust. Boat Trips e Trust will soon be running a Community Boat on the Tawe River Navigation. Support has already come from: Associated British Ports, Astleys, Bevan Buckland Chartered Accountants, Councillor Audrey Clement, Cooperative Community Fund, e Duke of Beaufort, Mr John Dyer, Environment Agency “Splash”, J.M.Fabweld, GE Baglan Bay, Grand eatre, e Junction Morfa Shopping Park, Letha Consultancy, Rank Foundation, City and County of Swansea, Swansea Park & Ride Service, 3M, Tidy Towns, Wales National Pool, Welsh Assembly Government ‘Invest Wales’, Welsh Church Acts Fund. If you would you like to help the Trust, find out more at: or email: [email protected] e Trust is grateful for professional services donated to the Swansea Community Boat project by Butterfield and Morgan Chartered Accountants, JCP Solicitors, South Wales Boat Show and the City and County of Swansea. 14. To provide a new course for the river, e New Cut 1845 was excavated. If you look upstream, you will see how straight the river is. e new channel took three years to dig out and was a major achievement for the engineers of the day. 15. As you cross New Cut Bridge, the site of the Cambrian Copperworks 1720 is on the left bank. ere are also no visible remains of the famous Cambrian Pottery 1764-1870 and Glamorgan Pottery 1814- 1838, but there are displays of their products at Swansea Museum and the Glyn Vivian Gallery. The Ice House The Sail Bridge National Waterfront Museum SWANSEA COMMUNITY BOAT TRUST YMDDIRIEDOLAETH BAD CYMUNEDOL ABERTAWE Sponsored by: Heritage Trail Heritage Trail Tawe River Navigation circa 1865 from ‘Le Tour de Monde’ 3. Mae Canolfan Tramffordd hefyd yn rhan o Amgueddfa Abertawe, sydd ond tro byr o adeilad y Sefydliad Brenhinol 1841. 4. Agorodd Doc y De ym 1859 ar gyfer allforio glo, cargo cyffredinol a llynges bysgota fawr. O fewn canrif roedd y fasnach wedi symud i ddociau mwy, newydd ar ochr ddwyreiniol yr Afon Tawe. Gwnaed Doc y De yn segur tan iddo ddarganfod defnydd newydd fel Marina Abertawe. 5. Roedd Eglwys Morwyr St. Nicholas 1868 yn Genhadaeth i nifer o forwyr a oedd yn pasio drwy’r dociau. 6. Yn wreiddiol darparodd Y Ty ˆ Pwmpio 1900 bw ˆ er hydrolig i weithredu gatiau’r doc a’r bont droi gyfagos. 7. Ar un adeg roedd Ty ˆ’r Peilotiaid, sy’n dyddio o ddiwedd y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, yn ganolfan i Beilotiaid Môr Abertawe, sydd o hyd yn dod â llongau i mewn i’r porthladd yn ddiogel. Pwrpas y tw ˆ r castellog tal oedd cadw golwg am longau’n agosáu. National Waterfront Museum Swansea Museum

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Page 1: From earlioems - Swansea Community Boat Trust...From earliest times, ships moored at quays along the river bank. Swansea Castle was built in the 14th. Century to protect the port

From earliest times, ships moored at quays along the river bank. Swansea Castle was built in the 14th. Century to protect the port. Sea-going ships could follow the river inland to load coal. The history of the river navigation is the story of Swansea itself. Discover how the Tawe River navigation helped create “Copperopolis”, one of the greatest industrial powerhouses that the World has ever known.

Heritage TrailHeritage Trail

1. We start our walk at the National Waterfront Museum. The Coastline Warehouse, now part of the NWM, was built in 1898 to store goods passing through the docks. 2. The Swansea Museum Floating Exhibits. These historic ships – the Helwick Lightship, ‘Canning’ tug and ‘Olga’ the Bristol Channel pilot cutter - were all used to bring vessels safely into port.3. The Tramway Centre is also part of Swansea Museum, which can be found a short walk away in the Royal Institution building 1841.

4. The South Dock opened in 1859 for coal exports, general cargo and a large fishing fleet. Within a century, the trade had moved to new, larger docks on the east side of the River Tawe. South Dock was abandoned until it found a new use as Swansea Marina.5. St. Nicholas Seamen’s Church 1868 was a Mission for the numerous seamen passing through the docks.6. The Pump House 1900 originally provided hydraulic power to operate the adjacent swing bridge and the dock gates.7. The late 19th century Pilots’ House was once the base for Swansea Sea Pilots, who still bring ships safely into the port. The tall castellated tower was to “look out” for approaching ships.8. The Tawe Barrage 1992 permanently raised the water levels along the river. Towards the sea are the Piers, first built in early 1800s to shelter the entrance to the River Tawe.

9. The J Shed is another old dock warehouse refurbished for a new use.10. The Norwegian Seamen’s Church was brought to South Wales in the 19th. Century for use by Scandinavian seamen, mostly employed in the timber trade.11. The Ice House circa 1880 produced ice for the fishing industry.

12. Crossing the Sail Bridge you will see Swansea’s first Guild Hall 1825, now the Dylan Thomas Centre. If you have time, walk around the nearby streets to see the fine late-Georgian town houses in Cambrian Place and the Assembly Rooms, dating from the mid-1820s when the area was a fashionable seaside resort. 13. As you return to the river bank, watch out for the stonework of the North Dock entrance 1852 set into the footpath. As the port became busy with coal, copper and other trades, a bend in the river was converted into a “floating dock”, with lock gates to retain the water when the tide went out. The North Dock closed in 1928 and the site is now the Parc Tawe shopping centre. Nevertheless a bollard used to tie ships up at still survives behind the superstore.









12 13



Cameron’s Wharf circa 1847 by William Butler. Swansea Musuem Collection

The Norwegian Church

The Dylan Thomas Centre

Coal shipping, North Dock

To Park & RideW


Ship plate made at the Cambrian Pottery

Entering North Dock

The Tawe Barrage

The Pump House

The Tramway Centre and Coastline Warehouse

The Pilots’ House

The J ShedThe Swansea Museum Floating Exhibits

South Dock circa 1909

North Dock Entrance

A view of Swansea in the late 19th Century. Courtesy of

Associated British Ports

Leisure Centre

South Dock

Sail Bridge

River Tawe


Parc Tawe Shopping Centre

Ers y dyddiau cynharaf, angorodd llongau mewn ceiau ar hyd glan yr afon. Adeiladwyd Castell Abertawe yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar ddeg. Canrif i ddiogelu’r porthladd. Gallai llongau morol ddilyn yr afon i mewn i’r tir i lwytho glo. Hanes y gamlas yw stori Abertawe ei hun.Darganfyddwch sut helpodd camlas Afon Tawe greu “Copperopolis”, un o’r pwerdai diwydiannol mwyaf yn y byd erioed.

1. Dechreuwn ein taith ger Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau. Adeiladwyd Warws y Glannau, sydd bellach yn rhan o AGG, ym 1898 i storio nwyddau a oedd yn pasio drwy’r dociau.2. Arddangosion Arnofiol Amgueddfa Abertawe. Defnyddiwyd yr holl longau hanesyddol hyn – goleulong a adwaenir fel Helwick, tynfad o’r enw ‘Canning’, ac ‘Olga’, Llong Cytar Peilotiaid Môr Hafren – i ddod â llongau’n ddiogel i mewn i’r porthladd.

Llwybr Treftadaeth Camlas Afon Tawe

Using the Park & Ride Service

Leave your car at Landore P&R. Take the bus to City Centre, getting off at Caer Street. Walk towards Swansea Castle, then turn right down Wind Street. Watch out for medieval Cross Keys Inn (first street on right). At the end of Wind Street, you will see the fine red brick and stone former Swansea Harbour Trust building. Nearby is Swansea Museum with its stone columns. Don’t cross the main road, but turn right and walk towards the crossing for the National Waterfront Museum. You are now at the start of the Tawe Navigation Trail.

Defnyddio’r Gwasanaeth Parcio a Theithio

Gadewch eich car yng Nghanolfan Parcio a Theithio Glandwr. Ewch ar y bws i Ganol y Ddinas, gan ddisgyn yn Heol Caer. Cerddwch i gyfeiriad Castell Abertawe cyn troi i’r dde i lawr Stryd y Gwynt. Cadwch olwg am dafarn ganoloesol y Cross Keys (i lawr yr heol gyntaf ar y dde). Ar ben pellaf Stryd y Gwynt fe welwch chi’r adeilad hardd o gerrig a brics cochion a oedd gynt yn gartref i Ymddiriedolaeth Harbwr Abertawe. Mae Amgueddfa Abertawe gerllaw, â’i cholofnau cerrig. Yn lle croesi’r ffordd fawr, trowch i’r dde tua’r groesfan i gyrraedd Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau. Rydych chi wedi cyrraedd man cychwyn Llwybr Treftadaeth Camlas Afon Tawe.

8. Bu Argae Tawe 1992 yn codi lefelau’r dwr ar hyd yr afon yn barhaol. Tuag at y môr mae’r Pierau, a adeiladwyd gyntaf yn yr 1800au cynnar i gysgodi’r mynediad i Afon Tawe.9. Mae’r Sied J yn hen warws doc arall wedi’i ailwampio ar gyfer defnydd newydd.10. Daeth Eglwys Morwyr Norwy i dde Cymru yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg i’w defnyddio gan forwyr Llychlyn, wedi’u cyflogi’n bennaf yn y fasnach bren.11. Roedd y Ty Iâ, sy’n dyddio o tua 1880, yn cynhyrchu iâ i’r diwydiant pysgota.12. Wrth groesi’r Bont Hwylio byddwch yn gweld Neuadd y Dref gyntaf Abertawe (1825), Canolfan Dylan Thomas bellach. Os oes amser gennych, cerddwch o amgylch y strydoedd cyfagos i weld y tai tref Georgaidd gwych yn Cambrian Place ac Ystafelloedd y Cynulliad, yn dyddio o ganol yr 1820au pan oedd yr ardal yn gyrchfan glan môr ffasiynol.

13. Wrth i chi ddychwelyd i lan yr afon, cadwch lygaid am waith carreg Mynedfa Doc y Gogledd 1852 wedi’i osod yn y llwybr. Wrth i’r porthladd ddod yn brysur â glo, copr a masnachau eraill, trawsnewidiwyd tro yn yr afon yn “ddoc sy’n arnofio”, gyda llifddorau i ddal y dwr pan fo’r llanw’n mynd allan. Caeodd Doc y Gogledd ym 1928 a Chanolfan Siopa Parc Tawe yw’r safle bellach. Er hynny mae bolard a ddefnyddiwyd i glymu llongau yn goroesi o hyd y tu ôl i’r uwch farchnad.14. I ddarparu cwrs newydd i’r afon, cloddiwyd Y New Cut ym 1845. Os edrychwch i fyny’r afon, gallwch weld pa mor syth mae’r afon. Cymerodd

dair blynedd i balu’r culfor newydd ac roedd yn gyflawniad mawr i beirianyddion y dydd.15. Wrth i chi groesi’r Bont New Cut, mae safle Gweithfeydd Copr Cambrian 1720 ar y lan ar y chwith. Hefyd nid oes unrhyw olion gweladwy yn weddill o Grochendy Cambrian 1764-1870 na Chrochendy Morgannwg 1814-1838, ond mae arddangosfeydd o’u cynnyrch yn Amgueddfa Abertawe ac Oriel Glynn Vivian.

Llwybr Treftadaeth Camlas Afon Tawe























Tawe River NavigationHerirtage Trail

Llwybr Treftadaeth Camlas Afon Tawe.

Published by the Swansea Community Boat Trust, working with the Riverside Communities Group, HERIAN - heritage in action, Swansea Museum and the City and County of Swansea.All opinions expressed are those of the Trust.

Boat TripsThe Trust will soon be running a Community Boat on the Tawe River Navigation. Support has already come from: Associated British Ports, Astleys, Bevan Buckland Chartered Accountants, Councillor Audrey Clement, Cooperative Community Fund, The Duke of Beaufort, Mr John Dyer, Environment Agency “Splash”, J.M.Fabweld, GE Baglan Bay, Grand Theatre, The Junction Morfa Shopping Park, Letha Consultancy, Rank Foundation, City and County of Swansea, Swansea Park & Ride Service, 3M, Tidy Towns, Wales National Pool, Welsh Assembly Government ‘Invest Wales’, Welsh Church Acts Fund.If you would you like to help the Trust, find out more at: or email: [email protected]

The Trust is grateful for professional services donated to the Swansea Community Boat project by Butterfield and Morgan Chartered Accountants, JCP Solicitors, South Wales Boat Show and the City and County of Swansea.

14. To provide a new course for the river, The New Cut 1845 was excavated. If you look upstream, you will see how straight the river is. The new channel took three years to dig out and was a major achievement for the engineers of the day. 15. As you cross New

Cut Bridge, the site of the Cambrian Copperworks 1720

is on the left bank. There are also no visible remains of the famous Cambrian Pottery 1764-1870 and Glamorgan Pottery 1814-1838, but there are displays of their products at Swansea Museum and the Glyn Vivian Gallery.

The Ice House

The Sail Bridge

National Waterfront Museum


Sponsored by:

Heritage TrailHeritage Trail

Tawe River Navigation circa 1865 from ‘Le Tour de Monde’








3. Mae Canolfan Tramffordd hefyd yn rhan o Amgueddfa Abertawe, sydd ond tro byr o adeilad y Sefydliad Brenhinol 1841.4. Agorodd Doc y De ym 1859 ar gyfer allforio glo, cargo cyffredinol a llynges bysgota fawr. O fewn canrif roedd y fasnach wedi symud i ddociau mwy, newydd ar ochr ddwyreiniol yr Afon Tawe. Gwnaed Doc y De yn segur tan iddo ddarganfod defnydd newydd fel Marina Abertawe.5. Roedd Eglwys Morwyr St. Nicholas 1868 yn Genhadaeth i nifer o forwyr a oedd yn pasio drwy’r dociau.6. Yn wreiddiol darparodd Y Ty Pwmpio 1900 bwer hydrolig i weithredu gatiau’r doc a’r bont droi gyfagos.7. Ar un adeg roedd Ty’r Peilotiaid, sy’n dyddio o ddiwedd y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, yn ganolfan i Beilotiaid Môr Abertawe, sydd o hyd yn dod â llongau i mewn i’r porthladd yn ddiogel. Pwrpas y twr castellog tal oedd cadw golwg am longau’n agosáu.

National Waterfront Museum

Swansea Museum

Page 2: From earlioems - Swansea Community Boat Trust...From earliest times, ships moored at quays along the river bank. Swansea Castle was built in the 14th. Century to protect the port

16. Walking up the valley on Footpath 43, you may catch a glimpse of All Saints Church 1843 on the slopes of Kilvey Hill. This was the centre of a community called Foxhole, built by the Grenfell family for workers at their Middle and Upper Bank Copper Works. In 1892, they rented 83 cottages to their employees. There was also a school and music hall, both of which survive.17. Smith’s Canal tipping stages The two masonry abutments are rare 18th century survivors of the many tipping stages that once lined the navigation. They are difficult to reach from the footpath and are best viewed from the river.18. Swansea Vale Railway bridge. Have a good look at this bridge as it has some unusual features. Overhead is the road into the White Rock Copperworks. Under the bridge to the left is a stone channel. This was a leet carrying water to power machinery. At the base of the bridge is the entrance of a tunnel built for the Smith’s Canal. So the bridge has four crossings!

Return across the grassed area and walk down to the river, where you will find20. The River Barge Dock and River Quay. Copper ore was brought up the river and finished copper products were shipped out. These included copper bangles called “popo manilas” which were traded for slaves in West Africa. During the 19th Century, the river navigation was largely replaced by railway transport.21. Across the river, you will see the remains of the Vivian & Sons Locomotive Shed 1910, which once housed a powerful Beyer-Garrett locomotive. This hauled railway wagons up the steep incline from the Hafod Copper Works to the main railway line above.Continue along the riverside until you see the stony outline of the22. Inclined plane railway which ran to the waste tip on the hillside above. Processing copper ore produced huge waste tips, which were cleared away by Swansea Council in 1967.Walk past the incline, then follow it back to the canal basin. Here you will see a23. Copper Works Furnace. This is one of the few furnaces still visible on the copper works sites, though its use is uncertain. 24. Smith’s Canal basin and tunnel. The canal brought coal to the works. It also provided a reliable supply of water.Turn left and follow the canal basin until you reach the car park. You now have a choice of routes :A. Follow Footpath 43 under the river bridge and go inland past the new housing development.B. Cross over the river on the bridge, then find your way down to the riverside footpath. This is a more interesting walk, but at the time of writing (2008) there was no “official” access to the riverside walk from White Rock Bridge.25. Morfa Quay once served the large Morfa Copper Works. There were many quays like this along the river navigation. Note the railway sleepers in the paving, also the base of a crane. 26. Across the river, you will see the last remaining building of the Upper Bank Copper Works . This is the only copper smelting hall still in existence at Swansea The site had a varied history, but by 1783 it was producing copper goods for the Liverpool slave trade and later on sheathing for warship hulls. From 1828 to 1907 it was run by the Grenfells. The old smelting hall is now surrounded by new apartments, but can you see the old copper slag blocks still supporting the river bank?

30. Morfa Canteen Building once had a distinctive clock tower. Originally built as a power house in the late 19th Century, it later became a canteen. It is in poor condition, but Swansea Council has plans for its renovation for a new use.31. Morfa Laboratory, behind the canteen building, was built in the mid 19th Century. It was probably used to test or “assay” the quality of the copper ore.32. Hafod lime kiln, built alongside the Swansea Canal in the mid 19th Century, produced lime for building work, it is the last of perhaps thirty that lined the river.33. The Hafod Works Offices are now a social club but were originally offices for the Hafod copperworks.34. Vivian Engine House 1826 was built for a steam engine that powered the copper rolling mills.35. Musgrave Engine House 1910 also powered the copper rolling mills. It still contains the original Musgrave Uniflow steam engine, last used in 1980. This rare survivor of the steam age, though neglected since the works closed, could be a major tourist attraction. The engine house is not open to the public, but copper rolling machinery can be seen outside.








23 24












Liberty Stadium

The Junction Morfa Shopping


Site of the Upper Bank Copperworks

Site of the Hafod Copperworks

Site of the Morfa Copperworks

Site of White Rock Copperworks

28. View of Brunel’s Landore Viaduct and Morris Castle. Looking upstream from the stadium footbridge is the Landore railway viaduct. The famous Victorian engineer Isambard Brunel designed the original bridge and early masonry piers still support the modern structure. Beyond the viaduct, you will see “Morris Castle” on the hill above. It is really an early tenement building, built for John Morris by the Leicestershire architect John Johnson in the 1770s to house workers at his colliery. Return back across the footbridge and follow the footpath straight past the sports stadium. When you the reach the main road, cross at the pedestrian lights and turn left.29. Morfa Rolling Mills 1828. Walk along the main road towards the river and look at the buildings by the Park & Ride car park. First you will pass the Morfa Rolling Mills, now the Swansea Museum Collections Centre. When this building was first built around 1838 it was the largest of its kind in the world.

View of tipping staves from the east side of the River Tawe by James Harris. Courtesy of City & County of Swansea, Glyn Vivian Art Gallery

White Rock Copperworks with Upper Bank beyond circa 1830 by Henri Gastineau, Swansea Museum Collection

Hafod Lime Kiln

copper bangle or “popo manila”

Morfa Bridge

Morfa Laboratory

White Rock Copperworks circa 1811. J. G. Woods, Swansea Musuem

Musgrave Engine House

Vivian Engine House

Morfa Canteen Building

Morfa Rolling Mills

36. Hafod River Quay. Finally, before leaving the copperworks sites, walk to the river quay where, from about 1810, seagoing ships would have been tied up. It is a useful reminder that the Tawe River Navigation was the key to Swansea’s early industrial growth.

16. Wrth gerdded i fyny’r cwm ar Lwybr 43, efallai gallwch gael cipolwg ar Eglwys yr Holl Saint 1843 ar lethrau Bryn Cilfái. Dyma oedd canol cymuned Foxhole, wedi’i hadeiladu gan y teulu Grenfell ar gyfer gweithwyr yn eu Gweithfeydd Copr Banc Uchaf a Chanol. Ym 1892, gwnaethant rentu 83 bwthyn i’w gweithwyr. Yn ogystal roedd yno ysgol a theatr gerdd, ac mae’r ddwy wedi goroesi hyd heddiw.17. Llwyfannau llwytho Camlas Smith. Mae’r ddau ategwaith maen yn oroeswyr prin o’r ddeunawfed ganrif o’r sawl llwyfan llwytho a fu ar un adeg yn leinio’r gamlas. Maent yn anodd eu cyrraedd o’r llwybr ac fe’u gwelir orau o’r afon.18. Pont Rheilffordd Bro Abertawe. Craffwch ar y bont hon am fod iddi rai nodweddion anarferol. Uwchben mae’r heol i mewn i Weithfeydd Copr y Graig Wen. O dan y bont i’r chwith mae sianel garreg. Roedd yn cludo dwr i bweru peiriannau. Wrth sylfaen y bont mae’r mynediad i dwnnel a adeiladwyd ar gyfer Camlas Smith. Felly mae gan y bont bedair croesfan!

Rholio y Morfa, bellach yn Ganolfan Casgliadau Amgueddfa Abertawe. Pan adeiladwyd yr adeilad gyntaf oddeutu 1838, hon oedd y mwyaf o’i bath yn y byd. 30. Ar un adeg roedd gan Adeilad Ffreutur y Morfa dwr cloc nodedig. Wedi’i adeiladu’n wreiddiol fel pwerdy yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg hwyr, yn hwyrach fe ddaeth yn ffreutur. Mae mewn cyflwr gwael, ond mae gan Gyngor Abertawe gynlluniau ar y gweill i’w adnewyddu ar gyfer defnydd newydd.31. Adeiladwyd Labordy’r Morfa, y tu ôl i adeilad y ffreutur, yng nghanol y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg. Mae’n debygol iddo gael ei ddefnyddio i brofi ansawdd y mwyn copr.32. Adeiladwyd Odyn Galch yr Hafod ochr yn ochr â Chamlas Abertawe yng nghanol y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg a chynhyrchodd galch ar gyfer gwaith adeiladu, hon yw’r olaf o oddeutu tri deg a oedd yn leinio’r afon.

33. Mae Swyddfeydd Gweithfeydd yr Hafod bellach yn glwb cymdeithasol ond yn wreiddiol dyma oedd swyddfeydd gweithfeydd copr yr Hafod.34. Adeiladwyd Peiriandy Vivian 1826 ar gyfer injan stêm a oedd yn pweru’r melinau rholio copr.35. Bu Peiriandy Musgrave 1910 hefyd yn pweru’r melinau rholio copr. Mae o hyd yn dal yr injan stêm Musgrave gwreiddiol, a ddefnyddiwyd ddiwethaf ym 1980. Gall y goroeswr prin hwn o’r oes stêm, er iddo gael ei esgeuluso ers i’r gweithfeydd gau, fod yn atyniad twristiaeth mawr. Nid yw’r peiriandy ar agor i’r cyhoedd, ond gellir gweld peirianwaith rholio copr y tu allan.36. Cei Afon yr Hafod. Yn olaf, cyn gadael safleoedd y gweithfeydd copr, cerddwch i gei’r afon lle, ers oddeutu 1810, byddai llongau môr wedi cael eu clymu. Mae’n atgof defnyddiol bod Camlas Afon Tawe wedi bod yn allweddol yn nhwf diwydiannol cynnar Abertawe.

After walking on for about 135 metres, you will see a pathway sloping away to the left. It leads to the White Rock Copperworks, started by a Bristol company in 1737. By 1871, it was a silver and lead works. It closed in 1929. This important site has been turned into an industrial heritage park by Swansea Council. The Trust advises visitors to take reasonable care, as the structures may be unsafe and there are some sudden changes of ground level. All children should be closely supervised. You may choose to continue along Footpath 43, but the White Rock Heritage Park is worth a visit if you are reasonably mobile. Ideally, you should explore the site with a heritage guide, but here are some features to look out for :Walking down the slope, the Smith’s Canal basin and tunnel entrance are to the right. At the bottom, turn left and follow the grassed area until you reach a ruined building. 19. This is The Great Work House, where copper ore was smelted. Look for gates covering the access to the Smith’s Canal tunnel. Coal was brought along the canal tunnel by boat, to be unloaded through these openings right into the works.

Ar ôl cerdded ymlaen oddeutu 135 metr, fe welwch lwybr yn goleddu i’r chwith. Arweinia ar Weithfeydd Copr y Garreg Wen, a ddechreuwyd gan gwmni o Fryste ym 1737. Erbyn 1871, gwaith arian a phlwm ydoedd. Caeodd ym 1929. Mae’r safle pwysig hwn wedi’i droi yn barc treftadaeth diwydiannol gan Gyngor Abertawe.Cynghora’r Ymddiriedolaeth i ymwelwyr gymryd gofal cyfrifol, oherwydd gall y strwythurau fod yn anniogel ac mae rhai newidiadau sydyn yn lefel y llawr. Dylid sicrhau fod pob plentyn o dan oruchwyliaeth. Efallai y byddwch yn dewis parhau ar hyd llwybr cerdded 43, ond mae’n sicr o werth ymweld â Pharc Treftadaeth y Graig Wen os ydych yn gallu symud yn weddol. Yn ddelfrydol, dylech archwilio’r safle â thywyswr treftadaeth, ond dyma rai nodweddion i edrych amdanynt:Wrth gerdded i lawr y llethr, mae basn Camlas Smith a’r mynediad i’r twnnel ar y dde. Ar y gwaelod, trowch i’r chwith a dilyn yr ardal laswelltog tan i chi gyrraedd adeilad adfeiliedig.19. Dyma’r Wyrcws Mawr, lle’r oedd mwyn copr yn cael ei fwyndoddi. Edrychwch am gatiau’r fynedfa i Gamlas Smith. Cludwyd glo ar hyd twnnel y gamlas i gael ei ddadlwytho

drwy’r agoriadau hyn yn syth i mewn i’r gweithfeydd.

Dychwelwch ar draws yr ardal laswelltog a cherddwch i lawr at yr afon ble dowch o hyd i

27. Morfa Bridge 1909 was built to an American design. It carried railway wagons of waste from the Morfa Works to tips across the river. The bridge was finely balanced, so it could be raised up to allow ships to pass by on the river. Similar bridges elsewhere have been renovated as valued heritage features. If you are ready for some refreshment, cross the Stadium Footbridge and you will find lots of suitable places in The Junction Morfa Shopping Park.

20. Doc Ysgraff yr Afon a Chei’r Afon. Cludwyd mwyn copr i fyny’r afon a chludwyd cynnyrch copr gorffenedig allan. Roedd y rhain yn cynnwys breichledi copr a elwir yn “popo manilas”, a oedd yn cael eu cyfnewid am gaethweision yng ngorllewin Affrica.Yn ystod y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, disodlwyd mordwyaeth yr afon ar y cyfan gan gludiant rheilffyrdd.21. Ar draws yr afon byddwch yn gweld olion Sied Locomotifau Vivian a’i Feibion 1910, a oedd ar un adeg yn gartref i locomotif pwerus Beyer-Garrett. Roedd hwn yn tynnu wagenni rheilffordd i fyny’r inclein serth o Waith Copr Hafod i’r brif lein reilffordd uwchben.Parhewch ar hyd glan yr afon tan i chi weld amlinelliad caregog y22. rheilffordd plân yr inclein a oedd yn rhedeg i’r domen wastraff ar y llechwedd uwchben. Roedd prosesu mwyn copr yn creu tomennydd gwastraff enfawr, a gliriwyd gan Gyngor Abertawe ym 1967.Cerddwch heibio’r inclein, yna’i ddilyn yn ôl i fasn y gamlas. Yma byddwch yn gweld23. Ffwrnais y Gwaith Copr. Dyma un o’r ffwrnesi prin sydd o hyd yn weladwy ar safleoedd y gweithfeydd copr, ond mae’i defnydd yn ansicr. 24. Twnnel a basn Camlas Smith. Daeth y gamlas â glo i’r gweithfeydd. Roedd hefyd yn darparu cyflenwad dibynadwy o ddwr.Trowch i’r chwith a dilyn basn y gamlas tan i chi gyrraedd y maes parcio. Nawr mae gennych ddewis o ddau lwybr:A. Dilynwch lwybr 43 o dan bont yr afon ac ewch i mewn i’r tir heibio’r datblygiad tai newydd.B. Croeswch yr afon ar y bont, yna ewch i lawr i’r llwybr ar lan yr afon. Mae hon yn dro mwy diddorol, ond ar adeg ysgrifennu (2008) nid oedd mynediad “swyddogol” i daith glan yr afon o Bont y Graig Wen.25. Ar un adeg roedd Cei Morfa yn gwasanaethu Gweithfeydd Copr mawr y Morfa. Roedd nifer o geiau tebyg ar hyd y gamlas. Noder y trawstiau rheilffordd yn y pafin, a hefyd sylfaen craen.26. Ar draws yr afon, byddwch yn gweld yr unig adeilad sy’n weddill o Weithfeydd Copr y Banc Uchaf. Dyma’r unig neuadd mwyndoddi copr sy’n dal i fodoli yn Abertawe. Mae gan y safle hanes amrywiol, ond ym 1783 roedd yn cynhyrchu nwyddau copr i gaethfasnach Lerpwl ac yn nes ymlaen lenni ar gyfer cyrff llongau ryfel. O 1828 i 1907 cafodd ei rheoli gan y teulu Grenfell. Mae’r hen neuadd mwyndoddi bellach wedi’i hamgylchynu gan fflatiau newydd; ond a allwch chi weld yr hen flociau slag copr o hyd yn cefnogi glan yr afon?27. Adeiladwyd Pont Morfa 1909 i ddyluniad Americanaidd. Roedd yn cario wagenni rheilffordd llawn gwastraff o Weithfeydd y Morfa i domennydd ar draws yr afon. Roedd y bont yn fanwl gytbwys, er mwyn iddi allu cael ei chodi i adael llongau heibio ar yr afon. Mae pontydd tebyg mewn mannau eraill wedi’u hadnewyddu fel nodweddion treftadaeth gwerthfawr.

Os ydych chi’n barod ar gyfer peth lluniaeth, croeswch Bont Droed y Stadiwm a bydd digonedd o lefydd addas ym Mharc Adwerthu’r Morfa.28. Golygfa o Draphont Glandwr Brunel a Chastell Morris. Os edrychwch i fyny’r afon o bont droed y stadiwm gwelwch chi draphont reilffordd Glandwr. Y peiriannydd Fictoraidd enwog Isambard Brunel a ddyluniodd y bont wreiddiol ac mae pileri gwaith maen cynnar yn cefnogi’r strwythur modern o hyd. Tu hwnt i’r draphont, byddwch yn gweld “Castell Morris” ar y bryn uwchben. Adeilad tenement cynnar ydyw mewn gwirionedd, a adeiladwyd ar gyfer John Morris gan John Johnson, y pensaer o Gaerlyr, yn yr 1770au fel cartref i weithwyr ei bwll glo. Dychwelwch ar draws y bont droed a dilynwch y llwybr yn syth heibio i’r stadiwm chwaraeon. Pan fyddwch yn cyrraedd y brif heol, croeswch wrth y groesfan gerddwyr a throwch i’r chwith.29. Melinau Rholio y Morfa 1828. Cerddwch ar hyd y brif heol tuag at yr afon ac edrych ar yr adeiladau ger y maes parcio Parcio a Theithio. Yn gyntaf byddwch yn pasio Melinau

Twf “Copperopolis”.

Sefydlwyd Gweithfeydd Copr yr Hafod gan John Vivian ym 1810. Roedd y teulu Vivian yn berchen ar fwyngloddiau copr

a gweithfeydd copr bychan yng Nghernyw, ond daethant i Abertawe oherwydd y glo oedd ar gael yn rhad ac yn rhwydd. Adeiladwyd Tref Vivian, Hafod yn gartref i’r gweithwyr.

Roedd y cyflogau yn y gweithfeydd yn dda a denodd hyn lawer o weithwyr i Abertawe. Ym 1848, roedd y gweithfeydd yn cyflogi

500 o ddynion a 500 o fenywod a phlant.

Dechreuwyd Gweithfeydd Copr y Morfa ym 1828 gan gwmni arall o Gernyw ac erbyn yr 1850au disgrifiwyd fel y mwyndoddydd metel anfferrus mwyaf yn y byd.

Roedd y gweithwyr crefftus yn aml yn trosglwyddo cyfrinachau technegol o dad i fab. Gwaharddwyd hwy

rhag siarad a gweithwyr o gwmniau cystadleuol. Roedd hyd yn oed ysbiwyr yn dod o wledydd tramor i geisio

dwyn cyfrinachau “Copperopolis”.

Pam wnaeth y diwydiant copr ddatblygu yn Abertawe?

Roedd yn cymryd tair tunnell o lo i fwyndoddi un dunnell o fwyn copr, felly roedd yn fwy economaidd i leoli’r gweithfeydd copr yn Abertawe ger y pyllau glo. Ar un adeg, roedd mwy na 90% o gopr y

byd yn dod o Abertawe.

Diwedd “Copperopolis”.

Cyfunwyd gweithfeydd yr Hafod a’r Morfa ym 1924, ond erbyn hynny roedd mwyndoddi copr eisoes wedi darfod yn Abertawe. Roedd yn fwy economaidd i fwyndoddi mwyn lle’r oedd yn cael ei gloddio. Parhaodd y perchnogion newydd, Yorkshire Imperial Metals, i rolio haenellau copr ar gyfer boeleri locomotif stem ac ymgymryd a

gwaith arbenigol arall, ond ym 1980 caeodd y gweithfeydd am y tro olaf. Nid oedd “Copperopolis” yn bod bellach.

Model of reverberatory furnace - courtesy of Swansea Museum Collections Centre

Rolling Mills at Hafod Copper Works circa. 1930 - courtesy of SCBT Archives

“The processes in a copper-work are simple ... The furnaces in which these operations are performed are reverberatory, and of the usual construction. The substance to be acted upon ... is separated from the fire-place by a bridge of bricks, about two feet in thickness.“The flame passes over this bridge, and, by reverberating along the roof of the furnace, produces the required temperature, and escapes, with any volatile matter that may be disengaged from the ore ... through a flue at the opposite extremity of the furnace”

“At the period of the establishment of the first copperwork on the Swansea river, about a century ago, Swansea was a mere insignificant village ... The trade of the port has increased to such an extent ... producing a great revenue for the improvement of the navigation, and employing a very considerable number of seamen ... the copper-trade would require constantly upwards of 100 sail, of

100 tons each.”“John HenryVivian

writing in ‘The Technical Repository’ Published 1823.

The Growth of “Copperopolis”.

The Hafod Copperworks was established by John Vivian in 1810. The Vivians owned copper mines and small copperworks in Cornwall, but came to Swansea because of the readily available and cheap coal. Vivian’s Town, Hafod was built to house the workers.

The wages at the works were good and this brought many workers to Swansea. In 1848, the works employed 500 men and 500 women and children.

The Morfa Copperworks was started in 1828 by another Cornish firm and by the 1850s it was described as the largest nonferrous metal smelter in the World.

The skilled workers often passed technical secrets from father to son. They were forbidden to talk to employees of rival firms. Spies even came from foreign countries to try to steal the secrets of “Copperopolis”.

Why did the copper industry develop at Swansea?

It took 3 tons of coal to smelt 1 ton of copper ore, so it was more economic to site the copper works at Swansea near the coal mines. At one time, over 90% of the World’s copper came from Swansea.

The end of “Copperopolis”.

The Hafod and Morfa works combined in 1924, but by then copper smelting had already ceased in Swansea. It was more economic to smelt the ore where it was mined. The last owners, Yorkshire Imperial Metals, continued rolling copper plates for steam locomotive boilers and undertook other specialist work, but in 1980 the works finally closed. “Copperopolis” was no more.