friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative...


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Page 1: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one
Page 2: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one

“If you go looking for a

friend, you’re going to find

they’re scarce.

If you go out to be a friend,

you’ll find them everywhere.”

Zig Ziglar 1926-2012

Page 3: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one




[email protected]

Vicar Rev’d Margaret Young ☏ 01347 821394

Assistant Curate Rev’d Charlotte Cranfield ☏ 07807 941528

☏ 01347 824399

Churchwardens Alizon Leese ☏ 01347 823806

Juliette Jennings ☏ 01347 823955

Retired Clergy Rev’d Chris Peel

assisting in the parish Rev’d Robin Davill

Rev’d John Hetherington

Rev’d Steve Jarratt

Rev’d David Senior


PCC Secretary Sue Thorn ☏ 01347 823235

[email protected]

PCC Treasurer Bill Henebury ☏ 01347 239178

Raskelf Secretary Graham Bingham ☏ 01347 821715

Flowers - Easingwold Geraldine Boast ☏ 01347 823034

Pat Brooks ☏ 01347 824120

- Raskelf Juliette Jennings ☏ 01347 823955

Mothers’ Union Margaret Summerscales ☏ 01347 822084

Bible Reading Fellowship Gina Smith ☏ 01347 823843

Children’s Society Boxes Janet Scurrah ☏ 01347 822234

Choir Co-ordinator Alfred Boddison ☏ 01347 821668

Organist Co-ordinator Peter Smith ☏ 01347 823843

Bell Ringing Alizon Leese ☏ 01347 823806

Half Yearly Boxes Janet Boddison ☏ 01347 821668

Parish Room Bookings Doreen Hayes ☏ 01347 821371

Parish Rooms Caretaker Doreen Moss ☏ 01347 824150

Magazine Distribution Margaret Summerscales ☏ 01347 822084

Magazine Editorial Team ✉ [email protected]

Front Cover: Photography and Graphic Design by Allan Green FRPS

Page 4: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one

N ovember is the month of remembering. Bonfire traditions remind us of Guy Fawkes

and the gunpowder plot from centuries ago. Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday

remind us of those who have been casualties of war.

We as a church also celebrate All Saints and All Souls Day. Who are the saints? The Roman

Catholic Church and the Anglican Church have a slightly different understanding of this. The

Roman Catholic Church sees saints as those who have performed miracles, who have led

exceptional holy lives or who have been a martyred for their faith. The Anglican Church sees

saints as all Christians so All Saints Day is an opportunity to remember the saints (Christians)

of bygone years and to think about our own reasons for being a Christian and following our


All Souls is a day to commemorate all the faithful departed, that is, the souls of all Christians

who have died. We as a church remember our family members and friends who have died.

This year the service will be on Friday 1st November at 7.00pm. For some, this service will be

too difficult as emotions are too raw. For others it will be difficult as they are just coming to

terms with their loss, and they don’t want to re-live the hurt that they have suffered. For

most people, it is a time to grieve and pray in a more anonymous way without feeling that

they are the centre of attention. For some it is the time that they really start to come to

terms with death and God, as it may be the first time that they have been to church since the


No matter how people are feeling, I hope that they leave with hope, hope of at some point,

being reunited with loved ones in heaven.

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Cor 15:57

Christ died for us giving us the hope of everlasting life. John 14:1-6 reminds us that there is a

mansion of many rooms. What would a room in heaven be like for our loved ones, favourite

hobby, illnesses gone and people at peace? What will our own room in heaven look like? We

have hope in the risen Christ and the joy of salvation through Him.

Every blessing

Page 5: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one

Remembrance Sunday

This year, Remembrance Day falls on Sunday 10th November.

As usual there will only be one Eucharistic Service at 9.00am.

If you wish to attend the 10.45am Remembrance Service and are not

on the parade, please be seated in church by 10.30am

Armistice Day

There will be a service in the Market Place on Monday 11th November beginning at 10.30am.

A minute’s silence will be incorporated into the service at 11.00am.


“I know these names, I trained with them, I drank with them, played football with them, landed with them and then… they’re gone and I’m still here. And I go on and get seventy more years of life – wonderful life. And I have to live with that”. Ken Smith (Smudger), an excerpt from the play Bomb Happy written by Helena Fox and the York Normandy Veterans.

June this year marked the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings in 1944. Commemorative events took place across Normandy and the UK, with visitors from around the world paying their respects to those involved. In another 25 years, when there are no survivors and the conflict has passed out of living memory, how do we make such an important date in our his-tory relatable to our modern world? Moreover, why should we remember the conflicts of the past and the men and women who fought and died in them above other events?

For the past two years Ex-Forces Support North Yorkshire has allowed ex-service men and women to reminisce and remember their past service. Whether through chat during our well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one which meets once a month at The George Hotel in Easingwold, we have brought people and communities together across generations to connect with, and appreciate the experiences of those who have served. From D-Day landings, bombing raids in Europe, and rebuilding operations during National Service to service in Korea, Aden, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Northern Ireland and the Falklands, we have heard stories of bravery and courage with humour and camaraderie thrown in. This chance to share memories with others has created a common link across the generations and becomes vital in allowing our past to meet our present so that we create a future that is inclusive and valuing of all.

During this season of Remembrance, we encourage you to make time to remember those who have lived through conflict, talking, listening and learning from people in your community. Why not ask your neighbours, family members and friends about their connections to the armed forces and discover the memories they want to share?

Ex-Forces Support North Yorkshire supports past members of the armed forces over the age of 65 and those who completed National Service, through funding from the Aged Veterans Fund. They provide a range of support through a number of local partners led by Community First Yorkshire. Please contact them on 01904 704177 for more information.

Colleen Allwood Ex-Forces Support North Yorkshire

Project Development Officer

Page 6: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one


There were some special guests and friends at Easingwold Parish Church in October for a

Confirmation Eucharist service. Our vicar, Rev’d Margaret Young, introduced Honorary

Assistant Bishop the Right Rev’d David Smith, formerly Bishop of Bradford, who led the service,

which included the Confirmations of candidates Peter Smith and Fiona Swires.

In his address, the Bishop started from the premise that every Confirmation is different. He

discussed how he had confirmed large numbers of pupils at expensive Public Schools, where

on one occasion a teacher had told him how many of the pupils from rich backgrounds actually

needed more love than they get – they come from families wealthy in money but often poor in

love. Astronomy gives us news of billions of stars and galaxies, more than we can comprehend;

but behind them is the Ultimate Reality of God and the love he gives us through Jesus Christ.

Modern gadgets and distractions can blot out the realisation of this love. We need to step back

and think: “what is life about?”. There must be more to it than “survival of the fittest”, and

indeed there is: God’s love for all of us!

The Bishop then led the candidates to the font to renew their baptismal vows, and we all

declared our profession of faith, before the candidates returned to the chancel where each

was confirmed by the Bishop.

After the prayers of Intercession, the

Peace and the appropriate hymn: “Will

you come and Follow Me?” the Bishop

administered the Eucharist to all.

Following the final prayers and blessing,

he symbolically led the new communi-

cants out into the world.


Peter and Fiona with the Bishop, Vicar Margaret

and Deacon Charlotte Cranfield

Shoe Boxes 2019 Thank you to those who have already filled and returned Christmas Child shoeboxes for this year’s appeal. Please could any outstanding boxes be brought to church by 3rd November.

If you are not filling a shoe box, monetary donations towards their transportation can be made throughout November. Please put any donation in an envelope labelled "Shoe Boxes" and hand it in at church. These boxes give such joy to those who receive them.

Chris Peel

Page 7: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one

J.A.M (Jesus and Me) Youth Group

I would like to update you about JAM (Jesus and Me) which used to be known as

Easingwold Church Youth Club.

We are still serving the youth of Easingwold and trying to help them experience God's love.

We meet at the Cozie youth club building in the Market Place on Monday nights from 6-8pm.

As you may already be aware, the club is supported by all the Christian churches in Easingwold

and we have been very lucky to have had Catherine Toase leading the club since its inception.

Cath has had to pass on this responsibility due to the hugely increased demands on her time. I

am now leading the club and desperately trying to fill Cath's shoes. I am lucky to have some

dedicated helpers but we are very keen to find new helpers who may have other skills and ide-


We are not asking people to commit to every Monday. It maybe that you can only offer to help

once a month. You may have a particular interest that we could use on a one-off basis.

If you would be interested in helping with young people from the ages of 11-17 please have

a word with myself or Charlotte Cranfield in church or phone me,

Alan Hake 07535 242372.


October 13th saw the first of a regular series of family services in which informality is the keynote. After being welcomed with refreshments, and given a lump of Play-Doh, Rev’d Margaret Young explained that the structure of the service would be based on the normal Sunday Eucharist, but using a much less formal approach. Each service would carry a theme which, this time, was Harvest.

We started with the hymn “Imagine a World without any Flowers”, followed by the creation story in modern language. The next hymn was the “Harvest Samba”, in a video sequence on the screen, with subtitles.

Then came the opportunity to use the Play-Doh to model what we each are most grateful to God for. There was much creativity in evidence, with models ranging from a banana (?), to the family, and even a dinosaur (??)!

Deacon Charlotte Cranfield led our prayers, showing our concern for others and thanking God for our family, friends and community.

Proceedings concluded with the popular harvest hymn: “We Plough the Fields and Scatter” and Margaret gave the final Blessing. It was a most enjoyable occasion and we are already looking forward to future services on the second Sunday every month!


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NOVEMBER 2019 To contact Revd Margaret Young, tel: 01347 821394

or email: [email protected]

The Vicar’s day off is Monday

Children are welcome at all our services

Fri 1st 3.00pm



Christian Meditation led by Marko at the Galtres Centre

Ignite for primary school-age children in Parish Church Rooms

All Souls’ service

Sunday 3rd All Saints’ Day






Holy Communion

Raskelf Eucharist

Parish Eucharist with Church Mice

Baptism: Gracie Boyes

Fauré’s Requiem sung by Deanery Choir in Parish Church

Mon 4th 4.00pm


Choir practice– all welcome

JAM at the Cozie Centre (Jesus and Me)

Wed 6th 9.00am

12 noon


Holy Communion

Lite Bite lunch at The Old Black Bull, Raskelf

Remembrance Day service rehearsal

Thurs 7th 7.30pm Bell ringing practice

Fri 8th 3.00pm


Christian Meditation led by Marko at the Galtres Centre

Ignite for primary school-age children in Parish Church Rooms

Sat 9th 4.00pm Remembrance Day service rehearsal

Sunday 10th Remembrance Day





Holy Communion

Raskelf Remembrance Day service

Easingwold Remembrance Day service and parade

Family Service

Mon 11th 10.30am



Armistice Day service at the Market Place War Memorial

No choir practice

JAM at the Cozie Centre (Jesus and Me)

Tues 12th 10.00am



Bible conversation at Whiteoak Avenue—all welcome

Springhill Court—Holy Communion

Men’s Group monthly meeting at The George

Page 9: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one

Wed 13th 9.00am Holy Communion

Thurs 14th 9.45pm


Standing Committee meeting in the choir vestry

Bell ringing practice

Fri 15th 3.00pm


Christian Meditation led by Marko at the Galtres Centre

Ignite for primary school-age children in Parish Church Rooms

Sunday 17th Second Sunday before Advent




Holy Communion

Raskelf Eucharist

Parish Eucharist with Church Mice

Mon 18th 4.00pm


Choir practice—all welcome

JAM at the Cozie Centre (Jesus and Me)

Wed 20th 9.00am


Holy Communion

PCC meeting in Parish Church

Thurs 21st 7.30pm No bell ringing practice

Fri 22nd 3.00pm


Christian Meditation led by Marko at the Galtres Centre

Ignite for primary school-age children in Parish Church Rooms

Sunday 24th Christ the King




Holy Communion

Family Eucharist

No evensong

Mon 25th 4.00pm


No choir practice

JAM at the Cozie Centre (Jesus and Me)

Wed 27th 9.00am


Holy Communion

Light up a Life service in the Market Place

Thurs 28th 10.00am


Mothers’ Union Communion and coffee

Bell ringing practice

Fri 29th 3.00pm


Christian Meditation led by Marko at the Galtres Centre

Ignite for primary school-age children in Parish Church Rooms

Sat 30th 10.00am


Christmas Fayre in the Parish Church Rooms

Easingwold Singers’ concert


Sunday 1st

Advent Sunday





Holy Communion

Raskelf Eucharist

Parish Eucharist with Church Mice


Page 10: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one

From the Registers

Baptisms— 13th October: Zara Robson; 20th October: Oscar and Noah Christian

Marriages — None

Funerals — 9th October: Mary Dewhurst; 10th October: Michael Simpson

Confirmations—6th October: Peter Smith and Fiona Swires

Children are very welcome on any Sunday

You are invited to our Sunday School for ages 3-11,

which continues on 3rd, 17th November and 1st December

at St John the Baptist & All Saints Church, Church Hill, Easingwold

Many activities – Learning through the Bible

Readings 3rd November All Saints’ Day No Evensong

Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18

Ephesians 1: 11-end

Luke 6: 20-31

10th November Third Sunday before Advent No Evensong

2 Thessalonians 2: 1-5, 13-17 (9am said service)

Luke 20: 27-38

17th November Second Sunday before Advent Evensong

Malachi 4: 1-2a Daniel 6

2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13 Matthew 13: 1-8, 18-23

Luke 21:5-19

24th November Christ the King No Evensong

Colossians 1: 11-20

Luke 23: 33-43

1st December Advent Sunday Evensong

Isaiah 2: 1-5 Isaiah 52: 1-12

Romans 13: 11-14 Matthew 24: 15-28

Matthew 24: 36-44

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Sunday 3rd November 9:10am Eucharist

Wednesday 6th November 12 noon Lite Bite Lunch, The Old Black Bull

Sunday 10th November 10.45am Remembrance Day Service

Sunday 17th November 9.10am Eucharist

Sunday 1st December 9.10am Eucharist


Prayer is at the heart of what the church is about and the prayer corner in St John’s continues to be

used regularly. Please write the names of people you would like to be remembered in the book

there. We also have a prayer chain, where a number of people pray for those in special need. If you

would like prayers for yourself or another, in church or on our confidential Prayer Circle, please

contact Deacon Lottie Cranfield on 824399.

Please include in your prayers this month:

1. Town, District and County Councillors, their meetings and decision-making

2. The elderly living in the Park Close, Paradise Fields, Croft Close and St Monicas’s Garth area

3. Youth work in Easingwold and Raskelf; all the uniformed organisations; the Christian Youth Group

4. Raskelf monthly Lite Bite Lunch, and the villagers' outreach and fundraising activities for the church

Mothers' Union

Provincial Service at Leeds Minster

Thursday 7th November, 12.30pm

Worldwide President, Sheran Harper, will be attending

Communion and Coffee Thursday 28th November, 10am at the Parish Church

Open The Book at Easingwold Primary School

14th and 28th November

“Open the Book” is a national charity with 15,000 volunteer storytellers across the UK.

See: for further information.

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Weekly Envelopes Donor Records

Will the church funds donor using ENVELOPE NUMBER 18 please contact

the Honorary Treasurer (Bill Henebury on 01347 239178) and inform him of your

name and address in order to remedy a gap in our records.

Come along to the Parish Church Rooms, Easingwold on

Friday 15th November at 7.00pm

when Allan Green will present one of his famous

pictures and music shows

Tasty refreshments will be available in the interval

This is to help Lia Price (Raskelf church regular) who needs to raise £6000 to enable her to go abroad next year to teach English in a very poor and needy area.

Tickets available, for a donation, from Chris Peel and Lynne Price

Transport available – ring Ian Peel 823548




cleaning will be on

Saturday 2nd November at 10.00 am

Your help would be appreciated.

Thank you


at The Feed Room Village Café, Raskelf

Friday 6th December at 7pm

Tickets £12 (with complimentary drink and

mince pie) of which £5 will go towards

Raskelf Church funds

Tickets available from Hearts Boutique


The Requiem by

Gabriel Fauré

A Service of Music and Readings for All Souls Day

Easingwold Deanery Ecumenical Choir Soprano – Alex Cranfield Baritone – Dean Whitehouse

Organist – Peter Fletcher Conductor – Peter Smith

Sunday 3rd November at 4 pm at St John the Baptist and All Saints Church, Easingwold

Page 13: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one


at the Methodist Church on Chapel Street

Friday 29th November

As always, we would love to welcome you to our OASIS coffee morning where you

can be sure of friendliness, good coffee, tea or hot chocolate and warm

companionship. The cost of a drink, accompanied by a biscuit, is very reasonable and well

worth it. In addition, your money will help towards our donation to a named charity, details

of which are on each table. This month our funds are going to EDCCA who are doing a

fantastic job, made even better with the addition of the mini-bus for regular outings.

Please come and visit us between 9.45—11.00 am. God bless.

Easingwold Friends of

Cancer Research UK

Coffee Morning

Friday 8th November 2019

10.00-12 noon

at the Parish Church Rooms

Tombola, cakes, bric-a-brac, raffle, crafts and books

Tea, coffee and biscuits

Working together to beat cancer sooner

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community


“Establishing peace through justice”

at the

Galtres Centre, Easingwold

Monday 4th November at 6pm

Refreshments will be provided

For further details please contact:

Sheraz & Rubina Kasi

Tel: 07496 858309 or 07496858309

Email: [email protected]

Christmas Fayre Saturday 30th November

10am-12 noon in the Parish Church Rooms

Tombola; plants; Christmas goods, children’s stall, cakes, produce, Father Christmas lucky dip

Tasty refreshments will be available

Contributions for stalls may be left at Tempo or at the back of church)

Proceeds for church funds

Page 14: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one

Recycle crisp packets Place these items in the box provided in

the Parish Church They will be taken to

St Nicks (St Nicholas Fields) an

Environmental Charity in York.

They will send them for recycling to Terracycle. This helps to raise funds for

St Nicks charity (£4,000 last year), as well as reducing the waste in your bin.

All brands of small crisp packets, and

the multipack outer

****Sorry no mini cheddars****

Sorry no more biscuit wrappers or plastic pens

Jake’s Plaice

Fish and Chips

65-67 Long Street, Easingwold YO61 3HY


Mon– Sat 4.30pm to 8.00pm

Thurs– Sat 11.30am to 1.30pm

15th year and still chipping away

Matthew Slinger Carpets & Floor Coverings

Suppliers and Fitters

T: 01609 776260 M: 07761 033278

E: [email protected]

I come to you to give free estimate

Unit 7, Town Hall Buildings, Northallerton DL7 8QR

Page 15: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one


The Studio

Rear of the Post Office, Market Place, Easingwold

Tel: 01347 821371

Wide choice of DVDs, CDs, Vinyl plus much more

Open Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and also Saturday morning

Page 16: friend, you’re going to find · 2019-10-31 · well-being visits, befriending services, creative activities, intergenerational projects or informal social groups such as the one


Open Monday to Saturday 7.30am to 5pm


Morning Coffee Afternoon Tea is a

social enterprise partnership business.

Our objectives are to offer work placements to young and needy people

with a strong outworking of the Christian Faith within the community. We

are committed to recycling a minimum of 55% of our profits back into

community and charities supported by the enterprise.

Morning Coffee Afternoon Tea will give voluntary and paid work

opportunities with accredited training in all aspects of retail business.

WHO BENEFITS? The community and individuals provided with opportunity for change.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

[email protected] 01347 821692