friday, september 11, 2015, 2:30pm. - university of windsor · 2015. 9. 2. · friday, september...

Senate Orientation Friday, September 11, 2015, 2:30pm. in Room 203 in the Anthony P. Toldo Health Education Centre A G E N D A The purpose of the Senate Orientation is to acquaint all Senate members with Senate and its Standing Committees. All Members of Senate are encouraged to attend! Sa150911 Page 1 of 16

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  • Senate Orientation

    Friday, September 11, 2015, 2:30pm.

    in Room 203 in the Anthony P. Toldo Health Education Centre

    A G E N D A

    The purpose of the Senate Orientation is to acquaint all Senate members with Senate and its Standing Committees.

    All Members of Senate are encouraged to attend!


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    Senate  Contacts:    Senate  &  Bylaw  Inquires  Dr.  Alan  Wildeman,  President  and  Vice-‐Chancellor  and  Chair  of  Senate  Ext.  2000,  e-‐mail  [email protected]        Ms.  Renée  Wintermute,  University  Secretary    Ext.  3347,  e-‐mail  [email protected]    Ms.  Maria  Giampuzzi,  Senate  Governance  Officer/Elections  and  Administrative  Manager,    Ext.  3317,  e-‐mail  [email protected]    Ms.  Alison  Zilli,  Senate  Governance  Officer/Assistant  Clerk  of  the  Senate,  Ext.  3325,  e-‐mail  [email protected]      MEMBERSHIP  Ex  officio  members:  Dr.  A.  Wildeman,  Dr.  D.  Kneale,  Ms.  A.  Miller,  Dr.  C.  Smith,  Dr.  N.  Wright,  Dr.  C.  MacDonald,  Dr.  P.  Weir,  Dr.  A.  Conway,  Dr.  A.  Wright,  Dr.  M.  Saif,  Dr.  M.  Khan,  Dr.  C.  Waters,  Dr.  L.  Patrick,  Mr.  R.  Corneil,  Dr.  N.  King,  Dr.  G.  Drake,  Ms.  J.  Dalton,  Mr.  J.  Tarpeh,  Mr.  I.  Basith,  Dr.  E.  King,    Dr.  B.  Tucker,  Dr.  K.  W.  M.  Siu,  Dr.  P.  Dutton    Elected  representatives  of  Faculties    Faculty  of  Arts,  Humanities  and  Social  Sciences:  Dr.  A.  Scoboria,  Dr.  J.  Singleton-‐Jackson,  Dr.  L.  Walsh,  Dr.  A.  Rossini,  Dr.  C.  Davison,  Dr.  N.  Atkin,  Dr.  K.  Jirgens,  Dr.  K.  Quinsey,  Dr.  S.  Pender,  Dr.  J.  Luft,  Dr.  T.  Collet-‐Najem    Odette  School  of  Business:  Dr.  D.  Hutchinson,  Dr.  F.  Baki,  Dr.  G.  Pandher      Faculty  of  Education  &  Academic  Development:  Dr.  E.  Starr,  Dr.  D.  Stanley    Faculty  of  Engineering:  Dr.  M.  Ahmadi,  Dr.  A.  Asfour,  Dr.  S.  Erfani,  Dr.  E.  Tam        Faculty  of  Human  Kinetics:  Dr.  J.  Dixon,  Dr.  M.  Taks    Faculty  of  Law:  TBA,  Dr.  M.  Kianieff    Faculty  of  Nursing:  Dr.  D.  Kane,  Dr.  L.  Freeman-‐Gibb    Faculty  of  Science:  TBA,  Dr.  E.  Maeva,  Dr.  J.  Smit,  Dr.  Z.  Kobti,  Dr.  M.  S.  Monfared,  Dr.  R.  Meng,  Dr.  P.  Graniero    Library  Representatives:  Ms.  V.  Jay  Leung,  Mr.  D.  Edelstein      Elected  Representatives-‐at-‐large:  Dr.  N.  Baker,  Dr.  P.  Boulos,  Dr.  L.  de  Witt,  Dr.  W.  ElMaraghy,  Dr.  M.  Muldoon,  Dr.  M.  Potter,  Dr.  V.  Scatamburlo-‐D’Annibale,    Dr.  V.  Sevillano,  Dr.  A.  Fisk    Academic  Professional:  Ms. L. Charron      Elected  Representative  of  the  Faculty  Association:  Dr.  J.  Noonan    

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         Elected  Representative  of  the  Aboriginal  Education  Council:  Mr.  P.  Petahtegoose                Board  of  Governors  Representatives:  Ms.  M.  Farrough,  Ms.  P.  Allen          Student  Representatives:  Ms.  G.  Alghosein,  Mr.  R.  J.  D’Aguilar,  Mr.  C.  Langley,  Ms.  D.  Triki,  Mr.  E  Igodan,    Mr.  A.  Safaei,  Mr.  S.  Mehta,  Ms.  S.  Akbar,  Mr.  H.  Elnimairi,  Mrs.  S.  Khuhro,  Mr.  H.  Shahzad    Appointed  by  the  Alumni  Association:  Mr.  R.  Kadri    

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    Senate  Governance  Committee                  Contacts:      Senate  Governance  Committee  &  Bylaw  Inquires    Dr.  Alan  Wildeman,  President  and  Vice-‐Chancellor  and  Chair  of  the  Senate  Steering  Committee  Ext.  2000,  e-‐mail  [email protected]        Ms.  Renée  Wintermute,  University  Secretary  Ext.  3347,  e-‐mail  [email protected]    Ms.  Maria  Giampuzzi,  Senate  Governance  Officer/Elections  and  Administrative  Manager,    Ext.  3317,  e-‐mail  [email protected]    Ms.  Alison  Zilli,  Senate  Governance  Officer/Assistant  Clerk  of  the  Senate,  Ext.  3325,  e-‐mail  [email protected]      Membership  President  –  Alan  Wildeman  (Chair)    Provost  and  Vice  President,  Academic  –  Douglas  Kneale  Odette  School  of  Business  –  Fazle  Baki  Faculty  of  Education  &  Academic  Development  –  Darren  Stanley  Faculty  of  Engineering  –  Majid  Ahmadi  Faculty  of  Law  –  Chris  Waters  Faculty  of  Human  Kinetics  –  Kevin  Milne  Faculty  of  Nursing  –  Linda  Patrick  Faculty  of  Science  –  Charles  Macdonald    Faculty  of  Graduate  Studies  –  Katherine  Quinsey  Faculty  of  Arts,  Humanities  &  Social  Sciences  –  Arts/Humanities  –  Joanna  Luft  Social  Sciences  –  Nancy  Wright  Librarian  Representative  –  Joan  Dalton  Student  Representation  –  Ronald  (RJ)  D’Aguilar-‐UWSA,  Hassan  Shahzad-‐UWSA,  Amin  Safaei-‐GSS,  Ed  King-‐OPUS      

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    Academic  Policy  Committee    Contacts:  Dr.  Lorna  deWitt,  Nursing,  Chair  of  the  Academic  Policy  Committee  Ext.  2286  [email protected]      Ms.  Renée  Wintermute,  University  Secretary  Ext.  3347,  e-‐mail  [email protected]    Ms.  Alison  Zilli,  Senate  Governance  Officer/Assistant  Clerk  of  the  Senate,  Ext.  3325,  e-‐mail  [email protected]            Membership  Associate  Vice-‐President,  Academic  -‐  Bruce  Tucker  President  –  Alan  Wildeman    Vice-‐Provost,  Teaching  and  Learning  (or  designate)  –  Erika  Kustra    Odette  School  of  Business  –  TBA  Faculty  of  Education  &  Academic  Development  –  Karen  Roland    Faculty  of  Graduate  Studies  –  Katherine  Quinsey  Faculty  of  Engineering  –  Mitra  Mirhassani  Faculty  of  Law  –  TBA  Faculty  of  Human  Kinetics  –  Scott  Martyn    Faculty  of  Nursing  –  Lorna  de  Witt  (Chair)  Faculty  of  Science  –  Chris  Weisener  Faculty  of  Arts,  Humanities  &  Social  Sciences  -‐  Arts  –  Antonio  Rossini    Social  Sciences  –  TBA  Librarian  Representative  –  Shuzhen  Zhao      Student  Representation  –  Emmanual  Igodan-‐UWSA,  Hassan  Shahzad-‐UWSA,  Sanam  Mehta-‐GSS,  Shaista  Akbar-‐OPUS                                            Page 5 of 16

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    Program  Development  Committee    Contacts:  Prof.  Lionel  Walsh,  Dramatic  Art,  Chair  of  Program  Development  Committee  Ext.  2805,  email  [email protected]      Ms.  Renée  Wintermute,  University  Secretary  Ext.  3347,  e-‐mail  [email protected]    Ms.  Alison  Zilli,  Senate  Governance  Officer/Assistant  Clerk  of  the  Senate,  Ext.  3325,  e-‐mail  [email protected]    Membership  Provost  and  Vice-‐President,  Academic–  Douglas  Kneale  President  -‐  Alan  Wildeman    Dean  of  Graduate  Studies  –  Patricia  Weir  Vice-‐Provost,  Teaching  and  Learning  (or  designate)  –  Erika  Kustra  Odette  School  of  Business  –  Maureen  Gowing  Faculty  of  Education  &  Academic  Development  –  Larry  Glassford  Faculty  of  Engineering  –  Edwin  Tam  Faculty  of  Human  Kinetics  –  Marijke  Taks  Faculty  of  Law  –  Maggie  Liddle  Faculty  of  Nursing  –  Jamie  Crawley  Faculty  of  Science  –  Zhiguo  Hu,  Nurlan  Turdaliev  Faculty  of  Arts,  Humanities  &  Social  Sciences  –Lionel  Walsh  (Chair),  TBA,  Valerie  Scatamburlo-‐D’annibale  Librarian  Representative  –  Joan  Dalton  Student  Representation  –  Christopher  Langley-‐UWSA,  Dhouha  Triki-‐UWSA,  Sanam  Mehta-‐GSS,  Hussein  Elnimari-‐OPUS,  TBA-‐Additional  Student                                          Page 6 of 16

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    Senate  Student  Caucus    Contacts:  Dr.  Ziad  Kobti,  Computer  Science,  Chair  of  Senate  Student  Caucus,    Ext.  2990,  email  [email protected]        Ms.  Renée  Wintermute,  University  Secretary  Ext.  3347,  e-‐mail  [email protected]          Ms.  Alison  Zilli,  Senate  Governance  Officer/Assistant  Clerk  of  the  Senate,  Ext.  3325,  e-‐mail  [email protected]        Membership  President  –  Alan  Wildeman    Vice-‐Provost,  Student  Affairs  and  Dean  of  Students-‐  Clayton  Smith  Director,  Campus  Services-‐  Anna  Kirby    Odette  School  of  Business  –  Gurupdesh  Pandher      Faculty  of  Education  &  Academic  Development  -‐  Geri  Salinitri  Faculty  of  Engineering  –  Tirupati  Bolsetti    Faculty  of  Law  –  Gemma  Smyth  Faculty  of  Human  Kinetics  –  Ryan  Snelgrove  Faculty  of  Nursing  –  Kathy  Pfaff  Faculty  of  Science  –  Ziad  Kobti  (Chair)  Faculty  of  Arts,  Humanities  &  Social  Sciences  –  Tina  Pugliese  Librarian  Representative  –  Vicki  Jay  Leung  Student  Representation  –  Ghadeer  Alghosein-‐UWSA,  Dhouha  Triki-‐UWSA,  Emmanual  Igodan-‐UWSA,  Ronald  (RJ)  D’Aguilar-‐UWSA,  Amin  Safaei-‐GSS,  Morteza  Lamazloumian-‐GSS,  Bernarda  Doctor-‐OPUS,  TBA-‐OPUS,  TBA-‐International,  John  O’Reilly-‐Residence,  TBA-‐Student-‐at-‐Large          


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    There will be a meeting of the Senate

    on, Friday, September 11, 2015, at 2:30 p.m. Room 203 in the Anthony P. Toldo Health Education Centre

    SENATE ORIENTATION - SAMPLE AGENDA ONLY 1 Approval of Agenda (Unstarring agenda items) 2 Minutes of the meeting of June 06, 2014. SM140606 3 Business arising from the minutes 4 Outstanding Business/Action Items 4.1 Candidates for Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates Alan Wildeman-Approval To be distributed 5 Reports/New Business 5.1 Report from the Student Presidents UWSA-Information (UWSA, OPUS, GSS) OPUS-Information GSS-Information 5.2 Report of the President 5.2.1 Search Committee for the Provost & Vice-President, Alan Wildeman-Information Academic 5.3 Report of the Academic Colleague Phil Dutton-Information Sa150911-5.3 5.4 Senate Student Caucus Ziad Kobti 5.5 Program Development Committee *5.5.1Program Course/Changes Lionel Walsh-Approval *a) Business Sa150911-5.5.1a-b *b) Science 5.6 Academic Policy Committee* 5.6.1 Policy on Repeating Courses Lorna deWitt-Approval Sa150911-5.6.1 5.7 Bylaw Business 5.7.1 Bylaws 1, 2 and 5 – Revisions Katherine Quinsey-Approval Sa150911-5.7.1 5.8 Report of the Provost Douglas Kneale


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    5.9 Report of Vice-President, Research and Innovation 5.9.1 Strategic Research Plan K. W. Michael Siu-Approval Sa150911-5.9.1 6 Question Period/Other Business 7 Adjournment Please carefully review the ‘starred’ (*) agenda items. As per the June 3, 2004 Senate meeting, ‘starred’ item will not be discussed during a scheduled meeting unless a member specifically requests that a ‘starred’ agenda item be ‘unstarred’, and therefore open for discussion/debate. This can be done any time before (by forwarding the request to the secretary) or during the meeting. By the end of the meeting, agenda items which remain ‘starred’ (*) will be deemed approved or received.

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  • Glossary of Terms

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    A AAS Ancillary Academic Staff AAU Academic Administrative Unit AAC Academic Advisory Committee APC Academic Policy Committee ARDC Automotive Research &

    Development Centre ASC Academic Standing Committee AUCC Association of Universities and

    Colleges of Canada B BIU Basic Income Unit BOI Basic Operating Income BOG Board of Governors C CAAT College of Applied Arts &

    Technology CACC Campus Accessibility Coordinating

    Committee CARE Centre for Automotive Research CCDAHSS Canadian Council of Deans of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences CCE Centre for Career Education CCOU Council of Chairs of Ontario

    Universities CDAS Canadian Deans of Arts & Science CEI Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering

    Innovation CFI Canadian Foundation for

    Innovation CEPE Centre of Executive &

    Professional Education CFHSS Canadian Federation for the

    Humanities & Social Sciences CFI Canadian Foundation for

    Innovation CFS Canadian Federation of Students CGPSS Canadian Graduate &

    Professional Student Survey CIDA Canadian International

    Development Agency CIHR Canadian Institute for Health

    Research CLC Canadian Language Council CMEC Council of Ministers of Education –

    Canada CMP Campus Master Plan (50 Year

    Vision Guiding Campus Development)

    CODAS Council of Ontario Deans of Arts & Science

    COU Council of Ontario Universities COUS Council of Ontario University


    CSCI Centre for Smart Community Innovation CTL Centre for Teaching & Learning CTP Campus Transformation Plan (Also

    Known as Capital Transformation Plan) CUCC Colleges and Universities Coordinating

    Council CUDO Common University Data Ontario CUPA Council on University Planning and

    Analysis D DARS Degree Audit Record System DC Deans’ Council E ECC Energy Conversion Centre EDC Educational Development Centre EDU Ministry of Education ELIP English Language Improvement

    Program ETS Education Testing Service F FAC Faculty Advisor Committee FAHSS Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social

    Sciences FATF Faculty Advisor Task Force FAW I/II Foundations of Academic Writing I/II FCC Faculty Coordinating Council FEAD Faculty of Education and Academic

    Development FIPPA Freedom of Information and Privacy

    Legislation Act FIS Financial Information System FTE Full-time Equivalent Student G GIS Geographic Information Systems GLIER Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research GPA Grade Point Average GSS Graduate Students Society H HEQCO Higher Education Quality Council of

    Ontario HRS Human Resources System I INC or IN Incomplete Grade IQAP Institutional Quality Assurance Process IRTC Industrial Research and Technology ISC International Students' Centre ISS International Student Society ITS Information Technology Services K KPI Key Performance Indicators

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  • Glossary of Terms

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    L LAPS Liberal & Professional Studies

    Program LLGLERC London Life Great Lakes for

    Environmental Research Centre LSSSE Law School Survey of Student

    Engagement LTA Limited Term Appointment M MoF Ministry of Finance MOHLTC Ministry of Health and Long Term

    Care MRI Ministry of Research & Innovation MTCU Ministry of Training, Colleges and

    Universities MYAA Multi Year Accountability

    Agreement N NAUBCS National Association of University

    Board Chairs and Secretaries NR No Report NSERC Natural Sciences and Engineering

    Research Council NSSE National Survey of Student

    Engagement O OCAV Ontario Council of Academic Vice

    Presidents OCGS Ontario Council of Graduate

    Studies OCUFA Ontario Confederation of

    University Faculty Associations OCUA Ontario Council of University

    Affairs OCUR Ontario Council on University

    Research OIT Ontario Innovation Trust ONCAT Ontario Council on Articulation &

    Transfer OPUS Organization of Part-Time

    University Students ORCF Ontario Research Challenge Fund OSAP Ontario Student Assistance

    Program OUAC Ontario Universities Application

    Centre OUSA Ontario Undergraduate Students Alliance P PAC Public Affairs & Communication PCEE President’s Commission on

    Employment Equity PDC Program Development Committee

    PEQAB Post-Secondary Education Quality

    Assessment Board PLAR Prior Learning Assessment and

    Recognition PMO Prime Minister’s Office PSE Post Secondary Education PTR Promotion, Tenure & Renewal R RAC Resource Allocation Committee RCEE Review Committee on Employee Equity RCIM Research Centre for Integrated

    Microsystems REB Research Ethics Board RTW Required to Withdraw S SAG Student Access Guarantee SC Student Caucus (Formerly Student

    Committee SET Student Evaluation of Teaching SEU Semester Enrolment Unit SIRC Student Information Research Centre SGC Senate Governance Committee SIS Student Information System SL Sessional Lecturer SMA Strategic Mandate Agreement SOST Student Opinion Survey of Teaching SPF Strategic Priority Fund SRP Student Recruitment Plan SSC Senate Steering Committee SSHRC Social Sciences and Humanities

    Research Council of Canada SWOMEN South-Western Ontario Medical

    Education Network T TT Tenure Track U UCAPT University Committee on Academic

    Promotion and Tenure UCRPPLM University Committee on Renewal,

    Promotion and Permanence for Librarian Members

    UPR Undergraduate Program Review UPRAC Undergraduate Program Review

    Advisory Committee (under auspices of OCAV)

    URCFW University Review Committee on Faculty Workloads

    URCLW University Review Committee on Librarian Workloads

    UWERT University of Windsor Emergency

    Response Team Page 11 of 16

  • Glossary of Terms

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    UWSA University of Windsor Students’ Alliance

    V VIP Volunteer Internship Program VW Voluntary Withdrawal W WEDNET Windsor-Essex Development

    Network WIB Windsor Institute of Biotechnology WISE Windsor International Student

    Employment Program WUFA Windsor University Faculty

    Association WUSC World University Service of

    Canada WWSP Windsor Work Study Program

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  • Senate  &  Senate  Standing  Committee  Tips    

     Senate  Meetings    “Regular  meetings  of  the  Senate  shall  be  held  on  the  second  Friday  of  each  month  at  2:30pm  from  October  to  June,  both  inclusive,  except  in  the  months  when  Convocations  are  held  when  meetings  shall  be  held  on  the  Friday  in  the  week  preceding  Convocation;  provided  that  when  the  day  set  for  a  regular  meeting  of  the  Senate  is  a  statutory  or  other  public  holiday,  the  meeting  shall  be  held  on  the  preceding  Friday.  A  Senate  Orientation  session  shall  be  held  in  September.”    “The  Senate  shall  not  remain  in  session  later  than  five  o'clock  p.m.,  except  by  unanimous  consent  or,  failing  that,  by  a  two-‐thirds  vote  of  the  members  present.”        


    • Email  is  used  to  a  significant  degree  in  all  committees.    It  is  imperative  that  members  check  their  email  regularly  and  inform  the  appropriate  contact  person  of  any  changes  to  their  email  address.  

    • Students  must  use  their  University  of  Windsor  email  address.  • Please  ensure  you  have  the  latest  version  of  Adobe  on  your  machine.    • Senate  and  Senate  Standing  Committee  agendas  and  supporting  documentation  will  be  sent  to  you  by  

    email  one  week  prior  to  the  meeting.        

     *Starred  Items  Appearing  on  the  Agenda  As  per  the  June  3,  2004  Senate  meeting,  ‘starred’  items  will  not  be  discussed  during  a  scheduled  meeting  unless  a  member  specifically  requests  that  a  ‘starred’  agenda  item  be  ‘unstarred’,  and  therefore  open  for  discussion/debate.  This  can  be  done  any  time  before  (by  forwarding  the  request  to  the  secretary)  or  during  the  meeting.  By  the  end  of  the  meeting,  agenda  items  which  remain  ‘starred’  (*)  will  be  deemed  approved  or  received.      

    Your  Senate  or  Standing  Committee  Package  A  package  containing  the  agenda/supporting  documentation  will  be  emailed  to  you  in  one  combined  PDF  file  for  easy  printing.    Also  included  in  this  email  will  be  the  minutes  from  the  previous  meeting.  You  may  print  this  information  prior  to  the  meeting  OR  if  using  an  iPAD,  tablet  or  laptop  you  may  want  to  explore  one  of  the  paperless  options  for  navigating  documents.        ACCESSING  &  NAVIGATING  YOUR  DOCUMENTS  WITH  EASE    In  an  attempt  to  accommodate  the  different  types  of  technologies  being  used  to  view  the  materials  prior  to  and  during  the  Senate  and  Standing  Committee  meetings,  we  are  now  offering  the  following  options.    Use  the  Direct  Web  Link:    The  direct  web  link  to  the  Senate  meetings,  contain  links  to  the  agenda/supporting  documentation  for  the  current  meeting  and  past  meetings.    or  Use  the  Combined  PDF’s  Emailed  to  You.    One  week  prior  to  each  meeting  you  will  receive  an  email  containing  Page 13 of 16

  • two  combined  PDF’s,  one  containing  the  agenda/supporting  documentation  and  one  containing  the  minutes.    

    • Once  you  click  on  either  the  meeting  date  on  our  website  or  the  combined  PDF  emailed  to  you  the  documentation  will  open  up  a  PDF  file  using  Adobe.  

    •  The  combined  PDF  file  will  contain  overall  page  numbering  that  is  located  in  the  lower  left  hand  side  of  each  page  and  may  be  used  to  refer  you  to  a  particular  item.      

    • There  is  also  an  item  number  in  each  document  (Example  5.5.1)    • We  have  added  a  Bookmark  feature  (This  can  be  accessed  by  opening  this  file  in  Adobe  Pro).    If  the  

    bookmarks  do  not  appear  when  the  document  opens,  just  click  on  the  icon  that  looks  like  a  cut  ribbon  on  the  left  hand  side  of  the  page.    Separate  bookmarks  have  been  created  for  the  agenda  item.  Just  click  on  the  bookmark  created  for  the  item  number  you  are  interested  in  and  it  will  take  you  directly  to  that  item.    This  will  help  you  to  navigate  through  the  document  with  increased  efficiency  and  ease.      

    • Links  to  other  documents  not  included  in  the  combined  pdf  such  as  PDC  supporting  documentationwill  still  be  contained  under  the  Rationale/Approvals  section.  

    • A  thumbnail  image  feature  is  also  available.    (This  can  be  accessed  by  clicking  on  the  icon  on  the  left  hand  side  of  the  page  that  looks  like  two  separated  pages.)    This  gives  you  a  smaller  view  of  each  page  and  if  you  use  the  scroll  button  of  that  feature  you  can  navigate  to  your  desired  page  quickly  as  the  page  numbers  are  located  at  the  bottom  of  each  one  of  the  small  pages.  

    • As  you  probably  already  know  you  can  press  Ctrl  and  F  simultaneously  and  a  text  box  will  pop  up.    Type  in  the  word  that  you  are  searching  for,  press  enter  and  it  will  take  you  there.    Press  the  down  arrow  to  take  you  to  the  next  instance.  


    For  iPad  users    • The  ibooks  app  can  be  downloaded  from  the  Apple  website.  • You  may  find  this  useful  to  navigate  through  the  Senate  document  as  you  would  a  book.  


    I  can’t  make  a  meeting…      Regrets    

    • Please  submit  all  regrets  for  Senate  or  the  Senate  Governance  Committee  to  Ext.  3317  or  e-‐mail  Maria  Giampuzzi  at  [email protected]    .        

    • Please  submit  all  regrets  for  the  Program  Development  Committee,  Academic  Policy  Committee  and  Senate  Student  Caucus  to  Alison  Zilli  at  Ext.  3325  or  at  [email protected]      

     If  you  miss  3  Senate  meetings  in  a  row…  ***It  is  important  to  note  that  according  to  Bylaw  1,  10.2,  an  elected  Senator  shall  be  deemed  to  have  resigned  if  s/he  is  absent  from  three  consecutive  regular  meetings  of  the  Senate.    ***For  the  purposes  of  the  above  mentioned  bylaw  section,  absent  means  “absent  with  regrets”  and  “absent  without  regrets.”      Elections-‐Voting  The  ballot  portion  of  some  elections  held  in  the  University  Secretariat  will  be  conducted  electronically.    The  process  will  require  participants  to  know  their  uwin  Id  and  their  password.    Once  the  voter  logs  on  it  will  be  a  matter  of  clicking  to  cast  their  vote  –  always  follow  the  instructions  outlined.    The  voter’s  anonymity  will  be  protected.      Reporting  Senate  Information  to  your  Area  Senators  should  be  relaying  information  from  each  Senate  meeting  to  their  home  area.    It  may  be  helpful  to  have  a  standing  item  titled  ‘Senate  Report’  on  your  council  or  student  group  agenda,  as  a  reminder  to  report  any  relevant  information.      

    Page 14 of 16

  • Senate  2015-‐2016  Meeting  Schedule      

     Bylaw  2:  Senate  Rules  of  Procedure    A.  Senate  Meetings     Regular  meetings  of  the  Senate  shall  be  held  on  the  second  Friday  of  each  month  at  2:30pm  from  October     to  June,  both  inclusive,  except  in  the  months  when  Convocations  are  held  when  meetings  shall  be  held  on     the  Friday  in  the  week  preceding  Convocation;  provided  that  when  the  day  set  for  a  regular  meeting  of  the     Senate  is  a  statutory  or  other  public  holiday,  the  meeting  shall  be  held  on  the  preceding  Friday.  A  Senate     Orientation  session  shall  be  held  in  September.          Senate  Meeting  Date   Additional  Senate  Meetings  –    

    Meetings  will  be  cancelled  if  not  needed  Friday,  September  11,  2015  (Senate  Orientation)    

    Friday,  October  9,  2015    

    Friday,  November  13,  2015    

    Friday,  December  11,  2015    

    Friday,  January  8,  2016    

    Friday,  February  12,  2016    

    Friday,  March  11,  2016   Monday,  March  14,  2016  

    Friday,  April  8,  2016   Monday,  April  11,  2016  

    Friday,  May  13,  2016   Monday,  May  16,  2016  

    Friday,  June  10,  2016    


    Page 15 of 16

  •  University  of  Windsor  Quality  Assurance  Flow  Chart  




    1  the  department  submits  biennial  updates  on  progress  on  recommendations  for  UPR  Subcommittee  and  PDC  review    ***outcomes  of  the  Quality  Council  reviews  will  be  reported  to  Senate***      Adapted  from  the  University  of  Ontario  Institute  of  Technology  Quality  Assurance  Handbook,  2010

    UPR  Sub-‐committee  of  PDC1  

    Departmental  Council(s)  (or  Faculty  Council(s),  for  non-‐departmentalized  faculties)  

    Faculty  Coordinating  Council(s)  (for  departmentalized  faculties)    

    Program  Development  Committee  


    External  Review    

    Graduate  Studies  Council  (for  graduate  programs  and  courses)  

    Minor  course  calendar    change  

    PDC  Form  E  

    New  non-‐degree    undergraduate  diploma  or  certificate  programs  

    PDC  Form  A  

    Minor  program  change  and/or  New  Course  Proposal  

    PDC  Form  C  and/or    PDC    Form  D  


    New  for-‐credit  graduate  diploma,  graduate  collaborative  program,  &  endorsement  of  new  field  in  existing  graduate  programs  

    PDC  Form  A  

    Major  modification  to  existing  program  

    PDC  Form  B  

    New  degree  program  

    PDC  Form  A    

    Program  review  


    Senate  (summary  &  recommendations  for  

    information)    Quality  Council  

    Quality  Council  (summary  &  recommendations)  


    Quality  Council  (expedited  process)  [for  graduate  diplomas,  

     graduate  collaborative  programs,  and  graduate  fields  only]  

    PDC  for  information  


    MTCU  for  funding  approval,  as  required  

    External  Review    

    1.   Response  from  AAU  Head(s)  to  original  review  

    2.   Departmental  Council(s)  (as  required  by  area(s))  


    1.   Response  from  Dean(s)  to  original  review  

    2.   Faculty  Coordinating  Council(s)  (as  required  by  Faculty(ies))  



    Response  from  :    1.   AAU(s)  (proposers)  2.   Dean(s)  


    Graduate  Studies  Council  


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    Notice of MeetingMemberhip & Contact InformationSample AgendaGlossary of TermsTipsSenate 2015-2016 ScheduleQuality Assurance Flow Chart